HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-3-17, Page 3VOUNO FOLKS 0000•oo a MARJORIE'S BIRTTI1)AY- PARTY. ?`Please put on year red :cap, :Aunt Alice!" begged Marjorie. Aunt Alice Al e o) jened a drawer in her r ' lv ttr i - 1 deal. and a d tonic out a little painted Ted velvet cap, with gilp braid running all over it queer, crooked lines, and a tink- ling bell on the tip-top- point. 'Sim were it when Marjorie wanted her to piny fair godmother. When she put it on, she would help Marjorie get anything she wished for -- or something else almost as good, Aunt Alice put on the funny red cap and took up a little cane they called her fairy wand, and sat clown in the big chair which served for a throne. Marjorie came and stood before her. • "Speak!" said the fairy goclmo- "When to -morrow comes it will be Sunday," said;Marjorie. `.'Then the Wednesday of week lifter next will be the fifth- of March. I want a birthday -party, 0 fairy god- mother'." The fairy waved her wand. "It shall be.'" "But I'm not much acquainted with the girls and'boys here," said Marjorie. "1 want Katie and Flo- rence and Rebecca and Herbert and Ruth. I want Aunt Helen and grandma and Mrs. Maynard." Mar- jorie's lip quivered, for she had come to live in a big city now, and all these dear friends were far, far pray, • "It will have to be a 'think- party,' " said the fairy. "A11 right," said Marjorie. The fairy waved her wand three times. "Think -party, begin to be!" she cried. "I've saved up 1iesty-one cents," said, Marjorie, handing Aunt Alice her little red parse. , Aunty touch- ed it with her fairy wand. "It is enough," she said. "Make out your list." Marjorie sat down in her little chair and wrote the names of her far -away dear ones on a -sheet of paper shut Alice gave her. The fairy godmother smiled. "Thoughts can come. from far as well as from near," she said. She waved her wand three times again. "You will have twenty guests, and I will clang': ten cents of your money into a box of pretty paper and envelopes far you to write your invitations on. Forty cents. I will change into twenty two -cent stamps; ""to pay postage on the invitations. Ten cents I will changes into a box of 'Happy Birthday' stickers." "Is is polite to wish myself a hap- py birthday?" Marjorie ' asked, doubtfully. "That isn't what they will mean," the fairy explained. "They are to wish your friends to be hap- ' py because ib is your birthday. You must 'mot write mere invita- tions. To make the magic charm work,_you must tell them about your new home, and what you are doing hese, so' their thoughts can finch you. /„ It took Marjorie a great many long hours, writing one letter at a time, to get all her invitations writ- ten. When at length the birthday, carne, it brought a loving letter from every one who had been invit- ed te'come, and every one told her something to do to celebrate the al day. - There were so many expres e'pns of love that her friends all '-seemed very near and dear. '"Why. Z feel as if every one of them had been here all day !" said IlEarjo,:ie.—Youth's Companion.— GATE UIS WEIGHT IN GOLD. I*&fan Maharajah Helps Poor Ac- cording to Oriental Custom. The Maharajah of Nepal,one of the great Indian semi -dependent princes, who if an honorary Major- General in the British army and a 1). 0, L. of Oxford, and has trans - several' English inilital'y works into his own langltnga,_ is chill Oriental enough to have eon - foamed to an ancient Indian cus- tom, that of giving away liis CW11 weight in metal for distribution among the poor. The Maharsljah is enOlen unlily, kilts and ib was his weight in gold that went to Lenrich an enorruaus crowd of beggars and pilgrimsala holy. place named :Pltshupatmath a. few weeks ago, When Indian prin- ces make a vow, fo3' r2:01111111' 011 ilia 11iil''e.ry from some great.Illncal', they liberate themselves from it by a eca'cmnny which is 'Culled 'rule. This person' weighs hi/heel! in -gold, co if not very rich' in baser metal or even grain, and the atnollnt is given to the poor. „ The go/c1 in this ease was instant- ly bought 011) by jewellers, and the silver cohl paid for it was distri- u te(.l lldnUtl 6 r the populace, ablee v were also fed and clothed by who tbo 1delm rajah. til di neer 'Tin going g tri viol,. ee d f nt c to -day myself. What would yen )eke, deal: lr' Ho--'T']r- aflld bee Anal pxcidce t" New Health and Strength ... for Weak and Ailing 060 Can Be :Had Through the Rich, Red Blood Made by Dr. Williams' Pink PiIis for Pale People. There comes a time in filelit a of almost every girl when sickness at- tacks her. The strain upaa her blood supply is too great, and there comes headaches and backaches. loss of appetite, attacks of diaeinose and heart palpitation, and a gen• era'. tendency to a decline. 'flan only thing that can promptly and speedily cure these troubles is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This is the. only medicine that actually makes new, rich, red blood, and a Mesita f.ul supply of rich blood is the one thing needed to maintain the health of growing girls and women of lea- turL years. The truth of this state- ment is proved in the case of :lliss Esther E. Sproule, Truemanville., N. S., who says: "At the age of sixteen years I left my country home to attend high scha}i. The cicse confinement and lore hens of study nearly broke me awe. '_sty blood supply seemed ,o be doiiri- a anddepressed. ont , nd I grew pale I was dizzy nearly all the time, an) pimples broke out '.n my faoe. 1 was altogether in a miserable c'en- dition and it seemed impossible for me to continue' my eta lies unless I found a'speedy euro, 1 tried toyer al tonics. prescribed by. the doctor, but they proved useless. My we- ther urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I finally cemented to do so. I had hardly fuddled the second box before a change for the better took place, and the use of a few boxes more fully restos:ft My health, and. I have sin ie been we'1 and strong. I, feel that I canon say too much in favor of Ter. Wil- liams' Pink Pills and 1 strongly re- commend them to other ailing girls." You can get these Fills from any. medicine dealer or by mail at 500. a box or six boxes kr $? 50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,' Brockville, Ont. A MEAN ADVANTAGE. Crabbe—He's the meanest fellow I ever met. Goodley—At any rate, he's 8110 cessful. He has taken advantage of his opportunities. Crabbe—"Yes, and. I guess his opportunities were small, which is another sign of his meanness. HEALTH FOR BABY OORFURT FOR N[OTHER. The mother who has' once used Baby's Own Tablets for her chil- dren will always use ,them for the minor ailments that coine to all lit- tle ones. The Tablets give a guar- antee of health to the elaild and ease and comfort to the• mother. They cure all stomach and. bowel ton- . Wes, destroy worms, - break up colds, andmake teething easy. Mrs. H. Lavoie, St, Felicite, Que., sae's :—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for indigestion, constipa- tion and other troubles with per- fect results. I think so much of the Tablets that I use no other me- dicine for my children." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams,' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "I have known better days, lady," began Fated. James, "Yes, it's a wretched morning, so •cold," replied the farmer's wife. "But I've got no time to discuss the wea- ther with you, bad as it is." And she shut the 3oor and left him. Mlsalenarlee lit All Londe are friends. 01 Pahl. tiller, nundredn oh Iettere testily to the tact, Por acoidonts and .Hides emotgoneios, such ar rprains, cute and brnissa, they liud it invaluable. tvoid subotitutss there le but baa "Painkiller —Parry D"aal?.. oto and 300 "I am so glad your sister enjoy- ed her visit to us, Mr. Smith." "Oh, well, she is tho sort of girl who can enjoy herself anywhere,. you know." Month After Month n told hoots, and aeon. fe tear holes in your throati. Are you ~ware that even a stabbora and long neglected cold is cured with Allen's Lung Bahama ? SHE KNEW. Lecturer -''In China criminals are often sentenced to be: kept awake until insanity and death re- sult. Now, how do' you suppose they keep them from falling asleep 1" Little Girl (eldest of a small fam- ily)—"I expect they give 'em a baby to take care of!' 1 OWE MY LIFE TO 01N PILLS. If you wantto seo a happy woman, Just call on -Mrs. Mollie Dixon, 59 Hoskin Ave., Brest !Toronto, "After ton 'years of sulfuring front Iiidnoy Disease, I' believe 1 owe my life to Giu Pills. Before d began using Gin Pills u,y book ached so much that 5 00%141 lot put on my shoes, but after tarring; three boxes of Gin. POs -these troubles are. all. gone. Itis a. pleasure for tum to n.dd' one more toatimoniol to (hu grant) rep an of 'Gin PilIa'' Mrs, M. Dixon. Ser. et box, 6 .for $2.50' at all defilers. Sample free if you write .National Drug 1,, Chemical Co, -(Dept, W. L.) Toronto,. n t. First Medical Student (to his fele env-ledger)—"What are you lock- ing that portmanteau for? T11ero',s nothing in, it." Second Ditto — "That's just why; for if my land- lady knew it.I shon.id; have to clear nlrt pretty,_ quckly,1 ea.n tell you, Don't Miss It. ". wLA Guaranteed ONEt D Iafbr, Ail GeedrTha 'oAr.h{40iitWlR•• tke ?MI D Dr or ANY od�Slept Pe- suck mistakes, ,ehirerahepbhau Sou ke1stor Daabr Sample Cad Mid from;. ThedeilnMn.IIoherllibn 'e.t Limited, De t_e, entreat000. SMART DIPLOMACY. Prince Jaisrngrao, the son of the Gaekwar of Baroda, denied in New York recently that his father had said he found American women. ugly. "My father," said the : young man, "is too adroit to make such a ,remark as that. Even if ho thought it—and he . doesn't—he wouldn't dream of saying it. He is too adroit. Listen. "Once my father attended a Christmas ball at an English coun- ter house. Ho was introduced to a woman whose name he did not. Catch, and he asked her to dance with him. As they danced in the ballroom, hung with mistletoe and holly, my father saw an officer who had once deceived him in India. "'Do you see that man over there,1' said my father to his pretty partner, 'Well, if there's one man in the world 1 hate, it's he.' "'Yes?' said the woman. 'That's my husband.' "'Yes,', said my adroit father. 'Yes, of course. That's why I hate him." COUCHING BURST BLOOD VESSEL. Says Danger Avoided and Cures Coughs in 5 Hours. A writer for the medical press states that coughing is responsible for the bursting of blood vessels quite frequently. A cough or cold means inflammation (fever) and congestion, and these in burn indi- cate that the body is full of poisons and waste matter. Simple relief,. as found in patent cough medicines, and whiskey, often result in more harm than good; as they cause more congestion. A touio-laxative cough syrup will work marvels anal here follows a prescription which is becoming famous for its prompt, relief and thorough cures. It rids the system of the cause, except it be consumption. ' Don't wait for • consumption to grasp its victim, I but begin this treatment, which cures some in five hours. Mix in a bottle one-half ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one ounce compound. essence cardiol and three ounces syrup white pine compound. Take twenty drops every half hour for four hours. Then one-half to one teaspoonful three or four times a day (live children less according to age. '5 A SENSIBLE MAN. I suppose," said:the•poor but otherwise truthful young man, cau- tiously'feeling his way, "that you woulin't'be satisfied with love in a cottage ?" "Why net?" queried the fair maid. "I'm sure I'd rather marry the right man with an income of only $5,000 a year than a million- }lire I didn't love." And, having sense enough to see there was nothing doing in his lino, the young man quickly faded away. Mhterd's Liniment Rolfeves Neuralgia. GERMAN 'SAVINGS DEPOSITS. Some striking indications of the German workingmen's prosperity are contained in the Prussian sav- ings bank statistics. The deposits in the kingdom, which comprises only two-thirds of the empire, 'be - tiled $2,303,250,000 at the end of 1908, Deposits during that year were $112,500,000 more titan in 1907'emad of deposits rho excess over Withdrawals amounted t $30,- 000,000. The greatest increase of deponits,over: withdrawals was reg- istered in the heart of industrial Germany, the Rhine province and Westphalia contributing $19,750,000 and $15,000,000 respectively. S'1'ONEWALIa'S .. BRIDGE- .. BUILDER. "Stonewall Jackson," said a91 old Army veteran, "used to 'pelf is story about a 1)r4ige-builder. "This bridge -builder was called old Miles. Ile was very necessary to Jackson ,because . the flimsy bridges on the line of march were continually being Wept away by the floods ordestroyed by the on- eRty ; and in . these contingencies Miles was aregular Ievel He could run up a bridge in the time it would take another man to Snake the measurements, "One day. the Union troops burped a bridge across the Shenan- doah, Stonewall Jackson called ole! Miles to him and said: "'You must putallyour men to work, Miles, and you must keep them at it all night, for I've got to have a bridge acmes this stream by )Horning. My engineer will draw up the plans for you,' "Well, early next morning Jack- son, very much worried, met old Miles. „ See here,' he said, dubiously; 'how about that bridge? I`)id the engineer give yon the plan?' "Old Miles took the cigar from his mouth and flicked the ash off with a sneer. " `General,' he said, 'the bridge is done. 1 dunt,o whether the pie- ter is or not.' " A LITTLE COLD. He caught a little cold— That was all. Sc. the neighbors sadly said, As they gathered round his bed, 'When they heard that he was dead. He caught a little cold That was a11. (Puck.) Neglect of a cough or cold often leads to serions trouble.. To break up a toll in twenty-four hours and cure any cough that is curable, mix tv o ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com- pound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. You can buy these at any good drug store and easily mix thein in a large bottle. '•1' • DEFINED. - "Pa, what is meant byan able speaker?". "An able speaker. my boy, is one whose words come faster than his ideas." ---..—.,t PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption .Method If you suffer from bleeding, itch- ing, blind or protruding Piles, send nae your address, and I will tell yen how to cure yourself at home by t::be now absorption treatment; . s nsome o and=" will also e d E this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this of- fer, Write to -day to Mrs. M. Sum- mers, Box P. 720, Windsor, Ont. 11 a cough makes your nights sleepless and weary, it will worry yet, a gond deal, and with good cause. To dispel the worry and give yourself rest try Biekie's Anti Consumptive Syrup. It exerts a soothing influence on the air pas- sages and allays the irritation that leads to inflammation. It wills ub- due the most stubborn cough or cold, and 'eventually eradicate it from the system, as a trial of it will prove to you. "Do you think.he is really in love with you 7" asked Maud. "I don't know," answered Mamie. "He says he is, but his letters don't sound a bis silly." TO CURB A COLI) IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE 1300300. Quinine. Tablet& Druggists refund money if it fail, to cure, B. VY. 01ROV&'e signature lo on each box. 2se. "1 understand you were 'carried away by her singing?" "Well, not quite that. I was driven away by it, though I" -- Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Judge --"And you, who remained honest until you were forty, have smirched your name and dishonor- ed your family, all for the sake of three miserable dollars." Prisoner --"Excuse me, sir, ,was it my fault that there were so few ?" • ISSUE No, 11-10. na the word to remember whet you need a remedy fhr Criuiis Ceis The second day drew to its close with the twelfth juryman still un- convinced. ''Well, gentlemen," said the court officer, entering qui- etly, "shall 1, as per usual, order twelve dinners?" "Make it," said the foreman, "eleven dinners and a bale of hay." The Real Liver Pill.—A torpid liver means a disordered system, mental depression, lassitude and in the end, if care he not taken, a chronic state of debility. The very best: medicine. to arouse the liver to healthy action is Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills. They. are compound- ed of purely vegetable substances of careful selection and no other pills have their foie qualities. They do not gripe or pain and they are agreeable to the most sensitive stomach. "And we have one baby," said the meek man, who was applying for lodgings; "will you mind it?" "Mindit?' snapped the other party. "Of course not. Do you think I'm a nurse?" All Women Brows what in le to have violent para Some take ane thine and soma another. Our ad. rico is to place The D .k L" Menthol Plaster over the seat of the pain ; it will do more to 53,', you comfort than anything. Teacher—"What lesson do we learn from the 1usy beet" Tommy Tuffnut—"Not to get stung." Have you tried Holloway's Corn Corel It .has no equal' for remov- ing these troublesome exeresenoes ars many have testified who have. tried it. A Woman's heart may be easier to turn than a man's, but the man's will stay turned longer. Minard's Liniment Cures burns, Etc. Nature furnishes fresh air to bo used. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is. LAXATIVE ammo QUININl, Look for the signature of Z. W. GROVE. Card the worldover to Cure a Goldin Oae Day. 25a. "What's the matter, my little man 7" "Boo-oo ! One of my teeth has trodden en my tongue." Trial Proves Its Excellence•—The. best testimonial one can have of the virtue of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oi1. in 'the treatment of bodily pains, coughs, colds and affections. of the respiratory organs, is a trial of it. If not found the sovereign remedy it is reputed to be, then it may be rejected as useless, and all that has been said in its praise denounced as untruthful. It's a bright roan who can reeog- nine his bright sayings in the third and fourth repetition. Fre* to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48 -page illustrated Eye Book Free, Write an about Your Eyo Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Applioa• lien of the Murine BYO Remedies (n Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Marine Reiiovee Bore Eyes,Strength. .ens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pttirr, and go11e for 00e, Try It • in Your Eyes aur in Babyr* Eyes inc Sinly Eyelids and Granulation. The human race produces a hero for every occasion. Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited. Gentlemen, --Theodore Dorais, a mita- mer of mine, was completely ourod of rheumatism after five years of suffering, by the judicious use of )11INARD'S LINT. IfENT. The alcove facts can be verified by writing to him, in the Parish Priest or any of his neighbors. A. COTE, Merchant, Bt. Isidore, f'lc. ie Bay. It PJiILOSOl'HY. A man's life is influenced most by his unspoken thoughts. The demand always exceeds the limelight supply, Use the safe, pleasant and effec- tual worm killer, Mother Graves' Werth Exterminator; nothing equals it. Procure a bottle and 'take 1t: home. 'TWOIJLD TAKE SOME TIME. "You want me to tell the whole truth?" asked the witness. "Certainly," replied the judge. "r1,he whole truth about the plaintiff? " "Of course." "Might I ask how long does this Court expecte to .sit?" "What difference does that halo 7;( "111 makes a Jot of difference: I couldn't tell the whole truth about that scoundrel inside of a week, talking all the time,") • 1,ain T1ks t 'INJURIES & SKIP4 OR —QUtCk CURE. 0/31, little child ran owing to her Mother the other do Vath nasty flesh Vircrlin i and asked far Z am -T uh; 44" There lies at more powerful argument. for Zan -B uk than even the scientists can bring. ' The child had bad Zam.Buk before, and: knew It eased pain and healed. Zana -But works in two directions. Pre. vents worse results from a skin injure' or skin disease (such as festering and blood poisoning) while it repairs the damage already done. Zam-Buk fs entirely herbal, is pure, contains no trace of animal fat or mineral coloring. Surest and quickest known healer. FATHER AND SON BENEFIT Mr.• Walter Adoms,177 RailwayAve., Stratford, amp :—" My son, William, while playing barefooted about the book. yard, cut his little too on the sharp edge of a l,ioco of. tiu. T130 toe was cut at the drat joint, andal)nost severed from the loot. My wife hurriedly bathed it with warm water, afterwards applying sone L nt thicklyrn spread with Za•2tu1:, The healing balsa gaiekly checked rho flew of blood, eased and seethed the liaise, and.. prevented inflammation}tssd more actions FROM USE OF THIS BALM. results. In a few Weeks Zam-Birk healed the wound so nieely that my sou Wee able once more to go about, and, sIsO to wear his shoes without the aligirtest ineenvenionoe. Not only is *am:lin1t valuable for wounds egad mita, hut, tried ne an embrocation, I have oleo found it @goody.) for rheumatic pains" e Zam.Bgk cures eats, barns, ecson a,dngwosm, alosm, saki cracks, sod all skin diseatea Dina - lata sad aures, 00o hoc, or poet tree from yam- Oa., %want°, formica E dwardCO N V N 4c*. o Members Toronto nt Stock Exchange. Safe lnveSfrilents write for so, weekly nr6,lar an e00ettLltle. Refer,,, to standing to any bank. Weharemoved to our new building, 90 Bay St., Toronto. tb s•,-,nsatc to..:'est x,n..s ,...a •.:r:✓. r;, A Few Shares for Sale in one of the kept Loan 'Companies 3a Canada oneasy terms; oily 510.00 down • Money (0 Lond at.51 f on approved securities, -Apply for pedicular, to M. J. KENT, Box 419, London, Ont EDUCATIONAL: EARN THE BARBER TRADE—NEW system—constant practice; careful fnntruotion; few weeks complete enures, tools free; graduates- earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly; write for cote, logno, Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East. Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. 1''1 O YOU WANT '1'O SELL YOUR 1 y Farm f biet• it with us, We will Ind Y„u a buyer. No sale, no commis.': vino. .1 Martin d• 1', Bomiltnn, Ont LTOCKS. I110.0 OLES 1. Y. AND COB AL'r nomads 11 on crnisgoin. Am on the. spot and know what is going on- Write for d0'3' noa ket letter, 91. J. Rectory, Room 20,' 43 Scott SL., Toronto. Blind, Bleeding, Itohfng, Protruding tiles quickly y,�q.+ n a d ennan tl • :rue p en}•c c by the most scientific and economical remedy. LYLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES Price 31.00-6 for $5.00, mailed- on re. ceipt of price. LYLE MEDICINE CO., Quoen West, • TORONTO. 6s Your Hearing Cod? The REAR-O-PIIONE will give you the benefits of good hearing. Send for tree booklet, giving particulars and names of satisfied' users. Also Special Offer for a Month's Home Trial. THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, 334 Spadtna Avenue, Toronto. APPENDICITIS 'Cured without operations. All wile are nf. flitted with this disease and wish to be cured permanently, safely and quickly with this great Homeopathic remedy. which will be sent post-pnid anywhere in the world with full inatruetions for aging. so as to effect a permanent Cure. Price 52. Address John r, Walt, 'Homeopathic Pharmacy, Arnprlor, Canada. 4/211' Care) Lrr., F,VBLMONIA,.cwjas-jr ALL INFLA/Y)ATORY BIS When sac is "chilled Irrongh," or suffers from Rboumatlo Pains, Sore Throat Lumbago. Tooth. ache, Neuralgia, Galati. ed. Pneumonia, Toa tIl- ltt3.5n1tammallon of the Bronchial Tubes, Bow- els or Lungs. Gramme, Sore \trades, • or Pains of 15Y kind, Hao ltadw•ay'e seedy Heller. Socialism is a riot of hope on -re- jested reasons.— , Do It Now.—Disorders of the di- gestive apparatus should he dealt with at once before complications arise that may be difficult to cope with. The surest remedy to this end and one that is within reach of all, is Pai'melee's Vegetable Pills, the best laxative and sedative on the market. Do not delay, but try them now. One trial will convince anyone that they are the best sto- mach regulator that can be got. ]f the world couldn't speculate it would turn buccaneer. Minard's Liniment far Sale Everywhere One man's hobby is another man's jest. "A Crave -mrd Rough" to the osy et tortured lungs for mercy. Give them moray in the toren nt Allen's LungEalsain, which is 080(1 with molt good effect even in consumption's early stages. Never 'subset a dough. Jay—"There are plenty of books tolling how to save life while wait- ing for the doctor." Kay --"Yes. What we need is one telling us young.doetors how to save life while' waiting for the patient." Sick I-Ieadaches-----v" ere not caused by anythingwrong in the heats, but by constipation, biliounnos nod indigestion. Head• ache powders or tablets may deed, enblit cannot aro Cham. Dr. Morse's Indian hoot Pillso Miro met headache in the sensible way by removing the constipationloor sick atomnmu whtali caused them, Dr. tforte'a I1t(tfan Root Pills aro enroly vegetable, free from any harmful drug, sof6. and .1910, When you feel the headaehe Mom• Ing take Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills MACHINERY ftih ACHINEitY HEADQUAREERS. - 13 E iron and wood•wnrking mamhlnery, , engines. boilers, steam pumps, gasoline engines, electric motors, contractors' machinery, etc. Send for catalogue of over 1400 machines-: H. W. PETRIE, Limited. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. AGENTS WANTED. •AAT ANTED --LOCAL AND GENERAL 0 0• Agents—Liberal contracts to good men ; opply by letter. Continental Life Insurance .Company, Toronto, Correspon' deuce confidential. A GENTS IyANTLD EVERYWHERE. 211 Fust selling household npecialty. Credit .extended, No enpitni recto -lend. Hundred per cent. profit. Write Berkey, 84,.t Lion B, Box 34, Montreal, ! GENTS WANTED. MAKE BIG PRO. f 11. fits selling our Specialty. Write now for free particulars. Jackson's Sales Agency, Rgd., Bos 35, -Station B, Montreal, C Honda. CAL VES Raaso Them Without NUM Booklet Free. Steole,!Brigge Seed Co., Ltd.. Turouto,lOaa,, l 'z. TEE LIN n ors t by fSrentowill t s,eyral u,on. \,*N., Write Endorsed ,o foremast medical amen, �,'- Write for particulars. B. LINDOfAN, (Iieg'd), 'tit Montreal. T'S OPE FOR. THE 000F -1N ACOUSTICON-- i3L one of tho (00010ls of the eloetriest al_o., En use throughout the world. Write for rata, Foams. General Acoustic Co., of Canada, Ltd., 160 Yougo Street. Toronto. REE1 LA01PS! We want you to try aur exquisite Toilet Prepnratione. Write us and ;participate to oar free in ttwductnry campaign. Home Specialties Tranby Avenue. Toronto. Marlatt's Hair Promoter Crows Hair on any Bald Head On sale at the .Root. Simpson's Deng De Hair Prnmoi Toronto, Co., Toronto. Caor the nada. Your Overcoats ant tided Suits would loose better dyed. It no 00,000 ours layout. town, write dtra:t to Montreal, Box 15S. Brltiah Arne r10011 Dyeing CO.' UY YOUR PIANO BY MAIL, A11UN0 LA our cash bargains inused ttisr•ight pianos, some hi use less than six months, one Helntxman, 5125, Nordheimer, 5140. Mason t Riseh, $195. Leach, $195, Each instrument warranted. 55 extra for box. 'log. Write write immediately for particulars The Leech Piano Co., Limited, Montrer.). , DO YOU WANT TO KNOW t001 tuitions ftnnatly -untold) facts about • Human Nature T Rend Dr, Fonte's "ll'antler" honk on the delleote subjects of LnVe, Marriage, Parentage, Health. 1315easo, and Freaks. It Is the fruit of 50. pi•srs' experience nr n sue:extent author and nrnetitioner. J1n11 of advice nears. envy to evert man and woman. Contains mare vital farts then your doctor would give you for ton dollars. In 3 esculins, 040 pn woo nnrl 4n illnntrntlnwo, Price <tee. L. L. Hill 1300k Co., 129 E. 28 St., Naw York LA GRIPPE Arrested, and Consumption Cured Mr.G, D. Colwell, of Walker ville, Ont. was slritkan'dowp with La Ctippe in 1906 and it left him in very bad condition. ire says: 1 war abrin down and Bordering on Consumption. I could notsleep arnights, lad awful 3WOW and coushodneerly rho whole time. Thu u how 3 was'a•hen i began to take Psychine, in a low nervous state: but from the first tombs C begahb3_ improve. tidal marvels for the and htought me back to health ho no time, makings new man of me It - fortifies the body agsin,t the attacks of Le Grippe and is elute pre. Veatotive. I always take Psychine if 1 a cold Coming on and it pull ma right in, no time. ME PSYC I4E O Far Salt by all Dierrkts and Dealeh, 16t. & 11 Or Shouts. Dr. r, A. SLOC111V1 11811110, TOItOfT( S?CkIN PPONOUmcso Sl-KhEN