HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-5-5, Page 5k B,UYINESS CARDS; K. O,' T, M. Drusaele iTo11t of the Maooaboos, NP, 2i held .their regular r»eetings in the bodge 1800no Hasher BMOC, on the 1st anti 8rd lnetalay evenings o1 each mead.. 'linters uiways. welcome, 4,:5ONENS, Oom, a. trleeU4111,; R,1i.. WM. SPE/VCE CONVEYANCER SND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES .. lace is U10 boat curse, 4'ililel. 80.4 JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual I'1' lrene ' I u1auB e Company Y Cellos and Resideuoe- • WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND, nonnimcoz, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. • AUCTIONEERS. to13. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - e R11n, will dell for better prince, to bettor wen, In less time and less charges than ony other Auctioneer in East Huron or ne won't charge anything. nates and Orders can always be arranged at this office or by p 0raahal application. ROBT, H, GARNISH SLVI:VALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable,. Hales arranged for at the office of Tan Ponn,Brussels. 2211 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR- • Burrloter, Solioltor,-Conveyancer, Notary Pnblle, ho, Ufnae-Stewart's Brook door North of Ueutrul Hotel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan J3 auk, 1)tt0UDrOOT, HAYS .& BLAIR- BAnttlerEES SOLICITORS, NOTARIES Tao SLID, ETC, W, PRoonyooT, K. O, 11, 0. Hese G. F. /item, 011lces-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron do HOIt• OoDRnioII, • ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEILD, monist Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeon', of Ontario and First -alae', Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OfIloe next Co Brewer's Pnoto. Gallery, Brussels. rt-wili visit -Ethel on the 2nd Monday 04 each Month. g1 Do a good Busi- YDU want nese Peaitie„ 7 ,rctc� Then choose the ;right School in. which to got your Education TORONTO is noted throughout Onnada for high class work Thirty-four of our stud- ents have lately accepted good positions. The demand for our graduates is eon- atnnt. College open n11 year. .Enter now. Magnificent catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT', Principal. Cor. Yonge &Alexander ate, Toronto. 9 I DO YOU NEED TILE? Partners and others desiring Tile for the coming season con secure what they re- quire s at carload rates, et Brussels or Ethel atiotis, if orders are sent in suf. fieient•time to arrange for quantity and date of delivery. I will notify the pur- chasers of the arrival of the oars and as- sist in loading Iron car to wagons. Fur- ther particulars may be obtained by seeing or writing W. E. Sanders .. Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Order at once. All sizes from-nie to 18 inches may be obtained, 'file from 8 inches ftp are 28 inches long, CEMENT KEPT IN .SEASON, To Machinery Users and farmers s Oe • The Nev Machine Shop of the e °HU5HELS FIBS APPLIANCE e Sall MACHINE Co, e sis 11041' ready for business. 9104, • with good Machinery and SIdll(:cl e • Mechanics, Wt11 1130 115 11 positioll to at tend toyour repties, prompt, ; ly and at reasonable rates. • It you will let ns know your. , A Wants we will give yon honest • advice and 1x,115 if connected'. s with Machinery. Z Give us a trial and, by corning • to Brussels, Savo One and money 11 for yourselves, . • IGAIISIDE & JAMf' IViill Street Brusse s • .••••••s••••••••••••s••••'e Susinolts Cards MISS BERTHA' ANMSTRQND 'reacher of Plano 181udle nt 011rter's MuafoStore, oue door;t4ort14 of the Standard Banit, Brussels,. 8.19 Mi$S PERI -E SHAHPE 11003 8094ed suco08017119' 4412 second (xninlnn. ULM or the Pianoforte Department of the To. Tonto Conservatory 99 Masao, and is prepared to take 'Sniffle at her home, Princess street, OR. T. T. M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine! University of Toronto ; 144003114010 and (graduate of the Uollegu of Phy aiolane and Surgeons, Ont. Put -graduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat13osp1t((l, Unhinge, TU. Ex•ROuee 41 rgeon to St, 021011- ars IlkSpiteToronto. 011lee over 14.11•. S301111'0 Drug Stare, Tele - Phone 0onneetion W1411 U47tabr•ook ut all Lours, DR HAMILTON Dental Surgeon 4r g n Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University , Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Burgeons, of Toronto,. OEeo over T. 1. Rosa' store Mussels, r�•will visit Wroxeter the }fret and third Mondays and Gorrle the aeeond and fourth Mondays of each month, DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Offfoe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, BRUSSELS Go1No Sour(( Gorse Nortm6 Mail„ ,,,, 7:05 n 111Express 10:65 a mExpress 11:26 o m Moll 1:44 p ru. Express 8;02 p mI Express 8:5D CdP.? OOLIN ark7/C WALTON To Toronto -. To Goderich Express 8:41 a in Expreee ,,,.....11:87 a m Express ....,,8:08 p m I ,Express 9:16 p Mistrid ,j.ebts - Goderich Capt. W. H. Gundry has been laid tip with te'very severe and painful At- tack of neuritis. H. 0. Heinicke has resigned the leadership of the junior band aid ie succeeded by Roy Jones. A Government party with a boring machine areengaged at the Smith side of the harbor entrance Making tests for the. proposed new break- water. Mrs. Geo. Acheson and her niece, Miss Brownell,_ have returned from California, where they had a very pleasant Winter's , sojourn. Airs. Acheson -leaves again in a few weeks for another long journey, this time to Great Britain. . .A. very unfortunate accident 00- curred at the organ factory. George Scott, who came here from South- ampton about a month ago, was operating the shaper when he had the misfortune to . have his left hand. caught in the machine. The first finger was severed at the second joint and the other three fingers were am- putated close to the hand. Auburn Miss Maggie Yungblut has gone to Tavistock, where she will visit her sister for a couple of months. • Rev. J. R. Mann was attending the meeting of the Synod' of Hamilton and London, held at Stratford. John Mills, of West Wawanosh, has takenuuto himself a life partner in the person of Mrs. Craig. Rev. A. E. Jones cemented the tie at the Metho- dist parsonage. E. Livingstone has bought a num- ber of thousands of feet of logs from the Auburn sawmill and had therm Shipped by 0. P. R. and intends cut- ting them at bis mill at Blvth. Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Jones enter- twined the members of the quarterly official board of tate Auburn circuit, with their wives or sisters, 'on Mon - (lay evening, Bitty 204, at tine parson- age, Auburn. At the annual meeting of the Au born 4ifie Club the following officers wete elected :-Captain, H E. Knox ; Secretary, Chas. Asquith ; 'Treasurer, Dr. Weir ; Exectitive Com., above of- fieers and W. Watson, J. Logan; Geo. Beadle and Geo. Yungblut. At the lust annual meeting of the Presbyterian ohnrch a committee was appointed to make arrangements to celebrate the anniversary of • the establishment of the congregation.` The committee met to arrange for the jubilee which 4vill take puree in Jane: For a Bad Cold. Nothing cures so quickly as tine healing Pine essences in Catarrh - ozone. It fills the breathing 0044(105 with a healing, soothing vapor that relieves irritation. at once. Ordinary colds are cured in ten nlinntes. Ab- sohltoly sure for Catarrh, and ill throat trouble it 4402145 litre tt charm. OaLarrhozone is 1a permanent cure foe bronchitis and throat trouble. Not au expu•iment--not a temporary re- lief -but a cure that's grievan106d. Get "Cal arrhozone" 10 clay. 25c: and If 1.00 sizes. WIngham ,lames Cummings was stricken With paralysis in his rlhgt sidle, on Monday of last week, while walking tip town. The population of Wingham, ac- cording to the assessor, is 2,373, lin in- crease of 22 Over last year, the total assessment $798,477, all increase Of $19,807. Wiogharn Bowlers are malting intr, piovemenLs in their grounds, by mov- ing the Olubhouse back and extend- ing the grounds so that ten games may proceed at the same time. A.Illl4 vel'&try seniees of Winghaalti Ble.thndist Hannay Sohnoi w111 be held Sunday May Stl1 The PIOnrher for the day will be 11 v 18. W. llalpenily, f3. l)., General Secretary M' the On- tario Sunday Srhncl Association. J. 14. 'McGuire, who has been in the Inca) branch of the Bank of Hamilton, for some years past and has risen from jnnlor clerk1,0that of account aaid, has been transferred to the inanngenteld of the blanch at Ne11. ,et Matt. ly West, 1 l r'tl, Oil 11,- hill t'1 I' r , 11 4,11111 t. 11 Itinl \1 (1111 r '. s , 11 ,l,l'Inl'4 Pr ( 11•' I, .1 d• U11nn.t1.1l.7111 Plt'Nitirnt, al '1', Sinclair; `P, 'T Logue ; Manager, Jus, Pht11 11 ;Mucci- 1 co Impossible. to epr� �pq It is impossible to be well, simply impossible, if the bowels are constipated, You must pay attention to the laws of mature, or suffer the consequences, Undigested material, wastEroducts poisonous b p ,substances, bstanees, must be removed from the body at least once each day, or there will be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask your doctor about Ayers Pills, He knows why they act i directly on the liver, Trust him, J, C. Auer Co , Lowell, kia3a, Iva Committee, I,�' the officers 19 151 d 1 i 1 Messrs. I B 1 wuc ( Hickie, Bhs ler S'Vltlsh rtud Hol)Wood, The By -Law providing for the rais- ing of $1,800 with which to purchase a site and the fixing of the assessment of C. .Lloyd & Son at $2,000 except for 'school rates, will he voted aft by the l+rtepltyers of. Winghttm, ou Friday, May 20th. There passed away on Saturday evening, April 23rd at the residence of his son, henry Kerr, London, James Berr, in his 70th year. The deceased was a native of Ireland, Where be lived until his 20th year, Then he came with his wife to denude and settled in the city of London, afterwards mov- ing to c0uression 5, Loudon township, where he lived until after the death of his wife some 12 years ago. Since then he has been living with his son, Henry, in the city. Mr. Kerr was a builder and contractor and many of the houses throughout the County of Middlesex were bent by him. He leaves five Bons :-Henry, of this city ; James IL, Robert and Charles Wes- ley, of Toronto, and John, of Wing - ham. Many Down with Pleurisy. Doctors say the country is fullofit. First comes a chill, then cold develops -the inflammation grows -you can't draw a long breath -lungs and sides get sore, and pleurisy sets in. A good home -cure consists in taking twenty drops of Nerviline every four hours. Supplement this by vigorously rub- bing the sides and Chest with Nervi - line, and when warmth and circula- tion are established put a Nerviline Porous Plaster over the aching spot. Nerviline treatment is always success- ful in colds, neuralgia and pleurisy. Try it yourself. Atwood Walter Hamilton left for Pilot 1(10mit, Manitoba. S. 0. S. of Atwood intend running: an excursion this Summer. Elute Municippal. Oonncil • met on Monday in the A rioullural Hall. The different cheese factories com- menced the season's operations on May 2nd. Tennis will be the main game for Atwood this Summer, three courts being made. Rev. H. P. Westgate handed in his resignation as incumbent for St. Al - ban's Ohui'ch,. Atwood, and St. David's Church, Henfi'yn, the resigna- tion to take effect in June, Arch. Simpson, 10th con., has mov- ed to the village and settled in his fine residence, which he purchased from Jas. Ferguson, on Ring St. Mr. Fer- guson moved over his. shop on Main St. Pursuant to adjournment directors of the Elute Farmers' Mutual: Fire In- snranee Co. ]net in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, April 19th, members present but Mr. Stevenson. Minutes of last meeting were confirmed. A claim was presented by John A. 141c- Cut0homu;of Grey, for barn and part contents of by fire April 4th, cause unknown, which was adjusted at $494.43. A claim' was also present - ell from Jacob Schweitzer, of Morn- ington, for damage .to his house and contents by fire on Jan. lot adjusted at $(4.33. J. and H. W. Duncan, of Elora, 1411d Albert Johnston, of Morn ingtou, gave notice of making ire- provements to their buildings the corning Summer. Applications for insnrrtuce were accepted amounting to $81,500. Meeting adjourned till May 17th. What cans a "Nerves 7". Most people say worry -they are wrong -the cause is in the blood which is thin and lacks nutrimeut. To cure "Nerves" more blood, sinew and flab are required. You get these qufr.kly by taking Ferroz'one. No health bringer is so certain, 710 nerve strengthener more potent, nil system tnuir, so well adapted to the wants of the 1 un -down, nervous or sleepless. Let Ferruzone build you up, let it 1311 you with vim, energy and surplus vigor. It has done this for thousands. Listowel Listowel has entered 17 ((1((1 in the intetlnedi'tte series of the W. P. A. E. O. Thornton of the Earn-Uo(11s Piano Co„ has purchased 11 11044' UMW - 11191 car. The many friends of Mrs. R. T. Kemp will be sorry to hear of her 9 serious illness with peritonitis.' Licenses were granted he10 to :- Qureu's, Joseph Boehmer ; 011411(1 Genual, R S. Pant Arlington, A. Roos , Station, \Yui. Bl lgu 1.11 4 Shop, Aaron Ri ogler. Bfra. Alld1'ew Hay has sold her house and lot on Raglan sth'eet to 181001'son Porteous for $1,900. Nlrs. Hay will leave town to join her hn,- band in Calgary. S. Ayres, who has been conductor on the 0. I?. R. from Listowel to Lin- wood has been moved to the Guelph ,lo Goderich branch and has taken his family to 0oderich. Rev. IP. Beyer has been re -appoint, - ed pastor of the El'an1ellcttl Olin re] 1, 10111 'orlon, 11.ev .1. 191Glrensebach 261112)35 1.0 Listowel, RR,ev. 7 0, Nor_ Ionic to Morrison, 111(1 Bev. 11, 111. Ilanel' to Stratford. the annual meeting of the'Lis1owel Goll' Club Wag 110111 in the Council Chamber and .nfIlcers Elected for the :ming year as fnllo4ys.:-..2,i', (1191ni4, 1044. 9 411 a 'Irene (1rit11phell, Vice- ; 1 4.,1111,‘11-11. Hee 11,4 tier ' h„11• 1.1 :11111411011.00401 ll,av111et. .1n in. ruc(44' '10m the I.mnblon Golf (11nb, munlo, hits been engaged lot it 1p1O of weeks. • Rev. 11 M 7 1 -'' 4' rl1 lc ( 1l Alln ill. g It u t nitl ant. daughter, Nora, who have been visiting in Granton, have return- ed twine, Mr. Lang -Ford 'hits re- covered from his recent illness. An enthusiastic baseball meeting Wile hell in the basement of the Li- brary to organize a. junior baseball team, • Following are the officers :- Pres., A, McDowell ; Vice Pt'esldent, Dr. Moore • 2ini Vice Pres., A. Roos ; `3rd Vice fres., H. B.'Alm phy ; Man- ager, H. Roos ; Captain, F Terry Seer'etlld'v, A. Schinbein ; Treasurer, D. Hamilton. Cause of Boils Explained. Even in health there is 'a large ac- cumulation of matter in the system, Which if not destroyed, breaks through the skin in the form of pim- ples and boils. No remedy' so cleans- ing, so sure to drive out boils 11s Dr, Hamilton's Pills.. They brace up the system, rid it of humors, restore health, ti•nd absolutely prevent swel- lings, pilnples, blotches and boils. Because mild -and certain, anyone can use Di'. Hamilton's Pills. Sokl by all dealers, 13, igrave Wm: Pomeroy has returned home from the West. Mrs. Wm. Geddes' mother, Mfrs. McKenzie is very ill. Miss L. Kirkby left for Lucknow, where she will spend a few weeks. Miss Rachel. Bates has gene to Clin- ton where she will spend a few tveelcs. Miss Mabel McKee has returned from a visit with friends in Toronto. Wm, Isbister delivered a bunch of eight hogs to Armstrong & Co., for which he received $185. Ernest Geddes, • while shaing a horse, was kicked on the ,knee, which will lay him orf work for a fete days. Mrs. Will. Proctor received ward of the death of her brother, Fountain Naylor, who died very suddenly in the States, There is gilite a large acres*0 of flax being seeded this- Spring. 611 is hoped this will be a good year for it, and redtrce the price of oil. Mrs. C. P. Carlisle, who bus been quite ,ill; for a month, is improving. Her mother, Mrs. James Walker, of Wingham, has been nursing her. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart, will shortly move into Mrs. Clark's hoose, where they will take up housekeeping. The doctor's office will be there also. Mrs. Win. Clare: and family will move to Vingham. Their departure from Belgrave will be very much re- gretted by their many friends. Dave Dunbar sold his fine teals of dappled grey heavy draft horses to John Denholm; of Blyth, for the sura of $2000. Span will be shipped to the West. Mrs. Cleric, of Guelph, is at the home of her father, Geo. Dalgarno, waiting on him, as he is unable to turn himself in the bed, owing to a fall about a morth ago, injuring his hip. While loading hay John Oole fell from. the top at the load ou his head and shoulders. It appears he was pressing down on the binding pole, when 1t broke, letting hien fall to the floor B12.S. Cameron Robertson had the' misfortnne to break a needle in her hand and had to have the b -rays ap- plied in locating it before it could be extracted. Her hand is inn fair way to recovery, but she is unable to do any house work as yet. DIED. -At the home of her mother, at Blarrrooh, Ellen Leishman, beloved wife of James Dow. jr., passed peace- fully away on Monday night of last week, in the 30th year 09 het' age, after an illness of several months, Mrs, Dow was rl 0191(1r of Mrs. John Aiiu:+.rang, of Belgritve. Perth .County Col. Ii, L. White, postmaster, St.' Marys; is seriously 111• Work 011 the nnetyustofTlco at Mit- ellen will be begui4 tide Summer. Tie posts' have been removed from streets in the business section of St. prs, Aigirs, (1tev,) Swann, of Fullerton, left to spend 1450 weeksin Toronto with, her slaughter, Annabelle, who gi'aUua- les from the Deaconess Home. Miss Lottie I ouu>rrly, of :C'ull)trtcil', who 1 2t`, been l willt wl h quinsy, has. re- covered 1 nV1 ( l (l all(11, returned 11 L, Zhu duties a5 clerk B1 the sane at Clnulalty Miss Stull° M Whitworth, (1aug11- 101' of H. Whitworth, Fit. Marys, has completed her courseoftraining at the Methodist Deaconess' Houle in Torou to, l'he Bishop 41' Huron 'conducted a 00111-11 Illation service 111 l'rillity church, Mitchell, when 20 candidates were received intofullcnu1111uniOil of the church. In the drainage case Ellice vs, North Easlhope, heard before Drainage Referee Henderson judgment was giv- en in favor of Ellice. Engineer's 1'e - port was set aside, and North East - hope will pay the costs. 13y -law to authorize the guarantee- ing of bonds for 8,10,000 for Messrs. Lind and McNally, who propose to form a Company for the ulauufuctui'e Of Cernellt at St. Marys, will be sub- ndtte(1 to a vote on i111ty 20tH. 101illlet' Matheson, B. A. Sc., who is nn tt prospecting tour in the Yukon, has penet.tated far into the•unex- plot'ecl laud. His parents at St. Marys, ` Dr, and Airs. ,Matheson; re- cently had a letter from him written 200 miles beyond Seward, the last port in Alaska. It was sent in with a party who were returning to Seward. 1411'. Huelher, St. Marys, has secured. the contract of pointing the stone work of the two G. T. 4. railway bridges i1) St. Marys. it will take several mer, about a month to do the work. The stone abutments of these bridges were built just half a century ago and, as aside from the fact that some of the plaster between the courses of stone have decayed and fallen out, are as good as ever. Tho formal opening of the new Carnegie Library bnilding at Mitchell will take place on May 63914, and the board wilt have everything in readi- ness by that time. It is expected that Judge Hardy, of Brantford, President of the Provincial Library Association, will take in the ceremonies. Other spe114e05 will be present The g -rounds Fred. Hammond, of the C. P. R., St. Marys, is laid up with blood poison in one of his hands, Anglican Young People's Society .lav beon formed by the young need 11114 W0141511 of .St. 30151601' church, St. Marys, A11'Ied 10. Johns, 141, A., tt former student at .8t. Marys Collegiate, who is taking a theological course at Vic: toric College, won_ the Ryerson prize (New Testament History) and the Rowell scholarship (the . Bible and 1111881018,) Geo, Garner, who diel at Woptl• stook 01) Anvil 7.414, after an illness of four months duration, was a resident of St, 10la t'ys in pioneer days, ,De- ceased. Was a 'native of England and was in the 80th year of hie lige, One feature of this old gentleman's life was the fact that he had never heard a human voice or a sound of any kited ; neitherhad be ever bad the privilege to be able to speak a word, as he Was barn deaf and dumb. lie ran a barber shop here many years ago and triter was in leger'soll. eeemeee4meesom meomarimetteeeetee(Acmeemom;l('AHmeeeoe0imeeme 1r C 4i Til LF COI 0 e ::OF:: u► 0 . - J 7 --•- --- -- -- a8i m Etc., Etc. 0 oi//////////l®p\~\\\\\\\\\\ L have decided to clear out our entire stock of co to W e e theselines and are going to offer you some o La Exceptional Values. It will be worth' your ® while to call and have a look over these bargains 84 s'r •. • DONNE1•�� SETS to co oe Regular price 15 00 Clearing at 9 00 tJ m • • it e T�IlLET SETSo 0 to Regular price 5 75 Clearing at 3 75 0 ® Regular price 4 50 Clearing at t 1 e. ® French• Limoges China at Hast' Pr ce>.- s Maple Leaf and Clover p Leaf, off. regular 0 go ® Open stock Dinnerware at One-third rice ea e p • 0 0 oe 9 oe R. J. LAI L :r I. Col. dill our Fancy China. at Half Price 0 9s 0 . 0 W • Everything must be Cleared Re- gardless of what it Cost us. Highest market price for Produce. 0 0 19 0 '(� �)•.'ft ttround the budding being levelled 63 Post Officehone 1 3 Next Door to the Wroxeter and flowers planted, and Use finishing [ouches of the interior are being made 903000®0®®0a66®waaaaoa asa°a9.eaa 0"0""e"""""""""""""""""" m- mo_A_------.- --.- _ _ _ _ - 0 to the equipment. A sad death ocuirred at Kirkton on April 20th, when .Mrs, Johu McCurdy, one o8,the oldest and most highly re- spected residents of the village, was called suddenly away. She 91155 sit- ting in her chair when the end came. 411•. McCurdy has been a patient in the Toronto General Hospital for over three weeks recovering from an opera- tion. He had not sufficiently recover- ed to be able to attend the funeral. Mrs. 111cOurdy was born at Williams- burg, Out., and came with her hus- band fifty years ago to Kirkton, where he 411110 postmaster and store- keeper for about thirty years. She had no children. Au only sister, Mr's. Shannon, lives at Toronto. firs. Mc- Curdy was a Member of the Presby- terian church, a lady of many sterling qualities. Do you require a Buggy ? Let Mc Lau beta of Walton s. Supply you See his SpecialiBargain at on- ly $60. It's a dandy. If you want to save money buy from him. WELL BRED STALL/ONS Kaplan 2.081 and Costumer 124114 stand•for service this season at their own stable, BRUSSELS. Parties desiring to breed to good stock should call and inspect our horses and ascertain rates for 1910. SCOTT c? WARWICK PR.oPRIETORS BRUSSELS taoyieveoweeeraelavaleatelleateateateoefeeaktAiaraentobetArWrokrew A strong, rich super-glutened Flour from hard Western Wheat Makes good bread Jh/Illi/Illlfl/1!/dJJ 1;