HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-3-3, Page 1VOL. 38 NO, 35 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, "THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 19xo W, H. 1t;k12, Proprietor New Advertisements Taxon I -Elven & 00."T-" Hood M. D oSilt— lrlcker ." Hoed g,ato,-0.-W Duster. E asie ka...ale-•Wm salters.. dawns Pnwdei'-k' R; smith Ar it tias,v opening -311 Inun n Change or business -D (: Ross, Mortgage snle-Ohristol,her Mixilo' d. iztricti'lu McNiliop TowNene', CouNOIL,- Cornice met t' the Conunure' c ,u41 Hotel -e C bott h, 1 artless, Feb. 25th, all the mteiuhers. present. PL'evibus m11)1Ces accepted. In accordance with the repent of the Couuty Engineer, D, Pat rson, the Council will erect a'steel bridge, 100'' feet long at Roxboro'. Moved by Mc- Quaid-Detains a-Quaid-Det alas that the. Clerk advert. Use for tenders for the construction of 100 font steelbridge, cement floor,` 14 or 16 foot roadway, .Pratt and f. Warren truss bridge to be completed ue or before Aug, lilt, 1910. Contract- ortt t a to e t tt v oldbridge, . for cement Ointment t0 be lei Separate, to be ciitnplettr] en or before Jaly 1910. Ouuuoil adjo'ned to: meet. agIlul at(rummer tree lintel, searorth, ou Monday, March. 14th, when tenders will be opened at 2.80 o'eloolt, p. In, 11, 14 °nuns, Clerk. Jamestown An enjoyable time was spent by a number. in this vicinity tit the home or Richard Miller on Tuesday evening. Several who have spent the Winter here ar e thinking Clinkinbg su•ioualy of getting hack to their deuce in the West again, A vensy Werra:int evening was enjoy- ed at the home of . Peter Scott's, Mnrrisbatik, on Tuesday, Feb. 15th,' it being the 5th anuige0sttly Of the inarrulge'nf their ditughter, tDers..John, Simpson. Gauzes and dancing were tri reorder, of the everting and all report t a gpod 'time, They start for their hone in the West next week. ' VeZA'A OSWA0 4 7g ".. s;Z ' e2gr^aVE^a'449%%. e av V2Z5:a'�i' PoTA grArz 1ar1 0 6 tILLI E y °PEI QezeA�A4'e eeaoreeee.e. rrAreerAveeAeer reeleePe , +'ngi`;'S eeeteeee t eaete2eaeb .b .i„ 6 The Ladies res of Brussels and vicinity are cordially in- Y It vited to attend the"et MillineryOpenings sat the Bel ere P: P g' .� q monte Milliner Parlors" � Millinery .. Tuesdayrci and Wednesday e dna esday Id Marchi 8rti23rd P. Y . A full line of the LATEST PATTERN RATS, in Ladies', i. Misses. nd Uhikl • r' •a a Children's, s, also Novelties in Trimmings, will be die - lay ed: A choice selection of i Co P Y the Newest Veilings always ou hand, Co el ii MISS HAYNES, of Hamilton, who has good experience in the Milto �+ Millinery oer Art hasbeeu engaged ed for -the mi X ,ca n season. She has pastg been in Toronto &)r the few weeks lookingopthe Newest ideas .4 and will be pleased to meet the needs of the Ladies of Brussels and Fe` locality. •S " Oe riteee&riet`4 srS9AWt„rRsa �l4s � nest taeree rda twine' ,` itee ;ezeir arth''4e ee Le vl Beimonte 9 Ne Millin r Y , B "� P rl r a o s Change of Business D. C. ROSS Brussels WISH` to announce to the people of Brus- I sels and community y that I have taken over the entire stock, fixtures g and ood-will of the firm known for the past five years as Ferguson Si Ross, A most efficient staff has been �` a eng'ed and the Dry Goods Department will be under the ;management'of MR LESLIE CALLAN, an experienced buyer. I earnestly solicit the continuance of the extensiveatrona a so longaccorded to this P ';' store and assure theP ublic that no 'effort will be spared to uphold the traditions of this business for honest dealingand the lowest prices in ac- cordance withoods of reliable g quality. t The man large orders of y e g rs Spring Goods, which have been placed to protect customers against the advancingmarket, ] .et, have been ratified. b and are now being passed into stock. The Public are invited to attend our Spring openings which will shortly take place and view one of the finest selections of, new goods ever shown in Brussels. The aim of this store will make always be toke ye the customer's interests the first consideration Your for usu• Yours �]ess t. D. ROSS V isimerimmemsiimm Jamestown Farmers' club will meet Victoria Hall next Tuesday ev,nl ub obeli live subjects will be discussed by .1. Robb, 8, Snell, A. Pollack and jam, Mt,ttcs, hvot•ybody is invited to come and join in the discussions. ssion Let u � u 1 s. s farmers educate ourselves along agri- cultural Linea and 1'.here by raise our profession to the level upott'which we Mould stand. Bluevale Quite 24 number of people in the vil lage have been ill with la grippe. Rev. W. T. West, M. A., attended the meeting of Presbytery at Wing am n Whig - ham t a t TUCad14 y. He is t 1 to efficient Clerk. The regetlar monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be bold at the limner of Mrs. Adeune on Thursday, March 100, at 2.30 p, m. Those nee in t rare ver profitable and we would like to have tore of the ladies attend. Cranbrook ' Miss Watson is a visitor at the Manse. Miss Rathwell. Sundayed at G. Sparliug's. . The building rd a school on the 9th is .the latest gossip. MiesSatte n e e 1 r ddn-Ben a At Horne hi Stratford last Friday, evening: Lhete will be service to the Luther- an church Sunday March 18th. '- Miss Emma Reuter was at 'reroute. attending the Millinery Openings. Mrs. Chas. Alderson has, tautened from an extended visit to Avonton. Rirharcl Smalldon's two sons fi.om Michigan are visiting in the vicinity, . it is reported that Oraubrook has a pickle mine along the river Maitland, A. J. M. Helm was in: Cargill last week attending dot g the funeral of Mrs. O. Keeling sr. David. Brown, of Logue, has bought Gen Thompson's farm and will move on it shcn'lJy. The- next meeting of Grey township Council. Will be held here, date being next -Monday. Rev. D. B. 154aEae attended Mait- land Presbytery at Wingham'on Tues- day of this week. - Athol McQuarrie has taken a posi- tion on the Signal, at Goderich,' go- ing to itlast week. Geo. Reymann, came up front Lon- don last week and purchased a driver from Cameron Bros: Friday Afternoon of this week the interment e went bf the late Wm. and -Mea. Cook, of Ethel, will take place in the cemetery hetet. •Will. Long and P. J. McDonald have returned to the West after a holiday visit with relatives and friends, We Wish them well. Mrs. Chas. Keeling passed away at her home in. Cargill on Sunday, Feb. 200. Her son ••visits at A, J. Helm, of Oranbrook, nearly every year. She was over 80 years of age. Wroxeter Miss Ida Paulin returned from Tor- onto last week. . Miss Ethel Stutt visited relatives in Teeswater this week. • - Herbert Rogers, of Fordvfch was in the village Mit e on t1 oda . b y Mrs C. G. nes Hemphill wase •EIat iston friends last week. guest of r Editor Chisholm has moved to his new premises on Main street. Merton Rowe visited with friends in Paris and Hespeler last week. Miss Ada Morrison returned to her home in Hanover last Thursday. Mrs. 0. D, Simpson and children returned from Hensel! on Friday. Herbert Edgar, of Howick, return- ed to the West on Friday afternoon. Miss Young, of . Hillsbnrg,; is the guest of her neice, Mrs. Harry Hard- ing. leliss gate Hazlewood rendered a choice solo in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening. Miss Lerma Lewis is spending a few weeks with friends in Moorefield, Hatiiston and Clifford. Mrs, Jere Br•ethauer entertained the Ladies' Aid of the MethodistOhutch to tea ou Wednesday afternoon. Owing to a change being made at the centred telepnone office,.• the tele- phones were out of business two days of this week, ' • The Bank of Hamilton has opened a daily service in their bank here in- stead, nstead of three days a week as former- ly. Mr. Ryau, of ,13ainilton is in charge, Rev. L. Perrin preached in Victoria• Hall, Jamestown, nn Sundayeveuing, consequently there was no service in the'Presbytet'ian Church here. Rev. O. W. McKenzie conducted the eel vice in tate morning, Mr. Perrin having chat ge of the former's work in Belworo." Owing to the heavy weight of snow a portion of the roof of the rink fel in on Saturday evening, shortly after eight o'oloek. There were a nnnber of skaters' le the rink at the'time, who `hurriedly made their exit. For- tunately 00 one was hurt and the damage to the is rink nonserious. It Will'liltely be repaired. PRontownve.-We are pleased to state that A. W. 'Robinson, son of.. Postmaster Robinson, of Wroxeter, who has been in the Woet for some years, has been promoted to the posi- tion of head clerk in the Land Titles orrice at Saskatoon. Sask.,' an office recently opened, Mr. Robinson will have a staff of 22 to look after. "Art's" many old friends hope he will continue' to climb. 'Saskatoon and Saskatchewan are booining. There were some splendid cost -Imes at the masquerade carnival held in the ria nkflat TIYI'.eCliL 1 ,y evening. The ;judges were Misses Jeannette Ritchie and May Davidson and John Gilson and Neil White, who awarded the prizes to the following -Best dressed Citi, Miss Jemmy toff h b v lI art ,. best dressed boy, Biel Hers ; best 1 comic, Tommy Stiuder,ton. lit the • 1 couple race there were two entries, Wm, Bla k e u n ] t t Della iss 1 Ru er tit �- M Cord and' Thos, Sanderson and Mies Sophie Robinson, the former couplo e ming in ahead. In the boy's race Olarattro White took Mat arta Robett 11 (Reveller second. • Morris 1e0 ACHE fn•n to rent for posture. Apply lite form, ith Due, to Mrs. Joseph Olegg, Bruseels P. 0. Township Connell will be held o tMouda , 14th inst.'• It is et difficult, mattert to keepth roads passable eveu qy frequent plot ink, t Ditin ng She past week Wrn. Shetlde an old resident of the 4th line, h beep quite poorly. Mrs, Shedden somewhat inn proved. in Health. For some time past Wm. Wilkinso 4th line, has beau bothered with h eyes and even yet he has not fully r gained the proper nse of therm. Walter S. Forest 2nd line ht been laid up with a lame back and only able to move about with rte degree of cow&rt during the past fat days. Re felt it in turning over stone boat. Wehope he will soon b a. k. A large number of the residents i the South Wester art of rr' 1 '4Io is ax YP subscribing for telephones ones rn con net tion with the renal iradependen system being planned. It would ce fainly prove a great convenience t have such a circuit. The funeral of the late Jno. W Davis took place Friday afternoot service being conducted in Nlelvill chureh by Rev. A. C. Wishart. Pial hearers were F. Duncan, B. Bryan E. Cardiff, Jho. Werk, R. Bowma and R. McKinnon. Neil and Wm Gray and Harry Endicott, relative were of deceasede here from Lindsay. y COLT BROKE ITS LEG.- Mende, Wm. Bird, 611- line, was delivering heavy draft last year's colt to Wm Keys, 5th line. . To expedite matter he,colt loaded the in the sleigh an got along all right until he-reache the turn at the Miller school house Here: the road was slanting and ter load top heavy causing the upsettin of the. sleigh. - Unfortunately in th turn over a front leg of the colt wa broken above. the knee and it had t be kilted.. Mr. Bird bud sold it fo $760.00 so the loss will be a serious one SCHOOL REPORT. -The following 1 the report of S. S. No. 3: Morris for th past' month :-Sr. IV. -Ella Clark Myrtle' Wheeler. Sr. ill. -Jane. Connon Maggie S sir, Sohn Pass more, WII.- Denman.- Jr.Tr. - Ernest Michie, Sam. Alcock, (Glady McNeil, John Little, equal) Andrew Nichol, Willie Clark, Elsie Connon Sr. II. -Ivan McArter. Norman Speir Jr. II. -.John MciNeil; Russell Marks Pt. II.' -Maggie Clark, Annie Alcock Pt..1-Everett Nichol, Clifford Marks Harold Watson, ANNIE McGowan - Teacher hires HISLOP CALLED Rotele.-Fri day of last week Miss Margaret His lop, youngest daughter of the late John Hislop, of 14th con. of Grey township, was called to her reward aged 89 years, 8 months and 26 days. She had . taken upstenography. 6 P Y• to which she was very proficient and fox 12 years _held ositions in Chicago. For Fothe past 5 yeturs her health was not good but she was only seriously 11 for a week before her decease. She died at the home of hes ,sister, "Mrs. Dougald McDonald, 7th line. Deceas- ed was highly esteemed by all who knew her for her many excellent ent utilities of head and heart and her emise is regretted. Funeral took plats .Monday afternoon to Brussels cemetery; Rev. Mr. Wishart, B. A., eing in charge of the service at the Ouse and grave. SCHOOL REPORT. -The fnllowing is he result of the examinations held wring the months of January and ebruery in S. S. No. 4 Maris :-Sr, V.-Exatn, in Arith., Hist., Lit., ram.. Spell., Cotnp„ Resit,, Geog. 1'otil $10. Harr Mc°ut heon 694 Harry C �, Willie Thuell, 601. _Sr. 111.-i•]xam. t Spell., Lit., ReciteGram., Geog., rith„ Comp., Hist. Total 800. ennyScott, 679 ; Fred. Thuell, 587; arvey McOntcheom 508 Joseph huell, 501. Sr. II. Exam. in Crimp.. eog., Arith., Rect., ^Writ., Spell., it. Tetra 711e. Florence Scott; 689 ; rnest Smith, 408, Jr., IL -Exam. t Comp., Lit., Arith.. Spell., , Geo., Wilt., Recit. Total 700. Alvin adgley, 001 ; Annie Thuell, 608 ; Ida geruaghan, 418... Pt. II: Ruby eruaghan, 472. Sr. Pt. I. --George akiey. 680; Wesley McOuteheon, Edna Thuell, 403. 1. McNan, Teacher. MRS. JOHN DAVIS PASSED AWAY. Last week we referred to the double ereavereent of the family- of John Davis, 4th line, in the decease of aughter and son since Dec. 27th and iso spoke of Mrs. Davis' precarious ealth. Despite all that medical skill Id good nursing could, do the mother assed away early Tuesday mourning nd thus the third death is reaorded 1 the family. The dark cloud has ung over the home without arty otiht and the bereaved father and ue sen are left to hold in loving utembeauce the lives of those who ave passed over the river in advance. r8, Davis was been. is Edinburgh, cotlaud, nearly 61 years ago, her Aiden name being" Sarah Gray. le came to Canada with her patents hen 9 years of age loctuting at Buw- anvtlle, afterward tackingupresitlerl- in Linclstty. Mr. and Mfrs. Davis ere rnart•ied 35 years age and Moved Minis in 1894 pm:Thasine the fait» the 4th lute Where they have resid- shite, The subject(of s t t1t73 notice, joyedfaiely good health until three four years ago when the nursing id • anxiety over her son ,Tern., who AS ill ilial who wets healed ltast week, id ori her. `.1'he Immediaate cause or a b h F I G r ii A J H T G L I it 13 0 448 b d a h itt P a it h d o re h 13 in 51 w rn ce w to OI ed et1 al' ai w dressed lady, bliss Laura Lewis • beet ` to et Xtil,Ctnt9lCkneaewas the demise of ter only daughter, bringing on lotroous prastteleute and other eompli- other points. Thos will leave on ER. I d 151. Campbell and U bride took the afternoon trtuin, for a short wedding pp tout 1 cations resulting in her i do se el n .Mrs,Davisvasafine aor an' todta- eleskindly and touch bound I Iter family and passed away in tt'ust- ful confidence in the Good Shepherd. Her death ireread ygretted and re the triple call in so short cort a period has reate wltles ee ud p s sympathy for these who remain. The funeral took place Tb medley afternoon. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Dna) SUDDENLY. -The following item refers to a former resident of the 41/11 line who lived on the faun now owned by A. L. Kerr, and will he read with regret by many old friends : -"I ' just want. u 1 to sit down andandget my breath,�� said Mrs. O. B. Dart* Wed- nesday night of last week as she entered a store on Queen street, Sault Ste; Marie, Ont., while returning home, Ahnost immediately she fell to the floor and expired. yThe two doctors who were almost immediately' on the scene ascribed death to heart failure. A remarkable feature of the lady's sadden death is the fact that as she lay dying in the store two sons were on the floor immediately above attending their Oddfellows' lodge Meeting, quite unaware ofthe tragic end that was overtaking their mother in the a oro t below, She was theif w e of O. B. Harris, whofor many soars turnkey in was the district jail. Grey Township Council at Oraubrook next Monday. J. Taylor Strachan visited at his home a few days ago. Miss Lottie Jackson is holidaying with old friends at Ohesley and local- ity. John and Mrs. Turnbull, of Elena, visited at Jas. Turnbull's and John Strachan's. Aucfion sale a l t tors. Jonathan Wrights- 10th eon., Friday afternoon of next week. Most of our dogs around here are wearing muzzles. It is rather hard on the collies. Wm. McNair, 10th eon., is laid up this week with .lumbago, not a very. pleasant companion. Mrs. Angus Brown. 4th con., has been real poorly but we wish her speedy convalescence.-- - Last week Mrs. E. Vipond and daughter. of Elmto, were visiting rela- tives and friends in Grey. Miss Nellie Campbell, of Milton, is a visitor at the home of her uncle, Duuald Campbell 16th con. Frank Davidson, andson, :who was holiday- ing here, has retutne'd to Toronto. Re is on the staff of the Metropolitan Bank. Miss Mary Livingstone, of Toronto, was hereon a visit with relatives and old friends. She was a welcome visitor. A number of farmers are getting things ready for sugat malting or pos- sibly syrup manufacturing, moreprop- erly speaking. - Winona, youngest daughter of Lorenzo and Mrs. 'Frain, has been quite ill with pneumonia but we hope the bright young lassie will soon be, fully restored. After an enjoyable visit here for r several mouths Wm. McCartney re- turned to his hems in the West last week. Hugh McCartney, his brother went with him. - Tlie new telephone system is being well exercised along the lines where the wires are strung. -System will be extended in the -Spring. Nobody should be without a 'phone atthe small annual outlay. Ethel Township Council will'bo held next Monday at Craubrook. Bills are up announcing a Mortgage Sale' of Lot 27, Con. 8, Grey, contain- ing 100 acres at the hotel hens on Monday, 2let lest., at2 p, m. F. S. Scott will be the Auctioneer. Iritprovements are in- progress in the addition to G. M. Mitchell's store and it will be ready before long. Geo. evidently has his eye on the Eaton or Simpson style of doing business and deserves to succeed, 5S YEARS IN USE. -Tho first time John Sanders was in Toronto it was in 1852 and on that occasion purchased a leather purse. He carries it yet and itis not in bad repair either. We venture to say the purse has been filled many a time in the 68 years and we suppose many a time emptied also. Archie McDonald, a well known Greyite, has leased his farm to. Nelson Hayden and will make his home in Ethel pursuing his business as drover. He handles a large quantity of stock and iss shrewd buyer•. Mr. McDonald has rented the oomfortable home of John Eckmier. The latter will go West on a prospecting. tour and will visit his sons. If he sees what suits him he may locate there. Next Sabbath, March lith, being set apart as Temperance Sunday on the Ethel cit unit S, S. Cele and H. Rich- mond, along with the pastor, all of whom were delegales to the great Temperance Convention eeoently held Toronto, well speak at each of the services as follows :-Bus's, 10.30. a. m. ; Union, 3 p. in. and Ethel at 7 p. m. A collection in aid of Moral Re- form wot k of the Methodist church itt Canada will be taken at each of these serVieee. Hvemee AL. - At high noon on 'Wednesday of this week the matte- emniel knot was tied at the home of the bride's mother, by Rev. D. B. Mc- Rae, between J. A. Campbell, late of. Cuba, whose home was formerly Clelteerham, Ont., and Miss Nellie, daughter of Mrs. Jas. Ltuird. Cere- Ymonnylvas performed in the presentee of intntedictte friends. Miss Lattra Spence played the wedding march. Following the expression of good wishes ealne a tasty hnleheon and day for Mexico where they expect t make their home. The uses of friends of the bride wish her and h husband many happy, prosperou .ears. Airs, Campbell will be misse here as he was a a lar can lad and a faithful worker in the Preeb teniae Chuteh, After a somewhat lengthen absence former Ethelites in the per sons of Mrs, J.I. Snaffle and Mrs, P. :Werry, of Crystal City, Manitoba have been reuewing old friendships They are sisters of Mrs, Wm.. Eckmie and daughters of Andrew Sharp, well known •former resident. Mr. Smith and son were also here. For about three mouths the visitors have been touring England and Scotland and are on the return trip now. Mg. Sharp, although getting well op in nears enjoys good health and does ot forethe timers of Grey township. 1N LIFE AND DEATH TOaETBER� For some time past Wm. and Mrs. Cook, well known residents of this locality, have not been in very robust health and iu the case of the former, who had passed his 80th year, this was not to be wondered at. Both he and Mrs. Cook took considerably worse of late and Tuesday.the latter passed awayto her re i ward in her 88th P year and ou the following morning her partner closed his eyes on earthly scenes and the elderly couple who had travelled the pathway of life so many years together were only separated .a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. Cook lived on their farm for many years on the 10th -con. of Grey (now owned by their son-in-law, Hartwell Speirau) before taking up residence iu Ethel. Mr. Cook was married twice, his first wife being Miss Doull. He came from Durham Co. to Greynearly50 ears y ago. o. The latelydeceased Mrs. Cook was Miss Susanelodge and was a true wife and loving mother. One daugh- ter, Mrs. H. Speiran, survives. Mr. and Mrs. Cook were loyal members of the Methodist Church and. were re- spected by: a wide circle of friends. The double .funeral will take place Friday afternoon leaving the home at 1 o'clock for the Methodist Church where Rev. J. Henderson, pastor of deceased, will conduct the service. Interment will be made in the family plot at °Hambrook cemetery. Mrs. Thos. Watson, who recently removed to Macklin, Sask„ is a sister to Mrs. Cook and George Hodge, of Grey, is a brother. The bereavedwill t have the sympathy of the community. Blyth o restoration of Mr. Dempsey's health.,: ua i u tc. d lie and his family wttl e i t n o a he Reside here, for a time at:leiasa w 1 s understand, d OFF To OALtr91tNIA,-This week A. y 1i, and Mrs. Jacobs, tveli known anal: y- highly esteemed residouts of ]311th neighborhood, aeeoinpauietl by tlt,tiia d gi'aud daughter, bliss NJchah `J t i l ell, - lift fur ligdlapds, Crihfotiiia, tvhl.rti,' L they putt�nee making their lnutttu,lot f1 while, ilii, Jacobs, who is a I tI 1', • fruit fancier, bas 10 acres o1.' alettige;', r grove which ho will Oversee. 1A'e', a trust the Golden state will treat tIt' 1,tnd Well as to health, Wealth anti true friends and that Gheir, stay will be an enjoyable one. If industry, thrift and a level head count -as' they <la -Air,' Jacobs should do well in Calilorma. AN laIARLY SE°1 L+.W'i' are again remindeTTLERd of Into uJI(xN' ld-airrty;,; of huutan life in the death of ore Of the earlier settlers of the 14th conees- cion of Hullett, in the person of Mrs. Plaetzer. Deceased carne to the town- ship forty years ago with her husband and family. Mr. J'laetzer died about 16 years ago. Mrs. Plaetrzer is surviv- ed by three sons, two of whom are in the State of Michigan, and the young.';' est, Lawrence, ou the farm, and three daughters, tats two of ham are hvr i W w xl n b the township w of iiay, and one &Ins. P Groose, in kinilett, Deceased was a member of the Evangelical church. She has passed the allotted threescore and ten years. Her remains were in terred in the Evangelical cemetery oil,, the 14th concession of Mullet. HELLO 1 -Lase Friday afternoon ' a publiumeeting was held in Induetr* Hall to discuss the questiutt.ett-r ed telephone faeiltues by inai Mg a rural system. ex -Reeve Auureiv_ Striae made a goud elmene un b. 11 Scott, President cif the Brussels,x•e Grey and Morris Independent Telephone Co., addressed the gathetieg along the line of organization, equipment, &e., and answered a large uutuliez' of questions. .lie evidently is thoroughly acquainted with the question. Several representatives. • the BellTelephoue Co. were peetient and they and others took part iu the discussion. The canvas fur subscrib- ers is being continued and when suf- ficient names are secured another meeting will be called for the organ- ization of a local lndepettdeem Go. with Blyth as headquarters. The village Council has agreed to supply the cash ou debentures if the people," take hold of it. A rural service would be a good tliiug'for Blythe and every business man ande w ll wishe'i iu Cho village should agree to take a 'phone. Brussels figures an 400 telephones on its circuit. Town. Council next Monday even- inDuncan McArthur is visiting rela- tives and friends at Brussels. Blyth is well and attentively looked after by commercial travellers. Mr. Hackie, representative of the London Free Press, was in town last week in the interests of that daily. A choice lot of new books has been added to the Public Library, which is located in Messrs. Chambers & Co's. store. • Some attention has been paid to fixing spots bad s ots ou the t loads but it is no earl:Y task at this season oro of the year. East Wawanosh and Morris Town- ship Councils have issued proclama- tions, warning people to either muzzle their dogs or chain them up. Last Friday. evening Rev. and Mr's. J. L. Small, of Blyth, took part in a Presbyterian church entertainment at Brucefield, d, rendering acceptable bre service. R. arid' Mrs. Vincent, of East Wawanosh, left' Blyth last Monday for the West where they purpose ntakiug their home. May good luck follow them. Horse Fair Tuesday of this week. There was a good turn out consider- ing the condition of the roads. The next and last Fair for this season will be held Tuesday, March 29th. Owing to the weight of snow and ice the verandah in front .of the home of Mrs. Copp collapsed last Sat- urday night. A number of residents averted a similar occurrence by the diligent use of the SCOW shovel. Chief Westlake is still unable to at- tend to his duties as the limb bitten by a dog some weeks ago continues to. bother him. He is spending a few weeks with Colborne township friends. We hope he will soon be all eight and able to assume his regular duties. Miss Bessie R. Taylor Ieft on Mon. day afternoon for Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, where she will make an extended visit. A goodly number• of friends accompanied her to' the depot to say Good Bye. eltss Taylor has been one of the assistants in Blyth postoffice where she competently and agreeably perforated her duties. She will be missed in St. Andrew's church where shewas an interested worker, GOOD RECORD,- Richard Sellers, the well kuowu local poet, who it drayxnau and looks after the carrying of the express to and from the G. T. R., has only missed the trains 5 times in over 35 yews, a record not easily equalled in so long a period, early and Rote, i6 rain and shine or snow and storm. Everybody seems to be ac- quainted with Mr. Sellers who often uses as his introductory original couplet in speaking of the train :•- "1 see her coning round the bend '.1'o take you to your journey's end." ANOTHER Destines OHANGE.-Last week W. .1. Andrew, who hon been a resident of this locality for the past 7 years purchased the well established grocery business of W. J. Dempsey and took o s p s esstoi on Saturday, Me, Dempsey has carried. on busieres foe 12 years having a gond trade bet. owing to ill health was uuiible to at- tend to it We wish the new peopele- tor success and as he acrd Mrs. Andrew are well aequaioted with the eople of the' community theyshould o well. Itis to he hoped tat free. OM from business will aid lit the to Tororito, Ololtenham and d Walton Frank McGavin, of Winnipeg, was here for a short visit; t nlclsi rli t _pax---., ental roof. The John Ryan,,auction sale will be held on 'Tuesday of next week. Mr. Ryan has sold his farm so the sale will be without reserve. Mr's. L. McDonald and family per d' pose removing to Seaforth where they will make their home. Mr. Hoegy,;.•' hasP urchased the McDonald home ' here. Whinerg g r e ottiu their removal we wish the o m prosperity and happier ness. tlelgrave La grippe is bothering a number of people in this eowniuufty, PRACTICE SOLD. -Dr. B. H. Hamil- ton has sold his practice at Belgrave • Cavo P S to Dr. Robe Stewart, who is well ee known in Wingham, having for some time taken the practice. for Drs. Red- mond and Agnew. Dr. Hamilton will take a trip to the Old Oouutry to take some special courses. Anuouucemenb was made that J. A. Hunter and F.,H. Gilroy, of Brussels, would address the congregation of Belgrave circuit next Sabbath on Moral Reform topics. Itappears they were not aware of the arrangement and will not be able to attend but ar- rangements may be made foil a laatet date and better roads. Trowbridge CONDOLENCE. -At a, special meeting of the Trowbridge Methodist Church Quarterly Official Board the following resolution was passed unanimously "We, the members of the Qua.terly Official Board, hereby convey to Mee, Daniel Collins and family our sincere and heartfelt sympathy 'under titer' recent sad bereavement. A kind an faithful husband ,and father lists -ilea severed from the home circle -it honored and useful Local 'Preach i and Olass Leader -yes, a new beim'` by the entire community for hie s e, pathizing and comforting visits to the suffering and bereaved --he's, in the'!: fullness of .yams, gone Howe to hie Eternal reward. He was a man strong in purpose, pure in heave tied. noble iu life, by whose death the Church and the world live lose to tette: and valued friend. His bodylias been wrapped in the \winding sbeet of death and consigned to the narrow tL house of the grave but his noble such has been liberated from the tong suffering bouy and now, we have rea- son to believe, is drinking of the rivet of life whose fountaiu head is close to the throne of God. And W11110 Ai;; -- mourn the departure from our End 3t of one so universally loved and red- pected and shed the tear of sympathy with the bereaved ones iu their sad- ness, yet let us be cheered witIt the thought that the separation ie hot forever -and a few more days or year'; at .most and We shall be reunited where death and separation ' laic tui - known -where sorrow and sighing will flee eaway .for God ilinlsel1 01111 wipo awtears. "Servantay ofall God, well duet, tri' gloriousywarfate's past ; The battles fought,' the race le ivae. aitd thou are trowetecl et last. Signed - O. COetnes 1;,, S. ; S. SAI,TON, Pastor.