HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-3-17, Page 8EASTER
Remember your (reads ibis Easter
time if only with a Post (lard.
Our display of glister Post Cards
f �• r is really beautiful and well worth
Very many winning designs in the
"z for 5" line, but our se, series has
been pronounced the best yet.
Among these are the Airbrush,
Metal Novelty end Satin Crosses
If you wish something better we
have it in
The All Silk Cards at roc.
Plush Cards in decorated boxes
et e c each, •
Easter Booklets Paas' Egg Dye Be Pkg.
your Bud k
during the Eastel
Now that the bright days are here
again, conditions are right for, get-
ting good pictures,
Brownie Cameras from $2 up
Films, Printing Paper, Past Cards'
and everything required for this
pastime. Also Flashlight Sheets for
taking indoor evening pictures.
Films Developed and Prints Made
Work promptly done and satisfac-
tion assured,
Our charges are most reasonable.
zrat `,, �.t
CY .el>�s �1y1>1s
WINTER hpngs on well.
ANOTHER business change mooted.
PL N•r our PLA.NT t Spring advertisement.
Dorn'T forget the Millinery Openings
ST PATRICK'S DAY- Ireland forever.
Two cars of horses were shipped to the
West during the past week.
GOOD Friday is a statutory holiday
hencethe business places will be closed.
FOOT BALL organization meeting Fri-
day evening of this week in the Council
Motet -ELY Horse Fair at Brussels
Thursday March 29th Get to it if
possible as it will be the last of the sea -
A atar,TINo of the Lady Maccabees
Will be hells next Monday evening at the
home of Mrs. G A. Deadman, coo
mencins at 8 o'clock
BRessELA School Board ' did not con-
vene la:a Fri Jay evening on account of
the demise of Principal Cameron's
mother, who was buried on Friday.
AT a meeting of the Public Library
Board on Monday evening it was decid•
ed to issue a new and complete ceta-
legtie of the fine library et 4,000 vol
Ames in pamphlet form for distribution
among the leaders.
HORSES. -Saturday afternoon of this
week, 19th inst.. a ear load of 2 year old
steers and heifers and 6 horses rising 3
years old will be offered for sale by
public auction at the Queen's Hotel
yards at 2 p. m. Jno. Lowe, Prop. and
F, S. Scutt, Auc
STILL IN THE Lau,. -BV reference to
the volui mous report of the Education
Department of Ontario, recently re-
ceived, we 'observe that Brussels Con-
tinuation School is still credited with the
leadership and is in the approved class.
"Well done may be deservedly pro
pounced o both .teacher pupils.
OD and cls.
diVo1 tE1,'s IvsTlTo•rc-The moot1
mee t a f tee Wutnen's s Institute will
be held oat the home of Mrs. D B.
Moore Friday. rSth inst., at 2.30 sharp.
The topic "Housekeeping and Horne
milking will be taken by Mrs. Rands
There will also be a report given of the
De r presided mount avec aided over-byMiss
Ellis, ofe
Guel hat the Institute meet-
in Walton, Feb, loch Ladies in-
vited to attend.
LARGE sToete --Last week R Leather -
dale & Son,' furniture dealers, uuder-
takers, &c , disposed of their business
here to Messrs. Walker & Black who
have been carrying on the same line of
trade. Stock taking will commence
next week. I'qe purchaserswill keep
the two stores in operation in the mean•
time. Mr. Leatherdale has been in the
business circle of Brussels for over 30
years and has built up a large trade.
Thejunior junior member of the firm leaves
shortly for Winnipeg but the elder will
- -Neo }Grilse to reside In Brussels taking a
well deserved rest.
-.During the past week Geo. Barkley,
of Brussels, was at London attending
the Cement Association gathering. He
bas ln•vested in the most up-to-date
cement tile manufacturing machine on
the market which will arrive here next
month. It is made at Vassar. Illinois.
Mr. Barkley has handled cement and
run a"machine for a good many years
�..-and we hope he will find bts new ven-
ture profitable. . There is a wide Reid
for tile output and sometimes difficulty
in obtaining it, hence the enterprise
should yield satisfactory returns to Mr.
A HIGH GRADE Scwooe.-The three
factors in the atquiriugof an education
are teacher, text -book and student.
s invention, the Ever since nt nl.ep Win t
h gl am
College *e has secured cachet Business L1I }, s
of the widest experience and ripest
scholarship, The text -books used are
the best published, consequently their
graduates have received the best posi-
tion and their success has been unrival-
led, This school receives additional
prestige by being affiliated with the
Commercial Educator's Association of
Canada, which comprises Canada's
greatest chain of High Grade Modern
Actual Business Schools. The Spring
Term openings are Mar. 29th and April
KINDLY PAY UF. -We are sending
out our Box Rent notice, some of which
I am sorry to say, are vastly in arrears,
bur charges forboxes are only
about half what they are in other p aces.
Iu Seafotth, Clinton ap-d Wingham the
cltarK a for a call bunt is $l 0o a year,
paid in advance, ours"'as only 500 a
year, add vet many are in arrears, I
trust the patrons wilt lose no time in
resp.lnding to this call for we really ,
need it, For the information of oar
patrons I hive only to say that our
monthly salary warrant is only $86 and
out of this we have to pay our help
$51 leaving tie only $35 a month Which
is les, by several dollars than what we
pay our caretaker of this Village, If our
boit rents don't come in to help a little,
wecaunut make both ends meet. even
on the strictest ^ economy. Fours truly,
Public School will dose
Thursday of next week for the Easter
vacation. Re -opening day will be
April 4th.
. $g.23 was paid for hogs on Brussels
market on Wedne'dgt. One mac re-
ceived over2o.00 for
� oue member of
the swine fatuity.
a ly
MILLS, -Tuesday evening of last week
Witham Harris, a one time well known
resident of Brussels, crossed that bourne
from whence no traveller returns, in his
79th year: His funeral took place on
Thursday, Deceased was engaged in
lumbering and had great faith in the
future 05 Northern Ontario, He is
survived by an adult family Mr. Harris
will be remembered by the ulder resi•
dents of Brussels and community al
though it is over 3o years sine'e,the fami-
ly removed Isom town,but the younger
members have visited here on various
PUREE Coat last Tuesday, either in Brussels
or on the road. Finder will confer o. Rreet
favor by leaving it at THE Pons. Jas. Casio,
10th con. Gray.
BRIDLE belonging to a set of single harness,
lost between Shine's .shoot house and my
home. Rader will greatly obligeby returning
the same. Jas. Betz, Lot 4, Oon. 11 Grey.
Brussels, P. 0
CLoPER and Timothy seed at Mo0asoxeN'e
SMART girl wanted to barn vest making.
Apply to C. H. DODos, Eruseels,
CAR of salt at MoCrecken's comprising
barrels, 2001b. racks and 50 lb• decry sacks.
Two new Jumper Cutlers left. Will sell at
a bargain. EWAN & 00.
Seim Oats for sale, "Canadian Prise," splen•
did yielders and extra clean
H. M. DOBSoa, Ethel.
-- 0 -
PoaT referred to the decease of Mrs
Alex. K. Cameron, of Lucknow, mother
to Principal Cameron, of Brus'els
Public School. She had been attending
to household d tie W
s on alveola and
lain down on the lounge a
to rest of
passed quietly away without a
Deceased was. burn in Vi osteo Lanark
shire, Scotland, and came with her
parents to Canada in 1841 Her maiden
name was Grace Anderson, Alter a
residence in Puslinch township. Welling-
ton Co.the. !
u 7 tt of this notice
to Wawanosh7 township, Huron P.
u u Co.
with her brothers in i47 tears
8 ,and five to
later was united in marriage to Mr.
Cameron, who died ro years ago. They
lived on Con. 13, West Nawanosh, until
18g5 and then retired from the farm,
locating in Lucknow. Mrs Cameron
was a remarkably hearty woman. Intel
ligent, iedu;t, ions, hospitable, neighbor.
ly snd kindly, a faithful member of the
Presbyterian church and esteemed by a
wide circle. A large family survive to
hold in loving memory the Godly life of
a true mother, viz , Mrs, A. McKenzie.
Campbellville, Ont., R. D., of Luck-
now,Alex a of
Oak Lake,Man. Jas of
Milltort,Sack. • Kenneth, on the hlsme-
stead; Amus, in 'J'oronto ; J. H , at
Brussels, and Will., of Winnipeg. One
daughter is deceased. The funeral
service was held Friday afternoon, Rev.
Mr, McKerroll conducting it. Hugh
Anderson, of St. Helens, and Mrs. Thos.
Taylor, of Marnoch, are brother and
sister to the late Mrs. Cameron
Arthur paper speak, as follows of a well
known former resident of Brussels r -,-
-John Lion Alexander died March 6th in
St, Joseph's hospital, Port Arthur, the
cause of his death being acute kidney
trouble. Mr. Alexander fur many years
was a martyr to this disease. andwhen tt
reached the acute stage in his advacced
years he was unable to stand the de.
mends made upon his constitution.
Seveutye'ght years of age at the time of
his death, Mr, Alexander had for the
past decade or so been one of the most •
prominent figures in Port Arthur com-
mercial rife. He came here with his
wile and two suns, all of whom survive
him, about ten years ago, and started a
general dry goods and •'notions" busi-
ness on Arthur street, where he built up
a large trade. His business was made
famous locally by a unique method of
advertising which he made his own. so
much so that his clientele became great.
er titan one :tore could serve. Two
years ago Mr. Alexander built a business
block on the corner of Bay and Centre
streets, in which he established another
store. Both of these business ptemises
were known to thousands of people as
"1'he Lion's stores," and a thriving
business was done at both places. John
Lion Alexander, was a canny Scot of
the Covenanter type, of the Alexanders
of Barra' Castle,.. Aberdeen, Scotland.
He loved his couotre well and wen an
ardent admirer and exponent of burns'
.poetry. He cattle to America in 5857
and was in the great Colorado gold rush.
He was in Denver City before there was
a pane of glassiu the place. Mr,' Alex-
ander came to Canada in the
sixties, locating at Listowel. Out , later
on at Beussels,'I'brntito and Port Arthur,
He was -,a life-long Liberal, a composer
of music and a writer of poetry. He
could make success of anything he pet
his hand end nttntl to. . Mr, Alexander
was a Freemasou, and a charter member
of Brussels Lodge 138, A, 0 U, W,
He was also a charter honorary' member
The hrServant
te Fn
Is a Strong
Chartered Bank
• 11.1
Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers
and extends to them most Reasonable Terms.
Every department artment of Banking is conducted
Drafts and Money Orders issued at Reasonable Rates
"iIsegA'raftdr sires tekzw ,fes
for Everybody
All persons wishing Telephones
54 installed in their premises should
call at once on some of the Officers g
fof Brussels, Grey & Morris Inde A
pendent Co. and sign for sucli as
the Board intend running lines on V
e of built all Concession lines n u 1 on
yy�� last year and extendingon those
FA built, and the sooner all parties
r sign the sooner the Board can get
to work and let the contract for
this year. They expect to have
at least4 'phones
o installed when
through. It oosstimeand money
ty' t0 canvass acd the quicker we can �.
g get started this year the better for .1
o the Company. See some of the f„
J Officers and sign contract es it is 0,
only a matter of time until every-
one wilt have a 'phone. Get in
and have the benefit at once -the
1 more the cheaper.
Secretary -Treasurer, Brussels. ;yl
of Robert Burrs' Camp, Sons of Scot-
land, Toronto.- His encs was peace. He
left a widow and two sons, William and
Alexis, living in Port Arthur, a daugh-
ter and son•in law, W. H. and Mrs
Hutchinson, of Toronto, a sister Mrs.
Cumming in Aberdeen, Scotland, a
brother, George, in Listowel, Ont., and
a nephew and niece in Leithbridge,.
.Alta. The funeral'o0k place Wednes
day afternoon at 3 o'clock under the
auspices of the Port Arthur lodge of the
Sons of Scotland, from the family resi-
dence, Bay street. Mr. and Mrs.
Hutchinsonarrived frum Toronto in re-
sponse to a telegram advising them of
Mr. Alexander's criticsl condition but
they were too late to see hint alive,
FOURTH Division Court was held
here on Wednesday before Judge Holt.
The docket was very light. Compli-
mentary reference was made by judge
Holt to the incumbency of Division
Court Clerk Brewer, who has resigned
the office owiug to his intended removal
to Calgary.
Church Chimes
Next Sunday. Paint Sunday. there
will be High Mass auct sermon in the
Catholic church Brussels at to 30 a nt.
Good Friday evening an Easter Sung
service willbe
given in Melville church
when a choice ro ram of vocal and in
P g
strumental music readings. c
& will be
rendered. Get a copy of the program.
be observed in connection with the
Methodist Church, Brussels, on Sabbath
and Monday, April 3rd and 4th. Rev.
G. F. Salton, of Stratford, a former
pastor, will preach on Suniav and
Monday evening will deliver his highly
praised illustrated Lecture, -The
Yellowstone of Ontario " The views
are first-class and the lecturer's ability
is too well known to require further
om e
c m nt.
People We Talk About
Miss Agnes E. Ireland is spending a
few days with Miss Lizzie Ross:
Mr, tones, of Exeter, spent a few days
with F. and Mrs. Durdle. The latter
is a neice.
Mrs. McLean, of Egmondville, was
renewing old friendships in Brussels
this week.
Mr. Kirk continues very i11 despite the
careful and constant attention of phy-
sician and nurse.
Misses Fulton, of Detroit. are here on
a holiday visit with their parents and
old friends.
Will. Long has gone- to the Garfield
House to learn the Dry Goods business.
He should do well.
Mrs. W. F. Stewart, of Guelph, was
visiting her daughter, Mrs. N. F.
Gerry, for a few days.
W. H McCracken was at Toronto this
week representing Brussels A. 0. 11,
W. at the Grand Lodge.
Cleveland Denbow has returned froth
the West and will acquire a knowledge
of the tonsorial art in iso. Elliott's shop,
Mrs, Rowland, who Was visiting at
the home of her son here for the past
few weeks. returned to Newcastle Tues-
day of this week.
Miss MaCamus, organist ,Methodist
Church. Walkerton, comes to Brussels
regularly on Friday of each Week to
teach piano and the theory of music.
Mrs. Samir, of Claremont, Ont., is
bete ou a visit 16 the parental home.
She is the daughter of F. S. Scott, of
"Blair Athol," and is a welcome visitor.
Chas. Ritchie was visiting at Decker-
ville. Mich., where his brother, John,
resides. Mrs. Ritchie was dangerously
III but is on a fair way to convalescence
now we are pleated to hear.
Co Attorney, Seeger, of Goderich,
was in Brussels en Wednesday in con•
vection with the transfer of the 4th
Division Court Clerkship from H, R.
Brewer, who is removing from town, to
J. H. Kerney, his suaeessor.
Mrs, Jno. Cober and Miss Elsie re-
moved to Toronto on Wednesday,'
Norman went a couple of we ks ago to
accept a position in a casket factory.
While sorry to see the Cober family
remove from Brussels wo wish them the'
S. H, :Jackson left Tuesday of last
week for the West on a prospecting trip.
He may remain to if he finds .a location
that sults him at his trade as n black
smith or in fanning line. Mrs. Jackson
and daughters are continuing their resi-
dence in tuven.
Robt. Ross, marine engineer. who has
been holidaying here for several months,
leaves this week for Montreal where the
steamer, "Tagona," which Ile is in
charge of. is fitting out for the coning
season. We wish hint pleasant trips and
s saferreturn next Fall. ,
Teller Rotph, of ^ the Metropolitan
Bank here, was at Toronto la.t week
taking part in a er
akin very closeicloselyronfested
hockey match la cls in which e f
a tam from the
Metropolitan met' the puck chasers of
the Imperial Bank in a league match.
Mr. Rolph was he defender of the goal.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of William
Cook, late of the Village of Ethel,
in. the County of Huron, gentle-
man, deceased.
Notice in hereby given pursuant to " The
Revised Statutes of Onfarro," 1807. seetton 80,
chapter 1.20, that all creditors and others hay -
int, claims against the estate of William Cook,
who died onor about the 2nd day of March,.
1910 are required on or before the 15th day
ofvrr April A. U 1010, to Bend by poet, prepaid, or
doli10 Mary June 8peiran, ?thrive P.
the Exeeulria of the Paid deceae 4, their
Ohristlan and surnames, nddreeces and de-
Perlptielae with full psrtieulars In writing of
their elanne andstatement of their momenta
and the nature of the reourity or any) held by
And further take notice that sifter such lest
mentioned date the said Executrix will pro.
(teed to distribute the flnanta 11f the deeeesed
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regardonlyto the Matins of which she Mute
then have nottre ltd that the Executrix will
not be liable for the chid meets, or any part
thereof, ro any melon or persons of whose
claim notice shall not have been received by
her at the time of such distribution.
Dated at Brussels the loth day of Mar ,19[0.
F, S. 80011',
87-8 Agent for Executrix.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the
estate of Thomas
Ellis, late of the'rownship of Mor
ris, in the County of Huron, farm-
er, deceased.
Notice is herebygiven
pursuant to
Revised Statutes or Outnrlo 1
97 seetiot B
chapter 120, that all creditors tars and others lav-
ing airtime ied oagainst aout the 101, yoof Ellis,
who died on or shout the day10thof Entire.
ary,1000, are required on or before the 15th day
of April; A. D 1910, to mend by pest prepaid, or
deliver to Ellen Ellis, Brns'els P. O., the Ex-
eoutrix' of the said deceased, their Christian
and melamine., addresses and deeoriptdone with
full a ttoulm•a to writing at
P their
g clahnsund
e oat of thea aicconn
is and
the nature
the secut it
r it an held t
1 et
y) h a
And further .r utkl notice I oti H thftt attar each last
to istre the said Exeentrix will
proceed to distribute tied of the , having
e and t the toorthe emit o thereto, having
thenad only ,the chimet• which she (rix
then of be able f -end that the s, or
will not be liable Cor the said ansate, or any
part thereof, to any person or persons of whose
claim noble(' shall not have been receivedbyher at the time of Poch distribution.
Dated at Bruseels thane -14 day of Mar , 1010.
�.g F. S. SCOTT,
Agent for the Eaecutrix..,
E8�'ABL19IHEib tl
The Standard Bank of Canada
Reid Officio TORONTO
Record of Business as et 3f st January, 1910:
Below/foment W /WWI Ilw f bo71T 5) Dlvl4.a4 •
paid et the raw if percept pr
hot rr III+ fir the yeor i I oo n t4 rote of sot=•
IP10 Rut.nt, a,yan Digk .ylpJi $N,41091 Ooa{npalN toO OA**aYadop also
krwlt. flow Ptaadaros up. Naw elect CW,/WW SYtpWapM WuAEmu�.tA'aal lulu;
W tpq oketps Assn r
- GENERAL i1TATltM1N2• -
a�auatit,'Nuu�inG rrod4
Notes 4ORca4dal ..•
Dw to other Hehks . i„„
eotd Sliver and Latin roeden 09 t1t,035,0T
Duo ,h,•rlaat,s . .l}}Ot,a35,00
Der m,n it asp other Bonds - • • - 1,007114.1?
1 e on Oun ae0urpd by Road,, Ota 1,441,110.00
alas Dkeopired • . •10,011,10171
0oy.m,erat De5od1 to secure circulation - 100:00RM
Bank Permits., etc, 019,101,0.
other Assets . . . 11444at0
Taranto, gat Jasuar7, IPA
r0,6 0,03770
.1/Ho rya:m
General Manage
Maple Syrup
will be o handwith a sup-
' In p
Sly of gnaranteed Pure Maple
yrup this Spring. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed. Place your
order if you Want an A 1
'Phone No. 246
Chesil. Knight Craobrook
9 �,
Auction Sales
PLEMENTa, Baa. F. 8. Scott, Auctioneer.
has limn instructed by the undersigned Pro-
Lot 20 to Con. 14, McItiltep, (adjoiningion t North
p, 2the
Pillage , heWafold wl g vat a yb, e pr. pert at
1 o'clock the following valuable property :-
1 draft horse rising 5 years old, 1 brood .mare
10 years old in foal to Bdrear, I draft filly. 7
months old by Bursar, 1 gelding- 9 months old
by Bursar, 1 standard bred blood, mare 8 years
old, 1 roadetor mare rising 4 years old, 2 new
salved cows. 2 cows to calf April 1st,. 1 cow to
calf May lat.1 farrow cow, 7 amen and heifers
from 1 to 2 years old, 8 calves about 7 menthe
old, U young calves. 1 yorksbiresow to pig 1st
of May, 1 youhg sow, about 40 hens, 8 geese
and 1 gander, 3 pure bred black minorca mes-
tere, 1 masaey-Barrie seed drill:.1 cultivator
nearly new, I maaeey-harria binder nearly new
with sheaf carrier and termini, 1 land. roller, 1
Humphries wagon nearly new, 1 top buggy, 1
cutter, 1 forming mill, 1 set of eltigha, 1 gravel
box,. 1 grinding sloth, 1 scaler nearly new, 1
Wheelbarrow. 1 aharplesr ,'ream separator, 1
daisy churn No. 8, 1 set wlitffietrees and 1 neck
yoke, l inailege fork, 1 set diamond barrows,
1 eat of slings, 1 ladder, 1 set of double harness,
I sat single harness, quantity of hay, forks,
chains end other a.•ticles. Everything must
be sold BF proprietor is giving up fanning.
Terme.-All ethos of $5 and under cash: over
that amount 10 months' credit will be given on
fnrhiehing approved Joint Notes. 4 per Bent
off for Dash on credit amounts. IR J. RYAN,'
PLEtIeNa'6' FU11N15011P1 Bao -F. S. Scott.
Auctioneer, hes been instructed -by the under-
signed to sail by Public Auction at Lot 28,
Oon. 11, Grey. on Thursday, March 291h,.at 1
o'clock, the following valneblo property 1-1
span horses tieing 3 year a old, 1 driving mare
Axing 8 yearn old bred bySid Stanton, 6 cows
st oe in 1 ill be fresh
ed to be calf. twoI s
time of sale 1 sow with pigeligible for re
there' n 5 More pig% abouthen 2
oto 80
there' bred brown le hors roosters 4 bronze
nand 1 gobbell 1 wagon sulky
alt 1
Crbwn twin 1 Maxwell otngleplo, , 1aol rrke, T
Grown twin ,plow,ro t &le plow, i se, harrows,
1 land roller, 1 Frost Wood lino, 1 � wagon
box nearly new, 1 ravel box. 1.set double
herd sernes!' one new, 1 grind-
, 2 ones single h R
atone, 2 atone boats, 1 muffler, 1 10 ft. ladder, 1
1 h rr 1
osc 2 water fl el
iron 11 1 elle wfl on scale• 1 wood reek,
1 hayrack,1 Mallet' real 1 waehin machine
o R
Leader churn,eparlorstove,1.
1 pia
etr1cook 0 cords
piano hardener, ,bout 5 ons o mixed wood 55
mule hardwood, sheet 9 tons of hay. nervi' 50
Mutilate is pof mlxe a din. 11tp le Benner ober,
1 cant
ent ho of mixed grain. pile pine le hoes
o umer 1 hey knife e, Tis, Larks lobe
and numerous other artleles. The cele will: he
without reserve as the proprietor is removing
to (Socierteh township. Terme-All BUM of 8i
and under cash ' over that amount 12 months'
credit will be 6given on tarnishing approved'
amounts W e1 SHARP Pr000prietorcredit
• t
Having purchased H. R. Brewer's Photographic Studio
and apparatus and all interest in the' business, I will.
close the Studio on Tuesday, March 1st, for necessary
improvements and 're -open it for business on Thurs-
day, March 17th.
• 44.•'F•••••14 .41.14414.1•••1.444.•4.1)+0•1••'F♦3.••.40.1'••1••44+•44.1•••F•i•s
Stop! Look .
We are agents for the well known _
. Sherwin-Williams Paints
A full line of Outside, Floor, Family, Carriage, Top
Dressings, Stains, Furniture Varnishes, &c., on hand.
i i
• Staunton's Wall 'Paper •
e Latest Styles, Best Quality, Lowest Prices. See our i.
: Sample Book. Also a number of Remnants, from 2 to i
m6 rolls, at reduced prices.
: OUR PRINTS are the best on the market. Large
: assortment of good washers. I'
• Dressa
Linens, all shades, at 20c & 25c yard
We have sone extra good values in Men's Heay.. Shoes for
: y Soring. •
See them and you will be Convinced of their quality.
• For good Goods at Rock Bottom Prices try
w Aa McDonald•.
�� � Cranbrook
o •
hest of success, I 0 s•••••••••••N•••fill•id•Wi••i!••••••••••••r•••••••11;
sHospital, P
Arthnr, Mande , In his77ayear John
Lion Alexander, eonofthe late John Alex-
ander. Alr , Aberdeenshire, and
Beard of the bite Georgy lexandert
Ia enehirn Scotland.
Campton -In Lakpow March 9th. Grace
Anderson, relict or the hate Alex IC -Camer-
on aged 81 year. and 4 months.
HARRia.aln Day Mills, Algoma, on Maroh 8th
, William Harris, formerly of Bruasela, aged
78 years 11 months and 8 daya.
Wso8gso1Y, MARGIT, Mart -Farm Stook.
Implements, Furniture. &e, Lot 18, Con. 8,
Morrie, Sale unreserved et 1 o'clock. John
to ordet' 1'o make room for our
new Well Papers for 1010 whiell
arrived 801110 time ago the were
forced to snake it lot Of our cid
papers into reuitittu is which we
ale selling et greatly reduced •
prices 111 fact at
Less than Wholesale Cost
so that if you leave now or will
have later any need of any wall
paper you should take adcautage
Of this Remnant sale, Also ask to
.see nue
New Wall Papers
which the will be pleased to show
youas we feel ur • have never
s (. we 1
hadabetter assortlneut of papers
itsttnh l11wgC rices..
Dominlon Expreus Money Orders
(Sashed and Sold.
FARM TO RENT -Containing 140 aorta pf
land adjoining the village or Brussels,. the
the a James Shaw. Perm of tl e l � Pt nl rs fn
area on. YP hlo0tt Ano.
P o . enc
Pop cod nteQe of cultivation. lot. 'fm•th1'r partm-
TNeot , Mt Te Half
Stock, h4, good
pimento, &e., at North Half 7mt 29, Con. 14, 89.11 Braseels.
MoHillop. Sale onreoorved at 1 o'clock. F. J.
Ryan, Prop.. F. 8. Scott. Atm - OT1414 ANU 1.01' FON SALE on Elizabeth
TUESDAY, MARC,,,, 213T11.-. G, a MOO, un H street, Bruaaxla, New stable 2e x 32 feet
elements, &c., I,ot 23. W', 4. 11, Qrev. Bale um and a driving abed 14x22 built Mat year. If de
reserved at 1 p, m. W, J. Sharp, prop., F. S.
sired would 41,90 1 of lento. and outfit PO Glint
Stott, Auo• buyer might oo+uinue 'Ito framing bnain,sa.
TUESDAY, &O . of 22, Son. Farm. eSale; itu5 , , Pemet-slbn can be given at once its I intend go-
m.f11Tho . T Lot 22,
Pro ., Grey. Sc Sale at
e. P. Ing West. Apply to VVM. (SELLERS, 8el1
V , P, S. S Au
People's Column
GOOD GIRL wanted at once for general
Per month. Apply to Box 18, lnevale, Ont.
Mortgage Sale
Of a Valuable Farm
housework on farm (family of three) 615.00 --
assistant Matron end Nurse Wanted
Application for the position of Armond ae-
eietant matron and nurse for the Huron Go.
Houma of Bafuge, wilt be received at 'once, by
.Tohn Torrance, Inspentor, Clinton P 0. Ap-
pltanuts will be required to furnish references',
Personal applications preferred. A liberal.
eatery wtllbapald. By order oftheoanmittee.
JAS. WATSON, Chairman.
Dated, March End, 1910,
FARM FOR SATE• -The Executors of the
Shine estate offer for sale the 93 acre farm
Part Lot' 5 and 6, Con. 12, Grey, nearly all
Bleared. Brick house, bank and frame barns,
driving shed and workshop In good condition.
Good orchard • farm in good Mate of calttvn
tion nearly all seeded to grass and poeseseton
can ire given on March I5th. School across the
rood from property .and only 2 toile' to Brut: -
eels. For further partieulnrs as to price.
twine. &o., apply to MRS. 0. SHINE or ,TAS.
BOT Z, Executors, Brossele P. O. 28•tf
Under and by virtue of the power/. contained
in • a certain nlor•tgnie, which will produced at
Mine of rale, there will he ud.•red for Pule by
Patein /metion on Monday, the Twenty-
first day of March, 1910, as nee Luer of
two a'week m 11,' afternoon at 8haorer'S Hotel,
in the Village of Ethel, by F. S. Scott, Ave.
Menem the following property viz • harm lot
number twenty-seven, in the eighth Cantlesaiou
of the township of Grey, in the County of
Raw and Province of Ontario, c011tRltlliig
one hundred dines, be the samemore or leas.
The farm is n eood 0111', soil good May loans,
well fenced end well watered On the eremite
es lea geed brunt house and feet•O1ass bank
barn with 140110 stabling. Poxsession can be
given at any time. Farm ae situated within
one mile of the Village of it'hel. on Wellington,
Grey and Bruce Railway. 'Perms: Ten per
cant of the pairrhnee money to be paid clown
on the day of sale, bfllanrowithin thirty days
or part can bearranged to remain on ruo,'rgagii
on the premises tie will be made known nay of
sale. For further particulars end eondlttone
of sale apply to. the undersigned or the Aue-
tfonoor. Dated etEthel tine first dnv of March, 1050.
Throughout the Store
Spring CoodshaveArrived
We are particularly proud of the New Spring Goods we
are showing and the exceptional Values we are offering.
New Dress - Goods
Tho new Season brings in many
charming Dress 'Fabrics. Never be-
fore have we shown such a large and
beautiful stock of Dress Goods. We
are -making a special feature, of 8
Special Pieces -pet yard-
50cb 75c, 1.00
Ill our large range you will Sind all
the newest shades.
First Showing of
Women's s Spring 'Suits,
With 'Easter falling as it does
this year so touch earlier it is not
too witty to make your selection of
Spring Wearing apparel el now:
New Spring Suits
We have the moat complete
assortment of exclusive styles on
heady -to -wear Suits, Odd Skitts and
Spring coats for women ever shown
in 114.4880111.
The Fit of our Garments
Cannot be excelled. the''cartvas
haireleth and padding tised are the
best and are all men -tailored.
Women's Suits at $10.00, 13,00, 15.00
and 18.00
New Spring Coats at $5,00, 7.50 and
Odd Skirts at $2,00 up to 8.00.
New Corset Styles
for Spring,1010
The famous 13 & 0 comet., cele-
brated Parisian e0'set in all the new
Spring models.
Prices 50c to $1.75
This is a Man's
Store too
Inveatigats the ability of this
Store's departments devoted. to
Men's Wear.
This sell,1ou ave are showing the
largest stook. of Men's and Boys'
Ch thio
g we ever offered. Our
values Qtr 8 are tight, ight, the styles of Cloths
and Patterns are right and they fit
The new ,Spring Shirts And Ties
for Sprintgg anti Easter, are bene.
The Special price on Shirts at
50c. 75c & $1.00
Spring Hats
p g for Men •
New Flats and soft felt style its
the newoet colorings Specially
priced at
1.60,2 .00 & 2IZ
r .
New Boots andShoes
Pot, Ladies and Children, Men
and Boys -•,l fight and Heavy kinds -
at lowest, prices.
Highest Prices for Produce.
Goods Right or your money back.