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The Brussels Post, 1910-5-12, Page 5
• 511E11NES5 CAROL Brussels ]Tent of rho Nla000lee9; No, sA hold Melo regular" nu/Olo a in tile Ledge Boma. beaker /Moon, on the 10 and Ord luoadayevenings of . 0aoh Month, A, S0 a k/eti,0oowlwaya'a µstout/MLtR, it, JL,. WNI. SPE`NOg OONVJaYANCER AND JSSl7ER 013' M RBIAGJ+1 LIOi NSBS Rios in the Post UlUce, 10101, 80.4 JAMES HARRIS', Aleut .lwtowiok Mutual Fire Iu aura u 0 e (Join an P y 0111w and Residoneo,- WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN D- rusOaANoit, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTTOS • • Pen, will sell tor better prices, to Getter men, In Tose timeand less ohargee than any other AuuUlohse)In East Huron or ne won't charge anything. Lutes and orders Gan alwaya bo arranged at this °Moe or by µ oraouel application.. ROBT. H. GARNISS I3L>7NVA LLE _ ONT , Auctioneer for Huron Uounty: Terms rea0ona1,1 . Sales arranged for et the OMloe of Tan Pe6T, Brussele, 220 LEGAL ANDCONVEYANCING. r .81 _ ia ODA LR--- • Barrister, Eco. Solicitor, Conveyancer,srl'o3 NotaryNor Lb 4, Ica. rag MotBaewart's Bloch 1' dear Nor Lb u! Uuutral. Hotel. tlulioitor for the Aletropohtau 13 auk, ItOUDFoo'J.', HAYS &.„E` Bt MR— BAAItLOXBTJIta $0LI01Tolts, NOTAR114B PCELIO, ETC. W, Pa00D800T,K.O. 11.-3). Beau G. is'. BLAIR. Offices—Tboas fOrmeYly occupied. by 6lesars Camerae .8 Boit, ODllaiOB, Orare.aio. • DEN fiSTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D. @NRT18T 'Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeoaa of Out/trio and Ptret•clasa honor Graduate of Toronto University. Otiioo next to Brewer's Photo. Canary, Brunets. par- visit Ethel on. the Ea3 Monday of each Meath. ,4�,A�r,4wu;���rv�ativ.AvLrA��7 Do a good Susi- 1+nf �1I1'11 �ug1}1T -� Y� YOU 114111. noes Positron 7 Then choose the right School in 'y which to gat your Education ELLIOTT TORONTO .¢ is noted throughout Canada for highy� fs: Masa work 1'hirty-four of our stud. 6S ants have lately accepted good positions. >S The demand for our graduutes is 000- Ttj .4 start. Oollege open alt year. Enter >s D now. Magnificent catalogue free, ; W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Our. 'rouge & Alexander ate, Toronto. DO YOU NEED TILE? Farmers and others desiring 'Pile tor the coming season can secure what they re- quire 'at carload rates, at Brussels or Lthe1stations, if orders are sent; in set- Gcient time to arrange for ,quantity and dote of delivery. I will notify the pur- chasers o£ the arrival of the cars and as- sist in loading Iram ear to wagons, Fur- ther particulars may be obtained by. seeing -or writing W. E. Sanders Agent Drayton Tile Ethel Order at once All sizes from ci Rs 18 inches may be obtained file from 8 inches up are 23 inches long. CEMENT KEPT IN SEASON. . I To MachineryUsers and farMers .4 1 ;; The NH %chine Shop of the ; 4 BRUSSE.d' FIRE APPLIANCE s 2 and *MACHINE Co. • 4 4 a d • 1' 6 4 is now ready for business, and 4 with good Machinery and Sliilleti ♦ ill.ecluanies, the are in t1 pnsitiou • toattend toyour repairs prompt- ly and at reasonable rates. • If you-tvi11 let us know yottl. you give t Wants we will 6iv honest 6 advice and help if. connetjtecl Z with Maehiuety. Give us a telae and, by corning to Brussels, save time and looney for yourselves, s N # q . UUiHL'& JARS i e lilt Street SttISSOIS i •41i41•N*it•+0.0.4 Business Cards MISS BERTHA ARMSTRO V Teacher of Plano of 11t 8tanndnidBela , i4tuesels3, sdoor s ±Orth MISS PS'Ri-E SHAf,,PE had !Based successfully her second. examine. tion or the Pianoforte Department ur tete TO. ron00 Coneorvs tory of Musks, and is preldwed t0 Make pupllo at her home, Princess street,. OR. T. T. A7'RAE • 1410110or of Thtedioino, University of Toronto ; fliuontlase and CGraduote of tbo tioltoga ut' Phy- s 0133)3 13334 .'3311'3300316, Ont, Post-6'radhate Chicago Eye, Eur, Nose and 'fibro,,±- liosuL114111, Ullluego, El, Ex-ltouse,Surgeou to 83, Miph- Rare ±5093303)11 Toronto. prlonnoommeptloa withU anb ookatallhourss. Of?. HAMILTON Dental $targoon honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate or Royal Uollege of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Ofltoe oyer J, 1. Bows' store, Brussels, 1.-�rWilt visit Wroxeter the Bret and third Mondays 8rd Gerrie the s0oond and fourth Mondays of each month. • OF?. WAf?OLAW Ffonor graduate or the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night coifs. Office opposite ]Pte i Mill, Ethel. v"I6`317Jb,0 ierJ1, ital1_k o".$'$' BRUSSELS G01NO BOOTN Goma Noa,re Mall_ 7:013 am Express -....,•, 10:55 a m Express 11.:26 a u1 Mnil 1:44 p 1;1 Express 8:02 p m Express ...... ,. 8:50 p m WALTON To Toronto a To t3oderiolr' Express......... 8:41 a m ! Express 11:87 a in Expreea 8:00 p m , Express 0:15 p m JO1.5tr.C:t tins • Mone ie r tF Salton REPORT.—The following is the report of Morlcrieff Public School foe Apell, Entrance.—L, Harrison, 81 ; 13. Mdanat'rie, 73 ; B. McNaught, 63 ; E, Snaith, 53. Sr. IV.—M. Living- ston, 86 ; V. McKay, 70 ; L. Speirau, 55 ; M. SChpock, 38. Jr. IV. -N]. Mc- Kay, 55 L. McKay, 42 ; 0. Bray, 40 ; S. ,ylcQaarrie, 20. Sr. III. -13, D1c- Qutn,rrie, 11'I. Oammings, L. Hislop. .1r. I1L.-A. McKay, M. Brown, V. Schnuck, M. Smith. Sr. IL—H. Machan, P. Cummings, 1MI. 'Hodges, F. Machan, H. McNatugfiht, S. Snelling. Jr. II.=G. ?elides, O. McKay, W. Machan, 11. Snelling. Pt. IL—B. Dawson, I. McKay, A. 13iachan, A. Mann. Sr. Pt. L -K. Howard, E. Meehan, M. Livingston, E. Mantle, 0. Snelling. Jr. Pt. L—J. Snelling, G. 1'Iaehan, B. Sanders, F. McKay, B. Mantle, G. Brow,), H. McQuarrie. H.R. NIiceitm v, Teacher.' Grey SCHOOL Rs:rORT:—Following is the report for April of S. S. No. r>, Grey : —Sr. IV—Alex. Collins. Jr. IV— Willie Campbell, Clifford. Rotvlrtnd, Ross Coates, Gladys Rowland, Elsie' Rea, Frank Lindsay, Isaac Clarke. Se. III—Maggie Coates. John Savage, Lyle Bradford, Jim Collins, Lizzie Kleinsciuoth. Jr. III—Icla Bremner, Harold Bradford Annie Clarke, Gm - don McDonald, C�larlie Blinco, George Rowlttuci, Eva Hudson, Alex. McDon- tLld..Clrtss II—Johnston Al'mstroug, Henry itleinscbroth, Mance Dixon, Gordon Rea, Harry • Hudson, Wiliio Rowland, Lottie Ward. Sr. Pt. /I— Good—Mabel'Clark. Jr. Pt. II—Very good— Rebecca Kleinschroth, Oar1 McDonald, George Campbell. Int. I —Very good—Mabel Ward, Howard Beirues, Willie Storey, Loretta. Grabber, Rena Dixon. Jr... I—Very good—Audt•ew Brenner, Susie Row- land. Good—Lituva Thompson, Wal- ter Ward. L. STMACIL&M, Teacher. Somme IIMsoRT.—Following is re- port for S. S. No, 10, Grey, for I0larch turd April. Names. are in order of merit based on tests. Class V— Exam. in Comp., Gen., Latin -M. Hutchinson. Sr. IV••• -Exam, in Geu., Aril:lr., Gram., Comp.—M.. Mitcham G. Evans. Jr. IV—Exam..in'« cog.,. Arith., Gram , 23ist.-13. Denman, G. Speirau, 30. Lave; G. Whitfield, H. Speiran. Sr. III -Exam. in Spell., Arith., Read., Cong.—S. Mitcham 31. rex, F,' Cox, L+', Rathwell. Jr. III Exam, in Spell., Addl.. Geogg Read. —F, Hollenbeck, G. Henry, L. Lake, S. Speirau, G. Inglis, M. Inglis, 11 HollettbeCk, E. Hutchinson, G. Hol lenbeck, J. Ward,Sr. II -0 Ward. ,Tr. I I Eqnal—L. Whitfield, tHetd S. Baker, e0. Spoirau. Good -3'. Lave, Stel ing, G. Siding. Pt. II—Good—H. Whitfield. Ftu —B, Ward. Sr. Pt. I—M. S,,loiran, V. Inglis. Jr. Pt. 1-- Good—E. Whitfield, G. Whitfield,31. Ward, B. Inglis, D. Speirau. , Fair Edgar Whitfield, G. Speican, W. 'Ward. Avevage attendance for Mar. 28, April 28, I. Fzs.txr , Teacher. Life Will Be Shortened. Those who Pail to observe the funda- mental rules of health, especially those who neglect constipation,—will have short lives. Costiveness ruins health, destroys vitality, weakens the blood,eauses dyspepsia,'nervousoess and insomnia. Why not use De. IIamnilton's Pills and be cured. Take one or two pills before retiring and you're well next morhing. No gripe' qr pain, 110 headaebeand nausea, when you use De, Hamilton's Pills,—they dire scientifically. Positively . the best laxative known, 25c. at all deal- ers. - - • Listowel Miss floss 3801810 Toronto /net week attending the tnissiouary convey don, A. B, COaot'ge hos purchased tt two - seated light, touring automobile 01 the Rttss l tint el L e. A St. Gen. Hawkins, Editor of the Standatd, returned last week frcen a month's trip in the West 001 business for the 0, 1.,'11. I.anc Irri L ' rt I gt tun Com. parry. A.teeingenabt]ts have flow been' conl- pletecl for tete celebration hero nil Vic- ttiria,Day, May 2411), Th4 Wtb baler Brass Band n1' 20 men, atld the Corrie Gei'tntan• Bund, of 13011111,; will pro- vide tousle during the day. A grand callthtnrtpian procession, trades and automobile perado will he lied et 10.30 itt the 12101'ning while the afternoon i oes Not Sta uta e Ayer's Sarsaparilla does not stimulate. t malate, It does not nrlake you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next.. t X is not a strong drink. No reaction after you stop using it, There is not a drop of alcohol in it: You have the stead even gain that comes from a strong tonic and alterative. We wish you would askg e your doctor about this,- He knows, 'frust hint', Tao as he says.. / C gyerCo X.owel ,Maas What arc Ayer s Pills? Myer ,'ills.~ otey�"'�� Flow 1 &have they been sold? Ne sixty years. Do dodges recommend them? Ask your own doctor and find out. win hetaken up with a big prop/tie of athletic genies and moos at the rink pude Another rural mail route was start- ed 00 Monday of last week, being rural route No, 2 running from Lis- towel to.Trowbeidge, out the gravel rood to the second eoneession of 17hrta and down the second to-'L'vowbriclge, Warned. A disastrous fire occurred in Corn- wall in which twelve lives were lost and property destroyed to the value of a genitor million d'nilaes, the fire starting in the Motel Rossmore. Rob. Roth, stepson of John 1Vetsou, ex - Mayor of this town, was one of those who had a narrOW escape from the flames. Mo. froth is employed las teller in the Sterling Bank, Oorn180011, and boarded at the Rosstnore Hotel. He was awakened by someone pound- ing his doer c g and had only n y tuna to hurriedly ]edgy c{less and escape over a bank roof. All of his clothing and person- al effects, outside 'of what he had on him at the time, were destroyed, but be wos fortunate enough to escape without any burns or other injuries. Are you Pale, Anaemic Anaemia L t means colorless blood.— means aIle languor, n1' g , blanched lips, faded cheeks. You grow dyspeptic, ner- vous, snifer functional irregularity. This condition can't exist if there is plenty of healthy blood. Ferrozone makes good blood, rich nutritious blood—that's why it cares. In con- centrated form Ferrozone contains certain tare qualities that render it unfailiug in Anaemia, languor, poor color and loss of weight. To build tip feel young. and vigorous, nothing is better than Ferrozone. At all dealers in 50c, boxes. Atwood Mumps are going the rounds. C. 0. P excursion to Owen Sound on June 31d. Robert Harris, of Alaska, is renew. ing old acquaintances around town. Allan Bonze left •on Tuesday for Clinton to take a position in the office of the G. T. R. station., Prof. Wm. Lochhead, of McDonald College, Montreal, visited his brother, Geo. Lochhead, township Clerk for a few days of last week. • W t ngham Winghant Oitizens' Banal -is engaged by Listowel for May 24th, and by Wroxeter for July lst. ' ids. (Rev.) Petrie was in Toronto last week, attending the sessions of the Peesbyte'ian Woman's Missionary Society. Pipers Band of Luc •now as been eugaged to assist 1Vin`et `Jlain Band to meet the Lodges at the celebration of July 12th in Wingbam. Property Ooreinittee -of the Totvn Council have let the contract for the building of a vault in the Town Hall for "the town records. Win..Rintoul is the builder. Dr. Margaret 0. Calder returned last week from Chicago, where she has been pursuing a post -graduate coarse at the Chicago Eye, Ealy Nose and Throat Hospital. She has t'dsnm- ed practice. FATAL ACCIDP.N1.-'This town was the scene of a terrible tragedy last Friday when Mrs, Edna' 'Finlay, a young woman of 34, was accidentally Shot by Edward Thompson, a grocer's boy. Mrs. Finlay was assisting Mrs. Robertson about the honse, when :Thompson entered withsome gr'oceriee 111)6 picking tip a gun that stood in the room playfully pointed it at Mts.Finlay, not knowing it was loaded., Immediately there was an explosion Mild Mrs, Finlay dropped off the table to the Hem dead. According to the story of Mrs. Robertson she asked her sister-in-law to come over and help paper the kitchen. Mrs. Finlay had been it t. ,the house s> but )n t a short time when the grocery boy. (lame in with some parcels He • laid his basket down 00 the table, and catching sight of the gun hanging up behind the door, took, it clown end pointed it as the. sister-in-law, Bit's. Finlay cried at the. boy to stop, and when the gun wont off she fell to the floor. Dr. li ennecly was as irnmeciiutely summoned and-proeouneed death due to the shot piercing the brain over the left eye. Death wets instantaneous. Coroner Kennedy' Immediately sin/Ono-lied ta, jury, who viewed the body, and ad yenned until Monday at one n'cloolc., Young Thompson was not arrested, The Clifford Express reports an ac- cident that happened recently to Pat. Brown, a former resident of Winer halo, Willie Mr,. Brown was work- ing -in his sawmill, a maple slab wee caught in the rttuwn.y of the saw, and Mr. Brown went, as he has done thousands of tinges before, to remove it. This time however, the slab some- how got on the sate and was thrown with great force towards the roof of the mill. Tile slab in its course Arnett Dir. Beaten on the temple, and he was thrown quite' a distance, and rendered miconsciclls for a time.. The Wound in his forehead was deep, and a ant on his right hand by falling on an axe, is also very painful. He marveJoesly escaped tip d instant death,and is .doing nicely. Goderich The dredge has been taking off the high spots in the channel at the en- trance to the harbor. The blasting apparatus which will he used to deepen the harbor tete corr- in Summer 1' m g s ready for f operation. n, There ' e aro bot throe prisoners in the jail at preseul:. All are -on short sen- tence and it is possible that Castle Geif&n'may be vacant in a short time. ]'Vest Huron Farmers' Institute will run its annual excursion to the On- tario Agricultural Oollege at Guelph on Friday, June 10th. The 0. P. R. will put on a special train for the ocoaaiOn. - R. R. Sallows left for, the Grimsby, fruit district, where he intends to take views of the fruit orchards for. the Grand Trunk Beltway. Afterwards he will visit Oshawa, Bowinanville and Guelph to get some industrial views. Customs Officer Farrow has handed in report of the amount of du by col. teeter] here- fox' Godericll and its ex- ports. For the year. ending 101ar, 31st, 1910, the total import duties collected Were $69,708.81. This -is an increase of 810,119.84 over last year. The contract for the. Construction of the new half -million -bushel grain ele- vator for the Western Canada Flour. Mills Co. has been awarded to the Oanadian Stewart Company, Limited. This is a branch of James •Stewart'& Oo., general contractors, `ofNew- York and Chicago, with offices at many of the other large' cities of the United States. Beware ofCocaine Medicines. Thousands of Drag ]fiends have been started.. on their. downward' 000000 through Catarrh- snuffs con taining this habit forming drug. If you suffer from a cold, sneezing of Catarrh—don't use a, snuff:—use a seo sible treatment like Ca.tarrbozone. 11 heals and soothes, brings relief at once, cures thoroughly. In Bron- chitis and throat trouble no doctor eon do better than prescribe Catarrh - ozone. Try it—see what wonders it works—what power it possesses. Different froth the old way,—you in- hale Catarrhozone. Sold in 25c. and $1.00 sizes by all dealers. Mullett James Leiner expects to leave short- ly for the Old Country to purchase pedigreed horses. • Rev -Mr. Blest, who has been pastor for the Evangelical churches of Hullett and, Colborne for the Bast two years, preached his farewell sermon in tete Hallett appointment on Sunday May 1st. llev. Mr. Heist, wife and family will be greatly missed from this local- ity and will tticvags be remembered by their friends even when they are in the distant West where they intend going. Thos. McMichael's 3year-old Clydes- dale, le Glen tate, e was awarded flnstp ri ze at Brurt P tiield S iru Ian and has lieu p g s won the rod tic {eta in his class a4 all the Shows held in this county this Spring, 'Black Band Sensation and King Lorne. won $est and second prizes, respectively at B5'ucefield teats repeating their success at other Shows. Friday afternoon April 29th at 4.30 the spirit of Mrs, Edward'Br•ickendeu, of the 2nd Con., took its Right tafter t1 serious illness, Deceased was born in England in Sept. 1838 and her maiden name was Ann Huckster. Tier bus- • band Edward L3rickenden, predeceased HO ESE E S' EXCURSIONS 204 . w TO WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP :RATES GOING DATES. Aim. 5,19 hue 14, 28 As f, 9, 23 May 3,,17, 31 July 12, 20 Soh 6, 20 THa0U00 SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WET Led've Toronto 2.00 p.m. oh above' dogs Through First and Second Class Coaches, Colonist. .4 na and Tootle, t Bloopers. p Apup1�y to nearest 0,2'.it. Agent or write R. L. Tltampwn, D.P.A., Terontn. ASE 1:011 SOMESEENERS' PAMPHLET T. FARROW, Agent ilei' three years ago. A. family of too sons (Stephen 00' tete farm and Md'• wised in United States, and two daughters, Lizzie, at home and Mrs. Dale), of the same township, are left to mourn the loss, The funeral took piece Monday afternoon and the see. vice was conducted by her pastor, Rev, T. 'Wesley Omens. Interment was trade at the Clinton cemotery. 1NDUCTR.D.—,A moat auspirions be- ginning to the new term of service in the Presbyterian congregations of Londesboeo' and Burns' church, Hallett; was made when on Wednes- day, 'lay 4th, in the presence of a very large audience, Walter T. Peavey 13. A,,,was ordained and inducted as theirtor. as The occasion 38015 Rev, S. preacher Shap,a 33.11) this if Exeter, and his subject teas "The wall to and the Opportunity of the Christian iliihistey," After the solemn etti'ng apart of the candidate after Presbyterian custom, the newly in - looted pastor was addressed by Rev, , R. Mall±, B. A,, And the people by R ov.13. • . II Sawyers. A public recce- On 38018 then held, t'efeeshinents he- ng served by the ladies,. after which. here Ives a short program of con - retaliatory seee01te8 "interspersed with music, Rev, Mr. Pearcy eaters mon his 3yoek iu these eongrogations With aha people splendconditions dly iaited AD rr dee bila, flute Stigler, 13..4,,, Dominion flan Surveyor, Ottawa, bee been Ltppoitl3.1ci by the Domilliou Government to es tablish the 1+Torthe • B 4 afternoon the Tltn'on.Porth .Lettggne - will open l w eo Godieylplt will play the d 1 The Swift Automobile Co. BAB ac- copted the town prupesitiop and asks to get pnsae88ien of the Thresher ll'ae• f tory by June 1st, As the town lute 4 net full possession yet of the building the Solicitor was asked to take pro- d'na ntttttia['yy Alberta. Ito starts for Athabaset Landing imrneditatoly aed'will be nc cupied utost of. the Suintner, Mr. ,Engler is a brother of Alis, 'W, 131at- (3uis, of hulled, and Joseph Bugler; of rey. Blueva,e Tuxepei a'g 143VNBIt1P Connote,,.-. Council wee helot 1n the • Clerk's Oleo here, on Mouday, May 2nd, Members re e > alt Reeve R v in the chair. hal t Minutes of last reeetle lead' and ad -opted >x v ] motion of Messrs Kelly and Mulvey. Moved by Mr, Rutherford, seconded by ldr. Kelly, that we send road machine to Peter I3asting's side road to grade 14 ruilesof road, Carried. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, seconded by 311'. Kelly, that we engage Mr. .Reid's engine to work grader on side voad at $8,00 per day, he to provide feel. Carried. Following accounts • w01'e passed and cheques issued :-- Robb. Deyell, burying dog duel work cm road, $1.50 ; David Dunkin, re• pairing grader, $7.80 ; •W. A. Reid, work with engine on grader, $53.50 ; Thos. Weir, working grader, $18,00. Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, that this meeting do now adjourn to meet in the clerk's office Monday, May 80th, at 10 o'clock a. in. and as the Court of Revision of the AssesstnentRoll at2,80 p. 01. on same date. Carded. Joule BuROESS, Clerk, Blyth On .a recent date the Exeeu- tive committee of the Huron -Perth Baseball Leagne met at Olinton and arranged the following double schedule forhe t CniIlltlgg soar May.,4— Go deri0 n ch atfin C ]ton. ,Seaforth at Blyth June 1—Blyth atGoderioh " 2—Mitchell at Seaforth ' 8—Blyth at Seaforth "' 10-01intou at Miteh'ell 10—Seaforth at Clinton ' 17-Goderieh at Mitchell -" 20 -Mitchell at Godericll " 23—Olintnn at Blyth " 24-Seaforth at Mitchell 27—Goderich at Seaford' " 28—Blyth at Clinton July 1-31itchell at Blyth Clinton at Goderich July 4-01inton at Seafolth " 7—Seaforth at Goderich "1 11—Mitchell-at Oodeeioh " 14-Goderich at Blyth I9—Blyth at Mitchell " 21—Seaforth at Clinton "28—Olinton et Blyth 20—Seaforth at Mitchell Aog. 1—i'vIitchell at Clinton ' 3—Clinton at Goderich - Blyth, at Seafortli " 10—Miiachell at Goderich " 10-0linton at Mitchell Seaforth at Goderich " 18—Gode'ich at Clinton " 10—Mitchell at Blyth " 22—Blyth at• Godericll " 25—Mitchell at Seaforth " 20--Goderich at Blyth " 31-01inton at Seaforth Sept. 1—Blyth at Mitchell 5—Goderich at Mitchell Blyth at Clinton Besides the above, Godericll plays at Seaforth and Seaford' plays at Blyth tie the civic holiday of the town visit- ed in each ease. Clinton The Good Roads and Electric Light By -Laws carried by good majorities. Will. Waslnan has gone to London to take a course in the School of Tele-' g Butcher shops will close each week evening at seven o'clock except Satur- days and evenings before holidays. There were three -tender's for the street watering and that of G. L. Walker at 80 cents per hour being the lowest was accepted. Oliutnn Lodge of I. 0. 0. F., is mak- ing -arrangements for the holding of their Annual At Home on May 18th, when Grand Master, Senator Derby- shire, of Brockville, will be present to address those who assemble. A Base Ball tournament will be held In Clinton on May 24th. In the morning the Boys' Association will open their League season by the two games. At 9.80 the Tigers and Giants will cross bats and at 11 a. m. the cribs will tty and beat the Pirates. In the Do a you require a Buggy? Let McLaughlin, of Walton Supply you See his Special Bargain at on- ly $60. It's a dandy. If you want to save money buy from him. s aC once, Tire Qi mp ure will employ between 85 and A0 men the fleet year. The Canadian Flax 131111 Co., who are now in the building, will J have to 3io town ehordd do so Co, to build a mill a number' of teen ii Mitchell assessor line roll from winch the fullest& , 8011 taken ;•-Value of real bueiueDs asseienneut and taxab come, $7$2,B08 ; against, $772,01 1009. Population, 1,775, against 1,8 _ in 1009, Dogs, 02, 1909, 102, Births,. 18, 1000, 27, Deaths, 15, 1900, 15. [Brossels Studio 4 Photo. • 4. • � •oi• ;• Portraits * alts byPhotography iRAt®graphy �. • ALL WORK GUARANTEED • 2' -r-ir • 4. • + Q. Fa iLAND : O 0080000000000.x••••00000.0 esee/1eregtorgorr®Qaer000000f0S • e 6 y. 3 .,r•: rG O CLE11111�')..I 6 • • 0 .: OF:: 0 4i � o China, a Crockery,• Tass• are . 0 • Etc., Etc. ' 0 • • h have decided to clear out our entire stock• of e o e these lines and are going to offer you some is ® Exceptional Values. It will be worth your • 0• while to call and have a look over these bargains :-- -•46. s tit DINNER SETS 0 .._ ® Regular price 15 00 0 Clearing at 0 00 w 0 00 • TOILET SETS0 o © Ji e Regular price 5 75 Clearin at 3 75 0 0 Regular price 4 50 Clearing at 3 00 g French Limoges Chinat P at Half Price • oMaple Leaf and Clover Leaf, off regular• • Open stock Dinnerware at ne-bird price 0 • • All our Fancy• China atHalf Price • 0 •Everything must be Cleared Re- 00 ® gardless of what it Cost us. ® ,Highest market price for Produce. • • • •b •■ 1 u n u 1®11 .Co. • 0 LE F. • • r 0 e 0 e 0 e 'Phone 18 Next Postorfitothe Wroxeter• •0010.000000000.00.0.0•••• •00.0.0•••0••eca••®••000•• WELL BRED STALLIONS Kaplan 2.082 and Costumer Will stand for service this season at their own stable, MUSSELS. Parties desiring to breed to good stock should call incl inspect our horses And teseortain rates for 1010. SCOTT cg WARWICK PROPRIETORS BRUSSELS No. 7. Says the Miller o' ono day COming Monte 1 looked through the kitch- en Window and saw our grocer's wife baking bis- cuits. Sure enough, there was a bag of 'CREAM 0F' THE WEST" flour and the biscuits were just pip- ing hot—made my mouth water. " You bet I knew then how it was thatgroter sold. so much °cream of the West' Flour neilsynarIMMoragebereraerMeNVIN 11 1 i 1 Ile l•nows how good It is by the tasty things his wife Makes with it, and he feels sure in recommending it • If every grocer would try his goods 'before telling them it would be a good thing," The Catapbetl Mllli3e Co., Limited Toronto