HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-3-10, Page 1l�tl
Ise •
1.A-err—hie Fox.
nd ••"`I
I. n1ete.nola,n.
i yVlurt -O. u, Dodds.
it Res Smile •A1 tlfti 1 .
d Dee. D ,' cods -1) P. Ross,
„e s-.0. N.. McLaren,
etli looly—tu hl. Hitt„ hallN
'611111aucy-Mistias 7nna}•rsnn dt
Rev, W. S. West, M. A•, interni lit
wee made.. All', Geddes ,viae highly
esteemed by a wide circle of friends.
r Mrs, ,1, Datament,of Bluevlde, is a sib-
ter of deeeeeed,
I ,Colvin, of 13enssels, wds
of t)A'thoclet
po s na
ei 1 to
rywhile on her t.a
position at Zurich.
DORS DEPEAsrme—After s
'Meese from rheumatism,
s, son of the late John.
away at the i hospital
years. 1 -ie is surely -
is a (laughter of
thie locality)•entl
e 1elnailla were
Ole by the
tday efr runon
00 conducted by
0, Sievert, of Thu dwich, was in the
village l*1e Idi
Laing spent several dose In
p.odcrlchit( 1ellt y,
Manager Bertram, of the Trader's
Bank, spent Satreelay in Lucknnw,
Hobert Trench, of Teeswater, was
tailing on old feiend8 here lase week.
Editor Chisholm had a new oylindor
power press installed in his new office
last week,
Miss Lizzie Sanderson en.teetaineci
iL nombee of her young fx•iencis last
Thuoo1 y evening. e
Sam, Willis, of London. 18 the e gel st
ofhis sister, Mrs, Jno. Gibson, and
other relatives here.
The sterdor eeparttnent of the Public:
School was closed two .days of last
week owing to the illness of principal
Van Velsor.
A meeting of the business men of
the village for the pnrpnsa of oeganiz-
ing a Business Melee Association hes
been called for Friday evening.
ry Opening
Y & March 18 & 19
The Sensation of the Day •
eo,. Kitchell°s, Ethel
he Latest Styles from Paris and Liindon.
rimmed Hats from $2.5o up to $15.00.
ur Black Picture Hat is worth corning miles
The Ladies will do well to call nn the above dates
and inspect our stock before buying elsewhere..
Groceries Boots Shoes &c.
tock of Dry Goods, , , ,
1'4'e regret to leat+n of the coiltinee4
M4;10041141100 of Nails E. Montgomery.
Wm. Joe lute returned from Lis-
towel where he has spent sev v
nlolithe, -
Miss .Brailey, of Brussels, has retnrie
e(a reel is agent 10 charge of Mee, E.
W. Lewis` dlillzuery luustues8.
MOW) 8,4110.01y is expeeesed for
00. aud Mee. Leckie in the 1080 of
u' la.
died l use
de !.
their infant, sou whoi Y
t week aged 11 days,
morning of !met , b
Janes 13allent•yne loft thie week for
Drayton from which piaee he will ac-
company d car of b'as'ses which is be-
ing shipped to Riulisstrrt, Sas
Mrs. T. G. Hemphill was taken ill
while visiting friends In liarriston blit
we are pleased to learn is improving
and will be able to return to her 110100
here in a few cloys.
Rev. el. 8, Magee, Field Secretary
of Moral Reform in connection with
the Methodist ohin•eb,in Canada, will
achieves it meeting in the Salem uhuech
on Thnredayevenin ae8 o'clock.
Albert, aud Mee. Willis and family
and John and Mrs. Simpson and
family, who have been spending
the Winter with relatives In Turn -
berry, left for their homes in Sask, on
Monday afternoon.
----- •
eeeeeeefeeeeeeeseeee esee,o00eereoerecenocess000eeme,
dhow makes Blyth his lbeadgllartet's,
bonght the.prupetty. ,the eltanges
will give both Mr, MCDouald and Mr.
lto , good laces and we wish
themi t p
them success in extending their fsat'14n•
iva opeeetions. There 18 a good brick
house and black barn on the Oomlbee
1arae and 11 ie 10 a good neighborhood.
The reglti411' n)u,IW1ly nleetmlg tit t t.
Women's institute was hell at the'
home of Mrs. G. EEcktnier on Thursday
td d
c v well attended, ,
wise a.
24th and a
watched very interestedly the detnoU-
stration on "c(ake.tnaking” by Mee. J.
D; Miller, the result of which proved
very satisfactory. A, beneficial paper
on "Benefits derived from Women's
lnstitute" was given which showed
that she lead taken greet' pains in pre-
paring. These meetings are ieterest-
mg and should be attended by all the
people in the community,
rect in Style • The Latest Colors
At Popular Prices
MEANS THIS—That if you will only examine 0
Dress Goodsyou will be convinced o.
assortment of e
is profitable to make a selection from our stock. •
t it p standpoint—Prices, a
ry are certainly right from any •
ality, Colors, Style, Durability and Appearance.
o Goods 0
Dress Go
goodsii to be had here in all the leading shades-eleuve, 0
s 3t%a, shea Brown, Black in Fancy Snipes tuac1 ee
0 also in'ua, AshesofRoses, Navy, ,, 'e
• also in the very popular 1'PoolDiagutial' Suiting in the following prices
0- 50c,75c, 1.00, 1.25 L'}
0 ei
• • Prints o
As you are aware Ornm's English Prints are the finest Prints on •
• the market. This is where you can seoure them in all the, Newest et
0 Patterns.
0 Wash Goods
The ever popular Repp for Staines can be seen Isere in all the 0
® inP p
® leading shales—Linen, Chaiupaine, White, Alice Blue, Mauve; VV is- �
• teria, and a the popular price of 20c. per yd. •
• Adder to •
above would say that Anderson's Gin:thanes are ate o
0 riving daily and are being sold at -
• 124c. a yd. 0
• The ti a to be examining your stock of white shirt waists is at :
0 fraud and aur wants can be filled in this line at from •
.00 $
ii Me a and goys Beady -to -wear Clothing I
o Lion rand Boys' Clothing. It leads ail other makes for style, fib,
to finish. ,r.duriabili*y, wear and price. All new ,styles are now in o
re fiand our ices urs right. A. guarantee with every suit. It pays to •
C buy the eat,.. •
o Hats, Hats •
c n• Boys' Clothing don't forget to see the best Etats•
j Whi i looking 0l'• ands"Fitwell:'-ars widely and •
(a shown n tome—the "Kin [Int
0 styles at right, You cam be suited in any shape m' style wanted.
® d nds •
Mrs. Ballard spent a few days at
the Manse.•
There will be service in the Lutheran
church next Sabbath.
Mrs. A. Tindall, of Listowel, spent a
few days this week in the village visit-
ing relatives.
Wm. Armour. of Winghalu,. was in
the village looking after the egg 10-
dustry for the season.
The grey horse that has been so long
in the service of J. Bann went to the
"kIappy hunting ground" 00 Sunday
The Council meeting held here on
Monday waslar els attended. School
gg go to the
' ,willlikely gnestuu y
Room. Possible marks 600.—Sr.
IV.—H. Noble, 484; L. Sperling, 472 ;
13. Ahlerenn, 487 ; M. Sperling,462 r
R. Knight, 458 ; A. Sperling. 443 ; L.
Alderson, 401, ; *0. Steles, 182 ; *M.
Hunter, 102. Jr. IV. -111. Cameron,
421 L. Perrie, 370 ; M. Gr'asby, 358 ;
*M. McNabb, 305 ; *H. McDonald,
253. Sr. III.—E. McNichol, 477 ; 14I.
Granby, 367 ; G. Cameron, 447 ; 8L,
Noble, 894 ; F. Grasby, 875 ; L. Steles,
113.. Jr. IBI.—G. Knight, 484 ; E.
Sperling, 478; M. Alderson, 450 ; M.
Pereie, 412 • *A. Hunter: 877 ; 0.
GoIsalitz. 814: 'Al. Baker, 339';• *T.
; * 103. Jr.'
u 8..4 I. Steisa.
room. Pi e8ible 111ar1(s 400.IL—W.
Cameron, 313 ; 31, Long, 284 ; C. Long.
279 ; S. Noble, 249; E. Pennington,
212 ; W. Krauter, 159 ; 'F. Fischer,
120• Pt. II.—L. Baker, 328 ; A. Small -
dim. 827 ; *41. Knight., 182; I. Kreuter,
162 ; *13, Fischer, 139 ; *I. Bunter,
118 ; *R. Hunter, 115. Sr. 1. Good.—
E. 'Baker, J. SIualldon. Jr. I Ex-
i hol A.
ut.—E. Baker
J'.� Nichol,
Spiu•lfng. Primary. Excellent. -11.
Pennington. Good.—W. Knight, A.
AlcQularrie, G. Alderson.
OSCAR SEA.W. Principal.
vi c1CAY
East Wawanosh Council will meet
bete on Monday, 21st inst.
Mrs. Carlisle, sr., mother to the G.
T. R. agent, was visiting Mrs. (DI'.)
Grisham, Brussels, during the past
week. .
Saturday afternoon of this week the
150 acre farm of the late Archie Mc-
Neil, 12th con., Beet Wawanosh, will
be offered for sale by public auction,
at the Queen's Hotel, Willghein, at 12
o'clock, to close up the estate. W.
M. $inelairl of Brussels, is Solicitor
for the administreteix.
J. 001'.10 bas sold his 50 acre farm in
East Wawanosh, to Wm. Arbuckle.
This property is at the rear of 141r.
Arbuckle's farm and he now has 100
acres. Mr, Currie has purchased the
25 acres on the 12th concession from
his brother, Robt. Currie, and with
the Elliott farms recently purchased,
141x. Carrie now bas 150•acres i0 one
- Awaiting' your Many ems
I'. Fi. 11+.Itlt, ProprietQl
Assessor Cowan hae been attending
to ills duties,
'['be Blyth estate farm has been
leased by W, klef eon who will ublliza
it largelyy for pasturage,
Baytli hart all the local places beaten
fur besul.ess ahateeee and we hope nub
of le all good will result,
Londosburo Hotel bee been rented
to Mr. Han, of Blyth, who expeets to
take possession in a couple of weeks.
John Bowcock,of Londesboro, has
and as.
sold his properly to Joseph a 0h
Manning, and it win shortly be occnppi-
e.' byEdmund and Mrs. Manning who
present in Blyth.
ata a 1 s as yon o Luckuow
Joe Blaney h gone t_
wherehe lies taken a position. His
801)1411 rutile will be missed to Blyth
and no where more than in eouue:time
with the Rifle club in which he took a
great inteiest.
Home SALE,—Jas. Leiper had a
very successful sale of horses. here on
a raaeut Saturday. Following is the
1184.01 animals sold :—Geldingg *•`slug
8 years old, $218, to Michael. y,
Morrie ; Geldiugrising three years
5177, to John McCall, Morris ; Filly
rising 3 to Rpbe•Ferris,Hullett, 5165.
Gelding 8 years old, to Otias. Johnson,
$22,0 ; Brood mare 5 years old to Robt.
Reid, Bullets, $250 ; Aged horse to
Robb. Ferris, titillate, $144 ; Gelding
rising 2 years, to Robt. Scott, Hullett,
$142 97 ; Filly rising ng 3 .Robes t Reid,obert 5208.
$ Y B
School.report on page 4 of this issue.
Last week Rev. K. A. Lundy, 13. A..
was at North Kinloss assisting at the
induction uf Rev. Mr. Matheson.
Walton A. 0. U. W. Lodge will be
represented next week at the Grand
Lodge by:Reeve' Govenlock, of elc-
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held in the
A. 0.1;7. W. Hall Wednesday after -
Main of next week. All the ladies of:
the community will be welcome.
The auction sale of John Ryan carne
of Tuesday 'afternoon and totalled
about $2,200. It is probable that Mr.
Ryan and family will take up their
residence in.Seaforth in the near
A St. Patrick's Social will be held
in the basement of, Walton Presby-
terian Church, under the auspices of
the Walton organized Bible Claes, on
Thursday evening March 17th. Pro -
glom, refreshments, &c. Admission
Blyth milliners are getting ready for
the Spring display.
Alfred Care Is home from a visit
with relatives in the Queen city.
A. W..Robineon has been enjoying
an extended visit . wi th friends at
Me. Hodgson was at London last
Friday attending the funeral of the
late Rev. Mr. Madden, who was an
old friend. '
Next and last monthly Horse Fair
for_this season will be' held on Tues -
clay, ' March, 29th. This will be :a
sweeper. Take note of the date.
Principal Joynt has a good class,
numbering 10, coming up for next
exam. We
id -S wme P
w u
theta make a record foe Blyth school.
Doc.Oarr. who is opening Veterin-
ary practice in Clinton, will move
shortly to the "hub." Clinton people
will find him and his family first-class
FARM SOUL—Joseph Ooombes has
disposed of his homestead 100 acre
farul, near Jamestown, to his neigh-
bor, of
or the sum W u. Hamilton,
hat t
n ell with
is a good r t
It p y
brick house, bank barn, &c., and was
owned by Mr. Ooowbes'for 40 years..
is tela union
of th w
will be
held in the Methodist Church
IU -
i Rt
W. G Hanna, B
when v
ncial associate Secretary, will give an
address on the work of the Lard's
Day Alliance. He is a good speaker
and well worth bearing. Rev. Mr.
Hanna was a former Morris township
boy, being a son of the late George
Hanna, of the 0th line.
that Dr. Long had sold his dental
:'1` art
�e to M
r. Mt:Taggart, het* g8
ie oompletang his course at the Ou-
tario Dental College, cane as quite a
surprise as he was looked upon as a
texture. Possession will be given next
May. The purchaser is a brother to
G. T. R. agent McTaggart, of Blyth,
SO will have some acquaintance with
the location. De. Long has not only
proven his capability as - a first-class
dentist buthas taken an active interest
in the general welfare of the place
Ouch as; the 'School Board, Public Lib-
rary Board, athletics, sometime, 40.
Ile may continue to make his home
bele for a time. -unless he goes West,
we hear.. Blyth will part with Dr.
and Mrs. Long very regretfully.
William Wright, of Wiugham, woo•
ed to his Tarin least week.
Melvin and Mrs. Willits moved to
Salem last Tuesday where they' have
leased a farm for a number of years.
Muss Jennie Simpson gave a small
• , John
party in honor of her brother J
the West
ve for
o l(.a
who intends
Walter Wright, of Dysart,_ Sask.,
Who has been visiting under the par-
ental roof for a few months, left for
the West Tuesday- taking' with him
solne valuable hcnses among other set
tier's effects. Mr. Weight has been
very pienspeeous in the' West and his
many friends wish him continued sue,
Hratniitou, East of Jamestown, has
sold 50 acres of his farm to his Leigh-
bnr, Donald McDonald, and has pur-
chased the fine 100 acre farm adjoin-
ing him from Joseph Coombes. now
of Blyth, the price being $5,000. It is
over 40 years since Mr. Coombes, who
. Laing,A cog were M. and Jae. Kelly, G+, 1, eree,'
and Win, Las , 1805 He had een c.olifaned et) e
na o ati Woo bafola h
,� 1 ti P the W m
Palen, from
and R, e rJ
G toss ,rout outside punts were John ]dales, W. Cuullilaf�zblxrr�t it0�d14�.taUi.,!>�:
1ll dell of Brampton, :1111. A1cV*tog3)e .- 0
heave of deceased: , 5 i4 (1001.3) palter 3
he to will
meeting o s from en 'ane.:
of gx
ggat he benne
Mrs, Wp will be heldatt h tot below gun to ,Fra
. Love on'lhirraday, March A �oxka 110 y g� � e ,, ..
Mrs. Wm
171b, e at epa p.t m.. Topic "Should wegn O Bev with w WW1' of of, UU44�a p108310rs
have Separate Schoolstaught
or Tr Public cove a o' 11 er00se the llo;
Languages b0 taught in Public At this rate .1 t supplied,
" cu. b. x114.8. 8. 8, Cole market should be weltpp
Anil 111r , telt Y z r 1011 Rev, le. Parris,' ,
and Nits, Q, McUaal. Ou 1reb11 t y ,
r leas- at Ills 104111150, Willglealn, 1,011 )r105G
D . eve t A 'very p lee
ER9 ba. wat%116
•oinu11 4 y+
re cut
t m Y.
00 b
took t ,
event P 5 �' ^
t andt i
alt happy, to r.
s el
andWa G Jl
Thos. ec
It tl t
March 2nd, at Ash harm of Thos. and A.
of this township, ''Tile bride is it:
Mrs. U• el Norm, Cassel, Out•, au r11Ger of Jett. Spelt:, 4111 line,
when theiriedlddaughter, bons of They will 008tluueto ttiak0their,lrokil,•
was united in the holy bonds of •n .Morris. May their joys be maw.
matrimony Pr toy David Sander's, of 1 Wm, Anderso0, who lives uea,
Ethel. Prem )try at high Mem, the was visiting11er0 for e 15
Meatus of the arida, chorus played by (Malley,
' L e' 10 Q
bre z
days. He is h
1 party Ethel Carter, the bride A Y
entered theparlor aud took their Audarson and Mee. Ale.lt'�iu;y`
places under n arch, beautifully dec- 8rd line 0nd 1s a pusher being g
i • bells and smilax.. interested in saw -milling in adu1Llo
orated with ddub
The bride was dressed in a beautiful to uwniug several hundred • lutes '
gown of cream 'vsilve is trimmeddShe of this townshie was atone
. o Mr.lue Anders1
with applique and silver bridal veil She h several ears ago t0 ees0
wore tha,•custotful bogwtveil and work and take things easier but 1111
carried a beautiful buquet of cream still in business up to the top of li?
roses and was attended by Miss Mabel head.
McKee, Asquith, Sask., who wore a SoaooL REPORT.—The ,following, J
princess gown of white silk mull and
carried white and pink carnations. the report of el. S. No, 6, Morris, fie
The groom was ably supported by the month
ofl3 t February,
Spell.,. mat Beale.
Thos. Turnbull, of Ethel, while little 13'•,g
Ruth Armstrong. dressed in white of work. Total 50th. lieme s _iii
silk, made a charming little flower Sr. 1V.—R. Currie, 222, Jr,IV.-1..i
gird. After the rites of marriage had Bone, 394 Sr. I1I —0-. Slzaw, 44b.3
been performed by Rev. R. eloOul Jr.l tillers 381 L—J. it ,War 1. 11$5L ;4 7 ;i
lou b of Innerki, the bridal party , B wxu"ta.j
and guests assembled in the dieting Sellers, 198. Sr. 111.11.—J. o
room, which was beautifully decorate 46 ;M. Shaw, l 4460; 8. Y,�,ulll, 67 , dpi
ed for the occasion, and all did .tensa, t, 11 p. So 4W ; L. e27ler's.
justice to a sumptuous weddi> u dm •(.1. 1 0EA0BEN� Teach
( 1pla lett, J.4 i0t
i to B'E'DDING Batts .Luxe bullae o
nifett , the o Davfd aud 141rs... 'xT p , bt ielepo 1 4 .,, I
• Torout (
ire bride's marriage eeiemouy tons pe tui•..
7k, with' Wednesday eveuiug between .ji 5,,
er present Shaw, who has been in the harm
tock and trnsiueses, ,Brussels, and Miss x
uith daughter of Ghe host aud hosted.
Gran' 2`sq Ouly Immediate relatives were in:
ions aro ex- tenda0ce. Ales. W. E. lluuoan, ne
'enders. of the groom, played the W eddi
March. The principals wer0 111
tended and the good looking bi.
was given away by her father. ,5
wore a becomiug costume of deem,
Bilk voile aud tarried a handsome
buquet of bridal roses. Meryl Yp erg,:`
pence of the brute, made a entwining
maid of honer'. Hearty eougraeu
tiouswere followed by well pr.
ed supper and the evening was
enjoyably spent. Many Lotto -
esteem were in evide.uce in tale liar
and useful array of weddnug present
Mr. and Mrs. tobaw wily leave 111 tut
days for Idaho where the tomer will
brothel. theiu'g
join his b
business. The happy twain have the
hearty good wishes of the comnlu r y
for a prosperous life.
GOLDEN Ve EDDING.—Tbe 50th aunt'''
veisary of Geroge and !ells. Kirkby
old and wall known residents of .l
9th line, was celebrated `luesday of
last week at their comfortable home
when about 40 relatives and old,
do honor to
friends assembled to
worthy host and hostess on so le
portant and atemiCi0Us occasion.
particularly uuIteeabie feaitw
that out of an unbroken family
as e
were preseut, w
dean all v
chi! A
the lU
2 great. grandchildren. Juo and
()meter, of Gass city, Mich., mad
special trip to attend, _leas. into
being a daughter. elle au( re.
Kirkby were Made the recipe of a
pair of v ry fine easy chairs b ttu:
members ,f the family aud the g ;s
iacknowledged b 11
q�{ 1y
were s illy
Kirkby who hub talkie' abtli1y of ne
mean order when he ',,4arte4
pleasant was
time v
The rim
i P
i L
neral chat, , g
elaborate supper to which:+ amp:
justice was dune. Mr. liiikby *Wa
burn i0 York, Coq Ontario in. 1837 r
when a boy of 12 years muv
his father and mother to
Perth Cu., near what is now
of St. Marys, which then 00'
a few dwelliug houses, a st
Mill, WO log hotels, a lits
store and a small shoe stor .
had usual hardships of pioueer 1,
pulled through it all right,
Sri. Kirkby moved with his fi.,
Morris Township and has since;:
sided on the saute farce, He is wide,
known aud highly esteemed. roe
number of years he served. '
township Couuml aud Co.'Or
Deputy Reeve. Margaret
a native of Glasgow, S -
gazed on this :world for
in 1840. Aloug with her
came to Canada in 1842 an
Lanark Co. until 18(12 whe
moved to Huron. She waeneu
Mr. Kirkby at the home of
McAteer ou March tat 1830 .b
Logie. They laved on *Jr.
farm in Osborne township,
time shanty and - by ap
neither suffered materially
toil and struggles of t ntee d
and Mrs. li rkby are enjo
putative good health au
good wishes of a wide cite
fur a celebration of
lett,' .. .b c"
be ate(' o
and -§b respectabl
children aro :—Mrs,
Mich. Mrs. Peter Me
Jomathan,- at home 1
10al'y at Yelgr1Lve ; 1'
Morris ; Mrs. 3.40h01
Abs. elan Shortreed,
bent, Morris ; aud 141'
Jennie at home at.
�.**04 9vz,4AAvot''aulaz 1 2.wa`taa 46,ALa'4 a ttees'a'7.( egreeseeeseeese Yee•
a fA
y" 1111LLIIOLI! I ill f.�■ ne■ M
Ota. iz a Avsizsi itt<,e ay.wims•uu tv. y acs evG A�Srt,,iwawatutm;�.
The Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are cordially in- 0
vitcd to attend the Millinery Openings at the "Bel-
monte Millinery I?arlors" on ;
Tuesdayand Wednesday
March 22nd & 23rd
A full lisle of the LATEST PATTERN FIATS, in >
Q misses' and Children's, also Novelties, in Trimmings, will be dies
played. A choice selection of the Newest Vsilings always ou hand.ee .
MISS HAYNES, of Hamilton, who has gond expex'ience in the
Millinery Art, bus been engaged for the coming 500500, She has
6 been in Toronto for the past few weeks looking up the Newest ideas
and will be pleased to Meet the deeds of the Ladies of Brussels and
A leesiete etee :,viiv ?.csc eeestkeetee craven t 8riftelsie etre ewes See nest tea`4 steres e
cr • 0E Bolmonte
i� . •, y
o ■ O • ,.
0 tPh•
p•-- II prices;slaidTui all Iciu(ln of Product.
Jas. Davidson has rebutted to his
home 'in the West.
as visit-
e Arme
trou v
1 g
friends in Hullett township.
Luke and Hartwell Speiran were at
Guderich as jurymen on Monday of
this week.
Mrs. Bert. Gerry, of Fort William,
was visiting relatives in Wingham
this week.
Edward Armstrong, 13111 con., has
not, been havingas good health as
0 coining
usual but we g
Spring will tend to his invigoration.
Will, second son of Wm• Maud,
16th con., is attending Central Busi-
ness College at Stratford. He is a
we wish
clever young ova
to take a trip to the West and if
ed satisfactory opportunity presents
self he may remain for a few months
or perhaps longer.
Miss Addie, daughter of James Car-
diff, 7t11 cot(., bas gone on a holiday
visit with her uncle to the West. She
will spend a while in eVinnipeg'before
' other rela-
et' to visit
proceeding further p
rives. W e wish her a good 1
Word was received last week that
Mrs. Win. Inglis, uf Tyner, North
Dakota, had the misfortune to have
an arnr broken. by the rig she was
riding in upsetting, while en route to
visit her sister, Mrs. Adam Patton,
of Hyde Park, North Dakota, wlio is
ill hoe' the bursting of a blood vessel.
MI's. Inglis is a sister-in-law' to David
Inglis, 7th con. We hope both ladies
will soon be fully restored.%.•
nee. The happy young
amid showers ot rice and
take the evening train •,
aud other Eastern.points,
travelling dress beiug black
hat to match. Guests w
front Ratho, Bright, Woo
Oolliogwuod, Out., York "
and Perdue, Sask., an
D. Hearty congratuls
tended to Mr. and Mrs.
1o0 Acne farm to rent for pastinrs. Apply on
the ,arra, 6th line, to Mrs. Joseph Olen, or.
Brussels P, O.
Township Council next Monday,
Richard Armstrong was at Goderiuh
for a short period this week as a jury -
Quite a number of people in Morris
have the Western fever and will hie
them that direction this Spring.
The less said about the roads the
English tau ua e is not
En l
the g
as g
what might be
eats to expressg
said about them.
Lyon Fiudlater, who has
spending the Winter with his parents
ou the 2nd line, left on Tuesday of last
week for his home in Broderick, Sask.
Harry Duncan, 4th line, will resume
farming operations as the Davis family
who had his farm leased, are unable
to attend to it wider the changed
in then
Wednesday of this week 0. E. and
Mrs. Bone left Brussels for their home
at Scott, Sask., where Mr; Bone has a
faun. They went by Detroit, Chicago
tis W
e wieh
Paul to LVlu i
St. Pau g
aud S P
them full granaries and big prices
505001. REPORT The following 18
the report of S. S. No.1,, Morris, for
the mouth of February. •Sr. IV --
Maggie Phelan, Ella Rogerson, Thos.
Phelan. Jr. 1V—Robert Wallace.
Sr. 11I—Gertie McCall, James Brown,
Jr. III—Willie Phelan, Harry How-
lett, Albert Payne, Olga Oolclough,
Wilford Nivius, Lillie 13eirnes. Sr.
Harvey Nivius, Robbie. Laidlaw,
Houser Brown, Tillie Rogerson. Jr.
1I-Gui'dou McCall, Harvey 13eirnes.
Sr. Pt. II—Bruce Blown. .Ir. Pt. 11—
Mamie Hall, Vera Hall, Kenneth Tay-
lor. Sr. Pt. I—Louis Phelan, Dick
At 6 o'clock Thursday morning of last
week Patrick Phelan, an old resident
of Morris, died at the home of his sun,
William, 8th line, aged 79 years. He
had only been ill a short time. De-
ceased was born in Ireland, cameto
Canada in 1847 and moved Westward
to Clinton in 1860 and later to Morris
township. 58 years ago he found a
good, helpmate in the person of Miss
Mary McCaughey, who pre -deceased
him `26 years. 8 children survive, viz:
Mrs. Jas. Kelly, Morris; Mrs. Blake,
nutlet t ; Mrs. dloeasey, Oiueinnatti,
Ohio ; Mrs. Fitzpatrick, West Wawa -
nosh ; Mrs. Peter Healy, Morris
William, and John, of this township,
and Joseph, of Oinoiunatti. Deceased
was a faithful member of the R. C.
church. The funeral took placeSatux-
day morning to St. Michael's ceuleLery.
Blyth, Rev. 1+'r, Haulou, conducting
the service. Six grandmas were the
pall bearers. Mr. Phelan was a fine
spirited old gentleman who had many
McCaughey paid the debt of Nature
1wsL Saturday at the home of his sou,
Jno. T., 8th line, have attained to thn
age of 80 years. Deceased first saw
the light of day 111 Co.Tyrone, Itelend.
aud 010158ed the Atlantic ill his young
'manhood. His wife was Mary leyaus
W110 died 10 years since after - a
long Land happy journey • along life's
pathway with her now deceased part-
tier- The son with whom Mr.
McCaughey lived is the: only
of the family. A brother, Frauk,
whose home is in Blyth, about75 years
of age, John and Frank 5600aug110y,
je., of Blyth, are nephews of deceased.
Monday 'nothing the funeral took
place to the cemetery at St. Michael's
church, Blyth, appropriate services
being 1n.eharge of Rev. Fr. Hanlon.
The subject of this notice was a de -
Didou read W. H. Love's Wall
Paper advt. in this issue i'
Robert Barr Is away to St. Oalhar-
i.uee attending the Grand Orauge
lodge this week.
Har'r'y Ames writing from Arden,
Mao., 011 March 4th says :—We are
having ideal weather here this
Quit.e a number about this localiby
have the Western fever which threat-
ens to take some of them off—to the
A Millinery department has been
added to the stock et G. M. Mitchell's
store and the Spring opening Is set
for Friday . aud Saturday of next
week, 18th and 19111 iu8ts.
GARD OFTIIANIc8.—We wish to ex-
peess out sincere thanks to the many
persons who proved themselves friends
indeed duril,g the Weeds and after the
Mrs. decease of the late
Mr. and Cook.
's ook
Their kindness was abounding and
we wish to resold our appreciation of
Jas. E. B, own will leave next Tues-
day with a cat of settler's effects 'for
141iawi, Man,, where he purposes farm-
ing. Mrs. Brt'wn and family will go
later. Jno. Eckmier goes the same
day to 7 Points, Sask.. and will take
a car Of stock, &c. lie has sobs out
there and if the prospects are o. k.
Mee, Eckm101 will follow in 0, month
In' so.
The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Cook
took place hast Friday afteeno0n, the
service being conducted by Bev. J.
Henderson in the Methodist church
which was crowded. Interment was
made at Craubrook cemetery. wheat
hi a double grave the caskets were
placed. Pall bearers were 0. Iterated vote member of St, Michael's church: hours whether tit
S S. 0010, G, lckinier,•T. Vodden, 13. Vei'yfew of the old timer's remain but not. The pe
Laing, A. McKee, J. McLeod, W theft memories will be ehorished by ezo, Sever
Pollard, 3. McDonald, J:- K, Baker, 1 those who knew thele, Pall bearers • cereed end 1
SECTION 103 04
amended uy tea
that any pei'..0u o
an infectious 41115
the local 13081
the teacher ot
the child attended