HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-3-3, Page 6,f you FOLK NO 'Prtt0'OPOOo- ' t1S0....., HIDEA1 I-SEEIC. Nicddoinus waa a fat little blacic- noecd, pug -clog, Dorothy found hint, on Carotenes morning tied to the great green Christmas tree with a big red ribbon. "0 you clear froggy 1" exclaimed Dorothy, , givi(e hinr a hug. "You're the very best' present I've ever had!" All da Dorothy played with y long Dorothy her new pet. Books and toys were tall forgotten. Nicodemus could play hide -and -rook better than many little boys and girls, and he dad not mind being "it" at every game. He could not blind hiseyes very well, so Dorothy shut him up in the library, and where she called „Coo!" ulama let hits out; and then hew fast he would run, snif- fing here and there, until at last he would find her. Dorothy liked to play this game very much indeed, but she did not like to have a little pug -clog ,mart enough to find her every time, so 'ono day she thought and thought of 'a very hard place in which to hide. "I'11 go into nay closet and shut the door tight," she said to her- self ; and upshe went to her room. "Cool" she called loudly, as she shut the door. "Coo 1 coo! coo! she now called again. Nicodemus heard her as he was eating a chocolate drop down in the dining -room. He pricked up his ears and sniffed with his nose, tans then up over tilde stairs he went, straight to Dorothy's closet door. She turned the door -knob quick- ly, for she was eager to get out cf her dark hiding -place, butthe door stuck fast. Then she pushed,, and pulled with all her little might, but the door would not epee. "Oh," screamed 'Dorothy, "1 ,can't get out! 0 mama!" she shouted. The closet was so black and still. Nicodemus barked as loud as ever he could when he found that his little mistress was in trouble, and finally mother came running to see what was the matter. "0 dear!" moaned Dorothy, as sho wiped her eyes. "I was so frightened! 1'11 never hide in a hard place again, never , Nicodemus wagged his tail and shook his head wisely.—Youth's Companion. LADY 000R ON WOMAN'S RIGHTS.. Many Worsen Suffer Untold Tortures in Silence They Can De Relieved by Keeping the Blood Supply Rieli and; Pure With Dl'. Wiliiaans' Pink Pills, A woman needs a blood -building to lose all courage, I tried several: medicine regularly just. because she is a woman, From maturity to middle life the health and hapfli- nese of every' woman depelldwl.•upon her blood, its richness and its re- gularity: If her blood supply ie 'ir- zegular slue suffers frcm headaches, backaches,' sideaches, and other unspeakable distress whish only women know. Some women have grown to expect this suffering at regular intervals and to bear it in Hopeless silence. But women would escape Much of this misery if they took .a box or two of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to help. them over each Critical period. These Pills actually make new blood. They help a .woman just when nature makes the greatest demand upon her blood supply. They have clone this for thousands of women throughout Canada, why not for your Mrs. Joseph Kinney, Gilbert's Cove, N. S., says :—For ten years 1 suffered from nervousness and those troubles that make the lives of so many women one of almost constant misery. At times I woulcl be confined to my bed for weeks. I spent sleepless nights and seemed What human can fail to be seri- ously, "if not favorably, impressed with Lady Cook's sane arguments in favor of the franchise for wo- men' when she thus - reasons : The question of the franchise for women is one which must be de- • cided in their favor sooner or later —the sooner the better. For it is., nn longer a matter of sentiment, but of justice. Thekfaot that more tban one-half of the inhabitants of this country are disfranchised, and, politically ranked with lunatics, idiots, criminals, and infants, sole- ly because of their sex, is an ano- maly so glaring . and inequitable that it must not and cannot con- tirue. In ages of government by physi- cal force, when every ••man was a warrior, there might have. been good ,reason for excluding women' political functions.. Now, "•: waver, the citizens of this conn- t4y hire others to -fight for them, and soldiers and sailors are paid through the taxes which are impels - ed upon women -equally with men. The tyranny of 'taxation without representation, against which every Englishman feels justified . in tak- ing'up arras the world over, is laid upon women still. ) ow long is this grave injustice to continue? For men to desire that the active • sympathies and aspirations of an intelligent woman should be eir- cumscribed solely within the do- mestic area is to wish her to be a domeatie serf, a slave of the ht • earth. How could such ane the n hi these times possibly become mother of men of broad views arid generous impulses We cordially agree with John Quincey Adams when he said: "Women aro .not only justified, but exhibit the most exalted virtue, when they do civ- part from the domestic circle and enter ;on the concerns of their country, of humanity, and of their Curti." • A large proportion of women have 1 iv:depenrlent means and no oocupee ties ; others have no 'domestic eir- cic t:e engage their affections; while many possess talents, which, iffree- ly exert iced, would go fur to, en- rica our national life. As a matter ut right, as n means of imbuing politics with; higher purposes and a purer morality, and for the gen- eral protection of the unrepeesent- c„ millirem who groan under ` the of 1lrcsslrl of partial laws, am 111'- -gctltl}' hitvlin ill who levo instice and tic ,re' tsps future welfareiof Miele into:try !.r, emebiitc for the' txt6{(1iiou of the Franchise to \ io- doctor's, but they failed to give me any relief. The last doctor I coda salted told me frankly that he coo not uncler'talce my case unless I woulcl undergo an exaulinatiac, It was then I decided to give Dr. Wil- liams' .Pink Pills a trial, After. taking six •boxes I was much im- proved in health, but I continued t i talce the Pills for a couple of months more when I felt like a new woman, and was enjoying such health as I had not experienced for ten years before. I have had no return of this trouble. since, but I have used the Pills once since that time for the after effects of 1I grippe, and the result was all hoped for. These are plain facts frcm my own experience, and I have always felt that I cannot too strongly recommend Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills to the many women who suffer as I did." _ Yon can get this great blood - building, health restoring medicine from any dealer in medicines or direct by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. FATHER WAS AN INVALID. It had been 'a hard day, in the field and father and son were very hungry. The only things eatable on the table were 12 very large ap- ple dumplings. The father bad con- sumed I0 while the boy was eating ane, and then both reached for the one remaining. "Son," pleaded the father, "you wouldn't take the last apple dump ling from your poor sick pa, would you 1" A MOTHER'S PRAISR • FOR BABYS OWN TABLETS There are thousands of mothers throughout Canada who have no hesitation in saying' that the good health enjoyed by their little ones is entirely due to the judicious use of Baby's Own Tablets. And there. are many mothers who do not hesitate to say that at a critical period Baby's Own Tabletshave saved a baby's life. Such a medi- cine should always be kept in every home. Mrs J. A. Peeler, Paquet- vills, N. B., says :-"We give Baby's Own Tablets all the credit for keeping our little _ one well. They are an excellent medicine for children." Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box ft om The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. A GOOD` PUDDING, TURNE'TH AWAY WRATH, "band ! how disagreeable every- thing verything is 1" pried Ma, "here's Tule a•.gittin' mad at her own brother; and here's you, Opal, haviu' no duds, to wear to the picnic. Blit I don't believe I'd ast your Pa for a new dress, 'eause that'd make everything more disagreeable than ever," But Opal could not give up the idea of a new dress, and so, as soon as her father and her brother Jed Were sated at the supper table that evening, she courageously said; "Pa, .can I have a new dress to wear to the picnic?" "A now dress," echoed her fa- ther grurffly. "I don't sknow no - thin' about it; but this I do know, we've gotta bo awful careful of stoney jest now while the factory's rennin' light)." "What'd I tell you, Opal l" asked her mother significantly. .Pa ate his potatoes and meat in grim silence. But after he began on the rice pudding his scowl g-radu- ally relaxed, and a look of peace overspread his tired face; for the pudding tested very goad to him. And as he slowly munched the rai- sins, he glanced speculatively at Opal; then, after every crumb was gone, said pleasantly, "What kind of a dress do you want, Opal?" "A thin white one; and I can't go to the picnic without, a new alress." Pa sheepishly handed Opal three dollars. "Oh, thank you, Pa," cried Opal jayfully. "Can I have it, Mn?" "Didn't your Pa give it to you? But I dunno as he would if: we hadn't worked on his feelin's with the .puddin'," worried Ma. "A good,puddin' .turueth away wrath," grinned Pa.—Everybody's Magazine. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. Will Break Up .a"Cold in Twenty- four Yours' and Cure Any Cough That is Curable. ' AGAINST CONSUl&PT'ION. 'Pure Air, Good. rood, Cleanliness, Sure Helpers. - r He—"That handsome girl over there made a fool of me two years ago.!' She -"I felt sure that some- thing happened in your past life that you had never got over." Mothers, Give the Children a Chance. Spanking does not cure children of bed. wetting. There is a -constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sommers, Dox W 7_o, Windsor, Ont., will send tree to ,any mother iter successful home treatment, Frith "full instructions. Send no money,: but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this. way. -Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficultiesby day -or night. - There are two sides to every ques- tion—your side and the. wrong side. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- atdr has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults. See that yougetthe geuine when pur- chasing, Some people say they do as they please—but do they? Thor. % Ne Such Thing as a harmless cmL. The trouble goes from bad to worse nnloee cheek. ed. Allen's Lung Balsam cures the worst of Bolds. It,.11ay. ingammatlou and clears the kir CONDITIONAL. Mrs. Clancy—Sure, Mrs. Doher- ty,there's some folks ei'onld rather roast their naybors than ate. The Hostess—Thiele for ye I on - less they c'u'd ate at the oxpinse of their naybors. • Air.—Fresh air and sunshine are necessary to good health. Cold or damp fresh air does no harm if the skin is kept warm. Night air is as good as day air. Breathe only through your nose. Avoid hot, crowded, dusty, dark Ur damp rooms. Food.—Live on plain food and eat regularly. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly and avoid fried food. Drink water freely (not iced). Exercise and Rest.—Regular ex- ercise is essential to good health. Go to bed early and sleep with the windows open. Never sleep in a clamp bed. Clothing. — Wear only loose clothes. Never sit with wet feet or damp cls thing. Cleanliness. — Consumption and other diseases are spread by care- less spitting. Spittle on the floors of rooms, halls, stores and cars will certain- ly ba breathed in the form of dust. Keep clean. Wipe and dry the body quickly" every day. Keep your finger nails clean, and wash your face and hands before you at. Clean your teeth after each meal and before going to bed. Never Bold money, pencils, pins. or other things in your mouth. Never lick your fingers while turning the pages of a book or counting money. — New Jersey Board of Health. The Crick in the Back -"One tench of nature makes the whole world kin," sings the poet. But what about the touch of rheumatism and lumbago, which is' so common now? There is no poetry in that touch, for it renders life miserable. Yet how delighted is the sense of relief when an application of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil drives pain away. There is nothing equals it. PHILOSOPHY. Yeast—"Do you ' quarrel with your neighbor still about his hen earning over in your garden?" Crimson—"No ; we've got over that now." "Buried the hatch- et?" "No; better Still. Buried the hon." Good Netai. 's w' Dyers Dorn 1141 Iss Et. The GI, rantee4 ONE Dye„ for/ALL Good Jima Think of It! With. the SAMP.D o you este toter ANY load of clout Porfeotly.N0 chance of mistakes, • All eolor0 re vaults from: yang Dirtggirt or Dealer, .Semple Card and Booklet Free fro'tit The delintom•lltblrardttn Cee, Limiters, Dn h. 0, - Musette. ( •tie, FROM AWAY OUT ON THE PRAIRIES CONES PROOF OF Al OTOEII VOEEDEIUU'Ie CURE BY DODO'S lotpwr 1' PILLS.. "After all," said the optimist, "the best of luck is only what you make it yourself." "It's all well enough foe you to talk," growled the pessimist, "but in 1 never got anyth,but iiacl luck. g. "Well, then, it's up to you to Make the best of it." SAVED IN HIS 01.0 ACE Annapolis, 51.5., May 14, 1909,. lifauk Southern Tells Dow Tlfcy Raised flim From It Bed of Sick- ness, Cured Ills Kidney Disease Had Made rima Well flan. Skipton, Duck Lake, Sask., Feb. 21 (Special),—After thirteen years suffering from Kidney Disease brought an by an accident, Mark Southern, of Heslalcer Farm near here, is a well man, and lio.is not slow to state that he owes his euro to Dodd's Ifidney • Pills, "It began with pains' in my back, Mr, Southern says, and across my loins, and of late years i booaine very weak and for days 1 bad to keep to my bed. I had all' kinds of advice and tried a great many lnedieines,' but all to no pur- pose. "Beading an advertisement in- duced me to give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial, and I wrote fox six boxes. After taking the first box I began to feel relief, and after us- ing five boxes 'I felt quite well again. I am now able to get about my work and feel no effects what- ever from the old complaint." Dodd's Ifidney Pills clean all Kidney Diseases and all diseases re- sulting from disordered 'Kidneys right out of the system. That's how they cure Bright's Disease, Diabetes,' Dropsy, Rheumatism and Backache. They do it by putting the, Kidneys in good worlung order and they always do it. —.I The following mixture is often prescribed and is highly recom- mended for coughs, colds and other throat and ; bronchial trouble: Mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com- pound pure, and eight ounces of pure Whisky. These can be bought in any good drug store and easily mixed together in a large bottle. The genuine Virgin ,Oil of Pine compound pure is prepared only in the laboratories of the Leach Che- mical Co., Cincinnati, and put lip for dispensing in half -ounce vials.. Agirl's idea of having a good time is to do something she thought would be fun because she wasn't allowed to do it. TO CURB A- COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money it it fails: to curb. b',. 1Y. ODOUR'S eignatare le on each box: 10,. How many people do you know who can repeat the ten coznmand- ments3 Free to Our Readers, Write' Murine Eye. Remedy Co:, Chicago, for 45.page illustrated Eye Book free. Write all about Your Eye Troubl. and they will advise as to the Proper Apulia.. Mon of the Murine Eye Remedies in ifoee Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Byes, Strength. ens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain. and Bells for 50c. Try It In Your Eyes and. in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. "Dear friends," began the poli- tical candidate. "I call you 'dear friends.' -I won't call you ladies and gentlemen, because, you see, 1 know yon all so well." "I am over eighty years of - age and have suffered from Kidney and Bladeler Trouble for fifteen years, I tookcdoutor's medicine but got no help, I want to thank you for sending me the sample box or Gin Pills which helped TAO. "1 have taken sit -bolos of Gin Pills altogether,bit got relief before I had taken near that Ittnount. T had 00 get Up some nights every fifteen mluutes and had to 1100 uta Instrument before I could urinate. Now, I can do in bed four or: Bre . hours withortt gutting up." W. R, PIE1t0S. Write National Drug & Chem, Co., (Dept, W,L,) Toronto, for free sample. Regular size, 500-6 for $2.5s. The first day out. Steward: "Did you ring, sir 1" Traveller—"Yes, steward, I --I rang." Steward -- "Anything "Anything I can bring you, sir?" Traveller — "Y -yes, St -steward. B -bring me a continent, if you have one, or an island.—anything, stew- ard, so 1-lul-long as it's solid. if you can't, sus -sink the ship." "Did ,you deliver my message to Mr, Stumps?" asked tine merchant. New Office Boy ---"Na, sir', He was out and the offfee was locked up," "Well, why didn't you wait for him, as 1 told you " "There was a no- tice on the door, sir, saying, 'Re- turn at once,' so I came back as quick ,as I could," Revive the Jaded Condition. -- When When energy flags and the cares of business become irksome; when the whole system is out of sorts and there is general -depression, try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They will regulate the action of a de- ranged stomach and a disordered liver, and make you feel like a new mac. 'No one need suffer a day from debilitated digestion when so simple and effective a pill can be got at any drug store. TIME TO GO HOME, To Mrs. McCarthy, busy with her washing and in no •mood for chat, had corse Mrs. Clancy, who noticed after an hour or two that it had become cloudy. Said she: "Do it rain, Mrs. Mc- Carthy?" "It do that, Mrs, Clancy; but net that hard I couldn't get home if I was at your house." WIT DUB AIaLOWAN0ES. It was at a little north-western town in New South Wales. A trav- elling l:nglishznan .stood on the ve- v'andall of the public house watch- ing the sun go dawn across the Black Soil Plains in a splendor of purple and gold. "lay jewel' 11e exclaimed to an impassive bushman who was loung- ing against a post. "That's gor- geous, isn't at?" The bushman slanted his head a little end looked critically at the glowing west. "Not bad," he drawled; "not bad—fer is little place like Boggabri," Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. -Through lack of consideration of the body's Deeds many persons al- low disorders of the digestive ap paratus to endure until they become chronic, filling days and nights with suffering, •To these a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is re- commended as n sure and speedy wey to regain health, There pills are specially compounded to com- ba+ dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and they are successful always. WOULD TitY AGAIN. "Won't you try to love mel" he sighed.. "1 halo tried," she: replied, lcind- ly but firmly. "My rich aunt has just died," he went on, • "In that case, dear, .I will try again 1" AT THE. RESTAURANT. "Waiter, why do" you recommend everybody to take a beef a la mode t: -day?" "Because, sir, if it isn't all eat- en we shall have it for dinner our- selves." VERY SORRY—AFTERWARDS. FEW BRITISH 'WAR-HORSES. Scarcity of Iior'ses Available. for hiilitar•y Purposes- - Something akin to a panic has taken possession of Brit'sh states- men in the last few years owing to the scarcity of available horses for military purposes in case of war since the automobile has dome in- to the field as a rival and a menace to the horse, yet statistics would `bought a box. • seem to indicate that the British Tho Zam-Buk .clid what she need- Empire;could furnish horses enoughcd, but as she had bought the use and to spare provided the means less ointment, too, she paid just as were at hand to transport them to much again for the benefit derived the scene of action. Canada has as if she had bought Zam-Buk in the 2.155,490, or more thanthe mother first instance, She was sm'ry country; Australia 1,671.605,- and ! afterwards. . British India 1,463,283, while other Zam-Buk has years of honest re - dependencies swell the total slim- commendation behind it. People bey of horses in the Empire to , have proved that it cures. Imitation ! In a town not fifty :miles . from here a lady went into a store and asked for a box of Zam-Buk. She was told that it would tont fifty cents, and that a larger bar-ofan A Few Shares for Sale other ointment could be bought in one or the best Loan Companies in cheaper. In a moment of weakness Canada an easy terns ; only moo down• she took the cheaper box. When I Moray ie Lend at 61'/, on approved I Best for hsbyalga CURE 0., k 741E 1*tST AtilAGlt� Tail tiUShc0 p la fino for children end adulto,vcry pleosont to take and free Irma opiates. It aooths3 and heals the aehie8 throat and i v 0000roodli; eights to beth mother and child,, All Druggist*, 015 conte. EDUcATIONALr oEARN 'THE iselin1';I1 SC1IADE-Nl'W f system -constant nrect1501 careful filet -ruction; few weeps complete 00010001 tools free graduates earn tivelVOto eighteen dollars weekly; write for cola. Logue, Molar Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. , y' FARMS FOR SALE, QTITIIIIRN ALBERTA FALL {1r11rA' one, 648 acres, nothing better, Will sell sheen,. or exchange :for Ontari farm. PEWTROSS, 84 Don Mills Road, Toronto, MACHINERY "s/ ACI[INE1tx 11 rADQ•UARnkllt,s, 175 Iron and woodworking. mac'binery, engines, boilers, atesm puvtpe, garnlin/ engines, electric motors, cootraotorfe machinery, etc, Send for catalogue ' of over 1400 machines, M. W. PETR.m,. , Limited, Toronto, Montreal, Vanaonver. FARM FOR RENT. F11015 TO RENT, between Meafor, and °trop .Snood, Twn hundred acres under cultivation, hien pasture. farm house and 'tnnd outbuildings. U. W. G. Whitney. 115 Toronto Street, Toronto.' THE LIN DAAAN TRUSS wits hold any nodule hernia, Redone(' by foremost medical in lento for particulars. B. LINDSIAN, (Rev'd),• Montreal. we 4 L. VE'S Raise hem Wit out Milk: Steele,lnrlggs Seed Co. Ltd., 7oroulo,{0,1, OHENILLE CURTAINS and all kinds of hover. hanging,, Also . LACE CURTAINS Dime AND CLEWANED, LIKE NE. write to ns about yours. BRITISH AMERMAN IYEIHC 00., 005158, Montreal: T OPE FOR THE DEAF -IN Accuse:CON•-. 4J . one of the marvels of the electrical: age• use throughout the world. write for ata, Pogue. General Acoustic 00, o1 Canada, Ltd., 400 Yange Street. Toronto. KENT, Box Ale, London, 001 Zam-Buk as badly as before, and rr 00 YOU WANT TO KNOW 1001 .curious :.(mostly untold) facts 'abont Hn•nan Nature 7 Rend Dr. j'•nnte's "Won Aur'•' boob no the del 'net. e'ihiorte • lir Love, Marriage, Parentage, Health, Disease, and Freaks. It is user 0.010 of 50 • pro ra' exnerienee of a ,nocessrul author nrnrtit inner. - Full of advice notes• spry to every man and woman. Contninm:'. r^nrr. vital ferle tb^n your doctor would r'" von .for t°n ri nern, Io 3 .°clic^d. NO 11 , -ns nn6 All fpuntrntfort, pride 10e. L. L. Hitt Book Co., 199 E. 23 St., New York about 8,500,000. fund contains no nourishment, and DON'T WAIT u ntil o ur neighbor imitations of Zam-Buk fail in the getting better crops than yourself. Geo. one essential feature—they never ,KEITH k SONS, seed Merchants, roronta,. work Zam-Buk cures. When your ere offering. 0.A.C. No.. M. Barley and askfor Zam-Birk ion'ttake -any Scotch grown Regenerated Banner gate, , fn 5 bush. lots, at 01,25 per bush.. bags thing else. The name is protected FREE. sour for samples, also catalogue. by law and is clearly shown on each package. .5 -- Just think of the clothes a man's wife could buy with the money he squanders for cigars! Passer-By—"Is that your pork down there or the road, guv'nor?" Farmer—"Pork!' What, d'ye mean 1 There's a pig o' mice out there:" Passer-By—"Ah, but there's a mo- tor -car just gone by." Many patent medicines have come and gone, but Bickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup continues to occupy a foremost 'place among remedies for coughs and colds, and as a pre- ventive of decay of the lungs. It is ,a standard medicine that widens its sphere of usefulness year by. PILES CURED IN 6 TO re DAYS. PASO.O1V:T\IRNt 1' iv guaranteed to cure any eerie of Itching, plied. Bleating ' or Protrndtng Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60e._ A man never realizes how many faults he has nt 111 he has been married two or three years. A Nagging Cough.. drlees sleep- and coS mto,away, Yon can conquer it with. Allen's Lung year, If you1 are in need of some- Balsam, which rope's hard breathing, pain to thing to rid yourself of a cough or 000 h oo tnoolohi'ia ala° at the throat. Gte. It cc.ld, you cannot do better than try Bickle's Syrup. Some men think they are am- bitious, when in reality they are only discontented. People look upon a six-footer who weighs over 200•pnunds as a big plan—until he proves' that he's little. Thos. Sabin of Eglington, says: we Substitute for "The D & 0" Menthol Pl0ote , I have removed. ten corns. from although soma unscrupulous dealers may say there la, Recommended by doctors hospitals, clergy.. my feet with Holloway's Corn rand ovorybodytor }leurlsy, rtantess. eta. Cure." Reader, go thou and do likewise.. Children 8111 Oo Sienrh10g. They come borne the traveller. "Yes," said the fail- covered with snow: Bait a teasp„oniul of Pain- wav restauvant waitress, "There unser in hot sweotbned Oslo,'' will ,recent any 111 offset . .weed subs arise s, thane 5s but vee 'Paiuk oe”—Perry naris'—sea. and 50o. "These are the smallest sandwich- es I ever saw for the money," said was so much eomplaint of the qua- lity of them that I thought I would make them smaller, so there would not be so launch to grumble About." IdOi.SE OWNERS! U S E Gaef00LT'8 CAUSTIC ALSAH. A ufe, epud7 and 00,10.0 curve The utest, s 0.r BUST= 0 wed, ',Audit. ,l h to fro Hereon, 1n (endue In: leprod tl .,1 h• 0,14 d t -lp0,err der„ Tilt LA\Vat:N00 Wt01lAIt0 elf0„ Taranto, 0o,. CAT'S SENSE OF LOCALITY. A kitten about six months ofd was taken to a house a few miles distant from its birthplace, confined in a 10010 and tenderly cared for during a week, tines then sett at lib- erty. 11 was supposed to have be- come habituated to its new sur- roundings, but it returned to its old home on the clay of its release. The sense of locality and direction was exhibited still more strikingly by an old tom -cat, which was stolen and carried a distance of twenty miles, confined in a bag. The cat was imprisoned, but made its es- cape, and in a few days reappear- ed in''a pitiable state' at the haute of its former master, which was separated from that of the thief by a high wooded •chis. "What do you mean by the rising generation, pal" "Oh, the peo- ple who can afford to have airships, sonny 1" WHAT HE GOT. "Well, what happened to you ?" asked the friend of the man who was swathed in bandages. "I was struck by an auto." "Item, did it happen?" "I was stooping clown in, the road picking up a horseshoe for luck," RONC7117.S, ?05iS1 ° I,[:Lt,1lt4T£ rn tato�tlte4"ioarr" sass gl5I 4l7LOEUA. u000 nn Nine, bet got at once a bottao of nAWITArs .R,taA101 ttEL050P and prevent pncuments., or aura to If already manifest.. ed. 10 the 'Unfailing. Household Re m e:8i' for Coughs. Colds,. 0000 Throes, Bronchltls, !Grip, Pneumonia and rains of an lauds. - E! GREAT DEMAND FOR PA EN ST WASTE PAPEIt OF ALL GRADES. Also Rage, Iron, Metals. Rubbers,. Eito. PU E. LLAEl, Adelaide and Maud6 0'V8 Toronta, Ont. Phone for particulars. Main 4693. E1110usrtcess le certainly ono of the most diets areanble ailments which flesh is heir- to. Coated - tongue bitten taste in the month --nausea dio0i• aces --those combine to make life n burden. The ea000 to a disordered Jiver -Cho mire Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, They go straight to the rout 08 the trouble, nut time liver right, bieanso the otomaoh and bowels, clear the tondo and take away the bitter taste from the mouth,, At the first sign of bll. tousuesn take Dr. Morse's lndlFart Moot PI11s fill eiatt's. Hair Promoter Crows Hair en nay OW Herd. On sale at the Bebe. SimpsonQp>ewoSt Canada, or the Marlxtt Stab ting CO, Toronto. Canada, BtInd, Dressing, Itching, ig� Protruding Piles quickly tj� andperinanenlly cured by the most scientific and econonticeI remedy LYLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES Price 51.00-6 for 55.00. mailed on ra oeipt of price. , LYLE MEDICINE 00., 718 Queen West, _ TORONTO APP8Ofl1$,... Cored without operations. All who arc at. Meted with this .disease and wish to be cured permanently, lately and quickly with this great liomeopathte remedy. which will be sent postpaid anywhere in ,the world with 'full instruetione for •: using so 8.0 to effect 0 permnnen-P err.. Prim. '53. Address. ; John 1, Walt,Hemennatplo Pharmacy, Arent -tor- Canada. W E K LUNGS 111810250 BY PSYCSiiIE. " PSYCHINE" haerestored tltournnds of people to buoyant hcal!h and strength" whose condition had been regarded at hope- , lets. It is a thole and Mesh -hapset, con- taining remarkable properties no 7111ml'.- purifier eel germicide. It will etrxniki ea. sad hent the weak lungs; Torre cut the` phlegm, ural d ler away the cough: mo matter of how long standing. "PSYCHINE" 10021 up the wh system and drives out d'tyease. Steals lh decayediiosue and restores lost energy. Its use doily will prevent and ward off that most tUb115 d'uogee cone" ics. Writefer a Free Semple. 1.r Sal• br .1! llryeldrl. & Dealers, 60a, & SI poi tittle. Dr. T.A.S U51 L MlTGDi 'iott.ONTO PRONOUNr