HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-2-24, Page 7'i
a„l"f, l feleleieie efee i, tetelefei•Sel t
F 4LS 11,1 i o n
w�j,«N4 n lis.
ll"i'�'l'^i g,.l„is.i'Trht`.;..4r,�;.�g.g.,g,.g„a»Q,,Q'•(,:
Jebelines are still immensely po
► polar,
Gaudy eteeltiilgs are being worn
Green is unrivaled in popularity
Most of the new linen suits ars
lace trimmed,
Many of the new rewisses„nave em
broidered colored dots.
A, new fad is the handbag made
r of clout: to match the suit., -
Bedford cord is again in fashion
though :mocha softer in weave. '
New brnnolets expand and contract
with the. movement; of the arm.
The lender, supple, drt:oping
• grot paid -keen into its own again.
The Lateel; necklaces brought from
the tar . hast resemble flexible
Feathers: are of the weeping wit-
k low Mahlon - and measure about a
font in length.'
The regulation size for a scarf is
throe yards long by a good half yard.
Laoe, which has boon so long out
of fevox in making an effort to re-
gain its place,
” o pearl is again the queen ,of
precio:w —jewels, with the moonstone
as her understudy.... •
Box piaibiegs around the lower
edge; of skirts axe one of the late
Paris re.'viwals.
BroVen as well as blaok chantilly
lace voile are being seen more as the
season advances.
Nothing is more in the style than
the nntahamed fur turban.
The time-honored blaok lace shawl
hangs from the back of many a mag-
nificent evening gown.
There is a tremendous vogue of
gold add, silver in tho realm of axile
Iinery,blouses, and laces.
* Fashion has decreed that short
ooate aro smart, and the newest
gowns.from abroad show the abbre-
viated coat.
Ivory end gray satin, stamped
with a good design, also ga•eon sat-
in, aril-rflr the modish list for even-
ing wea'r•
, Theme is no doubt about the at-
tractivomese of a military cut in.
coats and wraps for the majority of
women. •
Some of the handsome Japanese
corded alike aro being bought by
women who like clothes a little un -
For dnoi ey wear, black satin slip-
pers aro always in good taste. They
are, too, more economical than
many others.
Gold, shyer, and brass buttons,
with inecta of semi-precious stones,
aro made -in order to carry out the
color Weenie of a costume.
For the ' Founc ate n of blouses
4 1 O b Dns
over which dark chiffon fails, Pari-
sian silky aro . utilized by many of
the best dressmakers.
Nearly all evening gowns and the
majorit<y,oE.reception gowns, are a-
glitter with beads, gems, sequins,
steed orna fonts, or jot.
Silvers filagree, frequently model-
ed after the cicl Italian button, will
serve las Fastening and ,as . jewelery
at one, and the same time.
Thee_ nest exquisite little fan that
hap appeared for some time i a tiny
s y
effete with mother-of-pearl sticks
shut three inches long '
The date: fur toques are made of
t as• m terial as the stole:and
aala. a
c.t' of similar fur to the coat. Na-
turally the' skunk toquo takes, the
lead. -
Many filet and bandeau orna-
mnube• aeentrpany the new coiffures,
el t ings'.rif'pxarl and gold and silver
gauze: being twined in with the
That; King Edward has inherited
much of, the affection theelteglish
people'lolt.for his mother, and has
perhaps added something to his po-
pularity by his own porsonality and
bearing; i9 shown by a significant
iittle incident which a writer in the
New Irde•lt Sun reports. '
16 was' d,e4taing his visit to the po-
pulous' •S.o`itt: London suburb of
Oamberwellr where ho ; laid tho
foundatieil; atbno of .the now King's
College' Hospital
Nowhe.L'orin London are there
mote woakig mon out of a (job”
than in thea district. From one
portion of the densely crowded
route, when the Xing passed, came
the cry.:
('Cen'ti you give us°work, Ted-
And AIM* as. soon as ib was tit.
Cored cathc'.ethe answer from a (lost
of throale:
"He.' wquld if he could, the dear
old follow.”
The'ot'ielvr�l was ploased with the
phrase•; dear old fellow," which
was repeated again and again in
the a-sshuatod cenvorsations thab
t(llowed the passage of the pieces -
A wellti.ressed foreigner who was
a spe•tater Of this little ;cone re-
tun reed, in astantalum nb, "Vy,. they
lots ltim err
Another Modern Miracle
Paralysis Permanently Cured
Tile Sufferer Paralysed From Waist to Foot—Encased in Plaster of
Faris £Q] in3 Months—Br, Williams' Pink Fills Cure After
Four 'looters Had Failed -^•Tho Duro Touch:a for by' Rloll
Known. Clergyman,
Paralysis, no matter how slight
et a terrible affliction; but to b
paralyzed from waist to the feet
to be It helpless cripple, totally de
pendent upon what "others do for.
you, is a condition . as wretched as
man could possibly -bear". Such
was rho state of Mr: 'A'llalr J. Ide-
Donalol, of Rico. Point, P,:H.:I, For
'older a year he was a helpless, in-
valid. H0 was paralyzed from his
waist' to his feet and for nine
;needles lay in bed encased in a
piaster of Paris cast. Four of the
beeb doctors in Prince Edward Is-
land went unable to help hilt and
he seemed doomed fora life of mis-
.ery and ' despair. • But hope came
to him when the read of what Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills had done for
other sufferers from paralysis,` Ho
procured a supply of the Pills and
begun taking them. Gradually they.
broke .the chains of disease that
bound him,, and .tilled his whole
body with new blood, life and vigor,
Mr. McDonald says :—"I am a far-
mer and in . consequence have a
great deal of hard work to do. One -
flay while about my work I injured
my back, but at the time I paid
little attention to the injury' and
continued my work. As time went
on, though, the pain. became more
severe and I sown found. myself
unable to lift anything, no matter
•how light. It was not long before
I had to stop work altogether and
consult a doctor. He treated ene
but his treatmentdid nob help mo,
and I rapidly grow worse•. I had
to take to my bed, and in the hone
that my spino might•.' receive
strength I was encased in a plaster
o1, 1earis cast. This chid not help
me, and I could feel th-e-para'ly'sis
slowly creeping over me bit I was
totally paralyzed from , my waist
to my feet. I lost all coutrol over
my bowels and bladder and my
lags had no more feeling than if
they were made of wood. Three
other doctors strived to cure ,tee,
but their treatment also was a fail-
ure, and for eleven mouths I lay in
bed' unable to move. Dr.- Williams'
Pink Pills were then advised, and
I was shown testimonials of others
who had been cured of : paralysis
through- them. I bought a supply
and in less than three months they
made a remarkable change in me.
menet hlo to get. out cdbheeland
along - the floor on my hands
and k000a. Graduaily my -limbs be -
name stronger," lobs 3: could walk
with the aid if a cane • and inside of;
nine menthe sifter I had beglrn-the•
1150 of''the Pate I Was totally cured,
anis onee more able to do light
work. Now I am as strong as -ever
I was and can do my work about
tbo farm without the Tenet;troithle.
1 think "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
aro without an equal, for, besides
my oven case, I know of two other
noses of paralysis cured by them.
Two young girls who had been cripo.
plies and whom" I advised to try ,the
In corroboration •of what Mr.
McDonald sags, tho Bev', D. Mac -
Leen of, Clharloitetown., . P.E.I.
writes:—('I visited Mr. McDonald
many times during his illnoss. Ho,
wits attended by. three or mere doe -
tors and pat in plaster Paris, and
everything imaginable wbioh night
be of benefit was done for hire.wi:th-
out sueemss. Ho had lost ail Pew-
ee of his body from Itis.waist down.
and I think ho was nearly a year
under treabnlent before: he began
1) use Dr. Williams' Pink Pill .I
ms [ a
was with him the first day.he moved
his big toe and' from that time en
he gradually improved and for the
last few yearn he has been per-
fectly web. I elan 'vouch for the
cure Dr. Williams' link Pills ef-
feoted in his case."
If you are sick and the treatment
you are now taking dries .net help
you, give Dr. Williams' Pink .Pills
a fair trial. They have -eared thou-
sands after, doctors and etherme-
dical treat-tenfs had hopelessly
failed. ' These Pills actually make:
new. rich, " red blood, feed the
stairired nerves and bring health and
strength to evory past of the body.
This is why .Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills euro Bildt apparently hope-
less cases as Mr. McDonald's, and
is is why they have . cured thole -
sands and thousands of ;dole, .ells
couraged people in every part of
the world. Solt( by all medicine
.healers or by mail ab,50 cents a box
or six: boles for $2.110 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,,, Brock-
ville, Ont, -
I hate the keen and nipping air,
I hate the wild winds rash ;
I hate the teem, so gaunt rand bare
And, oh I hate the slush!
++++++++++++++•H -+4-A-. +4,
The healthy child is always +
a happy child. All its little, ¢;
troubles vanish when its food
digests properly and it is free
from childish ailments. Most T.
of those ailments come front +.
stomach or bowel troubles,
colds, feverishness, teething
and worms. Baby's. Own Tab- .4•.
Ilets promptly cure all these
troubles and keep little ones
Mrs. W. G. Martin
o, Que., says: "1
have used Baby's Own Tab- '''
lots in myhome for the past
four years and since c using
them my liable ones have en-
joyed the best of health. I
can recommend them to Query
.T. mother as a sure cure for the
-0' little troubles of childhood."
Sold bymedicine 1
alai ne des ors or
by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Me-
dice e
c a Co., okvlle Br o '
1 0 b.
,.f,el efe,.g .fele Nei f' I.1e fe lel I lelei4.3 fi' 3':t
The optimist cheers, but rho pes-
simisb saves his breath for the pur-
pose of letting out a calamity howl
later on.
The daps 01d IG They supplied the Menthol
round in 'The Li AL" ttontliol Planter, which
relieves instantly haolraollo, headache, neuralgia,
xbetimatiem and gelatine.
"Pa.", .(What is it, my child?"
"When Sis marries that lord, will
I have to call her 'your ladyship'?"
"It will nob be necessary for you
to clo so, but it will be very nice if
erne care to `(All right. Robby
I won't always do it, but I'll pro-
nob to call her 'punkin face'
any more, anyhow."
Tho Guaranteed ONE Dye for ALL Geode
Ju11 Think 01151 With the GAME Dyo
you eau MUM ANY Mad o cloth Perles ly .Ne
ehaude of mistakes.. Alt colors se cents from
your btugalst or 058185, Setnplo Gard and
'Booklet Fres (rein vv.
The Johnaon•RloltgrdeonO , tam lad
Do 5. 0,.. Mbitt'eal , tie.
How often. we misuse words to the
extent of saying the contrary to
what pro moan is pointed out in the
following aoecdote.
.A collage professor who prided.
himself on his ooriedt English hcard
his wife remark :-
Ix intent' ld to call Jane to bung
a fresh bucket'ef water."
"Iron; doubtless mean a bucket'of
fresh water," coryectrcl the Profes-
sor ' °J wish you would pay some
attention tp your rhetoric; your
mistakes are curious."
A fess moments later tli Pro-
fesser said:—
"My dear, that pi,ture would
show to better advantage ,if you
were to hang it over the docile."
"Ah „
l -
she replied, quietly,o
1 , you
ss mean. if I were to hang
it above the clock. If I were to
hang it over the clock we could not
.tell the time. 1is
w hY ou would ul be
more careful with your rhetoric,
day dear; your mistakes are curi-
And the Professor all at once be-
came very much interested in the
book he was reading.
Love always loses when it thinks
vJhat it will gain.
Only One "8ROMO QUTKtNE"
That In LAXATIVE, BRoato Qt'1NINIt Look
for rho atonttturo of E. W. CROON. mad tea
World over to Cure a eoldin Ono Day, .. Wu,`
There is a lot of ' difference be-
tween good will and willingness to
be good. .
It is .easier to prevent than. ib is
to care.. Inflammation of the lungs
is the cotnpaniou of neglected colas,
and onoo it finds a lodgment in the
system it it difficult to deal with.
Treatment with Biekle's Anli•Con-
s m '
r ptrve Syrup will eradicate the
cold and prevent inflammation from
setting in. It cosbs little, and is los
satisfactory as it surprising in its
results. ,
Ile Docs Not Smoke so llany as Ile
Did a POW Years Ago.
Many of Xing Edward's Christ, -
mat send New Year's presents take,the form of cigars or eigarettes
drawn from abs rosorvo,stook illi the
cellars at St, James' Palace whore
ono of the most complete equip-
ments for the maturing of agate
is to be found, Tho King is an in-
veterate dear smoker, > thou ot•
ing upon tet advice of his yjfei'oi•
axle he is nob smoking so Tnubil alit
he did to few .oars ago, 411* fol• .ret ecf pt to o Dept, W. L,, Na.
The King's oigare all come kern, iii 9rus A Chublaal Cay :ratan*.
7- etatle,' and from the same 'plan -
talon. They bear no maker's brand
upon theta and are peeked in per-
feetly plain boxes, They are not
very large, but If they could be
bolsi in the open,masitet fey would
be welt); about eeeenty-.fsve cents
A few years ago the Xing was
very fond of it brier pipe, and was
t' bo seen smoking .ADO about the
lanes near Sandringham. . To -day
he has abandoned this form of
stnolting and 'mope almost exclu-
sively to cigars, Ho dome not caro
very much fur a cigarette, and is
seldom to be seen smoking one.
II011SbuS IN n� T , WORLD.
Isu5etia Londe lilt Vationa in Name
her—Total of 9',71.1,117$., .-
Stabistics found in the new Year
Brook afford Le lino on the number of
Horses now in the world, as fol-
lows :—
Neill America ., . „27,888,913
SCut'h America ..., ., ... 9,511,094
Europe . • ,43,593,225
Asia ,,,11,030,302
Africa .; - 85.5,113
Ocoaniee . , . , , 2,232,408
Total .,,. , •.,95,711.,973
Ramie, loads all nations in the
number of its horses, with a total
or•30,729,105 in its European and
Asiatic provinces, ' though Rush",
proper is a little behind rho United
States, having only 20,934,415 hors-
es Together . the two countries
possese a majority of all rho horses
in the world, Germany leads the
ether countries of Europe with 4,-
340,043, while Austria-Hungary is a�
close second n
a with 4:,944,571. Hance
ranks third,. with 3,094,098, and
Great Britain and Ireland fourth,
with 2,151,371.
Single, Ret tedy That Any Ono Can
Prepare at Heine.
Most people are more or less sub-
ject to coughs .and colds. A simple
remedy that, will break up a cold
quickly and cure any cough that; is
curable is' "macho by mixing two
'ounces of. Glycerine, a. half ounce
'of Virgin, Oil of Pine compound
pure and 'eight ounces of pure
Whisky. You can get those in any
good drug storm and easily mix
them in a purge bottle. The mixture
is•highly recommended by the Leach
Chemical Co., of Cincinnati, who
prepare the genuine Virgin Oil of
Pane compound pure for dispensing.
How mushy a tender love letter
sounds -when read in court..
After. lit Ovid Drive dost ran to rate a teaspoon-
ful of Painkiller mixed with a glass of hot water,
snsugar. It purely prevents chill%, Avold dub.
ttltut.ti, there is but one Painkiller" -Perry
David' -25o: sad 50o,
Tho way to the sorrow freo land
is to try to free some life dram sor-
P150 OLNrMENt 1- guarantee,. to cure any
ca,, Or Ibol tub•, Mind. Risoalne or Protruding
ramie 618.14 (lay0 or tummy refunded. OOe.
If people were compelled to fol-
low their own advice they would
gtnerabe a better brand.
ants, Toronto,, aro offering Scotch grown
Regenerated Banner Oats, iu 0 bushel
lots. at 51.25 per bush. Bilge, free -send
for sample -also catalogue.
The under dog gets lots of sym-
pathy—and 'that's at s about all.
• A Remedy forBilious
To those _subject, to bilious
ache,Parmcleo's Vegetable P1116
are recommended as the veli
speedy relief. Taken according to
directions they will subdue irregu-
larities of the stomach and so act
upon the nerves and blood vessels
that the pains
in the head ei
cease, There are few who arc not
at sometime subject to biliousness
d familiar with
aits aitcha ant•.
evils. Yet' none need suffer with
those pills at hand.
In a case of slander not long
ago Miss M— had gone into the
witness -box on behalf of the plain-
tiff, whose counsel was examining
her,• ('Now, madam," Mr. Wigg,
X.0.; began," please repeat tho
slanderous statements macho by the
defendant ort this occasion just as
you heard 'them." Oh, they are
eerie for any reepectnblo person to
hear'," replied Miss M—, "Then,"
said the examiner, coaxingly, "sup-
pose you just Whisper them to the
After a man has paid nut et; for
ngusic lessons he thinks his daugh-
ter is competent to play for com-
Aliet Trying Five Deniers for (lie
Kidney Disease De Pound Relief
in the Great (lanedien Klsiuoy
17urilvillo, Ont„ Feb, 14. (Spc0'4)
—"After trying live (Motors for
Kidney Trouble, from which I, had
sssffercd ter three years, I find that
I3odd's Kidney Piles relieve me best
of all, e
If Ikeolaonfaolingasl
have since I began taking D.odd's
Kidney Pills I shall be well pleased
and I am hoping they will "cure
So says Rufus Barris, well
known in this village. "I had stiff-
ness in the joints," he continuos,
"mantas in the lnttseles, backache
and wee heavy and sleepy after
meals. I .was, depressed and low
spirited, perspired freely, was often
dizzy and always thirsty, but since
taking. Doc1d's Kidney Pills 'I am
feeling very good."
If you have any of lilac symptoms,
Mn. Harris talcs of, "ht is time for
you to beware. They are the symp-
toms of Kidney Uiscaee and may
bathe fore -runners of Rheumatism,
Dropsy, Lumbago, 'Heart Disease,
or oven the dread Bright's. Disease
itself, "..Cake warning and guard
against suffering or even death it-
self by putting the Kidneys in good
's with
Pills. -
Jackson and .Hughes were old
friends. Tho former, by shrewd-
ness and :industry, earned a good
ir(coma, but Hughes was not so for-
Ono day..ho asked his successful
Wend the secret of his prosperity.
"Well," replied Jackson, "I'll
tell it to you for ileo dollars.. Be
saving, of course, .and when you do
make a bargain with anyone be sure
that no, ono hears you, and then
11 you get the worst of it or want
to back out you can. Now (rand me
the fivo dollars."
Hnghee thought a second, and
then said :-
(`Did' anyone bear us make this
bargain?" ,
"-Not m soul," replied Jackson.
"Well, then," was the prompt
answer, "I think I'll begin on
Holloway's Corn Cure destroys
all kinds of corns and warts, root
and branch.. Who, then would en-
dure them with such a cheap and
effectual remedy within reach?
A controversy ie a thing
Which has of lives a score,
For when yon try to settle one,
You start-
whole lot more.
"A Little Cold, You Knew,^ will become a great
donor if it be allowed to reach down -the throat
to gels
t4 a e. Ai the peril 'n
g P u ri , dre bad Hing
o pii Lung Balsam, sura remedy couEairriag
on opiates.
deaf but prone English. lady,
vit+iting a small country town in
Scotland, wont to church armed.
with an ear -trumpet. The elders'
had Haver seen one, and viewed ib
with suspicion and uneasiness, Af-
ter a short consultation, one of
them went to the lady, just before
tht, opening of the service,' and,
wagging his finger at her warning-
ly, whispered,. "Ono toot and ye're
TO Mon Who Live Inactive Lives.
—Exerciee in the open air is the
best tonic for the stomach and sys-
tem generally ;" but there are those
who are compelled to follow seden-
tary occupations and the inactivity
tends to restrict the healthy action
of the digestive organs and sickness
foilo*s. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
regulate the stomach and livor and
restore healthy action. It is wise
to have a packet of the pills always
on hand.
"Now, Robby, if you dont want
to go to Bessie 7t{unk's party you
must write a note and tell her so;
and be sure and let it be polite,
You will find some ideas of the pro-
per tiring in this book of etiquette;"
said Mrs. Ctrhart to her "little son..
Bobby struggled with the problem
for an hour, then presented for
his mother's inspection the follow-
ing truthful but unconventional
effusion :—"Mr. Robert Carhart
declines with pleasure Mist Bessie
kurd invitation xnvltat
leo 141,h,
her. extremely for hav-
inggiven him the opportunity of
doing so."
A case at Kingston shows vividly
the danger of neglecting to ap
Zeta -Buie to a cut or -a sore. Mr
A Harrison, -living in Plan
d'Armos; . while attending to he
household duties, struck her h;nkl
against a sharp projection on the
furniture. " She took no notice of
the injury, deeming it trivial." In a
day or two the, ankle began to swell
and Cause excessive pain.. A doc-
tor, called in, found that dye from
her stocking had entered the wound
and sot up blood poison. Treat
meat with Zam-Buk followed, but
it was several days before the limb
was out of danger. "Had it not
been for the powerful antiseptic
properties of Zam-I3uk and its ex-
ceptional healing virtues, the
wound might have had Ja very seri-
ous result," says Mrs: Harrison
"I went to the wedding to sec
that imported Paris gown her folks
told the reporters the bride was go-
ing to wear."
Who gave her away?"
"Nobody had to. The cut and fit
of the gown itself gave her away."
Another thing the automobile
lacks is horse sense.
Baby Smiles
When He Takes
''p sn•a+"w'V. i, t'm �b al>i:
IRE GEST t'iE01CInt f9}t 011$011111
So plea,onl dut'he like. ir-end mntuia0 no QAI.
ala+, The a ie nothing like ii for f5ronehie.,
A ihme and all trouble. of dm throat and lens.
A Sto05,,4 Remedy for holm century,
_ •, - „All Druniats,_26 Cents
Don't boast of ,your lb -lenge. it's
a dozen to a quart that if your traeo
it back a few generations ,yon will
find r000 one who borrowed a, horse,
without the owner's 0on.eent, ''
Much distress and sickness in
children is caused by worries, Mo-
ther Graves' Worm Exterminator
gives relief by removing the cause.
Give it a trial and be convinced,
The world is full cif ,tainted
money, but few mind the odor,
14 RTANTeSn-L0Itos forplatn and light sawing(
S,r at home,. while or spare time; good pay
work seat any distance, charioo paid, Send
stamp fax fall pnrticulare. National Ataaufaol
luring Co„ Montreal
F511111'0 RENT, between, ATonfont anti Owen
Sound. Two hundred lures tinder eidtivntdmy
Moo pasture, farm hone and rood enLhnildinge,
W. G. Whitney, B5 Toronto Strout, Toronto,
'1,1 SMtt--f¢ acres, 1 mile from fends.
fol ,parkas brloo house, beams barn, splendid
volt, all kinds of frntt.- Term, op etdt.. We have,
farms of ail kinds and clasp i at
rs a
Need fort
auond Th {
0 Ye9tOCt!
Coat Estate 4 7Sxo1m "e
Ltd., London,
,Out. �
R NA f, BARGAIN. •Mixed faint, 5'o acre
�k 33,, Innd, 110,,,,. 'good.
L'11a, fnnaln fray, water
;Hart pn01.,, all gond. , Oressfon, AprlJ. salt
Jparbtuulaa from Masters, Orrnfof, Baehr.
H.t. system -constant praetioe; careful
tustruetion: few weeks complete noureet
e tools free; graduates earn : twelve to
r - eighteen dollars weekly; write for cata-
logue. Meier Barber College, 121 Queen
e East, Toronto.
Brown—"Yes; they say that ev-
erything Smith darns goes on his
wife's back." . Jones (glancing at
Mrs. Smith, whose dress is very
decollete)—"Well, evidently he does
not earn much."
Why not buy a Western Canada
Farm thea
will 1a for itself
oryears. Choices
t new la • n
lauds and
a few great bargains in improved
farms. Apply immediately, Farm
Lands, 301 Kennedy Building, Port -
ago Avenue, Winnipeg.
"Does your husband go in for
golf?" asks the caller.
"No," she answers. "He goes
out for it."
Dr. M orse's
Indian Root Pills
are fort the right medicine for the
children: when they aro coned•
pitted -when their 1(tclucya are out
of cater.-whe,i ovor,htdulge?moe Iu
some ftvorite *roil gives them ill.
.di:KQstinn-�•llr. wforso•s.Indian 11nat
Pills' will gnieltly and sorely - pttt
them .right. Purely vegetable,
they neither, sicken, weaken or
gripe, like harsh. -purgatives.
Guard your ('lltidren's healthby
always keeping; a box or Dr. Linrsc s
traction (toot (:ills in the house,
Keep the Children Weill
A sentry while no duty Wars bit
Lin by it valuable. i'etricv'er, and
drove his bayonet into tite dog. Its
Owner suet( him in the t'tnintr court
foe les'}alue, and tie iwidece given
showed that the soldier' had not
been badly bitten aftetr all. "Why
did you not kneel: tate clog with the
bolt end of your rifle 1'' 'askod the
judge. The Court rocked with
laughter when thie Scutiy " replied;
"Why didn't he bite me with his
tail I"
A spasm of virtue b'flrn eidicates
a sick Nottl
• No man grows SISILil h lets out
his heart a little, '•
No 0110 ltossossrs Io;lpltinness who is
blind 16 sorrow,
Veering flown Signals dons not delay atorme.
plum -lade,, ' medoiinee ^ may check coughing
ub the°oldstays. t000t-trine' when you begin
cough take Allen's Lung nafaam, free from
lam fun ofhaaliug power..
And lots of people seem to go to
church for the purpose of picking
flaws in the serxuou.
Free tour
0 Readers.
Trite Merino Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago,
for 48•page illustrated bye -Book arse,
write all about Tour Eye Trouble and
they wiil advise as to tho Proper Aapnea.
tion of tiror
Ain iso Bye Remedies to
eclat Case. A e Your
Druggist will toll you
that Burhme Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength.
ens weak Eyre, Doesn't Smart. Sonthes
Lye Pain, and sells for 50e. Try It in
Your Eyes and in Ruby's Lyas for Sealy'i
Eyelids and Granulation.
A prude is someiinlcs a person
who noses around for something to
get slacked at.
Cheapest o.
C p.est fall 1Vledicinas.—Con-
sidering the eurative qualities of.
Dr Thomas' ii;clectric Oil it is the
cheapest medicine now offered to
the public. tc, Tho close required in
any ailment is email and a bottle
contains nssuiy doses. If it were
valued at the benefit it confers, it
could nob be purchased for many
Limes the price asked for it, but in-
creased consumption has simplified
and cheapened its manufacture.
Taugh ier—"This pinata is really
my 'very OW O, isn't it, papa?" Fa-
tl er -"Z es, my dear. "Alld when
T•marry T eon take it with ate, nen
"'Certainly, ley child. •lint
dcu't tell anyone; it might spoil
your chances."
el:A L VES Raise Them Without Milk ,y'•
Steete,ltlrrggs Seed Co 8LL,L. T ,0uiu,:Oiri
ono of the marvels of the °lectricn! ago
u•uao throughout the world: Write for okt ''
o�,ma General Ac
P . 00
O ., o; Cwmada,-Ltd.,•
GOS Vence Street. Toronto.
Mai- att's flair Promoter
Crows Hair on any Bald Head
On sale at tha 11obt. Simpson :Co.,Toronto.
/ Canaria. ar the tiarla.ct Ea{>; Promoting
Co.. Toronto. Canada.
and all amus of horse hangings, also
Write to un obout yours.
BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00., Box188, Montreal,
Do you trap, or bbfy
Pure? I am t amide's
largest dealer,? pay
higl,ostprices. Ynult
shipments solicited.
I pay mail and ex-
press charges; remit
promptly. Also largest dealer fn Seefbides,
Sheepskins, etc. Quotations andshipping• tags
sent free.
B{fnd Bleedin Itchen
pi P?j� Protruding Piles quicitly
and permanently cured be
the most ty;ientificand economical remedll
Prieo 51.00-6 for 65.00, moiled on re.
salt of price.
718 Qucon West, - TORONTO
Cored without operations. All -who are at.
flirted with this disease and wishto be.
cured permanently, safely and quickly .,
with title great Sam nepathlQ remedy, '
wliielt will be sent post-paid anywhere
in the world with frill instructions for
using no AP
50 effect permanent cure.
P r u . S,,^
. Address
John T.att Ho h
W umonat io Pharmacy,
Arnprlory Canada.
neseRi"L; t' Dost tiES CC LMN
Kadways Ria -y Melte.
cams the W 1 I pidns'in
from one to twenty
minutes. For Hood..
ache (scicwr acre-'
en0), '1'ootit Rohe.
Neuralgia, Rh ou
reatil,m, Lumbago;
palms In the beak;
Immo or kidneys,
pains around too.
livax, .pi o-ar.Ls'9
swellings OC the Joints, and
palms of all kink, use
p 4 ^•.4"E+4 F a.,'4,t*a..v�
Your blood has become thin and weak.
The drain upon your system the past few .
months has been very groat, You are con•
sequently feeling ' all out of sorts" and
"run down." Your appetite is bod and
jou hardly have enough energy left to do
tour' dailyy duties. You should take
PSYCHINE, tho greatest of Tonics, with-
out delay, This will put you on your feet
at once.
Gontlement-."l have used.PSYCI-nN1;
and 1 do think it 1 Aro greatest took sal
system builder known. [would adohs all •
who are run-down or physically weak•lo
etoPSYCHtNE" Yeurslruly,Mno jos. •
Beret rad, Welt'i`oronts
11 you am stook PSYCBIRI wilt mike ran.1r010u.
For Sale Lyall Drogoith & bash.!, 10e, & SI
+xx ' TOlt41iT0