HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-5-5, Page 8piing Time is limiselleaning Time Ei With hogarne°rkn.head a d ytfinds e inthe drng line. Weeare prepeto supply these w gudsoex ce)leut quality and at very tnpderete prices, We have the ingredients for WaaltMg Mixture Will save many rubs -Gillette; Lye, Sane of Tartar, Powdered Eorax and Liquid Ammonia, MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP A.5 lb. tilt of Caustic Soda et 400 will make up a large quantity of first glass Soap. CRYSTAL FLOOR oil. As well as being good for floors and linoleum, .there is nothing better for a furniture polish, 35c per quart. Clean Windows and Silverware with Bon pml, 150 Bar. Looking for a Good Dlainfectant--Use a Formaldehyde and Sulphur Caudle, also bays Brimstone, Formaldehyde, Chloride of Lime, Carbolic Acid, Fresh supply of Moth Balls, ales Mothine in 25c and Ise ilea. Also Household Ammocla in roc bottles, Powdered Ammonia in roc packages, Insect Pow- der, Copperas, &o, WALL PAPER -Don't forget that our stock of this is large, plenty of desir- able patterns to choose from and at right prices. Let us show you the samples, R. SMITH, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. rural /Ian Jtent MAY. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening. Senora, Board Friday of next week. BRUSSELS Outhe 24111 is the watch- word. HUGH RA SAY sold his speedy road- ster to a Toronto' buyer and delivered it last week. FOURTH Division Court was held in Brussels on Wednesday before judge Holt. Docket was light. IF you require a team in any cleaning up you have to do see Ernest Miller. Read his notice inthis issue. MILVEBTOx--Brussels' Foot Ball match _ aMonday evening next on Victoria Park Brussels. Game at 6.r5. See it. BRUSSELS Foot Ball team will go to Milverton Friday of next week to play the second game with the eleven of that place, THIS week R. j. McLauchlin ex- changed his young stallion for a black standard bred road mare, "Baby Florence G." She is a nice beast. W. E. DUxoAN, formerly of town, re- ceived houorahle men' ion and a suitable souvenir for au article on "H ow to con- duct a successful barber shop." in a competition conducted by "Adonis," a barber's monthly published in Toronto. ARE YOU WANTING BARGAINS. -On page 5 may be read the advertisement of, R. J. ]lining & Co., of Wroxeter, who are running a clearing out sale ot china, � crickery, glassware, &c. Big cut on old prices. Be wise and catch the bar- ""'"' ar- t ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. -It is expect- ed that a free Lecture will be given in the near future. on "Puberoolosis acd how to treat it," illustrated by lantern slides. Probably talk will also be given to the pupils of the public school on the same topic. COMING FOR MAY 24TH. --Tile well known 33rd Regiment Band, located at Goderieb. has been engaged to supply music for the Celebration on May 24th at Brussels. A school children's parade will be a morning feature before the first Base Ball match. Get ready for 'c•1, the g mile Marathon. Watch out tor Mils: 1''IRBT LEAGUE FOOT BALL MATCH. - ••'Monday evening of next week the first Intermediate League Foot Ball game for this season will be played on Victoria Park, Brussels. Milverton experts, who chased up the District well last season, will meet the W. F. A. champions of 2go9 and a very lively and closely con- tested match may be expected. Game called at 6,15 sharp. 24TH 08 MAY. -Brussels intends cele- brating the 24th of May in good style, There will be a Trades' procession. • Base Ball matches, athletic sports, two or three speeding events on the } mile track, a League Foot Balt game between Ethel and Brussels, and a Concert in the Hall at night. A good Band will be in s .attendance and the Committees are e.e...''= ed• to make the program well -mct..y oft be day. Y "° 8at1EfALL.-Last Saturday evening an Interestiug game of Baseball was played on Victoria Park, between the Mail - lands" and the "Yannigaus," in whicb the latter bit the dust to the youngsters by a score of ro-3. The loose playing of the Yannigans in field made it as easy as Pye to get to first and the fast playing of the Maltlands was the cause of the lack of the Yannigans runs. Game was --talreti-et the end of the sixth on account of darkness. There was considerable fan.Umpire was R. J, McLauchlan. He is still alive. ROBERT MENZIES DECEASED. -A form- er Brusselite was called away to 1118 reward on April 14th, in the person of Robert Menzies. who died at Aberfeldy. Perthshire, hire s Scotland. oE kidneytrouble, ltged 76 years. He had been confined to bed for 3 or 4 weeks prior to his demise Deceased was bol u In Scotland coming to Canada in his manhood. He returned to the land of his birth 8 years . ago, Mr. Menzies was a brother to Jas. Menzies, a well known resident of Brus- sels,Who has seen his Band birthday. The Subject of this notice was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church and a Liberal is polities He was buried in th family plot in the cemetery at Weer, oss the Tay from Aberfeldy: De- f aged was unfnarried. HURON OLD Boys. -Pie Huron Old oys' Association of Toronto will run nnbal excursion this year on Settle July 9th, the objective points being erich and Kincardine. Two special ns will leave the Thelon station, Tor- o, at 7,1.5 a. m., North Parkdale at 5 a, m., and West 'Toronto at 7.35 a rile Goderich train will take , the •ad, but will welt for the Kincardine rain at Guelph and will stop at all stations West of Sebringville, Tickets Mr the round trip to terminals, good to return up t0 Monday evening, July 11111, are $r.5o, for children Sec. A span al train forage car Will be the convenienceof exto . cursionfsts. Tickets may be secured at 0.1`, IL offices, from any member of the •committee, from Dr, Stanberr, .President of the A.esoelatioi, or E. Floody, Secretary, , A MAY blossom made its appearance in the home of John Sharpe, of St, Thomas, last Sunday. We hope the young lady will c sharp, always b natur. al and never b a fiat. THE POST con- gratulates, There was just one uieer baby and that was ours. OAR load of coarse and line salt ;est reoeiv. ed, ALF, BAExsst, Breasels. REnuonoParol.-After May 15th the price of milk rout Woodbine Dairy will be reduced to 5 cents per quart, CRAB. Rortr.r, CLEANING tF.-I em prepared with team and wagon to heal refuse from yards, cellars, elosete and stables on short notice and at reasonable rates. Apply to ERNEST MrLLER, Albert street, Brussels. 44-2 PRICES 06 STEAK Tarp SA ss, Though cattle range high in price Baeker Bras. still keep steak dotgn to the old price. Porterhouse and sirloin sell at 18 omats per pound and choice round steak 2 pounds for a quarter. Tos BOGGY roil BALE. -Nearly as geodes new ; never had a loose bolt or a tire set ; never had a runaway nor a tip -over ; spring bank and cushion. Manufactured by the Mc- Laughlin Carriage Company. Apply to B. GERRY,.Brussels. SEED PEAS roe BALE -Good yielding varie- ty. Also feed grain of all kinds, J. M. ENr°nT Lob 21, Con. 12, Grey, Oranbrook P. 0, 851f EGGS for EATOnING,-White Leghorn and White Wyandotte pens. $1.00 per Betting. Have also a White Leghorn Cockerel for wale. 80.11 JOHN SrkADOWs, Brussels. Boy wanted to learn the printing Madness, one who has parsed the entrance examination preferred. A good chance afforded, Enquire at Tan Poem. WILL clean, sharpen and adjust lawn mew• era to your fancy and can make old mowers. take the place 00 new tines. yours T. McGregor, corner =land Main street, Brussels, 0 - JEAN VAL JEAN. -A number of Brus• selites drove to Wroxeter Wednesday evening to bear the well-known Rev, Dr, Cleaver, of Toronto, deliver his popular Lecture "Jean Val Jean" under the auspices of Wroxeter Public Library sod were nut disappoiutecl by any ineans. The Hall was crowded. For two full hours the lecturer discoursed with the closest atteotioc rivetted on the interest- ing theme. Without apparent effort Dr. Cleaver transformed outbursts of laughter to the moistened eye and the "gulp" in your throat as the story so full of pathos was told. His peroration was superb. A male quartette, composed of J. Booth, Rev, C. W. McKenzie, H. Harding, Jno. Gibson and A. Moffitt, rendered two very choice selections, "The Swanee River" and "GoodNight," The audience wouldd have liked more. Miss Rate Hazelwood was the efficient accompanist, The chair was capably- filled by Rev. Mr. Perrin, Wroxeter IS to be congratulated on their literary enterprise in arranging for the lecture. Proceeds went to Library Board. PRESENTATION TO RUSSELL LOWRY.- The St. Thomas Daily Times of last Friday speaks as follows of a presenta• tl ona m dao t Russell, son of A. J and Mrs. Lowry, Of Brussels, who has spent the past 3 years in that city :-The regular meeting of the Eureka Club, was held at the home of C.E. Raven. Rosebery Place, last evening, with President E. G. Duncan in the chair. The Club arranged to g supporta team in the church baseball league and voted the necessary amount to secure all out- fit, D. W, Markham was appointed manager and representative on the league executive, The evening's pro- gram Consisted ot a debate, "Resolved, that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have played at all." E. 0, Duncan and R. Lowry supported the affirmative anti G. Gregory and W. Oke the negative. The negative won. The judges were H. C, Newkirk, W. A. Dixon and R. Sutton. The critic was D. W. Markham. A pleasant feature was the presentation of a beautifully engraved watch fob to Mr, Lowry, who is leaving the city for London, where he i will t n future to reside. The address d ens t vas read by F. Fraser and the presentation made by H. C. Newkirk. Speeches followed by members of the club. Ad rens Was as follows ;- Ma. - Mri!ItDearFend; is with deep regret that we learn of your intended departure from our olty. During your stay here we have found you a most faithful friend and oolnpanioo. nd In other departments of ccliurchnwork him thin ebeen vening to cto how in seine small degree our appreciation of your untiring efforts. As 8eeretary of our club you heve acquitted yourself most oreditably and the influence you have exerted we know has been for good. We trust that h t 1n your new u have you will sled wane that fathat you kayo mecall the while hem and that when ayou recall the Veasant times spent 1n Grace Unwell, Bt, homes, it may be an incentive to do still more for mankind. Your plettaing, happy smile hag alwayys been to your friends a "clis- penew of the biose" and we 1111.„ be sorry to lose your acmynnipnehip.and tanoe. Bat however, as this life is merely a "Good Morn- ing" then a "Good Bye," the inevitable must come and the best of Glenda mustart. We ask you to accept. this fob and with it the good wishes of your Grace Ohuroh friends and when you have made new friends in an- other city it will remind you that we shall miss your pleasant manner and thoughtful friendship and wo hope that Heaven's richest Mewing may be yearn and that prosperity may attend your efforts, Signed is behalf of the B ileltit CIR1. ,.. ELLwoon Ci, DDNOAN, Fres. i WAimut C. OKE, Sec. 8t, Thomas, April 28th,1010. At the close a dainty lunch was served by Mrs, Raven; assisted by Miss Doyell, and a hearty vote of thanks was passed by the cleb to the hostess. ' The ,Best Servant. 1 Is a Strong of the Farther Chartered Bank The Metropo litan Bask Makes a Specialty of the .business of Farmers. and extends to them most Reasonable Terms, Every Department of Banking is Conducted Drafts and Money Orders Issued at Reasonable Rates BRUSSELS BRANCH P. H. GILROY, MANAGER IN'fERMEpiATE FOOT BALL -Last S,at nrda the v Committee met at Atwood aid arranged the games in the Inter- mediate series for this District !here are four teams in it Brussels Ethel, Listowel and Milverton, Listowel eon. in in at almost the last minute. Bar- rister Monteith represented Brussels. 'rhe above quartette Will no doubt put up good sport and will play borne and home games to settle the supremacy of the District, looking toward champion- ship honors in the wider range. Season opened auspiciously, as to weather but the cold turn and rain has retarded the necessary practice to get in good shape for play. The schedule of games is as follows :- May q -Ethel at Listowel -Milverton at Brussels May 23'-Brassels at Milverton -Listowel at Ethel May 16 -Ethel at Milverton -Listowel at Brussels May 20 -Brussels at Listowel ' -Milverton at Ethel lay 24-E110181 Brussels Maw 27 -Brussels at Ethel " -Milverton at Listowel May 3o -Listowel at Milvertou Clip this out so as to preserve it for bandy reference. SOL'CH-il'IOREISON.-A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the resi- dence of Win. Morrison, Church street, Howmanville, Tuesday, April 12th, when his daughter, :Shirley 'Rubino, was united in marriage to Norman S. Souch, by Rev. H. R. Weir. Mr, and Mrs. Souch will reside at the old Souch homestead, King st. East, and will be at home to their friends on and after Wednesday, loth inst. The bride is a cousin of Mrs. Jessie Kerr. The mem- bers of the "jolly Stitcher; Sewing Circle" assembled at the home of N. S. and Mrs. Souch, Souch's Mill, on Fri- day evening and gave Mrs. Souch, (nee Miss Shirley Morrison) a pleasant sur- prise. Miss Ada L Silver read the following address and M,i's Maud M. Otton on behalf of the Circle presented Mrs. Souch with a pair of pretty china fruit and salari bowls fork and spoon. MRO. N, iS. Souceo, the first deserter of the jolly Stitcbers :- We. the ether members, take possession of your borne to -night to present to you our best wishes and these small tokens which we hope will, in a small measure, ex- press to von our good will, We trust as you use them from day to day that you will have kindly remembrances of the many happy hours we have spent to gether. "A stitch in time saves nine," so wodld ask you to keep in touch . with 'Phe Jolly Stitchers. Your well wisher;,, THE JOLLY STITCHER;. 'rhe gifts were graciously acknowledged by Mr. end Mrs. Souch and the visitors invited to spend the evening with them which was merrily done in various games. Refreshments were served end the happy company departed tor their homes in the "wee small hours." Church Chimes The Junior League will hold their service in the Methodist church Sabbath School room during the Summer. Sun- day mornings before the church service. RevB. G. Powell preached last Sun day morula in the Methodist church, from the c e text "When he came to him. self." Evening topic was "The Great Burden bearer." "'Phe break in the silence" was Rev. Mr. Wishart'stheme in Melville church last Sabbath morning. At the evening service his subject was "Satan's part in the Temptation." People We Talk About Art. Jackson. who was home on a visit, let last Monday for Moose Jaw where he has a situation as barber, We %visii him success, Mrs. Wm. Martin, Mrs. J. Leckie, Mrs. T. H. Cameron and Mrs. Dr. Fer- guson are attending the Missionary Convention at Toronto. this week. Mrs. T. State and little le boy, of St. Marys, spent a few days with Mrs. Fletcher Sperling, her sister, Laving come to attend the funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. Livingstone, of Ethel Russell Lowry is home from St. Thomas for a short vacation. He will :mend this Summer with his uncle, Will. Lowry, catering to the pleasure seekers at Springbank Park, London, Mrs, las. Shaw, sr., and Miss Dors arrived home Wednesday evening after an extebded visit of 7 months in Cali- fornia. They purpose making Brussels their place of residence and we welcome them back, Welcome visitors to Brussels and locality this week were Thos, and Will. Hill from the far West. They are sons of John Hill, of town, and came to see their father as his health is in a pre- citreo s condition. The hoys have clone well in the West W. Sellers has One West with the intention of becoming a resident 'Mrs, Sellers is visiting at Wingham in the meantime. Moose law locality is the point Mr. Sellers went M. He is a steady going industriens man and should do well, We hope he may, Mrs, Thompson, of Thessalon, who THE STANDARD BANK "146'14°73 - OF CANADA 80 Brncha A Complete Banking Service Available for Manufacturing and. Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, farmers and private individuals. 80 Savings Bank Department at every Branch. BRUSSELS BRANCH Tdo.wlaue.d, Mftnager slot 1 for more than half a century, _ Tho old gentlemanis$2 yearsofawondosfuiiybrightandsuer1Fresh_ [11110 g Brussels Council Car of Fresh Lime 1 The regular meeting of the Village just received. Council was held last Monday evening: Alt the members werepresent excepting Conncillor Ament, D. A.®RY Minutes of last meeting read and passed, Commuuication was read from Co, Clerk Lane proffering a free Lee. tore, illustrated by arereopticon slides, Brussels on the important and much discussed subject '"Phe treatment of 1'uber- oulosie." ' Councillor Dames was asked to see the local medical men concerning it. . Moved be A. C. Dames. seconded by 3. G. Jones that the notification re Nichol proposed drain be accepted, Carried, ByLaw No, a. Igro, was read author- izing the borrowing of $B,000 from the Standard Bank to be repaid, wall inter- est, when new Telephone Debentures are sold. By Law No. 3, 1910, dealt with the muzzling of dogs in the corporation and the penalties of 000 -Compliance, vis 1 -- Ste tor first offence and $25 for second and destruction of dog. By -Law No, 4, igro, acknowledges receipt of sufficient names on petition' for drain on Flora and Fishleigh streets and the appointment of John 'Roger, 0. L. S , of Mitchell, as Engineer to report on the same, Collections from scales for month of April $33.r5, Moved by A. C. Dames, seconded b D A Lowry and carried that following accountshe paid.:- Monicipiil World, account-. $ to 00 Robert Oliver, salary. 37 50 Mrs, Gordon Mooney is visiting her daughter, Miss Olive, who is a milliner at Cargill,. Ont., prior to the former', removal to Lyleton, Mao. Mrs. W. L. Leatherdale visited her sister and family in L ucknow and here aunt in Wingham this week lo say "Good-bve." She and her little dadgh. ter leave for Brantford on Satdtry to visit her patents before going' West to join her husband who left here some weeks ago for Winnipeg and who is note busy getting their home ready for wife and daughter, Ethel Local Option carne into effect here oh Monday. Brussels -and Milverton play Inter mediate Foot Bull next Mondayat Brussels. OAla,D ow T0Arrgs.-Me. Livingstone. and family desire to express their sincere thanks to their.many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kind help during the long Rinses and subsequent death of wife and mol her. Theib kindness will long be remember-' ed. FooT BALL, -Next Monday Ethel. Foot Ball team will play their opening Intermediate game in Listowel with the locals. The first match here will take'place on the Park on Friday of next week when Listowel will oppose our boys. We hope to seea big crowd and a victory for Ethel. A. good strong team will be put in the field, a number of last year's men being on the line up. OBIT. -Thursday morning of last week Margaret Anne Bell, beloved wife of James Livingstone, was called away from the eat thly home to the Palace in the skies.' She was born in the Go. of Tyrone, Ireland, ivher'e she was also married to her now bereft partner 55 years ago. A. year after marriage Aly. and Mrs. Livingstone came to Canada locating on the 3rd line of Blanshard township, Perth Co., where they spent 18 years and then moved to Con. 16, Grey town=ship purchasing the 100 acres of Matthew Rooney. 7 or 8 years singe the old folk gave up fanning and took up residence at Ethel where they have lived since. 01d age was the cause of Mrs. Livingstone's demise, being in her v 83 d Year. Five children were born to them viz e --Robert W., Reeve of Greyy; David K., on the homestead; Mrs. Wm. Slemmon, of this locality ; Mr. s T. Driver, r ve of Blau sham '• d and Anna, deceased 8 olio. years ago. � Mrs. I Bell of $t. &Ia'1 Marra y,, is a sistar•in-law to the late Mrs. Livingstone. Deceas- ed was an active, bright, kind hearted woman who won the esteem of a wide circle of friends. The funeral service was held last Satutday after- noon at the home, Revds, Messrs. Mc- Rae and Rendersoutaking part. In- terment took.pplece at Brussels ceme- tery, .the pallbeat'er•s being J. K. Brown, R. Barr, Jtjo. McDonald, 0. Baynard, R. Cox and Jas. Thompson. The sympathy of the community 15 ex- tended to the bereaved eapecially to Mr. Livingstone in the going away of one who stood by his aide so 'loyally Popular Stallions N. Cober, salary N F. Gerry, Fire Dept W. J. Palmer, down Hall scales R. Henderson, Fire Dept. coal, Jas, Sharp Town Hall scales .. Alex, Ross, " " " John Long, Assessor, salary, &c. Council then adjourned. 2 OD 8 00 00 21 90 50 50 5, 50 BORN BATTIN, In Logan,on April 28rd, to Mr. and - MM. James•Hotln, a eon. $iiARps. In 8t. neonate on May 1st tq Mr, and Mrs. John H, Sharpe, re daughter. MARRIED HASTIt-OARR,-rn Wroxeter, at the hone of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mre, B. F. Carr, on April Rah, by Rev. C. W. MaRen- eta, assisted by Rev, .e. Perrin, Mies iflfle WJnolfred ()err to Mr. Rost. t} Haetle. MRRRITT-000Atnne-At the residence of the bride's parents; Listowel, on April 27th, by Rev, D. W. S. Urquhart, Mr. WL. Mir. trfn. iaooBBofMLondon, to Miss Lido. Wel, RoBEamsOs-ABRAtt -At Melville Manse, Brussels, on May 8rd, by Rev. A. C. Wish- art, B, A., Mr. Wm. N. Robertson, of East Wawanoeh, to. Mies Mary E, Abram, of Morrie. Soncn-MORTTOON.-At Bownenville, on April 12th, by : Rev. H. R. Weir, Mr. Norman S. Sough to Mies Shirley 8., daughter of Mr, _ Wm. Morrison, all of Bowmanville, DIEL ARMemaona.-In the township of Grey. OR April 28th, Elizabeth Ann Gluyas, relict of the late John P. Armstrong, in her 89th year. Dow, -In East Wawanosh, on April. 25th. Ellen Leishman, beloved wife of Janes Dow, aged 80 years. SEaR -On April 28rd. at -the residence of his son, Henry Rerr, 770 Waterloo street, Len - .don, James Rerr, formerly of London townehip and father of John Herr,. of Wingham, in his 70th year. LtAB eONT.-In Grey, on May and, Margaret Stewart, wite•of Thome Lehrmout, aged 88 years, 2 months and 2 days.. LrysNOsToNE.-At Ethel, on April 28th, Mar - prat Anne, beloved wife or James Living- stone, aged 82 years, MENzres-At Aberfeldy, Scotland, on April 14th, Robert Monptes, formerly of Brunetti, aged 78 years. POLLARD• -At Pelee island Ont„ Mary Arabi. bald, beloved wife of Henry Pollard, aged 84 years. Following will be the routes of the a, ALIO rfon SALES nor;es named for smolt of 1910 :- 313 Lot AY, MAY 1.Oma.--Farm stook, riga, 80, 836 Lot 15, Con, 4, Morris. sale unreserved 01 Lothian Type l p. m. JEAN SHEDDER, t Proprietresses. JAtIEe PARR, Proprietor. JEANtanomimD iiaEDnEN, f Monday willleave his ownatnble. Lot 1 don•. Ie. 8. Scoww,Auo• t, Grey, std proceed .North vie J1,011 thea sect to Andrew JRCkltn's, Lot 9 Oon.. 2, Grey,mils then west to Wm Lowe's. Lob 4 Co Iv for night. Why not pa el rout mond; now and be ahead of the Sp, 11R rush whieh is starting earlier than 4 usual this year, es I for Newl910 .Papers e .. . have all arrived and by riot eon- • fluing ourselves to one firm whe}1 • buying we feel assured our eloolr 'of'paper 10 in la chase by itself' both as to size of stock and von- iety.of paper's carried, it If you have not been In to sos i the Spring Papers come soon. We are always pleased to show ,p, reapers. • We also have a complete line of 4' Moire Paper meltable for drop • ceilings, 4.•DRUG STORE • ****4***************1444.1.0 BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat 8100 $100 Oats 70 - 88 Peas Barley 42 Butter Eggs ...... 4 - 18 Potatoes Hoe 1805 g 8 05 70 48; 28; 25, 1100 • 8 85, Cattle and Horses for Sala The undersigned have for sale at. Lot 0 Con, 8 Gray, two ear loads of valuable stook con- sisting of milch sows, 2 year olds end year- lings, also -a number of driving and work horses. Persons requiring anything in this, line should call et once.' 444f JNO. LOWE, ttproprietor�. ROBT.. LO WE,. S NOTICE The Court of Revisionon the Assessment Roll of the Township of Grey for the year 1910 will be held on Thursday, the Nth day of May at the Toes 0ip Hall, inEthel,therfornnoon, at the hour to 10 ed ck in the forenoon. ac- cordingly. interested will govern themselves-uu- oordingly, Dated at Ethel this Olt dar of Mn'-. 1010. A. H. 'MACDOINALD,:Olerk. NOTICE We are appointing etttye agedto now lu overt.• unrepresented comae for US season of 1010.. Over 85 per cent, of the year's bueinesaie done during the Rammer menthe. We pay good money weekly for eorvioeerendered. Give ex - elusive territory and eapply selling outfit free. Over 000 Acres under Cultivation, Our acreage is mentioned as .it is irnpoo2tusf that you should .represent. a 4brm of good. standing and size. We supplystrictly dist: grade stook and guarantee deivery 3n good! condition. We want the beat and most retie.. ble agent to every district. Established over 95 years. For further pertieulare write Pelham Nursery Co. 44-16 Toronto, Ont. +11+4,14* 0+4443••+.+•+410•1•♦•♦iN'N+♦+04'•+•+e•i,• 4•••'•44+•+•+♦ - Tuesday Moetmiles to Wes. JermynLdt25, Con: 2, Morris, for noon than west and •• C. N. M c L A. R E N BRUSSELS U S S' E L S • • south1 Thto and Con., then east do hie own stable .1. 111ursday mornt Thursday south via Brussels, then west 2 miles to Wm. Pipe's, Lot 28 Oon. 5, Morris, for. noon • then south to 0ott, d, then east to Wm. Thuell'e, Lot 28, for night. Friday, east to Shine's Sohool House, 12th I Tae Armsttongq Lot for noon then then east and north to: Peter Bishop's, Lot 14, Con. 6, for night. Saturday, west vin 8th Con. to hie own stable where he will remain until Monday morning. L,oudon's Favorite • Twirl T.McG.AY1N, Proprietor Leadbnry, Will etendEor the hnprovement of stook this 500000 at hie own stable, Lot 22, °"'41,132411e- -- Bursar on, 18, Me- %illop. Terme $8.00 to insure. 44-4 Bursar TRUE, ARDRIBALD, P1.Op, Monde y, May8rd, will leave his Lot 80, n own ?table. Oon. M Dodds,' Lot 22, Con. Moltllop, ford oon then to blek's Hotel, Senl'orth, for night Tuesday., by Way of the'2nd Con. Tooker• smith to Thos. Coleman's, for noon ; then north to J. Garter's, Lot 1, eon. 2, Buffett, by way o0 Alma, for night. Wedne, day ' north to Toneph Taylor's, Lot 0, Oon. I1, Hullett, o fpr neon ;. then to Ilia own stable for night. Thursday will go coat to S. Forbes', Con. 19, McRill'np for noon • then.north to Oliver Turnbull's, Dan. 10, Frey, for night. Ornnbroek, neat, nthen ; north northoto the Am. el•loan Rotel, Bruaselo, fm' night. Saturday, south to. Thos. Browne, Lot 80, lar a Hotel,•rWalton,nfor'one then south nt hie own stable whore he will remain until the fob lowing Monday morning. ng' • ♦ • ♦ Women's 4 • d• • • • tl • Fashi�nable New Spring Shoes Large Stock Low Prices Up-to-date Styles And for all sizes of feet, even to the little tot. Bring alonz your feet and let us fit then!. .We will please you and suit your purse as well. Harness 4• • •K; • �u A+ 4, s *es1; •t '1^ • 'Fi• Man Tailored, Silk and. Mercerised .lined � • We are showing a splendid assortmentt of hand- + ♦ e Man Tailored Suits, made of high grade im- • ported materials, in all the newest ,1' • 4' weaves-Plalnr i Blacks,_' Blues, Greys, Greens ; Shadow Stripe • ♦ West of England Worsted's in Blue' 'B o' 'I and Greens ; all 'sizes and Towns, Greys -• special valuesc nn •: at:;. �� .. .. TUU 3 t • You cannot go astray in makingrom this 't: ♦ - l Lis! guarantee the qalit We u a Selection u les. 4. • 4. t Men's incl '1'• E •• Boys'quit �. 4 t. • , We have all our new Spring Goods in and have I never been as well prepared to furnish• • and Boys prep Suits for Men t Mens Tweed Suits for 5.00 to 12.00 Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, all the new colorings, 10.00 to 15.00 q. . • •• 1 e. Boys' Tweed Suits for 2.00 to 6.00 Boys' Fancy Worsted Suits for 3.50 to 7.75 ` • Highest Prices for Produce. In our Harness Department Goods Right or will be found a good stock of • your money 1,n U r Heavy and Light Harness our own make and the r` tee and came with her mother, Mrs. Oliver, a gUality to suit, Trunks, Satchels, Rubber Rugs, Dusters, month ago, left for her home Inas Sitter. '(1,Thipg, &e., also Go Carts, to wheel the little folks in, day, Mrs, Leckie accompanying her to Toronto where she will spend a few days with .friends, Mrs. Oliver will bailie le Coll prolong bet visit stere with her dough Coke; lines; ile• ters, Mrs. Leckie and Mlss Oliver, ! Boots add Slides don promptly 1. • 1 Ai. 11 ai 'd S 1 G.. N. MCLAREN vr Special range of lace Curtains from 30c to X4,00 a pair . •••••••••••••••+•••••••••4••••••••+044+++••141101.+0444, •••••••••••••'l'•••••'i •••4••••••••3's4'•'f +3'••14 1.+0444, ilr •