HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-3-10, Page 4MAROli to, rrllo snow has disappeared `:til wheat Iiae come through oking well, eGds his porkers well , eree'reiying tlefifty,.. [mile that wo 't come off iarket says { v1anitobe Government L wI1erevel' LOCO! Option ten gtttislled on techniaali- I'not be granted for the bees the Ontatio pro• ifs to e. lively hustle in This may be all s up tre the Fre- e et busy locating 1' i t the broad .o and lee]. ()mark), he 'great clay es the beat. be a good time for the opncits to have a good' 'elk with the various SO that one well defined t be followed. We have egements could be made xpert roadmaker address ve if eorrespendence were e. The best method ie rt. Hello! r rs are keeping epheinee;i".:`,..se freeziug up, ti, O rights �gtt s and °tip¢ pe z t`d``9f ex-, le clow• e'tuine a • eecad up in e'new Directory accordingly. A 'phone, as if the ce were necessary to ening distance. The ery much better and ip• plea.ing w hoth parties. say Good day to THE Pos'r is 31 and residence No. riven its tlnies the Government has send inspectors to enquire neness of the maple syrup old appear there are Ming the color, and taste of h quality, something ode Manr of the the adjoining townships ,0 inconsiderable expense he. past few years in pro. up-fo=u'ai•g, tpethods of st toothsome sweetness ealit p y of the syrup. leas taken piece in inaple ere and .often calls to I long ago with the the tripping with an g s,ff", &c Business pleasure now in the eve lobo. ions manner of fine may be imposed on ' syrup or sugar, 5EG LETTER. Cls of Spring,business re taking on renew. r a s been e very tette lee r et th onghout the /7 f�I,pl eather has been so HNA !% bruary was more tee, eo-. ding months but all as a result of t. meet brought ing looks exceeding -- a seasonable Spring 'liens. BIG PLANS Al has been partite ing of plans for the we by side with Year's work, plans sen of into have pped Ititu shape. chole the eredtun n dollars worth tit peg.e. Plans tar this hive been or mo. ills, mid soh' 11 toe IUs budding line suint teason- eaviest eon. ver had and curd lorany d that almost __ new 6. This ied very' and even most car. TY al activity The city ing centre mouths some im nnipeg irf ods to bei ler Cane/ best rail/: r: w of the g and re this nother tappens, d and, lit d ix WARNING Slnce lis Introduction into Canada the sakes of Parisian Siege ,have been phenomenal. This success bas sad to many in)itation'k similar in mune, Look sudor them they etre not the genuine. See that the girl with auburn hail' is on every package, Youwttn always get the genuine at Jae, Pox's. Parisian Sage is the quickest acting and most efficient hair wltitf in the world. It is made to conform to Dr. San- gerbond-s, (of Parts,) proven theory that dandruff, falling hair, baldness and scalp itch are caused by germs. Parisian Sage kills these dandruff germs and removes all trace ot dan- druff in two weeks, or money back; it stops falling hair and itching • scalp and prevents baldness. And remember that baldness is caused by dandruff germs, those little hard working persistent devils that day and eight do nothing but dig into Che routs ot the hair and destroy its vitality. Ptuisian Sage is a daintily perfumed hair dressing, not sticky or greasy, and any woman Who desires Inxuriaut and bewitching hair can get tt in two weeks by using it. 50 cents a large bottle. ,vas.. Chitfii-as is natural—these in- quiries tend to the establishment of new tacturies fur making farm machinery, automubiles and motor boats. boots, and shoes, clothe)... building- material of various sorts, and other lines that ale in sharp and increasing demand through out the West Factories that already are in °petation here find themselves with uuhnilted demand and must in crease their producing capveity very otten to keep pace with this demand From thy character of the he firms that ate [akin interest g g re t a i n Winnipeg ase place for setting up a factory, it eel talo the, 190 will see some important industrial developments here, the more so from t be tact that the great city power et plout will begin to furnish power to consumers some time within th year, baring accidents. RAILROADS WILL DO MUCH WORK The season will be a very busy one for the railroads, too. Second Vice - President William Whyte. of the Can- aduv Ptietfic, hes announced that ten new lines will be built by Ins road this Lear Of great importance among these will be the double tracking between Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie, an ex tension that will give the C. P. R. well up to 500 miles of double track West of the lake trout. Next year the C. P. R track will be doubled to Brandon, and the value tit these extensions cannot he over-es•imated. When liere are double hacks sc•oss. the prairie section of the transcontinental roads, hours will be chipped from the mining schedule of coast-to-coast trains. and communica ton betweea Western cities -both fat freight and passenger herviCe- will lie vastly improved ; all with ebtire safety and ver; great saving til time and cost. Alarmist reports of Sir Wilfrid Lau ries s [Italie are absurd, The Premier had to lie up with a cold and bilious attack Hou. Robert Rogers denied in the Manitoba Legislature that he was asso- ciated in any way with land deals with Dr. Montague. HE FEARED TO EAT Till •'Little. Dideeters" Cured His Indidestiou Like many another sufferer from In- digestion, Mr. E. Thody looked forward Ito mealtime with dread instead of ,.pleasure. Writing from his. home at 141 Yorkville Ave., Toronto, on June 12th last, he says: "For two years I suffered with In- digestion and obtained no relief from anything I took, including several pre- scriptions from prominent physicians. Every meal was followed with acute pain until I feared to eat, consequently •,became run' down for lack of nourish- ment. ""Little Digesters" were recom- mended to me by a friend and I tried them with remarkable results, two boxes completely curing me. It is three months since I took any and have not suffered a pain no matter how heartily I eat. I would certainly recommend them to anyone suffering with Indi- gestion." Why allow yourself to be handicapped and your life shortened by Indigestion or Dyspepsia, when you can so easily avoid it? "Little Digesters" are guar- anteed to cure you or your money will be cheerfully refunded. 25c. at your druggist'e ' or by mail from the . Coleman Medicine Co., Toronto. 32 Es For Settlers IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached LOW SETTLERS' RATES Settlers with Live Stock and Effects Special Trains leave Toronto 10.10p.m.Tuesdays during RARER and APRiL Settlers end Families without Live Stock should use Regular Trains 10.10 p.m. daily WINNIPEG FLYER 38 hours to Winnipeg Through Tourist Cars COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS in which Berths are Free Apply to. nearest Agent for copy of "Settlers''- Guide," "Western Canada," 'Tourist Cars," or write R. L. Thompson, )).P.A,, 0.P,12„ Toronto. a1 ,T. FARROW, Agent lintlanold .114 Dona Ever MakeVelly RollMadam? Wiles we were just about so high, ours was an insatiable sweet tooth for "jelly roll" and such like. Sometimes, however, the cake wouldn't roll right, broke on the turns -mother was "unlucky" those days, and the keen critics didn't insist on the biggest piece, Mother, you see, didn't know flour••• -•took 'whatever the grocer offered—also took her chances, Do YOU ever make "Jelly 'And when you turn it out roll," Madam 1 on the damp napkin and Is 11 always a perfect anal, spread the under side with geldeo crumb, without even layers of light, porous, }ern or jell-lt doesn't get .soggy soon nor crumbly. And when you roll It gent- Whydoesn' titroll over soft- t't ly, while the kldlets watch ly and smoothly l why does y + : this most critical proceed It crock and break In spite. Ing, there is no Crack oar of thecareful fingers behind brook In theperfectsmooth- the dainty napkin ? ROSES ness of the surface—'tis a Ali on account of the IIn- nate "cussedness" of chap ce,. * a * * flour. Mighty hard to make "jelly a r * w roll" like that, Madare, and it's lin- Thore'san elasticity, Madam, acoher. possible with stingy quality flour. attain FiVE ROSES flour respond But it's easy if you use FIVE Mg to your every effort. ROP':S. Easy to snake melting The strength and: fineness of FIVE Puff Pasta, flaky pie crust, tooth - ROSES hold your batter' together some rolls and goodies galore. In the long well -greased pan, 13e flourwisc, Madam, loin the mile Bakes evenly, giving smooth tex- lions using FIVE ROSES, tura, soft, •golden crumb, spongy, if you are aoriustomed to cheap porous and yielding -no holes nor flour the results will seem like magic. lumps to vex the soul. But you must use FIVE ROSES. streaks or holes unsightly? CASSE Of 1111E WOODS MILLING CO., 190., MONTREAL fee SOUR STOMACH Ivan Almost Certain Sign of Acute Indigestion If you occasionally have a taste of sour food in your mouth, it surely shows that the food you are eating is not being digested, but instead is fer- menting and giving out poisonous gases. Belching of gas is a common symp- tom at snob times, and also that lump of lead feeling, as if your 'stomach was carrying a much greater load than it could stand. If you want prompt relief and per- manent cure, go to Jas. Fox and get a large tin box of Mi-o-na tablets for 50 cents. Jas. Fox knows that Miona .is a highly recommended scientific remedy and that he is ready to return your money if it fails to cure acid stomach, belching of gas, dizziness, biliousness, sick headache, foul breath, and all stomach troubles. ME (Meow //NH -owl) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or rey back. Sold and guaranteed fry JA1M12S FOX, Brussels. Huron Presbytery The Presbytery of Huron held its regular meeting on 'Puesdsy, March 1st 1n Willis Church, Clinton. There were present Rev. a H. Larkin, mrderator DI Stewart, Mesors. J. A. Anderson, P. Davidson, E. H Sawyers, N Shaw, S, Le Sharp. D Carswell, C. Fletcher. J L. Small, E F. Male Smith and J. Hamilton ministers, and Messrs. Buchanan, Cutt, Kidd, Strang, Gem melt, Murdie, - Smyth and McNay, elders. The chief feature of the meeting was the hearing of the annual reports of the d ff••rept departments of church work. Pee Sabbath School report a•as present- ed by Mr. Smith ; the 'Christian En- deavor and Young People's Societies eport by Mr, Small; the report on anurah life and work be Mr Larkin ; ,he teport of the social and reform e"tn• inittee by Mr. f)avidsou ; the report on statistics by the clerk, and the report on systematic beneficence by Mr. .Shaw. Mr. Fietcher wascor.'inued as convene' re the sugmentetiou commit'• -e. The fo.luwiug resolution 'n regard to 1115 resignation of the Clerkship by lir ileLean was unaniniously adraetd - l'ne Presbytery of Huron being ea led eerie to accept the resignation as eters of Rev Archibald Mel.eatt. D. D , would place on record its'appreeiatiou tit 1>1 exoelleuceand w rib. Ur. McLean assumed the tesponsihih'ies of the cite k - ship in April, 186e, at a time when the Presbytery of Huron stretched North as far as the congregation of Nor' •r Bruce, taking in Wroxeter, Brn,;sels, Ethel and the in lying congregations and extend ing South to Grand Bend. Duriug his lengthy period of service his oier008 duties were discharged with . diligence and unbroken rettularity. He was al WNW; ready to give infermatiun or dir• ectiou, 110 the ease might be, to env tegallvless wise than himself. and ex-' hiblted in a praiseworthy way tlhe suavtter in mode with the former lu re Failing health at length compelled hie reeignatiot, which was accepted in rammer. 1910, after a period of neailr forty.one years of faithful service. The Presbytery would commend hint to the keeping of tate God ot Lintel and Would prey that when the Divine purposes with trim are finished he stay ' come to he grave in a full age, like as. a stock of corn cometh in, itt his season " The matter of church union is to be cot: . sidered at the morning session of the May meeting, Messrs. Larkin and Fletcher to introduce the discussion, Messrs. Corriere, Sinatl, Dr, Stewart and elders from Seafurth, Varna and Auburn were appointed conlmisstopers to the General Asserehly at Halifax The, folloatint' appointments rind nominations Were Made :-Mr. Smith to the Svood's business committee ; Dr. Stewart, to 5 • t ,.f -As- sembly corre. ondin comma 1n P g Rev. J A. Aniletsun. 13 A', for moderator of Synod, and Rev R, P McKay, D. D„ for moderator of the Assembly. The conference for the Mary meeting of. Presbytery in to be oil the subject of "evangelism introduced by Messr- Andeh:sonand Smith The following Dere appointed to tit standing committees for the veer' the ministers named on each coin lei ttte having their elders associated with them in each case : Home Missions, Mewtrs• Fletcher, Shaw and Sowers;-ehurcu life and work, Messrs. Larkin, Sewers and Carswell ; Stil bath Schools. Messrs Sharp, Small. and Smith ; finance, Messrs. Hamilton, Maun and Shaw ; systematic beneficence, Messrs David son, Shim and Fletcher ; superintend- ence of students Messrs. Dr. Stewart, Anderson and Rowers; young people's societies, Messrs. Small, Anderson and Shaw ; augmentation. Messrs. Antler son, Fletcher and Corriere ; foreign missions, Messrs, Sewers, Anderson and ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers TO LIVERPOOL. From St John From Halifax Corsican .Friday, Mar. 4 Saturday. Irlar, 6 Aetperian Friday Mar. 11 Virginian Friday. Mar. 18 Saturday Mar, IO BOSTON TO GLASGOW Pretoria', Thurrdey, Mer 10 9 a. In. Nurntdien Thursday, Mar. 29 8 p. to RATES OF PASSAGE According to steamer. tat Class —970 00 80 00 and upwards, 2nd Ohms — 92 50 96 00 47 50 50'.00 8rd Class — 28 76 80 00 PREPAID TICKETS These maybe purchased from local agents to bring relatives or friends from any point in Great Britain to destination in Canada et Lowest rates. For full particulars of rates and eaillngs apply to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels, Pr, Stewart ; social and moral reform, Menste, Carswell, Smith and Hamilton 1 evanhtljsm, Messrs, Sinith, Mann and Sharp i couferenee, Messrs. Carswell, t u N(tni 1 and Pletcher ! emergency, Me cls, $awers, Anderson and Dt> Stewart. The nest meeting is to be held at llrttcefield on May 10111, 1910, A 751 F011 04).64? -0, wt4era1ynod °Were forsalolde20a0l01a,'mbalnsLets07 04 18, t7an• a pr 185 aeras of wltioli 1100 tnioav apltlystlon tis {tors buel), Rtalm,nx pitstttre lend, On the provisoes is a /era brit k 10ase u h t'n n Is h #! 1 e bn , d tl ttt, lir , I're1a 1 a ut alt of yi tten5e gaodoraimrd: r It riatet'ed; apply to dt01A I tlWiti For 2111011 P O r0r128a84 l i s Is�'OR l3AI+B.tin,' out os at Haid wits u good tt" brisk aPEtago, batllr tarn .tn,d 'o�her elft MARCH FORECASTS Jpbuildings, oleo a good of hard. , For farther ,rqtionlnnenp raibrAk...11°1'4 Weather Predictigna for March. About the and and 3rd equatorial' st01lrs of great et,ergy, eap001011y in the South, arc predicted, ,At the elose of this and other March, periods, look for hlizzardons'changei; tO high Northerly gales, with cold waves sweeping from the Northwest. A reactionary storm period falls ou the 6th, 7111 and 8th, with indications that unsettled, if Dot stormy weather, may fill match of Lite time between the first and the thee" storm period„ of the month. A regular storm period extends frons the Colli to 15th. 00 the central day of this period, the 12111, the moon is o,1' the celestial equator and 'i :perigee. 1t le in conjunction with earth and sun on 119 11th, the exact center of the greatest magnetic and electric perturbation of the whole year. Watch Lith 10 r4'h 1 A blizzard out of the Northwest .will be natural. A r-aettonary storm period is central on the 17th, 18th and tent, with moon at extreme North declination. This period is near the center cif both the earth and the Mars equinoxes, It is a coincidence not seen i11 ages that they should fall exactly together on March 21st, Violept storms may or may 1101. Occur at this trine, but on and touching the 17tli, 18th and 29111 ig another time to exercise' calm and prurient watchful. nes;. Change to high barometer end tench colder will came out of the North- west behind these storms. A regular"torperiod, s mas of full storm possihilities as any in the month, es central on the 24111, extending from the 22nd to 27th. Tropical storms. of sue salve 01 11urriraues and tornadoes will be natural Southward, with a boreal counterpart of blizzards ot sleet and snow to the Nurthwatd. The crisis ot Ws period will strike proeresslvele from West to East from 24th to 27th. Within three days of noon on the 25th is another. veru marked seismic period, .Earth Earth- quakes in various sections of the globe. both -at tuts period and from March 9th to 15111, will most likely he attended by abnormal magnetic and electric cur rents: A general and severe cold ,wave for March will most likely come out of the Noi thwest. It will touch most parts of the country between 25111 aticl 29111. A reactionary storm period centers kin the 3oth and 3tst:and prolonged stories of rain, sleet and snow should not be surprising during the last week of March, The Venus, Earth and Mars perturba• tions all begin in February, and con• Untie through March and into April. Remember that the. Mm's influence p1oluugs aouditiens existing whet) he. enters, and look into April for much the same storms and weather experienced We in February, Wingharri Sim. Our left for Calgary, Alta, where he has accepted a position. Dave Joynt has purchased the bar - bet ing ar-beting business of .%septi M etch. The new Superintendent of the Hospital, Miss L. Matthews, has en- tered upon her duties. J. A. Houston, of Toronto, High School Inspector made this official visit to the Winghttin High School. 3. H. and Mrs. Leishulan left last week for their home in Pense, Sask., after spending the Winter with rela- tives ill W.inghttm and vicinity.' C. Burford. of Wingham, delivered to A. L. Louttit, butcher, as Rue a quartette of hogs as could be seen itt many a day. They weteseventnontits aud2 weeks old and their live weight was 1230lbs. They dressed 1000 lbs. The four pigs. broughtl3Mr. Burford. over 8104.00. Fire in the Gier block al Macleod, Al berta, did 810 000 damage. The Amer. lean Hotel at Moncton, N. 13 , was dant- aged to the extent of 820,100, and e blaze in Naylor's factory and the Stan. dard Glove Works at St. Johns, Quebec, threatened the destruction of the town. iA • t 4. Business Piduc ttio u is the ♦ greatest' legacy you Can leave ♦ 4,your children, We get down to ♦ the bed.roek fouudatiu1 of 1iv- tug business science, and assist 0 h i ,ice i t {)r h Ptldl ti e to u' f.1 4 i ROLLS VOA SALit,-.Two,yonng Short Mira ' r gee 011110, both 9t far snrvlee for sele. pond pedigrees and all right 111 every Wily 9704' fur- ther parttaulere apply to JAM. 03718I19, Lot A0, Con, 0, Morns, ortlr0ssols P. 0, 41-10 F419M P'O12 aAL10.—The underefgm d taws or elite e here ural bong u eon. 04.4A444A444 440 iY 40$4011010. Father MOther a. ♦ f I tli 109 Y l 110 0 11 y .yg ata t 0 10Grey. About• 70ao'e elearvd tku4d brink. ♦ Otiilltnta. ' ltousa and fume 111511 a 10,1115, goon oaterd, p Z drilled wPh, AentieH in good uolaltuu, tern • Elite!' any [jay, Ind lvicnal ill- e, iArpnoy oo dJbh6Gont19tt8, wroil b, l eeCi , uctign. 40l0sutly cuutsls Buaaela, P 0. or roF:, 0. Sault, Brussels, aa•tl,• ♦ EsARM F018 SALa•-the undersigned offer); for auto, llle tee 50115 11uIu1, being Let Aa, Uoa, 16, t#reY' Apuat 70 acres owe, ml, balance In 0Wahap, a cores 111 Fall wheat, at tierce 00,0• ed uuwtl. 10111001111511,4110 On the rural is a frame Heusi,, 11111111 bora, dr1Ynhg elreti, good a'ybiuU rued drilleu well. Ulun5 'Pun o poet' elnua, church and setiuoh y'ar fnrth5r (111150 - lar, apply to ,IOJN 0813U1t.N18,, Yroprret0r, or F, S. Scott. nru,,sela. • ACRE FARM FOR SALE,—The: un- i0u� der,tgued uffurn Yar sale, Lot nanbbr six , lac Wes leen is esstun of the tulvnahl 3 nl grey. 'Phis lural is exuatieutly situated meat three allies from til weals. About 76 aorta ekared, Htoetl) uaderd,amed. Zit vires aeeu5d down. Good ore115rd n'5„I5 hoe.) lied barn, slid two good wells, School hoosewt the farm. This place must be mold anti possession given tesull aha tt3u'uhaaur. Fuf hurgcumra 1.1 , P. to'1'ii05 410N1'161111., itiA1iN188, Yrop Vendor's Soli- 8 PO., or to A. R• ul0i8 A LLPH, Veudur's Soli- citor, iirussety, Oct - 25.11, FOR SALE OR 1'01tENT.- The undersigned offers his Nell1ouat511 puoperty h1 Hrnassis fol sato or to re11P Stere aro o)r, lure, st laud with comfortable hoose, with cellar, stable, oreltae,t well, &e, Poeeu„ion .given tit 01151.. For prioo, terms and other information tiply to JAS. DUNFOltU, Clinton or Tlllil YOGA Brussels, THOS. DUNNORD, Langdon, North Dakota. ARM FOR SALE.—The 100 acre farm, bo- ing the pprotietty of the late Peter MoPxil, 1,05 28, 000, 14, L}rey, is offeree fa• sale by the undersigned. There are 8005,50 cltlared, bal- ance well timbered, On the farmthere da it good bank barn, large driving shed and a com- fortable house. Phase in. .good condition and wall fenced. For further particulars apply to JAS. A. MaNAIlt or JAS. D. MakTAID, Simo- nton', Oranbrook P.O., or F, S. SCOTT, 13rns- sets, 7-tf I♦ In Senior ', O1IL'hel'S' Alai nettle• o •. lieu and Coultuercial subjects, . Saud fur ptiitiralars, ♦ o ilad wl•t'cio 13tAtl1ucatursite' Aesocith atiCinnmttu of 011al . •o acs,. ♦ ♦ EASTER TERM OPENS • - MARCH 29th• • • at o IA/INGHAIM S T Business College ♦♦' ♦�oomso0 OEO. SPOTTOel, PRIN. O 0 ♦ Write foppsvtleulnrs CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Lr'l writ- anet4lnee tor 11,1131155 catalogue Wand lea ,nthe nntoreof ourroui•,PH in t. Commercial, Shorthand or Tele- 7�a graphy departments. We hove the '•>r �t Imatm6, practioel, training school in 1a G. Westlln oaiei•bo. aoareee aro tool- •� ongb, I,,,trn,ao's oxperienoed 51111 wa 00 areiat itr,,dugtenfe paeltiols. Students r are entering each week. You ,honld enter now. D. A. McLAO LAN Principal. w 5 ,�pvi;snc,yA�?busYbez>� karnv�nrrt'nrar i���% You Can Even Do Your Toronto Shopping Through The Star” The Star's "In Toronto Shops" Depart- ment describes new and attractive offerings seen in City Shops day by day, with the Toronto Daily Star's offer to purchase any of these articles for of -town subscribers who ho send the money. Many are taking advantage of this Department "OfInteresttoWomcn" istheweil-deserved heading of a special page in the Toronto Daily Star. It is one of two and sometimes three pages devoted particularly to women's tastes and is independent of the "Social and Personal" and "Madge Merton's" pages, for years popular features of the Star. .'Of Interest to Women" includes scores of little hints on health and beauty; the newest fashions in dress and house furnishings; talks on ethical matters of particular interest to women; points of etiquette; suggestions for home entertainment; recipes; daily menus; advice and suggestions on all the matters that lie close to a woman's heart. They will, help solve household: problems, and better still, stimulate and interest the mind. On the Woman's page, and throughout the•paper, current topics are treated in, a bright, newsy way that appeals to the wide-awake woman. You'd thoroughly enjoy the • Toronto Daily.r $1.50 A Year 9 This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together far one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription price. A strong, rich super-glutened Flour from hard Western Wheat Makes good bread AW/l/lll//r 4/ filakeilairreeena 4