HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-5-5, Page 2P lesielefeletielsePeselePlebtleleS
Fashion $
Steel ornaments are used.
• Raffia is used for many smart
shopping bags.
• Tuseore and gain tailored os-
tunies replace velvet.
The bib front is a distinctive fee -
tire of many dresses.
'White belts are worn with the
most elegant lingerie gowns.
The (Image colored blouse is en-
joyieg a revival this season.
The pretty fluffy jabots are prom -
Wet in the spring neekvrear.
This is essentially a silk Nam,
with foulards to the front.
Toiler made gowns of silk will be
• more in evidence than ever before.
On Louis XII. coats one sees
three pocket flaps, one above the
Taffeta has come back to us
again, soft and supple, with a sat-
iny sheen.
Everything in the way of change-
able material will be much worn
this season.
The sleeve with shirring is a la-
ve:lite style only with the woman
whose arm is quite slender.
Shirrings of not over colored sa-
tin rat tail appear on many of the
new lace and net dresses.
A new thing in trimming is tail-
ored costumes of wool, taffetas, or
voile embroidered in beads or dull
• coloring.
Lovers of fine thread laces will
rejoice at the marvellous flouncings
and all over designs in Chantilly
, and other fine laces.
----- ----Feel; buttons, tally sufficient sup-
posedly to fasten something, and
these handsome'are seen.
Many ankle length paletots in
biege, different shades of gray, bot-
tle green, or blue are worn where
a. wrap is necessary.
There is a fancy for cashmere pat-
• tern silks and woolens, utilized for
tunics and garnitures more than
for the entire costumes.
Changeable effects aro good in
taffetas, linen, and satin, while
.„--..seefieteered voiles, covered with crys-
tal raindrops, look well for even-
Nearly everything is clouded with,
&Won or net through which polka!
etas dance, stripes gleam, and sat -1
ins shimmer with dazzling effect.
Many are quite simple, resting
far down on the head, and of such:
a convenient roundness that the
trimming may be shifted from back
to either side at the pleasure of the
A softening touch of plaited chif-
fon, net or lace is used on the un-
der surface of the straw brim. This c
is just the relief that many women
- require, for the straighb line Of.0
straw across the, forehead is tryinglt
in its demands for. good features. t
What You Need in Bpring' is a
Blood Building, Tonic,
A spring medicine is an actually
necessity to pleat people. Nature
demands it as an aid in carrying
off the impurities that hetes Accu-
mulated in the blood during the in-
eoor life of winter. But unfortu-
nately thousands of people wise do
recognize the necessity of a spring
medicine do not know what is best
to take and dose themselves with
harsh, griping purgatives.
This is a serious mistake. Ask
any doctor and he will tell you that
the use of purgative medicine Weak-
ens the system but does not euro
disease. In the spring the system
needs building up—purgatives can-
not clo this—they weak -en you still
more. The blood should be maderieb,
rich, red, and pure, aud only a
tonic medicine can do this. The
beet blood building, nerve restor-
ing tonic medical science has yet
discovered is Dr. Williams' Peek
Pills. Every dose of this medicine
actually makes new, rich blood.
This new blood strengthens every
organ, every nerve and every part
of the body. This is why Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills euro headaches
and backaches, rheumatism and
neuralgia, banish pimples and erup-
tens, and give a glow of health to
the most sallow skin. Men, women
an.c1 growing boys and girls who
take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eat
well, sleep well, and feel bright, ac-
tive and strong. If you need a me-
dicine this spring—and most likely
you do—try this great reviving ton-
ic, and see the new life, new health
and new strength it will put into
Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents a box, or six
boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
In advocating the plan of building
factory chimneys of reenforced
concrete, Mr. E. R. Matthews told
the Concrete Institute in London
rec:ently some interesting facts
about these structures. They can
be built at less than half the cost
of brick chimneys, and are of great-
er stability than brick structures,
because they•have no joints. Very
much less material is required on
account of the relative thinness of
the walls. Under the British law
a chimney 300 feet tall would have
to have the walls, if constructed
of brick, about four feet ten inches
:hick at the base, but a concrete
chimney would have a thickness of
only nine inches for the outer wall,
and five inehes for the inner, with
a space of four inches between.
Ths "hair cracks" in concrete
himneys aro only skin-deep, and
have no practical importance. The
himneys aro anchored by having
he vertical siteel bars continued in -
o the foundation, and there bent
Roses and moire ribbon are used at an angle of DO degrees. Many
on many of the turbans. The cob! are calculated to resist a wind of
ors may be the pale pastel shades100 miles per hour, a velocity mac-
ef buff, pink and blue and look ex-
tremely well when trimming the
favorite leghorus.
Tulle, net and gauze are being
• seized with delight, for the trans -
produces an iridescent ef-
tically unknown.
Don't walk up and down the
ficor with a cross, restless child.
I ett, and the quality of the material, Nothing
can be more demoralizing
Deellees a comfortable lightness di to the little one and it is a serious
weight. !tax upon the mother's strength and
• On a great number of these lace nerves. Whea a child is peevish
models the jeweled ornament is and cross there is probably some
laced at the front and touches the
little derangement of the steinech
foxehoad after the fashion of an ori- or bowels, sed a dose of Baby's
Own Tablets will remove the cause
of the trouble and enable the lit-
tle one to sleep soundly. Mrs. W.
Bouffard, Piopolis, Que., says : "I
have found Baby's Own Tablets
superior to all other remedies for
curing constipation and making
teething easy. They also promote
healthful :deep, and I recommend
them to other mothers." Solcl by
medicine 'dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
• ental headdress.
• Straw turbans have huge high-
stersding brims which give e, tailor-
ed lino. Occasionally this is reliev-
ed by a vow of velvet.
Facings of brown or black velvet
are this spring's touch. The con-
' trot is generally becoming, and is
.a test of good workmanship. This
latter point, • of course, will meek
the amateur from the expert.
"Then you accept me, Ethelin-
. dal Oh, what happiness 1"
"Yes, but yon muse see father
and mother, George.
"As regards your father and mo-
ther, Etholinda, " said George, who
hus! been frequently snubbed by
• both during his courtship—Pas re-
• gards your father and mother —"
• and he curled his lip and threw out
ee.---Ifie ;leen
. "Speak low, George," she said.
• "They ave in the next room, and
• can probably hear."
"As regards your father and mo-
• ther," continued the wily lover,
raising his voice, "I think your fa-
ther is one of the most gentleman -
h men I over mot; and as for your
, mother, she is one of the loveliest,
• of ironer,. I am not surprised that
pre sere so good, so bOOUtift11, FlO
*sweet, when I remember you aro the
•child of sudi a• pair."
"(lem'gc," said the father, bust,-
• lime ince the voom, "she is yours."
And you have our blessing,"
solid the mother.
And George, at he adjusted his
dollar, thought to himself that an
wince of timely eompliment is worth
•' pound of argument.
Every small boy—the right kind,
anyhow—thinks his own mother the
•symbol of all perfection. Few, how-
ever, have the ability to express
tleir admiration as prettily as the
little hero of the following anee-
slate :
Richard's mother was pulling hen
to bed, and as she 'kissed him good
night, she said, "Do you know you
are the whole world to ma.mal"
"Am I?" he answered, quickly.
"Well, then, yon're heaven and the
north pole to me!"
Can Use
Wu dealt melte 0 rialstolto with THIS Oye, nen nee
the WRONG bye for the Goode you hove to color.
OS15 03,0 for ALL 11/1105 ot cloth, Mlotolkes owe
I ittpotolble, An talon: terror r pocitoso trout ;your
Orceltild or Dexter. Semple Crird 1,d hooklet Free,
The Johniou.itichordson CO,, 5iall1, htontrool,
01,041111E PARIS PRICES,
In rear 1,800 Turheye Were $8 t
$10 leeels—Dutter $1 Pound,
While the newspapers echo wit
oomplaints about the high foo
prices, a statistician has egure
out thet things were not pe ver
cheap in "the good ,old times" el
there Milk prices are pretty sta
tienaey 110W throughout the year
Two hundred yeaes ago Parisian
441 to pay three times more Lo
milk in winter than in summer and
the average price of a quart of milk
was about eight Cents.
Toward the end of the eighteenth
century Paris paid 11 cents pei
quart for milk. In the French
country districts the price was 6
ceuto. One hundred and thirty-five
years ago only the rich could afford
to eat butter in winter, the aver
ago price being $1 a pound. Eggs
were cheaper than they are now,
bus likewise much smaller. In the
year 1800 the price of turkey in
Paris was between eight and ten
dollars a head, according to size.
Rice was 15 cents a pound. Moet
of the food is cheaper now in the
big cities than in the good old
times. In the Middle Ages only
princes dared to aspire to eat
oranges, which were $1 a piece dur-
ing the height of the season.
Bamboo is of universal use in
China. The windows aro delicate
lattice work of bamboo, and the
ftrniture is of slender bamboo,
bent and curled and plaited.. The
water bucket is a good big stalk,
sawed off just below the joint and
made as deep as is needed above
it. For a bottle a slender piece is
taken and treated in the same way.
If a knife is mislaid a good sharp
edge of bamboo is taken, and it
does just as well for everything,
except cutting bamboo, as if it
were steel. Hunger is kept off by
cutting the little tender shoots just
as they peep from the ground and
cooking them like asparagus.
F1traiy Cough Syrup
Cures Any Cough in Five Hours.
Here is given the most effective
cough preseription known to the
medical world. It is a mild laze -
the too, and thee is what a body
needs when suffering with cough
and cold on the lungs. A cough or
cold indicates poisons in the sys-
tem, causing inflammation and eon.
geetion. Nearly all cough syrups
relieve, but make the trouble worse
Le their constipating effects. This
prescription not only relieves
quickly, but it cures any cough that
is eura.ble. Get ono -half ounce fluid
wild cherry bark, one ounce com-
pound essence cardiol and three
ounces syrup white pine compound.
Mix in a bottle. Take for acute
cough or bronchitis twenty drops
every half hour for four hours. Then
or,e-half to ono teaspoonful three or
four times daily. Give children less
according to age. A few hours'
treatment will euro and heal the
throat and lungs of all bub con-
sumptives. Cut this out and give
it to some friend who may need it
to be saved froni an early death by
Two spiders who dwelt in differ -
ens parts of a church chanced to
meet together in the aisle one day
when out for a constitutional.
"How are you getting on?" said
spider .No. 1 to spider No. 2.
"Oh, moderately," was the re-
ply; "I don't feel very comfortable
on Sundays; I live in the pulpit
under the cushion, and on that, day
the parson comes and bangs the
book, and sends his fists on the side
and I have to keep very close, or
elee some day I think he'll Mt me.
Ile bangs with such a force that I
know he'll squash me to a jelly."
"Oh, you come and live with me,"
Said his companion. "I'm never
troubled; I'm always corafortable,
and never disturbed from one
year's end to the other."
"Indeed," said the other apider;
"and where do you live?"
"Ob, I live in'the pour -box," was
the reply.
By Eriblag the Nerves with opium on may
atop a cough, but the billammation goes from bad
to worm, Allon's bun Ilalsion, containing no
opium, goes to the root of the trouble and 00005
deep.seated atf odium, of throat and lunge.
He ean worship nowhere who eau -
no worship anywhere.
Minerde Liniment Cures Dandruff,
In the hotbed of European mili-
tarism it is natural that, all inven-
tion and manufacture is carefully
weighed and seeutinized for the
utilization of every possible engines
for either defense or offense. The
military uses of the automobile for
the rapid dispatch of orders Inc the
work ef reconnoisance, eth., have
been exploited in every land, and
an Austrian company has merle en
aremeed motor ear wbieh his pos-
sibilities of offense as well as those
inelkated. It has a revolving ter -
ret in place of the tonneast, equip-
ped Wall 13, rapid-fire gun, and a
terming tower like arrangement for
the protection of the chauffeur.
itiberta Hall Tells Row Trans
Ides 'Vanished When Re Used
the Old Reliable Kidney Remedy.
Sconce Alta., April 25 (Special)—
"I can now do all my work Without
pain and with pleasure." Those
are the words of Postmaster An -
(Dew B. Nelson of this place. As
all the pestinaster's friends know,
he has been troubled with Kidney
Disease for several .years paste and
bas been doing everything in his
power to find a cure for it. He has
found this cure. It is Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills, ."Yes, I tried all kinds
of medicines for my kidney tron-
bie," the postmaster joyfully
SINeetteelseniNiteeneeentaleniENNSPRIIIIIMIICoeil Barrett, a eve -year-old Nert-
tineham, England, boy, was stated,
at an inquest, to nave been pulled
into the river by A swan, =who at-
tacked him so savagely that he was
drowned. The boy was the 5051 of
the earetaker of the Nottingham
Bream:1We Rowing Club, ancl was
playing on the landing-et:gee when
the swan attacked him, The lad's
father dived several times, but
failed to find the boy, and W0.0 also
attacked by the bird before he could
reach the landing -stage,
The superiority of Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator is shown'by its
good effects mi the abildren. Pur-
chase a bottle and give it a trial.
/Ambers Toronto Stook Ezehenge.
Safe Investments Wri° t°r our v0ekif
eiroular no ceeuritiOn.
Referee 14 stoudlas to any bank,
W have moved to
eur oew Indicting, 90 Pay :St., Toronto,
c riles ITili(ole:roti'skuStetragnhat afindan6c°a'
for particulars. Uttiretall. 26 Elmo -
Ing Arcade, Toronto, out, •
"Did you over hear of a time
when meat soared higher than it is
doing now?"
"Oh, yes. When the cow jumped
over the moon."
• There is Only One Eeleetrie Oil.—
When an article, be it medicine or
anything else, becomes popular,
imitations invariably spring up to
derive advantages from the origin-
al, which they themselves could
never win on their own merits.
states. "None of them seemed to 'imitations, of Dr. Thomas' &lo-
de me any good till I commenced ere: Oil have been numerous, but
to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, TWO
boxes of them cured me -completely.
I highly recommend Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills to all sufferers from Kid-
ney Disease. I would not bo with-
oef, them."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all dis-
eases of the kidneys, from Backache
to Bfight's Disease. They also
cure all diseases caused by dis-
ordered kidneys failing to strain
the iropurities out of the blood.
That's why they cure Dropsy,
lebeuteatism, and Heart Disease. Tf
you haven't tried them yourself ask
your neighbors about them.
"0 I Willie !" exclaimed little El-
sie, "what did you open that oven
door for ? Don't you know that
will spoil the cake mamma's bak-
"Sure!" replied Willie, "an' if
it's spoiled she'd let us eat all we
want of it."
The Beauty of a Clear Skin. —
The condition of the liver regulates
the condition of the blood. A dis-
ordered liver causes impurities in
the blood and these show them-
selves in blemishes on the skin.
Paithelee's Vegetable Pills in act-
ing upon the liver act upon the
blood and a clear, healthy skin will
follow intelligent use of this stand-
ard medicine. Ladies, who will ful- eras prevent disease from lodging
ly appreciate this prime quality of iu the pulmonary organs. Neglect -
these pills, can use them with the ed colds are the .cause of untold
certainty that the effect will be
most gratifying.
On an average a man requires 1,-
Otes pounds of food per annum; a
woman 1,200 pounds, and a child
re) pounde.
never suceosful. Those who know
the genuine are net put off with a
substitute, but demand bhe real
Boys over 14 and girls over 12 are
legally entitled to get married
without the consent of their par-
eetc or guardians in Scotland.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
A son of Erin who had the mis-
fortune to get mixed up in an acci-
dent was immediately conveyed to
a hospital, where it was found that
his only injury was a slight wound.
Tim house surgeon carefully exam-
ined him, after which he thus stat-
ed the case to the nurse :--
"As subcutaneous abrasion is not
observable, I think there is little
reason to apprehend tegumental
cicatrization of the wound. What
do you think yourself 7" he asked
Pat with a mischevious smile.
"Sure, doctor," replied Pat,
"you're a wonderful thought -read- Sand for free sample to Dept. W. L., N4
(tonal Drug & Chemical Co.. Torortto.
er You took the very words out
of my mouth. I was just going to
say that."
• Of all places of importance, Syd-
ney New Smith Wales, is farthest
from London as the crow flies -10,-
120 miles.
Be Sure you get the Iffial you BM always nay.
.The D & L" Menthol Plaster, For rheumatism,'
neuralgia etc„ nothing is bettor. Made only bye
11,01* flwrenos Company.
The less advice a man hands his
neighbors the more popular he will
Minard's Liniment for Sale Everywhere.
Some men are so proud of therii-
selves that they even spend time
regretting the feet that they can't
be on earth to read what the his-
tory books will have to say about
te em
Do not let a cold settle on your
Inegs. Resort to Male's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup at the first inti-
mation of irritation in the throat
missionaries In 1311 1.0010 aro Mende of Pah,.
killer. Hundreds of letters testify to the fact
For accidents and sadden ,emergencies, such as
eprains, cuts and bruises, they 60 11 invaluable,
Avoid substitutes, there is but oue "Painkiller
—Perry Davis'-2so and Ha
Bled eight feet from the ground
a rubber -yielding tree of fifteen
inches diameter gives three pints of
Minard's Linimont CUP03 Burns, Etc.
If a married woman is looking for
trouble all she has to de is reed
extracts to her husband from the
letters he wrote her during their
A Pill for Brain Workers.—The
man who works with his brains i5.
more liable to derangement of the
digestive system than the man who
corks with his hands, because the
one calls upon his nervous energy,
while the other applies only his
muscular strength. Brain lag be-
gete irregnliketies of the awned'
and liver, and the best remedy that
ran be used is Parmelee's Vegetab'e
Pills. They are specially cam -
pounded for such eases and all
those who use them can certify to
their superior power.
"We shall have to reject your
pplicatien for life insuiance,''
the agent.
"I'd like to know why," replies
be, applicant,
"Well, the examining; physician
ays you are twice as fat as you
Meth] he."
"All right. I'll be fair. You in-
ure half ef nie and I'll let the
trier half take its chances."
It's easier to stand your Ousel -
nee off than yonr ereditore.
ISSUE, NO. 18-10.
suffering throughout the country,
all of which could have been pre-
vented by the application of this
simple* but powerful me.dicine. The
mice, 25 cents, Menge it within the
reach of all.
For Asthma, Bronchitis and
all Throat Troubles Take
The relief is as quick as it is certain.
Pleasant to take and guaranteed
absolutely free from opiates.
An Druggist,, 25 Cents.
PAL VP- s Raise Thom Without 181/Ik
Booklet Free.
Jones—"What did your tech StooleoBriggs Seed Co., Ltd., Toronto,{005,
Smith—''Nothing.'' Jones—''Didn't sere.
utele leave you when he died?'"
THE LINELIVIAILITRbUy TRUSS olroillig dna, teldyicr:di
he say anything to you before he tigefiy particulars. B. LINDMAN, (Reed),
passed away?" Smith—"Yes; he
said nothing was too good for nee."
as fire Spreads in dry grass, so does an Inflate -
motion in the throat grow down into the lungs.
Deal promptly with a cold as with a the, and
when you begin to cough use Allon's Lung Balsam. glyelng Meaning!
one of the marvels of the electrical 050,00 use throughout tho world. Write for claw,
ogne. General Acoustic Co., of Canada, Ltd.,
408 Yonao Street Toronto.
"Cid you ever have appendici-
tis?" said the insurance man.
I. never felt sure whether it was a
ease of appendicitis of a case of pro-
fessional curiosity."
Med. Weak, _Weary, Watery EVeor
Relieved By Murine Nye Remedy. TrY
Marino For your Eye Troubles. You
Will Like Marine. It Soothes, 500 At
Your Druggists. 'Write For Bye Books.
Free. Marine Eye Remedy Co,, Toronto.
"Sure, it's Mike, the boy, that's
the lucky man." "How was he
lucky?" "Why, mum, he got in-
sured for a thousand dollars, and
the very nixt day he fell off the lad-
paintin', and broke his nick."
All men are more or less homely
—usually more.
consider MINAR,D'S LINDUNT the
1311ST Liniment In use.
I gotrnY foot badly Jammed lately. I
bathed it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT
and it was as well as ever next day.
Yours rory truly,
11' gentleman took a friend to an
opera. The music,grand as ib was,
sounded a little noisy, more especi-
ally when the bang of drums and
the crash of the cymbals occurred
at intervele. But the friend's face
rernainol nemoved.
Gentleman—"Deeen'b this gime-
ous volume of sound affect you?"
"Oh, not in the least!" was the
ectlit reply. "You forget 1 am a
COTES cause intolerable pain,
Holloway's Corn Cure removes the
trouble. Try it, and see what
arriouet, ot pain is saved.
Oletirner—"Is your married life
On O grand sweet song?" Newlywed
—"Well, since our baby's been
born it's bete more like an opere,
full of grand marches, with loud
calls for the author every night."
I or the vary host•alod your WM' k th•
Lack for ogont to your tooro, or good 41r0.0.
LlettY.sord,'Serosto, Ottawa, Qtletios,
Band Norms
Samples and Catalogue Free
Rex Tailoring CO. Limited
'Cured without operations. All who are at
flirted with this disease and wish to bo
hared permanently, safely end quickly
with this great Homeopathic remedy,
which will be sentpost.paid anywhere
in the world with full Instructions for
using so as to effect II, permanent cure.
Price 52, Address
John e. Walt, Homeopathic: Pharmacy,
Arnprlor, Canada.
tARGES(//13 rdl
fs,t,nsleoill ee teraroof
ee „et • persone
purity t eeenee
The Len 4kx flo
Highest 01:cole. Fireproqi:
The ideal hotel for tourists and visitors
to Buffalo'Niagara PalLn, and pdiretP. on
I Ile Great Lakes and St. Lawrance
$1.5o per day and up.
Patrons may talto Texienbs 00 Chiliktos 1, on
depots or wharves to hotel, charging sem to The Loco,
• Whoa In Buffalo stop at Tho Isnot.
.The. accommodations and service' aro sure
to please.
C. A. MINER Manager
Or. rifiorse's
Indian Root Pill es
are motto according to riternene
in use oeurly a century ego among
the Indians, and learned from thom
by Dr. Nero, Though 1'01)11(10 (,1 ef.
101111110 bitYQ been 15 ,111, nnYnt.
titans and ehemints, 11` has been
found impaesible to improve the for'
mule or the pills, Dr, Nersa's
,dinn Root Fills are a household
remedy throughout the world for
Constipation and all Kidney and
Liver tronblos, Tboy pro:tette
end effectively, and
Cleanse the System
perforate needed. $idle on eight.
Absolute neeesOltY to farmers, Does wort(
or 30 mon. Paye for Itself In one bear.
Write today. 0. R. Adams t:lo., Sarnia,
. by using the Dust* Venally' Carnet
Cleaner, $6.00, A. Dille, 656 Dovereourt
Rd., Toronto, Ont Agents wanted,
rants. Highest price paid. Fox 4
Ross, Suitt 01„ Toronto,
eyetern—constant practice; careful
instruation 1 few weeks complete course;
tool. free; graduates earn twelve to
eighteen dollars weekly; write for cote.
!ague. Molar Barber College, 121 Queen
East. Toronto.
171 Iron and wood.w.orking machine:1,
engines, boilers, steam pampa gasoline
engines, electric motore, co ntractorie
machinery. eto. Send for catalogue of
over 1400 machines. 12 W. PETRIE.
Limited, Toronto. .Montreal, Vancouver.
men to learn Moulding. Throe
Year contract. 51.25 a day to start. 52.50
can be made alter 9 menthe on piece-
work. Must be well recommended as to
character'habits, ebe. Apply the Garner
Foundry Co.. Limited, Toronto.
on easy terms, If you aro going
west send for my lint, it will pay you.
S. M. Mathews, 75 Yong° St., Toronto.
buildings in the County of Middle.
sex, for sale, or will exchange for house
and lot or smaller farm. The Western
Real Estate Exchange, Limited, London,
Inflammation of
th Kidneys, of the
Bladder, of the
Bowels, of the
Lungs, gore Throat,
Breathing, Croup, Ca.
tont, Influenza, Head-
ache, Toothache, Non.
Rhoumatlom, Cold
Maine. Frostbites quickly
cured by
RadwaTs ReatIg Ballet
WHAT $5;11
Invested in Growin
Eucalyptus Tirribor
in California.
At the end of the 5th year it eseuree
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