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The Brussels Post, 1910-4-7, Page 5
.r. Il>sil iltdk i CsAts 1bi UT a, p(. AO1fl N. -- t Y. • issuer of aturrtage ] ioensal, .oi• (hots at txt•ooery, Punt harry etrcot, erneamtb K. Q. T. M. BreeseIS IToa1 91 the Alaecnbe013, N0, 11 hold theist regular Meetings in the Lodge Ruom, Cum uo' 111008, OU the 181 and lird 'rmeeday evenings of each Month, • Vlsitirro always welcowa, A, SC ,1 q 1014, Com, 4, 01o1UIl0E, 1t, 1 , WM. $PENCE CONVEYANCES, AND ISSUER of MA1t1tlAGE LIdiim E8 lace IN 8111, foot olace, Ethel. 50.4 JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company, p- 016oe and Reeideuoe— WAI.TON. ONT. _ •JOHN SUTHERLAND• 0(8080808, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 1 ,it S. SCOTT AS AN AUO'TION- • 80, will sell for better prices, to ostler men, in less time and lees (Merges than any other A.uotioaeer in East Huron or lie won't charge Anything, nates and orders can always b0arranged at this aloe or by pporarThalktpphostion. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUIOVALE .— 01419, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for e.t the office of Tac Pow. Brussels, 22tf 'LEGAL AND GONVEYANCINQ. %IAT M. tl1NCLAiIi— V • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o, 00 00--Stowart'e Bloch L door North 01 Oeutral Hotel Solioltor for the Metropolitan Sauk. BOTIDFOOT, BAYS &BLAIR— P BARRISTERS 80LIOl l t t(3. NUTARIMB P L1BLIJ, RTC. W. PRounaooT, K. O. It, 0,Haire G. F. Scala. 01119es—inose iormer'ly occupied by Messrs Cameron k Holt, Gooaaxoa, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEiLD, nEN•IYs'r Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons o1 Coterie and First-olaes H',nor Graduate of Toronto Universa,.v U18oe next to 13 rower's Photo. Gallery,Brn feel a. MstrWlll visit Ethel on the sod Mondayol. each Month. 0/iiiiiaCENTRAL STRATFORD. ON•1•. 21 Write us at undo .01 our free catalogue and learn Ilia nature of oto' courses in -�' Commercial, Shorthand or T©le- 1, graphy departments. We have the / leading, practical, training school In Western Ontario. Courses are thor •' ' onF11.Instructora experienced and we 111111555555 assist graduates to positions. Students 7 are entering enoh week. You should enter now. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. DO YOU NEED TILE? Farmers and others desiring Tile for the coming season can secure what they re- quire at carload rates, at Brussels or Ethel stations, if orders are sent in suf. lcient time to arrange for quantity and date of delivery. I will notify the pur- chasers of the arrival of the cars and as- sist in loading irons ear to wagons. Fur- ther particulars may be obtained by seeing or writing W. E. Sanders Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Orderat once. All sixes from 24 to t8 inches may bo obtained.. Tile frunl 8 inches up are 28 inches long. OEMENT KEPT IN SEASON, b•••••••••o•••••••eeo•Qoe To Machinery Users and farmers • • a The Nev Machine Shap of the • BRUSSELS EIRE APPLIANCE • and MACHINE Co, •i.iready now foe business, and, • i • • with good illarhiuel y and Skilled e t Mechanics, we are in a position 4 • toattanilto your repairs prompt,- .y ly told at reasonable rates. • If you will let us blow your , IWaite we will give you honest advice 'ant1, help If connected with ilIaohinery. • • Give u4 a trial and, by coming • to Brussels, save time anti money • 90r " " s e l v e s. ' • �GAU'GNE & JAME • i"fiill $i;rems 3.3rtts8e s •see Joey*. ,••s1w•••+•i'o••••♦•i • BS4131ness Qards MISS ,sE'RTHA ARIy)STRPN1kl Toucher of Piano Studio at Cas'ter's Rutile Store, one door I.Torth of the Standard Wink, Drumm)» ittt MIOS PERI -a 4HAl'PS has passed sucgesefally her second exiinrfn0• (ton of the Planufm'te Dapar'tm0nt et the To, Tonto Conservatory of guide, and fa 1»'bpm'ed to tale pupils. at her home, Princess s ro01, -.OR. T, T. M'RAE B90helor of Medicine, University of Termite ; 1,ioxnttoto and Graduate of the College of Phy- aloians and Surgeons, Ont, UC hh isuuan g1•,oa 11 I Ita Xo' a Post -graduate 8Ht O , eMpIltuuhl FB F1NoaaamuudiO4nhn 10 nape iodpltal, Toronto. •, Mee over N, B. Smith's Drug Store. Tele, phone connection with Uraubruok ab all hours. OR. I-IAMIL.TON Dental Surgeon Honor Oradpate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal ()allege of Dental Burgeons, of Tulua00. O%co over 9, T, 11005' store Brussels, visit Wroxeter the limb and third Mondays and Gerrie the second and fourth Mondays of enoh month, OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls, Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. agalw.0 IT raw Riaisnrar BRUSSELS GoONO SOOTS GOING-NOttTli Mail 7:05 a m Express ...10:55 n m Express 11:55 am Mail 1:44 p m 100pross 8:01p In Express 5:50 p m i�aMt90"B0d19 ) WQdIIW WAL.TON To Toronto To Goderioh Express 8:41 a m IExpress 11:87-ain Express 8:00 p m Express 9:15 p m 3istrixt fletys East Wawanosh Mrs. B. E. Taylor, ,6th line, spent the Easter holidays with friends in Term; to. 'Air. Hardisty had the misfortune to lose his fine .hull, which he recently purchased, The animal broke a legs. Stanley McBurney has gone to Tor- onto, where he has a position on the police fume. 'We wish him success. d Miss C. McClinton, of Westfield, , who has been taking a course in music in Toronto for the past two mouths, has returned home. Londesboro' The sawmill .commenced cutting on Monday. Jas. Hill is improving slowly and we hope he will soon be o. k. W. G. Beaton, a former teacher here, wa8 a caller' in the village. Miss 0. Brigham, of Highgettt', spent the holidays with her sisters in Toi'on to. Miss S. Barr was called to Toronto owing to the illness of her sister, Mrs. Proctor. Owing to his mother's illness 'Wal- lace has given uphis position as la•eAle1 1 s t 1 g tot a Loudon firm. traveller U : 't have left Air. and Mrs. r But ley a for Souris, Sian., after' tt couple of mouths' visit with the littter's parents, Saltine] and Mrs. Cole, here. E. McVittie, who it was reported had disposed of his farm, and had made arrangements for an auction sale In April. 1st. 11018 changed his mind and will, assisted by his sou George, continue to week the farm. Miss E. Govier, who has been spend- ing the last few weeks with her sister', Mrs. H. Longman, spent the. Easter holidays with friends in Landon. Chas. Govier, of Thorold, and Miss Govier•, of Paris, spent a few clays at their home here. Just the Medicine You -Need TOM,e01ox is bad, tongue is furred, eyes are dull, appetite is pool', your stomach needs tone, your liver deeds awakening. Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills Injust one night you will notice a difference, for Dr. Hamilton's Pills search out every trace of trouble. You'll eat, sleep, digest and feel u whole lot better. Yon will gain iu strength, have a clear Complexion, ex- perienee the joy of robust health. To tone, purify and. enliven the system there is nothing like Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25c at all dealers. delgrave An Easter Hymn i'N• 8uttered and was Burled." (Nloeno Creeds Lord the weary slight is o'er Then hest reit IA 1090 apace; iebefore From the lonely l Rothpyto h t Tory l ly glory b Thy fees; ab 1 b• All 't few r. 0 put eh I T1 l p , y y, All the thorns about Wee ]rand naso Almaden radienae sited, Lord Elle faithful women there, At; r11y cross their stollen kept-- Dna ept Ona sweet helm on thorns and spear; Every sorrowing Mart that Wept— And the shadows on the hill Darken' grew, end cliu'kel's ill— kto1y Father! this Thy will? 1 had has nit Lord, Ii l a , au. e , Tyr p a Alii'l(Y loving hands grown lima Then lies suffered, Thou has drunk All nfe's vinegar and gall; Little child, at Mary's breast, Loving Lard made ntnnlgebt,• Wearied manhood, finding rest, Forencrtained FiRoo 0.21(10boes Thou s lonlrl'st wear earth's slinging shroud So Thou Meanest Son of Man; But to woken Son of Godi In the darkness of the 6001011, 'plum hest lifted n sweet bloobl, Scattering all death's fearsome gloom. "And the third day 14e rose again, according 4o the Scriptures.,' (Nicene Creed.) Christ is rigout All the night Is bat morning's harbinger Thou hoot lifted Thy great light Froze, the riven sepulchre; From around the sapphire throne, All the angels leaning' down Rolled away the guarding stone Christ the Lord la risen to -day 1 Chants loud paean yet: Through Gotltseinane's dark way, To the heighta of Olivet, Holy Saviour! Thou who died; A11 earth's bondage cast aside, Now art risen glorified. He is risen I Them that sleep 8o shall rise again in Christ, Joyful Eastertide to keep, For the Lamb is snorifloed I Lo, from out the radiant East. Comes our great and risen Priest, Hallowing all our Paschal feast. BEATRICE TAYLOR John Bell visited his brother at Milohell. Mrs. Sproat spent Easter with Sea - forth frieude.�`) Cameron Robertson visited friends in Palmerston. Miss Lila Poaren has gone to Toron- to to attend school, Miss Ltuldy, of Hallett, was the guest of Mrs. Hill over Easter. Mrs. Hill, of Londesbnro, visited her sun, Thos. Hill, fora few clays. Robt. and Alus. Maguire spent their holidays with feiel1115 al Br ticefi,lcl There weals to be quite an epidemic of la grippe in and &row el l3tlgeave. airs. 4Valker, of Winghtnn, was visiting lies daughter, Bias Carlisle, Airs. O. P. Owlish: is quite sink with pleurisy andnnder tate doctor's care. Air. Cook, of St. Marys, spent, Bastes holidays with his brothetp Rev. J. E. Cook. • Jas. and Mrs. Sle0ailanl spent Easter holidays atuoug relatives near Ise mils. Mrs, and Mise Loveless, of Loddon spent Easter at Thos. Scanelrett's and other II lentis. Miss Hester 13rydges aud Mrs, Henry 13t•andon spent Easter with their. sislu', Mrs.Tucher, of .Dnr•hani. Henry Pearen has 50110 to 'Sas- katchewan svhese he ultcu(ls taking up a Itotno lead and settling there in fu love. Me. end Mrs. Disney,. of Exeter, at- tended the funeral of the lat'ter's father, Richard SloIu'house, on Mun- day,, last. Among the friends a distance that attended the fluleratl of lticluwd Stonehouse A.looday of last. week, weft, hobss Medd, sr., Robt Medd, r., and Stephen Medd, of Godelich flip. ; Mrs, Symington and Alts. Nea1v- es, of Anhui.); ; .las. Stonehouse of Dimgamine ; bar's. 'Mills, of themes - vines Sirs Steadman, of Wyoming 1 Sive. It. ;Si in ellonse, of 1Vynnlhtg l Slut, I... Darling, of Oen incites Thos. and Mrs. Chisholm, of Halton County, were visitors at 181r. McOlel- land's over Easter. Mr, Chisholm is a cousin of Dr. Chisholm, M. P., of wingbam. Nlaster George McKenzie, while walking on: a fence: fell off and un- fortunately broke his arm just above the elbow, which will keep him from. school for some time. Why Liquid Catarrh Remedies Pail They go direct to the stomach, have very little effect on the lining of the nose and throat, aud entirely fail to cure. Only by cleansing the air pas- sages, by relieving the inflammation and killing the germs is cure possible. No combination of antiseptics is so successful as. Oatarrhozoue.' In i you send the richest breathing.t e 0 t pine balsams ght to the seat of the dis ease, irritating phlegm is cleared out, hoarseness, coughing and hacking are cured. For a permanent cure for catarrh, nothing equals Oatarrhozone. 25c and $1 at all dealers. •Wingham Rev. D. Petrie was in Toronto at- tending a meeting of the Horne Mis- sion committee. 1 W illsou fortnerl of Win - Ber • Willson, Y g hath, has recently sold his valuable grove and (magnificent residence pro- perty in Polnoria, California. Pomona is 0110 of the principal orange sections of Southern California and a most desirable play of residence, We understandthatMr. Willson has re- turned to Vancouver, and. that busi- ness interests necessitated the change. The annual . election cif officers of i t 1 the Epworth League of the Methodist church resulted as follows :-Pres., P. R. Howsou ; lst Vice Pres., E. A. f l 11n11011(1 ; 2nd Vice Pres., W. T. Hall ; 3rd Vice Pres., Miss 'Lillian Kerr ; 4th Vice Pres., R. H. Lloyd ; 6th Vice Pres, Miss, E. Rutledge ; Rec. Sec. E. H Bird ; Oor. Sec., Miss M. Tibbs ; Treas., 33. Cruickshank ; Pianist, Miss M. Hammond; Asst. Pianist, Miss Laura Kerr ; Rep. to Dis. Exec., Jno. Kerr, At the annual Easter • Vestry meet- ing of St. Paul's Church, the follow- ing officers were elected :-Rector's Warden, R. Vaustone ; People's War- den, 13. Scott; Vestry .Clerk, J. 0. Smith ; Assistant, 0. N. Griffin ; Auditors, W. Moore, W. F. Van - stone. ; Sidesme,l, E. Nash, A. J. Al Berson, 0. G. Vanstone, E, McGuire, A. E. Porter, D. B. Porter, N. T. Sin- clair, W. J. Boyce, A: Ault. Miss Houghton was re-engaged as organist, W. 11. Willis as choir leader and' I. Coles as sexton. How to Cain In Weight You know you are too thin—yon eat and east, but neves get an ounce fatter. Nerves Etre weak, color is bad, strength See1118 el(ilafSted. .Its 1101 hard toget fat. You must, eat more, digest more, excr'cise more. Try Fel'I'azllne and watch your appetite ;raw. It turns till you eat into murhnens and build- ing material—lilts your veins with rich sect blo el gives you ambition and vigils. For •a tissue builder, a 'fattening truths,one that restores permaneuily, there is nothing to eons. pare with Pei rnzune. 1'ry' it atud see. 50 cls at all dtalees. Non-alcoholic Sarsaparilia If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. if,yoti think you need something for your blood, ask yourrdoctor, If you o i like t 'k youwud tiwould try Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa- rilla, ask your doctor. Con- sult him often. Keep in close touch with hien. We publish our formulae • We b uhh'eloobel • from our medio,uee t We ergo you to 0o dootoieagrifir �ur Ask your doctor to name some of, the results of constipation. His long list will begin with sick -headache biliousness, dyspepsia., thin blood, bad! skin. Then ask him if be would recommend your using Ayer's Pills. . —Iloda by the 3. 0. Ayer 00.. Lope11, 7tato —+• tral, Wabash and Grand Trunk roads as telegraph operates, and ingenions- ly admitted that he had been dis- charged from each "because he Want ed more money." Later the witness contradicted himself several times during cross-examination, but this in no material way affected his evidence, The Hammond i'alnily have many friends im the city, and pllblie sym- pathy is strongly with the youthful prisoner'. Haminond was declared not guilty on _Saturday afternoon. after the jury bad been out less, than two lioilrs. Hammond was 101 mediately rearrested on two other charges of grand larceny, but was promptly admitted to bail in the sum of $1,000. The new charges against the youth are preferred by the E. M. P. Automobile Oornpltuy, for which he worked as paymaster previous to the robbery. The company charge that he secured hundreds of dollars by systematically "padding" the pay rolls. Hammond declares he can easily prove his innocence, and his friends believe hien. The Blyth friends also hope he will come out with aclear sheet, Atwood A number of straw sheds and silos will be erected in thiscoulmunity this Summer. A number of Oddfellows from town took in the Lodge of Instruction at Palmerston. Fred. Btown owns a Plymouth Rock hen which laid an egg measur- ing 61 by $ inches. J. A. Farrell left for Makinak, Man., where he will resume his position as butter -maker for the second season in the lvvfakinak factory. A painful accident happened to h while he was little Althul• Peac ey playiug on the sidewalk with a num- ber of his playmates. They were playing with au express wagon and Arthur was in it, wheu the wagon up. set throwing hitn to the cement walk and breaking his collar bone. Bluevale r S'. Marys J. W. Kingwent down to t and purchased a fine registered mare. lie believes in good stock and usually keeps that hind. Word has been received to the effect that Mrs. John Bloomfield, of Pitts- burg, Penn., (formerly of Bluevale) has been under the doctor's care for foul,' weeks with an attack of lagrippo, and though recovering very slowly, is still very weak and not able to par- take of any food. On account of hes advanced age, the illness is very hard on her. DIED IN THE WEST.—Word has been received of the death of Ohas, Agar who was formerly a laboring lean iu this vicinity and worked for Henry Diment. Deceased went, West last Fall, intending to build upa home for himself. Mr. Agar bad taken up a homestead 35 miles South of Maple Creek. lie was beginning to build a shack tor himself where the hard weather ean1A1 on, anti about a month after be was last ee0u, 1'Ils body was f'uuud by seennbere of the Alaut4'eal Pollee, 1'11e death is supposed to have taken blase an Deo, Srd or 1th 1001). It is thought he had serif with some of his neighbors to .town for provisions, and while going after them that a blizzard overtook x a G2 4 \ A t is 1 lel and he was frozen to death, Deceased was uns married. Henfryn NoTisy.—Mrs, D, Quinn spent Ease ter visiting' with friends in 7.oxbnto,— A. Fugal, of liaysvillo, visited under' the parental xt roof. —Miss Emma Derr ! n spent the 'holiday visiting frleuds in Newton,—Ailsa Mary Thomson, of 139rliu, spent. Easter visiting :old friends in this burg.—Miss Janey Thomson, who is attending Normal School in Loudon, is home for a hull - clay. Aro Your Children '•Croupy T" This trouble is deadly --must be stopped quickly. Nothing is so sure as the Neeviline Treatment. .alive it internally, rub it on the Outlet and chest, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. The marvelous power of Nerviline. both as a liniment and in a plaster form, pill surprise you. For 801'(1 throat, coughs, colds audpleurisy alone, it is used by thousands every stay, Invaluable' in the home, es- pecially for treating the minor ills that all children are bound to catch. Large bottles, 25e each. Nerviline Plasters Sallie price, at clealet•s or N. 0. Polson &Cu., Kingston, Ont. Listowel Spi'ilg Show of thoroughbred horses and bulls in Listowel on Wed- nesday, April lath. Elsner Moose was out squirrel hunts ing and abut himself in the upper part of the • foot causing a rather nasty flesh wound. Tile imperial Bank moved into their new,/ btlihet% on the (mimes c,f Maiu incl Wallace streets. and arenas,/ com- fortably settled. Ottawa School Board valued Mr, Nichol's services so highly that in or - (101' to induce him to remain they rais- ed his salary to $1,700. and this Mi'. Nichol accepted. Plains for the new Sabbath School building for lnox Church have been prepal.'ed and accepted and the work will be proceeded with at once. The building will be of the modern circular design providing for large rotunda and radiating class rooms. The structure, 50 by 44 all over. Fred. Taylor is visiting at his home in town for a couple of weeks after completing the hockey season with the .l.eufrew team of stars picked up by the millionaire backers of the club regardless of expense. Fred was the highest salaried and fastest man of the bu0eh, aud in fact is almost, the highest salaried hockeyist on the coutinent. Trowbridge Mrs. Carter is visiting with relatives in Listowel. 1 d spent Easter J. L.auciMl's.Dema e a 1 in Toronto. Mussell Daily spent Easter with bis sister, Mrs. J. A. llilbausen, of Berlin, Miss Philip, of Listowel, was a guest at the home of her uncle, G. L. Adams. Miss E. A. Oosens spent the holidays with her sister, Mrs. H. McCrae, of Durham. Mrs. Salton with ler little sons, Kingsley and Douglas, spent Easte with friends i3T'orouto. Barry Carter has returned hoose after speuding three weeks with his brother John at Avoutou. Miss .Edith Kritzer, of Listowel, is spending a few days with her grand- mother, Mrs. Albert Kritzer. Alex. McLeod and daughter, Miss Mary, Left on Tuesday morning for Indian Head, Sask., where they pur- pose spending the Summer. Joshua Johnston and Wesley NIc- Oorutick, also Miss Pearl Code, of Toronto, and Mae Melvin, of Strat- ford, were speudiug the Easter vaca- tion at their parental homes. C. W. Oosens, 09 Palmerston, has purchased the property of the late Mrs. Jno. Adams andpurposes moving ill shortly. Mr. Oosens was a cue time resident of this place, having lived here for a number of years. Blyth - 1P oxlsonR BL'rrio 130Y IN TROUBLE.— WW1 more (u less evidence of a ohr- elnnstantitLl- character against him, Ohaa4eey W.lianiuoncl, aged 2'3,. I'orruerly of Oakville,. Ont., s1115 11n Ifiat in the Recoldei's Court, 1)rtroit, c/hlu gets with the theft of 517,000 11, cosh renin the IS, Si. F. Automobile Ootnpal(y and the First National 'Bank, jointly. It is alleged that While liming LIS assistant to the com- 1'pany's paymaster, yuuug Hammond swilrhed" two satchels containing the mash, and substituted for them lave 1 bags siiuitar in appearance but tille(I 1. with paper and bricks. 1'108 job was dont in the vaults of the batik, right muter the noses or the bank officials,. and its very boldness Wats responsible for Its sun essfttl 'exectiticn. Ham - Mond took the stand in his own de- fence last Frichty, amid• proved a clever! witness. His answers were prompt and made, ltppareutly, with inllall frankness, lir was born in Blyth, Ont his faller being the G), T. lt, agent here tela after ward removed 10 Oakville where the son lived until he went to Detroit Willi has wrdowod uio1her and sister ire 1001. 11e had been employe(. by 111) bllobigalt Gen- 9••••••••••••••••••••••••••.+4.14+++4044++44••••+.1.411 01` a.,��.�•aa�raia � MI • Portraits by Photography ALL WORK GUARANTEED. • G. A. L A F. o a••'P•4•+•rl•o•l'•'t'•+•+e • • • • 4 • ®••'1'• o•11•b•••9119999Y999999911119se•elmelm•ime0•0000•01140e60*Stop I Look ., A ■ • • o e • s • ® We are agents for the well known • • •• • s o • 4 • • • r• • • •' • in • 0 apt a ay... • • • • • • • • 'O • • • • • • • • e • • le 0 • • e Sher in -Williams Paints A full line of Outside, Floor, Family, Carriage,' Top Dressings, Stains, Furniture Varnishes, &c., on hand. t6A:aAn ey u n t i011 i n 9 ;f ,'� all per Latest Styles, Best Quality, Lowest Prices. See our Sample Book. Also a number of Remnants, from 2 to 6 rolls, at reduced prices. OUR PRINTS are the best on the market. Large assortment of good washers. Dress Linens, all shades, at 20c & 25c yard. We have some extra good values in Men's Heavy Shoes for Sating. See them and you will be convinced of their quality. • 43 An McDonald Cranbr ok e 000600661,90011011100011100081111100 6.6011600111006111060800000409 WV* For good Goods at Rock Bottom Prices try 14 lila kr I 1 11 ssl is PI ,wlsio ii The News of 11 the world—Red-Hot iu fa The Toronto Daily Star's splendid telegraph and cable service brings to its editorial rooms, on eight wires, all the world's news while it is news. Besides the regular Canadian and American Associated Press and Cable services, the Star has the exclusive use for Toronto of a leased. wire to New York, and gets all the world's news much quicker than any other service gives it, and often more fully. From correspondents all over Canada, from Sydney to Victoria and Prince Rupert, the Toronto Daily SL1i gets a Canadian Telegraph service that is unsurpassed. On account of the difference in time (over 5 hours) the Star is able to publish in the afternoon an account of Old Country happenings up to 6 or 7 o'clock the same evening—the same news the morning papers give you the next day. The Star's editing staff present this fresh, world -gleaned news in a rorm that is most "newsy" and entertaining, yet always clean and wholesome. .The Star does not spare expense when there is an opportunity to serve its readers, as illustrated when it recently sent to England Jos, T. Clark, a member of its staff, to cover the British Elections 1.50 A Year This paper and the "Tol'onto Daily Star" together for one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription prices. e sist 4 A strong, rich super-glutened Flour from hard Western Wheat Makes good bread f JI pI/iiiililrti�trJJl