The Brussels Post, 1910-4-28, Page 7THE ,I'YSiEflY GLEANED UP;
CHAPTER, V.---(Cont'd)
"Good l I take you at your
word." ,
"It is -1 wile take you at your
word, and to prove that 1 do not
fear the companywith which you
are trying to frighten me, I will de-
clare that I should be delighted to
bane you invite this evening your
thief and her young associate."
"Oorne, T give you baek my
esteem, and if I knew where to find
the persons yon speak. of I would
beg them 'to join ns. -'Unfortunate-
ly they are fled I know not 'where.
The woman, perhaps, has fallen in-
to the claws of the Russian police,
'who have most likely sent her to
Siberia. The lover must have
crossed the seas, if he has not
blown his brains out. Wo need
think no more of them incl will sup
without them."
"At what ]lone?" asked Mouria-
"After the theatre—is it not,
colonel 1"
"Certainly," said Borisoff, bow-
"You will 1 think me very india-
crCetn said <Mou late
t I
have just asked a very 'insidious
question. You must know I am
nearly famished, I arrived this ev-
ening at fir, and hadonly time to
make my toilette and look ,for my
friend Borisoff at his club. We
found so much to talk about that
we forgot otic dinner."
"To come to the opera? What a
lover of music you are!"
"1 had telegraphed from St. Pet-
ersburg to reserve two seats,—the
fancy of one at a distance who wish-
es to
enjoy y a thorough o ugh Parisian life
without losing a minute. I counted
on the company of my 'faithful Bor-
isoff, but did not 'calculate on the
train being two hours late."
"Good! I understand, and it
would be a poor reward for your
frankness to compel you to suffer
the tortures of hunger till midnight.
We will leave whenever it pleases
you, messieurs."
"Whatyou -would sacrifice to
our appetites the remainder of this.
"Willingly. The act is about to
conclude. We will leave before the
"You are as good as you are
beautiful. But it will not be for
your house, I suppose? Yon will
not be expected so early as this'?"
"My servants expect me always,
I have sent away my conpe, it is
"And I have not given orders to
my coachman," said Borisoff.
"No matter. A hack will take us
to Rue Jouffroy in twenty minutes,
and in ten other minutes, my fam-
ished messieurs, you will sit down
to table,"
"Adopted unanimously," cried
1ddouriatine, gaily.
The colonel thought no more of
oppusitiou. He approved of the
ableof the neglected dinner, for
is opinion now was that it was ex-
edient to penetrate at the earliest
iossible moment the house of tins
ninan who deserved to he studied
,ore tersely.
turned toward the stage and
ppeared to be absorbed in the last
ire of the set• that was cone]ucl-
Suddenly, however, she teaks oftp
0' opera -glass and directed it to
trod one of the boxes on the same
tee, Two women occupied- the
runt of this bus, in the baek of
Mich was a gentleman who was
c al'cely visible,
Strange!" cried .ifadame do
nrelice. "I: euultl swear it was
1h :' said iil(starlet ince jocose-
1 "is your general of last winter
0l e i '
"1 am not thinking iibnut that
ulrsunag,, but 11 fanuletl 1' recite 1u nn sed letter. 1 shad( repair my
'red "a young pian whoa, 1 .little j epeHee,'c1'
'My dear sir, you are too curi-
"I confess it and am silent."
"Yotewoulci do, better to wait nu -
he leans on the front of the box,
and then tell me if you have ever
seen hien."
"Me 1 I (tome to Paris too rarely
to know the habitues of the Opera.''
"It would in truth be better to
ask the colonel if he has ever met
with the young man whom I fancied
I saw in dist box. His name is M.
de Carnoel." •
At this name spoken b the
charming mouth ° of Madame de
Larches, the colonel 'involuntarily
started. Anything might sooner
hav• been expected than inquiries
from her concerning M,. de Crarno-
• Nevertheless he must answer
without evasion, must reply by yes
01' no. His professional instinct
suggested the thought that it were
better not to cut short all possibil-
ity of
further u that
investigation ti
g a
"Is not M. de Carnoel the SOU
a former attache of the embas-
sy1" he asked..
"Yes, I think his father was for-
merly engaged in diplomacy. Then
you have met with the young man?"
Often enough to recognize him
if he were here."
"Do you suppose it possible that
he could be at the Opera in com-
pany with the widows in that box?"
1 should see nothing surprising
iu it. He has, I believe, no for
and seeks no doubt,marriage." , au ad-
vantageous genus
"He ! marry one of those vulgar.
Elf:starts! I could not believe him.
No, sir George St., Sorel, Que.
For seven years I suffered front
womb disease and dreadful torturing
pains, and Thad constant Dyspepsia and
Chronic Constipation—the latter so bad
that sometimes I went tewdays without
action of the bowels. Six different doe-
tors'treated me and for a year 1 was in
bed, constantly facing' death. Theft
my husband coaxed me to try "Fruit -
a -tires" and this medicine, and nothing
else, cured Hie and saved my life,"
(Signed) Mine, JOSF,PH I,IR,rr'rl1.
500, box --6 for $2.5o -or trial box
250. --at dealers or ffom Fruit -a -fives
Limited, Ottawa.
and 1 bog you not to interrupt my
conversation with the `clone]."
"Madame," said Borisoff, "Twill
with pleasure undertake to for-
ward the box to M. do Carnoel."
"He has given you his address?"
"It was necessary he should do
so that I plight send him the letter,
and 1f
would ould like
at the
time tohave my valet delivert
"Thank you; .I promised to place
is in his hands myself. I confess it
embarrassing me a Little, for 1 can
scercely go to hint; but I can write,
and suppose he will not refuse to
come to see me at my house."
"Assuredly not, but it would be
well not to delay too long, for lie
may leave Paris at any moment."
"True; he must be in haste to
depart," murmured Madame do
Larches to herself. "What is to be
done, then l"
Ts it really dileimportant that yea
see M. de Canute]?" said
Borisoff, after a short silence.
capable of such ' a, thing, • Besides, "Will you receive him this even •
I was insane to imagine he would ing?"
appear at the opera in an uncover- 'Why not? Our interview would
cd box." nee be long and need, not, interrupt
"Why 1" asked the colonel, as_ our supper." _
sliming an astonished air, "Well, I can pass by his lodging.
"Because he cannot be in Paris." If I find him there, as is glritc like -
"Osie would infer from your ]y, I will bring hien to you; if 'no',
words,'' said Motiriatine, "that the 1 will leave -my card. witha word
gentleman in question was forced to signify that I am awaiting him
to hide himself. Has he been guile in Rue Jouffry. He will suppose iii
ty of anycrime?" to be on account of the letter awl
`'Madalne," resumed Berisoff, Will certainly come."
wile began to get .a clear view of the "My dear celnnel. if you woul'i
situation, "I can certify that you do that you would he the mu,t
are mistaken, 11. de Canute]. has amiable of men,"
not left Paris as far as I know." "There is 0 compliment which 1
"He may have clone so without hasten to deserve. Permit me to
your •knowledge," leave you for an instant, 110 most
"Then he must have lett this make sure of a carriage. The soon -
morning, for I saw him yesterday." et we arrive at your louse, the
cd in
g g that he held sooner I may go in quest of M. de
intercolu'se with M. de Carneel, the. Carmel."
colonel was burning the bridge be- "Perfect. I shall be ready on
]rind hied, but it had become appar Your returns"
exit that Madame ole Garelles lonely The two Russians hastened from
a great deal about the ,prisoner, and.
the best -means of extracting what
she knew appeared to be to asstmre EASILY CORRECTED,
the attitude of a friend of the
young man who interested her.
"Yott have spoken to him!" she
'Yes; 1 11,et hilt o11 the street
this naurniug. ''
"And he did not try to avoid
yntt 1"
•`Not at a11. We have not been
intimate, but have held the most
courteous relations. Why sho0l.1
Its have avoided me?" People who are . very thin and
e'1 thought he must have S'011 005 scrawny ought not to be so. Un-
fit,' not wishing to Meet with farm• doubtedly they are more subject to
er acquaintances, and run delighted disease and contagions than the
to learn that 1 was m istaketl. Did normally fleshy. Thinness is 'assn-
be speak to you of his present cit- ally accompanied by weakness, and
eutnst,uaees !:' Weakness subjects any one to colds,
'• Yes : but with enuaide181hic le- coughs, consumption, pnemnonia,
serve. Ho told me, however, 4:1,11 etc:, It has been distlovereci, al -
he 11ac1 abandoned a Situation Ito most by accident, that tinetnre ca-
lled 1,'lcl ,end proposed to embark'-rlernelle, When 001)1 bitted in a pre-
fer .\tne.riest. 5 uttered flim a 1c !scription with proper accelerative
commendatien to tier cuesnl-genet medicines, becomes one of the most
al el NOW 5'117." valuable, effective and reliable nu -
":End he a.ccepled '" 1 tr•itivo 1l' flesh makingmedicines
"With gra titutice Trutt reminds known
-to seieuce. It as especially
m':' that 1 have not 11011) hint 1)1.' beneficial to Wien and women be-
tween the ages of sixteen and fifty -
:fit c, who front lack of proper nerve
Yj t tt,d to see t Rete• 11 i \ 11',)' ,,ln ul,u',' said Me- !one end digestion, remain uncle -
"The friend of your Nihilist, poi, 1)110 ' ill' lrnrcdles, still directing her vcluped' in body, limbs, arms and
taps, a1) i7171l1'lal 1111', still 11) a l g111s,: 1u 1h1 bus oe1uli1.071 by the bust. .A well rounded symmetrical
entering tone, "Nothing e1n ht" Mal l•ill Ionlally inelined lvidnlri. figure in Haan 0r wulnan indicate
mil of 11inrbut the end c,1 his nose: Thtvt 7,111!71(11is my lug -1! down, site lu,utth, magnetism, Stamina 1
nil ns 100 the. 11!' women, 1 visit t 1 g and
tic ahmrl "1 wns sere of i1. Tho'hn1)11it1css.
only say they are neither young not 0 tiny :11:111 :Iris ,hist risen, (I lid 11is f The reader who wishes th add
telly" full !nee tines nut resemble 21. de
("rhos. ere hoergeoiscr said Cairene in the least."
3urisafl', very rich and very coni- 1 "ire ,i, eery' for( (Mail', 11111 M. de
11111, who hav'v lake11 a hos fee the t n,n„c1,- btnghetl 1:!uln'iafine .: "he
f11.1.e0 in Ido' iulpe of being m.en and absorbs 0!! ,yens theligles, Might
pouted by seine 11111104! 11111(18." `11,` know 1111e 1 r
,,,, at , u 1 lthcrn Ile nisi`
the resemblance is doll ige
h � yc.ur cunt neat !"
C .!
1 nlnet Int' ,ttt•tl.e d, ha,•ae '
! the t ..11
c t1 tr
r 1 nrs!i'n r.' `
said r -
C the 'l bit
lint if it: were he it would be heels, wk.') 'eyes ul' 1]1.e, dryly,
tJauger still,'' 1 -tem queatiun is an impertinence.
"Sled e this ,, 1
y, rnadnul h1. ,vuntb \ , litre hi1.- mode mrorlquesl. if'
By Clever Pleseription Which eau
Be 1•'illed'at Any Drug
Noo Need to be !Thin Now as Reports
Show This ,Method El -
feet il'e.
frust tell to forty puuncls should not
fur( 1u begin with this valuable pre-
tic1 il.ltion:
Chet, obtain of any well stocked
druggist, three ounces of essence. of
pepsin and three ounces of syrup of
rhubarb in an 8 oz, bottle. Then
adddd one ounce compound eiewe(11
cntelial. Shake and let'steed tun
honre, Then adc1 ono. ma nee tiiteits
cacadmium('compound (not (Aid t -
n es flatter11i101e11 101(11 11(11117gtq-; 1 11111 ill terr',i041 117• 11,0d this y'nitile;I.1110111). SJllake .well and -lake eine
1•(u'el an interest nil yowl' pal71.' I1'; nun it v, ()run Hsi, 71111) of 1111 'hest teaspoonful before (0.1111 Meld, ono
huow yea were el'su nnivh pnifv, 1', 1,'nr1,, 17110 it+ r''4iilit, hi TFlorenee :111100 retell meal. 'Drink of
tc , 1< plenty
0 identify him, 1 dielbt 110 would lei. shamed rue to find r,ttt what. (Inv 1 water 111 yen meals nnrl when re-
i,r•ten it, show himself." le' lee o1' him, gad 11, donee,. al tiring. Keep up this treatment re-
-1 doul,t it 117)1' u11u'l1,"firnurmur. 1'0'; gularly Hud of a certainty from mho
"c1 :1111 dance. do (100011es. I "('1,171.11111ina love tok111s 1" to three pounds' will be added- tV
"Vol, 1111111; limo J,e has n, rt.ns"nl "1 know soaping about that, )rut+the weight each week, and. the gen-
ur concealingl:iutsclf `I ' 1 i<ntiw tlru.t .5'4,11 arc irasnpllurlablc, I oral health will also imlrorve.
the bolt and reclaimed their, Oyer
coats, without having perceive
Maximo, who was promenading' a
the end of the t.orridol'.
"Rey;" said Moltriatine in hi
companion's ear, "was 1 right it
advising you to approaeh this lady
l caught your Wert of confr0ntin
the ('arnoel with this jade. It i
held, but it masterly stroke,,,
"A stroke in which 1 aniglit be th
loser,. dlc( I not take precautions
I must first see the house, low i
is guarded, and what servants slt4
has under her 0)110rs. 11 I scent
a trap, I shall make a feint of go-
ing _in search of 040110el, and shall
return saying I have not found,hiin.
The affair ,7111 he ended for to-
night, but 1 shall resume it after'
another method. lf, on the con-
tr'ary,:I find that force could be em-
ployed with any chance of success,
I sh0l1 bring ('arnuel in a carri-
age with an escort of three -good
blades. 1 shall drive myself and
will conduct him to the mistress of
the house. That will'be.the psy-
chological moment, as N. Bis-
marck says. With a glance we may
detect whether there has been any
complicity between them. My three
ole soldiers will enter with me;
three others will guard the door
and the street; We will search tlie.
house from top to bottom, and 1
lespe will make many discoveries."
"Your casket very Likely," said"
Motiriatine, "and as to this pre-
tencled.Matlame do Garehes—"
"We will bring her to nay house
with the .Carnoel, the femme do
°hambre, the cook, and the men
l' c '
se vents, r
f then •
c .are any. , at l e will
empty the
use an
A Y a few trips and
I ,
will then see what is
to be dune.
with our prisoners,"
"It is spirited, but if well 000
ducted it must succeed, and in that
case the great chief will approve
"It will succeed, 1 shall not act.
A. Branch of the Trailers Bank at
the Union Stock Yards,
The new branch of the Traders
Bank which has been
opened in the
Exchange Building at the Union
Steck Yards, Toronto, will prove a
great convenience to drovers who
have business on the Exchange.
The excellent connections of the
Bank throughout the country as-
sures its patrons of a very com-
plete Banking Service. Tho Branch
at the Stock Yards is open on
Mondays and Tuesday=s of each
week (market clays), and a general
banking business is transacted on
those days.
Safety cheques are issued,
cheques cashed and deposits re-
ceived—money is transferred either
by telegram or mail to any part of
Canada or. the United States.
Camphor Ice
12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes
Capsicum, Wanted, Mentholated, Cnrb°.
laced, Bamphonrtcd, White Oxide of zinc,
eta Each for special purposes, - Write tor
Free Vaseline Book,
379 Craig fit. W., MOntroul
ranteed Full Weight
"SALADA" Tea is weighed by electric weighing
Tnapliines. The net. weight is printed on every
package. We absolutely guarantee it to contain
full weight without the dead covering, Have your
grocer empty .a package and weigh it for you.
Sealed "SALADA" Packets guarantee full weight
unequalled for goodness,freshness g
r Hess and fine flavour..
n t tau )ming sure of my ground,"
"Ori, I feel confident of it!'
Chance has been on our side; let
us make the most of it."
"Cense, let 118 look for a hack "
said the colonel, pushing lefonria-
tine, toward the great stairway,
(To be continued.)
It takes 100 livers to yield' 0110
gallon of cod- llver oil.
and tea
The Professor—"I want you.chi1-
drrn to go to my lecture to -night."
llbcrt—"C'ouldn't you whip us in-
stead, just this once, papa?"
' `14irs. • Mulligan," said Mrs.
Ginty, "is it well ,yet Ealing the
day `1" „itis, very well." '`And
st.hrong 1" ''Tis, quite sthrong...
"Then p'r'haps it's able ye'd be to
bring back the wash -tub yez berried
last Monday -1"
! 7e?1V5Oa a a e@a itTrav
fill-_ �IPIiUiiipiiIiiiii1IIi'1phI1I
.! ,-
1 IIFit
D�� pp
� • S�.d ' I711 DF1I6ilEerl�
ease Fences trent nest -Styles for Lawns, Parks, Perms and Railroads, 14,000 miles of Pate
• Veneta aad 73,000 Page Gotta now in use 1n Canada. Our 1910 Fences are betterthan ever; Pao
,Oates for 11110:have Galvanleed Frames. Get our latest prices and booklet,
Lastest fence and gate maaufacturere in Canada 500
------E -_,-,.... flavoring nacd ebe cums.ea lemon es vanilla,
B la
d aelvtn
8 apraautu ed
t su
sr •
t 7a Water a
yy nd
addia M
i aper taaa mapile ''a pl ie
y p uredottod
Sneersa amp better l of send 5pIe, for til. butUe an
Sneers. IS not decd M 2 tn. tfl. and 1
recipe book. Creaeeat M(t Ca_,_S;ats... Qua,
On the Farm
What farmer among us would"'
think of growing wheat on a, field,
for twenty years in succession
out manure? What would be said ,
of one wile attempted not villy
that, bat also to secure at the
same time a crop of rye, sown
amidst the wheat (assuming for ar-
gu1nent's sake that it were pos-
sible)? Yet, hundreds of thousands
of farmers are every year attempt-
inq just such a short-sighted policy.
They try to grow apples and grain.
or hay on the sante soil. As Mr.
Jones brings out in his admirable
Contribution on the subject, pub-
lished recently, it has been estimat-
ed that the plant food carried away
from an acre of apple orchard in
fruit sold and leaves blown off,
would be worth, at commercial
rates, #1207.48 in twenty years, or
over tee chillers' worth a year.
Against this, a fifteen -bushel crop
of wheat would 'remove in twenty
years only $128.23 worth of plant
fooct, or between six and seven dol-
lars' worth a year. The orellal'cl
makes annual demands almost tea
heavy as a twenty -five -bushel crop
of wheat, not allowing anything for
th yearly e 1
Y r rawth of
wood. g d Remem-
bet too thatan
orchard c}t d a
m kes no
i n of roots and stubble to keep
upthe e rh sled
condition physical of the
soil, nothing but a few leaves and
the seeds of some haste fruit. Yet,
when an orchard has borne a crop
of fruit, and perhaps had a crop
of hay or grain removed, the same
season, we wonder why it should
need a rest the next year!
Bear in mina that a' cropped or-
chard not only suffers a double de-
mand on its fertility, but the sown
crop is almost certain to stint the
trees of rnoistul'e, particularly in
the early )at
y 1 1 of the .season, when
extra a supplyof it is needed.
000. orchard vl ell attended, is the
most profitable branch of the aver-
see farm. It should be liberally
/ p�Q/
WHEN you paint this spring let
this testimony help you. A11
over this broad Canada are thousands
of customers holding up high with gra-
titude the old reliable brand of
guaranteed to preserve, to protect, to
beautify, never to peel, cr ackor phalli
always living for the lifetime of pure,
paints, and always sold at the right
price. Ask about them, and write for
Booklet "l'q" free, a hand,ome book-
let on house painting. You alienist
have it.
hatablicbod 184".
The Paint Makers, - Montreal,
slat taaaac
Gasoline Engines
Yti a,.: Y. 6E,Se MY
Consider the higher real estate
Value of well painted buildings,
compared with unpainted ones.
Don't postpone painting -
every day does its damage and
piles tip costs for repairs.
I a}I'tinmSe rtotur
Z00%, Puree
is the cheap1est. Absolutely pure
and unadulterated, it wears hest,
looks bettor and
goes farther, gal-
lon for gallon, Chun 11)15 other pais t
at any price, 'atnitlla,-,
If undecided which paintto use, 10111(0
ua today for the none of our dealer
nearest you -ask idem about the written
n ake for our arantea r paint —a guarat barks antee that
actually protects Yen.
Don'texile intent when cosi-sine(
mato but a'few cent0 more. There'ir n
illurttnSenaur Pala for every purpose
for house, barn, windmill pampa, wag-
on, carriage, cultivator and plow --paint
for Wood and paint for iron 9w ucst
that okal and money Han 000.1, te.
If Your inlet cannot supply you,
notify as and we will gladly direst you
to whore oar paints ate to be had,
et, , Write for tllualraled
booklet "Home
tk Beautiful," and
rand. Free for
the asking.
be Martin -Sewer Co.
n, nob
n ora Pura Paint
t� r t414tt41 i eS t ys,,. \F,n,
SIZES 2, 3, 4, 6 H.P.
They are so simple that the average farm
hand can run them, and 'are practically Fool
Proof and Frost Proof. Send to -day for
catalogue G,E,-toe, W.P. CO., showing full -
line of engines for farm use. It means
money saved for you.
TERMS—Special Terms to Farmore.
Branohesa—Toronto, St. John, N.E., Winnipeg,Calgary, Vanaouvor
The Dewar Challenge Trophy is awarded ,yearly by the
,\I'TOMOBJLIS ('1,011 fur the must m»tit„rieu•: per.
formative of the year under the general regulations f'ar torte -
Red trials,
The Now tlairnler t'11t ir.1 ha, 1,ow been in t110 hari, d:: '.
(310 public tor nen rly k, um'n11n, 'lull,' long 1non0b in prove its
merit: oat alert aro sending to 1e-tinu;ni•ris by 01 r 110-.1 and
Owe tented like to forward iti leo ].cr"al 0r persons intele,t
cd a ('ul1i1,lele set of 111)11:1141T fully e 1l'I'tinin15 1 marvel-
lous new 11111101., Seib ill>'. for 0111• 11017 illustrated hetlklet,
"The Dieter Trophy nod how it 1111.a we'1t,” rt ]listorc of ilio
(,teatest. Engine 'Test oe
The Daimler Motor oa, 0930 Lt.
,fertilized with manure. and wood
ashes, well cultivated in tale early
part of the season, and then sown
to a cover e.rop, to he plowed un-
cles the following hpll•14.' ' pays
ha.l,dsoinely to do it. I)ornetatarve
the goose that lays the golden egg.
^- --_ Advocate.
Kerosene your roosts, upper and
under side. Clean out your coops
and replace the old litter with fresh,
clean straw. Refill your nest box-
es and keep your houses well aired
'during the day.
Farming is all right 11.1) an occu-
pation. but could be made much
more pleasant than it is if farmers
we t,•
u cI take more pride lid
e inand
themselves. m Ther
fa m '
et has as
much right as anyone to wear a
good suit of clothes and beautify
his home. In fact, it is his duty to
s0, It is also his duty to fru.-
Ili good reading matter for the
rent. We should strive so to e1e-
tte and dignify she business that
y man could be proud to say, "1
L1 a farmer,"
Cream should be chimed at as
w a temperature 115 possible and
ve the butter come in from one
if to one hour. Warm cream and
yid churning Mean a large quare
of butter lose in the butter -
17, as well as soft butter, which
very hard to handle after it
nes. The churn 1•hould be stop -
d when the butter is in a grail -
lar condition, about 11e twelfth
an inch, in diameter. If churned
re than this it will be impossible
get the butter evenly washed and
ted without spoiling the grain.
len a piece of good butter is
,lien, it should ]etre the appear-
ce of broken cast iron, and not
salvy, greasy article that we
t:m see at the store.
. the
Large cows usually tired Inure
feed than small ones, and heavy
milkers mere than those that give
but little, but t11080 rules are not
invariable, as individual cta:imals.•
1illy as do int]ivdufls in the .human
Peaetiee and theory agree in
keeping the piling deity animal
growing 1t
1 •tt i,he tc l el' her speed,
furnishing abunclanl: food, not too
fondling in 1111) )'ill'l ('1', and giving
. the s•.
Alt i same tient: alntndttnt asrr•
rise. Nothing dmf the ,udgmcnt`of
the breeder can (lc/ermine the qua-
lity of fund to be gi1en to 1111 1oi1'
1}t(n,tl calf,
Thy best r,lti,11 for colts is- hay',
wytl, !mound oat s, 10(111iltrigs, and
ill-me'a1 , '0' ,t chop or oats, mid -
(Rings and cunt of equal tleantity.
Ties vli11 furnish an !toed nitrogen
diet on which the sell, will .ihrfve.
Vegetables sh,xlld 1. *teen--oar-
-r.:,t1, 117)111 1Nlis .anti 1111,14els al'4
111.,host, .Ap!;Ie. aro 7•."'d nsan al-
10''ittit0, 111„1i-10 11!,, , 'I'net 0011 -
tat,' 1..e 11181011 a1 id. 'I he fart should
h n,1 lu ,zeta hat tho ci,clusiyo
Anil ,torn uatsliptltc s
h.,ti 11'n and er,lts moil prevents
11',' , t• ,.1 ion d"vl•hglnlent,
I •"l Bell of 1'e:11th 1:4
1. trii1.- ft',.fiag.. r1; variety of