The Brussels Post, 1910-2-24, Page 8on h on the Honda and face m pf the F rmer t
,rhe cold Winter winds are very hard on the feels andhands, the
-„"'Void• h•neem umd safeness being very Irritating la tunny cases. All
that these 1'aty wiatia can do in the daytime can be undone in a
night or two by using our n
which is a sleligbtfnl 'Toilet Cream, It heals and softens the skin,
takes away the sureness, and is perfectly harmless in every way.We have it in bulk at 5c. per ounce.
Among the other reliable 'Toilet Preparations we have are :.-
Ingratlt's Milkweed Crean, IDgrom's Greaseless cold Cream,
Also Iagram's Soap, Ta'oum Powder and Zodenta'l'ooth Paste,
Seely's Cream ot Violets, Hind's Honey and Almond Cream,
Pomperan Masstige Cream, Ammon Rose Cream,
T11e Sanitol Preparations and a great many others.
7-' your own receipt for "the hands,” which you may have, we can
,seee" carefully fill with the best of ingredients,
oral grills items
THOS. LOTT'is seiP p'ug ashes this
WHAT about a revivalof the town
Band ?
READ every advertisement and test
them be inspecting ,goods and prices,
BRUSSELS Monthly Horse Fair Thais
day of nes: tteek. Veep it in mind as
it will be a dandy,
AT a meeting ot Brussels Public Lib-
rary Board Monday afternoon, J F.
Rowlaud was chosen Secretary -Treas-
P. SCOTT was appointed one of the
Directors of Clintuu Live Stock Sbow.
It will be held Thursday, April 7th, and
will be a leader you may depend
AUCTION sale of Household Furniture
Saturday of this week at the home of
•$ ., •• .j neo - Cober, Flora street. THE
k7 -: lastweek
mentioned the rgtli in -
steal of the 26th.
WEDNESDAY'S storm rather tied things
up on the railways. 'The morning train,
preceded by the snow plow, did not
arrive at Brussels until about xx a. m.
and was the only train until evening
when one arrived from the East.
CARD tie THANKS. -MFS. John. Sinclair
esires 'through the columns of THE
'UsT to express her heartfelt p a Felt thanks to
the ma -try Friends who were so kind,
sympathetic and helpful during the
brief illness and atter the c:emise ot her
daughter. It will never be forgotten.
AN effort should be made to see that
,r. --Brussels well known Salt Works are set
in motion. The quautity and quality of
brine is to be had without much trouble
and it is too bad to see the business
standing still. Registry should be made
concerning the matter as it is in the
interests of Brussels to have it booming.
Los & MILLER have taken charge of
the ash business in Brussels and locality.
--•.-The firm consists of Walter Lott, of East
Wawanosb, son of Thos Lott, of this
locality and Ernest Miller; of town.
The bulk of tbis fertilizer goes to the
U. S. we are sorry to state. A car will
---.414.4.4..4 or a5 ton,
. The uniform proinotion' examivat;onsl
for the eublic schools of Huron will be-
gin on March nand, igio. Teachers
should notify their inspector at once of
the number of papers required for
classes II, III and IV. These papers if
ordered in time will be sent to the teach-
er's address before March- 16th
-Brussels I-ublte Library a. Board has
arranged for anill
u.testedLecture to
be delivered in the Town Hall hereon
Monday, March reth, by a former resi•
dent. in the person of Inspector of
Dominion Forest Reserves Kuecbtel, on
Forestry. Mr. Knecht el has been
studying the leading features of this
important subject a,t home and abroad.
rt, and his Lecture should prove one of
interest and profit. A first-class
Stereopticon is used throwing dissolving
views.- Sleets the date clear." : No ad-
a..,,.;.,`"'"rs'pi fee charged
SALE OF BtfsINsSS.-This week James
Sharpe; of Chicago, purchased the
Brussels•Electiic Light Works and all
connected therewith from W. J. palm -
er who bas owned it for the past few
years and run it very satisfactorily.
The new proprietor will assume aha,ge
ou April rat , Having returned to
Chicago and Di troit to close up business
affairs there. He had a wide experience
fe-'io electrical works in both city and
town add should n s i irl handle Brussels plant
'nu to -sate style. MrPalmer takes
Mr. Sharpe's farm, 6th line Morris, in
connection with the transaction. 'D.
Dorman is the present tenant of the
farm. Mr. Sharpe is an old Brussels
boy, a son of James Sharpe, 5o will
have the advantage tit being acquainted
will y_ eurrytll lel ye
:,.✓� he remains of the late James Stretton,
Those demise was spoken of in last
- week's issue of 'rat Posy, arrived at
Brussels' Thursday of last' week and
were conveyed to the home of bis son,
W. F., from wheuce'they were taken to
St, John's Church Friday afternoon.
The service wan id charge of Rector
Cameron, the sermon being based on
Jeremiab 5:12, "flow wilt thou do in the
swellings of Jordan ?" He compared
death to the Jordan and pointed out that
three essentials to bye•aud-bye get to
esell'le Heavenly Canaan were necessary :--
(r) To worship God ; (a) To engage
heartily and faithfully in His servile;
(3) To hold fellowship with the Master.
: It, was most appropriate to the occasion,
pallbearers were S. Crawford„ A.
hits, sit l -•A ; Cardiff, F. McCutcheou,
H, Mooney at d Geo. Mooney. At the
cemetery M. H. Moore conducted the
Orange serylr. , a goodly number of the
brethren bele s present. rise relatives
irons a i e - Stretton,
n disuse e were t --W. R
of Fort William, who accompanied th
body here; Mrs. J. W. Degge, of
Chatham; Robert Stretton, of 'Toronto,
rind W, C. Stretton, of Laneaater, Ohio,
The two latter are brothers of the tate
Mr. Stretton. W. R. Mooney, a
tiephew, was also' here from Toronto.
MONTHLY meeting of Howick Mutual
Fire lusurance Co. Directors will be
held Sat marry at Gerrie.
WHERE du tate juniors get their sup-
plies ut tobacco? A few suspedts are
beteg watched and it proof can be ob-
tained toe law will be put hi exercise,
A New brick residence will be erected
tor Allred Baeker next Summer on his
eligiule she on'1'ttrnherry street. Wore•
der what Alf will du with a new house?
DAVID UUKE, of Moorefield, who will
represent the Deer rug Manufacturing
Co., in this locality, will move his family
to town, having rented A. Baeker's
house advertised In THE POST.
THE rural i'etephone line is open to
Cranbruuk, Ethel, Jamestown and Bet -
grave and. will soon he in operation on
all the lines. A Directory will be reads
For distribution in the near future.
Rona Lost. -A gray robe was Lost from a
cutter between Brussels and Seaforth The
Ender will much oblige by reporting to John
Oliver's livery, Bruisele.
SALT for sale at McCracken's, Brussels.
LADY'S belt found. Owner may have it by
paying for this notice at Tee Poem.
Goon cows for sale, also 2 yearling colts.
Louis Hollinger, Lot 9, Con. 10, Grey. tf.
Wax, dosaw gumming and filing to your
fancy and can make old saws take the place of
new ones. Yours T. McGregor, corner Mill
and Main street Brussels.
W. C. T. U.- l'he regular meeting 01
the Brussels Branch of the W. C. 1. U
will be held in the Public. Library aud-
ience room Friday afternoon of this
week. Reports will be received frum
the delegates who attended the Domin
ion Alliance Convention last week at
afternoon a targe congregation assem
bled in Melville Church to pay a tribute
of respect to the late Miss Cbristena
Sinclair. Rev. A. 0, Wishart, B. A.,
conducted the set vice giving asvrnpath
etre and profitable brief address from the
text "Lord make the to know how trail
I sm," and anuouncing as the closing
hymn, "'Trusting Jesus," the one asked
for by deceased a short time before she
passed away. Mrs. Addie Wright, or-
ganist, rendered the Dead March as the
casket was taken in and removed from
the church. Six first cousins were the
pallbearers, viz: -Peter Sinclair, Jno.
C. Stewart and Donald Stewart, of
Brocksrlen ; George McDonald, of
Bluevale ; Tno. Russ. of Leadbury, and
Allan Lamont, of Brussels. Among
relatives who were to attendance were
Mrs. F R. McPherson and son, Willie,
Of Buncarth Man "Daniel o a rel and Mrs.
Ross of Yurkt r
o t Sask. Miss Annie
McDonald, Duncan Stewartn
a dAIt.x
01 Stratford Mims Bellaleu-
clair, of Brocksden Mrs. A. and Miss
Bloss. Jno. and Mrs. Dennis and Jas. and
Mrs. Simpson, of McKillop ; Mrs And-
rew McKee, of Fordwich : Mrs. Geo.
McDonald, Bluevale ; Thos. and Mrs.
McDonald and Jas. Menzies, of Moles-
worth; Mrs. R. McKelvey, Miss Minnie
Lamont. Peter and Mrs. Lamont and
Juo. and Mrs Lamont, of Ethel; Dun-
can and Miss McCallum, of Blyth ; Dr.
Donald . McKenzie, ,of 'Toronto. The
floral tributes were beausiful, a wreath
from Melville Church Sabbath School.
and Endeavor, one from deceased's
class of buys in S. 5 , and one from
friends in Detroit being noticeable in
addition to those from relatives.
FINE CONCERT, -Last Monday even-
ing au excellent program was presented
at the Methodist Church Choir Concert
in the 'Town Hall. Rev. Mr. Powell
occupied the chair and introduced the
following well rendered musical and
literary bill of fare • -Ant -Anthem by choir
reading, "How Ruby played," Rev J,
L. Small, B. A.. of B fah ; solo, "Fiddle
and 1," Miss. Gertrude Hart, Hensall
violin and piano duet, H. L, and Mrs.
Jackson ; duet, Miss Hings:on and Mrs,
W. L. L eatherdaie ; reading, "Judg-
ment Day," Miss Hart; instrumental
by orchestra, with arrntbone solo by
Will. Gnffith ; duet, "I would live or
die for yeti," Mrs (Rev ) Small and Miss
Hart ; anthem by choir; reading by
Rev. Mr Small, "rhe Volunteer Or-
ganist"; solo, "The Gitt," Miss Hart;
instrumental duet, Mr. and Mrs, Jack-
son; reading, "faking as elevator,"
Miss Hart solo. F. H. Gilroy ; read.
ing, "Trouble in the Amen Corner,"
Rev. Mr. Small ; duet, "Come Holy
'Spirit," Mis. Small and Miss Hart;
National Anthem, Mr. Small prefue•
ed his numbers with brief introductory
remarks relative to music, organists and
choirs and gave his selections to real
professional style, not easily outdone.
This was Miss Hart's first appearance in
Brussels and she certainty pleased the
audience, whether in song or story she
appeared eqoally at home and in this
happy combination proved herself to be
a real entertainer and will be welcomed
beck to town. Mrs. Small was on the
progfant' for two solos but owing to
hoarseness was unable to give them,
She took her sIrt in the dusts in a
pleasing manlier however with
good articulation and sweetness
of voice, Mre, Small's and
Miss Hart's duets are well worthy
of a place 011 the hest programs,
The local talent, some of whom were
laboring under the disadvantage or bad
is a Strong
'Chartered Bank
n_ktheMetropolitan Ba
• Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers
and extends to them most Reasonable Terms.
Every department of Banking is conducted
Drafts and Money Orders issued at Reasonable Rates
colds, slid well, as they generally do and
proved that Brussels is not shorn of
good musical talent in chorus, duet,
solo or instrumental.' Encores were•
numerous and several responses given.
Misses Bailey, Pryne and Armstrong
and Mrs Jeckson were accompanists
and presided with their customary ac-
ceptance Miss Hart and Rev, and
Mrs. Small will never want for a rec
ommendation after their valuable and
highly appreciated help of last Monday
evening. 'rhe Concert was a good one.
OBITUARY, - The Guelph Mercury
speaks as follows of a cousin of S. '1'
Plum, of Brussels :-By the lamented
death of Mrs. Daniel, which occurred
on Wednesday. Feb.gth, at 5o Park
Avenne, Guelphlost one of its most
honored and respected residents, whose
demise will be deeply regretted by a
large circle of friends. Deceased had
been a sufferer from paralysis for some
three years, and although receiving
every possible care and attention front
loving hands,, succumbed to the disease,
Deceased, whose maiden name was
Rachel Parker Plum, was born at Hats-
ville, Waterloo County, in March, t84o,
of Englisu parents, her father. William
R Ptum,beinga native of Cambridge,
and her mother, Ruth Sangster, of Suf
folk. In t85q she married Edwin Dan-
iel and resided in Wilmot township nn
til t8g5. when she came to Guelph, 'Tne
deceased was a loving and devoted wife
anti for nearly twenty-five fears a con•
sistent and devout member of the Dub-
lin Street Methodist Church, in which
she took. while her health permitted, am
active part in the work of the Ladies'
Aid and Missionary Societies. The
funeral took place on Friday afternoon
to the Union Cemetery The many
floral emblems, including one from the
offtciel board, and a broken circle from
the Ladies' Aid, and the large coucoutse
of mourning friends -showed the high
esteem in which line deceased was held.
The funeral services were conducted by
Rev. R H. Bell, the deceased's pastor.
The pallbearers were M. Burr, G. M.
Till, A. A. Black, A. Smith. C. W.
Kelly and Thos Gowdy. A sorrowing
husband survives to mourn the loss of a'
faithful and devouthelp-mate. To him
a deep and heartfelt sympathy is ex
tended by a host of friends
bast week we referred to the receipt of
a telegram stating that Harry Downing
had died in Winnipeg but gave no par-
ticulars. Later the sad news came that
he had come to Winnipeg on Saturday
from Elgin, where he had been employ-
ed for the past 7 years. to make a short
visit prior to going to the Coast. He
took ill on Wednesday morning at the
home of his brother, Ephraim, and three
duetors were unable to stay the hand of
the "grim monster" and Harry passed
away at 7.3o'Thursday morning, aged st
fears, 8 months and 5 days. The cause
of death was cardiac thombosis, an ail-
ment effecting , the lungs and heart. He
Isad enjoyed d excellent health and bis
sudden demise was all the harder to
bear by the relatives. Deceased was
the youngest son of the late John Down
ing, of Brussels, and was burn in Gode-
rich, coming to town with the family.
He took up tiusmithing in connection
with the Gerry Hardware store and
went West so years ago. On different
occasions be had been home to visit his
mother, brothers and sisters and an-
other not a sister. The remains• a,:com-
panied by the brother. left Winnipeg
Friday night and arrived at Brussels
Monday afternoon Funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon, Rev. E. G. Powell
conducting an appropriate service at the
home. Interment was made in the fam-
ily plot where the father was buried it
years ago, Pallbearers were Alfred
Backer, W. 1. McCracken, R. 1. lvlo-
Lauchlin, Cleve Baeker, J. A. Hunter
and John Mooney. Among many
beautiful feral tributes were :-Spraf,
Jas, and Mrs Ballantyne ; spray, Mrs.
and rL. E
Miss.s M A tet • wreath, Fort
William friends rends spray, T l
tiW. and
Mrs. Lea'herdale, pillow, Elgin friends;
wreath, R. and Mrs . Roche and £amilo.
Winnipeg ; anchor, D Ferguson. P.
Ferguson and 1. O'Leary, Winnipeg;
spray, Miss H. Downing's Scbbath
School class ; spray, Miss Mabel Hay
croft, Hamilton ; spray, Miss E M.
Davidson,' Elgin ; spray, Miss Dilly
Backer, Winnipeg ; wreath, Miss Nettie
Weddtip, Toronto ; spray from family
Spray, Public School staff ; pillow front
1. F Rowland, A. C. Baeker, R. Thom-
son, Wm. Emig)), J. C. Baeker, R. J.
MuLanuhiin and W. Ament. Mrs.
Weddup, aunt of deceased. was here
from Lindsay ; Ephraim Downing, of
Winnipeg; and Mrs. and Miss Hattie
Murray, of Seaforth, were in attendance
at the funeral. Harry made friends
wherever he went and the bereaved
family share in the sympathy Of many
friends who regret the demise of the
promising young man.
People .We. Talk About
James Sharp wee home from Chicago
for a holiday visit.
Lorne Eckmier, of Ripley, was in
town over Sunday.
G. A. Deadman was away to Chatham
on a business trip,
Miss Olive Mooney is
attending ing the
millinery openings,
Miss Lily Sharp is home from aft ex-
tended Visit to London.
Thosand Mrs. Hall, of Montreal,
were visiting old friends in Brussels..
Miss Ella 'Inman is in '!'pronto this
week attending the Millinery openings.
Miss !Margaret. Ament Was visiting
Miss Douglas and other friends at Strat-
Miss Emma Lavis, of Clinton, was the
guest of Mrs, S, Carter during the past
Will. Lowry, of London, was here for
a few days on a visit to relatives and
Miss Margaret »irons was a visitor
under the parental roof at Blyth over
J, Leslie and Mrs. Kerr, of Clinton,
were calling on relatives anti old friends
for a day or two.
Miss Anna Hunter's back from a six
weeks' stay in Wingltam where she was
engaged as nurse.
R. W Ross was visiting Itis sister and
btsther-in•law at Strathrov and his
brother at Listowel.
Mrs. John Einigh, ot Blyth, visited
for several days last week with relatives
and friends in Brussels.
Miss Mabel Colvin is attending the
Winnipeg: millinery'openings,. 'She will
take a position in Boissevain, Man , this
Miss Gertrude Hart, while here as-
sisting at
ssistingat the Concert 'Monday evening,;
was th= guest of Miss Ida Bailey. The
ladies were old friends.
Mts. Pugh, of Wingham,- was a wel
come visitor at Victoria cottage, Prin-
cess street, last week. She is a Baugh
ter of the late Rev. R. Paul.
We are seri y lir stale that J. Y. S.
Kirk is not tip to concert paten this
‘' eek and has been under the care of
the physician buLwe hope be will soon
be better.
Miss Josie Buchanan supplied Miss
Hai lie Doming s place in .the teaching
staff of Brassels public school for several
days owing to the demise of the latter's
Little Miss Beatrice McDonald,
daughter of toe Mcl)onald, near Mons -
worth. has been visiting her aunties,.
Misses McDonald, of town. She is a
mute lassie I
Hilton Kennedy, Mrs. Kennedy and
children, of Saskatoon,were here dur-
ing the past week vist•ing W. and Mrs
Einigh, of tuwu. Mis. Kennedy is Mr. ,
Ensign's waste,
Misses Edith Bailer, Annie MtQuer
He, Dais% Wlstin and .Carrie Jackson
are in the Queen city looking tip the
Spring mpuuners. sts les preparattry to
the opening of he season.
THE POST had a call last Friday from
Dr. D011 McKes zie, of 'Toronto, a form-
er Brussels buy whom we wets g'ad to
meet once more Ile has a drug more
as well a, a medical practice in the
Queen city.
Auction Sales
PLEsENss, LUNDari, 860.-F. B Scott, sec'
weever, bus1nun lsign.
i nal public uucon a the Ue
. S
ed w sett by',thin ay, maisaut Lot a0 Uo'clock
the Imam
on `1 da tt h at :-1 itsu
lie het
p 9
the toette mg vales od,n lo, sty wz.: Ibur..
p I
sad horse 4 ars d ahave a earn
old. 1 Spl ale colt by bursar,1 aged mai a to
foal to Bursar, 1 driving mai e 9 year,. old, 8
fresh crows,: 11 cows to calve fn April, 4 fan
steers, 8 steers rising.2 4 ears, 2 heifers rising
2 yearn,. 4 yearlingcalves, 8 young calves,
sow, 7plea 2moaths old, about 1W hens,'a
geese, 2 walking plows, 1 gang plow, 1 cultivat-
or, 1 set diamond harrows, 1 seed drill, 1 land
roller, 1 acuffier,.1 cutting box with carriers, 1
ten -horse power, 1 Leering binder. 1 Deering
mower, 1 hot, e rake, 1 bay loader, 1 rout prig.
per, 1 grindstone, 7 pea•harveeter, 1 Ohatham
fanning 111111 with baggger,.. hay fork, ropes and
ell age. 1 wagon, 1 is auk wagon 1 wagon box, 1
stock dank, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, 1 pig box,
1,aet 2,000 Ib smiles, 1 apt sleighs, bunks and
platform, 1 wheelbs,rrow, l -buggy' 16 bunches
xxx uedar ehuiglee, 1 pesthole spoon, 1 tile
spoon, 1 sets double harness, 1 sugar kettle, 1
cook stove, 1 coal heater, 1 wood heating stove,
8 deaws sap. parts, 1 sheep rack, a number of
ceder poets, quantity of mixed grain, quantity
of timothy and clover seed ;• quantity of 2x4
scentneg, 2x5 scantling, ruck elm plank, soft
elm plank, hemlock lumber, 1,010 feet pine
lumber ; crowbars, chitins, forks, hoes, ahoy
We, ate. Sale without reserveas proprietor
has sold his farm. Terme-All sums of 26 and.
under cash ; over that amount 12 months' ere•
tilt will be given on furnishing approved joint
notes 8 pee cent. given off fur cash unaradi
amounts , grain obs cash. JOHN RYAN
PLEnaNTa, PMtlimUlt'!a, &0.-F. 0. Scott,
Auctioneer has been instructed by the under-
asgned to sell by Public auction at Lot 21, Con.
(Jon. 10, Grey, on Wednesday, March 015 at 1
p. w , the Meowing valuable property, viz
1 heavy !totem 5 years old, 1 heavy mare 8 years
old, 1 heavy colt riming 8 years, 1 driving colt
riming.6rired by Costumer, 1 driving ma's 10
sears old, 1 mare 7 years old in foal to His.
Highness, 1 curetnga mare 8 years old, 1 road-
ster colt tieing 2 years, 2 fat heifers, 8 fat
Mew*, 1 pure bred Holstein cow calved Feb,
15, 1 pure bred Holstein cow calved Dec. 80, 1
pure bred- Holet+•ih heifer l year old, 2 pure
heed Hulstehs calves, 1 pure bred Holstein bull
years old (pedieree may be seen on day of
gide), 2 fresh con a, 7 mows shimmed In co If, 1
grade Holstein emir, l grade' bull calf, 7 well
bred Oxford ewes and 1 rain. 1 Berkshire Hutu.
in pig, 1 Yorkshire aow with pigs. 8 store
pigs, 100itens, 1 Frost & Wood binder with
truekSourly new, 1 Deering -mower six foot
out nearly new, 1 sprh+g-tnoih cultivator, 1
Noxell meed drdll, t Misxwell hat loader, 1 hely
rake, 1 plow 1 gang plow, 1 Het iron harrow9,
1 Chatham fanning mill, 1 horse power, yank
and cutting box, 1 set Wi1.on (2 600 ib.) acs les,
1 hay fork, ropes, pulleys and sulego, 2wagons,
1 turnip box, 1 boggy, 1 cutter. I hay reek, 1
'curie., 1 dime harrow, 1 yelper, 1 cream sewarutor,1 rand roller, t Landon fence machine,
1 hey knife 1.wher•ll,m'row, a number of cow
shams 2 Sete of wha comes, 8 neckyokes, 1 met
heavy harness, 1 set ohaih harness, 1 met single
harness, 1 robe, 1 sup pan end a number of
buckets, 2 mills earls mid .11lilk'pallx 1 Maxwell
churn, 8 barrels, 20 feet Inch rubber hues, 2
arove4 I wireatretcher, 1lady's bicycle, mien.
ttty of -hey and seed burley, MUMMY, of umen-
gels and denote, soy diem, forts, chains, hetet, ,
shovels sad other artleloo too nnuserone to ,
re asproprietress
giving up hireling TermSOWN ofas and
under wadt over that amount 12 mourns
credo will b
5 per c nt htrdlmmoth Approvedc
Joint notes 6 per cont eft for cash on credit
A11nOWe. oil v, barley and routs to be creel
411 cows bred to the Into Jonathan Wright's
Mire bred Holstein bull meet ho maned ror by
daytit.snia0r Ilia eenonnts will be'diced in
other hands for colleobien, MRCS, MICIA.1111
WEIGHT, Proprletrebs.
Established 1873 OF CANADA 8o Eelnchee
is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is
sufficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to
a pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest is
allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time
wtthoft delay.
Savings Bank Department at Every Branch.
J. F. Rowland, Manager
Druggist G. A McPherson spent Sue-
des, at the home of G. and Mts. HHonse
before returning to Montreal.
F. 5 Scott was bothered with a sore
limb first occasioned by striking Isis Shin
against a block. He is getting all right
Mrs. Avery had the misfortune to fall
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo.
Barkley, and inflicted quite a gash in her
head. She is recovering nicely from the
accident we are pleased to state.
Miss Maggie MacNabb will take a
position as saleslady in Stewart Bros.
Dry Goods store, Seaforth. She is an
experienced and. competent hand hay
ing been in the Ferguson & Ross store
here for several years.
We welcome Wm. McKelvey and
family as residents of Brussels. They
have purchased 'the Henry .residence,
Princess street, but will live in the Robb
terrace until they cap obtain possession
of their new home in the course of a
month or so,
THE PcsT is sorry to bear that Mrs.
Joseph Brine, of Seaforth. mother to
Mrs. P. Scott, Brussels. is real ill. As
she is about 8o years of age the old
vitality cannot be expected in fighting
off ailments Mrs. Scott is visiting her
'nistlter this week.
E Downing is here frhin Winnipeg
after au absence of lo years. He ac
eompanied the remains o} his brother
Who died at the fortner's Mme last ,veek.
Mr. sr graduate' of I'HE Pos'r
and .well known to; the people of
this community. He is a welcome
visitor. ...
Af•er an absence ofabout six months
in Idaho Mrs. T. Maunders and Miss
Nora arrived back to Brussels Monday
of this week They bad a most enjtif-
ahle visit with relative, and friends al-
though Idaho is having a record break
mg Winter forestorrns and cold. We
welcome the ladies lame.
Bert. Gerry, hardware merchant, of
Fort William, is here on a visit. He is
an -old Brussels boy being a son of B.
and Mrs. Gerry. The visitor is a sec
cessful business man and, associated
with his brother Ira, has a floe trade in
sFort William • Mrs. Gerry has been
visiting here for several weeks in advan-
ce of her husband.
J. L Callan, a former resident of
Brussels, but who has been busy in
mercantile life at Innerkip for the past
3 years, has been engaged by D. C.
Ross to take charge of the dry goods
department of the Garfield House acid
ire commenced his duties this week,
Mrs. Callan and children will come later
when the weather moderates. We wet..
come them back to town.
LAoxna-in Wroxeter, on Feb. 20th to Mr.
and Mrs Geo. Leckie, aeon.
Conrrsa,-In Trowbridge, on the 15th inst.,
David M. Collin, aged 78 years 2 months
DowleIn Winnipeg, on February 17th,
T .Harry Ilowahlg, aged lll yearn 8 imonths
and days
•DAVIS -In morels, on February 22nd, John
Wildatfrede. Davie, aged 26y -ears.? months and
MUia -1.n Wroxeter,00 February 17th; Mre. •
Wm. Mair,,agedsgrd 77 yeare.
MUIIHAgaret Atwood, on lichruery 10th.
Margaret A. D, repot or the late
John Nutley, egedged 55 66 yearn 4 months and
B 1535,
FRIDAY FED Yate: Farm stork, Implement..,
&e. Lot 41, tion 6, East Wewanusli. Sale un-
reserved et 1 p. m. John Smith Prep., T.
Uundry,•Auo• -
I4AmntIDAY. Fe.D. 28th: Honeehold'furniture,.
&o., at resid, nor, Flora street Isrnsmels Bale
at2 o'sleek M,a. John ()ober, Proprietress ;
P K. Frott. Aar.
TUI$DAY, MANCH 8TH.—Farm (+rook, imple-
ments &e.. Lea 80, Con 14. M,•8i lop. Sale
nn renewed at I p. m. Jno. Ryan, Prop. F. S.
Scott, Ano.
Make Your
Hens Lay
By using.
Dr. Ness' Poultry Panacea
which its gttat•anteed to slope your
hens lay or money refunded. Pattti-
eere is also asere aid reliable remedy
for diseases cif fowl elicit us Gapes,'
Roup and Obolera. 11 after using
Pittiacea you de not get melee eggs,
rt'tur11 the empty package and yell'
money will be rrfut fled. *Slid hi large
•packages, -Bele erten,
:Or. Hess' Stock Food
is an excellent tonic far Horses, Cat-
tle, Sheep and Hags and improves the
condition of your stook ate uothilig else
Dr. tress' healing Powder
prevents proud flesh and also cures
Galls mad Open Wounds of any hind.
Put up in large tins tic each.
Sold only at
WEDNESDAY, MARCO Mn. -Farm stook, ins
plements, &a., Lot 21, Don. 10, Grey. Sale nn.
resorted at1it. in sharp, fere. Nellie Wright
.Proprietress, F. S. Scott, Auctioneer.
Wheat til 08
Oats 84
Peas Barley
Butter 95
APPles ...................
1 08
28 25
11 4060 11 (10
818 „818
1 00 1 26
The People's Column
ANUM BEI( of gond brood Sows for stile.
1'an, worth ono Yorkshire breed. Will
pig early in the Spring. ' Also six tlroratgh-
bled Tanlwortbs for. mile. Apply to, W. H.
McOutrbeon Lot 25 Con 8 Morrie Brussels
FIVE good heifers rising three years old for
sale. All In calf. One dao to calve: about
March 20th and the belattoo about 111e letter
end of April. Also three /Moors rising two
years Apply to tiohert L. McDonald, Lotll,
Con 9, Grey, Oronbrook P. O.
FA R51 TO RIIN2. Onntaining 190. acres' of.
land adjoining the village of Brussels, the
property of the late .rnmes.Shaw Finan. is in
good stets of colt 'ratio.+ icor furtheryarttc-
ulers imply to JOHN BALLANTYNE,
69.15 Brussels
r Sale has been a Big Success
Far beyond our expectations but we still have a large stock of
goods to dispose of and will sell them if prices will do it.
This Sale Benefits the Public
far more than it does us. Put us to the test and we will prove
it. You can make dollars by buying" now. We cannot
any means tell you of all the bargains we have, but a few will
give you some idea.
Iron Beds, any width, regular
5.5o for ,,
1 only all Brass Bed, 2 inch posts
regular 35.00. Sale price...
:Spring Edge Velour Couch re-
/ g
ular price 9,00, for .. . 7 00
.A number of other good Couches
ranging in price from $20 to
$25 which we will sell at
Very Low Prices
Carpets 'aiid Linoleums
Tapestry Rugs, 3x4 yards, regu-
lar price 9.50. Sale price... 8 00
Ingrains from $3.50 upwards.
Imported Linoleums, 4 yds. wide,
regular 2.00. Sale price :. 1 70
Canadian Linoleums,4yds wide,
Sale price - .. 1 55
Oil Cloths, Sale i
prce" er
l p sq. yd. 21
Carpet Ends at Big Reductions
Mattresses We have always mlcle our own Mattresses and can guar -
anter, them A 1. Ever Mattress ass perfectly sanitary.
These we are selling Great Reduct at . r ..
Cali and et '.. Prices rtes and be Convinced,
Leatherd&e & Son
Furniture and Undertaking
eValeiltesseVestesesleaverasiarskethAPeareee .. .