HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-4-7, Page 2+lp'H,t1tH t/ i.I
WAIN M.y„1,,i, i d"1"lt�ksi i^Cril�'M^M
ftWillN 114 'PARIS FillaPH,
t:lolurorl entbroiderieu aro falilifhti•
111 new hate many round orownS
011'0 demi,
V(14111,14 l hi coming in for some-
thing of its old (,te eopularity,
leinlnl;u meet 101 as 18>f t 18 they
006 be (Dade and Ilii eli4lliitllt.
131auk and black and white both
promise to bo faulllufutltly veiling
Theo ln.larity Iii the embroidery
robe 1r�i lore marked than over be. ,Ina and akin cru )4iung. therm arol
fore, all sllrinil symptoms that filo blood Pulvun took that niewortlblu vuy
Tiny white linen borism areI,.used,, Y Inge
y new Ilton stilts and house 11 out of °ran . M any p0oplo rush
1111 it ' o
3PI iNO 131.00'0
Gow to. Got Now Health atilt How
Strength in tho Spring,
Even the monb. robust find the
winter months trying to.. their
1 111(b' Confinement indoors in
often overheated and nearly, always
Madly ventilated rtianett dot the
tupelo, (ho olfoo,'the !denim and the
Lunt taxes 'the vitality of riven
the strongest. Thu blood becomes
thiel and watery, or ()logged with
Irupuritieg..'fiontetimee you get op
in the morning. just (1s died as
when you wed, to bud, 'Some, pen•
pie have headaehee and a fooling
of langenr; others x80 10w spirited
raid norvollg; 81411 others have pile-
114111r114S1I'1a ()t,i1 M&N.
100 Tool's Old-•-Aet0lUPanled. Na-
polflol1 oft Tr11► to 1, iloleua.
Thebe is a man in .a Sydney, New'
South Wa1ee, institution, presided
over by the 1 reech Sisters of the.
l.,ittle Company of Mary, who was
10)6 on March 20. Ile is William
Jollnntono and in 1816 he wan ca
bin boy on 1f., M. S. Northumber-
land, the 'Iiritish.wlarsllip Lhattook
Napoleon to St. Helena. For a .time
afterward lie remained on the island
as one of the pernuaal attendants
of 11110 fallen Emperor,
Ilia story has been gifted by ,the
sisters and lona unworldly folk, and
they have no doubt. that it is genu-
ine. It le certain, at any rate, that
a William 30(048tone was cabin boy
on rho Northumberland when Na -
J hnstene loves to tell laneed0t08
of the Emperor, an o tour ,
to purgative mod i nib les In the
411 1 d f Sa
191110 4reseee and big vivid color.
oil wh0at4 groups aye used un the
now bate,
Vl'a1111 !aeon, used In t'om'bleutian
with embroidery, faro street; for
Stilt:noer wear.
111a111411s or lights are modish,
mode or,rer8ily of 01 01114 (3r W001011
W0rnit µotate.
A11 Rllotl'li cl 1'('1181'34, W1liHtI1, 11rid
0111111 Orris Lrienneed 11
thei1101V W 1
Wall 81110 ellnrt,ll.
M111't1UeiLell, linen, 1Hnne"4111118,
all now appear in ahcolis, both gun
'01 41rld elu'llhe rd.
hound embroidery end pretty
Mogen aro the (keelhaul 1, melee in
mlilny uC 111e new b1nus014.
An Odd 411nl;v hP ilio luolnnnt 4s
(,113 Win 0n dressy toilets et belle of
verub(h0d loather.
A new lime grenadine, more often
palled eel'. 1111141 grenadine, is 41111w M tl VV Johnson, 1Tomflyd
n r lite mar materials, „ o l an ingenious mechanism for warn -
among N ti., says. A couple of years (Lg ; In* locomotive engineers was tried
'l'1141 noP1, surges and rugluunre 414'0 tenon I ('arms hom4 (rano la lnmeel'- 6
n8tal lh build bruvi+lllnK 801114 rtll'e to employ. 71 not only warns the engineer er
nu{ oru),p what i had boon 1 yards b0foro ho reach„, it „bother
141` the warn, Nipi'lllg df4y 1. j 1 , it)MI my tuned 181(11 in 'molt tt sun dl tine (L 1ig11r11 1S 1Lt "danger" Or ' 010911','
'll' f' 1 ns u,td
edge many n ne ne.\v v ' boils . 8"1110 six rand ("OIL 111 a, nest- Alone in the eab showing bow, each
the f' l toCl 1110 fuse
• e tined to the house it 114 for Ibrca ',rho ingpoetars lira( ordered a s{g-
'(anL(`f 111 • "nN «
yes 1 d. c 11 1. 1 got 1 , l Ironing I`rom the mug 1 y
'melee, This is a Mistake. You
never lecke listeneis, Ile general-
ean'�' e..nru tLinsu troubles with a ly begins: "I was cabin boy undue
nuldu',uo W11ich 1511,4101)13 bllouvlo 141r, Wilson and 1 used to look after
youl' llygteln, and is 4ure o
I rho 'J 'Emperor's cabin. We used to
,von weaker still, What you need
LU give you health and strength in
the opting is a tonic medicine and
the ono always roliablo 11111ie and
blond -builder in 4)r. 1Villiants' Ph*
1'ill8, 'Curse halls nob only baldish
mitring ills, but guard you against who played the port o[ Nene cm
L41c tutee se-riun34 aailinettts Lhab wag just like hint•-- Same stand,
have many. talks and I think he got
rather fond of ate."tr Royal 1)i -
When the play A y
voice" dame to Sydney, Johnstone
wife talion (0.810 ill and thoroughly.
approved of it, leo said; the man
low, such las anaemia, nervous de-
bility, 111(41ge8Liun, rb0uml44iten, 41.444
other di80411011 duo to bad blood.
1)r. Williams' Pink Pills actually
'oaks new, rich blood which
14(1erlg4hen8 every nerve, every or-
gan end every part of the body'.
'.Cry this medicine this spring and
you will have strength and energy
til regigL 1110 torrid beat of the com-
ing n11111111 r.
r. Gem n n80n, . '0 ,
stung walk, game face and he had a
mark on his neck like Napoleon."
Safety DoviceTieing 'rested on •Reit•
ish Iia41('ot14S.
A4 a Midland Railway siding out
in Kettering, England, last week
N11880W sill,. hull 111111. 111Y litchi body 11(11141) Ont 111 Lot printg a retard 011 a Lupo um
f U 1111111 hntn
n e IetiL )mull eaten : ' 'Phil,(' were $0 linnfufu1 that, 1 WILE Signal 11119 stood daring n run.
Nt'4„ aru (again 11(11111 Ihlcrd tar t
44.0p,, 1, my ti*r:1 eevea m, emeltta wee It I by y f 1 117
114111{le ?14l'(ll,nen tit the sunuu'11 11 L u 14(11('1'' in fact. 1410 tial ' 41 bo set at dn1 ' 0 Thin,
it c Mab they
materials and 801'1.11 1101.44111 '10 elft 1lel lien), direc�ed. the engineer to 411)1)1•01Lch
Billows of s oily mill na)4 rat, times were so ofl'rnsive thah
1. refused to sit e4 the table with the signal ab to fast pace. At a
• 011111vabby laves lallul•nctr nearly rr• g
taint Glx enough away from the
t d l i
1(111 N 1:Y 1!11414S.
She Suffered for Two Yearn but
Now AdvIN0$ all 'I.'I'ollbled as She
Was to Clive Dodd's 1(idnoy Pills
tl '('1'itll.
St, Robert, Richelieu (lo., Que.,
Mar; L&, -(Special), -"I recommend
Dcdd's Kidney fills to all my
f.l'iends. Theme are the Wards of
Dame Joseph Parent of this place,
And the good dame gives exeelleut
Treasons why she does s0, "For
two years," she -says, "1 suffered
from heart Disease, I'ecadadle,
Baelrache and a dragging sensation
amens the loins. Seven boxes. of
Dodd's Kidney Pills Mired me. 1
hope all who. are troubled as I was
will give' Dodd's Kidney Pills a
Some people may ask how Dodd's
J(idnoy Pills, which are purely a
Kidney remedy, can cure Heart
Disease. And the answer is sim-
Ple. Diseased Kidneys fail to drain
the impurities out of the blood. Tf
these impurities are lett in the
blood they not only increano the
work of the 31ear•t in propelling the
blood through the body, but act on
the valves causing disease. Pure
blood removes the cause of the dis-
tem°. :Dodd's Kidney Pills make
pure blood by putting the Kidneys
in condition to strain all the im-
purities out of it.
Old Lady -"What is the title of
the picture, dear 4"
;Daughter-" Wogs,' after Sir Ed-
ward Lundseer."
Old Lady -"I can see the dogs,
but where on earth is Landseer 4"
Till This Recipe Was Tried, Cure
Followed in 5 Hours.
A prominent medical man, who
suffered with a severe cough and
cold on the lungs, often being kept
awake all night, and weakened by
l]r, tylor'se's
Indian R9ot Pills
tarn many common 41lmants which
are very different, hilt which all
arise from the sumo oateso -u 4349.
tem clogged with impurities. Tho
Phis entitle the bowels to move
reg,lnrly, stron4t11nn and 4tinlu.
tarn the kidneys and open Up the
pores of the skin. 'These organs
laneed1atelY throw elf 1110 na)1'
incanted impurities and Bilious.
urns, Indlgostinn, Lever Compplaint,
7(tdaoy Troubles, Head4ahas,
Itheuma1lsm and similar allmenia
vanish, Dr. Ltal'so's Indian Boot
Save Doctor's Bills
ere lingerie (reek now being gho\vl'' I's fnlllily, A friend all (11 mr.. nn0 1 finnll discovered a
tihnllu\v pukes of not, lace, or 1 l' l It ''e I)r. \Pili{» limas',
fora tithe v have
t, simple formula which will euro any
tl 1` t'Inbl„attarub are ❑ feature 111 1'1111 a llual stud 1 clelld- h 1 hn from a Me1gh in five by
many of rho new
'011 the- 1t.41.0nt 111(1dt?18 14,1'0 ulto11.
f':1 pure of tin? w11.7 r 1( m' lel\ Frilled ap Without overrunning
vo hours the clock. It
nn,. l e 'a small wheel projecting 4 ,t '\ eg incl to to se, 1 gi,t six boxes and lever below the engine touched a is a laxative toniot couhome b syrup
brf,.rr then wore I'll {(tine the sores rod on the permanent way. Immo- which can 110 made a Y
b1';37111 1(1 (111(111p1lir 41114 my 071.01 llnll.nly a rod label with the Word one` and - the formula is hero. given
1""n 01,11 34trcnlXtbenmd. 1 c°111'111t "Dengor' upon it appeared in a for tiro benefit of those who pass
t'd "Ingtilt\ illus 1111"1 1 had taken small brass box before the driver's sleepless nights in painful parox-
ysms. Those who have tried it say
it is magical, and beats any high-
priced, slow -acting cough medicine
rg,., ,•t."e i
dw� a.sICRONY I' &Go.
Monikers reroute Stook Exchange,
Safe inVeatments woo tor aur openly circular on securities.
Refers.. to standing tunny bank,
We have moved le Ofld $tToronto.
our now be ildiug, $ y. r
Chief 1lpotlght Bek Stollen t'hl'k- Givel\n bol 1'8 wheal et'rry. 110,1 and ryas, n small rod lamp above flash-
ed 11'Itea Ile Saw It. Nutt 1111.41 dignppnureil, and I have ed out, and 411e whistle of the en-
tl mad, wht pal thing(+ happen iu the eines enjoyed the very best of gide sounded.
1 ` ltd
eyeterlr-constant pr110111et careful
4,10/rna11011; few. weeks complete Minimal
tools free; graduates earn twelve to
eighteen .dollars weekly; writo 408 mita.
tonne, Motor Barbar College.• 2
1 een
Bast, Toronto.
It. Y
ee f /, Raise Them Nrltbouts Milt
n �� Booklet Free,
Steolo,l1riggs Beed Co.. Ltd., Toranbo 1Oat.
The label showed, the lamp re- ev_.
true ?flop of udv0t)tnl'0 fnlhi11n 1116n ')r ,,l I by all nlnllieine dealers orMix in a bottle one-half ounce
described to the ltuyal (t.ngralthi, inn{
ring te1)1lighted, anti the whistle
„ \ by 11111 41 ill, 8, eenlg n. box or sox vet:tinned to blow until the engin- fluid wild cherry bark, ono ounce fie isn't all unselfish
tit{ Noeii'tty by l,. luidn}, who has hi,ses fur 3.."�n from The I11'. 11'il- compound essence cardiol and three As he greets his fellow -man;
born malting tin 1114 (hliou In 1110 18:,),144' M'dief0 (:0., e Dr.(villt- ecr tauel'edla lever and 1ro1 411)0 the ounnes s ru white foo compound. Re's quick to ask a service,
nue thani:in. Again, o•ht n the .en- Y P P
trine approached the lowered signal Take twenty drops every half hour But he'll do one if he can.
ked "(Tear" for four hours. Then take ono -half His kindness is something
a green 1 label marone teaspoonful three or four That ill fortune cannot budge;
to P
gree into vices, d, the n elect a Give children loss ao- It's only just a jolly,
THE LINDMAN TRUSS will hold any rednoltle
hernia. Endorsed by foremost ,nodloal men.
Write for particulars. 11. LINDMAN, (aog'd).-
1 ono of the marvels of the electrical age:
use throughout the world, Write for eats,.
General Aoouatfo of CansAa Ltd.
o un. Co.,
MD Yonne Strse/..Toronto
Marlatt's Bair Promoter
Grows Harr on any Bald Head
On ante at the Itnbt, Simpson's Drng. De-
lHairmPromot otlt00.. Toronto hConade,, t
Farmers admire a cut-rate grocer
until he cuts the price of butter and
Allen's Lung Inborn t, especially Intended to
break up oogleoted 0005114 and many hopeless
eases have been saved by its use. 0onlalns uo
opium hs any toren.
The hedgehog and the porcupine
aro truly w prickly pair.
PAM/ elNTAtaN't• is guaranteed to sues any
Pllunluitching. daya oemotnoy trofundsd roeDodiug
Never judge a man's worth by
talo amount of insurance he carries
Nlinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
He doesn't always mean it,
When he conics along each day
'With a cheery bit of smiling
And a pleasant word to say.
I know he has his troubles
And life isn't all a song,
But he's trying to forget 'em
As he jollies folks along.
Tloo exlletli Giem entered flet' 01'411'!
tory ill" rho ll<tulg0, nater before NO 1114N1)1Nt1.
oro sed lit' White leen,
The coinrtg,
1 '
• 5 ' x treat
,, t � 1
Sunday h
, 1n a
,' i, leers l
villago t
eC tine tribe took the form to f It ,
e4 iron Aq•lghing 'tvl0 110111111s, vVLltl"I W'al in fell toting, and after to rul-
011 in lsn1111sl1 money tit 1111'lly PC11 lit king till+, the younactel•s were
8\11. velem. A8 soon ns the people (14(11' engaged 00. a Kealy tea.
hloartl unit the 4r4ly rllera' stook of 1.it1lo Johnny, thought illlet'CUS'
iron Willi neatly finished .thee began tunica to very riot Farr, had Icon
to show hostility. eating lentil he 001114 1101 11.1`001111110-
" 1110 chief,•' said :11r, Tert{ny, daft" anettles' mouthful, and ho was
'sllron111it anent. 111' eliulnx by o8- eun'.etlntv\tly feeling slightly un-
telitta(4pludy eteal4ag. our ahiritotis, t•,4ntfurtah,t.. .own my 1{tile
1111 thiw Willi +,f Course rt deviant, "Shall I lift you d
1,"1'1('11 light showed, and an electric condi a day' 1p
boll rang. cording t0 age. This will tone up But it's bettor than a grudge.
and ri the system of deep-seated
'" -- coughs ovary time.
"I never dare to look down when
I'm standing on a high p ace,
said Mrs. Lapsling. "It always,
gives rue an attack of verdigris."
_ e
A .Plensaat Purgative.-Parme-
Ic•e's Vegeta'ble Pills are so coil -
pounded ns to operate on o
No Fane mother would wish her- •1 "
self treated under the condition of
nlydicfne, or surgery of half a ten-
th ago. ' City then should she
:• 4,1,103 ,s' V4tr. A lest: important ellit•tt 11111 11 ;" \14111 '011,1 gentle inquiry of a give hell tender little child the- old -
Dante to toe and expl'linetl that the 1.111» helper mho pati uot.4ced the fashioned medicines that have notehanged
r'111 iO 1 In, Wi 1 fit ,
The Doctor -"M's. Murphy, you
must be at your husband's sick bed
constantly, as you will (1004 to
band hila something ()very little
whiles' doctor 1
1tLrs. MLI rphy-i'Myera
Fur bo it from me to. Int a marl
whin he's down,"
Kitty--"Ifal1ry.Dxsys7lat' aro
as pretty a picture,'
"Nonsense I Be didn't wean it,"
Kitty -"Oh, yes, he did. But, of
course, yeti know Harry's taste in
pictures isn't anything to brag
A Thorough Pill. -To clear the
stomach and bowels of impurities
and 11'ritapts is necessary when
their action is irregular. The pills
that will do this work thoroughly
are Par'nlelee's Vegetable `Pills,
which are mild in action but mighty
iD results, They purge painlessly
and effectively, and work. a per-
manent more. They Can bo used
without fear by the most delicate-
ly constituted, as there are no pain-
ful effects preceding their gentle
Few men appreciate freedom un-
til they view it from the other', side
of the bars.
Painkiller in winter cheeks Millis, breaks up
colds and thus Rheumatism, Unetn lleonch(tie, iue,,1Lagrippeor
and te,chilblUnequalled as a 111. 8011 for
truer blies, s. Only o. bruises ler-Pe. gold 1y
all druggists. Only Duo 1?atakillar-Karry Dnvin.
One-half the world doesn't .
awake at night worrying about how
the other half lives.
Calnard'$ Liniment for Sale Everywhere.
The limit. of satisfaction has been
reached when you beat the other
fellow at his own game.
Tree to Our Renders.
Write Murtha Bye Remedy Co., Chicago.
for 48 -page illustrated Dye Book Free.
Write all about Your Eye Trouble and -
they will advise no to the Proper Apulian -
Mon of rho Morino Bye Remedios in Your
Special Case. Your Druggiot will tell you
that Morino Relieves Sore Byes. Strength.
ono Weak Gyee,' Doesn't Smart, Soothes
Your Eyes and Inand tls for 50c. Baby's byes Try
Eyelids nod Granulation. The Sentimental One -"Alas,
many a smiling face conceals an
aching heart." The Literal Idiot -
"1t seems to me that an aching
tgoth would be more likely to be
To whom it may concern: This is to
certify that I have used MINARD'S LINI-
11f19NT myself ns well as prescribed it 01'The REAR.a d1110NEi will sgly you oulrca
my practice whore liniment wits required benefits of g particulars add names
and boyo never (1111811 to gra the desired booklet. giving
Erect. of satisfied. users. Also
C. A BIND, IL D. Special Offer for a Month's •Home Trial.
Um. B. E. Bodweil, of 4137 Pro-
vonahur Apo., St, Boniface, Winnipeg,
say0 I- "Soma time ago my children
took diphtheria, and while attending
theta the poison 0ntarod asmal eoratah
on the second finger of my left band.
'fillsbooamavoryeoreaatlblood. oisen
iu(1 soon not in. For months after the
ohtldren were quite well 1 Wad suffer-
ing from a ehookingly bad finger. The,
aerofoil was caused originally by a pin.
and in itself, wad not at all esteems.
Tha consequences, however, of neglect
hag thin serateh,werevery serious to me.
When the bided.polsonl0gsettnih'trled
poultices and a salve 1 had la 110 0500.
These, however, did not have the dlredd..
oltout. Quite on the oontrar7 theAuger
beoame more a1d m08a swollen and dis-
colored, It thou began to tester, and Yha'd
Wean In a doctor. $e lanced the Mager
to lot out the pus, and you 0001 loxigino
how painful the finger was? Despite his
care, however, 16 again festered and the
ointments, liniments and other prepare,
Mons which the doctor nava mo seemed
absolutely enable to bring aboutanyreUet.
The doctor thereupon advises mato go
into the St Boldface Rosetta 0 feared
1 that it I wont to the Iio,pitaa .no finer
would be amputated. Wewere told of a
case elmtlar to my own In which Zam•73uk
had effected acute when everything elms
had foiled and the dootor had said that
oaly.empnt0rton could save the pereo0'0
hand. 0
"We, therefore, decided (0 give
a trial, Aeupply Wag
are aommeneed the urn•F k treatment.
w the
It only
or this sded top. few
Tha blobd pato l onlog
and inflammation were ,'educed, rho pain
breams toes saute, end it was evident
Tory shortly that the trouble was befog
reduced toeless and cull loss area Wo
persevered w1t4 the Hann -Duk and In the
end rho fostering sore was thoroughly
cleaned then healed. In ender three
weeks from first commencing with Fawn.
Birk, the finger was entirely well; and
had we applied Znm•Buk in the first, Moms,
instead of trying ordinary preparations.
no doubt 1 should have waved myself
hours and hours of acute agony."
All mothers should note this ease. Zam•Dok
4 a euro mire for btoal•poteooh,g, teetering,
outs, scratebes from barbed wire, bruises,
Enema,Moen; rushee, tetter, sale rheum, taco Norte
snd all
skin injuries and d4,0iles, Ind .00 . 520 bogveins,
all drug.
Toats and ronto, for prloe.res or POnt free from Send le stamp or postagCo.e
el free trial bonne. Definition dodtirti0ru
rants sold, 320 acres.
Diekrnonn. Room 20, 43 Scott St.: Toronto.
w rants. 'Highest price paid. Fox &
Itoss, Scott St., Toronto.
1111 Iron and woodworking machinery.
engines, boilers, steam pumps, gasoline
engines. electric motors, contractors'--
machinery.. .eta. Send for catalogue of
over 1400 -machines. H. W.VnPETRIE-•
Limited. Toronto. Montreal,
Send for free cantina to Dept. W. L., Na A _
Menai Druz & Chemical Co„ Toronto. 1'AOpri noon needed '6 lis onhsight
Does work
Absolute necessity to fanners. Do s
CLEANING OUTING 040 of 30 men. Pays for itself in ono hour.
write to -day, C. R. Adams Co., Sarnia"
Lae he dons wrreotlr br oo' 8,00cb Process. Try15
111121301 831411108(1 0s/1MM 80,
tiOK3aL►re (1418021(111. am' Ave,A a g17EUtO
Is Your Hearing Clood
231 Spading Avenue, Taranto.
fait dire( butt der'tlad i=, Lill as. tooth wriggling, pitb0ut 1, the $011 whim 11 in half I1 century, and
t both the p fl"�°t
it 11 t t n ai hr l add "1 ny plrnO niton, assented 11.1 o more likely than nut, it not d the bowels so that they. ,APPENDICITIS
1. ]' l 'f l 1 (1111\ , , 1
,, lvhosr, dllalrndcd anatomy ttasl nt
tutva it, lurid 1 1\'ualld slay alt hl Johnny, ,T 1 1
When a man 'fails in all his nn•
dertakings he blames his parents
for the way they brought him up.
ns op{llies that will not
paw pm wan tag 010phltn( nlndr bleu hili hiutirlf as stiff as a mule the 1• , extre4ory passage. They are no
1 n 4, ,ukrr. "Vet eon 111t rue done," into tempofun;v insensibility.
'eta, e' 111 411 th11111 as t the 1 ablets is a modem drastic in their work, but mildly
tlxilttiY w of an elf pits a 1'work and hero please
ase \vas truly lane!'tina medius Own l urgative, and the pleasure of tak-
tuiely w<1 bud with u8 to clurkwurlL tv° "bet plrasc don't bend rue: curtlit'al science. This metUr4ng Tu them is' only equalled by the
t cures 1111 stomach,. 1101(101, teething g •• -
1 i ailments C childhood and gratifying effect they produce.
actalou an t e alimentary and ,e d I 1 t operations All who are nt
' chiltt hitt tnOTely tll'\ur it act along tllewhoi y d with this disease and wish t
l t
t,ltl lhll1t, Welt W1lVt'd its 1801114.
tang walk1>11. 1 wound op the ole•
hoot attd ilial. It walk on sow
1111 Ii'All. E l) .CO 11:1: IT.
Mr t'lose:ha nt tdnritur his wife's
not other al min's ,l((111 0 -
babyhood. And the mother has the Compounded only of vegetable sub-
Id1811s 1.1111 then. the lent. Hoot• 1vn;1 reset;t1011l. (;the 8'1)'8( 't'lll Iota, fillarantoe of a government. analyst
t111o,w11 open: the rh{rt, Fet'iutt the 814;1 ia•t'1 '0101 llivair: silt' gin's "ern that it 01)1tn1111' 110 opiate Or 11a1S-
l 'alt rr loud to ruff away. 'g tl 1 m,n"n, •and emus drug. Bald by medicine deal-
t P 1
r from The .lir. Williams' Medicine
.41,el' look, buil, lids wan tun much '4"4. nl'rer tnilinlr ntodi,1)1, }tel. Co., llrorkville, Out.
ltle4lriny 1t. , t 1'1 1 , . 1011 t•1'A, 1` la e 1 , ,- ,
}liltan t;iiups0il, (14 mhnt111tn1(>11, 111(11'1' what she calls reeely lel; l ors er by !nail at 1 cents a hex
1n1i1't 101 that he nhonld lust e Iter,
t4•' the vhiof, for shunting: 'I ale ha(ltyes Corn Cure, removes all
R t f'tth those ehtekl•n1 whirlt l' { f r,ru4 watt• et. t'\'ru
(1�01111,' 11 t ,11.014 e
fate bean stolen: lie rail lute!, into 111 Wiest dilll41141 to 80111014' rttnnot
'tete v'ti11iae, ttllt4 in a tow • Il\illntl'8 ulth:.lt11'd this \\'4'llberf111 remedy...
ttuttr pr,,4ortY .11as rr''tnrrd to us,
"1 toihl0atl up lily 1 .'l>"ry by pro.
poaintt to tight eve: \ 1),•dy 111111
0P\tittnll wit 14 my ele•phnnt, ;end
t:11Neatt'nr\l ti, set aro t,' 1111' rivers.
'To 14(31,14l'l1te our tett( era 11 (1 1111 1.111,i1
1n1I11H \Cll1?tl(41y', 111114 11118 1111110' 01011'
811t04'l1 1(0' u4(1 ,'u !1401 the 11hite
num wore able to deal's) any.
Tett many mi0111ke (heir own
11111111nilltgv ('1 I1luunluty tor a sys
(em t't 4iliuity•
Only One "41()810 QtlailNO"'
That 1s 1..1N trig% )tittl\It\ tel SNI1411. 1411
for the o(antte,0 tit 1t 11, 1(110418. 1'sed the
world aror t.• ,'tea told to One Oar. 350,
"\"ou have 2343 enormous nppe
tile " said a thin Iran enlv1ously.
l`li.\t'VIS1 ''A ARKS 1`4'.l,hkt"1. -.What 11e you take tor it "'
Ohl Led; "l unlit you to fakt' (013 "47' exPt"leure," rrp444111 Itis
i 411un1p frieuel. "1 lune 2,41110(1 11"
hates that parrot \t.t1, :add .Ilk1 1 111(3148 horn .citable than fee4:"
Duo 11Htt hr sNrtra v•rl badiy."
flied Dealer 'W1'11 madam. it's
r. very 71(0(311 bird..' 11'11 learn to
tall tkr' better "Awn l4 v a hit old•
'4'h' 4'o\\4(31 :tan0iaetulr40'
''1'llua'v oh: Tem. off all people, 1 e
l30( int41. the gunpowder ailed 1!01
a t:4lttrtl (ataine, 1 14414(411 have
tk1 furl( that that wtla'd 11+' the 11 t-
*biota ho'd 110 '.rhs' Wtlrkman
4 Wh tea luval4l lty ape:AAin , it wore, t.
who 1tu3 11 t 111141141d t•ilt.9. (14. tai ,
as !none therein.
T ray this
ONE.a\x t1'oAU,tinie k el' 60CK a«
Ten 010144 have to kaalr what xINtt of cloth
Year t„•otsatomxdaof. SAME
Nfta aha e1`AMlatakas. rt1 WOU'S 10 MAO
1il101 W tr Q1115 txs of 4114114, SsryS:: Card.
and g 1.Als1 Free. the JbensarwlOseards.en
Ce L m rod Mtn . a t +tie
stances the curative qualities of
which were fully tested, they ef-
fort( relief without chance of u1
;it down and (reit for things to
conte your way, and the first thing they t any 6•1 a•
11 be the \\anon to i time return, oapertence teaches rho
1180" of the Oil how to deal with
The trouble with trouble is that
it usually swoops down coo us be-
fore we 11avo a chance to sidestep
Company have good openings for ex-
perienced insurance writers. also'for
young men who desire to nluko m010y.
Address, Je1n1 Milne, Managing. Director
Northern Life, London, Ont.
111.0 5289-100 acres in the Towlehip of
tiff Coradoe. in the County .of 12,ddlesee,
sell.rlell sandy- loain,3i3 acres orchard.
11.2 storey frame 'ltouse,2frame horns and
other outbuildings. a far rods to public
school, and close to elnirch, 4 miles from
Strnthroy market and R, IL, Station.
1\ 01 Blmndrord, iu t}te 0nuuty of Ox.
era ,a t,m, fond, soil, hlook slay teem, 2. storey eon-.
o he (wee honer, fro bank barn wifhstpill'
Bictr 1r
anently, safely `and quickly. inn under, other ontbuildtngs, bu[hhnirs"'-.
!nerd perm great Itomeapnthta remedy, nearly new and in good repair, situated
whit this
which. ,rill ba scat poet -pg T,irtfonshtor Ina ltetla0,) 11154 Sm itlan f1,Tliis ,,,td9orliae-
in the "world with telt pot _
ester: 5 as ,to4 effect a nermnnent Tura. 2111 i1, 08' r ill ((141180 curt' 030 e0n1,00 in
r c �AmneOPOthle Pharmacy, which then saw this ndvertisrmorit. The
Jahn T. Walt, R`Potcrn neat Fstnte Exchange, Limited.
ArnPrlor, Canada. 75 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Pains Disappear Before It. -No Pte Fe Address
one need suffer pain when they have
available Dr. Thomas' Eelectric'
Ofi. If not in the house when re-
quired it eau be procured at the
nearest store, as all merchants keep
it for sale. Rheumatism and all'
bodily pains disappear when it is
applied, andshould ey . a
Lay 21182821 COLIIbtBIA - Far'r 0EOR(01'1
9) 'tanning
ncre9 frrlilc. wheat
f -b hp•
and mired tarminglands, Send n u
The famous new .discovery of the age, "B 4 1119.tnraatmenit lf>npl'' (' 110 110. T114et
positively, quickly, .completely relieves PuUdtng,}'wnt'oavrr, 11. G
and cures Goitre, Thick heck, cin len,
Swellings, Bunions,. Quinsy, etc. Shoo, 1 0R SALE OR EXCIIANOE, Bu17..n NO
or tor $4.00, made onrecespl of 4)8100 y lets and farm l,ulals on easy' 14117•
LYLE MEDICINE CO., Toronto, urmtts, 1Y111 bey. western property, S.
M, \tntlle,n•e, Room 11 1.2'15 rouge Street,'
You may have nolleed that people, that comes hi
with bili hearts 44sually have small Intel you off to the county infirm-
pueket beaks.
Minaret's liniment Relfors Neuralgia.
'Ha trt'd iv never so 1011thesow41 as
when it as+nates a holy name.
:father Graves' 'Worm lixtorinin-
Ydt1 r dors not require the help of
a),v pargntive lnetlleiue tit ee1111110te
th.r rare. Give it a trial and bo
1:ore 0 in (;explaining the arolden4
to the awned' of t1141 building) ^-
"ilaruey was working un the root,
art-, and ho 11i11ped and fell the
1\11.4e four storeys, bringing' the
cot nice drawn with him. sir, and
breaking both his ergs and four
ribs." Owner --“Oh. well. never
mind. I intended that cornfee to
r4 cue down in any Ca`(.
1111'tOr prOsor'ibed rest and
saying that
clausltrf�'ras111811boy, . c
ins tavatem was quite upset,. After
ho' had gone the little boy said: --
"I knob I was upset, nta411110 1. he-
41!4)14(1 tay foot's (asleep, 'arid t411186;s
mist bo pretty 1,041 ellen yt1.lt 8o to
sleep) rkt,, the wrong eta"
As MeeSpreadsIn dry grass, se does as+aSam-
maifaa iu
the pY threat grew down lute the lungs.
sheerest promptly with It Allens with
If people only saki what they
thought, there wouldn't be so much
1That Is the nest Th4ng to strengthen was'
1,.10313 .Iho r'C L" \lanthal Plester. It will
run, htmh.+34'1 =4nd 01(0851011010, St ,11140 mak0
seven. 3h., plasters. Davis S Law00000 Co.,
IS$VE O.lal.w-ltd.
When You're Hoarse Use
No Iran believes in a1)7 real hen.
vett who does not sweat to make it
teal here.
In its initial stages a cold is a
local ailment easily deait, with. But
Pinny neglect it and the result is
often the development of distressing
seirures of the bronchial lobes and
lungs that reader life miserable for
the unhappy victim. As a brat tiid
there is nothing in the handy merit-
e1r.e line 101 tertafn in curative re-
sultas Biehle's .Inti -Consumptive
Syrup, the far-famed re1116(1 for
e4elds and roughs.
Tho better the rause the .greater
the lalisebief of a base method.
Itlnard't Ueitnaa4 Cures: auras. Eta.
1111.81.5'1 1h18l[allf. felt (,AGIS Octl.115
Gives immediate relief. The first
close relieves your aching throat and
allays the 41Tilation, Gusraniced to
contain nes opiates. Very palatable.
All Druacula .,5t.'
mica umiak>•' ,,
a1rA7'AW1 aatsTA1C -•
ttodivay'o Rea.ly Kellet
Mar.'s the trarat Patna In
one o 4.tthen
uutaa 0 Um .
e (e ak ar n e r v.
1�, nothealle,
wwlgla, 41p 011•
4:,na thges rk,l.
01�.�,nou' lar Yitl3a^r
'- 1 (3 attunuu1 E h e
aver 411.34031(03.
nwo1lI, a of L ,e lotnte, sett
Paint Of Un kind% use
RAOWAY'S t4EI1oY Rit,lef,
Your blood has become thin end weak.
Tha dmin open your system the past fete
mouths hashccnver)'grc0t. You etecon-
mcquenlly fceli05 "all out of sorts" and
"rundown. Your appetite is bed and
you hardly have enough energy lento do
your deity duties. You should take
YSYCHINE.die greatest of Toots, with.
out delay, This will put you on your feet
Gentlemen:.."lhnve Merl PSYCHINE
and 1 do thine: it is the greatest tenio and
system builder known. I would adtrsc all
1vho are Tun -down or physically weak to
ate i'SYC(41NE a Your, truly, Mfo. Jas.
Bertrand, \Vest Tolonlo.
If mane wean.4,5YC111NE will make yea luno;.
for Sal4, e, all Drarrbt4 R flatlets« SOt, & 51
43340 beide,