HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-3-10, Page 7/NEB, ueen's Hotel was fined $ro co s, on complaint of License In - Asquith, tor selling liquor to a regular monthly meeting of the T. U will be held in the Library e room Thursday afternoon of ek, 17th inst, E FAIR.—The closing monthly air for this season will be held sels on Thursday, March 31st. mises to be one of the best. you' send in a call to the Cen- ephone office ask for the Number party wanted (ea per Directory) of the name, a hen through vet sat ring off, ryeek Walter Lowry purchased d};es Bros , ot Morris, the im- rted Clyde"stallion "Sir Rol in" He is a fine looking animal, coal black in color and said I6, be a first-class stock horse" OWING to expected removal from town H. R. Brewer resigned his position as Clerk of the 4th Division Court and has been succeeded by J. H. Kerney who has assumed office and may be found at the store of S. C Wilson. Flocs kicked the beam at IN 0o this week hence we revise the poetic effusion in the Editorial column of this issue to read :— The farmer Beds his porkers well To keep them growing fine, He wears the smile that wont come off When per hundred he gets nine. DY The who la our • ;' t ci keep t Root" on I at our Drug le 25e. • r 59. It you would e the Cards with a TH, at d Iowa, has sold his and in Saskatchewan to e Brown and Walter Lowry, ot ssels. HANKS' -Oar thanks are due to a. Ily number who are •-quaring off aybscriptions to THE POST There any others we would like to hear tOOTBALL. MatrriwG, — The annual atlas or Brussels Football team will eld on Friday evening of nextweek 'clock.in the Council Chamber. attendance asked fur so as io eaten a good start out for the luspector Kcechtel Monday the Town Hall on "Forestry" by fine stereopticon views. e nnd.r the auspices of the brary. No admission fee to 'Mr. Knechtel is an old Bruit - and will bewelcome back to wn. Lecture at 8 o'clock. ERY OPENINGS.—Tuesday and 22tel z inst• a n and rd s., the a. z3 rd for this season will s P g u -Brussels, The caterers to dant department are now hard nrepariug for this important o, lady in Brussels or locality seeing the displays. bas a busy time in defacing h in the postoffice :r_ u _1aeg P pencil. Lastweek the • v yo doubt,altered the u e funerals Of Mr. and Mrs. hel, on cards placed in the ble is brewing if e'is 'continued ab there ch difficulty in locating the PkOMOTION :EXAMINA'riONs.— orrn promotion examinations blicschools of Huron will be - March 220d, tem. Teachers tify,- their inspector at once of Aber of apers requiredfor 1, III and 1V. ')`hese papers ff in time will be sent to the teach- s' before March '6th. INS Ca'd're,—The monthly the Women's Institute will the home of Mrs. D. B. av,-18tb inst., at 2.3o sharp. "Housekeeping and Home - 111 be taken by Mrs. Rands, 11 also be a report given of the [1100 presided over by Miss elpb, at the Institute meet - toe, Feb, Loth. Ladies in- , ebd, AL.—A quiet wedding was on Wednesday evening, Feb. the home of Wm. and Mrs. o0 Road. Goderich -tp , form- Isels; wh, n Mr. Bird's sister, ie,was uuited'in marriage t0 rtustroeg of Lake Front, Col woship, by Rev. 1. Hamilton, Goderieh. The young couple good wishes of many friends and happy wedded life, s girls can play hockey in hirlwiod.fashion only were season in getting started at reteree has a busy time ha em from getting tangled up port was the final outcome.• was as follows :— ,ken Goal Clara Lowry Right wing Nellie a+'ox Left wing Rhea Emigh mens Center bertha Sharp an Rover Nettie Brown Cover point Gertie Ross Point Edna Speiran 'ail Holmes refereed the as able to get bine 00- ALDSON DEAD— Word was et Alex. Duualdson; son of sou,of aaltford, had died at r Fort Q'Appelle, Sask., na•aFlertw illness of but s4 had been a resident of o, over 20 years, in which must successful farmer, of nearly 300 acres aitioent of stock. came to the old home 1 married Miss Louise .rne, : Mr, Donaldspn is mother and sister iti tbther, John Donaldson, ay of Brussels, and to arty bereaved widow,. maul/ friends is ex CLOVER and Timothy seed at MOORAOKEN's SMART girl wanted to learn vest making. Apply to C. H. DODD%, Erussels. CAR of salt nt McCracken's comprising barrels, 20011). enchoand 60 Ib. dairy soaks. BOY wanted to learn the printingbusiness, one who has passed the entranceexamination at Tau P,. . good chane afforded. Enquire Two new Twg Cutters left. Will sell at Jumper a bargain. EWAN & Co. SEED Oats for Bale, "Canadian Prize "'eP len- Cold yielders and extra clean. H. M. Doeaox, Ethel. WILL, do saw gumming and fang to your fancy and can make old saws take the place of new °nen. Yours T. McGregor, corner Mlll and Main street Brussels. __ 0 MRs CAMERON. I,UCKNOW, DECEASED. Principal Cam aeon ot Brussels Public School, received Tbe sad intelligence Wednesday of the demise of his mother, who lived at Lucknow. The old lady was about 8o years of age. Mr. Camer on died to years ago. Mrs. Cameron's funeral arrangements were not com- pleted when Mr. and Mrs. Cameron left Brussels for Lucknow Wednesday evening. BASE BALI. MEETnNG.—A Base Ball meeting was held to the Carnegie Lib- rary Hoard room, last .Saturday night by the junior fans of the tuwn, when the "Maitland". Base Ball Club was or. ganized for the corning season. Follow- ing officers were elected :—Hon. Pres, W. H. Kerr; Pres., J. F Rowland ; 1st Vice Pres., F. H. Gilroy ; 2nd Vice Pres„ W. ;M. Sinclair; Sec., S. Fox; Trees., J. .Henderson. New uniforms will be ordered and possibly a series of junior league games arranged.- BARTINDALE — SUTHERLAND — 'Pile wedding ot Lottie S. Sutherland, widow of rhos. Sutherland, late deputy United States consul at London, Ont,• and John C, Bartindale, Postmaster at Otterbein, Ind., took place at the resi- dence of R. Regei's, "Clover Lea." 49 South avenue, Hamilton, last Mon- day The ceremony was performed by Rev. James Awde, Mr, and Mrs. Bar- tindale tett for their home in Otterbein Tuesday. Local interest will centre round .this notice when we state that the bride's maiden name wa•; Miss Lottie Smale, formerly of Brussels. MILLINERS. -H-re is an alphabetical list ot a dozen Brussels milliners who will please the fancy of the ladies for the. coming season in the presentation of fashionable millinery at the places named :— Mies.Edith Bailed, Wroxeter ; Miss Mabel Colvin, Boissevain, Man. ; Miss Linda Colvin Zurich ; Miss Lulu Duoford Toronto ; Miss Mabel ljaycroft, Hamilton. Miss Edith Lemon Bt•nssels ; Miss Carrie laekson Blyth ; Miss Winuie McGuire, Beaverton ; Mis' Violet McKenzie, Londesboro'; Miss Annie McQuartie, Chatham Miss Olive Moouev, Cargill ;, Miss Mary Ross, Palmerston. THE Pos'r is proud of them as there is not a poor one in this feminine boquet. HE Fiia.s 'TIE BILL,—Rev. 11. S. Magee, Field Secretary of Moral Reform work in connection with the Methodist church, delivered a clear, well digested and Instructive address of over au hour, in the Methodist church, Brussels, on Wednesday evening. He dealt trench- eotly„with the questions, how to deal with the feeble,mind'ed, criminal class, inebriates, rate track gambling, tobacco, cigarette and opium laws, the .white slave traffic, picture shows, 500151 (lance, &c. Facts and figures were adduced to show that while the field of operation is a vast one and *be t Servant the Farmer le a Strong Chartered Bank e Metropolitau B Makes a Specialty of the business of Fanners and extends to them most Reasonable Terms, Every department of Banking is conducted Drafts and Money Orders issued at Reasonable Rates BRUSSELS BRANCH. - - F. 11• GILROY, MANAGER vamomarommoordwr a study of literature op the topics dealt with, moral backbone in combatting the evils and increased care of the your tl in keeping their feet in rigiit paths. Rev, Mr. Magee is doing a good work and the audience WeduesdaY eveningwas RU PT UR F in sympathy with him. Church Chimes Rev. Mr. Shearer, of Toronto, fell and broke his arm which will somewhat incapacitate him for a while in his work: Rev.. E. G. )?Dwell discoursed on "Divine Nobility” in the Methodist church last Sunday morning. "Giants" 1 was the subject at the evening service, "Walk in wisdom to those who, are without" was Rev. Mr, Wishart's morn ing text last Sabbath in Melville church and in the evening "The Macedonian Cry" was the theme. • People We Talk About Mrs. Kyle is visiting relatives at Ches- ley Alfred Baeket is away to Winnipev on a business trip. Mrs. Carlisle was the guest of Mrs. (Dr ) Graham. Will. Ament made a business trip to Toronto last week. Ino. Pugh, of Mitchell, spent a few days in town this week. Earl Ament is taking a course at the Stratford Business College. Garfield and Mrs. McDonald have re- moved from Brussels to Niagara Falls, N.Y George Muldoon is home from the West where lib went with a load of horses, I. H. Galbraith got back Tuesday night from his trip to the West with horses, Bert. Lott is borne from Brantford for a holiday As he has not been very well for a while, W. H. and Mrs. Willis and son, Har- vey, of Wingham, were visiting at B. Gerry's last week, Mrs. P. Scott is home from Seaforth. Her mother, Mrs. Brien, is somewhat improved in health. Mrs. J. R. Morrow, of Midland, who was visiting her daughter. Mrs. G. N. McLaren, of town, has returned to her home. - Mrs. Askin,Elizabeth street,fell on Wednesday evening and sprainedher arm quite seriously. We hope she will soon be all right. J. W, and Mrs. Somers 'went to Clin- ton Monday where the latter underwent a medical;loperation. We hope her health will Seen b fullysored. o e restored. Mrs. Albert Carter, who has-been re- newing o r -newin old friendshipsin Brussels and locality, left for her ome at Innistail, Sask., Wednesday of this week She is a daughter of James and Mrs. Fulton, of town Garfield Baeker, druggist, who has spent several years in Chatham. was home on a brief visit prior to leaving for a trip to the Pacific Coast. He has many old friends in Brussels who will be pleased to bear of his prosperity. Councillor Jones, I. C. Richards, F. Sperling ands Durdle, of town,- were at Goderieh on Monday as jurors Their stay there was considerably ab- breviated by settlements of cases on the docket and the jurymen got home Mon- day night. Miss Bertha :Sharpe, who has been in charge of the Be'l1 'Telephone Central for several years. has taken a position as saleslady in the Dry Goods department of D. C. Ross', store. Miss Lizzie Brown succeeds her at the telephone in J. Fox's drug store. Sudden death of Rev. Morley D. Madden, B.A. The sudden and unexpected death of the Rev. Morley D. Madden, pastor of the Pine River Methodist circuit, came as a great shock to the people of this district, which 'sad event.oci:urred on Tuesday, March 1st. Deceased hadbeen ailing for some months from partial nerve paralysis and some time ago was ordered by his physician to abandon work entirely for a time, However he was a young man of excellent physique and ambition and he labored on with the people of his charge, hoping that he would overcome the disease. He preached three times on Sunday and assisted Mrs, Madden with ber work the following morning but tate final attack took him on Monday and he was pros- trated and sunk rapidly till he passed away on Tuesday. His mother had just returned t✓ Londot] from a visit to him and his family bad not the slightest M. timation that death was so close at hand, Deceased was a graduate of Toronto University and was one of the rising young men in the. Methodist Church. He was an arduous student and his hard work' with bis pastoral duties undermin• 4. ed his nervous system. Hethad been on and during that time had made many the Pine River charge about two years I warm friends beside building up the circuit, He leaves a wife, formerly Miss Wheaton, and infant sou to mourn his loss, beside his father and mother. The ` * family will have the deep sympathy of '1' all in their bereavement,. The remains were taken to London on 'Thursday for interment. d' Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - fill in coupon Age Time Rup,...,... ,.. Single or Double Name. Address and return to J. S. SMITH • 88 Caledonia 8t Dept. A Stratford, Ont. imemimmiemmo half past two were in charge of Rev. F E. Malotr, who was assisted by Rev. or. Hannon. The services at the church were in charge of Rev. A. K Birks, the President of the London Con. fereoce. Assisting him were Rev. Dr. Manning, of Dundas Centre Church : Rev. Richard Witicg of the Fust Church ; and Rev F. E. Malott. The floral tributes filled a large cab. The pallbearers were • Revs. G. N. Hazen, W. H Graham, D. L. McRoberts, G. Anderson, J. W. Hibbert andr George Jewitt. About 3o of the late Mr. Madden's brother ministers were present and Crib uses to his memory were paid by Rev. C. F Logan, of Point Edward, a college chum Rev. George Bak er, Couitright ht ; Rev. E. Malo[ Colborne Street Church. and Rev. A K Birks Olhe, ministers who ook part the services s were Revs, Dr, Daniel, Chatham, and Messrs. Beer and Holmes, There were also present from a distance Rev. Robe. Hicks, Crediton, and Rev, 11. W. Mc 'ravish, Gorrie. Brussels Council The montnle meeting of Brussels Municipal Council was held last Monday evening, all the members present ex- cepting Councillor Jo ,s who was out of town. Minutes of isst eae ing read and passed. Accouut3 •'vp;ne ordered to be paid to Robert Oliver. salary, &e., $42 561 Lowe & Anderson, work on street 2 00 A By -Law approving of the Indepen- dent Municipal 'telephone Board was read three limes and passed. Weigh master Oliver reported receipts from scales during February to be $2r 90 A short dl0c0sslaoil ensued as to Municipal work after which Council. adjourned. Isaac Rathburn, a prominent citizen and banker of Glencoe, is dead. The C. P, R. is opposed to the con• struction o' a dam at Long Sault. into,.. The Standard Bank of dead otfite 1 Toitoaxo Record of Bulaineso as gt dist Jsuuttryft .,• PIIOFIT Alto LOSII AOnimr ., . troland° foreatd. Jona 1109 , 16976[.. InvicloaW1 WaIW a1 tM taq.4t la epi atltiroflt4°' I" 7"1 II°IW Pt it Talo °r 1914 tr cent an ,S 77.1, wed o Aa4ita11 Y,AW.09 oYaa"'ad otw b OlgpaaeiaaWka Pore, 1'nal4KYnt lJeaawiie on,i+gq afYeR , �6°.(6Y.0o sear aa�wtmip°mPrea'1, Hila ted 084, avarenyLeaulletalen . nue roller Wake Goverunana Dad other Pana. • • L,a/VaPCi i h. r4LII, adaa _24 44 tplplrren�drnt U pod[ b 1e°tge eirryl.$I Beak Pn rn ser, MO. . OtherAlwel -• • • • . . Toronto, Slat January, %OM 101 leu 9'"- ,aye 0311*8AL 104.17.70211.... Atwood The road grader was put in use on the, gravel road from Monkton to Lis- towel, Elmo Council will meet in the Agrcultural Hall Saturday, March 12th, Geo. Ooghlin has purchased the Livery business, the mail ropte from Millbank to Newton, and draying in Millbank, and moved there, He has rented his house in town to Andrew Peebles. At the Parsonage on Wednesday, March 2nd, a happy event transpired when Wm. McCullough and Miss Susie Johnston were united in the bonds of matrimony. The groom was supported by his blather, .David Mc- Cullough, Miss Frances Twambley, niece of the bride acting as brides. maid. Rev. J. O. Reid was officiat- ing clergyman. Copied pea up Lemma, atop and Phan Rotolo 0liealatto . DividendP. Dee botbor Dante .. . Ito c, be 11 Paper 10111ea' to real1e rrif1211• .for our w Wa11 Papers for 1011) which 'rived some time ago we were treed to make et tot or our t1111 Pit le apers into remounts which we re selhltg at greatly l etluct'd pril'es til feet, all Vit;' 4, • OED. P, SOHOLW:e'S:-. GirePe 1/t.4%2. t. 8QRNI b MCMIOHAEI.—InRullett, h 944 and Mra rhos J. Mol l d n PAULIN --Ill Wroxeter C end Mrs (Seo Pal , agtI RYAN In McKinop d Mrs. Tho.. F. Ryna l JSO Ertl WILLte—Inl$ea'orth, CI Mrs. James Willis, 'ntijg bJ' ti BR US SE,..$ 11'$ WheatIlrj• a1 $109 86 747 t8 12 00 9 00 2.25 Listowel F. Kibler is recovering from his re- cent attack of la grippe and erysipelas. Mrs. (Rev.) H. M. Lang -Ford and daughter, Miss Nora, who have been visiting in Sarnia, have returned home. A Sunday School Convention of this Presbyterian district was held on Monday of last week at which 60 delegates were present. Dr. Mac- Gillivray, of Torouto, was the speaker of the evening. Miss A. Clayton, who has been on un extended visit to New York, has gone to Picton, where she has taken a position oil the teaching' staff of the Picton High School. Dr. A. B. Schinbein, who has been practicing medicine in Sarnia, is visit - mg in town for afew days with his par- ents, J. M. and Mrs. Schinbein. Dr. Schinbein has closed his practice in Sarnia and will either go to Hamilton or to Western Canada. THERE is a lot of money coming to the genius who can devise a method of feed- ing a muzzled dog without shifting his nose harness. MONTREAL Herald says"We have an improvement to suggest to Dr. Chis n I helm's scheme for hiring An g a Canadian navy be renting seven Dreadnoughts. Why not rent them from Germany and thereby kill two birds with the one stone, PERM1S5ABLE —In sendinga parcel by mail as 4th class matter it is permissable to enclose a card or slip of paper giving ii i necessarydirections for the dent fica- tic a is of the parcel The .n of the cont n . h name of thes sender and athe address can 1 also be enclosed. This will be news to man['. It is also permissable to write your name and address on a newspaper or magazine mailed anywhere but there must be no writing of the nature of correspondence. MARRIED RUTLED0E—SPEni.—At the Manse. Wingham, on Feb 18th, by Rev. D. Perris, Mr. Roy A. Rutledge to Mies Genetta Speir, both of Morris SHAW—PIPE—In Morrie. on March 9th, by Res. A, C Wfehart, 8. A„ Mr, J. S. Shaw, of Brussels, to Mies Pearl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Pipe, of Morris tt'rwnnhip. SANDERR--CoRRAR —At Cannel, an March. 2nd, by Rev. R. McCollough. of Innerk'ip, Mr. David Sanders, of Ethel to Mies Jean, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Curr'nh, "Ash Farm." Cassel, Ont. DIED DICKSON —In Atwood, on Mar. and, Agnes Hamilton, relict of the late Wnt. Diciteon, aged 68 years, 8 months and 18 days. LAoxIE.—In Wroxeter, on Mar. 8rd the in. font son of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Leckie, ag d 11 days. MOOAuonEY.—In Morris, on March 6th, John McCaugheyy. aged 80 years. OAKLEY,—A t 14 Peak Hill Avenue Bydenhtnm, S. E , England, on Feb. I Ith, Richard Oak- ley aged 09years, brother of Wm. Oakley, Of Brn,Pels. • PaELAN.—In Morrie, on Mar. 8rd, Patrick Phelan, aged 79 yeara. •4•4044+114•414•41,4•4•4•4•4•4••+ a•+•+A+I+4'+•4E•1•MI:E+M4E4•4•E e The • Toronto Millinery Pt rlors Fashionable Millinery • • •4 4 Misses Sanderson & Carr T t •t• Announce the Spring Opening of their choice new stock for i • ,♦ Tuesday & fight strenuous that good results ore not • TIM funeral took plate on Friday • Wednesday March 22nd & 13rd I When they will be pleased to show the ladies of Brun- sets and vicinity the New and most Fashionable Styles in Up-to-date Millinery. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all, Dur Prices are Reasonable and our Work A 1 g ,, •i•,3'.`oo+4.4,4.4!+.+.4...14+$+N3'•$•1'i's+sd•1+414.44+.4k4A'k.H• $+s 1 wanting. The reverend lecturer urged aftortlClou. the service;, at the house at i 4 a to Mr. oMr, ,and and Pena Barley Butter Pi Hay 21 );njcOPoatoe Hogso A ecorh Apple, .... .........[ glee 1 he The People h olumn e Jtos elle tJ T 2np ttf21 SEED GRAIN,—Tbe undersigned has 1 for sale a quantity of "Banner" and' One Thoueancl" oats for seed. Also a quantity of "June""Peas All good clean seed. MAISTIN MONAIR, Lot 17, Con, 16, Grey, or CranbrookP. O. FARM TO RENT.—Containing 140 acres of land adjoining the village of Brussels, the property of the late James Shaw. Faris is in good state of cultivation. For further porde• ulare apply to JOHN $ALLANI'YNE, 88•tf Brussels. Assistant Matron and Nurse Wanted Application for the position of second as- sistant matron and nurse for the Huron Co. House of Refuge. will be received at once, by John Torrance, Inspector, Otintnn P. 0. Ap- plicanta will be required to furnish references. Personal applications preferred. A liberal salary will be paid. By order of the coin mittee, JAS. WATSON, Chairman Dated, March 2nd. 1910, FARM FOR SALE.—The Executorsf the Shine estate offer for sale the 98 acre farm, part Lots 6 end 0, Cml. 1:, Grey, nearly all cleared. Brick house, bunk and frame barns, driving shed and workshop in good condition. Good orchard • farm in good state of cultiva- tion nearly all seeded to grass and possession can be given on March 15th. School ,;cross the road from property and only 2 utiles to Brum- :sale For further parttoolars es to price, twine, &c., apply to MRS. C. SHINE or JAS. BOTZ, Executors, Brussels P. O. 28-tf Less than Wholesale Cost so that if you have now or will have later .any used of any wall paper you should take advantage of this Remnant sale, Also ask 4n See our New Wall Papers which we will be pleased to show you as we feel sure we have never had a better assortment of papers at such low prices. Dominion Express Money °oohed and sold, F DRUG STORE Orders for +on Lot 16' Con. SEED (G -AIN aslt a 8, Grey—Pure Yore Meuchurl Burley it : Pelts len d 0150 o Oats. Th W Wee, •whits le forfend Ligowo Outs. The .hove also for eslr for feed. P. W. DUNSAR, ECIu-I P. O. 1,,0USE AND LOT FOR SALE on Elizabeth • a i ','act, Bruesela. New stable 22 x 52 feet end a driving abed 14x22 built Met year, If de aired would of-po,.e of team and•oul fit so that buyer might eootinue the teaming Mistimes. Possession can be given at once as 1 intend ing West. Apply to WM, SELLERS. 856E Mortgage Sale Of a Valuable farm. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will produced at time of Bole, there will he ,ffored for sale by Public Auction on Monday, the Twenty- first day of March, 1910, at the lour of two &mous In the efcernuun at Shaoler's Hotel, to the Vutege of Ethel, by te. S. Scott, Aue• tioneer the following property. viz; Farm lot number twenty:seven, in the eighth Conte..slon Of the township or Grey, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, eontoinnig. one hundred aurto, be the some more or loos. The Tann is a good one, soil good clay loam, well fenced and well watered On the premis- es is a good frame house and firet•eless bank barn with stone stabling. Possession esu be given at any time. Farm to shunted within Otte mile of tite Village of Ethel, on Wellington (Grey and Bruce Railway- Terms: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale, balance within thirty days or part can be amen sect to remain ml mortgage on the premises ns will be made known day of sale. For farther particulars and °nnditiong of sale apply to the undersigned or the Alio. tioneer. Dared at Ethel this first day of Match, 1010. F. S SCOTT, CHRISTOPHER RAYNARD Auctioneer, Vendor, i -; I.. Throughout the t re ovismausaing r• Spring Cools a � We are particularly proud of the New Spring Goods we are showing and the exceptional Values we are offering. New Dress Goods The new Season brings in many charming Dress Fabrics. Never be- fore have we shown such a large and beautiful stock of Dress Goods. We are making a special feature of 3 Special Pieces—pet yard- 50c, 75c, 1.00 In our large range you will find all the newest shades. first Snowing of Women's Spring Suits With Easter falling as it does this year so much earlier it is not too catty to make your selection of Spring wearing apparel now. New Spring Suits We have the most complete assortment of exclusive styles on Ready-to-wear Suits, Odd Skitts and Spring coats for women ever shown in Brussels. The fit of our Garments Cannot be excelled, the canvas haircloth and padding used are the best and are all men -tailored. Women's Suits at $10.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 18.00 New Spring Coats at 85.00, 7.50°and 10.00. Odd Skirts at $2.00 up to 8.00. New Corset Styles a for Spring, 19111 p 99 The famous B & C corset, cele - United Parisian corset in all the new Spriiig models. Prices 50c to $1.75 This is a Ian's Store too Investigate the ability of t Store's departments devoted.4 Men's Wear. This season we are showing tilt largest stock of Men's and Boys Clothing, we ever offered. Ou values are right, the styles of Cloth and Patterns are right and they right. The new Spring Shirts and Ti for S riug and Easter are here. The Special price 00 Shift ' 50c. 75c t& $1.0 Spring Hats for M New Huts and soft felt sty the newest colorings. Spee, priced -at 1.50,2.00&2. New Boots and Sho For Ladies and Children, and Boys—Light and Heavy ki at lowest prices. Highest Prices for Produce. Goods Right or your money back, G. N. McLAR