HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-4-7, Page 71HE CM Mal IT:
CHAPTER 'V,-•((!ont'd)
"By suffering myself to he sedu0-
ed by this wontan'1" asked the col-
onel, ironically,
. "Yes, and in profiting by your
superiority over her. You can -read
elf her hand and she cannot read
yours, Yuu will go only so far as It
suits - yon, and, however greet- her
ennning, elle will at last let you
find out her vulnerable point. Be-
sides, you have an ally in nx . When
I met her .last summer in Switzer -
lane I took care to ashnliue the ep-
pearance of a liberal Russian, and
make n alemy liber-
alism still more pvouounced until
T have, gained completely her confi-
"If site saw you with me she
wr.uid scarcely' be ready to recog
nine you as a thorough partisan. of
her own,"
"Oh, I shall not speak extrava-
gantly. I shall be governed' by eir-
oumatances. What 1 want is to dis-
cover whether this young magi was
1 really concerned in the theft, and
if not, I have an easy way out of
the situation, which will comprom-
ise no one."
"And you propose to begin oper-
ations this everting at the opera t"
` said Borisoff.
"Yes, if we meet the lady, as.1
hope. But, tell me, don't you think
that young ratan looks at ns rather
oftener• than ,-is necessary—the one
whu came to ask you about M. de
Carneel 1"
He is a madcap, not worth oc-
cupying otir attention."
"So be it, but if you take my ad-
vice we will raisethe siege before
he, is through his dinner. The youth
annoys me, and andel' other cis
cumstances 1 should like to make
him Seel the point of my sword,
grumbled Mouriatine, outlining the
lunge with whish he would be
pleased to gratify Maxima.
At the same instant Maxime was
struck by a sudden recollection:
"Ah l parbleu ! I recognize him foreigners are about.
DOW ; this man is. the fencing -mag- 'made me promise not to act against Maxime was a subscriber to. the
ter of the countess. Yet no -1 mast Borisoff, but I am: not .engagedet9 opera, and did not need to rovfde
be mistaken, -but that cast of f shut -my eyes when 1 meet him. I himself with a ticket. He suffered
tttire.. When once i have seen a face have the right to go where he Boos, the couple he . was in pursuit of to
thought Maximo, ';the more am 1
satisfied of having scan Mini, foil in
hand, fencing with Mine. Yalta.
kl ow (lees 'it happen that I find hills
here dressed in the last extrerua of
fashion wild alining at thedearest
restaurant in Paris This fencingw•
master must love 'gooe wines and
have money ie his Docket,; and the
countess must pay her. professors
better than generals are paid in
Trance. But that ho should be on
terms of intimacy w'itlt Borisoff is
indeed inexplicable."
Whilst 1Vlnxinle was holding this
monologue, con'ver'sation eisa re-
neieed et the table of the two Rus-
.'11 you could succeed," said
A10nriatino, to snlipr.ssing' this and accustomed to passive obedi-Y once.:The are as mute as fish, and
elways ready to act promptly. Had
I wished to get rid of the French-
man, I had but to '.speak the
"But you have contented yourself
with shutting hint up in a cellar."
'.`That would have been useless.
I have installed him in -a large hall
which serves me' for a library. The
doors of this apartment' are all
made fast and guarded. The win -
trfiUlT meolcINE, t3AVEp HIS LIFE,
Wllli,tlnstown, Ont., July 27th, i9o8,
"I suffered all my life from Chronic
Constipation and no doctor, or remedy,
X ever trled helped me. "F`ruit-a-tives''
promptly cured hie. Also, last spring
T had a bad attack of HI,,ADDER arid
ICIDNL Y TROUISIri and the doctor
gave sue' up but "bruit-a-tives" saved
my life. I am now over eighty years
of age and I strongly recommend
"Itruit•a-tives" fpr Constipation and
Kidne(y Trouble". •
500 a box, 6 for $2,So—or trial box, as
—at dealers or front Fruit-a-tives
Limited. Ottawa.,.
' were seated, 'wom la place biniaelf '
as not to lose sight of them,
This manoeuvre was successful.
From his. ;alubuseade•irf discerned
them installed in the orchestra, and
lie would Teniain in the post he had'
obese)) till the errrtain ruse,
The two were engaged in inspect-
ing the boxes with their glasses,
and, having taken a rapid view,
Mouriatine said to the colonel:
"She has not yet arrived," .
"Are you certain she will dome b"
retorted Borisoff, not' merry to -find
his companion's sagacity at fault.
"Certain'? no. One is never cer-
tain what a woman will do; above
all, a woman of this sort, But it
is not late, and I do not despair of
seeing her appear during the SOU -
0,1141 act,"
/r ndy ou' think she will come
aloe f"
creature without disturbance, you
woilld regain the reputation for
skill which the affairofthe casket
ltd,; somewhat impaired. It is the
damsel in question who must be
sent to Siberia, not M. do Oar -
"Parhleu I" exclaimed Borisoff,,
"1 begin to believe you are right.
Let us settle and leave. It seems
to 'rhe this Frenchman is watching
us surreptitiously, and 1 want to doves.look out on a garden, and are
throw him off the track." thirty feet from the ground. To
Mouriatine was of the same fly, or to communicate with any one
"Very `likely. At Geneva she.
went everywhere without lr cava-
lier. They called her the Solitaire,
"`Does the lady understand Rus-
sian'?" not
She pretends not, but 1 do
believe it. And I need hardly say
that .I shall not make use of our
national tongue to:speak to you -
confidentially in her presence."
"Ah 1" said Borisoff, "there is a
woman entering, on our left, and a
pretty woman, truly."
r "It is she, my dear sir," mur-
mured Mouriatine. "I should re-
-cognize cognize nor anywhere; were it only
by her eyes."
"They are wonderful, truly; I
-have never seen such before." do :nut understand why I have not
"Then you have not met with remarked her, or why she has not
e Finest Fa Tea
'a SALADA" is hill -grown tea— grown on plantae
tjons high up on the hills in the Island of Ceylon,
The leaf is small and tender with a rich, full flavour.
ie always of unvarying good quality. Will you be con.
tent with common tea when you can get "SALADA."?
A dirt
F,or fifteen days. If. you do not wish to con.
F.• 00011 yoµ nothtn^•. I ani curing
Catarrh, Deafness, Head Noises, and Throat
troubles, with a remarkable
tri new treatment. I want to send
t a course of my treatment with
t s every suf.
.,rs two Instruments, to t Y
icier, 5, m,df,. rill chargee pre•
pnld, to trY i5 days.
.<--an This is the tree Trial Treatment
Sand n0 moss. Walt for' m7 trod
Wed roatmunt today,:mot full dw
eorh,io0 of or owe e 1
lir. W. 0. Coffee, r sr' Des fa.
$ Crwing '
Hardwo't'.d Timber
0�5 Bossy -reader knows the increasing
TI ac snit of Marchwood Timber and 'its
a y
consequent increase in onium in the hoar
future:II* Hardwood today is as absolutely nee.
il9 sugary In the manufaeturos, as coal
iron and steel. It simply must bolted or the
Rations greatest Industries :fro at stalls.
SSWThere are dollars wrapnod up fu
W aver' stick of Hardwood that eon
be grown to 10 inches or over in diameter
anytime—anywhere---but when it eau be
grown tn'this viae in 10 years and grown
ton right on the main lines of -railway
and within easy reach of the 000 greatest
manufacturing cities on the Western [mast,
these are still greater values obtainable,
s,$ would you. invent• say 5500, if wo
t -at could Pfovs to you 4y
a eariss of
her absolutely correct records of Lucalyptus
"Never; and it astonishes me --If been pointed out t0 me." mimhnr growths? 1st. That theme trees
I "1 have already said that she is will grow to over 10 ' ,eliea in diameter to
this imarvel is a femme galante,is yearn dna nre worth from 55 to $5 saoh,
an apjiaritiun that Only appears in 2nd that the wooed i, as para and curable
On the Farm
0,aka4-04-04.o+a � a4,o•
Every farmer knows that if he
plows up a clover meadow lie in-
creases the fertility of that field.
One of the reasons for this is that
oluvor contains a large store of the
valuable fertilizing element, nitro-
gen, and as the clover plants de-
ck in the soil, . this nitrogen be-
comes available for the use of the
suceeeding crop. The question na-
turally arises, Why is it that the
clovers adcl more nitrogen to the
sail than ether crops'? The farmer
may have noticed, as he turned ftp
the roots of the clover, that there
were scattered along the roots,.
especially on the finer rootlets, lit-
tle whitish nodules or bunches. 11
he had cut one of these little no-
dules in two with a sharp knife, he
would halo seen that the inside was
pinkish -white, and if he had a
powerful microscope at hand, he
would find, on examining this pink-
ish -white substance, that'it was
largely a mass of very tiny rods,
seine straight, some curved, and
seine T or Y shaped. These rods
are bacteria. These' bacteria get.
into the fine roots when the seed
germinates, grow and multiply
there as the clover plants grow,
ani as they grow they draw upon
the nitrogen of the air in the,sail,
and store this nitrogen up in the
clover plant. Hence, the clover
Paris now and then, and is not alis aa. 'our Otivaatan oak or, Hfl:korY, and plant, by the aid of these bacteria
brad that tgrowinds of dollars are being r
posed to exhibit herself" made by growing this Tiyree t mei your is able to grow, and to store ftp
"She is examining the orchestra that you are guaranteed flues ttmea your more nitrogen than it needs, and-
orrg'al invagtment at t7re cute of ten
chairs with extraordinary persist- renin wootd you? C.nutd you? Than which ft., can supply to succeeding;
char, -nosy she is directing her write at muco to W. L. Dyer, 114 Icing Wast craps. Without the bacteria, the
glass to the passage -way on our clover plant g
sete opinion. He called the waiter to + tiv0ltld be impossible. I have no
settle his bill. f neighbors."
-It is unheard of,"growled They, lead just arrived at the
Maximo, cremating down his truf-1 Place de l'Opera. Htucl either of
Mies to make an end of them. l the two turned back, he would have
"Borisoff and the countess' fencing- seen Maxima who had just set foot
master are intimate friends: And '
, on one of the shelters illuminated'.
this Borisoff is a secret agent of • by the electric light. Having fin -
Russian diplomacy; a spy, to call' is. his dinner, he had darted off
things by the right name.: She is in a chance pursuit of the two Rus -
no conspirator that 1 know of; but signs. He had sped in every direc-
she knows, perhaps, those who are,1 time and perceived thein at last, just
or at least those whom Georget as-
as they were turning the corner of
sistecl to steal the casket. Is this the place de l'Opera.
press professor
ro essorobetrs ingre his
m s -I "They are going to the opera,"
he murmured. Decidedly they are
haps. 'Who knows if she is not sel-
ling them to this man whom we:be-
lreve confined Robert ale Carnoel b
Parbleu 1 I know what to be at. She
intimate.' I am not dressed and
shall be taken for a provincial or
usher, but I must know what these
I don't forget it -it was. the change
of costume that perplexed me. I
even remember • her calling him by
his name—a Pplish name."
While Maxime Dorgeres thus
gathered up his recollections,
Mouriatine shrugged his shoulders
and said to Col. Borisoff : "Bah! I
`'need not 'be disturbed about him.
• The young' man is not thinking of
us. Let us ask for coffee and light
our cigars. We will 'take a smoke
on the boulevard."
"You said you expected to meet
this woman' at the opera. May I
ask on what you found this hope,
having conte straight from St.
Petersburg 4'i
"I could not be expected to bit
so well informed as to the disposi-
tion a Parisian demoiselle will
make of her evening. A1lI can af-
firm is..that Wednesday is her clay
for the opera; there are then
chances that we will meet her
there -Lit not, tvo'Will find her sane -
whore to -morrow or next day."
!On are bent on 'presenting hie,
ten R" asked the colonel, after a
pause employed in sipping the cof-
fee that had just been served.
"I am—in your intelcst."
There was silence for several mo-
ments. The two were observing
each other. At the other end of the
hall was one who observed thein
both, while apparently absorbed in
a partridge which. had just been.
"The more T look at tlrab'man,"
and even to follow a monsieur of his Dass on in advance; and, five inm-
ates Utes after they had entered the
B. would gladly have sacrificed door, presented himself at"the
the remainder of his dinner, but he coinptroller's- office, not without
could not break off abruptly from leaving pulled lip the collar of his
his partridge, scarcely yet into the overcoat to disguise his black cra-
w -el precipitate Himself into the vat
street, without being remarked by Tho dress he. wore suggested to
the very, persons wlioin he wished lifint idea
to watch unobserved.
So he resigned himself to suffer
their departure, determining at the
same time to out "short his sitting,
and with that view taking double jianion, and when. he had . ascer-
mouthfuls. He ascertained at a tamed in what part of the Ball they
glance that they went toward the
Instead of.taking.bis seat as itan
al, he would remain Inethe•passage-
wa,y of , the orchestra until he dis-
covered the colonel and his com-
boulevard, and promised himself to
follow theist from afar up to the mo-
ment of separation, when be tvciuld
give all his•attention to the fencing -
Master. The colonel was now the
countess' 'business, but he night
and must study the proceedings of.
a hireling of the countess surprised.
hi familiar intercourse - with. Bor-
"11, nevem oceurreei� to Bion that
this fencing -master acted, perhaps,
on behalf of the countess, and 111
truth there appeared little proba-
bility that a subaltern of this class
would be entrusted with the . psi-'
vats confidence of t groat lady of
the Avenue de Friedland.
"The Frenchman is distanced,"
said Borisoff, on reaching -the bou-
levarcl. "We have lime to finish
our cigars before going to the
"Nspecially," replied Mouria-
true, ' `as I lusve taken the Precast-
ti,'n to procure chairs just below
the lady's box."
"1. see- you have thought of ev-
orythiug. However, if you had not
found,,me, which might easily have
been, since ':1 was not, nuticipatiug
your visit— -le"
' ito that ease I should have gone.
to the opera alone, for I alit bent
upon making use of this oppnrl,u-
nihv to meet the lady in gnest'ion,
Bat on going to yens house 1 was
tolyl you would dine tit your club,
so 1 found you without difficulty,
h is in that beautiful Rue do V r .
mansion that you have shut ufi yens
pl teener V'
"Yes," said Borisoff, "anal I beg
vt u to believe that: lw is out of the
reach of all pursuit. The hon t, i
largo and cootpletely isolated. I
have made • interior arrangements
ted facil'itate.watcltfulneep!and ere -
vent flight. • sly prisoner is 10 well
11 a
,r Its if
he were 1 1
roltr(ss at fit. Petersburg."
n 't
"licit, resumed i�fOltt 1 Lt17 .,
'you' fiat c bcoit obligs'd to take
your domestic's fu to .your conft-
"Oh, in servants arc all tilt
soldiers or subalterns attached to a
l f this `Thine Section,
1'olkcrts, of Duluth,
'Dr. R. A,
Minn,,. tells of his success in treat-
ing patients with D. D. 1). Pr'escrip-
"There was a man have suffering
from oazorna for th.e last fourteen
years, and I applied the 1). D. D.
treatment, 1 also applied it to a
man of Wast :D'ttlnth Minn., who
has bee11 suffering with Mizenla in
His feat, and the second treatment
in both cases 'cleared the slain al -
post absolutely. The first applica-
tioli'is a balm, and its soothing ef-
fect is'beyond expression. I shall
never be without it, and `shall use
ib among my patients altogether,"
No matter how terribly you suf-
fer from cczetna, salt rhe,urn, ring-
worm, etc,', you will feel instantiy
seethed and the itch allayed at
this camm-
't i of L1 s
01100 when a few drops s
onnd of ail of wiuta'grein; thy-
nol, glycerine, etc., is applied, The
• , t t ire. permanents
t1S U
r `a nil
For free trial bottle of U. 1). 1:).
Prescription write, to the 1), 1). 1).
• Laboratory, Department T . I,., 00
'ordau•St:, Toronto.
)11Or hale, by all druggists. -
1)ISet198ea Causes of Thinness and
dives New Method of increasing
Weight and Rounding Ont the
Form. •
Prescription Accomplishes Wonders
A treatment which anyone can
prepare cheaply at home, has been
found to increase the weight, im-
prove the health, round out scraw-
ny figures,,,improve the bust, bright-
en the eyes and put new color into
too cheeks and lips of anyone who
is too thin and bloodless. 1t puts
flesh en those who have been always
thin whether from disease of natur-
al tendency, at those who by heavy
eating and diet have in vain tried
to increase ; on those who feel well
bet can't get fat; anti on those who
have tried every known method in
vain. It is 0 powerful aid to diges-
tion, nutrition and assimilation.. It
assists the blood and nerves to dis-
tribute all over the body the -flesh
elements contained in food, and
gives the thin person the same ab-
sorbing qualities possessed by the
naturally fleshy.
Everybody is about the stone, but
aeitain elements and organs of
blood and ne_rvcs aro deficient and
until this -is corrected thin people
will stay thin, The nutrition atays
in the body after separation by the
digestive functions instead of pass-
ing Through unused, when this valu-
able I reatment of ,blended medi-
cines is used. Practically no ono
can remain thin tvho uses it, for it
supplies the long telt need.
Mix a half pint bottle, throe
minces of eseenc0 of pepsin, and
three ounces of syrup: of rhubarb.
Then, add one eiln10 compound cs-
sauce cardiol. Shake and let s
two hours, Then add one 0ntree of
net,ure eodonienc compound (net
cardamom), Shako well and take
a tetispoonfttl before and after
1 meals. Drink- plenty of water be
1 tween meals nod lvllen retiring
' Vtioigh before beginning,
Wirren, Oat.
Feb. 1151.
"r bad a horse that
had a Spavin for a
long time and I had
tried nearly every hind of medicine
when a .neighbor told me to ale
Icendatl's spavin Cure, which I -did
and It Arad wonderfully."
M. Ro5$riTHAL.
Headarrn Spavin Cure is no
untried experiment, but is the world's
standard remedy for all Swellings,
Soft Bunches and Lameness in horse
and man.
Vaed the. world ower for 4o years.
Every farmer, stockman, express -
livery proprietor and horse
owner generally should keep it
always ou band,
$1. a bottle -6. for 55. Ask your
dealer for free copy of our book "A
Treatise On The Horse"—or write us
DR. B. .0. K NDALL CO. 56
Eno/Antral Fins. - Vermont
(To be continued.)
must et all its nitro-
gen from the soil, instead of get-
®® ting much of it from the air, and
hence, when the clover is plowed
under, there is no actual increase
in the fertility of the soil. In fact,
Camphor ]cc
12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes
Capsicum, novated, Mentholated, Carbo-
Toted, Camphorated, White Oxide of Zino,
eta. Hach for special purposes, write for
Free Vaseline Book.
379 Craig St. W., Montreal
" loft er ort er et
A favoring used the same as lemon or vanillaa.
BY dissolving granulated sugar in water and
adding filmdom, a delicious syrup is made and
ropbetterthanmaple. Idapleeissold by clovers make the best growth when
mica book.
grocers. If not send 50c for 2 oz. bottle and, there are plenty of bacteria present
1'e• Co„ Seattle, we. •
in the soil, as shown by the pies-
encs of plenty of nodules on the
plant roots. This is explained more
fully in Bulletins Nos, 104 and 169
of the Ontario Department of Ag-
riculture, Toronto, which may bo
obtained by addressing that Depart -
me t.
These bacteria can be grown un-
der artificial conditions in bacterio-
logical laboratories, and culture of
them may be applied to the seed
when it is sown, thus furnishing
plenty of the appropriate bacteria
to get into the newly -formed roots
and form the necessary nodules.
When .there is failure to get a good
stand ofclovers, or when the crop
(net: not thrive,- it indicates, 1150-
�� �p ally, that -the necessary bacteria
• are not present in the soil, and in
Sea ersited 154 , 1 such cases the treatment of the
The Paint Makers, Montreal. '; seed in future seedings, as mcri-
tioned abuve, usually aids in scour-
ing a better crop. Further, the use
of such cultures is frequently advis-
able when seed of any clover i5
sewn on a field that has not previ-
oush t grown that crop.
Each year since 1905 the Bacter-
iological Laboratory of the Ontario
Agricultural College. at Guelph,
has sent out such cultures to all
� farmers who applied. Each, year,.
recipients of the cultures have been
asked to report ars to whether the
treatment of the seed had resulted
in benefit or not,- and o1 these re -
pests ttbottt fee per cent. stated that
Lite cultures had tided in securing
a better stand and increased ,growth
of the amp. The College is prepar-
ing to scute out cultures of these
nitrogen -gathering bacteria during
the conning spring For the inocula -
1.10T1 of the following seeds: Alfalfa,'
red or mammoth clover, alsike clo-
ver, white closer, criurs0n clover,
vetebns• peatt heans, street peas. "
Each kind of weed requires a differ-
ent culture. '1`1ott cultures are sent
by mail, with full instructions tot
o 1 their use. There i5 only one -size
I jxtcicagc prepared, that being suffi
i ci<i1t to inoculate sixty pounces of:
seed. There is a nominal charge of
3 -<
til cents f'ut each package of rue -
1 [1lt,' lu rnwci colt u1 preptn'atiel-
AS id, very refine d nldn preparation an is now
caned, is the great r t'oustir q:iun:tl linvtedYj an 1 pecl:t ;•e. �1'at'111et^v iittendln gl'f)e
ores known for Broad heares, colts, pttrill.vns Lmeitt 0" tlu•sp bacicrbrl mill Lll
norm nil 5t 140 hares- I slam po Pill nmm,g
Dose rind sheets •Plus nbomptitvi is utntla of iU'lileig do ut.11 to send ill Lhe11• ap-
the put•vst r1t .i dlehtrt hurl net nil nicht of l,U ttti nt otttly,. c" that thew near.
t,,,n poltti or iu.i,.rl+50 n'Ot15 mime: into lilt; ode's ed' tttl!tg ills ellt.11re 115
rolixtlon, be
il•9..Pe„ °O
ua nnw taKI be g
;roux'sn. stein,
n, per nscrl tree.,•, laid- aleph. tint. fids big tile
dare in
nil. 10 the
e No„ and it is al,01 + 'etc 11 -'. 1
,xecee the ret ase Terms wore the body in toe nh,n1b1 St• 11' th1 kind and
VA1N411;181l• ort tl , 13h1od ilii r. u r . j 1011,11(i',1 :11 of tt'Ldt 5,, h" u•caLcd, and
'141 00 ,w r . ' 1 nitre l class' line br adtlrrs.ed with enrlusctl
tet mid hn t uv, d 1-i in the slan and +uta 1
sun ger it t5 1"',n 7 sty i!Fni. and 51„a' •t pt 1 ti It!:ill stamps Or It1011ey Ul•(tt1',
beaus mei ee.cd .. 1 $arch inn dayam' , to :::.'of, ti. F. Frlwartls, -Ontario
XLsanseiatt nnunif.ntea.°:\l-ot1,1•itl('allege,0tu'bph,(7to-
'tet YPnr 1,Un8T:otll'sRoil�tt1:I
:+fedi t tl' ���4'h i_.... -
sit veer 15.110 i l'FlQi-1,7 1'h. FOR t'OOli i.
eth not Y0,,' i, IC L�1utm,
6115 Yeiir
'1111 1`+4t'
Ain Ye+,r
tth Year
that tear
7.1111 1'ur
atilt 't'e.e” '1"" .,,
tats, t' .,i• See n pill t1 the fttohtnuttltlo uustrcw, "Of
1,1u, V. ,O. 1107 )04 ?' „n:1.o'. 11 10 unsurli, bnl: iltis is your
1# y •'' i ;1 15 Harr, and it 1(111 ince 1 eitt'd
,t� t1 , nus nn, d:`et .,f intuit t Lno.1 rine ,rs
Lor t uuily aha ',to( 2. Medicines, 1011N11. •
11 t pet ine tit• proper fur con 1.11 11t • h,
1 1,1 et111rese "n it "
Distributors •Utah, we inion.' :';sill Erin's
All Wholesale Druggists-brewrii danglilcr, lit' 1 noticed
r1r ltd(! n'i111dd „t1 yttr finrlls
!Medical RA RN o Winn. ' .A t hone, tell Thursdays.'
y r `i0', u1,1 i1 he pit pc0 for 5ns, InUni,
GIl1MiiT8 AIVi1 St1C7LRi0LOG15S5 L i,. 11111'1' prirlicd 1111 monied "Tues-
ttiOStiEN, iNDINNA, tl, S. A. tea; : off'
It Will
sal stO fish You !
Everybody is. astonished at the
marvellous gain that comes. to their
home and to themselves by the use of
Dont y'ao think it would be better for
to enquire about these paints ? Don't
use Boor paints—they cost ton much.
Dont use dear paints—they cost loo
much. Use Ramaay'0 Paints, sold at
_just the right price for • correct paint-
ing. We issue a handeonebooklet on
house painting. You .should have it.
Write us for ,iookiet "W." We will
mail it free.
•-A RAW SAY & S ,
Fairbanks -Morse Caso ineEn mss
Those engines . NM so simple that anavoraiio farmhand call opot,Ootkltt to l . To earner owere
pecially l deralnp 10 to moat l85' mot 0(1,0'7 Mon th an sour• befornd e. blel -1 ra�ally now to 0511 rum
amt nein500 spin man num ey 1,
term in all 5pto-dale why by cutting out this. complete ndrurt memeut and sending our
catalogue 0 10 t06--W,p.Co. I.
NOIR .-.._ Ann1nea
- Timms
Consider the higher real estate
Value of well painted buildings,
compared with unpainted ones.
Don't postpone painting —
every day does its damage and
piles up casts for repairs.
M as'tiE'4 •. Sen?tour
�.....,,.,. ......,.r .....ara
1000/0 Pura \ i
le the cheapest. Absolutelyaro in
and unadulterated, it wottrs Meet, y,
looks batter and goes further, gal
lgallon, than any atlas pnlu
iibun qtforp
ly 7105.'8'fJt,4gttR�wnlc0o.0 Q
If undecided which van tto unc write 1'
ustoday for rho name of our dealer
noareatyou--mrk him about the written
guarantee that hacks every claim we
omakeafloyr p0o5opan0t0-5s...g.. that
Don't oXper;mortt when certainty
costs but a few Banta Morn Tbero's to !,
Aladln•Seneer Paint for ovary purpose—
for hoose. barn windmill, pumps, war -
en. earrisso, 00 tivatorand plow—paint
for wood and paint for iron»Hlro fest
that skill and money can produce..•
If your dealer cannot annals you, 'y
notify us and we will gladly direct you
to whore our paints aro la be had. til& ,
Perrino AUSubstihiio.
e r ilisirated
bolt a fl
booklet ;xo,iio
% >3eauttf5L 4100
q��+ Intere5Bna anlor '
�'lslf6 rde ror
fir! tl king,
The eferda•Seeeatee.
t ,,m
cors+, Pt+04, 0 .0 s
.....xv;$ .s ,, 1, w ' k•ir'..,., SiMp d1'...±"'&
.7p e9
blslomper, tnnutn
. iy Iseott'a
�' i",i P o,tap'"'�
� tr�sl Fet rYf
Sa eeeto5s stn i Lc�
• ,Plln_ryagqltlw �a$�
tkif{s1. sf
0 db
t a30yrm'
Can ba need tuctes,4dl y `
0lomortle an Inb1
'6PONN MCipl i 7•
roe h15,1000 oil Nat.: a ,„
nvshort. teeisitee,'•
40 04
., ; c 1,131111,'' a11 1,1 rho Fash-
1011011e lad3'1- new blah eu1/11, "1)51±
i a 1,111(1 ; 1.n ttttdiid 11010, if '1 had 1,111
nddres+- print e.1 1,n we canal 1"
•\Choe not t
, it all. Ilridget," re-