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The Brussels Post, 1910-4-28, Page 5
BUSINESS CARDS. :rex--.--- �-- K. O. T. M. Brawl* Pont of the Oftlooabees, 514. 24 hold their regular mootings in the Lodge 110041, Beekor Motile en the nit and Ord Tuesday °vantage of efteh month. Visitors always \ Mleenlo, A, BOND08, Qool, A, NetiQ.10,,81, WM. SPENDS' CONVEYANOER AND ISSUER op MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee In the Post *Mee, Ethel, 804 JAMES HARRIS, Agent ,E[owick Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Moe and ttosldopoe- „WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN t?r, FIRE 'A D N MARINE: GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. LOS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION-. • Bea, will sen for better prices, to °atter sten, In lees [fate and less charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't Wargo anything, Dates and orders canalways be arranged at this oai'oe or by ortional application, ROST. H. GARNISS BLUE VALE -. QNT. Aeletioneer for IturOn County. Tonne reaeoolrble. :dales arranged for at the oalee of Tun Pomo Breese's, • 021f .LEGAL ANI) CONVEYANCING. M. 3D1 ULAIR- • Barrister, 8olioltor,- Conveyancer, Newry Public, ere. Ulnae -Stewart's Block t door North. et Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bunk. 1)1.4OU/3EOOP, HAYS & BLAIR- ' BARRISTERS . SOLICITOUS NOTARIES .. 1tUBLXU, '.ETC.' W. Pnounaoo0, li, O. 0. 0. BATS O. F. 111.020. OMisee-Those formerly °counted: by Messrs Cameron & GoDEnnoH, PA TAMS. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEYLD',• DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sarong' of Ontario and First-class Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Unica next to 8 rower's P o o to. Gallery, Brunel s. see -writ vide 3011bel on 0220 2nd Monday of each Month. Do:ti`.T710 (iyOU IYpg�/��i+?,br,irbFiilJd.ti,J�5�. Ynt aotoroeitB nit Then choose the ;right School In cg which to got your Education TORONTO is noted throughout' Canada for high blase world. Thirty-four of our stud- . .�. ants hare lately accepted good positions. 1. r The demand for our graduates is con- g Mont. College open alt year. Deter , D. now. Magnificent catalogue free. 0' . W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Tonga & Alexander Ms, Toronto. DO YOU NEED TILE? Farmers and others desiring Tile for the coming season can secure what- they re- quire at carload rates, at Brussels or Ethel stations,: if orders are sent in sof- ficient time to arrange far quantity and date of delivery. I will notify the pur- chasers of the arrival of the cars andas- sist in loading from car to wagons.Fur- ther particulars may. be .obtained by seeing or writing W. E. Sanders Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Order at once. All sizes from e - to 48 inches may be obtained. Tile trot.: 8 inches up are 28inches long. CEMENT KEPT IN SEASON. •.••••.••••••••1••••••e••8 To Machinery Users y :and farmers• • • YWTTm'4PV7 P - 4,Shop The flew Machine of the • • • BRUSSELS FIRE APPLIANCE • 41 and . MACHINE Co, • o is now ready for business and, •• • with good Aiachineryltndthkillecl • :g Mechanics, we are in it position • to attend to your repair's prompt- • }•• ly and at reasonable rates. i •If you will lett a your s know � '• wants we will give you bonen[ and help if connected advice a c f Willi 'Machinery. 0 Give us: a trial anci, by coming • to Demerol's, save time aid money • for yourselves. • GAIISIfE & JAMES • • • • •o• Q Mill Street Brussels 44.11•••4•••• ••••••••••gm 14 Rusinoss garde i, MSS SERTHA ARM STRONG Toucher apho of Planp Studio •te s Music i ' one doer North of the aitnndard Bank, Brussels, 8•uf MISS PERLE SHARPS has passed. atuwessfuily'her emend (amnia. Dun of the Pianoforte Deportment of the To. rout° Conservatory of Mual0, audit; prepared to take pupils at her .tome, Princess street, OR, T. T. M' RAE Bachelor of Medlelno, 1711lv0110y of Toronto ; Lielntinte and Graduate of the 001185eof Pixy - Melons 0440 Burgeons, Ont, • :Peat. graduate Chicago Bye, a• a and Throat 0 t Nos Molt sloe l, a t pianqo yt p U � .l Itoronto. �yurgaou to se Mich - n°108.008000, Toronto. Dance over iti, thaith1's Drug Store, Tele. Phone oanuaotiop Walr Uranbrook at all hours,, OR, HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of itoyel Benne of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto, Office over T, 'e. 1200,' store Brussels, see -Villa visit Wroxeter the first and third Mondays and Gerrie the second and fourth a each Mondays of month. a OR. WARDLAW Bogor graduate of the Ontario 'Veterinary College. Day and night calls. (Moe opposite Flour M111, Ethel, i !°`:ft.W,IA tri'. OL'h',fi!' a .$ddb freer BRUSSELS GOMIS BOUPII GOING 1POa'lfl Mail 7:05a in Express 10:55 n.m Express 11:25 a In Mali 1:44 p ret ,Express . 8:02 pin Express 8:60 p m CsC,iy: ar x A2.1Ple • WALTON To Toronto To 00derich Express 8:41 an1 I .Express 11:07 a n, Express 8:00 pm.itxpress 0:15pm Mi trio Stlus Clinton The Odelfellows attended service in St. Paul's church on Sunday, morning. Wilfred Stevenson underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Lon- don hospital. Rev. .I. Geeene,of Clinton, preached ill Londeshoro, and Burns' Presbyter- ian Churches Sunday. Major McTaggart[ and 'Dr. Sliaw have returned from a very pleasant three weeks' cruise amongst the latancls of the West Indies. H. H. Harland of Toronto, who is just recovering from a severe atlask of typhoid fever, is at present the guest of his wide and aunt, SV. S. and Mrs. Harland. Assessor Cottle has' completed his` roll. Total ltssesment has increased. by $12,913 end is now $760,011. The sax on incomes will decrease some- what owing ome-whatowing to the exemption being in- creased from $800 to $1.000. Do your Boots:Pinch ? If so, look out for a billy corn. Cure it' before it ,grows big. Putnam's Painless Corti Extractor is the best. Try "Pntnam's," tfelgrave Mrs. Finlay Anderson is i11 and under the doctor's care. 21,'s. Wm. Wiley is gntte ill and ander the doctor's:care. Wm. Bates was called to the bed- side of at sick sister afWalton. Wm. Geddes has a new 65 foot. smoke stack erected on his mill. Afrs. Barclay, of Loudou,'is visiting her many friends in this locality. Stilton and Mrs. \Vatsoat will shoot - move to Cochrane and take up a farm. Orville Taylor left for :Edmonton where be intends spending, to couple of months. T. S. Brandnn, of St. 14htrys, eallecl on at few of his friends whsle up on busi;Icss. Mrs. Ger 000008 spending to. few days with her daughter, Sirs. Putland, of V inghanz. Mrs. John Scauch'ettis visiting her youngest sister at Saginaw, Mich., who is seriously i11. A. Nicholson and sons leave for Cochrane, New Ontario, where they will take up a block of land. James McCallum, jr„ left on Tues- day of last week for Winnipeg, where Ile intends securing a position. Mrs Dow, sister of Mrs. John Arm strong, is not improving, but gradual- ly getting weaker, with small hope of recovery. ' Joyce McLean, G. T. R. operator of Capetown, is visiting his parents be- fore going bo Brandon, where he has secured a position on the 0. P. R. Ed. Nicholson, brother of James Nielmison, 41.11 line, Morris, has gone to a tout, b,:tweeu Calgary and 3141- e will conduct a 'monton, where bakery business. Mrs. John Owen', while welking across the floor one ley, slipped and fell, dislocating her -'boulder, which caused her mucic pain. Mts. Owens is quite aged and very stout, which roads the aident the 1 n 'e serious W untie ham R, A. Douglass,, formerly o.: Wiug- ham, has been appointed Ala: isLaate for the town of Matheson. John T. Ouerie tufts in Toronto For a few days at the bedside of his , on Elgin Currie, who has been sericn ill with typhoid fever. Jolla Kerr has returned home afte spending some weeks in California and British Columbia. Air:. herr is much improved in health. His reported that 'rhe Canada Flax Fibro Company of Al on epee! iutende enlarging the 'flax Mill in Wiltgg-haul and employing horn 15 to 251taude. • lo the supplementary estimates brought down in the Boosts s of Com !none on Wednesday is $2,000 for a. Lower clock for Wingham public' buildifl8 Mts. hlhns. Hicks, while coming out of a neighbor's home on $undrty eVeu- iltg, misjudged the steps arta, received a severe fall. ,ler right shoulder Was a clielocatecl as a r•es tlt. The five yetulg . men from Nast 1Vawatnoshl who undertook to dock L. Meaee's horse, while service was going on in Cttiviu clnn'ch ono. Sunday appeared before J. A. Morton, P. Al., en .Friday,, They all pleaded guilty to the charge preferred by Prov. Con - Stehle Phippen, and were fined $5,00 Y .....•sposplpoopplopossosooltlalloSUOMOISINAINIMIll Tonic tr r u ant There is an immense difference between a tonic and a stimulant. Up one day, way back the next; that's a stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect health; that's a tonic. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic, a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilla :entirely free from. alcohol Do not'stimulate unless your doctor says so. He knows Ask him. Do as he says. ;/;C, Ayer Co„Lowell,Mass. constipation is the o p h onegreat cause of sick -headache, biliousness, indigestion, bad breath, debility, nervousness Has your doctor ever recommended Ayer's PIhs to you? along with $7,60 costs and Mr. eic- Gee recovered $13.00 damages. The Oddfollows of \Vin gloan,,. to- gether with the members of Minerva Encampment, ateended divine service in St,. Paul's chtu'o11 on Sunday after- noon, when the rector, Rev, Bto DdatllCupl B delivered the animal ee1i110ll r A W. 1-1 Elliott,of the beck yard had the, misfortune to bueak his leg cm Monday of last week, He had hitch- ed up a fiery yeiung: liaise and was going somewhere, when the animal, because' unmanageable. When Me. Elliott found u het tl lost n t 1 control ro o' .' t 1 t I t he jumper' not with result that one of his legs was broken just above the ankle. Thin as a Rail, Are You ? Every day spending as moot[ energy as you make -if the balance gees a littlefnjther, well, you get thinner. On the danger line to -day, -to -mor- row may be too late 1 Better use Fereozone, it builds up -a little gain the first week, but, the gain keeps growing. Next week, not quite so thin. Keep right on, lots of fat won't hurt at all, Your blood is enriched, cheeks grow rosy, yam heart and nerves grow strung and you don't tiro 'so quickly. Joyous robust health, a sturdy fl'arne and a cheerful mind -all these come with Perrozope. You'll. try il•, only 50e. at all dealer's. Seaforkh Harold Dorranee, son of Mrs. Joseph Dorranee, of McKillop, who has been attending the Agricultural College at Guelph, hats been appointed assistant in the agricultural departlnone of the Moru'isburgCollegiate Institute. John. Morrison was cleaning out his cistern and while goingdolvn a plank thought he was at the bottom when be wasa couple of feet from it. The result was that he struck his head and made a gash that required three or four stitches to close. Awing to the crowded condition of the primary department in the public school, the board is considering the establishment of a kindergat'teu. At present the majority at the pupils in this department are "receiving a half clay school. \hiss Bethune, the teacher, has some 74 pupils on her roll. Huron football club has been re- organized for the coming season. A team willbe entered in both the senior and intermediate W. le. A. series. The following officers have been elect- ed :-Hoe. Pres., G. A. Sills ; Hon. Vice Pres,, Thus. Stephens, jr. ; Presi- dent, W. Oughton ; Vice President, C. Stewart, ; Secretary and Treasurer,. J. W. !ruiner ; Exeentive Com., J. Sprout, J. Robertsiul and J. 1Villis. Summer OA fa,. -1411.s. Thomas Blown died with ,shnckingsadduntress on Wednesday morning of hast week. Airs. Brown had just finished dressing arid was leaving her room when with- out a ulmnent'9 warding. she fell to the' floor. She was assisted to the bed and the doctors were sent for, but be- fore theyal-rived she had passed away, death being almost instantan- eous, due, apparently to an affection of the heart. Airs. 131q)11713 had been in her accustomed health and had never complained at any time of being unwell, so that her death was a great shock to her family and friends. Her 'maiden name was.Mary Keating, and she was a daughter of the latePatrick Xenting of McKillop. She was twice married, her first husbautl, Henry Do you require a Buggy Let McLaughlin, of Walton Supply you See his Special Bargain at on- ly $60. It's a dandy. If you want to .save money buy from him. Frost Vire Fence To the users of Wire Fence We have ie full stock of Prost Wire on hand and we are reedy and willing to make yon the best job and price on arty kind of a fence you wish. We ',engirt our wire three weeks ago and f ,und the material better than the Co..'lplhsy represented it to be and you not ull8.leave read our advoreisemeut in son of fire papers. bus, wire is full Noy 9 before it is r galvanire... .The galvanizing is time as thick Cts Wee Olt any wire We have sold before an the manufacture of the woven ,n fence is much ahead: of any other woven fence nn the uarltet, We can-guarnntueyou e Y z ^e1 mining wive- even 801151011 and stern straig 1L 01p' and downy 'Prose Gatos, all sizes on .tart,.', at best possible 1'lce 1 prices, •„� Apply to Ferguson & Harris, Walton, O\?' IVI'Donald ros. Blyth, Ont. Friel, having been killed in Oalifor'nia about 20 year's ago. Mrs. Brown is survived by herIntabafld, one 80n ,Toeeph, at home, and tln'ee'deughters, Mrs. Chas. Stewart and Misses Mamie and Rebecca Friel. To the bereaved family and friends' will 111 be extended the sincerest sympathy tthy of all. The funeral tool. plane Friday morning to Si,James, chm'eh, and thence to St. James' cemetery. Prevent Taking Cold. Often you come home, 'cold and shivering -feet are wet, throat is raw, hest a little sago A bad cold is' e , ar 0 lust, beginning. Put a Nerviline Porous Plaster on your chest, rub your throat with Nerviline, and take a stiff dose of Nerviline in hot wetter. This ore - vents a chill, and checks the Bold in- stantly. No remedies so useful in the hntue, so sure to prevent serious .ill - nese AS Nerviline and .Nerviline Pies - tem. Sold by ail dealers, 25c. each, but be sure you get the genuine, and refuse any substitute. - Goderich Walter Naftelleft to take a position on the St. Thomas Times. The Good Roads Machine' Company have been working overtime to catch' up with the work. Farr's foto' year oki Lilly, direct from the famous Hal, 2.04e,will likely com- mence the race season at London in hot company. W. E. and Mrs. Kelly have return- ed from their week's visit to Detroit, coming back id to handsome new Ford car purchased at, Walkerv,ille. W. C. McEwen,' formerly of 2fc- I9wen Bros„ grocers, accompanied by T. AI, and Mrs. McEwen and children, of St. George, left last week on tt gen- eral tour of the West. The Charter for the Goderich Rural Telephone Company is expected to ar- rive in few days, and immediately thereafter arrangements will be made for the-coumnencement of construc- tion. • The commemoration of the ninety- first anniversary of the founding of the I. 0. 0. F. was befittingly cele- brated in the Oddfellows' Hall, King- ston street, on Monday evening of last'- week. Six members of the Society who have worn the three -link- ed emblem for over thirty-eight years were peesented witb Veteran's jewels. The 'steamer Beaverton reached here Monday morning of last week with a cargo of wheat. About 19,000 bushels was unloaded into the Big Mill .eleva- tor, which was sufficient to lighten her sufficiently to allow her to pass through the canal on her way to Montreal. -"Thick enough to well: nn" is the way one spectator spoke of the schools of minnows at present in the harbor. -The steamer Monist Stephen arrived last week from Port Arthur with a cargo of 113,000 bushels of wheat for the Big Mill. Fordwich Mts. 0. Ratan has returried to her home at Elstow, Sask. Mrs. AL Gilkinson has returned from Wingham Hospital much im- proved in health. Miss Cecilia Spinks, • who 'has been attending Hermiston High School, has given up her High School studies and will attend Business College inToron- to after Summer vacation. Marshall Armstrong passed with second class honors in bis recent ex- aminations in dairying in the Agricul- tural College at Guelph. After two years practical work, he will get his diploma. The S.S. of Mayne has been re -or- ganized with Geo. Magee •ars Superin- tendent, 101r. Cooper as assistant, 0. Lambkin, Sec.-Treas., Miss Ronald as Organist. Rev. S. Ball will take charge of a married people's Bible class if a sufcieut number can be in- duced to attend. Rev. E. G. Powell, of Brussels, has been secured to preach the Epworth. League ainiiversary sermons on May. 22nd. Newton Large, of Owen Sound, the noted baritone singer, -has been engaged foe the 24th of May enter- tainment,. hiss Brook, of Wtngham, and others will taste part, snaking a strong combination. Listowel The Listowel Races will be held on June 30111, July 1st and 211c1. Arrangements have been made for holding a celeblatiou on May 24th. RobertWoods has sold his livery business on Mill street to Jas. Coutts, of Gleuallen. Will. MacDonald, eldest son of J. H. MacDonald, has :accepted a position iu Winnipeg Listowel Hough Oup team is practis- ing faithfully so as to be in shape for their game in a couple of weeks. Miss AL A.. Duke, of Leamington, was appoineedto fill thevacauey caus- ed by lutes McDonald's! resignation on Che public school staff. •' Mess Brie T. Hawkins left for Guelph, where site intends taking a cortege in Iuclustriatl Arts at the On- tario Agt'icultiu'al College: John Watson has been successful at the horse shows with his atitiful he driver Bessie Rustatn, He took first and second in the roadster (flosses in Palmerston and Barrister'. A YoungMen's Club has been in- stitutedinCListowelunder the auspices of the ot nomen of ChIi b ha ). The Vestry f the olzni'oh has authoriz- ed the use of the parish hall es a club reotn, admission to be allowed to young men collectively, regardless of their religious tendencies. ' The club porn will be open on Monday, Wed - day and Friday evenings, when mines and games oh every variety I Her Ina win be at their diepostll. It leas been ! - - - - - - decided to extend else privilege of sinrtkiag anything except septettes a all, totcommittee 1 al LI z la epee, 1 1 a $of 1 flee has r i alai viuted to look :after the genets, dopa •anent of the mem- bers. The members of the Ladies' Aid oe the Evangelical camel. assembled at the home of Mm. J, F, Damm and pre - welted her with a tea set of Limoges china, as a slight mark of the esteem in which the recipient has been held. The prospective departure of Mos. Damm for Waterloo evoked alis ex- pression of feeling on the part of her fellow workers. Poing Into consumption 7 When vnur throat rattles, yonr lungs and chest are sore, your thl'oa1.6 is stuffed with cold -don't fear con- sumption -use Oatarrhozone and get well. It clears the throat,'oures hook- ing, relieves tight chest and soreness in the bronchial tubes. To clear away Catarrh of the nose nothing, could be. t g [.l better. O7Larihovone is Nature's u lemedi , It heals and soothes cures every form of throat Lung tie bron- chial trouble. Prescribed by many specialists and used by thousands every day. 20c. and $1.00 at all deal- ers. Im ressio s of California P n And British Columbia R. Grunt a former well known Pow Postmaster of. Brussels, -is reported in the. Winnipeg Tribuue, of April 15th a5 follows::- T. R. Grant, en old timer, who has just returned trona a trip to the South and West, had some very interesting things to say to a Tribune reporter con- cerning his impressions of .California and British Colum. la. Mr. Grant has been making annual visits to these ports ofthe world for ten years, besides having travelled extensiv- ely in other parts, and as he is a close reader and observer, his remarks en present conditions in the business world are always interesting. He visited Vir•toria and Vancouver both going to and coming from California, where he spent about threemonths, and there met many,Canadians, nota few of whom were from Winnipeg. Mr. Grant says the Californians, and especially those of Los Angeles and San Francisco are "great boosters" and are in the habit of caricaturing Canadians in a humorous way with fur coats and big mitts, fur - lined boots and ear tabs and never fail to speak of theirseven crops of alfalfa in one year. Mr. Grant had on one occasion at a convivial gathering to reply on behalf of Canada and Canadians. He told them up in Canada, West of the Great Lakes, where be lived, they could not boast of seven crops of anything unless it was ice, and you could read the news- paper headings through three feet of it ; otherwise the farmers only raised one crop, but that it took the farmers all the rest of the year to haul it to market. It is just beginning to dawn upon them SOW that there is some truth in it and they begin to look to Canada as the future granary of the white man's world. Che Californians are systematic ad vertisers. Their chamber of commerce and publicity bureaus, aided by an ag gressivetiewspaper, have made Californ- ia the tnost talked of country on this hemisphere Mr. Grant says many of them pretend to believe it is all a mis take to think the garden of Eden was in Asiatic Turkey, but on the contrary was iu California, and that the Colorado River is another name for the Euphrates, He smiled and said they will next claim dint the forbidden fruit was not an apple at all but a naval orange. He says further that much money and man's cleverness has changed California, through scientific irrigation from a 'barren desert waste to a fruitful garden and thus has justified their taking it from the Mexicans over half a century ago Business appears to be prosperous everywhere, he says. Railway building is progressing rapidly and the great question of transportation 0 receiving a strong impulse. By the way British Columbia is on the boons. Vancouver properties sell at Winnipeg prices. Business is good and everybody hopeful Victoria still claims to be a 'bit of England on the Pacific Coast." It is an ideal' site for a' tourist resort either for Summer or Winter -it has a great natural beauty of situation, and with modern ideas in Its city government and more of the natural products of its soil to show for its fifty years of occupation and less restraint of trade and labor, it would be a pleasant place to live in. Mr. Grant SEWS. he is always pleased to get back to Winnipeg, where he has spent so long a time. Mitchell Sporting Association decid- ed to put on races May 24th. There will he font clauses, and good purses will be offered, A dealer in Mitchell has been in the habit of selling tobacco and cigars to little Johnny Lashbrook. The next offence of the kind will bo settled in . court the Advocate says. ✓1' • • • • • Brussels Photo. '. Portraits by Photography . • ALL WORI • GUARANTEED. y YY /'1 �,�p yam' p�� �ry e• • G. F. MAI ,LAND• 04•I•4444r4.4444.14 •II•i+•d•O•i•eee•be•i•teeese •✓r4•444.••etee•-eiteel0'hA • eo©cote•o••osee•••••o•see•o•e•••••o••••s•••o eseresee • • • • D 0 0 • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • 0 N • • e Y • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CLEARING OST ..OF:: China, Grockery,assure Ga Etc., Etc. • • s • • • • • • • • • p, WE have decided to clear out our entire stock of these lines and are goingto offer you •some .03 Exceptional will rt u f7►t Values. It 11 be worth h . your while to call and have a look over 'these bargains °a 38 • •• 0• ® DINNER SETS Regular price 15 00 Clearing at 9 00 TOILET SETS Regular price 5 75 Clearing at Regular price 4 50 Clearing at French Limoges China at Hal',: Price • 3 75 300 e • • • Maple Leaf and Clover Leaf, off regular Open stock Dinnerware at one-third price P All our Fancy China at Half Price Everything must be Cleared Re- gardless of what it Cost us. .Highest market price for Produce. b R. J. LAING 84 0 'Phone 18 Next Door to the Post Of',ce Wroxeter O • • 0 • •sesseoso•essssssoe•oeooeo s•0000000000oos•os•0eoseo • b rbc r; You Can Even Do Your Toronto Shopping Through "The Star" The Star's "In Toronto Shops" Depart- ment describes new and attractive offerings seen in City Shops day by day, with the Toronto Daily Star's offer to purchase any of these articles for out-of-town subscribers who send the money. Many are taking advantage of this Department. "OfInteresttoWomen" istheweil-deserved heading of a special page in the Trronto Daily , Star. It is one of two and sometimes three pages devoted particularly to women's tastes and is independent of the "Social and Personal" and "Madge Merton's" pages, for years popular f:.tcures of the Star. e.Of Interest to Women" includes scores of little hints on health and beauty; • the newest fashions in dress and house furnishings; ; talks on ethical matters of particular interest to women; points of etiquette; suggestions for home entertainment; recipes; daily menus; advice and suggestions on all the matters that lie close to a woman's heart. They will help solve household problems, and better still, stimulate and interest the mind. On the Woman's page, and throughout the paper, current topics are treated in a bright, newsy way that appeals to the wide-awake woman. You'd thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star A �Year9 $1.50 This papor and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 600. added to above subscription price. it • h\� t•40 -;lett NO.e < Says the Miller : a�� __I? My wife bakes with ' CREAM or THE WEST • FLOUR 1 That's a pretty good sign: isn't it? l'm the Miller of ' CREAM OF TUE 'WEST' and/knowoto it'sad h made, If 1 didn't know d ti a l s �, Cream of tie e West Flour . it�, t�J to be the best on earth, 1 certainly wouldn't allow my wsfe to use it, would 1? Well, then, won'totx dive 'CREAM Y OF THE WEST ' a trial -for your own take?" The Cemrtell Melee Ca., Limited Toronto iL e d tt xD` Ali CSrt Y 4).,„ e. t, it 't\3 l 0