HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-3-3, Page 7Have You U Ld Our Blood Root Baking' Powder ? Cough Cure Is a SURE_ Ours is an absolutely )l lt?l Y PuY eCre� £ n SAFE of 9.,2!4,2! 731ilting Powder, Sp many Powder's on the market are PLEASANT adulterated and ,in anany cases and SPEEDY REMEDY is carefully prepared 1)y ourselves for l unfit for use, Our Baking Powder' cosh 0 Ids, Coughs, &e. The and we guarantee it to be pure : many satisfied customers who Try it the next tinu you run out of Halting Powder. We know you will be satisfied. 25c. o, pound I ave used this Remedy is our best testimonial for it. Be on the safe side and keep a bottle of our "Blood Root" on hand. For sale only at our Drug Store, Large Bottle 25c. tn1"St. Patrick's Day Picture Post Cards iu great variety for 5e. If you would like better ones we have them at 50 and too each. .. See the' Cards with a packet of real Shamrock Seed attached 5c each.` • F. RN DRUGGIST AND S't'AT[ONER. a tivs #.e illi MAaga. BAD -:roads. M5LtTNEAY Orions GB comes next. Cotrtdcza meeting Monday evenin - -" z x ei; at the label on your copy of aDti ,. tiS10'U. W. Friday evening of week,. lt?ONTHt.v Horse Fair Tbursda this,tveek. Loot; out for the "lion" at the Al the month, t5. Toth this y of close 1%ms tout to 38.6o on Brussels / ket this week. ' t•' + • Selmer. Board will meet Friday e 'ing of this week ' ""6"`?311.11ssELs turns out moreood :finers fol omits size than, any place know of. They are able to hold t own with the best of thein too. C. P. R. is running Settlers' ex sions to the West during ' March April Leave Toronto at. ao,lo p m, Tuesdays. See advt. on page 4 of issue. isr-re lot the on which P t e Cober riage shop stood, near the Town • sba,s been perchaned by Messrs Ewan Cos Itwill be utilized to pile !um upon p n forseasoning purposes. W. F. Stewart, formerly of town, more recently of: Guelph, has lease Roar mill at his old home in Wo stock and will take up- residence the Tse POST wishes'hlm success, slie'L: JacxsoN has S deuce of . R. $aubbs,� Mill street, w recently removed to Calgary, and.:w take possession. as soon as iinproveme are a completed h will make a cosy a comfortable home. A. H. Mvsontovs, M' P. P., bas be appointed to the following Select Sta . -ding Committees for this session,: Standing Orders, Public Accoun Municipal Law, Printing and Fish a Game. Cott 'suNEas. f^ e.iicense commi ,sal ar f Centre Huron ha¢e--;leen r appointed for another year. rhe boat _ m composed of William Patterson, Hul- a sett ; 1. B. Hoover, Clinton, and Adam. Hays, Seaforth.- N EW PROPRIETOR HERE . -S. S. F. Mait- land who bought t the•photographic g busioe s s of H. R. Brewer, arrived in town this week and is having a number' of improvements made in tile studio. jv Fie will be' ready to attend to the re- gniremeets of the people of Brussels P and community on Thursday, t Y v [h in •t 7 s. Mr.M 1. a tl nd a is an artist of experience x erten P ce and merit e t and has'been in business in Stratford for. years. We welcome him to town and wish him success. THERE are already 86 subscribers to the new Telephone independent line within the corporation of Brussels, with more to follow. A busy time .may be expected. The rural lines are working well. The Central office has been fitted up with new paper and paint and lino- s •=gni Vie floor, and it is expected that Mica . *ewer and McDonald, the oper- ator ' :il take charge b . t s, 16 y be opening of next week,' Directory has been issued by Tim Pos'r nd is ready for distribu tion to those it have s who a e notreceived one. e ,�--Brussels LECTURE ON FOREST$Y. ' Public Library Board has arranged for.an illustrated Lecture to be delivered in the Town Hall here on Monday, March oath, by a former resi- dent, in the person<of Inspector of 'Dominion Forest Reserves Knechtel, on es. Forestry. Mr. 'Knechtel has been studying the leading features of this important subject at home and abroad and his Lecture should prove one of �t interest and profit. ` A first-class Stereopticon is used throwing dissolving views. Keep the date clear. No ad- mission fee charged, '4 r.•at•rt:'VJhL't, Z h'rou h the roc ti 1: Om- fd• ti f a of of Presrseot Falconer, of dronto University, the civil service commission has appointed C G.Alit❑ P in of Rev. S. J. Alhn, of Windsor, as nlstructor of teieuce to the naval cadets t" in the new naval school at •Halifax. \, The young man' is an honor graduate in science of Toronto University and is Ithis year a student in training with the t '`setulty of Education. Cleve. is well THE electric lights swere ¢ off duty Wednesday might. SNOW and ice have been removed from a good share of the cement walk in the business part of Main street. AN Assembly Is on the program at the Town Hall Friday evening of this week. under the direction of Brussels Foot Ball Club. A NUMBER of Hockey enthusiasts took advantage of the special train Wednes- day evening to see the game between, Mount Forest and Wingham in the lat- ter town. Mount Forest won the game by a score of 3-2. Dumas the past few weeks we P have mar- 1 all heard of the great bargains in Ross & Ferguson's 'dis-solution sale, but great- Yen- er bargains are coming. Watch for the seven cent sole and save your pennies for St. John's church A. Y. P. A. Bazaar. mil - we heir aur and on this - Two new Jumper Outten loft. Will sell at e bargain, EWAN & 00. Steno Oats for ease, ',Canadian Prize," splen- did yielders andextraclean H. M. DOBSON, Ethel. SALT. -Have received a car of salt, including Car- various grades for dairy and other purposes. H ALP. BARRER. Rolan Lem -A. robe gray was lost from Ander between Brussels; b and orting t ohn Ander liver , oblige by reporting to John Oliver'slie livery, Brussels. BALT for sale at McCrseken's, Brussels. Goon tote for sale, ale° 2 yearling colts. Louis Hollinger, Lot 9, Con. 10, Grey. tf. WILL do saw gumming and filing to your fancy and can make old ants take the place of new ones. Yours T. McGregor, corner Mill and Main atreet:Brussels. all. & ber and oda re si bo ill nt5 od en o• ta,. nd GRAND' ORANGE LODGE -Grand Sec- retary W. M Fitzgerald has sent out the official circular announcing the annual meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West in St. Paul Methodist Church, St. Catharines,- on Wednesday, 141arch 9th, at 2 p. m. This will be the Golden Jubilee of the Grand Lodge, which was organized in St. Catharines s- 1 fifty years ago. The Grand 131ack Chap- e- ter will meet on the 8th of March. r aaetwt:.QIFTS.- Last week Alex. and Mrs. Ross an15 telfilty, of the 13th con., 14roKrllop township, took 4y heir residence on Princess street, Brussels, having purchased Mrs. McLean': house THE POST .welcomes them to town and hopes they will enjoy their new home and the well earned rest. A few even- ings before leaviug the farm a half hun- dred old friends and neighbors assem- bled at the Rossh omeste ad and enjoyed ve a v social time. tie. A genuine esurprise was given to the best and hostess when Mrs. Wm. Smith read a kindly worded, address and a fine leather covered easy chair was presented to Mr. Ros elegant set of china to Mrs. Ross and choice watch chain to Miss Margaret Ross and another to Jno. S, Ross, son. Gifts were presented by J., Mrs. and Miss Davidson and J. Leeming, Messrs. Ross made short, appropriate replies ex- pressing their thanks for the many neighborly acts received in the passing years. An enjoyable evening was speut in music, games, social chat and lunch and the company separated a P Y P ted with -the expression of many 'good wishes for the family, although mingled with regret over their removal. Mr. and Mrs. Ross have been worthy and highly esteemed residents of McKillop for the past 43 years and sold the farm which they bought as a bush lot from the Canada Co., to Wm. Barron before comiug to Brussels. Two daughters reside iu Mc- Killop and thr e sons are in the West. J. S. Ross purposes going West also, SUDDEN DEATH Ola R, W. CVRTIS.- To say that Listowel was shockeu on Sunday, h'ebruary zoth, to learn of the sudden death of Robert W. Cut tis on the townline West, is putting it mildly, Mr. Curtis was to town. Satutday and met him wife eat the station LA nn ID the even- ing n _iu and although not feelingverywell thought r t was s mere) An g attA ck of Y la grippe. Saturday y rght however, the illness became acute and he breached his last on Sunday morning shortly after the doctor's arrival and before any medi- cine could he given, 'rhe sudden death. is a tributed to heart failure, although the deceased had been considered a very healthy man all his life and was not 1 .town iu this town, having attended the known to suffer from a weak heart, t .bIi C school dtritg his fatherspastor- P ie deceased was bona in North East ate'.+of the Methodist Church, His hope township, on April 23rd, 1858 many old friends extend congratula- i 51 tions, M'nTRiMON/ AL, •--On Saturday, Feb. xgth, at high noon, in St. George's 1 on the boundary West, where he has 'hurch. Pickering, Ont., Miss Lillian' lived ever shoe. Jan, 25th, 1893, he t-titsisa: daughter o1 Geo. M. and Mrs. was married to Miss Sara Whal v, who ' t,l4ltering, Ont., was married with a family of three sons; Wilfred, being in his Send year at the time of his derth. in /878 he and his parents mov- ed to Wallace, settling on the homestead .ou at • f Lloydand tl zo M cite t, of Toronto 1 Cecil survive. su eve Yv , Mr. Curtis 't merchant of Brussels, The was a solid and substantial citizen of a was performed by the Rev. A. exetnplary habits, an elder of Knox of Whitby. The bride was tan- Churcb, and, an ardent worker in the u and wore her travelling shit of , cause of the Supreme Ruler.. Of a ratite broadcloth, smartiv'ta'lored, charitable and unoffending disposition .rah foliage and rose bud hat Mid Mink he had many warm friends who admired furs, Gad Wore the grOOM'e gift -a hand- . and respected him, and he will be 'sin. some diamond ring. Tile bride's gift to eerely mourned not only in his own the groom was a.signet ring. After de- home circle but by a wide circle of those aunee jMr, and Mrs, Matchott left far Wild knew him. He was also a member "1`aretito. thence, to Montreal, Quebec of Court Revel Oak C. O. F. '1'Ite fun - tied un a practi the Maritime Provinces, eral look place on Wednesday afternoon, the business: The Recti Servant of the Partner. Is a Strong Chartered Bank The Metropolitan Bank Makes a Specialty'.of the business of Farmers and extends to them most Reasonable Terms. Every department of Banking is conducted Drafts and Money Orders issued at Reasonable Rates BRUSSELS BRANCH • F. H. GILROY, MANAGER to the old Listowel cemetery, services being conducted by Rev.' D. W. S, Ur- quhart, and in spite of the inclement weather a large concourse paid their respects cuts p to the departed `to b Iletin Y g the remains to their last resting place, Deceased was a brother to Mrs. James Elliott, of Brussels She and Mr, Elliott attended the funeral. BACK To REFITTED PREMISES. -The Standard Bank staff is once more back to their former stand in the Leckie block attending proved office business on iitions. Agnew! front of cur stone was put in and with fine plate glass .windows aqd door presents a very neat and substantial appearance. In the interior a complete new outfit has replaced the former • arrangements These isa metallic ceiling with oak beam divisions, walls papered and burlaped, door covered with cork matting. The woodwork and furniture is oak, well polished and the partitions are part glass. Manager's office is in the front reaching it after passing the vestibule. '!.'hen comes the Ledger Keeper's apartment, 'feller. Discounts and Collectors stations and private office and telephone and store room. An oak stationery cabinet will he a great convenience. There are two oak customers' desks and an oak settee, The arrangement of electric lighting is modern . and excellent. Teller's cage, is mounted with two frosted globes over arttie' the alterations all inn all a neat, substan- tial and very nice job bas been done and the plan of the office is convenient and businesslike. Present efficient staff consists of J. F. Rowland, Manager, who has been here for the past g years,. Ledger Keeper, g Pye, Teller, and Junior, Scott.y The Standard locat- ed here veers ago under favorable aus- pices and quickly secured a large patron- age which has largely increased in the passing years. First agent here was G. P. Scholfield, who has siuee promoted to general managership -head office Torouto. People Gordon Mooneytalkes of takinga tri to the West. P Will. Lestherdale was in St. Thomas oD Tuesday. Miss Ada, Moore is visiting relatives at Listowel and Trowbridge. Ernest Plum was bothered with a tonch of is grippe this week. Jno. and Mrs. Pugh, of Mitchell, were in town for a few days last week. Jack Leckie and Stewart Fox visited at Luc know for a few days last week. D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth, combined 'business -and a'. pleasure i n a visit sat to town Miss .s Ma rgaret McLttnchUn;-who was visiting in Toronto, arrived,home this week. Mrs. W. H. Kerr was visiting at Postmaster Kay's in Stratford during the past week. Miss Annie M c uarrie leftWednes- day V ednes- da of y this week for her milli tion in Chatham: eery posi- tion Gordon McDowell and Master Willie were visiting relatives and friends in London last week. Muses Inez and Margaret Hirons were visitors at their home in Blyth for a few days during the past week. James and Mrs. Hart and son, of Winthrop, spent Sunday with Gordon and Mrs, McDowell, Brussels. Lorne Lckmier was here from Ripley. last Friday attending the funeral of the late J. W. Davis, an old friend. Miss Winnie McGuire is attending the Millinery Openings at Torohto. She will take a position in Beaverton. Miss Lulu Dunford, who has been at tending the Toronto Millinery Open- ings, will take a position in the city. Mrs. Jas. Rowland, of 'Newcastle. Ont , is visiting at the home of her son, J. F. Rowland Manager of the Standard Bank here. Miss Maggie McNabb went to Sea• forth last Monday to assume a position as saleslady in Stewart Bros'. Dry We Talk About Goods store. G. W. Barrington, of Montreal, was a visitor with F. H. and Mrs. Gilroy over Sunday. Mrs. Gilroy and the. visitor are Sister and brother. Mrs. F red Smith, who has been visit- ing i5it- in her g parents,I and Mrs. s E anis and other relatives and friends, ' 5 !aft for her home in the West this week. Eph. Downing who was here attend- ing the funeral t, o f his brother Harry, left for his borne in Winnipeg on M..n- day. He las a goad position in the Western metropolis. W. W. Harris was seriously ill during the past Miss C. Phoebe Wright, of New Westminster; 13, Q„ is a visitor with Mrs, 1. F. Rowland, Turnberry street, Mrs, B. Gerry at times is not enjoy. ing and very health coming of Spring ll havewa benefit al effect, Alf, McMillan, who itas been' in the eniploy of Messrs. Ferguson & Ross for some time. leaves next week for Rainy River to take a positioti in the store of Messrs Mc ua rrie & Q Grimsh aw. He is an obliging, agreeable and competent Voting man who should do well wherever he is: Brussels Foot Ball team will miss him on the forward line. We wish him success, J. P. and Mrs. Smith and son and Mrs. I. P. Werry, all of Crystal City, Manitoba, were welcome visitorslto Brussels during the past week. The ladies are nieces of Jmes Sharp, of town, .and were former residents of Ethel. They have just returned from a trip to the Old Country where they en joyed a fine time in their three mouthy' visit. It is 20 years since Mrs. Smith went West and for 12 years Mrs. Werry has enjoyed the balmy breezes of Mani- toba. The quartette leave aur their Western homes next week. Church Chimes Rev. Mr. Wishart 9!4,24.4 a ttendetl ' Presbytery at Wingham Tuesday. Sabbath morning last Rev. Mn, Pow preached in the Methodist church fro Not ashamed of the Gospel," and the evening his text was "Where a thou ?" • Come ands spend P a pleasant hour the Men's Bible Class next Sunday afte noun ata o'clock in the Puolic Ltbrar audience room, . It is the best` form o recreation you can Indulge in. Coto along and help your fellow men• Next Wednesday evening, comment ing at 8 o'clock, a public meeting will h addressed in the Methodist church Brussels, by Rev. H.' S. Magee, Fiala Secretary of Moral Reform for;tit Methodist church in Canada. H should be greeted by a large audienc as he is well worth hearing. The A. Y. P. A. of St John's church will hold their monthly Literary' meet ing at the Rectory. on Monday, March 7th. The subject for the evening is a debate, "Resolved that Canada does more for her people than Great Britain has done," Affirmative. A. H. Mon teith, Dr R. P. Feild, Muriel Brothers Negative, W. 3.Garside, A. E Paice. Ina Bryans. All the congregation will be welcome THE TEMPTATION rhe third ,sermoi on "the lett :• t U aUu ti n +•a. t ti preached d b P v Rev. r M Center m Sunday moraine; last St John's :church from the text St. 4, 8 9 He pointed out.;that .Christ came into the world to obtain a king- dom over the hgarts and consciences of men,and notsuch A one as thus shepherds P r ds. and even His own apostles dreamed mrd of. They' looked for o the tempura; rule while he sought the spiritual The dedll. knowing that the Christ had the know- ledge of tale pains and agony that were to be His lot tempted Hint by offering the glories of the whole material world, with the subjection of its myriads of in- habitants. without those pains'and agonies if only Christ would acknow- ledge him as its present master. He would resign all title to `control of the hearts and minds of men to the One to' whom they really belonged, if only bis usurped right, were first acknowledged. Christ refused t sed to accept t 1- p as a gift that which was His by right and asserted His own dominion and power, by His command to the. devil, which was in- stantlyobeyed, "Get thee hence," and entered into the task of winning the world to Himself by love, infinitely deep and kind even to the death on the cross, and even when the devil, in his fight for supremacy, seemed at last to have won his way and crucified his Master, the nd ell In in rt at ly e e e e if5l'AlgL1$5XD Itf?9 , ' 'he Standard Bank •4 Can 1f.ad Marais TORONTO Record rd of Business as it 31st Jagnary5 1830 an 5 yrer ( itw 540117 5 DhlA1n Nat37optx,tnro,t4 pl,74.11 t th9 rate of Y444nt�Wtd tit lbl r*la of It moat. par it Wi tel it It sir jo paid q trpltWl 1470at1 Oo■tdb4Wp w a0cen Prealoe B1wd Ytnnu from Yrnwfuwr 9a En,r Bsoa� 4{�,4w.w i;tnwrrir.9 8�tt w Acwnntl7vm Yrued voNo aisek Ynmtew PROFIT ANO LOps Isurnames ni , A000i714T w Kut ow•,elallan1 onward ; • . onward . da 1271;;a1,o1 100007 e7,t00.0a . :611.0.4,22 191i.976.'Y7 0E'NERRI1 BTATiEiiICKT � Gold, Saver and i.nail Te,,._Y • 49,249,035,07 -(NSW u Doe tY olb«r nuuka- . ptlQ p • -�-�. RISevaeta ' • WAecim. Gorar4Ne4t LLudather Gond 1,708,094.44 *HMV rued And YroaN. ;6:47: I,naue on 0011 p,icured by so4dd ,ate, , dn,17 '44"i° CktWaiet aOU Dlaotunt9d�, �t,YatO D9pwl4 'Gonnl,YnneU9rorlttolOCli1'e.lop;oal,�)0, 9adr., Hank rtvaarer a o. .. Dur k otprY 8ankr r ,24V,717.12 r amor Amain 0 t • • " 1499,2 se 13-,710. Toronto, 81st Jsouas7,1M e. 1,301(1,747.07 (1E0. P, SOHOLPIELD, ' °lienal Manager. empty tomb •and the ascended Christ proved that his power was but vain. The lasso for s n us was that the aglories and power of this world are but poor exchange for those greater ones that God hath prepared for them'. that love Him ; that it was small profit to gain a whole world and give a -soul 10 the devil ; and that Christ had by this temptation tan an P d His rejection choir of l it, shown us how to resist the devil and win eternal' life through faith in Him, and His promise that never should we be tempted above that we were able to bear. Christ must be first in all things and the claims of the world, the flesh and the devil put resolutely on one Side, so that by faith in the power of Christ to help us in our fight ue may at last win it and like Him, command, the devil to go hence, out of our lives and actions. Miss Susannah N. Lawrence, one of the pioneer missionaries to the Indians of British Columbia, died at the resi- dence of Mrs. Hughes, 25 St. 'James avenue, Toronto, Wednesday of last week. Miss Lawrence was the first white woman to go to the Kitainaat In- dians in British Columbia. She volun- teered when the Indians appealed to Rev. Thomas Crosby, then at Port Sintpsou, for a teacher, and Miss Law- rence wa 5 conveyed to her ter d estih ' a two by ten Indians who came for her in two canoes. One of her first acts in the In- d.ian camp was to give the little ones Christian names, and from the time of her arrival at the reserve the -missionary made her influence felt upon the lives of the Indians. The ens were taken to G ollingwood for interment. Molesworth GOING WEST. -Geo. Armstrong' has sold his flue farm, North halves of Lots 31, 32 and 33 1st Con. Grey, to Thos. A. Thompson, from Manitoba, formerly of Elmo, township.The price paid . was 88,000. Mr. Arm- strong intends leaving about April 1st for Ochre River. near Dauphin, in the West, where he purposes making his home. The people of this com- munity are sorry to see him- and bis family go but hope the sunshine of prosperity may shine upon them. So nor. REpORT.-'The' following is the report of U. 13. S. No. 18 Howick and Grey for the month of February, results being based on class work and weekly exams. -IV.-Annie Robert- son, 283 ; Ewart McKereher, 171 ; Tinian McSercher, 143 ; Annie Rio- lop, 128 ; Cameron Robertson, 122, Sr. III. -Robbie McDonald, 172 ; awe � sate Hislop, 120.Jr. III .-• Arthur Bowman. 285 Birks Robert- son 218 ; Webster Jacklin, 202;Wil- bert Grainger, 24*. Sr. IL -Maria Bennett, 427 Verne McDonald, 298 ; Carl Grainger, 289 ; Jean Doig 100•. II.- Gertie Hislop. 253 • Addis Arm- strong, str on 21 8 Willie g. , Armstrong, g 128 •- Lloyd. _ Armstrong, met a rn S5 . Myrtle Bennett 382 ; James Jr. II.- Myrtle 280. Pt. II. -Pitta Bowman, 380 ; Victor Bowman, 309. Sr. II. - Good, Mabel -Robertson. Jr. 1. - Good, , Herbert Bowman. Those marked • missed two or more exami- nations. NORMA' SPARTANG, Teacher. BORN Axes. --In Grey,on February 16th, to Mr. and NIT. Joseph A. Ames a son. :. DIED 000x. -In Ethel, th 1 on beloved wife ' Marek ik, Sween Hodge, fe of Wm. Cook, aged. til years, 11 months and 20 Jaye. conA. Tn Ethel, on March 2nd, William Cook, aged 80 years, 6 months and 17 days. Davis, -In Morrie, on March 1st, Sarah Gray, beloved wife of John Davis, in her glut year, °Emma --In' Turnberry, on February 20th, John Geddes,, in his Mad year, HISLoP -In Morrie, on Fobren y 26th Mar- . garet, daughter of the late John Htalop, of. Grey township, aged 80 years, 8 mooch; and 26 days. •+•+•44.14+•;110+41.1.64.•4•11+.44+ ••i•••i••tI••'0•••F••3•••I•••i•••F•�l•••i• r••i•••1•••1•••i•••II••!i:••t•••1•••i••'i•••N••!•• • • I 's"""'" The t TrirnntnMiIlinpnuPnInnas • will be re -opened on march 2nd weep with pneumonia but is : s prove s many friends will be pleased r s .d to know. w. Wo Will soon hope he be around as usual. George Brown, Queen street, wa able to get clown town last Friday fo the first time since he broke his leg two months ago. He is getting along nicely and will soon be as well as ever. J, G Rolp1 has been appointed teller In the Metropolitan Bank in town, coin. ing from Toronto, H. G. Fitzgerald, who has been here for the pact 5 or 6 months, has been moved to Toronto, Ito. B. McLauchlan left town on Tuesday for Toronto where he will spend a week before returning to Salt Coats, Sask. J. B, has friends wherever he goes and we don't pity him one bit, F, S. Scott was at Blyth last Friday afternoon addressing a public meeting fund f cal information concerning MARRIED CAtJPSELL-LAIRD.-In Ethel, on March 2nd, by Re D B. M Y Ras Mr. of Mexico, to Mia J. A Cr fht e ' late Jae. Laird, of Ethel. e, daughter of the AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, MARau 6Ta.-Farm stock, imp! te meats. 8m.. Lot 80, 'Con.. 19, MaKlllop. Sole r Se ar e ea v dal 1 .m Jno, Ryan, ml Prop. . y F B. Scott, R t Aue. WEDNEeDAY, MAROn OTs. -Farm stool[, lin- plemenle, d;o., Lot 21, Con. 10, Gray. Sale un- reserved at 1 p.'in sharp. Mrs. Nellie Wright Proprietress, B'. 8. Boott, Auctioneer, BRUSSELS MARKET Wheata Baarrle Butter. otatoes Hoge Wool Apples.. 91 09 84 *1 118 96 47 19 28 26 11 00 12 00 818 g8 100 120' Auction ' Sales SEIOD GRAIN for sale on Lot I8, Con. 8, pVosed to be Crown Wblte) White 'Marvel • Peas Ligowo wo Oats. B Then hove also for sale for feed, e. D. W. DIINBAR, Ethel P. 0, FARM TO RENT. -Containing 140 acres land adjoining the village of Brussels, th property of the Idle ,fames Shaw. Farm isa good state of ealtivntioa. For fm•ther par5l ulara apply to JOHN BALLANTYNE, M•tf Brussels. Make Your Hens Lay By using Dr, Hess' Poultry Panacea whiell le gnarlulteed to make your hens lay or 1000ey i•otnudetl. 1'anat- cea 1- also a safe inial reliable rynistly for discuses of fowl such. Its Gapes, Roup aria Cholera, If after nsleg Panacea you do not get more eggs,, ',anvil the empty package and your looney will bo refunded, Sold' in large puckages_35c each, Or, Hess' Stack food is. an excellent tonic for Horses, Oat. tie, Sheep and Hogs and improves the condition of your stock as nothing else will D . (Hess' Or Healing Powder 9 prevents proud flesh and also cares Galls and Open Wounds of any 111101, Put tap in large tins 25e each. Sold only at FOX'S DRUG STORE HOUSE AND LOT FOR 8ALE on Elizabeth' street, Brussels. New stable 22 x 02,feet nad' a driving shed 19x2; built last year.. If de• eared would disp°.sof team end outfit eo that buyer y might be give .the 'training business. lPn2 Went. can be given at once IO S . 85 gq- log West. 'Apply 10 wM,;tilaLLERB. BOti' FIVE goad heifers rising threescore old 'fir' -sale. All in calf, One due to calve nboot March 20th and the balance about . the latter end of April. Alio three. steers rining(, twe yearn Apply to Robert L. McDonald, Lot 11, Con. 0,,Grey, Oranbroolr.P, 0. Mortgage Sale Of a V Glu able farm of l• Under it - n , mortgage, thew rho will pr Juiced ad c, 1 tS aoertninthawltl which will: O 'o I time of mile (here wi11 en offered produced sale at Puhlie Antilles m, Monda), the QTwonty twoo1cay of March, 2910, tit the. hoar of two a'cl 1 auk nthe afternoon at B8 dcott, Ateh in the the following of ing pr. by M viz .Scott. t lot Bomber the twenty-seven, property theighFarm lot numbertwenty-seven, in the eighth Ooncosslon of the township of Grey, in the ()bunts of Huron and Province or Ontario, 'containing one hundred aores, be the sante more or less. The farm isa good one, soil good clay' loan well fanged and well watered _. On thepremis- es'- a 1 is wttb soneframe holm "a udoc e50lonea game horning' none oenbllmr.: - is situated can be given at any time. Farm is , est ed timet one mile of the Railway. of Ethel on:Wellington Grey sentofnd Bruce- Railway:. Terme: Ten,per cent of the purchase money to be ppaid down on the day of sale, Valance within thirty t days or part can: be arranged. to remain on mon ortgage 1 sale Far further phage made Co day sale. ep apply to th undersigned d and. cuneirivmc- tlonee apply to the uaderefgned or the Auc- tioneer. Dated at Ethel this Bret day of:A4arch,1910, F. $: SCOTT, CHRISTOPHER RA ?WARD Auctioneer, Vendor. PROCLAMATION Re Dogs in Morris Twp. p Under and bFy virtue of the Authoritieaof the Dominion -Government 2 do hereby order that all doge within the Oluuipipality . of the Township of Morrie be securely chained or kept ander lock and key, 0,t! running at: large to be kept eonatently muzzled with aneffeo: tive metallic muzzle in a manner eatiefaotory to the roper authorities. All doge running et large within the Cor- poration in non-compliance with this Proclam- ation royyed and the eaarners of such will be liable toa fine of not less than 52000: and not more than 9200,10. By Order oftheConnell. NEIL A. TAYLOR,. Reeve. Blyth, Fab. 2Otb,1910., •+••i••�I•••[••+•tk••i•••••••A• i•••F•✓+••F•i••�a•••t••i•••"••1••fi••i•••1•••i'••N• 4*.• 4. • s • 4•. • t • • New Gin hams • • Anderson's S • Scotch Zepher Gi • p nghallis __-a splendid as- + ÷ sortment of patterns in stripes and 4. • • colors. Re Regular vat P clleclts, alert plain g value 15c. Special at 121c per yard. d. ■ • New Prints • S Assrassengapesenameensem Goods =. ' s v r We Woot You to ♦ s 4 0 h See -Our New I ♦M1► hew Dress Goods �� s In all the Newest Colorings: Special Values • ' i? es ut 25c, 500, 75c and $1.00. • r • • • •• ■ New Wash Suitings n s ♦ • All the new shades in plain nnti stripes, silk finished, at 4. • English and Canadian makes -gond qualities of cloth a 82 inches wide. 1pecial at 10c and 12.ic. e d• • s 1213, 15c, 20e, 25c'and 85c. 0 : Ali Winter Goods still going gat Safe Prices MISSES SANDERSON & CARR, having -spent : t wo' e w eke ' u 1 WoI rkr nom. 5 O f til e le ' adl n Mil ' 1 s in er g Wholesales of the City;' are re aced to f Y r P, P urnish 'the a ladies of Brussels' and vicinity with hall the latest St �•' : e Vies. • PATTERN. HATS • Will have in stock a number of Pattern Hats which chide nth - in- e. very latest New York Y and Paris designs • ; hr • •i• • i' • 0 • We will save you money on Boys' ;Incl Men's Suits and Overcoats. s • • All Furs at still greater reduction `in prices. o 25 per cent, discount on Ladies' Read evade Waists. 20 per cent, discount on Ladies' Skirts and Underskirts. 'e 3• + r Announcement• ofklilUner Opening later. yP 9 , BIC on Rural Telephone organization an completion, He has acquired a large yen Reduced prices on all Winter Underclothing. Highest Prices for Produce hardy BIG. OC Brussels G s N� M C N ••4••3•••b••i••d•••II••3',3•.•144.•••••••.t•••F•+•+••1•••1••'1•••hf•AOt••p•44 w•4•••)°•4••••F••F•;M••F•*•••••8ef•1•S't.•3••d•••1•••i;••i••1<!'1'••2'.•,'1'•d•••1••.f•* i'. A r.,