HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-4-7, Page 1VOL. 38 NO, 40 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL ], xgzo W. H. KER;R, ProbrieIor • New:Advertisements aeon -Walter eros, Local-R..H,etowlu't,- Ltteetaltrwst Miner, Loeel-$aanta1 Burke, • • or Gala -1 1t. Drvane, bocci-Welkerbk. &oleo Bull tor service -J..1 Webb. Hugo fo�• hatching -W. Long. Tenders wonted -IT$ Scott, Wonted -Cordon McDonald. R� Sze for hatching-D.A. Lowry., Aoeaocleaning wreka-D. O. Rose. Evergreens for tinIe—A. H. ,laooba. a+ o lar o stooks-Winker,ula lc oo, w s a o rich as minister of. Knox Church and greatly was really beloved. modern, neatend a credit to the mann- facture'. bit, Out fines a large trade in the regular trips the wagon. g P' Tiie vaginae monthly meeting of the Wotneu's Inattlttta w)II be held at the items of Mra. J, Cl, Johnston on Th.urs- day, April 14111, at 2,30 p. in, All the inernbeve are requested to .attend. The topic will 'be '''1VIalciug shirt waists and a eons,e .. , p the 0er)oerG to he given by tato choir of Bt. Audratv'a liuteh, Blyth, on Wednesda avenin 1'sth lost„ Y 1. ; will be a goat attraction. rho artiste will be Owen A. Stnily, of Toronto aiid M185 Bart: of Henson. They will be assisted by local, talent, The Ministerial Association of anti vicinity, will rneot at tl0 manse on Monday next at 2.30 p • m, Rov. J. R. atann of Aubtum, will read a paper on "Some Results of Criticism." All the ministers of the disteict are invited. to attend.4th dist-mm/0e followed. Thee° meetings should be largely tlttended by all who c1e lie 10 see their Fellows helped in any way. Hoop woman has some special line of work of which .elle le captLble of enlightening others upon, and thereby liolpurg her fellow-be)ngs, good work. Signed on behalf of the members of Ethel Auxiliary.of the W. V. M. S. airs. Jae. Laird 1 Mrs, D. W. Dunbar Ethel April 5th, 1010, - alis, Fed'gtisQll was taken completely by surprise bnt,in a few words thank• ed G he ladies for their choice .gift and kind rernernbrancs of her and wished the Society man ro eio t y y o sp t t Years and stated that thou li in coming years she may be identified with other Missionary Soeietiea the members of ; y..g Ethel Auxiliary will be lovingly re- membered; •cause followed by the beet wishes of a host of friends. The bride's [going away 8 own was of blue with hat. po match. relay their joys be many, Onre.-About eight o'clock on Wed-- g neaday' evening '11 this week the dealli occuimed of tiannalu D. Redden relict of the late George McMann, at the home of her son-10•law,. John Shortreed 9t .con. with whom she , h , lm beau reslclmg- Por the .past 3 of 4 yore. Deceased, who was iu her 70th year, bad been ailing for soma time . ' heart failure and dropsy ,being th•e of death. Mr, McMann died' about 6 years ago and for a good mar, etheypleased y years were well known of McKillop. . Tea funeral will take will take place to Brussels cemetery ou Friday afternoon at L o'clock, ser- vice being held at the house at 1.80p. g m. A PIONEER DEPARTS. -AG his home line, Morrie, on nares `27th, the late William Shedden passed away. • e as he His eiiwas fere unexpelt d had been a sufferer for some Years from a complication of alabite s. lie was bolo in Berth, Ayrahiie, SOUL- laud, on Jan. 30th, 1527, and was mar- vied to lits now bereaved .partner, Jean Lauchlaud on Dec. 29th, 1&18. . Atter living in the Old Laud fur. 8 m iu Poria for 3 ears ansae Mr, ing i they es for ed to s whennada Mr. Shedden worked atYliis trade as tan- iter. From Paris he removed to what was known as the 'Queen's Buah" in the Cotvuship of Morris, taking •up the 100 aura farm npou which his sou, edlivenow d untie l5tle sous where owhen he 1 y ago removed to the adjoining fax where he spent the rewamder of his days. Mr: Shedden visited the Old Land in 1881 but he preferred his Uauadian home: There are four surviving children, viz p-Mre. D.: Lenient, of Clare, Mich. ; Miss lVlaggie at Howe, and Robert and James, of Morris, The funeral •service on Wednesda y was conducted at his late home by Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Selgrave, intoe- went being mado in Brussels caws- tery Pallbearers were John Little, William Kearney, 'Phomas Bradshaw, Solowan Cloaks William Miller and y' John McAI�ter. When Mr. Shedden came to Morris there were only y 2 buildings in Brussels, belonging to Thomas Halliday dud„ the Aintay lam- aa. Deceased's daughter, Mrs. Lamont, and Mrs. Shedden's brother, •William Lauchland, of Oshawa, were in attendance at the funeral. One brother survives to Scotland. Mr. and Mrs.Shedden were married for 61 years. He is Wettest of the pioneers °f this locality. Mr. Shedden Lvas a Presbyterian in religion and a Liberal in politics. lie was a most honorable roan tubo enjoyed the esteem of the cowmunity. By mdustry and thrift, assisted by the valuable assistance of the members oP the family, the sub - jest of this notice had acquired a most comfortable home and surroundings. He was a .first-class neighbor and dearly loved toChat over the old days as they were related to both Canada and Scotland. The community ex - tend aywpaI•hy to the bereaved especially to tea aged, get active and faithful partner of so man ears who p Y Y is in the 85t1t •year •of her age: Mra. Shedden and dao titer will continue B to reside Ln the home on the 4th line, J, Otlrrie, of the Trader't turned ort Monday from a his parents at Mount Fore, Miss Lulu Rutherford, wl teaching school near 1 seendi08' the Baster vocalis parents here, Mrs, Alex. Oempbeli Clarence and Wallace, of I visiting the 'femme's' tool g Jne, Laclsi.e, of Tutnbecrg,. H. A. Kelsey, photeg Teewaler, was in the villa g plated arrangements for gallery here' Tuesday of etc The many friends of fi Lovell will be leased to she has secured the superior tri the Children's Hospital, i 1, Chicago. The man friends of Joho y a former well known in Fotdwich and Corrie, will .learn of his death which to( his home in Vancouver a weeks a o. A widow two g and four sons survive. ...,, Wier nham ,E - _•„ I r I FELL MT 4 313 1:10A Aire.. t, t is five -year' -old o t ' }loopy Haylee son ?i ry y a was drowned Li he Maitland River at 19,30 o'cloelc Iti ou 1 : mor :ail . In e r , l t ay nr t o li,pa ry with tits brother, age( eight he was crossing the 0: P. 1l, Wedge aril iL• is Chou ht that iu some a. Ile g way lost his balance and fall into rho „ water; the body was recovered' about three• uarte,•s cit an hoar later, q __ ' ++ Walton M,ILLIdei$ t t Mite E. Tyler will re- eoiv.: orders for 'lino +. at ]t Par- P L da mil ry the P L ono a fere Seri Shewill be s g { l t h glad to meet the okl customers as *ell as now ones and be leased to supply a11, in headweal' pPI y Rev. A. 1i Jones, of Auburn, will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday evening aa '7 o'clock in behalf of the Snp erannitation Fnnd. At p the dose of the public service he will address the League.. Wednesday, 20th ineG., the regular monthly meeting of Walton Waruen s Institute will be.hold:' Subject will be "Value of the bath and how to use it." Mrs. A. Dundee and Mrs. John McGavm futrodnce the topic; Wednesday of last week Rev. Mr. Lundy porfcrmad tea marriage Cere•, irony; at Duff's manse, between Thos. Jus. Dennison and Miss Ella Maude Johnston, both of •this •locality. Their wide circle of friends wish them many happy returns of the day, ILL -Weare sorry Co report the serious illness of an old resident of Morris in the person of Gilbert ate- Callum„ who recently moved from the • 8th line to the 9th, neat Walton. As entleman Y9 87 g years of age roll he old vitality that stood by him is no Ion ea. there. At times he suffers a great dean 3LITBtsimentL.- A very pleasant event took place at the home of Alex. and, Mrs. Mervyn; 2nd con. of Ben- tinek, Bruce On., when their youngest clan titer, Miss, Mar aret E., 'oined g g heart and hand with John Mc eil, of Walton; ou.March 23rd at 4 o'clock p. m., by Rev. Mr, Cox, English church minister, of Hanover. The guests numbered about fifty. Bride received a number of presents. Congratula- tions over, they all sat down to Sian- per at a table Tootled With many good things. The rest of the evening was very •enjoyably spent. The bride and groom ]eft for thew new home in this place on Saturday, where' Mr. McNeil runs a blarhsnrith business. We wish Mr.. 'and Mrs. McNeil many happy years of wadded life. iVir, McNeil iso fine young business man. y o { , xs,tl"t.Ct t1Ys Blyth Our farmer well known townsman, Wm. Campbell, 01 Toronto, has been renewing old acquaintances here,Blyth g . clBlyth corning chiefly on account of the de- struction of his buildings by the fire of last week. . Rev. J, Edmonds, of Leamin ton, O)it., formerly ratter of Trinity church, Blyth,,. has been appointed by the Bishop•of Htteon to the rectorship of the Parish of Wardsville and New- bury. The appointment, dates from the 1st of April. NEW Rica. -A dandy naw peddling wagon lues been turned out ficin the Slater & Silos factory for J. Cott, the well ]mown roeer of town. It .is g Moir{ Seeding is going with a rush. Miss Lizzie Spore was a visitor p with Toronto relatives during the past week. John Stewart, wife and children, of Bluevale, were ctsilole with M. S. Watson last Sunday. While cutting wood the other daydemisex Milton Watson had the misfortune to cut an ugly =ash in his foot with the axe. g y 6 Miss Minnie Walker, 6th line, who nae heart attending Business college at Toronto, has been home on :a •visit. Joe Kellie ton is home on a visit to his mother gond other relatives. 4th line, attar an absence in the North- land of 6 years. We are sorry to hear of the death of a baby daughter at the home of Geo. A. Papa, of Toronto, formerly of the 5tli line, last week, Misa Dotha and Willimina Camp- bell, of Kincardine, attended the painpbeil-Skelton wedding Wednes- day of last week. A Government inspector was a visi- tor here recently seeking the facts of the case Ln reference to the mad dog re orts as it is related to the death of, p T. Bielby's cattle. M. S. Watson, postmaster and mail contractor, of Sunshine, has resigned hisjob as he intends leaving shortly for Northern Ontario to try his luck in the gold fields of that country. The nil tank wagon driving from gg Wingham to Brussels last week broke through the flooring of the Ole bridge, 5th line. Damage was repay ed but a new structure will soon be required. bliss Jessie Deason, who is recover- ing fi• co an attack of typhoid fever at Toronto hospital, covering 11 weeks, is here on an extended visit at S. Walker's,_6th line. We hope she wilt soon recruit her health at her old Noma here. PARD OF THaNss.-I hereby tender my sincere and heartfelt thanks to my many kind friends for the very generous and Tactical way in which p they expressed theic sympathy with me, in the serious loss of cattle, which I recently sustained. Yours grate- fully, THOMAS BIELnY. GREAT GRAND DAIIGHTER.-On the 22nd of March a baby daughter came to the home of Osie and Mrs. Derby, of Clare, Michigan, of particular in - terest to this community from the fact that it is a great grand daughter of Mrs. Wm. Shedden, 4111 line. We wish the young lady long life and much happiness. DIED LAST SATUttDAY.- William N., youngest son of George Kelly, 8th line, away at the parental home last Saturday at the early age of 25 years, 4 months and 5 days. Be had been in Failing health for a few months previous. The funeral was held Monday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Cameron, 0f Brussels, conducting the service. Interment was made in the family plot in Brussels cemetery, Deceased. was born in Morris. town- ship was en estimable young man and his demise is regretted by.a wide circle of friends who sywpathtse with the bereaved. CaLL.-One day last week the barn on 1110 farm of James Laws son, 8th line, had a close call from being destroyed by fire. They were using the steam engine to run the grinder when a spark from the former alighted on the roof annotated and another into apile offence reale seteing to work in real etrrweat and when the alarm was fight for a given tooren ova the danger. J. J. Gilpin, of Bcuseels. happened to arrive at the time with a disc harrow and lent a eel w hand helping to Messrs. Lawson and Mrs. Lawson. From 8 to 10 feet square of shingles were burned or torn off to make sue the flee was out. Quite a stiff breeze was blowing toward 111e barn from the position the engine was in. SRgLTON-Ce BELL NUPTIALS. - Qrlide's loek,Wednesday1 afternoon, Marchfthe 5 o'clock, at the boos f t e b brother, William Skelton, 81h line, Morris, in the presence of about 60 r.elativesand friends, the marriage of Miss Sarah Jane Skelton, sister of the host, and Jolin Campbell, of Rinctrcline Ont. took lace, Rev. p Mn. Oooper, of Blyth, officiating. The bride was dtessed in a silk gown with white silk trimmings and the room wore the conventional black. only attendants were Miss Cora Shelton, of Morris, and Miss Matt Skelton, of Brussels, nieces of the bride who,dressed in white acted os flower girland preceded the bride to the strains of the Wedding Sloven played by Alfred Skelton, a nephew of the bride. ceremony was perform- ed undat an emelt of evergreens, the ring ceremony being used. Groom's gift to the bride was a handsome gold 'bracelet and to each of the attendants a gold locket and chain. After the ceremony a wedding supper was sere- ed in the dining room. where pink and white carnations were much in evidonoe. The table teas set with dishes that formerly belonged to the br'ide's gi andmothor. Guests were present from Kincardine, Erussels, \•Vatford, Blyth, Morris, Seaforth and other pointe: Many beautiful 11Pres- etas were displayed. Mr, and 71iis. Campbell left nu the Thursday even- ing troin for their home in Kincardine Goderich . SUDDEN Dears, -The people of Goderieh and particularly the congre- great] gaticn of Knox Church are y shocked and grieved at the death of Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A.; which sad event took place in Ottawa Wed- neaday forenoon. Rev. ser. Anderson was on his wayto Montreal to receive the Honorary c1eggt'ee of D. D., when he was seized with a• malignant at- taek'of la grippe: An abscess formed and blood poisoning set in. i3e leaves a widow, one daughter and 5 sous. He has been almost 22 years in Gode- MoncriefF .Geo. olid ams. I c;bertaou'spent San- day with relatives ui Dnnegal. John Hislopp and son Loofas took in the Seafot'th Sprieg Fair 1 uesday of this week. miss Annie StruGbo' of Done til; •is g visiting with her sister, Mrs. George Robertson. Ww. Bailey is shipping consider -.QUITE able pressed hay from McNaug}tL thisjweek. We are glad to report that ans. Cao: Hanley, who has been very ill, is i nprnv,ng uY health: We are sorry Ghat alis. D. Brown is not reeoveri ng from her illness as speedily as her friends would wish, Dan. Neable has rented Geo., r Brown's farni, boundary of Elmo, and Logan, and moved over there last' weep Dan. .moved good neighbor and the people of Monor'ieff wish him success, • Cranbrook Miss Mina 111eRae is vieia in Ethel. Mr. Uterar has had an a grippe but is improving, Jas. Byron was visitingos. aud\otrm points. Bt. Mrs. Mre. H. lyerman is v daughter, Mrs. Fred. Oster Join Rttohie, of W' II the village on Thursday la! • Mrs, pollard, 01 Listowel, at the home d, John Switz Chas. and Mrs. 1Vlurr, of spent Saturday at Jacob Le Bob Uampbell, of arum ited frisuds • •o the burg lase Mr. and Mrs. Shaw via marek doing the Easter h Mrs. DUhng has gena W her daughter Mrs. Crooks e chewan. •Nlies Jean Campbell an p borne, of Oarnnunnock, Oranbrook. Mise Lavinia Alderson, home for the Darter vacat' turned to London. U. Shaw Has been re -e another year as Principe brook Public School, Huether Bros. are Navin able repairing done to thea First the cage and then th Jas. Cameron and f .settled on the McNeil far They will be missed in the Rev: Mr. Mol? enzfe, of will Deco the pulpit in occupy p {i dist Church next Sunday April 10CH. Fred, Jeschke has puree adjoining George Spatli owned byMr. Beck, also land from G. Snarling. nesnealyesaann� ea -station ' Belrnonte 0 .e-�. 'd l�b�rnbey4 W Its s of Designs that ivies g q� Hess and i� And crate.' I i� a'72aap'.ta esti nQ,n �,�<p�sannatan v may nae ` ' iP �Vill finer Parlors Y et e .meas na % v!nba dam• 'dw4�.bv%t 1g .adbab�'s �• ? Were delighted with the success of our 9 Opening and we thank the Ladies for p g their attendance. the Originality of Ideas the Cleverness �i g y ' and the of Color Schemes Beauty ea to our Milliner a'touch of exclusive= y makes it so easy for. you to select. y y best of all our Prices are very Mod la r�a4 nananram as -Ines s rad` ea`raensm`p!c>ti asay���-6 Belmonte fl ® Millinery ,� /7 Parlors : w4„.4 1A�. J. 2„..4..b3.i.,;�t A�2,,.. t,w Grey R. O. Armstrong, of Heufiyn, sold a valuable stallion one day this week to Dtt, Wood, 8th lice. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Elfrnd, of Wallace, will preach Educational sermons in the Methodist churches on Ethel Circuit. Mrs. J. P. Armstrong, 6th line, who has been in failing health for the past year is, 'ire are sorry to learn, quite Ina at present. The Epworth League' of Roe's Church purposes holding a Shoe social on Tuesday evening, 26th inst., that you must not miss. W. M. Hatohinsou has gone to the West on a prospecting trip. He will 'see Alberta and possibly may locate there if he finds what•, suits haw: John Savage has returned home gg from Oon where he has leased his property fel• a term of years. Rumor g has it that on Ids next visit he will not come back alone, The fleet meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society will be held in Union Ohurch.next Wednesday after- noon at 2,30. A full attendance of Ethel Township council lost here last Monday, Rev. Mr. Henderson will preach on the Wallace circuit next Sabbath in tea interests oP the eonnexioual Funds of the Conference. `'Sabbath Observance' was the theme of a strong, interesting sermon in the Methodist Church last Sunday evening. The music, which was quite inspiriug, was on the same line. Rev. Mr. Elford, of Lebanon, will take - the services on the Ethel circuit next Sabbath and will present the claims of the 'Educational work at each appointment. Oollections and subscriptions' will be taken in aid of the Fund. The Council at their last meeting here a otnted Wm. Pawson, of pppassed Ethel, an Inspector to carry out the provisions of the By -Law restraining dogs from running at large, with authority to lay complaints, before any Justice of the Peace, against all parties harboring unwuzzlea dogs and with power to shoot or destroy ell dogs, if the owners are unknown. 117 ATRIMONIAL.-AL 5p. m. on Wed- nesday nI last week wedding bells chimed at the home of Mrs. Malcolm Ltunggorit when her second youngest daughter, Miss s Magi Maud an hied hand and heart in a matrimonial al- Bance, Rev. D. B. McRae, of • Oran- k,lberngg,���the offlctattnggclergyman: While life Wedding March was being rendered by Miss Mina Dunbar the principals took their places for the coremouy, the bride being given away by her brother, Peter Lamont.. Thera were no attendants. A very becom- iugcostume of Cream Batiste, trimmed with insertion and satin ribbon was worn by the good looking bride. She Carried a beautiful. bo est of white q carnations and wore Lilies of the Valley hi her hair. Her travelling suit was navy bine Venetian. Only iwmechate relatives were resent, about 70 in all. Groom's gift to the g bride was an elegant gold watch; Many useful and well chosen .gifts were goom. nTdinvinto the expression of Following t good wishes the company ear duan to well spread teilxles to which ample justice was done. The evening was spent in music, song; social chat, •games ant dancing: ale. and Mrs, Ste heuson went to thein own home 6th con., that night where they begin married life tinder favorable alis- pices and with gond wishes of twiner- nus relatives and friends fnrlcmgyears of happiness and prnsper'Lty.ne ADDREas AICD PRI(SENTATXON. 11G the close of the April meetingof the W. F. M. S., held t Mrs. Laiiid's, the President, Mrs: Laird read Lite follow- in address and Mrs. Dunbarnicely:-Barry g present- ed Mrs. (Di.) Ferguson with two beautiful pieces of hand painted china. DEAR. Mxas. PERGIISON.-We, the nimbus of the Women's Foreign . Missionary Society, learn with deep- est regret that you will soon be talc- fog your departure from our midst. You Have been our hotored Secretary since this Anxilituy was organized, neatly 24 years ago and have always been rsadyto help in everything per- witting to Missionary work and for the advancentenb of God's . Kingdom. We asic you to accept this slight token of our appreciation acid esteem and as aremembrauco of the many happy hours spent together in the aataster•s Cause. hoping you array lung be spared to take an active part it every' Q ��NI111V1 :�J A. • BAD FIRE IN BLY RBeariy one block del --- ---- Walker BIack 0 O the ladies of the congregation is re- quested. A well bred Holstein hull has been purchased by J. I. Welsh, con, 6, from the well known breeder P. D. Ede, of Oxford Oentie, which will be kept fur service by the purchaser who. deserves credit for his enterprise. p At the close of the Epworth League service at Roe's next Tuesday evening the Sunday School well be re -organ- ;zed for the corning year. Will all those interested in the Sabbath School make it a point to be on baud. About x o'clock Thursday last week the ringing of t roused many citizens from hers and the bright filum pointed out the spot where which proved [o be at the of W. J. Andrew's grocery, The flames had worked tbei outside by this time and brisk breeze was making su that it was impossible to sa . stock when ready hands a and Mrs, jaekaou had jus the street a few minutes p returning from the Campb wedding but saw no signs o fore Mr: Jackson had got i the light was noticed by and the former at once rad and ear father lacer ails lA steel shutters on his brie was striking to the fire h heard the alarm. It was only a matter ofa f before the flames spread to t buildings and it was apper whole range of wooden str Boomers as , he wind carried wasgmade until hvtha SlaterNo was reached and it would h prey hada not been for the of the Fire Brigade. . the beat along the waU that glass behind the steel %bn and every pane was broken, coveringwas possiblythe this builiu By g• 3,30 the past and a summary of them revealed the fact that D. So Code theofficeofssrs, Andrew's grocery , shoe shop, Lea Sam's laund vacant shops had gone up Wm, Campbell wathe or ,shops occupied by three first tos the Cook estate. Itjr carried some insurance but u permitted theis's to lapse geently the loss will have no : Lee Sam WAS without ins his loss was said to be abou went to London on Situ buildings were bath from es or more ago. i i. McCrea on hie house. Mr.' Ana' heeu o op his grocery'stock been transferred Brom W. j month ago when the ,former business. Mr. Andrew el and shoes as well as, grc Emigh, who is Division C lost .blank forms, statutes, Begley'slosswas about $so. has opened his shop in the s a short time ago by Mosta, .Sedggood ; Mr. Begley is in the McCummiu's tailor Messrs. Emi h & Code me ters lu the post ollttco eparta McKinnon block as soon a Postmaster Sims who move Milian 'block. Mr, Anflrt definite) decided what be rr to the coo ,Talo wiping out books. invoices. &e. iV!/®Lar Furniture ®iiS� We ;:, Leatherdale firm: goods theThis best reduce offer next Here Here DYesser and China Cabinet Hall Racks i Hall Racks music Cabinets Tapestry Squares Carpets ' p pery Carpets per CaY et eY p p Oil Clot11S. VACUUM UNDERTAKING Wal 1 Phone 36 •above Large Stocks ®f 9 %� !,1hire. �i d „ Furnishings 1 have just purchased the enure stock of R. &San at a rate on the $. The is -well known here and has- always kept y p of the best.quality. We are now puttingfrom 2 in 1. g yes us the largest andioeeeds assorted.stock in the County. In tinier to our stock to the capacity 'of one store we p y Special Inducements to purchasers for the 0 days. s are ,,j a Feld the ofMany Bargains Stand regular $1 0 00 now $8.50 „ „ 25 00 22 00 „ ,t 10 D0 $ 00 ,t ,+ 7 50 . 6 00p �� ;. 6 00 c! 4 50 ,t ti 1 2 00 1 0 00 and " 1 1 0 1 00 - c,' yard 85 $0 and " 65. ,' 60 y 23cper square q yard --�— Wroxeter NEWSY' NOTES. -Sirs. John Mc- Tavish and children left this week for Saskatchewan where they will make their home, Mr. McTavish having gone some weeks ago. -Sam. Campbell has moved to D. Pope's residence Bauder- . son street. -John Booth made . a busi- tress trip to Hermiston Monday. -•Wm. and Mrs. Adair', of Moukton, are spending a few days with the Tatter's parents, WUI and Mrs. pasemoee, of liotvick,-Jct. and Mrs. Barnard en- tertained teow ned a number of their young friends Monday evening. -B. Ourrie, of the Trader's Bank spent Sunday in ios- iston.-Rev. Sir, Powell of Brus- is Hartwill address the children in She sels, s u • h next Sunda morn- Methodist ch a ? in and the parents in the evening. Following Monday evening. he will glvea stereopticon entertainment, the P of which will be devoted to the Sntrday •School. -Miss •Ewing, of s theest of ear sister Peeswater, Y guest Nies. Geo. Allan. -Merton Howe left cast week fur Dunnville where he will spend e couple of months. -There p were large audiences at thetwo union services Held in the Methodist and Presbyterian c1 • •los ort Sunday when Rev, Mt'. Kettlewell, of al Secretor of the Do- Fi d y Daimon Alliance gave two stirring addresses O. D. S7wpscn and little sou visite Pueuda to Brucefleld last week•-Jmo. and Mrs. Hartley, of Clinton, tvera gnesta oP tea lane; a p r ofIlo ac ar•snte, D. and Nr. Weir, w 1., during the Easter • vacation. -Yeses Was a ood attendance at the Assemb- g „ ly held m the Town Hall Friday aven,ng.-A public meeting is being held •in the i0wu Hall on Wednesday evening to make atran etnents for celebra ing the 1st of July here, - t Agices, the youngest daughter of John Glil.son, who has been so seriously •ill, is, too are glad to ]earn, rmprovmg Brawn left on a boat nese trip to Wtnmpeg 111ouday` (intended tor last week) Thos. W. and John J. Gibson, of Toronto, visited their sister, Mrs. F. V. Dickson, over Sunday. airs. Feed. Davey left for Grand Valle on Monday whore she will spender few days with relatives. spend C. cook and little daughter', Miss Ola, of Hensall, are guests of the farmer's brother, T. G. Hemphill. Miss llerbie Harris entertained about twenty of her friends to a ro- ressive euchre party last Fridayd evening. :4liss 13eatrico Howe oP.Uxbrid e ,and Mise Janta•Ho;e, of Howick, aero spending the Easter vacation at' their home hero. • Jamestown M. Bailey was visiting Mrs. Thos. LastSunday Ln, sea st week. Garsitle evening of Brussels, conducted the service in Victoria Hall: Roy and Mrs. Buchanan, of Har- Min. Taylor,spentEaster Brussels, and alsoe ,broc called on old i'iiends in this locality. In the school report of S. S. No. 4, (Trey, published lash week, the names of Roy• MiDcuald, 480 marks, and Edo. Lattimore, 465, were omitted the Sr. 4th class. Harold and lairs: Wilkinson,of Scutt, Sask., were visiting with Miss Jessie Strachan. Sirs. Wilkinson is a former Atwood lady,beinga dao h- ter of Dr. and Mrs. Kidd,of that town. Wni. Brydon, well known Here, writes from Manitou, Man.. We have had a fine Winter and Springso far. Seeding was 0n theprogrant last week but to -clay (March 30) 111010 i9 a Jittery of suotv.'Toronto, Dr. W. E. Br tins formerly ofthis Y 3”goo inoulity; has beau chosen asPreaideoG of the Carmangy, Alta., Base Ball team for 1010. The De. has not lost any of his old time love for athletics evidolitty.• Areport •of the organize-, tion •is given • It a new prone being publisltec there called "'The Car- mangy Sun,"which, by the way, re quite a hustling sheet with a good outlook for success. JOIN CA THE BENEDICTINE ARMY.- Ur,'Esl: B,yans; of. Gi'uyapu, Sasic•, son of Alex. and Mrs. Bryltis, • of this locality was happily wedded on Match 2nd, in Grenfell, to s%liss Kate Temple• The ceremonywas eerorined byRev. p Mr. Adams. They will continue: to make their borne at Grayson. Dr. ]let's. many old friends here will be a unit In extending hearty eongratwla- biotin and we hope to see him and his bride down limn for a visit: miss Berva13tyansisteaching at Grayson and is greatly pleased with the country and the people. . The WVrnuen s institute meeting for March was held et the home of Mrs. A. Bryaus Thursday, March 31s1. A good attendance testified to the in- tereat,taken in this work. Paper on "Butter -making" was read by Miss M. Miller, in the 'absence of her, mother, who Was to Have taken the topic, but awing to ill health was curable to be peasant. ' A lively CARPET CLEANER de r, B Leatheirdalle Residence 71 • i I O HIRE A- SPECIALTY, 1 ack C',o• s gild Stand See other Prices eext Week , i Banir, re. visit with o has been undon, is u with her and sons, Dodo'', are her, Mrs. raphei•, of s and coo - opening a ti week, .. Liss Bessie"'" learn that i of nurse Memorial Donaghy, erohant of regret' t0.. 111 place ab bout_ two daughters ug trioxide hack . of la at Sarnia, isiting hen tin, was in rt. is visiting 01• Monktoi), mg's. nock, vis - week. iced in Bis- alidays. est to visit, in Saskat- dj Mr. Os Sindayed' in who ' was ion, has re - gaged for 1 of Oran- - g consider - r residence. e bird. airily have w, lith con, village. Wroxeter, I Metho- afternoon,._ asecl the lot ng's farm, an acre of *roycd morning of he fire alarm their slum - nation soon the fire was, rear portion Main street. r way to the I by a ch progress vie any of the rrived. W. "V t driven up rtor to this ell -Skelton f fire but be - the house Mrs, Jackson " to give-tira. w the blaze este to close k block and all when he ew minutes• he adjoining ant that the Art was the forked eoided stop • brick block he fallen a good' work intense. was the window Iters melted The steel salvation of danger was iscbief done mere' barber Emigh '8: p. Begley's y and tido in smolte, ener of the. mentioned s belonged, Campbell ne latter bad and oonse- ecompense, liranes olid t$eo. i -le rday. to 35 years ht bad 14oit - ew Carried which heel Dempsey a bought 1110 tstied boots series, Mt. cant Clerk, &c, Mt•, 13. Somers, tore vacated Hodgson & to be found shop, and y fled clean nents in the s vacated by s to the Mea ‘11 has not +111 do owing of hie stock,,