HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-5-12, Page 4tije russets `first THURSDAY, MAY/2, 1910 Putter Licenses/for Next Year ell 1•ttg_ 0 U1tUN - -. .,44 -he license commissioners for Centre fd qMen h+ranletl 24 licenses, 7 less than Jest year, 4 were Out off in Grey and 2 in Colborne because of Legal Option eel, Senfort h lost the3 r' G t House De- p Causte ai shortage of population. Three licenses may be granted to a populetiou e iog0 and One license t0 each addition- al God and as Seaforth lits a'populatfon of only 2,145 one hotel had to go and the axe fell on the Grip Hoese. Licenses are a& fellows :- Gederich-••British, E. R. Swartz ; Hurop, Mrs, Craig; King Edward, Mrs, King '; Satins House, }Sen, Saults ; Ocean,. W. Baob ; Bedford, F. Davis ; Union, M. Parr; Colborne, T, John- stone Shop, W. W. Saults, Clinton - Rattenbtlry House, los Itettenbury; Normandie, S. S. Cooper.;. Graham House, 1.. Graham ; Commer. oial, Jas, Reynolds; Waverley, Joe. Reinhardt ; Shop. C. H. Pugh. Seaforth-Royal, D. T. Pinkney ; Queens, Mrs. Stephens; Dick House, Jas. Dick ; Commercial, McLennan & Broadfoot ; Grip House, F, Carlin, 3 months to dispose of stork. Shop, E. Lawson, 941r. Dick has made an appli cation for transfer to Prank Kling, Sea forth. Dublin -L, Wolff. Brussels -Central, Gordon Macdon. , aid ;Queens. Jos. Querin; American, •' 1 y H. Janes. a ` • NORTH HURON- A meeting of the North Herm Licen- se Commissioners was held in the Brunswick Hotel, .Wingham, with Chairman Lockhart, eek t o i •' C mm sstoner s Musgrove n and rah Du n and Inspector Clegg present. Licenses, were granted as follows :- Wingham-Brunswick, jobs Putland; r..--00eens, 3, E Swarts ; National. L. W. Hanson ;Dinsley, Mrs. Mary Diusley-; Exchange, C. E. Lepard. Blyth -F. J. McCaughey. Walton -W, Tbamer. • l Bluevale--J, C. Johnston. The licenses to Mrs. Mason at Rlyth and Tbos. H111 at Belgrave will be con- sidered ata meeting to be held on Fri- day of this week. Two applications are in from Wroxeter from Geo. Town and W. C. Currie.. The Commissioners have decided that only one license will be issued for Wroxeter and the question as to which hotel will receive the license will be decided at the adjourned meet- ing. SOUTH HURON At a meeting of the Board of License Commissioners held at Bengali, April a3rd, the licenses granted for the license ,district of South Huron are as follows : Bayfield, ---Mrs. M. Elliott, Albion hotel; W. J. Hapton, Commercial -1 t. month to sell out. rExeter-L. W Palmer, Commercial hotel ; W. T. Atcheson, Central Morley,J. " Metropolitan, Hensall-Jas. Coxworth, Queens - when his hotel is completed; W, J. Perkin, Commercial. Hay -R. R. Johnston, Dominion, Zurich ; J, P. Ran, Commercial, Zur- ich; Wm. Nicholson, n o Blake. 3 months .o make necessary improve- ments. Stepheu --Win. Moffatt, Dufferin — Sense, Centralia ; August Hill, Cen- tral, Credtton ; Ezra Brenner, Brenner, Grand Bend ; Wm. Zimmer, Commer- cial, a , Dashwood ; 13. Cunningham, Shi- va hotel, Khiva ; Jos, Ziler, Ontario . House, Mt. Carmel, 3 months to see if be will conduct his house properly. Never hesitate about giving Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to children. it contains no opium or other narcot- ics and can be given with implieit con- fidence. As at quick cure for. coughs end colds to which children' are sus- _.... optible, it is unsurpassed. Sold by } I dealers. Hanger .in Delay Kidney Diseasgs Aro toe Dangerous for Brussels .People to Nottloo* The great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a filen hold before the Sufferer recognizes them. Health is gradually undetmjnecl. Baokaohe, headache, net volumes, lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary troubles, clropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease Follow in merciless sueeession- Don't neglect your kidneys. Curs the kid- neys with the certain and safe remedy, Booth's Kidney Pills which have cured people right here in Biussels, Mee, Mary McKay, of 1'urnberry Street, Brussels; Out,, says people need a touio and something to give them strength and to purify their blood.. I have used Booth's Kidney Pills which were procured at the James Fox Drug Store and with the result that they helped so Much I am anxious to recommend their use to others." - Sold by Dealer's. Price 60 cents. The R. T. Booth 00., Ltd., Feet Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. ` (. vavvan v way -o MEI CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold cad guarantud by .TAMES FOX, Brussels. by John Cutt. that Engineer's Report on the Nichol Drain be reale on Thurs. day, May 2611 at 2 o'clock p. m, Carried. Moved byS,S. Cole seconded by a Y JohnCutt, thatInc. McDonald be paid d $3 0o for 10w broken on .gravel road. Carried, Moved by Jas. McFadzean, seconded by P. A. McArthur, that Grey Town- ship spend $too on West Gravel road providing Morris township spend an equal amount aid fulfil last year's agree- ment. Carried. Accounts to the amount of $662 63 were passed and orders issued on Treasurer for same. Council adjourned to meet on Thurs. day, May z6th at to a. m. as a Court of Revisioi. A. H. MAcnoNALD• Clerk. ROBERT CLELAND An Eima Pioneer Passes Away. 1'o himself, as the end draws near and to itis friends afterwards, there can be no greater satisfaction than the realiza- tion ofa life's work well done, of a life bravely and honestly and cleanly lived. To those wbo knew him best to better illustration of this could be asked than is furnished by a retrospect of the life of Robert Cleland, of Elmo, who passed away on Tuesday night of last week at the homestead farm, Elmbank, the scene of his life's labors. He was in bis eighty-fourth year and maintain- ed his strength and activity to a re- markable degree until the last few week His H s iuterests covered a wide scope and d to all of them his thorough- ness rob h- fi Hess brought success. It seemed an essential part of hint with whatever be undertook to do it with all 1118 might. With all his strenuous life his actions were always untainted b1 dishonor, and he never would consent to the attain- ment of an end by an unmerited injury to another. Mr. Cleland was born in the parish of Rutberelen, Lanark county, Scot- land, in 1826. As a young man in Scot- land be was for some time manager of a large colliery there, an.l 10 1854 he was married to Jane Reid, whose death at Elmbank in June 1905 will be remember- ed. Their family c00sisted of four sons and four daughters. The sons, George, Robert and James, are well known . farmers in the township ; William died Grey Council in September. 1908. The daughters are l -Maggie, deceased ; Mrs. James Gray, Mrs. David Park, and Belle, at Pursuant to adjournment, Municipal home. Mr. Cleland issurvived by twen- coneeil met.i0 the Township Hall, Ethel ty-six grandchildren and three great- , priI 25th. Members present. grandchildren. kle was the last surviv- Minutes of, last regular and special tug member of a family of thirteen. meetings read and adopted on motion of Mr, Cleland came to Canada and set - PS, S. Cole and P. A. McArthur. . fled in Eima in 1858. At the time of Moved S. 8, Cole, seconded by John his retirement from the Secretaryship of Cott, that By -Law No. to appointiug the Perth Mutual Fire ILsurance Com- Pathmasters and defining their reapec• pany in January Igo6 a note was publish- ' tire road Divisionse.. b amended.by ed concerning his work which we nen- , changing boundaries ot Divisions s and 6 not do better than reprint. It read :-- cons. y and 8 to read as follows l -Div. "He took an active interest in town- s, Con. 7, Lot ,q to hotel inclusive ; ship and county affairs, and for many ,-..1„4a. 8, Lot to to R. • Gibson's ahop in. years was a prominent figure in muni - elusive ; Div. 6, Con. 7. G. W. Pollard's cipal matters, carrying the township to Lot 23 inclusive, Carried, through its difficulties in the early stages Moved by Jas. McFadzean, seconded and placing its finances and by-laws up - by S. S. Cole, that schedules as pre- on a sound basis, He was elected pared by Clerk for distribution of bat- Reeve first in 1867, the first Reeve to be � antes to credit of Lamont and McLean elected by a popular vote of the rate. r Drains be accepted and Treasurer payers, and served in that capacitv for authorized' to distribute the respective over ten years, During that time he amounts to parties entitled thereto. defended and guarded the interests of ''r rrie a d histownship At the County Council a Moved byY ti v and P. A..lc t•tht A tr seconded nded at the Provincial Legislature on many by Johu Cott, that we grant $too for occasions. Once he was satisfied that he repairs nn the hill at Lot 4, Con. 17 and was in the right he would never acknow- 18on condition -that petitioners work it ledge defeat until he carried his point. • out at the rate of $2.Oo per day for mien And it is duelargely to him and to men and team and $1 per day for each man of his stamp that the township has won and that Jas. McFadzean he authorized its proud position as one of the ,to took after the work. Carried. foremost in the Province ot Ontario to - Moved by las. McFadzean, seconded day. He was one of the earliest dairy - by John Cutt, that S. S. Cole, look after men in the township, and still con Renting of approach to Fork's bridge times in the business, and alwajts to the also the repairs at Lot 28, Con. 8, forefront. His cheese are sought after lveCarried. as among the finest in the district. aud • .Moved by John Cutt, seconded by S. the cheese of the Listowel district are ,Cole, that Jas. McFadteau, be author acknowledged to be the finest made In zed•to purchase 2,500 feet of rook elm Canada. He is still a most successful Atter from 10120 McDonald, Walton, for farmer and owns aud manages the home- •epeitfn township culverts. Carried, stead and other places, than which there Moved by S. S. Cole, seconded be are no better conducted farms in the Min Cutt, that Tieastirer be instructed county. An idea may be gainer] of the to transfer to credit of McKee, 'Fulton, 'unbounded eeerrfy aid industry of Mr. Michel and Jacklin drains amount of Cleland's busy life whets it is realized l urray-Lamb Wein' collected in taxes for loop, that he took so large a part in public arried. affairs,' in church and school matters. in Moved by Jas. 1VIcG`adzean, seconded the claire business and in farmin tact V John Cott, that Engineer's Report 0n stock ra#sing, and et the sametime lanoa Drain he provisionally adopted foundedand developed the business of that rho Clerk prepare a $y-Law'ah #nsurance company, taking fullcame. Carried, obai•ge of the work personally, mitMoved by P. A. McArt'tut'. seconded carrying #t. on to so successful tin lssue, io y John Cutt, that Engineer's Report ori Any one branelr of these duties' would be provisiopally keep nn ordinary man fairly well em- adopted and that L'lerlc,prepare lay LAW .played ; and when itis realized that Mr.. for same. Carried. Cleland not, only conducted theta all .t Moved by Jas. Meladlcan, seconded well but made a brilliant success of edoh ew Spring Ses Large Stock Love Prices Up'-tor.clate Styles • Allo for all sizes of feet, even to the little tot.. Bring along your feet and let us fit them, We will please you . and suit your purse as well, Harness In our Harness Department will be found a good stock of Heavy and Light Harness our own make and the price and quality to suit. Trunks, Satchels, Rubber Rugs, Dusters, Whips, &c., also Go Carts to wheel thelittle folks in, Repairs In Collars, Harness, Soots and Shoes done promptly I. e. Richards of them. it will be seen that he was a man who knew bow to employ his time to the best advantage, He is now a man of eighty years of age, and retains still a most remarkable amount of vitality and energy, and has certainly earned the right to take life a little easier." The funeral took place from his late residence on Friday afternoon, services were in chargepastor h of theEl ma 170 Centre Pr church Presbyterian hat Atwood. V t Mr. Cleland was one of the fouuders of this church and has been ever since a member and loyal supporter of it. As Unexpected as Burglars. That's the way cramps come --strike without warning. Nothing so sue to instantly relieve as Nerviline,-just a few drops in sweetened water is all that's requited to stop the pain. Po1- son's Nerviline is a true comfort to every family, for stomach and bowel derangements it is an absolute specific. Guaranteed to have at least five times the strength of any other pain relieving medicine,- perfectly safe, pleasant, and useful for external pains too. For a reliable household medicine -case Nerviline supplies all that's necessary. Large 25c. bottles sold everywhere. OUR WINNIPEIi LETTER. Spring business and trade in the West holds the pace at which it started ; seems, indeed, to gather force as it pro- gresses. That great essential of West- ern growth, the weather, continues to be of the best -neither too hot nor too cold and with plenty of rain for crop purposes. Under the stimulus of last year's wonderful crop, and with every promise ofa harvest that will be Boor, tnously increased taco tit s year by reason of much .greater areas eas plast ed , every line of business is going ahead with a rush, UNPRECEDENTED BUSINESS The first quarter's bank clearings show basitess unprecedented in the history of the West. es . For these three months, Winnipeg bank clearings amounted to $182448,550, or nearly forty millions more than the amount for the like period of 1909. The bank clearings last year amounted to eight hundred millions, and if the present -rate oL tn• crease is held the 910 clearings will go into a billion or very near it. BUILDING PERi11Ts LIKEWIRE Building permits are in the same line but more so. From January to April, teo9i permits to the, Dumber of 468 and the amount of 881,905,200 were taken out. From January to April, 191o, the number -.of permits was 798 anti she value $5,006,000, To date, there have been permits for six million dollars' worth of new buildings Takeo out for Winnipeg, and since the highwater mark for build ing figures in this city -in Igoe -wag �. between twelve and thirteen millions, it seen tobe is assured that Winnipegd will far outdo itself in this respect - tug tefo. Some of the largest building -permits issued daring. ,March and April of this year are as follows 1- T. Eaton Co,-Addn. to stole.,,$ 55;000 Bank of Montreal -Bank... 950 eon A. 13. Kent --Apartment Block. 50,00o Rostreyor Apartment Building Society -Apartment Block350,000 Youog Meth. Church -Addition .72,00o City of Winnipeg -Power house 87,000 Winnipeg School Board -School .86,000 William Moxam - Apartment block 80,000 Minnewaska Court -Apartment block . 55,000 Watson & Simmons- Apart- meat block Ioo,000 Orpneum Theatre Co. -Theatre 175,000 I'. Eaton Co. -Tower House, too,000 Eli Sand Co. -Factory so,000 Imo. Moxam-Apartment block90.000 T. Eaton Co. --Department store roo,000 CIVIC PROGRESS KEEPING PACE The city is keeping even pate in civic improvements with the march of trade and ,commercial progress, Half a mil- lion dollars will bespent in asphalt pavements alone this veer, and over a hundred thousand- for graiolithic side- walks. Even this large auto will not do nearly all the work that should be done. since the city is growing so fast that new districts are opened up in a few mouths bringing set g another . rt of new streetsr 'un let v et Ic supervision and in need of public money. In general, how- ever, the city is splendidly provided with paved and graded streets anti very few cities, even among the older tom-, munities, are better furnished with smoothly paved and boulevarded_ streets than Wiuuipeg. A hundred miles ❑f 'b iulevards in a city do older than Winnipeg is a record of public im- provement of which the people of the city are justly proud. I3USINESS MEN'S EXCURSION The big business men's excursion that will leave. Winnipeg May s8111, for a toter of the West, is to he a great success, Within a few flours of seeding out the notices of the excursion fifty business men had bespoken places on the special IS YOUR STOMACH WRONG ? LITTLE DIGESTERS will put it right quickly and surely. Moneyhack if they Y do not cure. At alt Druggists. 25c. a Boa, or direct from THE COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO s + +•+♦ l-•+•4. +s+4+. +.+♦+. P•+•+•+•+•+•• ,+.......'t.+• I • i L'S u n� + • l 4. d • r !Buggies American Wall Papers INEMINIMISNMINseslielneeMeeMS 1}re tare showing the finest line or', Anu,rican Fast Color Wall Papers ever shown in town, Oor designs are all pew hull uta -to -elate, 4000°Patterns thiel Onloi•ings 10 choose frons, if you avant tiielatest yell mast 8110 005' sane.. pies, A call on Phone No. 78 will bring the samples to your door, NYC have everything for decora- tive work -may we show you the now aanlples ;i . T. SNIDER PAINTER and DECORATOR, frost Wire To the users of Wire fence We have a full stock of Frost Wire on hand and we are ready and willing to make you the best jab and price on any kind of a fence you wish. We bought our wire three weeks ago and. found the material better than the Company represented it to be and you no doubt have read our advertisement in some of the papers. Our wire is full No. 9 before it is galvanized. The galvanizing is twice as thick as it was on any wire we have sold before and the manufacture of the woven fence is much ahead of any richer woven fence on the market. We. can guarantee n u every running wire e even tension and stays straight 1p and down. Frost Gates, all sizes on hand, at best.. possible prices. • Apply to Ferguson & Harris, Walton, or M'Donald'Bros Blyth, Ont. train which is to take a hundred or more of Winnipeg business men through Western Canada from this city to the Rocky Mountains, to look over, the busi- ness conditions, one to see how these conditions may be improved. This will be the first big excursion distinctively of abusiness character that has ever gone out of Winnipeg except the annual trip of the Grain Exchange nten, 'which is made each year for the purpose of look- ing over the prop prospects. East Wawanosh Man Loses to the Bell CO. In the Spring of 1908 The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Company, Limited, of Seaforth, sold a traction engine and separator to Matthew H. Craig, of Wawahosh township, tak- ing as security for the payment of the purchase price a chattel mortgage covering 1g Orai e, gs goods and chattels. In the following September Craig commenced selling out and Was about to leave for the Northwest, and the Bell Company seized and proceeded to sell his goods under its chattel mort- gage. Osler ade, of Toronto as- signee for the benefit of Oraig's credi- tors, applied Inc an injunction le- straiuing the Bell Company from pi'o- ceedifrg with the sale and the roceecls of the,sale were paid into the Bank of Hamilton at Blyth to await the result of proceedings. This action has been pending in the High Court for over a year and after being in Court a num- ber of times was finally disposed of on Tuesday of last week before Justice Teetzel, at Toronto. the result being that the Trial Judge found that the Bell Compapy and its "officers had acted throughout within their rights and that the Bell Company's claim was bona fide in every particular. The plaintiff's action was dismissed with costs. Throughout the action R. S. Hays, of Seaforth, has acted ao solicitor for the Bell Company for the past ten . years, and although they have had all kinds of 1itigatron, the dompanyhas never had to pay a cent of costs to the other side. Perth County These will be no half holidays in 9t. Marys this year. Mitchell baud was made their usual grant of'$125. First Monday in August will be St.. Marys civie holiday. St. Marys Foresters will hold their annual excursion to Niagara Falls via 0. P. R. 011 Thursday, June Reed. Separate school at St. Marys has been remodelled. ac Bleed. The interior h as been divided it' stnvn tl class rooms and two teachers are engaged now #n place of one.. I4____.rats Popular Stallions #°, Following will be the routes of tete 4. ie, horses named for season of 1910 :- .! Lothian Type T + • .111,58 Pang, Proprietor. ,y, Monday wiptanve his et it a n t L Masses Sanderson Carr w tet° abl.0on. ♦ 0, Grey, and pnth'ew nsklli s ompea,<own, tl, + then /net to at= Jaoklin's Lot O Uon. 2, 4.Grey, for.noon ; then east 2' andsmithlM n• i miles Bron west to Wm. Lowe's, Lob 14, Oon. 9, Wish to announce that they have a tom- f Tabednywsetfiritiie55o Wes. ,1 Lot tete showing of + 26, Con. 2. Morrie, for noon ; then west and 4.P Mid -Summer Hats • m th�to•SrdOen.. theoeeeltohie own stable • TI u qday morning. ranging i11 price from $1,50 to ! Tlturaday aotltl, via Brussels, then west 2 Miles to i •• m, P1},. s, Lob 28 Ooh. 6, Morris, for $1 MOM If you have not alreadypus,I. noon then,,octet to don. 6', then ensu to Wm, Tbnoll'n, Lot 28, Yor night. • Friday, °eat to Shine's Sohoot Howse, 12th chased call and see them. 4. Con. Grey, then north to Oen. 10, then east to • e d mirth Peter Lot 8, Per noon ; then east Very Latest Styles Assured. ✓,,. night. h t Peter Bishop a, Lot 14, Oon, 0,. fel' y _ M' tietnrdny, west viii tint Comte life own stable Where he will t•alnairi until Monday morning, Yr..w.- Wait eland for the itnprovem ent of s te ak this Loudon's Favorite o on o IVIIIIinery PLrlOia4 To11NJ. MProprietorreadbury 44.48.14+.44+•••• •••••••+r 'N ••••••.••$••+••ossa•• ar+tai'•+•• .1+ Mali, aaa°n at hit awn a1rile, Lot 7.3, Oon. 18, M5- ° ° i lienee, '.Iernls $800 t 1 a r Buggies Brussels Carriage �aO# or have two show rooms hired with a better sample of Boggles than they have ever had in the. hast, The $tggles have all the latestimprovenents, whit rice high i inctutored dttshes, with nolio brasa rails,all silver plated, wi+h clash supports all both sides, This prevents the dash from any break• age whatever, Bodies of Boggles are all 56 inches long with nide elevated seats, all trimmed with the best hand -buffed leather, sprhig becks and cushions with double rowe of springs, The latter saves sagging of the cushion. There are flue high slcle-pads which makes the seat both roomy and comfortable. Wheels are the highest grade with XXX shafts, We• build only one grade of Buggies and that is the BEST. Also have a lot or arched -axle Bugvies with auto seats which sell at sight. Everybody is welcome to call and examine'otir stock, • It Remenibe t w e lx on all kinds of Rubber Tires -both Solid and Cushion, Repalripg of Rubber Wheels done promptly as we keep g first- class machine for the purpose, While thanking our numerous customers for past patronage we invite all to call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. D. Ewan, Brussels. Stratford --St, Marys road race will be run from Stratford on May 24th. A deputation of ladies Was hoard by Mitchell Council. They asked that no license be granted the billiard hall this year. When Bishop Williams was in St, Marys he stated that the grounds and buildings of St. James -church were taken altogether, gro eth e thepro- perty handsomest r - pY erC In the Diocese of Enron. The purses offered for the races in Mitchell o17 May 24th, represent 5800. ;Lhe program will be as follows Free for all, :5260, 2.30 trot and pace, 5200 ; 2.40 trot, 5200 ; 2,60 trot and pace, $160. L. Wettlaufer, who was one of the Sebringville hotel keepers to lose bis license by the coining into force of Local Option in Downie on May lst, has leased the American House, Strat- ford, from the Kuntz estate; Water- loo. Two St. 1VIetys boys have been ap- pointed on the board of governors of the new Saskatchewan College at Regina, namely, Judge Hannon, of Regina, son of Rev. Dr. 'Hannon, a former pastor, and Dr. W. R. Spar - ling, M. A., -of Btettleford, son of Mrs. Robt. Sperling, of St. Marys, and brother of. Mrs. Southcombe, of R. S. Box's office. A St. Marys boy had a narrow escape in the Rossmore Hotel fire at Cornwall Ed. Robinson, formerly of A. Beattie do Co., was a guest that night. Be sprang from his bed on hearing the alarm and snatching up his clothes ran down the hall but re- turned to get his watch when the lights went out and he just escaped. Me young man itt the next room svliom he saw while in the hall lost his life. The watch had been pre- sented to birn by the late T. T. Gar- ner, OfSt,M Marys, Dd.' left his employ, p Y• NOTICE We are appointing eales agents now in eve Unrepresented t, of t for $g the season 6 1 yn Y D1� Over SS pBreen, ,e the year's bu piny done during te Summer. months. e We pay good motley weekly for services rendered. Give =- elusive territory and supply selling outfit freer Over ISO Acres under Cultivation, Our CoreaBa In mentioned as it is important that you should represent a firm of good standing and size. We gupply strictly first gradestook and guarantee delivery in. good condition. We wont the best ad most relic-. hie agent in every district. Established over 80 years, For farther particulars write Pelham Nursery Co. 44-15 Toronto, Ont. Beware of Substitutes! Greedy dealers endeavor to plan off a substitute for Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor. Insist on "Putnam's" only - it Bares ceras and warts thoroughly. The imitation may fail. ALLAN LIRE Royal Mail Steamers Summer Sailings St. Lawrence Season 1910 MONTRE44TO LIVERPOOL Corsican Friday May 6 June 8 Virginian Friday May 18 June 10 Taniaiait - Friday May 20 June 17 Victorian Friday May.27 June 24 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Ionian Saturday Aley 7 June 9 Grampian Saturday May 14 June 11 Prater/en ......,Saturday May 21 June 18 Baeperian •:• Saturday May 28 June 26, MONTREAL TO HAVRE & LONDON Sicilian May 7 June 18 Corinthian Bay 14 July 2 Sardinian May 21 Lake Erie June 4 July 76 RATES OP PASSAGE. According 10 steamer. 1st Class -95710 $77 60 2nd Class --92 60 95 00 47 00 60 0D' 8r2 21(76 1.8 76 rates 88 43° ForOlase Pull- oP ps9tloulara and exflingar apply to W. 11, KERR. Agent Allan Liae, Bruesels_ STRATFORD. ONT. Tho Croat Pracelcal Training 8chool of.Ontarto. Three Departments - 1. CommerciaTl elegraphyShorthand 13 We assist grednatcet to positions. The demand upon tie for trained help great. ly exaeeda. the supply. The three most reeen 1 t placed Y are receiving eeetvr g $ 40.00 respective- ly. and setts a0 per ateou.graduates , are B best. Elea r our el graduates are the brei. Enter our classes now. yz Qat our free catalogue, 9- D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. ��b GtryOtlsya.w 045,7.5ti+Ntrg ir4 RUPTURE Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can. be cured ? Oa not wait Fill in coupon Age '('inc Rep Single or Double • Address and return to J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia 88, Dept. A Stratford, Ont. tomoninoranosonnampounamommim The People's Column. •••••♦••••••1•••••••••••+• COR SALE, -A very valuable plea° of prop- • art t Loudon Y in .ondan mi PoEtn r e b ur ia.lo street • 41.t it 0 • •South,Ho e°, barn and. 6e0 es of laudF r further paue apply at dt>Posriia - ♦Ina Houee, Brussels, �' ... e♦4.. .forsslehis208acrefarmbeingLotst7and • 18, Ooh. 0 Grey, 125 acre,, of which m under cultivation 85 notes bosh, balance pasture - -. land. Oa the premises is a lunge brick house S,• and good bank barn. Power mill .on the barn. Implement shed;g6odorcherdiwellwatered! • all conveniences.. For further partidulere f Can- ada's apply to JOB L WELSH. Ethel P. 0. 88-tY,. • tt d r„ OR SALE, -Nine nems of land with a good j. brick cottage, bank -barn and other out •, buildin s, also a good orchard. Fel further purtlauilars apply to A. 3. M. Beim or Mrs. Wel n j� �y Jno, Billing, tlrranbroek. land BULL88'OIt SALE, -Two young Short Born ' ♦ ,i ,- se Salle, both St for Servide, for sale. Good pedigrees and all right in every way. For fur- ther partlauinr,, apply to JAS. SPEIR, Lot 80, 't 1111 • Oen. 0, Norris, 'or 13ruesels P, 0. 41-t1 Walkerton WARN FOR SALSi. The undersigned o$°rs ♦ • • You will Pegeeb yen lend • n attend one n igg. I Grade Buai- nese Colleges located at Peterborough Orangeville , Clinton NOW is tti goodtune to enter. Oar graduates receive from • $400 to 51500 pet' annum.• • Mail Coarses in 100 different r • subjects. for sale, hie 100 acre farm, being Lot 00, Con. 10, grey. About 90 acres Bleared, balance 1'4vamp, 8 hares ht Fall wheat, 81 acres seed- ed down. Fall plowing 18 being done. On the farm lea Prelim bowie l,t0 k bort,. driving shed, geed' orchard anddrilled ivot. Olcea" to pest• offioe,chutch and Reboot, For further portleu- Mrs apply to. .101115 OSBORNE, Proprietor. or F. 8. Scott, Bruatiehs, 1."POR $ALE, --Tho 100 acro farm, be- ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, Lot 20, Oen. 14, Grog, is offered for silo bythe nra undersigned, There 86noree clearebad- ante well timbered. On the farm there le a rood bank barn, serge driving shed and n none fot•tnitie henge, Plane in good condition and Well forced Far further pertieutnr.. apply to JAS A. MoNAfa or 3A8. D, Mrp7NAIR, Need- ufore, Orahbreakp, O., or F. 8 BO0%1 Brute els, 17.51 • write for pnrtioutare 'WINCHAM ♦_ Business 'College ttm0, sPOTYON, P11114.