HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-4-28, Page 2YOUNG
Mice had been ;seen in the pantry,
and that evening Harry and Ruth
watched with Inueb eagerness the
baiting and setting of the trap.
J t was not 000 of those little traps
that shut down quickly and choke
the mouse, but a big wire cage,
which must seem to a mouse lute a
Loge, airy room. Father cut off a
piece of cheese that was hard and
would not break easily, and 'after
tohsting it a few minutes over the
Axe. fixed it firmly on the little wire
hcok that hung down from the roof
of the cage. Then the big door at
'tine end was fastened so that it
would stay wide open. Any mouse
that smelled that lovely toasted
ol•eese could walk right in and help
himself; but just as soon as he
stood up on bis legs and began to
nibble at the cheese, bang ! would
go the door behind him, and he
would find himself shut in tight.
'The next morning Harry was the
first one up. He waked Ruth, and
tcgethor they crept quietly down-
stairs and to the pantry before
Mary, the maid, was out of bed.
As they pushed open the pantry
door, they saw something which
made them both cry out in wonder.
The door of the wire cage was
closed, and inside was, not one
mouse, but seven.
There was one big mouse, and
cuddled close up her her were six
email mice children that had follow-
ed the mother into the cage. She
had not even nibbled the cheese un-
til they were all safely inside.
Strangest of all, the little family
wan curled up in a beautiful nest, and violent headaches. I tried sev-
made ,of bits of paper and small eral remedies, but they did not do
pieces of string and hairs and a fewl me a bit of good. I was advised
small rags, all nicely woven to- to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
gether into a little round bed, as't did so, and the use of eight boxes
acft and warm as any ono could' brought me back to perfect health
land strength. I have since enjoyed
Where could that nest have come the best of health and cannot say
from When the trap was set the too much in praise of this valuable
night before there had not been medicine."
anything in it but the piece of Sold ,by all medicine dealers or
cheese, that was now half -eaten. by mail at 50 cents a box or six She scorns romance on a business
In the giving Most People Need
a Tonic B1edioine'
If you want new health and new
strength in ,the spring you must
build up your blood with a tonic,
medicine, Following the long in-
door winter months most people
feel depressed and easily tired.
This means that the blood is impure
and watery. It is this state of the
blood that causes pimples and un-
sightly eruptions. To this same
condition is doe attacks of rheuma-
tism and lumbago; the sharp stab-
biug pains of sciatica- and neural-
gia; poor appetite, frequent head- set. -Life.
aches and a desire to avoid exer-
tion, You can't euro these troubles
by the use of purgatives; you need
a tonic and a tonic only, and among
all medicines there is none can
equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
their tonic, life-giving, nerve re-
storing powers. Every dose of this
medicine makes new, rich blood,
which drives out impurities, sti-
mulates every organ, and brings a band keeps a shop, she keeps" it
feeling of new health and energy too; there is no question about her
'271cAroi6 Vit' -_
Very unpopular with the younger
Put French Wonsan on Basis of
Equality With Husband.
Though there is far less suflrage
propaganda in France, the super-
ior position of the French woman
hos often been noted. If the hus-
to weak, tired out, ailing men, wo-
men and children. • If you are feel-
ing out of sorts give this medicine
a trial, it will not disappoint you.
Mr Paul Charbonneau, a young
man well known in the town of St.
Jerome, Que., is one of the host
who bear testimony to the value of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He says:
school "When I ft e
lhoof I became a
capacity for business, nor is her
share in the joint business regard-
ed as "interference." With rare
exceptions, says London Truth, it
is almost impossible to imagine the
Englishwoman in a position, so en-
tirely taken for granted. But a
French portionless girl would be
fairly certain not to marry; from
the moment
of her birth,
office. bookkeeper in an Importanto
Pwork -toprovide
lerparents set to
Probably due to confinement I be- her ith a "dot." Incidntally,
gen to suffer from indigestion and the "dot" system is perhaps the
lose of strength. I becamepale and
r a
est incentive
to thrift so
seemingly bloodless and was often t rely lacking in England. The
seized with palpitation of the heart dowered girl goes to her husband
with a certain solid backing—which
proves its value in times of stress
or illness—and is not only willing.
but prepared to work.
The average Englishwoman, on
the other hand, will be independ-
ent, but she is also romantic. And
romance with her prefers the role
of beggarmaid to King Cophetua.
In her heart of hearts, sho likes her
husband to "raise her to his side."
Not even the little baby mice could boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-
. ;sot out. Who could have brought liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
in the things the nest was made of? Ont
The children could not tell. After - -�'—
breakfast Mr. Arnold said he was HOW IT HAPPENS.
going to try to find out.
Ho first took the cage back' to the Mr. Stubb—"Man up in the ex-
pantry and set it down on the floor, treme end of Alaska writes to his
just whore it had been all night. sifts every mail.
He left the pantry door open a lit- Mrs. Stubb— My 1 What an af-
tir way, and placing a chair out- fectionate husband,
side, in the kitchen, he sat clown Mr. Stubb—"Oh, I don't know. in 45 years: In 1864 the moat pow -
where he couldsee the cage all the There is only - one mail a year up erful 12 -inch gun was a muzzle -load -
time; and he told Harry that if he there."
would promise not to move once, —..._a„--.
foreven to whisper, he could stay HOW TO MAKE BABY SLEEP
with him. The babythat cries half the night of
• For a long time they saw nothing does not ry for nothing. It 01108 coulclvelocity (orate 16 300 mehes of wrought
except the )pother mouse anti her P
babies in the trap. Then all at because it is not well, and has no iron at the muzzle, and eight inches
ence a small gray shadow crept out other means of saying so. The at a range of 6,000 yards. In 1909
from a corner and ran to the cage, chances are the trouble is due to the 12 -inch gun had become a
Is wasanother mouse • and in his some upsetting of the stomach or- breech -loader, 50 calibres long,
mouth he carried a little rag, bowels, which would be speedily re- weighing 70 tons, using a projec-
When he reached the cage there moved if the child were given a tile of 850 pounds discharged with
was a great squealing. He stood close of Baby's Own Tablets. These a 'muzzle velocity of 3,000 feet per
up on his hind legs and pushed the Tablets make children sleep sound- second, and capable of penotrat-
rag through the bars, and the ly and naturally because they re- ing 52 inches of wrought iron at
mouse inside ran over to him and move the cause of the crossness tho muzzle, 37 inches at a distance
and wakefulness. They are a bless- of.0,000 yards,and 17.5 inches at
took the rag and ran back to her ing to children and a relief to wor-
rest and patted the rag into place in the wall. lied mothers. Mrs. John Sickles, 24,000 yards.
'''' i Throe times he came. The sec- Douglastown, N. B., says : "If any -
end time he brought a little bit of thing ails my little
ones the first THE RIGHT NAME.
cotton, and afterward a small piece thing I give them is a dose
of string; and all these things tho Baby's Own Tablets and they are
scan well again." Sold by medi-
mother mouse took when he pushed el,ta dealers or by mail at 25 cents
them into' the cage, and used them a box from The Dr. Williams' Ma-
to make the nest warmer. dicine Co., Brockville'Ont.
"New,' children," Mr. Arnold — d...----
basis. Too late does she realize
that the small business or profes-
sional man cannot really afford the
luxury of a housekeeper.
Sir A. Trevor Dawson makes this
comparison to show the great
strides made in modern ordnance
er. 12 calibre long, weighing 23.5
tons, using a charge of 85 pounds
of powder, and discharging a pro-
ject'ie of 814 pounds with a muzzle
said, "what shall we do with this
family of mice? We can't have
them running round in the pantry,
eating and soiling our food."
"0 father, I know what I should
like to do with them," said Harry.
"I should like to take them away
off somewhere, in the woods, and
let them go."
And that was what they did. The
• cage was taken to a sunny place at
the far encl of the garden. Then
the door was opened and the ohil-
then went away. When they came
back the cage was empty. Mrs.
Meuse had moved her little family
to the country.—Youth's Compan-
Good Management If= Improved
Dnehy of Lmleaster.
Before King Edward left London
Inc Biarritz he learned that his
revenue as Duke of Lancaster, th;
title under which he is staying in
7Biarritz, was increascd last year by
$5.000,bridging it up to 3320,000
for the year. The result has not
been attained without a good deal
of thrift, but King Edward has the.
eapacity of choosing excellent man
peers for his private affairs, and
the result is the Duchy of Lancas-
ter 18.pfoving one of :the most pro-
fitable of his estates.
The • Prince . of Wales also finds
himself richer this year than Last
firmthe revenue of his Cornwall
tit shy, which has been raised from
$41i,fi00 to $435,000,
loint think that a virtue is simp-
ly an i'tili,.t vice,
The church that knows nothing
of the alley knows nothing of the
man who went about doing good.
"Perfectly Trustworthy" is the
character of Biekle's Anti -Con-
sumptive Syrup. It can he used
with the utmost confidence that it
will do what is claimed for it. It
is sure in its effects, as the use of
it will clearly demonstrate and can
be relied upon to drive a cold out
of the system more effectively than
any other medicine. Try it and be
convinced that. it is what it is
claimed to be.
The religion that costs you no-
thing costs ton moth.
Re substitute Tar "Tho D & 11' Menthol Plaeteq
dtbengb some nnscrupuinns dealers may Day, there
le, Roonmody for pleurisy, iota' olorgy
sand every
Prue- "lo you think he was sin-
cere when he said he loved you?"
Dolly ---"I'm sure of it. Ile looked
to-, foolish to be making believe."
Try this
romade01 Swhat AME Dye for ALcloth
Ne chance of Mistakes. All colors ',scents
from your Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card
and Booklet Free. Tho Johnoon.Rleherdsen
Co Whited Do I. 0. Montreal Qua,
"What a singularly appropriate
name is Pistol for the man."
"billy is it appropriate 1''
"Because he spends his time be-
tween getting loaded and being
I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the
BEST Liniment in 000,
I got my foot badly Jammed lately. I
bathed it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT
and it was as well as over next day.
Yours very truly.
'i. 0, McMIILLEN.
They who crawl in the dark think
they travel faster than those who
walk in the light.
I is only necessary to read the
testimonials to be convinced that
Holloway's Corn Cure is unequal-
led for the removal of corns; warts,
eta It is a complete extinguisher.
The lerturer was growing very ve-
hement, in the course of his oratory.
His subject was, "How to be happy
though married.'
"As we all know," he cried, "the
duty of a wife is to be a loving help-
mate to her husband by cooking
his food, attending to the various
requirements, conducting properly
his Household affairs, and so on,
awl so on!"
"Abs'' sigher the little man in
front, "they never perform that
hist drlty l"
"Wliieh one is that?" asked the
"Why," explained the little man,
"POW OIL nitr] Few on 1" and he ex-
hil,,1r11 his shirt cliffs. which were
fo-'rnril �iifh ;rnR.
)IR. F, ]UoA.ULII'X'k,'S
Laehute Man, After ' Fourteen
Years Suffering, finds Health and
Strength in an Old Reliable Kid-
ney Remedy.
Li/chute, Quo,, April 18 (Special)
—After fourteen years of suffering,
which started from pleurisy, fol•
lol+ed by dropsical swellings, and
culminated in Lumbago, and con-
fined him to his bed, Malachi F.
McAuliffe, a well-known resident
of this place, has entirely recover-
ed his health, and he says without
hesitation, "I am sure I owe it en-
tirely to Dodd's Kidney Pills."
"I was laid up with Pleurisy,
which affected my kidneys," Mr.
McAuliffe continuos. "I suffered a
great deal of pain, especially in my
back. I was also terribly troubled
with dropsical swellings, and final-
ly, after many attempts to get rid
of my trouble, I found myself com-
polled to 'give up and was confined
to my bed with Lumbago. I tried
many medicines but they failed to
do me any good. • Then I turned to
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and after
taking one box I felt greatly re-
lieved. I took several more boxes
and found myself completely
Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure
aiv and all forms of Kidney Dis-
"Drinking is a disease with you.
Dryup. Are you doing anything
for it?"
"Yes, sir; I'm getting treated,
Pa—"But, young man, do you
think you can make my little girl
happy ?„
Suitor—"Do I? Say, I wish you
could 'a seen her when,I propos-
Kw Formula Cares Coughs, Colds
Bronchitis and Hoarseness
in Five Hours.
Much is being done in these days
to stop the ravages of consumption,
hut probably nothing has been so
effective as teaching trio public how
to break u coldn
p a and cure
coughs, bronchitis, tonsilitis, etc.,
with simple home -mixed medicine.
A laxative cough syrup, free from
whiskey, is the primo need. A
cough indicates inflammation and
congestion and these in turn are
due to an excess of waste and pois-
on: in the system. A tonic laxa-
tive cough syrup rids the system of
congestion, while relieving the pain-
ful coughing. Get the following
ar.el mix at home: One-half ouneo
fluid wild cherry bark, one ounce
compound essence cardiol and
three ounces syrup white pine com.
pound. Shake the bottle and take
twenty drops every half hour fox
four hours. Then one-half to one
teaspoonful three or four times
daily. Give children less, accord.
ing to age. Cut this out and save
it for some friend.
Give the reverse lever a yank
when you find yourself talking too
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta.
A gossip believes everything she
hears, and takes the rest for grant-
Tip Disease in the Bnd.—It is
difficult to eradicate a disease after
it has become seated, therefore it
is wise to take any ailment in its
initial stages and by such remedies
as aro sufficient, stop it in its
course. Cold is the commonest
complaint of man, and when neg-
leeted.leads to serious results. Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil will cure the
severest colder most violent cough.
"Father, what is Meant by bank-
ruptcy 1"
"Bankruptcy is when you put
your money in your hip pocket,
and let your creditors take your
coat "
ISSUE N0. 17/-10
Edo WardCi CONYN40.
Members Toronto Stock Eaehango,
Sale IRlresfinellts Writo for our weekly
,,,�,f�,,_r,�,,,__,n, standar on ooao,1tle.,
Refer as to standing to any bank,
Wo have mored to
Der new building, 90 Hay St., Toronto.
gold stooks bought and sold, Prop•
erties incorporated and ananecd. Write
for particulars, P. S. naivete!), 25 Mann'
Ng Arcade. Toronto, Ont.
Like men who move with sightless
'We stumble through our days,
And leave our souls to emphasize
Tho folly of our ways.
Time and again the drunkard's lips
Indulge their low desire,
And all the time he slips and slips
Into a hopeless mire.
Time and again the spendthrift's
Are busy wasting all;
While surely move the shifting
That bear him to his fall.
Time and again the gambler,takes
The risks of reckless play;
While in his heart the canker makes
Its all -destroying way. •
Time and again we give to those
We love the words that pain;
While through the mill our consci-
ence goes
Till we are friends again,
After hearing the evidence in an
assault Daae between man and wife,
in which the wife had a deal cf pro-
vocation, the magistrate,. turning
to the husband, remarked;
"My good man, I really cannot
do anything in this ease,"
"Bat she has cut off a bit of my
ear, Sir."
"Wall," said the magistrate, "I
will bind her over to keep,the
"You can't," replied the angry
husband; "she's thrown the piece
away hr
.The young daughter of Mrs. T. S.
Dougall, 523 Flora Avenue, Winni-
peg, was arranging some of her
dell's washing on a clothes rack,
when she fell, and her hand came
in contact with the hot stove. She
sustained a serious burn, and her
screams brought her mother quick-
ly to the spot.
"I sent to the druggist for the
best remedy he had for burns," she
says, "and lie sent back a box of
Zana-Buk. Ho said that there was
nothing to equal it. I applied this,
and it soothed the pain so quickly
that the child laughed through her
tears. I bound up the hand in
Ilam-Buk, and etch day applied
1Zam-B1ak frequently and liberally,
until the burn was quite cured.
"I would recommend all mothers
to. keep Zam-Buk in the home."
All druggists r,
gg bs and stores sell Zam-
Bilk at fifty cents box, Post free
from Zam-Buk Co., ,Toronto, for
Some day, perhaps—it may not be price. Refuse all,'mutations.
Ho—"I have been told that I was
handsome." She—"When was
that?" He—"To-day." She—" No
I mean, when were you handsome?"
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
twilight days,
Till in our t d
g Y,
Too late to alter—we shall see
The folly of our ways.
Mr. Herbert Bauer, of Davisville, 0078
she owes Gin -Pills a debt of gratitude
which he can never repay. Ho suffers)
for years with Bladder Trouble, and could
not pass Drina except by much etrdinlog,
which caused great pain.
Mr. Bauer Bent for a free sample of Qin
Pills. Tho first dose did him so much good
that Inc ordered six boxes and began to
take them regularly. A Month's treat•
meet completely ourod him.
Yon can try Gin Pills before you buy
them. Write National Drug & Chemical
Co., (Dept. W.L.), Toronto, for free Ramie.
At all dealer% 60o. a Lox, 6 for $2.50.
"Clean, dry quarters are neces-
sary for young lambs," says a stock ate? has the largest sale of an si-
journal. But any old quarters that g y
will pass aro good enough for most miler preparation sold in Canada.
of us. It always givessatisfaction by re-
storing health to the little folks.
Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
The average man is never as big
a fool as he might be if he fair associat-
ed ed with the sex more.
Ma y a good man is a quitter
when the whistle blows.
Woloome as Sunshine. after 1 storm le the relief
when an obstinate, pitiless cough has been driven
away by Alien's Lung: Balsam, No opium 1n It.
The good effect lasts. Take a bottle home with
you tate day.
"Papa, why do brides wear long
veils?' "To conceal their satis-
faction, I presume,' my son." ,
Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
Iced, ' Veale Weary, Watery Eyes.
Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try
Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You
Will Lice Murine. It Soothes. 50c At
Your Druggists. Write For Eye Books.
Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto.
It's easy to get up in the world.
Simply patronize an elevator going
that way.
Lose of Flesh, cough and pain in the chest may
not moan consumption but aro bad Meas. Allen's
Lung Balsam l000ens the cough and heals inflate.
ad air Damages. Not a grain of opium is it.
Children's Cou_hs c"L,u the
One. Much Uanoeea..ry Suffering
Gives instant relief—soothes and heal, the 5tdo
throats and prevents MOM ,edmu itIne., Chtdren
like It too -so pleasant to take and does not upset
the nomad,,
All Drucei.t,. 25 cents.
A L VES Raise Thom Without OHM
Booklet Free.
Steele,IBrigge seed Co. Ltd.. Totpnto,I00L
Husband (during the quarrel) — Is Your Hearing Good?
"Providence looks after fools, you
know." Wife—"Indirectly — yes." benefits of godHhearling.11Send forufreee
Husband—"Indirectly 1" Wife — beaklet, giving particulars and names
"Yes; by giving thein wives to look of oatleaed users. Atao
after them." Special Offer for a Month's Home Trial
334Spadina Avenue, Toronto.
A Simple and Cheap Medicine.
A simple, cheap and effective medi-
cine is something to be desired.
there is no medicine so effective a.
regulator of the digestive system
as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They
aro simple, they adze cheap, they
eau be got anywhere, and their be-
neficial action will prove their re-
commendation. They are the medi-
cine of the poor man and those who
wish to escape doctors' bills will do
well in giving them a trial.
"Work," observed the reflective
tramp, "work is all right, if you
can get the sort, to suit your indi-
vidual needs. I, for instance,
wouldn't object to calling out the
names of the ports of call on an
Atlantic liner."
Minaed's Liniment for Sale Everywhere.
The law won't make a man good,
but it may. prevent flim from being
a nuisance.
chilled to the Bono r A. teaspoonful of Pal
in a cup of hot water sweetened will war
but one "painkiller" Para Daristu15o and 600.
When a man says you are too
smart to bo fooled, look out; he is
getting ready to spring a new one
on you.
Away With Depression and,
Melancholy,—These two evils are
the accompaniment of a disordered
stomach and torpid liver and paean
wretchedness to all wholethey visit.
The surest and speediest way to.
combat them is with Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills, which will restore
the healthful action of the stomach
and bring relief. They have proved
their usefulness in thousands of
eases and will continueto give re-
lief to the suffering who are wise
enough to use them,
1001 curious (mostly untold, facts about
Human Nature 7 Read Dr, Foote's
"Wonder" hook on the dellento snhjeete
of Love, Marriage, Parentage. Health,
Disease, and Freaks. I5 ie the fruit of 60
Fevre'. experience of a suooesofal author
end practitioner. Full of advice neves.
0nry to everyman and woman. Contains
more vital fecto' than your doctor would
give yon for ten dollars. In 3 sections),
040 pones and 40 illustrations, Praia tee.
L. L. Hill Book Co,,129 E. 28 St., Now York
1qst tparity%/4,,,J/
}'cur boots
.,40.4L5 mtzniWGORy R/S214M
When ono is "chilled
through," or suffers from
Rhoumatic Pains, Sore
Throat, Lumbago. Tooth,
Rohe Neuralgia. Selati•
ca,.Pneumet e, Tonsil.
ttls,lnflammntio, of the
Bronchial rubes Dow.
ors or Lunges, cream,
Bore Muscles,
or Pains of any
kind, :use
onstipation •--10 en enemy within the comp, It
will nnderunne the strongest on.
initiation and ruin the moat Vigor -
nes health, It leads to indigeetton,
blllousuess, impure blood, bad vein•
plezioti, siolt boadnaltes, and to ono
Of the most tawtluent oana0e of
a:pPendteltls. 'Co neglect it is slow
sulletdo. A"r, Morso'e Indian Root
'lite positively ours Constipation.
They ore entirely v079(01)0e in come
ppsltion and da not siphon. weaken
or gripe. Preserve your 110a16b or
Dr. iMlorso's
Indian Root Pitts.
I1Aranto, llbghetHpitos pnAtfl, Fax a
Rose, Scott fit., Teronto.
oy0tem—constant praettee;.• careful
Instruction; few weeks complete course;
tools tree! graduates Darn twelve to
eighteen dollare weekly; write for oats,
logue, Motor Barber College, 221 Quoen
Fast, Toronto. —
lots and farm lands on easy .pay.
melts. Will buy western property B.
M. Mathews.. Room 11 1.2 76 Tondo Street.
Iron and woodworking machines]..
engines. boilers. steam pumps, gasoline
engines. electric motors. contractors'
machinery, etc. Srhtd for catalogue e1:
Gitntter d 00 Tomrontnnss. btontl. W. real, Vancouver.
men to learn Moulding. Three
Year contract. 01.25 a day to-etnrt. 02,50
can bo made after 9 months on piece.
work. Must he well recommended as to
Foundry Co. Limited, c. Apply
o onto. e Dummy
rtemfyreon easyo, LANDS—CITY
ay y
i it will ]L ps
for N
west, send Y
M. Mathews, 75 Yon St.,
Tonto. YongoTo
or sale, oruwitll exchange for of honest
sex, o 01'
and lot or. smaller [arm. 'Inc Western
Real Estate .Exchange, Limited, London,
,a.acro farm with splendid buildings,
in tbo County of Essex. Will sell or ex-
change for smaller farm. The Western
Real Edtato Exchange, Limited, London,
THE LIN O MAN TRUSS will hold any reducible
hernia. Endorsed by foremost medical moa.
Write for particulars. B. LLNDMAN, (Reg'd),
. of the merman of the electricnL nee
n use throughout the world. Write for cote{
ag . OTow nSNrat Seroma Co., of Comte, Ltd,
C1wolos Ind Ourllog and XIS Otero domed Thu1
neo be swot br rose, to par... the bat piece 1.
'Cored without operations. All who are at.
bteted with this disease and wish to be
enred permanently safely and quickly
with this great Homeopathic remedy.
which will be Dent post-paid anywhere
in the world with full instructions for
using so as toeffect a permanent cure.
Price R2 Address
John T. Walt, Homeopathic Pharmacy,
Arnprlor, Canada.
The " Victorian " and
"Virginia,;' are fitted
with Turbine Engines,
Triple Screws ad
Long Distance
Mar con,
Vele gra ph,
ments are luxurious and include
Lounge _
Library, etc,
Vibration is reduced to a minitnum.
Send for sailings, rates, etc., to
general Agency for Ontario.
Tho Allan Lina, 77 Vence 5t.; TofSdta..
Arrested, and Consumption Cured
Mr. G. D.Colwell, of Watkerviile, Ont.
wan stricken down with La Grippe in 1906
and it left him in very bad condition. He
says: I was all run down and bordering on
Consumption. I could not sleep atnights,
had awful sweats, and coughed nearly the
whole time. This is how 1 was when 1
begaa to take Psychipe, in a lots nervous
state; butfrom the first !scale! began to
improve. Itdld marvels for me and brought
me back to health in no time, making new
man of me. It fortifies the body against
the attacks of La Grippe and is a sure pre.
Tentative. 1 always take Psyohinc if 1 feel
a cold coming on and it puts me tight in
no time,"
For Salo Sy all Druggists and Dealers, 50c. Ik 51
per bonne.
Do T. A. 5L00U51
v..._., TORONTO