HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-2-24, Page 2TI[ MY8TEIIY GLEAAED UP.;
011ie&1 TEn. III.-,-(Cont,sl)
"1 i must be there,,; ie admir-
"Reeling is not auewering. If he
le not here you know where he is;
for you eanoot deny that he memo
"1 A ens% it tin the contrary. I
may absolutely."
"You deny it, I affirm it, and I
wish to knew what you have done
with M. de Oarnool.,,
For a few moments the colonel
did not reply, and when he did, it
was in a reeioua and iejured tone.
"Site" he said e1esely, "I should
be justified in gutting short such an
interview as this, but I laave: friend-
ly relations with M. Dorgeres, and
I content myself with reminding
you of the very singular nature of
titin summons which Sou"have ad -
reseed to rnain my own house.
Assuredly you do not Hope" that
1 shalt submitto you, and do not
pr•stcssd'to' constrain the to answer
you 7„
"No, 1 shall take other me.ans.to_
attain any end. If neoessaxy, T
shall have recourse to the com-
misnary of pollee."
"'Ilia, passes, all bounds," said
orisoff. "I have listened pa -
lender to absurd questionings.
' , mauuot tolerate threats, and beg
you to leave my house."
Ins it- your last word?" asked
Maximo, red with anger.
"Yes,sir, and I should have
spoken i'L sooner, for this conver-
sation has Iasted too long."
''' "Vary well. I know what re-
^- sea#ns for me to do, and have no-
thing oaoro to say. You cannot tol-
eratc threats ; I cannot tolerate of-
fens'ive language. You have spoken
of snip questions as absurd. To-
..;morrew I'shall send you my sec-
"1 am ready for them," replied
the colonel, turning his back on
Maxirxte, who wont out furious.
Thecl which whic h a M. Roi•ksoff had
maintained during their interview
wee on the surface, and when Va-
"" sil:.saw his master again he dis-
earned that a storm was browing.
"Do youknow what this 'scoun-
drat bite •said to me? He lies sum -
eed me to render up M. de Car-
, noel_ -I1-e ail lane that he was seen
to enter here a month ago in a
carriage. He is, you see, wellin-
n-forane ."
"It must have been that child—
and yet no—since he has lost his
memory. If he had told it imiredi-
ataly, M. Dorgeres would not
have waited' so long, to set these
proceodiage on foot."
"It matters little hove he got his
inieemation. He has challenged
me and threatened me with the cum-
iniseary of police. I scoff ab his
olsellengtr and bis threats. How-
ever, we must bake the subject in-
to ecnsadcration. And fust I can-
not re)•eixso the Carmel, neither
can •I leap hien bore longer.:I don't
int 'd to. run any'risk of being
g"Itr before their tribunals. ill,
e'littrnoe( willleave hero to -mor-
row evening. Let the. carriage be
ready at nightfall. Be .cure and
telegraph to our agents to have
_ the redeye ready as far as Stras-
"Year excellency, it shall be
"NOW I am going to make a last
attempt to induce him to capitu-
lates -
apitu-late,. OP and announce to him my
I#emili bowed and went nut.
Mt reenter was decidcdl} in an
ill-lttnsnor, for he walked up and
dew% with long strides, gcatioulat-
irtg and even doubling his list at his
n , Ila enemies..
"Oereod be the day when I came
to Paris to watch over the intrigues
o£ ss few undiscoverable knaves! In
Rivets one has at least power, and
is aotr afra;Icl to arrest suspe sed
,,� ere tercel, If I do not. succeed in
n,x mission, the greatebief will sly
1 am a ble ,l.heed. I should like to
see hire here in ray pine°. Come!
this Carn s 1 -Tsar ply for the
()Oen," ora 1wd'd !b- Torisofl ees.
he puihtd s pen with violexrre tale
door of a gaffers bawling to the
liferear,y in which 11- Ieert was con-
Robert de Carnnel was not ex-
peering to visit from bis jailer —
,.....;,,.ltctfe see dr, (tarnoel had <lease.l to
collo•^t .e t•'r )tope.
The fan+: days of hie captivity had
hep ed in fearful agony. Re
had feet,. tient interviews with the
cutorml, wbo aroused hifntelf " by
Material inter with aec,aets of the
pao%,tct of ntarriagts formed by AT.
'kw �t' I1,
r♦♦thelr n. r as wl eh
1`Jnt taLrL'a, and 1 ..
log:teal Wag making in the truest
al spino. Aliso,
Thu apparition of the fares; night
wee not reuc'wved en the night ;fel-
lowing. Robert passed sever,el
,,,,. , t^ ..1,•vo
Wore informY
. a .. l 'West Lo wT». Lo sa
1 t.lr r,>v t
11r au
a � bUt.Y Y
"F flU1T.A.TIVg$", Thin FAMOUS
Panes. The ehild did not reappear
ou the wall, But that was no rea-
son fox despairing. If the brave
bey proposed to deliver hind either
by force or atrategern, be must take
time for 'the o-xeoutiou of so (little
cult en enterprise:
A week passed, 'then two, and
then three, and there was no sign
of Georget, Soon the eolonel also
ceased to visit him, abandoning him
to the, caro and vigilance of his
uubalterns. And Robert, left to
his refleeticns, ionftned in complete
isolation, littlo by little came to
believe that there remained to him
not a single chance of safety,
Abandoned 'by all, he had accepted
hie destiny, and had arrived at that
stern resignation that is born of
despair, He spoke no more, and
forced himself to think no more.
It will easily he believed- that in
this frame cd mind he received with
indifference the' announcement of
the colonel's visit.
The intendant, Vacili, who
brought it, received no reply, and
when M. Borisoff entered lif. de
Carnoel did not deign to rise and
receive him -
"It is a long time singe I have
seen you," said •the :Russian, tak-
ing no notice of the prisoner's at-
titude. "I have given you time to
reflect on the proposition I made,
and which I do not withdraw. I
gave you a month for consideration,
and this month will expire. to -mor-
row. I come to know if you have
decided to speak?"
"1 have nothing to say to you."
"I must remind yon' that if you
consent to name your accomplice
you will be free that very instant,
and that I will undertake to rein-
state • you in the eyes of M. Dor-
"It is very tempting, but I repeat
that I um innocent, consequently
that I have no accomplice, and that
I shall not buy my liberty at the
price of a lying confession."
I know what restrains you.
believe Mlle. Dorgeres to be irre-
coverably lost to you. I am about
to put you in possession of the facts
--to tell you how matters stand."
"Spare yourself the trouble; you
will obtain nothing from rue."
"Mo matter, it is well you should
know all. I told you °Mho pro-
ject of M. Dorgeres to 7 give his
daughter to his cashier, whom he
had jest made his partner. Now
the marriage is decided. Your
friend Vignory has been accepted
by Mlle Alice. To tell the truth, 1
did not think she would decide so
quickly. It was your prolonged ab-
sence which led to this result. Had
JAnnEs GCM411.AL.. Poo.
Williamstown, Out., July Beth, agol.
"I antlered all my "life from Chronic
Caoustipation-and no doctor, or reedy,
I ever trim
ed helped ine. "bruit-a-tives'^
pntnptly cured me. Also, least spring
I hada bad attaolc of nt4eionn, and
KIDNEY TltOId)Iedf, and the doctor
gave tae up but "i5ruit-a-tives" saved
my life. I am now over eighty years
of age andI strongly recommend
"bruit -a -tines" for Constipation and
Kidney Trouble".
pea box, 6 for $2.50—or trial box, 250
—at dealers or front f'rult-a-t vee
7,h ited, Ottawa.
hire of the remarks of which you
have been the subject. But you
night designate another, M. Max.
bee Dorgeres, for instance. He
also is interested in your behalf."
"I scarcely know frim," said A.I.
de Carnoel, impatiently. '`Liston
to roe, and when you have heord
mo through, I have not : another
word to say. You art convinced,
ere you not, that I have loved, that
1 still love Mlle., Dorgeres 7"
"I am sure of it."
"And the offers you have made
me are sincere? You are prepwared,
if I accept ,year conditions, to re -
/tore my liberty, to s;ipport . my
cause with Al. Dorgeres; you will
even go so far as, to declare that
you a have discovered the real oul a irked of the house it's no use to
prit ring; they wouldn't open to you.
I have promised you that I am The groat entrance is on Rue Beau -
ready to do it," said M. Borisoff, Jon, thole—to the right. There is
quickly, satisfied that he was gain- a,, mistaking it; it's gilded from
ing the desired end,
Is there any nee whose euriosity'
lies not at fiance been arossod by
some woman who had peseod Must.
She is young, she is pretty, rho is
alone, and.allo walks with a hur-
tling step. She line an object, and
she gent only this object. Is her
walk to end in a.ratftantic denoue-
ment, or simply to conduvt her to
her dressmaker? 'Elsie is the ques-
tion that puzzles the curious who
fellow her with their ems. . Be-
fore the problem.cen be staved, she
is already far off. She leas disap-
l.eared without les/vinG any more
trace of hol•solf than a bird in lee
passage through the air,
The old Parisian mega/ems quick -
1)r wheat* the Jfhl;liai1 or tersericcta
gixi who goes out without a chap-
eron for the pleasure of going out,
of tossing her blonde hair in the
wind, and laughing in the face of
those whom rho observes to mistake
her fora seeker after adventure.
But the Lrlorning after Meadmo
Dorgeres' attack upon Col, Boris -
WI, it was unqueslrionalblyea Prowls
girl who, toward twelve o'clock,
passed up the Avenue de Friedland,
and a French girl young and pret-
ty A thick: veil was drawn over hor
Gartlerara hness o
PATesh and fragrant firm the gardens of 14e finest tem.
ia;'tndniing country in the woxle. Atk yOuu' grocer L10T
a nae age Ile fee
became the cornfield par excollenoe to headquarters. All the duet' wore
of western Asia, and in Iater' mason ooliected sst one time, on "the day
tate granary of the Persian empire. of harvest." When the harvest time
The early Sumerian settlers came. it was indeed a time of heel -
brought with them from the home 'hese pressure,, the wuluiination of
land on the east of the Tigris the the year, the great day of reckon -
first elements of agriculture and ing. The decade which have boon
soon the pleixrs of Lower Obaldea recovered front the treasures of the
became' covered with eorn fields,' Babylonian'tomples' amply pxove
Ono of the oldest inscriptions we this, d
liverything because due on the
day of barvesb. Thus a loons tab-
let from Nippur slays: "Five and 'a
half shekels wi.1.. . borrowed
from the Sun-god 'eo'the flue -god ho
obeli pay beak with the interest on
mated on corn valuation, tradesmen were Ypaidr at harvest,
and the rights of landlord and the and among them the obliging pubsunder a guarantee.
tenant were oloar:ly defined. More- Bean, who had given credit for beer i\ hat is true in reference to eggs
over,,.the-anoient ripcords show that, daring the provioaa mouths to his
the calendar of those early inhabi customers,:' Alt wages were paid
tants of (Malden, was agricultural . at harvest time.
and etarted.from the miasmata,' equi- n
nor—the period of the "greater -- -� - --
In remote prehistoric times man
had been the pensioner of Nature,
dependent on the supplies sbo
granted him, but now man by his
invention of agricultural implo
monis had
face, and she evidently slid not wale possess, that of Man/elite-au, Icing
to be reeogniaecl. At times she of. Kish, which must date . back to
turned as if to seo if she was not about B. O. 4000 if not earlier, is
followed, and appeared uncertain a purely agricultural record and
of hor route, fax also stopped fro_
quently to look at the houses and
crass -streets. Evidently she nought
fee sumo- indication which she did
not care to ask of passers -he.
At length rho absorved •anerrand
porter whom she decided to ap-
"Oonld'you ''tell me where to find
the house of a lady named the
Countess. Yalta?" she asked, in a
searooly audible voice.
"The Countoss—Yalta 7 Ah, yea,
the Russian pr'ncees who rides
horseback drocrcd like a m.an'7 You
air there, mademoiselle. There is
a littlo door on the avenno fifty,
steps from here, but if . you're not
top to bottom."
"And you think that, given this (To be continued.)
new situation, M. Dorgeres, to. re-
pair his wrongs toward rhe, would
feel it his duty to accord me the MIS;<O1iTU 1 — OB: `I'i BLOOD,
hand of his daughter; that Mlle. LESS.
Dorgeres, who has not ceased to
love mo, would bo happy to become Miifortuae for the bloodies.,—thin
n.y wife; that my revival would re- should be printed in all elm public, barter system payments in kind rul- h ft
member that heplaces. ..You must have blood to 1 Instead of casks eats and
had been m friend c v apayments
y P1
corn been
an wouldstrong 1 enable or ma money. Surplus -
d not scale to dispute with have trong rings to xi you y S pl a sup
tee the heart of Alice? You think, to withstand all the deist and mi- !Plies of corn or other,food sniffs
in short, that it rests with me to emboli of summer and the piercing became income or capital and could
pass from the depths of misery to
the extreme of happiness "
"For this dream to become real-
ity, you have only to name your
and by his aesistanco rendered her
far more lavish in according him
supplies. fax his wants.. The ex-
treme fertility of the Chaldean plain
soon made it the corp: producing.
centre of the whole of western
Asia, and ea food was the aquina- i hies lying around Ow house Tub activity that has been neglected,
lent of money it soon became the ,tett to raids of ,,his sorb. When Ina it is Isigh time eltab Eire organ-
prodominant partner in the world of 'there aro surplus funds on hand' Erin talent in our rural comment
;most people deposit them in the:
As -a result of the old primitive nearest Bank or else scute .Jrlank ti;;& was tnakirg itself felt,
tato ere special facilities to
On the Far
4.047 •e-o•tt o-anre-enea+e-fes ,
In. eastern C'artedien estimate's
poi'haps the • greatest need at the
present time is standardization and
ueifnrnuty of production, says ibe
Weekly P'arnior. TtiIco, for ox
atnlilo, the anti produot of Ilia porri-
try yard wbieh'is now denusndini
most attention and h'singiyyg the
Uighest price, naluelg, the edge.
The ordlpary orate, of o' ;fa gather-
ed up from. the rural di eedets 'con-
tains'eggs of all sbnrfgere ekes, col-
ors and ages. The writer ens; voecit
fax the tact that dui<ieg the pre-
sone season a liard borTed eel was
found in a orate of so-called " new-
laiti' Ogga,"
Wbat it _suggested is that the
farmers of districts get together in .
some form of organi`zationi as for
example, a poultry produce associ-
ation, and dceide to keels one or
at most two breeds of'fow1. , It is
recommended that utility breeds be
selected. Then let the hlsainees of
producing eggs be standardized
shows there the principles level of salt- and the whole product of new -laid
culture were already developed and b il b 1 h eggs be shipped on at certain . week
systematised. The value of land the day of It rresb. All small be ono shift to tome wholesale
was esti house which will tato evurytliing
is 'true also in refereuce fro pota-
toes. Each fanner in a district
should produce the one kind of po-
tato, that is rho one variety with a
view to selling the crop in oarload
lets. All the potato growers of a
Greene ItopmPI) //ousE, clastriet could eal;lly ergemize them -
solves into a poteborgrowers associ-
.. Made a llig. Ilarii.
How often headings like this are
seen in the daily ante weakly papers
throughout floe country, Stories of
'burglars having raided houses ci-
jlher at nights or during the ab -
pence of tho occupants and having of a given diets -ice working together
the marketing pr :Wm wiii, be ccs-
ilv solved and the profits materi-
ally enhanced. This is it direction
iu which Canadian agriculture is
rapidly developing. It is a field of
ation and put the bnslness on a
ceremonial footing.
What is true of eggs and potatoes •
is true of all live stools, field pro-
ducts and fruit. Ib is safe to say
that by producing esthetes of anie..
form quality and all the fats -noes
;secured large name of money which
teem beim; kept in the House.
Phe average person wonders haw
it is that people aro so foolish as l o
keep large stuns of money or vale -
winds and cold of winter. Cons minister to the luxury of the sue-
sumption is, properly speaking, I easeful agriculturist. With the
lack of blood; the natural result of rise of the village community and
anaemia. To prevent consamption i later the city kingdom this increase
aocomplioe." rich blood is necessary. The bes6 of wealth became a source of rav-
t°•Do you think I should hesitate way to protect the organs is to cis emus on which. the heads of the
it I had one?" asked Robert, in a culate this rich blood through trite eommrnity could draw for conA
voice which vibrated. "You have, Rungs. Many have been saved bel; munal wants, and in this manner
then, never laved, eine eyes cup- Dr. Williams Pink Pills, because there grow up the first and great- People living in country distriete and these Should. nob be a mixture
pose that a man could sacrifice his these Pills are a remarkable blood est system of revenue ever found of away from Bawling facilities: of different breeds, nor crosses bo -
leve to some sentiment of keeping builder; not indirectly but directly;' in ancient Oriental lands. ;will have no difficulty whatever ie tween differout breathe but the
faith with conspirators. Had I—with each dose. They have curec�� Ancient Babylonia possessed one doing `their•. Bunking by Mail. The sante breeds all through the local -
stolon your casket for the purpose thousands of cases of anaemial feature in which it closely'resemb- Traders Bank will seed frac a little ity. A dairy cow raised hi a dairy
of delivering no tour secret papers "green sickness; general debility Ird our own country in the Middle 'treetiso'on Banking by Mail to any section is worth' ten dalliers more
Ages, the bulk 'of the property was party writing in to:the Head Office than a dairy cow rained in a section
ie religions hands. • That is, the of tho Trackers Bank of Canada•„ nut given over to dairying, fax the
Accounts, s, suet as Lha !'sates.,.
Bankn! • Canada.
In, the Traders Dank every Save
;loge Depositor le made to feel that of stating certain central truths on
Isis account is welcomed and that [Mod farming in a pithy, truthful
the Bank is gi:id to ltervo s;nall way. Here is ono that dsixy farm-
ers might do well to hoods:
account at any time, irtcledutg de- "There shoull be co-operation
posits o.f any lunnr,.trt, f)'otn vl.0o up- among farmers` in selects g breeds
s of stock. There arra cartk&ln sections
where nothing but the spoci'ai pur-
pose dairy mettle should bo kept,
oIN-r WL s ,�Hl).
1Vallacea' Farmer baa the habit
wards and withdr'trwals by cheque.
at any- time that, meg snit the cus-
tomer's convenience.
you listened to me it would have to the revohrteemsts of your conn- and all other troubles arlsmg
'oc-cn in your. power to reappear try, I would go myself and recoverof poor •blood.•
and cut short your rival's motel- it from them, if it was necessary,
menial campaign; to -day it wouldi in order to marry the woman
loved. I would brave thea veuge-
1-•e more difficult. Early in Febru-
ary Mlle. Dorgeres will be^oma ante and risk a thousand deaths � � ! BABL LYlfi
Madame Vignory." sooner than refuse the happiness ----
"Why, then, fatigue me withlyon propose to me. You see, then,
yrur rolrettations7 Were 1 free to -that I know nothing, and that you T D1Y I1'ITBN ALL DEBTS
morrow the marriage would take; gill gain nothing by tormenting me WERE PAID.
place none the less. I should nob' further. 1)o with me as you please.
try to hinder it." You may kill me. You will extract
"You would be wrong. There is eething more from me." In Babylonia the Food Problem'
still .trope to do so. Mlle. Dorgeres The colonel knit hie brows and
has consented again t herself. She bit hie mustache. For the first Dominated ail the Main
ha^ grown weary of the war, when time since he had secured the Troy- of Life.
after days of waiting you did net app- Fon of M. de Caraorl he asked him -
pear to confound your calumet- self if he had not made a false In the wonderful rcetoraticn of
tars. It would be easy to explainnrt.ve in arrest ng him. the ancient past which has resulted
your silence. Yon might say that from the work of : the explorer in
you were ignorant you had beenthe Bast nothing is more astonish-
aecneed. It would be plausible, LOOK ',BOYS /I? D GIRLS t ing than the knowledge wo have
armee the theft was known only to Do ynn want to earn a8 valuable prom. gained of the social life, manners
three or four pe'ii i ns. You might' sait'anrlenwe tabu sant farrina to
dolpnaa and customs of the ancient inhabi-
add that even bad just hesrd these conn m a aauplo of Volas oeyoar, snare tants of Egypt, Babylonia and other
reports; you might have learned time, dna for Fthctr we. aro giving a
Eastern contras of civilization.
them from soma ane, who was inter- a ones re,atimoo yon to ecu nasythtu g• we In this respect the discoveries in
ested in you—this groom, for in- Write ns at once for full particulars. Babylonia have been far more on-
1'.tance, who was in the waiting- BRAUN & 00., 52 Cotbarno st., Toronto. lightening than any others, -for in
room whn the theft was discover—that land education was more yon
ed, an urchin n&sisd, I believe, Maple Syrup tral, extending to rho lower graders
Geerges or Ck,arget."
Makers �' of the community,, and the literary
At this name Robert could not ' ,,l tendency of the people leading them
auppre ss a slight movement, which 'rte to baso a written record for any
''r not e.ria•,e the quick eyes of the •i ar ,;I", event. supplies us with a mass of
ori 1 1..app
colonel. - {� . • • a . t, details of the affairs of daily lite
"I mention this nbild because, he t + + ,s' _' 1'a1• more vivid than in the ease of
„ re- ...
nu he , ,ani
interest in ,y ,. � an ether people of antiquity.
to��k an .sere , Y n P.
Rimed. "It Rooms he saw you 3^ "v Attention, Babylonia was the garden of the
rebels you were brought here by tow one you xrseonablr export to malco ancient East, as later tradition
y steward, and came to inquire oven a fest ctaality of s9rup ns&tg out•id made it the site of the "Cxardon of
fur vats." date pots and kettles and .pang tor boiling lldou," and the ancient Sumerian
"If he knew S was your prison-your
'4Mh enpiSyrup. va oramtoroto
booklet on population was the earliest al+gan-
or " said Robert, notwithout an The GRIMM MANUFACTURING Company, Ned community of ag ;cultnrista of
effort. `'ho would riot Wive k*eM it a8 wculneton se, Montreal. whom we have record, says W. St.
a excret, and sonsv ane would have Chad Reece:wen in the London
been found to deliver me from your Globe.
Po-,... "Ititt Tiv'E3 THE NATURE OF THE Sftl[
"It is quite yirob:sbl0, brit, on that TR,
,lay he had a fall, from the effects 1$�k A„ a doe alluvial, made it a land at
of which he is and will remain an ' 'GREAT a :it° I" ' the riehest kincl for the agrieultitr-
td ot." a" ist, and nature needed but littlo as -
This time Robert turned ;rale. Ho s "'x � r :denture at the hand of man to bring
iula7 rs`..'c
now why Ge
s '
forth her
ichest and best to
o st11Y
not Tea naarel. Sia
tI tell r ithis," resumed tlra Thr daeauk ed o U ford.LGgodn.Altoa lnot, -the Indt e ou'
a clonel, "that ,you may not btai Just Ti ink of to i With the senna Dye home of wheat, that betegttndeub-
uCeorrd by
yauoancelorAWYkindorelpthptrteeti -.bio
o:r the hope o£ being a chance or mistaken. All cetera ra,:nuts from ticlly the elopes of the tnount'ain of
tl;ia gamin. And that ramknds n a our non aluutar Dealer, Sample Card and :,C,ttristan and the plain of Elam,
ni do a rnistaka in advi=.ing Booklet Floe front
T r ahere Settlements of re -histo •i
fivaG . The Johaoon 1 tohard,lau Co.,FoLimited, harvestersp 1 C
Da t. 0, . Montreal Qum have. boon found, its soon
various tisbricta into which the
land was divided were ezch the
fie& of rho province god. The tables
from Tal -lo show that all that dis-
trict was the fief of time god Nin-
gii--au; of Nippur the fief of lentil,
or the older "Bel"; of Sippara,
and all the revenues were collected (up to 150 pounds per acre) con - 'aped ,near horns in a llcd %roll Bee-
bythe temple officials and paid into tains about the sante amount ofjiut-' tion, nor- do you find Aya•shiros ire
the temple -treasury and classed as ! any' platae, escoph an A shirr sec-
"tho wealth orash as the sulphate; but in a lees yr
property of the desirable form. For this ieasou it Linn- Those dffftrtnt breeds are
god•" is best applied same considerable
all the reaulb. of the onvironment
There were, ninny villages and time before it is needed, en that the
oT the section'. Wo have not gone
small town in the, fief of the opus• injurious principles may bo rename -far enough in this country to un -
ince gods, and their rovennoe were ted by rain. Its harmful effects are daratand what part:iaulttr brood is
ooklected by resident collector -es and ospeoially evident pith potatoes, beet adapted to oriels pax -dealer en -
either remitted to the head city or bocti and Whaeco. Raba contains vironmont• We will coma to this
stared' in the local storehouse, and loos potash than the rnuriate and iJI time, but we are 1}kolb> to lose
a very careful account of them sent sulphate: a great deal of money by nut giv
simple reason that thero is always
a market for them, anal the man
who wants a carload lot, or at least
Fulphate of potash (rep to 150 where he can gather up a carload
Damsels per ac -o) is the bestfoe=in the naighlaoncoad;
to use generally ; ib is rather more "Our English cousins nnderstand
expensive than muriate, atnd may this. If one wants to buy Hereford
be applied a short time before tho
cattle over there he does not go ifs -
plant needs it: Muriate of potash to n Shoreham section, nor do you
A I/a:•ertag. Used the Gonia 0.9 Irnnn LT lumina
By dlseelvanrgranulated sugar in water cud
adding/Annie-Mo. at delicious ppfrup rsma.la rink
a wan> bettor than nunpCo. hlsp'ttneia raid by
grocers. 11 not send 11ar for 2 ea kettle awl
recipe book. C,•eaeent 1502. Co., Soarer°. Wn.
1111 Li
011013thcsiteand acts asaproven tivotor others. Liquid given on the
tongue. k Dateiol Lawn marc unci alt orhrtre• near, kidney rranraya 50s non
51 a bottle; $i and 010 the doze,. Sold by all druggists and horse Soda.
houses• Distributors; AU Wholesale Drug Houses,
y•F': ,u
or Skidded Engine
Erollppod with Evaporator* Tank,
Designed osaocixllt, for general rein
Unlit to a and 11.P. Sines.
Specially Adapted for Work In
t 11.P. Ss,nl•Dertablo Engine with Cold Weather.
Evaporator Trunk.
Th standard itoritontl E
Theo Engines aro •filo Aan10 an the a aerator inn•
eines. extent th.tt may sire rao,ntt,rd on skids with ttasoline tank placed in
bane of the onrine, whore It is welt' proton toll, making a very neat, centpaot,
self.contalnnd outfit„ as eon be seen from tile' illuitratlon above et tiro 8 h•p•
Gasoline lingtoo, Sena for cntal,gtie w,s.
r ..a . -
tug the subject such oarofail study
as to anable us to remelt: this point
as quickly as possible."
Onecan not have clean milk
without clean stables, 'With some
fanners any old piece is good
enough fur the cow; but those who
etc getting great profit trona their
herds, have learned that it pays
Is have everything in a sanitary
condition. •
Snsall potatoes are worth as monis
for feeding to poultry as the large
Where, Tho value of an article
does not always depend on its mee-
kest price, but of the uses to Thiele
it may be applied. .Hens are vary
partial to potatoes, and if the small
elms aro cooked and fed to them
they can pick them to pieces with-
out env athar Taretiarvttion, Sep- ,
agate thorn from the larger ones,
and store them in a convenient
place, where they can easily be
handled witett wanted for lyse.
The farmer is peculiarly depend -
out capon the weather, end tae wea-
ther is fickle. In the long
tun, ta
ver, it
da tend.
able than tho fans
favor of,cotittients,
elientas or customers. There is rea-
son always to fear some Yuck in the
income wanted, but there is ne
earthly creme for the daily asprae-
cion cif aperechcnsiort. that the .sett -
son insist Provo a fuilt;ett;