HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-3-10, Page 2tA'1Yl it 'Out 44111 ( OR, 'C'id LIERI AGE O, MADAME YAL: ['A, C:TAPPER, IV,-^(Cont'cl) "A name Which will tell yell no - Item the mull," "All!" said the countess, tran- rtuilly, "Who is he "13'e is a fereigzler, a Slav.. who led n. I4ayeterioats life here, and suck - dozily disappertrecl. He lived in „Rue Jou€fray, and bad for compan- ion a marvell9usly beautiful crea- ture who vanished with himself. His Villages pointed her out to me at the Rink," "Ana no doubt you made love to her?" said Madame Yalta, mill- . mg. I accompanied her to her door, where I narrowly escaped be- ing' murdered. It. was Georget who saved me from them, Being their li accomplice i` p rue he was aware of their plans, and manoeuvred so as to de- liver me from them without de- nouncing them." r "We see now that Georget knows better than any one what has trans- pired, sincehe knows the thief. Let us return, then, I beg, to M. e,de Cerium]. It is he alone who in - , Cerium].teeeets me, and whom I wish to, . :find." "I think I have discovered him."' "You haveseeen him?' r ,•n' iY0 ^ �x i , know where lel e is.ho- c L. enc ad that, Ib ,fi on returning with G e 4� arget to his. grandmother, he re- .,a4..,, e- cognized a certain' wall, from the ,, top of which he had fallen, •.and re- membered at last why he had climb- ed it. He lead in the morning seen Robert de Carnoel enter a house, ). ch was enclosed by'e thatdwall, andr having watched r, before it all.day, ascertained that he did not leave the house. An in- stant before his fall he saw him again, holding a. torch which he waved as a signal I shall give you 1,... a surprise when I make known to you that this house is occupied by ' the Russian whose casket was stolen 1 from my uncle's:" -y_.; .`r33orisoff ! ah, the wretch ; He only would be capable of so infam- ous a proceeding!" thin. It was Ladislas, But I acted for the best! Tell me now the interview terminated." "The Russian denied the charge with disdain, 1 threatened lane lute reccurs() to the commissionary of pollee." "Nothing more was wanting--" "I was irritated, else I shotil4:i not havo gone so far, especially as I have no idea of mixing the police upwith this w ]1 affair. And thecolonel dict not seem to attach any import ance to this menace, for he assum- ed a haughty and contemptuous tone, which exasperated me. I re. doubled my urgency, he requested me to leave; and I went out an- nouncing that I should send him my seconds." "But you have not clone so, I hope?" "Not yet; I have not had time t9 look for h t em "And I hope you will not look £o • them." ""Borisoff expects them." "Borisoff knows well enough that an affair entered upon in 811011 8 took place during a soiree at M. manner will have no consequences. `Durgeres'. M. de Carnoel And he has iiia reply all ready in? nal was case you send two of your friends. � doubtless.in your uncle s salon at thats'? 'For time 7 et then, n t g he fa lsa step P sult „yes, certain) made yesterday, and let us consult 'y; chee never missed as to.the best mean ajthe Wednesday" it." • s of repairiie reception." "Be was not, therefore, with the "Sm," asked 11axiine, timidly, thieves. It might be said he had FRANK ltrankville,Ont,,, Sept 27, 19o9. "I differed for years from beaclacl00s end pain in the back, and I consulted doctors and took every remedy obtain- able without any relief, nen 1: begun taking "Fruit -a -tires" 1 the famous fruit juice tablets, and this was the only medicine lame that ever did me any real good, I took several boxes altogether, ,and now 1' ant entirely well of all my dread- ful headaches and backaches" (Signed) MRS, MANIC LATON. At deal00 aers or from Fruit-a•tiv s seeor trial ms , Ottawa. "If she did not clic of it," mur- mured the countess. • "It is certain that she Ilad an accomplice—this Ladislas mention. ed by Georget—and the next day this accomplice succeeded without accident," "You say that there were two at- toinpts at theft, and that the first you judge me still worthy of sec - on ng you in your generous en- ter sees)?" "Dol• ou doubt it If I had not an abse ute confidence in you, do would have been more complete you thixk- I should' initiate you into' The unfortunate woman, who was my most\.secret projects? nautil n ] c s ? I have f ated, would not Have lost her no other friend on whose aid I could hand. He what k given them instructions. It is in- admissible. Information, furnished by the secretary of M. Dorgeres, the intimate friend of the cashier 4 asih ., ha `d.,' 'p clang" silent s nd tea iftor o tau]c Inecefi, ud isletliusctl)lap wait made by tlle)tl aware of the situa- tion. No mutter—these gentleman forthwith decide that M. de Oar - noel is the last of scoundrels; islet Ila Ilas dis1eonoted himself to oblige an enemy of 111': 73orisoff and to ap- ;lllopa'iate a few bank -notes, ,And =stead. of delivering ]dim to the an- therities, who would at least Mire allowed slim a chance to viladinate himsolf, they agreri'to abandon hien to the investigations and the von- geanoo of a man interested, and consequently partial. In truth, one appoars to be dreaming when he examines calmly the strango fea- tures of this affair," Maxime, struek dumb as he lis- tened, lowered his head and spoke not a word, having no reply to make to the close reasonings of the countess. (To bo continued.) I'IIE I'EUELtL LIFE. Results of the Past Year Indicate Good Progress. The annual report of the Federal Life Assurance Company of Canada contains very satisfactory indica- tions of progress. The report, which is given 1 e vain' g another place this issue, shows now business con- sisting of 2,600 applications for in- surance aggregating $3,663,896.66, of which 2,501 applications for $3,- 5C1,235 were accepted. As in previ- ous years the income of the com- pany shows a gratifying increase and the assets of the company have been increased by $329,092.68 and have now reached $3,643,949.53, ex- clusive xve of guarantee capital The security for policyholders including ua sant ee capital lose of the p amounted at the year to $4,513,9¢9.53, and the liabilities for reserves and 11 outstanding claims, including 20,000 set aside as a.special .addi- on to policy reserves, $3,351,254, lowing a surplus of •$1,162,695,53. I f xclusrve of uncalled guarantee'ea- tal the surplus s n to policyholders as $292,695.53. Death claims to e amount of $200,408,07 n -ere 'd. Including cash, dividends d dividends applied to the reduc- e of premiums, with annuities e total payment to policyholders punted to $8447,274.43. Tho as- ranoes carried now amounted to ,049;322.31• a ti 51 I pi th 0o the casket the�pal ely : .Dr, Villagos least of all." I next evening understood how to an "He fears for your health, and avoid its terrible embrace. Do you' do he is right." ;still maintain that in this internal' th "Not only for my health. You!M de Carnoel might have warned am have never reflected on the danger I them 7 It would be an absurd sup- su attending an attack on Col. Boris- i position. The secretary, initiated I $21 off 7" + lute all his master's secrets, must "I confess I have not. We are have long known the existcnee of not in Russia, and in Paris I do !the trap, and had he been in Teague Fringe is being used on many not see how this Russian agent can with the thieves11 f th won c not have .o a turbans 'of draped straw o Then you believe as I do, that eyes, a striking illustration of his; pointing out the means to avoid the colonel has made use o£ a ruses Iii." exercise his occult powers." waited for a grave accidettt befor•e silk. You have however to mode of proceeding with a Fre,nch- geb M. de Carnoel in his pow-iman who incommodes him." er, and of violence in keeping him?"! "M. de Carnoel's case is peculiar 'I think we may esteem ourselve I{ "All that is very just," murmured Maxime. s I e was accused of theft; be had " So just," resumed the countess fortunate at ' elfhr efia e not 1v • of killwith ed him.' "that • takenha I flienergy, fir h�n lost t. It was+lin' This man is a secret agent of the 1 nr, one, unless it were his accusers, amazement at the the moment which Russian foreign police. He wishes. would concern themselves to k o ' I struck. as all at mo,accu the! At any price to discover by whom l what n e theft was discovered. had become of him. � To, accuse a s papers have been taken. M. colonel would scarcely undertake man for this something reasonunheard that he' e Carnoel was accused. He began such a game with you „ 1 is absent' -wars *use lir y obtaining possession of his per- "He wouldm le "It was not — find some m x, T did not ace u au iode of t- • usec hsasmado i'fi jhi !fuIthreat„ g s.him —tackTwasI, n ttela r1 es na t."� ,this P tm with the an is 1 e hopefor- er k, of inducing hi I. m to midable,:to• Georget f , 01 you he Itold confess what has' been done with; shrinks from nome there were means of vengeance, and in this of-�°nly thus Russian and the cashier. the casket. M. de Carnoel has! fair he has a he cashier was alone whert The Russian was in the waiting -I tot been able to say, since he didgreat vengeance to room,r" I execute. He has been overreached ,” ,eat know, and torhave * b b cora- y those who have taken his papers, •' promised himself by this arbitrary land if he could annihilate them arrest, cannot set tam at liberty. every one he would BorlsoyN'',wl :•mr,ae an end of him not hhitate•" "'kott believe that this theft had if d not already clone so. I, only a political end. But by not a moment to lose in sae-' whom 7" ho discovered the theft•" "True ; but he called Col. Boris- off, and sent immediately for my uncle. Vignory verified the con- tents in his presence." "And they recognized the (limp - e unfurtnnate yuung. man,. "By proscribed l Ipearance of the casket. The d it is I only asnfor•tunates csuno t who can. I sh- i .,,e. beg. probably.. Europe is full' of exiles/ made known that a stern. g tliy therefore, to abstain from who, havingsuffermoney was taken—I do 't =s g step." ed from Musco- n knot- w what, t s vitedespotism,om et ' it," anyhm coin era . make 8 txvel •- " war P in- u1 i saida Y sicfix. T I �t _p �,axime, "it is --.I from afar. I have thegood fortune}} sxg'uificant,—and it was believed on nal.0 already taken one." v{ "< nue tob a' „ ea a le subject. liJia b ect t? asked the counts, 1 T have. quickly. therefore, nothing to do with per- quofickly. most natural. After has-- ns w the of thespa species. But , am always party of the weak,. ' g taken Georget to his grand- and therefore it is that I interest ter, I returned quickly to Rue myself in those whom this s nrand asked for Col. Borisoff." secutes." nY par-, "It' was folly. He did nut see "Then if M. de Carnoel had aid - yon; I suppose 7" ed the persecuted in gettinge,• "1 beg pardon, madame. posses- He sion of this casket, you would de- men youthgeto impute the misdeed ived me immediately. He fend him still ?" ) to a whose life hitherto had ht I was sent by my uncle." "Yes, ecrtafnly; but it is not!' been irreproachable." clieu 1 what did you say?" true. We know who comm] "Appearances were age ec what he had done with I tied the !his b , hr : afilrmation. "But—unless it could be suppos- ed x l e had taken it himself—" "No such question was raised. The case is simply this : Here are three men brought together by an event which touches them all in dif- ferent ways; and without reflection,I without investigation, these three noel." eh 51nee 'Georget has dc.' is a rupL doparture "Aldi" mnrnlu•ed the countess, 11 is now lost.' "'What !" exclaimed Maxirne, "if 1 d 1 let tour ^' not gene directly to the point ' Wel have had time to prepare t is ra "rl of the tI e hslgnaled 1 'But"they knew the cause of this a certain Ladis.las. It is a l olish l departure. Your+ name --some refugee, doubtless,,,dissnj knew very "Before placing myself at • - i well that. b had dismissed r. The, isposa • e Inc enlighten you`fur_ Carnoel, who was in despair. The. ther as to the history I ' well you should know all. One r. ly. him.' h'ed to surprise andlWednesday evening, Vigeory and I, ..yost flatter yourself that whr, were going to pass the evening neeretled 7" et my uncle's, observed alight in l,nnot affirm that he seernod i frighoffice, ilscot'ol•y goingnd on Thsafe iin s de - '1, These Russians have a fended by an -apparatus 5o eon- s ''hs +a one shallas to seize attemptttooperant by asks' e,.)..,... ~1 'a P P Illithotlt taking rertain precautions, for news o£ the young Well, a woman's hand was found bogned ignorance. Then I remaining in the vice. To avoid plainly that M. ole Car -1 being arrested, she had caused her Den. seen , to enter his hand to be amputated. et he had not been 'seen! "".Do you believe an ordinaryth• f and ti ra' 1e must be would have done that?" asked the oeeeding thus yeti sof/ would confess e and yield up his ad not reflected ved the first impulse eountees, in a quivering voice. "Assuredly not. I thought from the first this ;attempt at theft had a special motive. Afterward, when I learned the disappearance (;t the ced �rit]anWe coneeivedvVignoryas l and , duce you di5ap•II..�tlse unfortunate islet of keeping Maxnne, sadly, ?what we had learned, secret„ The t his conduct' attempt was not repeated by the dame Y i it's,yeat w , wit° must have been sa- 1fel ing the coneequenecs of the am - h you; you putation," Camphor k ,vr Fp FOR CHAPPED SKIN ESN® LIPS, CSL® SOLES, fHINDSOR% 12 Vaseline Remedies ' dies ` its Tubes Capsicum, cam P Berated, Men Mentholated, Cnrho•Iated,CcoWllrpof Zinc,etc. Each for special purposes, Writo forFree Vaseline Book, CHasOn000CH I110,11. CO. ,Cons'd) 375 Craig at. W., Montreal 8 Maple Syrup Makers €'ef,,arrSietl�,9�e�aatc eeS TI BonOg. nntontn_d, ativa, tnSel 031', wat,h Or 3111or only 53.0 n.,rtn of donne an rn taus ss epee ds Taa ho Iiko Lau' Untie Sana 7:41e nud Wei �h,nail yon the ell a t' rkras e en *011 110111 uNto nth d Apar, M x111 do. ((fttL��i,r, ,macs ltoluon•EE senna.l, Tito iunt 0,1' Dero5atyy, eel Dept. 2, watcrl¢o, Gall At2entlon 1 Bow can you reasonably expect to make even a faire quality of syrup using out-of- date pots and kettles and pans for boiling your Maple Syrup. Write for booklet on the "Champion" Evaporator to The CRIMM MANUFACTURING Company, 4. 55 Wallington St., Montreal PAGE .. .... ,...0300 vp�unmxlli,tw,iiF E CES kegs Fears wear Rest-- r + �T OaaeePeacl 7a, Styes far r,awns, Parka, karma lluqp�i Ralirogdd, 14,060 tailed of Page Oa0 Page Gattis now in use In Ceaatla, Our 18x0 Fenced ere tetter than ever. Page. Gatos for 1910 have Gdree5nsd Frames, Oct our latest prices cad beeinet. THE PAGE WIRE FENCE CO,, LIMITED Lartest ::'f•1:i,:L•T' FE TORONTO aesmoe arid aeezer.te untCT. rJ0lln era in aa441idit"u'' za_.-, .,,_,-,_ ++ -- -mow tJ1Yf�ri4 FarJL. E d.. G,� 1 $'.d+r, Pink Eyo, i:Pizoolic „t r ,` Slfipparr Povor ' >< Sgrecureand positive preventive, no m, h Catarrhal 50 ado Infected or "exposed," Liquid invent on the tongue: how at iltelood and 1g t4atta%expela file poitionons sermafromu:a body, Cures Dli,temperIn Doha and Sheep and Cholera in poultry. L,rarat netting live mimic remedy. Cures �t1'' LaGrippe among humtahelium and isa13eeRid nay remedy, feoand $1 a bottle: deand $11,adozen, Cat Ole out. Keep it. Show to your druggist. who will get It for you, Fre* Booklet, '"Di,;ttuoper, Causes and Cures.', O15TRIa0T01i5•••ALL WHOL65AL5 DRUGGISTS SPOHN MEDICAL CO„ Chnalafs sod 9atlerlafoltlsis, GOSUE/, fn. .Il.1i.1, ,> A " is the se o' h '>r it always 0 er 1it',fr ti1r,1(trt 4.¢4j.;+�,V„ Y'c�'a°�t•'3'�;7r...,,% Its native purity andI. garde freshness is'per- fectly preserved in sealed ALADA" Pae __._.„._•.._-- �1 tl vonng aced fife same ap Icmca Pr vaniiln, ny ,ruIeaolvina hrt'¢Au]pt¢,7 auAar in. . manes h a n 71f v ter A t1 1- FD t k /Sealable, n fie] lei 1 { ¢ + E '' aoaers, heJ tl 9enaaaIe,n Splineeotcold bx " reotpa lmok. Crekeea 80c foJr, s4fifaa and ---._ t ffieg, ce., il?attra, wa Fa orbanksm o.rsn 1 e II Evaporator Tank. . Cold Weather, These Engine@ are the saffie as the Standard horizontal 'Evaporator 14n• -eines, except that they are mounted- on skids with gasoline tank placed in base of the engine, where it is wall protected, making a very neat, tom eemeontained outfit. as can bo seen from the illustration above of the a L,p; Gasoline azo ' no F ,urine. Please out out this complete advertisement and Gond for ootaloa W.B.C. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY, LimitedMONTREAL, �. , N. B. TORONTO, WINNIPEG CALGARY• , .VANCOUVER: Serpi-Portable or Skidded d EIljy''Ipe Equipped with Evaporator Tank: Designed especially for general Farm Work Built in 5 and,, 5 ILP. Sizes, ,P. Semi•7?ortable Engine with Specially Adapted for. Work in NA st ADDaii$S eFe er 1 Life Assurance f Canada Utheut 4,4+ ++++++ e BUSINESS "Thee* of four must keep in vi . ell the most profit i ,r, z good cows, good fee'd'xn care, says N. P, H ill, Two businegs e'epos „i; dairyman ahoulcl have il'ir Arstto sell es many do; as possible, carrying amount of profit; and to maintain or increase i',y of the fields. Of all branches of live banclry, dairying gives I return n fit feed consume has not been a time in tl teen y ee;'- ," asserted. • "when my cows would given: a good profit on al ooneumed. The feed w to of steer would be c a pound of beef worts if given to a good a pound (7) of be omits. As pops must rely on'tb roan nutrient Silring a of which won outgo in point -o_ decided many years ago leader of dairying, which a steady income, the be which is that fifteen minute one has fed the tows he around to the b lsiness -, dra. ws the returns c ' u n rs1 Dairying is prof i the right kind of cf,' clinching comment�` of a farmer in Ohio seSe. rd twenty years ag with o unci now has a her annus °raging $160.14 er eo cheese -factory rein ns fir nelk supply; that d an's I yields 14,000 poundstuf milk not a very extraortlinary perhaps, but his po" 'est gi 000 pounds, or five ns of year. He sells his cadet young age for an a {{erage per calf, making a t tel of , per cow per year. L} Investigation in Mi igen di I wed two men living mile ay one realizing $22 pe cow, or y estimated return of 0 cents per ]tars' worth of feed onsumed by cows; the other ret ives 879 per w, or $1.98. per dollar's worth of d' airying is profitable; but if you 't care enough for t to put A le l roto t c tnsine' 't go into dairying.", ' old Whatse 1a� go into in that `case is an er question, but do)'t dairy, Sirh.en I began dairyying," sal Hull, "I was getting 940 in milk per cow, at a o , est of w have ws e forty J ' worth of feed per. •sear, 'takes only about t' ento worth,of that f{ hinery, so that t surplus for mi; consequently,; ars' worth of r is profit. free machine to its ft GO ty, sed regularly," i "I have hats ny ted 40 to 60 pou�T for a 1 tty UriaV0i100 lour of milking wit og ve a variety of fele to heard silage ret rained that he ha N vhil e his milk yield e his cows looked b e id you feed?' he o ing.' To r•,roir' 1 e Yes,' he replied, while his fairly watered at the sng- n. 'Well, how would you like after butchering time your t nothing but fresh pork be- ll three tinges a day for three ui months ?' He saw the d a palatable ration. We 1 and muenh tibottt the imlrort- 41 balanced ration, which i •fight, bein nothing but a common -souse lecherously mixed ra- i1- of two clefcete I would pre- alatab]e unkalaneed to an able balanc d ration. Get ff that tasfIs good to the Medical exports agree that ility has mu^1L 'to do ,witlx n, Paiatabilil;y is one of the of silage." , the cows heathy and eons- . See that tlkiy have plon- esh ail' .an iunlight. 1'f 't afford any,othet• system dation, borrot' a saw, cut the stable 11;111 and tack ver it, 1VIusl)i curtail is bsat system of ventilation, . fax ahead of mine at all le B{an be- magi Warn) tvitI1i paper gird shblbp, t mbe1, .a'cl he speaker, ,t' trying is a 0y863rnatio prim - the rnaLel•niti of the cow, unction of mohel•ho°d do- mfort. Whi1C intimating retake has bin to water in a coyote barnyard, ham out for, hour. or ry piofreilv > thndal his rat the- Ca •, Wil ltrr syaa- , dt,pieted by ink pro. anllc,t at,ll1C� e•'lltatil'P all eertvitli Iris r, 1)trdtded 1#. Tfie Tweirt do r 3-e Hifi AnnlfaFl4feeZing of the Shareholders of the Federal Life the, !Assurance Company of Canada was held at the. Company's Head Office, in }Iam- -llton, on Tuesday, 15th February, 1910,' at 2 p.m„ Mr,. David fo .Mr, W. M. Davis,. Acting .Secretary. Dexter In the chair, f The Annual RCC Report, p President, , as follows, was r -ad si d adopted, on motion of the D n • Your D ee orsthave she i hd onor tto present t the Re, ortLimit-Col.Financial Berns; don ,meet of the Company t prlosed the Report erd 909, duly) vouch - led for byA y for the year which ptosed 81st December, 1909, duly vouch- ]lit the Auditors. The new business s of cations for insurance, aggregating te g $3.663, of two 2 which six hundred,1 fly dent hundred' and one applications for Nei of wpteh two thoutrand neo Sha 1 As In provlous e -accepted. :pill crease, and" years, the Compaeny ohveo Cbeen puny shows a 15955 59 and rr the assets of the 3, 0001us have been intoe ca by .$329,092.39, ane 'have now reached. $3,693,949.53, exclusive of guarantee capitate The Security for Policyholders, including guarantee capital, amounted' at of r the close of the year. to $4,513,949,93, and theliabilitiesfor reserves and, all out- of m out- standing n 1 claims,- lms- incl � including ..00 $ 00 serves, Set aside es 3as a $ 351 25s ceded 9.A a oo, sladdition onto 1 norino apolicy g surplus -re- us os r D f guarantee Ca tC P al LIdxa helu Iv surplus to Poilcyholders t•ns $202,098.63 • a of uncalled la r3 Pollcles on one hundred and fifteen lives became claims throngh 1bath, to still the amount of $200,408.07. .Including Cash'Diytdends and Dividends applied to the reduction ofpremi- late' umn, with annuities, the total payment to Policyholders amounted to $347,274.43. Careful attention has been. given to the investment of the Company's finial. hme in first-class bonds, mortgage securities, and loans on the Company'S polfeies amply secured by reserves. Our investments have yielded a very oatlafacto13• .and, rate of Interest. • Expenses have been confined to a reasonable'. limit, o'onst.stent wits, due et- doll forts for new business. The. results of the year Indicate a moat gratttytna pro-. forty grew. Compared with the preceding year, the figures submitted by the Direct- the ors for your approval show. an advance of nearly ten per. cent in assets, • The assurances carrSpa by- the Company now amount to $2'1.049,322,31; upon '• which the Company holds' rpap,•ves to the_ full amount required by law, and, In addition' thereto; a considerable surplus, : F all Tau are to be Congratulated on the fact that the surplus over Capital' and II'tlli. additionLiabilities it ilfie20Inereased $42,624.33_,during the peat year, from which a special. nor wasecru made to paltry reserves. eser T3 ve he n, Pohl officers e r sand. agents ofa, are the o When e entitled to much credit for their able Company of ]IIHe Compalova), y oalnte rl 0sts. The members of the office staff havealsothe h panty's *01011 e. Proved faithful to the.Com- �'(v'1 Your Direrto,e pre pleaspri o '.bo able. to state that the buslneaa. of the g Company A n1 fm• the current year has been ofa most ratisfaotory. character, and clomp that the outlook for the future Is most encouraging,. - • DAVID D.NaT81 b11t a littl I aVin else d President' and Managing Director,. .. A VDXTORS> REPORT.' - To the Presldrnf end Directors far the Federal .rife Amnia:moo Cornenyt. hangrenttc:tet7,2-74.11;17 e enrrfully endued,the bopkg and r0oords of yo,lr Cam - for the 3)at-December last, and 11000 celHiend. to the),• accuracy, The Cash and' journal Vouchers have been closely examined. and'ogree With the entries rennase, The Debentures, Bonds, plc., In the nosseasion of the Company havo.. been ,Yuspectoa, whilst -those cle50siled with the Government have been verlfad by fttsscertlfioote, the total agreeing with they amount as shown In the Statement of ets, The accompanying Statement. viz,. Revenue and. Expenditure, ac rfabilltlea, shows the result of the year's. operations and also • 11 ala and tion of the Company. the financial posl- 'IInmllton,. let Primary, 1910. Respsetfuily suhnitted, t 0TTA3LFn ;'rrFF, O. A. } Auditors. C. S, SCOTT, 11' C. A. J FINANCIAT,, STATEMENT FOR 1Q09.' Premium and Annuity Income RECEIPTS. interest, Rents and Profits Paid to �Poxtcyholders DISBUrr.Sp1111ilNTA. Il other `Neth pork?' nsontlr gestin It1f wife'se fore ,30 al' fo lioin13.. • ."'Fee lave he anee of sally tion, b f e r to p unp,ilat the stu cote. pa!ootab digestio vi i'tlles Keep fortable e8 ty of fr o e ler payments $710,927 60 174,074 02 $383,00 3 0t1 can *lance t 223,240 94 '01 venti 810,400 01 a Isola in $s9s,002 cs, ebenturee ASSISTS, 5Mocuezema a1ST„ 1909. Behan 0 ortgagoa nntl Bonds $1,443,078 85 cans en Policies, Donde, Stooks, etc. 888,885 77 not tlxo All other Assetss30,ss4 01 but it is ,,:0,014 6tl .. $3,013,0105The ltesorvo )rune - - $247,274 43 UAW/NU/31S. 3 1 building - 282,095 63 -48,648,040 6 870,000 00 mantle eo and the f Petal Security $9 61 0 hie cows Polities were ISsued Assuring $ 8,004,235 oh !Petal Thinirance In Force A 1 the retiring Directors wore re-elected, ti's'.iol'ioN2414M0.!2025.31Aticinri, KIX, Slot.TVIIiielgVLG