HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-3-10, Page 9T paaawarraaaaaa.awavaaivanaaraaa tetdetetelefeletetelerel Fashio 1-1 tap 41effelekeleee-1-11.11.1111" SEEIN PARIS SHOP Wool flowers and wings ar Diagonal linens aro ne smart. Hats are now rna,cle to match seat. Russian blouse coats increase in popularity, Plaiting is seen hi many of the new skirts. The in &tripod serges are parti- cularly smarts. Plain princess dresses in velvet are popular. Wide leather belts will be worn with linen dresses. Groat knots of black or white lace trim large hats. Many of the new leghorns are faeed in black velvet. Linens for the coming season are • soft, heavy, and pliable. Ribbons in silver and gold, also in copper are at hand. Heavy Russian lace of linen is to be much used for trimming. • Most of the pretty wraps ar of mousseline with fur trimra1 The newest veiling,' are the six Sided mesh enes of a heavy thread. .• For the waning winter season there are charming hate with huge crowns of tulle. Materials offered for summer show a riot of the soft pastel color- ings. The jewelers are selling six enam- eled buttons in a case with buckle to match. White madras shirt waists, striped with colors to match tho ogle, are to be worn. Pearl gray and a delicate banana are shades that are highly approv- ed in gloves. • Black and white mixtures will be the most popular materials in the spring suitings. Tiny pink satin roses, with rose leaves, too, are to be had in the shops for trimming evening gowns. Mottled and mixed effects are much in evidence, and many man- ish suitings will be chosen for chic tailored costumes. The unfinished worsteds are to have a decided vogue in dark, soft tones. • HE'S YOUR BRITIIER. Wben'er your neebour suffer astir, free bod'ly pain or worldly care 0 clinna pass him heedless by, for you can help him if you try, Don't tak time tae stare an' swi- ther Hello him freely, he's yer blither. When trudging on life's weary road, we see some sink beneath their load, There helpless in the dubs they lie, while priest and Levite pass them by Till some Samaritan er other Kindly lifts his weary brother. e Life's road is rough, its guid bits few, we a' need help tae wrestle thro', . •d An' should some hel less right P rig lit fa', we should'na tern oor --i heads awa. '. An' let him perish a' th' gither' Nature's law says, he's yes"! bri- ther. .'kindly word to ane in grief, r'''. aft soothes the heart, an' brings relief, •The wee'st star seen in the nicht, is welcome for its humble lieht When man's love fails, we've still emither, pe Blessed Saviour, he's yer bri- her. e . kA loving glance tae ane astray, may help bring back tae narrow way, A. want clasping o' the han' may aid tae mak' a brither stan' LrYirm an' firue, without a swither einslizing Christ as blither. —D, D. Gelidly. IS ALL FAIR IN TRADE to Will Not bo Adopted by Men Strong in Principle. 'e hear men apologizing.. for r tricks in trade that a man live, "For a piece of bread will imangeess," yes, a ihbsb live—fbrever. ver aclonli the mato 1 "All is hi trede." There are -men le in principle, upright and e, 'who have genie under, but up again, from all their losses fannies, with a conscious in - sustained by the testimony eir eseociatcs that, though un - mete, they were never disheni- !hicago Intellect down and bqualce destroyed San eo,- the, business Men could ht ahead without cash capital, \ they had aequived altarac- good man cannot bo I reed cm I, end the mirth qu eke can. • destroy him. aerese '.771111 ERRIBLE SUFFERER fog THREE YEARS flealth Was flomplotely Bator- (' by Dx, Williams' l'isk Sick at heart with hope defereedi xtreme anguish; pains in the he celled again the other day, and tathat all but drive ono erazy— listened to the same old tale from may inflammatory rheumatism the lady of the house. It was a scribed, The victims aro to he trying interview, but the landlord, --to them life is ono long a very good soul, said that rather PO; they suffer by day and than make a fuss about such a sleep by night. Snell was small ;natter, he would make her ndition of Miss A. Mercier of a Present of the house; au alai' a, Ont. For three years she which was gladly accepted, victim of this trouble and When her husband returned erom no relief till she began us- world,elle told hirn what had Oaus- '• Williams' Pink Pills. She Pirer. "For three years was a His indignation knew no lemmas, from inflammatory rheti-1"I should think you had more During that time I con- sense than to take it!" he yelled. nd was treated by some of "Take it! Of course, I took it!" doctors in our city, but i replied his wife, surprisedly. "Why relief in their treatment.not?" to despair ef ever being' "Why, yon daft idiot, we'll have u, when one day a friend taxes to pay now e to try Dr. Williams' 1 procured three boxes o time these were used enough improvement in •n to encourage me to Fond Mother-- NOW, look here, eir use. Three snore George 1 I want you to break off etely cured me and to- with that girl She is 'eery pretty, • elveleilipaysvevoefrDie.walii'd well to ll ail Vilthanate but youtIknw o riskyhosiert r Iiof cso ills in the house and end happiness by marrying her. eeeneda mile ewehiejs eiiifier i " INS'iorilyuseshe knowno keisping than I do about s more about ' neiv blood that Dr. Greek—not a bit I" Pills actually made George—"Perhaps not; but she • RO BITS I =ED WOMAN, Do whet he would, the landlord NOVA SCOTIA could never got the rant from his terent, who, when asked to pay up. went into e long rigmarole about hard timee, and made enallY BUTES MAI DODI-r8 KIDIgn promises, which always remained „KIM CejetE8 uefulfilled, DISEASE. . . • 111 1- , I A VOICE FROM si the fou 1. we' •a Pi ant the r Iiiy c cent' be; clay alwa ams' wonl I did 111 wa Williams' MOTHER'S EXPERIENCE. that restor. lase Mercier to • can learn. health and strength. ',There is no Mother --"After marriage is ra- ther late for. that, George." medicine. to equal theineitt making new blood and in this way-- they • George—'93u11 you said• yourself cure anaemia, rheumatism, heart that you did not, know a thing palpitation, indigestion, neuralgia, about housekeeping until after you St. Vitus dance and many otherl were married." troubles. Sold by all dealer e in Mother—"Very true, George, and your poor father died of dyspepsia twenty years ago." medicine or direct at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. SNIPPETS OF SENSE. If you would flatter a woman, keep quiet and listen. Man's chief wisdom consists in knowing his follies. It's difficult to please yourself and others at the same time. A spinster's face is sure to light up if she strikes a match. If you would retain a man's friendship, don't try to show him that he isn't half as smart as he thinks he is. ' The trouble in the world is /mar - l7 all due to the,fact that ono -half of the people are men and the other half women, • 10THERS FEEL SAFE WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mothers who have used Baby's Own Tablets say they feel safe when they have this medicine in the house, as the Tablets are a never -failing cure for the ills of babyhood and childhood. And the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that this medi- cine contains' no poisonous opiates. Mrs. Walter Barr, Mountain Grove, Ont., says :—"My little boy suffered terribly when teething and of our position1 was mad with from constipation, Nothing 1 gave excitement, and wasn't thinking of him did the least good until I gave anything except just fighting for all him Baby's Own Tablets and these I was worth. All of a sudden I brought him speedy relief, Every turned, and found that my regiment mother of young children should had altered its position, and I was keep the Tablets in the home." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The 'Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - villa, Ont. A GOOD COUGH MIXTURE. Simple llome-made Remedy That is Free From Opiates and Haeenful Dregs. An effective remedy, that will usually break up a cold in twenty- four hours, is easily made by mix- ing together in a large bottle two ouneaof Glycerine, ahalf-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. This mixture will eui•e any cough that is curable, and is not expen- sive, as it makes enough to last the average family an entire year. Vir- gin Oil of Pine compound pure is prepared only in the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co.', 'Cincin- nati, Ohio. GOOD WORK. The dear old veteran paused in hie reminiscences, and his audience began to think he had left off. Vain hope! "1 recollect," he continued dreamingly, "that at the battle of 'Alma,. I had a. very exciting time. Bullets were pelting upon us like rain, .men fell right and left, can- non roared like thunder itself, and, worst of all, the enemy had man- aged to get within a hundred yards UNCLE EZRA SAS: "People count their ohickens afore they are hatched becuz they like to enjey what they think they're goin' to hey." Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is an unparalleled remedy for colds, coughs, influenza and diseases of the throat and lungs. The fame of the medicine rests upon years of successful use in eradicating those affections, and in protecting man- kind from the fatal ravages of con- sumption, and as a neglected cold leads to cortsumption, one cannot be too careful to fight it in its early stages. Bickle's Syrup is the wee, - pen, use it. ANOTHER PLAN. He (encouragingly) --"I'm sure of one thing, my angel—you and I will never quarrel as that couple are doing l' she (with deeisien)—"Indeed, we shan't! If you ever speak to mo as he did to her, I shall call the police I" Good. Don't News pir''''' Miss for-'\..., Dyers , ,. • —I, '",r ,- . -....•'F:!' . \ ' ..' -ew ' 11) /0 .., „„14. ,..,..,4 The Guaranteed ONE Dy o for ALL Innis Just 'Think of It I With the SAME ia you can color ANY kind Of cloth perfeeily....No chance of inistrikeS, All ooloro recent* Com Kii:k•IDeffigrAir koor ,Dealer4 sample c ere And Tho Johnson4lobardson Om, Limited, Da 0, 0. Montreal •ue, cut off—left to the mercy of the enemy, sir." The veteran paused again; he al- ways does at the most exciting part; he finds it amusing. "Well, what did you dot!) asked ali inipetienb listener. "Do," said the old fellow sleep- ily "Well, I reckon 1 did a mile in three minutes." Nothing looks more ugly 'than to see a person whose hands are cov- ered over with warts. Why have those disfigurements On your per- son when a sure remover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in Holloway's Corn Cure. --- - ALWAYS AT HER HEAD. Who would not be barber? No rival need he dread 1 For he's sure in his profession To stand always at the head. Vie Must Go from heated monis to the eel outer zdr, and the amigo sobs us coughing. Cu,', ling winter noble le not Hard If you take Allen' ,Lurig Balsam. A neglected Gold is troublesome 'and dangerous. BETTER yET. "How did you make such a hit with her?" "I guessed her age." "Did you guess it as being fewer years than it is1" "I 'guessed it as being fewer yeari, than she, says it is." ENLISTING ALL AROUND. "1 want to enlist your effort in this volunteer work, "Then you will have to wait till recruit my health," Magistrate—"Hew conies it that yon dared to break into this gen - Oman's house in the dead of night?" Prisoner—"Why, your worship, the other time you re- proached Inc for stealing in bead daylight, Ain't T to bo allowed 'to world at a111". Ellie 3. Mirk Suffered TPOIE this Terrible Ailment fel' Four Years, but Doild's Kidney Pills Made Bfee Weil Woman. Miscall Harbor, Gloucester Co., N, 5, Feb 28 (Spectial).--That any remedy that will cure Bright's Dis- ease will euro any form of Kidney Disease has long been admitted by the medical profession, and this place furnishes one more undoubted proof that Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure Bright's Disease. For Ellie 3, Mirk, well known here, had Bright's Disease, and Dodd's Kid- ney Pills cured her. "1 suffered for over four years from Kideey Disease which develop- ed into Bright's Disee,se," Miss Mirk states, "1 lied pains in head and back, and stiffness of the. joints. I lost my appetite and suf- fered from dizziness and shortness of breath. I was weak and lan- guid all the tinie. "I was always nervous and could not keep my thoughts from wander- ing, Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. To -day I have not one of these dis- tressing symptoms." Neglected Kidney Complaint de- velops into Bright's Disease, Heart Disease or Diabetes. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills cure any and all of these. But it's easier and safer' to mire the earlier 'symptoms by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. • HER COME -BACK. "I • believe, in saying what I think," said the youngman in the flabby trousers. ' "I've often wondered by you clen't talk very much," said the girl with the trick of saying what she thinks. A FLORADORA STUNT. He wooed a maid named Flora When he'd lost a girl named Dora; After Dora he weed Cora And wound up with wedding NOM. THE LIMA OF FOOLISHNESS. Wo do a great many foolish things from day to day, but keeping the temperature of a living :oom up to 80 and above for the peke of a rub - bee plant, strikes us as about the most foolish of all. DEEP-SEATED OW CURED IN 5 HOURS. New Rome -Made Syrup. (Cut this out.) From Boston Press. Progress in medical compounds never ceases, and now it is stated by a prominent medical man than any deep-seeeed cough or cold on the lungs can be actually cured in five hours by the clock. Opium and morphine have been resorted to in the past, as relief measures. But thr BEM t is as safe as it is effective. Guar- anteed to contain no opiates. It h very palatable too ---children like it. 4811 Wrileetelei, Ell Cods - :Lela Edward CRO vNS Members Toronto Stock Ezchange. dill INv[simEm Write for our weekly 111 tI elmular on securities. Refer as bo simialug bonny bank, We have moved to 90 Bay St., Toronto. our new building, APPENDICITIS Cured without operations. All who are at, al feted with tills disease and wlsb to bo eared pernInnentlY, safely and quickly with this great Homeopathic remedy, which will be sent postdmid anywhere in the world with full instruetions for using ea es to effect a permanent cure. Price St Address John 7'. Walt Homeopathic PharmaoYi Arnprlor, Canada. CARPET DYE!NG end ()leaning. This 0 s.pololty with the British American Dyeing Co" Send particular. by pont and vre are aura to gelid,. Address ffox Ina, Montreal. • NO EXCEPTION. Pat was being shown the sights of America. His Yankee guide, after showing him nuinerons, wonders, brought him to a statute of 'Wash- ington. "I guess," he said, "there's a men, and alie never passed through hie lips." "No," said Pat, "I expect, like the rest of ye, he spoke through his nose." ra tere othe didn't bet 00 0 fe each the die v. "You haven for the seconc "No, ma'am. nose -room." A great resolut her gentle face, firmly, "give me the first night. Wo do." "Why, sister," qu other, "you going to i body?" "No," said she, "but if go both nights—" She pau wi/derecl, quite eut of her tint*. Then a happy thought' her, and she added, "Wo' twice the first night." 5, SHE HAD THIS SORE FOR P LONG YEARS! • How Zarnauk Healed You can't equal Zam-Bu sores of all kinds, whether cr of long standing. That is nninion of Mrs. Wilson, o Wickinson Ave., Toronto. She, "About four years age a s sp'et appeared on the right side o my face, just about the angle of the jaw This spot increased in size until it became bout half an inch for 48.page , illustrated Eye Book Free. in diameter, an very troublesome. t Write NI about Your Bye Trouble and Write Marine Eye Remedy Co.. emcee.. I went to a d ctor, from whom E tion of the Marine Eye Remedies in Your different tini during fifteen years they will advise as to the Proper Applies,. Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you 1 had receyed treatment, but the one Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes ca ointment...1 got did not have any that &twine Believes Sore Ey n .., strength, good effect on the sore. I had it our Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Scab uterized. tried poultices and all Eye Pain, and sells for 50c. Try It i Eyelids and Granulatio0. kinds of salves, but it was no good, TOO LATE! and this continued for four years. A sample of Zam-Buk was one day left at our house, and I used it. "Although the quantity was so small, it seemed to do me some Voice (between splashes)—"Yesgood. so I purchased from Mr. 'What d'you want?" Bauld, Druggist, Scollard and- Landlacly—"I forgot to tell you renge Streets, 'a supply of Zam I had it fresh painted inside last Buk. Each box did me more and night, sir, and it won't be dry for more good, and to my delight, be - two gr three days!" nable Man expects to cure a neglooted —__ fore I had been using Zam-Buk . three weeks, I saw that it was go veld in a day. But time and Allen' Lung Balsam will overcome the cold and stare off oonsuraption. ffo nem gOne and Iusgo be sound as a new been healed for almost a year. ing to heal the sore. In less than dollar. a month it was healed ! It has now Couh Will Try Zam-Buk for eczema, ttleers, skin eruptions, face spots, baby's rashes, inflamed places, piles, blood -poisoning and all skin in- juries and diseases. 50c all drug- gists and stores. or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Pros to Our Readers. Landlady (to lodger)—"Are you in the bath, sir ?" A SHOCK. One of the first shocks the aver- age young married woman gets is 'when she puts on a new gown and husband doesn't know the dif- ference. A Soothing Oil.—To throw oil upon the troubled waters means to subdue to calmness the most bole- terout sea. To apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil to the troubled body when it is racked with pain means now it is learned that the system speedy subjugation of the most re - must bo treated to rid it of inflam- mation and congestion. A tonic fractory elements. It cures pain, heals bruises, takes the fire from laxative cough syrup does the work I h„,„s, andrs a generat household bo quickly and thoroughly as to be medicine is useful in many ailments. almost magical. What heretofore has taken weeks to cure can be ac- It is worth much. complishad in hours. Get this for - It sometimes happebs that by the mula filled or mix it at home and time a young man can afford. to always keep it on hand: One-half marry he doesn't want to. ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one mica compound essence cardiol and three ounces syrup white pine PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 PkYS• compound. Shake the bottle andd,ria . II. PAZO at:leer:se is at. 'teed to rertindth rraeogy el Itching, BlindBiftflt a or Po 'take twenty drops every half hour Pilo. in 0 to 10 days or money refunded. 50o. for four hours. Then take one- half to one teaspoonful three or The man who is willing to bet his ; bottom dollar seldom has to dig four times a day until the system es purified and tones up. Give down very far. children less ciecordieg to ago. Ono A Safe Pill for Sufferers.—There filling will usually cure a whole family, as the dose is small are pills that violently purge and . fill the stomach and intestines with Tommy, aged sir, who has just been punished ey his father; "Main - ma. I don't believe I can stand your husband much longer!" r Only One "UROMO QUININE" That is eexe•rive BROMO QUININE. Look for I lie signature oi E. W. OEMS. Used the world over W Cure a 014 In One Day. 00, A HAPPY DISPOSITION. "In a little while beefsteak will be as expensive as quail on toast." "Well," answered Mr, Bliggins, "then we can eat quail without feeling reckless andextravagant." ISSUE O. 10-10. A LET UP. "Do they quarrel all the time?" "No, they entertain company now and then." Sleeplessness.—Sleep is the great restorer and to be deprived of it is vital loss, Whatever may be the cause of it, indigestion, nervous derangement or mental worry, try a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By regulating the action of the stomach, where the trouble lies, they will restore normal conditions and healthful sleep will follow. They exert a sedative force upon the nerves and where there is un- rest. they bring rest. Many a man is proud of his past —because it is past. riffled to the Dona 7 A teaspoonful of Pain. killer in a cup of hot water sweetened will warm 00 00,1 avert a cold. Avoid substitutes, there is but one "Painkiller "-Perry Davi,'—'250 and sea Mind your own business—unless you are getting paid for 'minding pain. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills other people's. If your children moan and are restless during sleep, coupled, when awake, with a loss of appetite, pale ecnintenanee, picking of the nose, ete., you may depend upon it that great curative qualities because theusands owe their health and the primary cause of the trouble is Ex - strength to timely use of this most terminator Mother Graves' Worm Ex - effectually removes exciellent medicinethree pests, at ence,erelieving the little sufferers. are rnuld .ancl effective. They are purely vegetable, no mineral pur- gative entering; into their composi- tion and their effect is soothing read beneficial, Try them and be con- vinced. Thousands can attest their Some people talk so much that they have no time to listen to any- thing worth while. SPEAKING OF ART. lle Sure you got the kind you havL Young Wife—This dish, dearest, neuralgia, ate, nothing in bet "Thal) V"Identliel Philter Pm. rheumatic ialw.a.ynelrha: is an original composition of my neve & Latvrenee flornParty, at • FUTILE- DISSENSION. "So you and your husbencl are always quarreling said the family lawyer, "Yes," answered the young wo- man. "What do yen quarrel about " "1 forget the subject of the first quarrel. But WO hove been quar- reling ever since Who was to blame for it." MEAN. The meanest' lung That Comes -our A vain stormeers A \visitee's day. own. Husband—Well, 1 should rather,' my pet, that you would cook after the old masters. Dr. Ofiorse's Indian Root Pills owe their singular effeetiveneen to raving Itheitmatism, Lumbago and SPiatit'd to, their power of stImulat. tag and etrengthoning the kidneys. 'they pallid° these Milani; 10 11101'. ninthly filter from ti.o blood the uric arid Otto proanet of waste which gait into the Joints nod muscles and onuses these nal*, ful dmenaes. Over halt' 11 (unitary ilf 0170015 00 0110 has proved eon. clacivelv Omit :Or. xforse's Indian Vont 17tl1 attongthea week Md. nays mid (4 re Rh ou nciatis.rn Co_ Toronto. .1, Nelnefeeeeeeeterdireereses 4 Few Shares for S in one of the best Loan 'Compel Canada on eaeY Wins; only 010.01 .01r.c;1111."ApLpUt';'01,26.,%;3;Pt id. J. RENT, Box 410, London senransssnmsmsammemiur SEED POTATO'E Grown from pure bred seed from England, Scotland and , States. Extra First Early, First Second Early, Medium and Late. For prices, etc. address W. P. NILES, • Wellington, 0 Grower of Steil PORE,. Batas arta Pott P11 Es c1 Blind, Bleeding, the most scientific and economical LYLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR Price 51.00-6 for 55.50, Mailed, Ceipt of price. LYLE MEDICINE 00., 7113 Queen West, "17P,ALGIA,11L/LOAare. 4+1fifilf.L Rad war.'c 500047 , Re. lief cares the Worst pains in from eke 10 twenty minutes. For headache (whether sick or nervonsi, Tooth- ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, pains and weakness in the 1005,id)1118 or kidneys, , around • the liver, pleurisy. rfrellini of the mints and pains of all. Idnde ware itently'Relief will le a fow do foots permanent cure. 1909 was the most PresP year In the history efet Nalional Life Assurance CF CANADA, large gains being ade in INStRANCE IN FORC) SSE'I'S, PREMIUM INCOME, I NITRE sT x N C 0 ee.„ AND SURPLUS. A Spacial Agent is Annuli in this District. Apply to The National Life Assurance OF CANADA, Head Office: 25 Toronto St., To Ravages of Consoolp ALL HER RELATIVES DIED OF CONSLYIVIPT In the year 1800, 18 years ago, S. Gesner, of B11olo1e,.N.S., Was condition. Al! relatives ha consumption, and there was every. her that she was goleg um 04, '000 Aides pointing hake:datum. Psychine, The dodo who anode Fayehine was worthien; hut Weir wonderful core. Eighteen years of letter bearing date August 14, 1 Gesner says, "1 ambetterilimit for years. My lungs have net 1 since'? toot your treatment. My 'S told ate could not talmate I'SYCRINE, and 1 teetotal)). ate suffering froom Lung Zen Oat Debility.' Far tale II allAngableg:' t.:14 Ord•eeNA,