HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-2-24, Page 1, AJ fq Irh VOL. 38 NO. 34 BRUSSi LS, ()NY 1O, TI-1UksDAY, F LON'UoloY 24, 1910 W. H XBRIt;, Fyoprietor New Advertisements Robe T.i,:,t-•.rolin Oliver... Att tion N,do-Jiabn Rytaoin ' Aeotius Sale -ills' Oreille Wright. o Toronto Mitliuory paeial'4:i.+., fJ'Oro Improvements to bo !lode- a, F Stahl:1,4. istrict news The vontrecffen' the concrete annex to the Gudei'iob Elevator & Transit Ootxlpany's plaint, has beep allotted to 3, T of Tomatonoci Work will he proceeded with im tnediately so that the storage may be ready for the 1910 crop, and upon completion will give this company a hiwidliug capacity of 1,000,000 bushels coutiguons to both the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railways. Miss Sarah Ritusotn returned to De- troit this week. An auction sale of well . bred farm stock, implements, &c., will be held on the farm of the late Jonathan Wright, Lot 21, Con, 10, Grey, on W ednesday, March 9th. Sale will be without reserve as pt'optieteees is giv- ing up iving-up farming. F. S. Scott will be the auctioneer. MONEY MAI -tons.— One day this ,week V, Dane delivered 9 _pigs, be- tween 0 and 7 tontine old, to Archie McDonald at the G. T. le., for which he received the tidy sum of $183.15. The price was $8.25 per cwt. Alt. Dane is a good feeder and kitows hew to get the growth and weight. During the poet week Thos. Hall, of Montreal, WAR' hero renewing old friendships. Tle wee a former resi- dent of Grey township and can pick out the old . timers without any trouble. Time is dealing very kindly with M. Hall, He and Mrs, Hall two their faces Eastwal'd hi a few days,, Wroxeter - Albert trod Ylrs. Paulin are gueete id retail vet) in St. Oathat•ines, Hugh patrols, of Cobalt, visited with his bomber, Aden/ eleLeuu> lust week, Chas, Sandel500, of Hamilton, re- newed acquaintances in the village last week.. Mrs. George Harrier. of 041101. Mens.. visited J110, and Mrs. planer hereathis vtie \ Ix. The second inio;getirade Oaeuival of the season will be hold in the rink on Tuesday evening. Ales. Hy. Arulstrong has returned from a two months' visit with rela- tives at Deei'kiiegg, l Russell Moffatt, of Ttirnbeiiy, leaves this s week for the. Wes he' t w to Ile has up i taken land, Win. Satudevson, of Toronto, is vis- iting his parents, W. H. and Mrs. pSanderson, elf Turnbeery, I Mi•. Turner and bride, of Hillsburg,. spent last week with the foi'hter's .sis- ter, Mrs. Harry Harding. Mise.Jetiie Huwe, who is teaching school in Howick, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home Here. Misses Jean and -May D,avidson en- tertained a number of aheia• fl•ienbs to a piogressive euchre party last Friday evening, David Martin retnrued on Wednes- day front Hamilton where he had spent et mo il h with •his,,tlaughter, ,Alis, C. I. ,Sanderson. Mrs. It. Nokes, of Winnipeg, is vis- iting friends here, having been railed home on amnia of her mother's Hi- tless and subsequent death. A Month of the Trades s Bank opened here on Monday, having rent- ed the vacant store in the Gofton Block which is being nicely fitted up. •+•+••••••••+•+•+•+•q•ei••'t•H++*.e• ••+•+•+e-7•e+•+•4444'N•+• 4 • + + 4. • e +• • IMPRDVEMNTSTD BE MADE \ • • i• • Having purchased H. R, Brewer's Photographic Studio *' and apparatus and all interest in the business, 'I will i close the Studio on Tuesday, Murch lst, for necessary• improvements and re -open it for business on A P P Thurs . day, March 17th. S. F. MA.ITLAN D• + 4104.•+•+•die+•+•+e•eo+• t••+•k• es.•-Seat-oo•+•+•44+•+•+••d 4e+e •F *+•+•+••Q-•+•+•+•+• S•••1 •+•+•+ 4 e i••+ei,•+e+e•7'e+e+..II••+44•+• O ' ' `r" The •t.' e • • • TorontoMillineryParlars • •... will be re -opened •• • on March 2nd :: t• • + * MISSES- SANDERSO N& CARR, having spentrnt i two weeks in Workrooms of the leading Millinery Wholesales of the City, are preparedto. furnish` the • 4 ladies 1f, Brussels and vicinity with all the latest Styles. i 4.Y, Y • o PATTERN HATS 1 i e. + Will have in stock a number f - • o Pattern Hats which in I elude the very latest New 'Stork and Paris designs. I1 i •• Anannnce e -� � m nt of Milliner Opening later. • + Millinery g + Richards' Block Brussels I. i. • +e+•+•+4+•+e+e4• 44+•+4+.+• +•+•+•+•+e+•+•444.•+•+•+•+4 ts•mem••••••o•wwootawww000e•as :>�rc�tatawwowbwm�wiwhwwwwhw•w o el tip • Fl • kr EB H W W AL L P oe • • •6• • e? • ®• The balance• of our New Wall Papers have ' • 8 arrived and we are now preared to show el • P P • the public the LARGEST stock ever • ao shown in this Village. • 8• w Beautiful Patterns at very close prices, to 8 We iron all Papers bought'.from Us ready•W P for hanging', ell • Call 1 and see them- and note our prices be: • 8 fore buying. •• Picture Framing a Specialty. e • • w We regret to record the demise of 1Wrb. Win Muir, teat of the late VVtn, Muir, ,who departed this life Thursday of lust week at her, home in Howiek, hiving attained the age of 77 yeai•e, She is shl•vived by O sone, ,lob it, of Steatined . Charles, George,' Lteney, William and Gavial, of 1•low' ick i and 2 daughters, Mrs. Ahearn, of Howlett, and Mrs, Nukes, of Winni- peg, Deceased was a kindly woman aied esteemed by all who knew her, l'Ite fuiier'al took place to the Wrox oter cemetery on ' Saiueday uftei 0000, Walton Mrs, R. cLeod M is visiting in Tor- onto this week. A number from this locality attend- ed the' Bethel entertainment Wednes- day evening. The pitch holes on the North road Have been built nn the pattern of the ocean waves, only worse. :'Tuesday the road' was considerably improved by Allowing. Pe' McDonald, jr., who has been here on a visit from the West, will return.,tohis home next week. He looks as if that country agrees well. with hien. Owing to the fart that John Ryan, Lot 80, Con. 14, McKillop, has sold his farm, he has announced an. Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, &c., for Tuesday afternoon, March 8th. F. S. 'Scutt will be the auctioneer. Mr. Ryan has a lot of fine stook, &c., and his sale will no doubt be well at- tended. Re talks of locating in Within) and we hope this will be the final decision, Blyth - The ice harvest was continued this week. Horse Fair here Tuesday of next week, March 1st. Chute with the crowd. Watch the horsemen of this locality get after that Clinton Spring Fair prize list. Mrs. John Emigh was the guest of Ml's. Will. Euligh and other friends at. Brussels, last week. Colin McArthur was visiting his brother et Brussels. He's an old Bu seselite and loved by everybody even if he does remain an old back-. clot.• Frank Metcalf was at the County town this week attending to his duties as Auditor. He should make an excellent one. idr. Straiton, of Godcr'ich, is his companion in the work. Mrs. (Dr.) Wilford, who with her. husband, have gone to China as Mis- sionaries, inet with an accident on the house boat by being streak in the face with a lamp. ' We hope the in- jury was only terinporary. Last week Councillor Ceti' disprlsed of his fine 100 acre farm at Jamestown, Grey township,' to Andrew Pollock, at a gond figure. '. The purchaser gets immediate possession. Mr. Cutt and familymoved from the farm when they located in Blyth. Joseph Coombes js back' to 'town from an extended and enjoyable visit with relatives a t ttusyels Cruubto k o , Molesworth Jamestown and other points After a residence at the latter places for years he fornled,ac- quaiutaiices that endure. ,Monday evening of this week Rev. J. L. Small, B. A., and Mrs, Small were at Brussels assisting in, a.Ohoir Concert. Mrs. Small' contributed vocal selections and Mr. Small diel his share in three readings. They do their respective parts in A 1 mannan Blyth Y. M. O. A. has-been in close• touch with' Co. Secretary Fleeting and appreciated his eat nest endeavors, and are.sorry to know 'that he has re- 'signed hie onerous position, intending to resume •the teaching plbfession. His new post- will .,be in connection with the Collegiate at Galt. The latter: town is to be e1ougratnlated The Hodgson &;Bedggood- store has 'betel reused, The pi'eprietors have sold out their stock and removed from town. Mr. Hodgson will 'see . the West and the.latler has a situation in 'Tox•oirto. Tl,)gy were fine young men who shc£uld promote' and their' many friends hope this tyill•be: their.exper- ience. _ 'Tuesday evening a, union seivice was held in the Methodist Gluten be- tween the F,pworth League and the Christian Etnleavbr of St. Andrew's Church: Rev., Mr. Cooper gave an interesiiligrepmt of the Teniperance Convention held last week in lorou- to, We like to see this spirit of Chris- tian fellowship +. ablso v oro t uiti•st 'between en the different deuommatious in Blyth, Otter Ou Saturday, 12th inst.; Pat rick U ltonrke Lvho' for several •years faunied ill the tOw113llip of Morris,- died 01St. Michael's hospital; Toron- to. 11Jotiday • the temaius were beought after regneitn class had been said iu St. Michael's cllureh by Rev. Father Hanlon, the remains wore interred in the R. 0: cemetery, 7th line, elurtis. ith. O'Rourke was much respected by all who knew hilt. He Was a brother to Mrs. Thos. Mc- Quaid, of McKillop tnwnehip. ' Mies (Jude, Burse, was called this week to Brussels locality to wait on Hire. Ono. Davis, of Morrie township, who has been. dangerouslyy ill. This family has had a sire affliction. A , daughter (Mrs. Fred. Cardiff) died 0 weeks ago after a brief illness and the youtegestsuu passed away oisTuesday being only in lied' a week'. Appeaidi- ditts Was the cause. ' Fears are enter- tained ldtat. the cctnxbivatioii of be- reavements will be more than the Mother eau bear in her prostlated t ,,edition.' t Goys Srooit.—Monday of this week ® Jailues Snell, the well known li'trliett breedee, shipped his t 1iuice thora`hred all "Peitle of In vetniey from Blyth p the West, halving geoid him at a cod Homo to .1 G. and George Snell, f Invetutity, Smelt, J. 1-1. Snell took ® b Furniturew o i • Le • W. ��ti' LOBE to D } tiler � 1, � 1� I i is charllsof title animal, to Guelph. E0- ®oaiw rf1 •w®RI ®wwrtpmaro�tymw®�yoee•aw•••r'o••otocoo•oo•o•ww Coarct Snell) father (f the Sne � 1 ° I allBtcs.,y. was a former resident of Hullett who naos'ed West for his health but died two years later being Miele(' at Pot- tage la. Prattle. Mr. Snell while sell- ing has also been buying having pur- chased u tine bead young bull from the Oaegill stock 'Own. It is froru au itupot'ted sire and dttn. The best is none too good. S. Grey Assessor McNabb is on hie annual rounds. Robert Lowe, who. recently bought an interest iu a Brussels livery, has removed t0 town Pr pe v t (the Porno rl . 'fI'is old friends hope he will do well in his new line. We are sorty't0 hear of the serious indisposition of Mrs. Geier at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Daniel Glassier, but we hope improvement will speedily ensue. At Wm. Hogg's auction sale on Tuesday afternoon a O year old Shire mare brought $249 ; a 10 year old mare, $190 ; 2 year old colts went at $150 and $138 respectively ; 2 last Spring colts were sold at $97 each. Salle was a good one, cattle being in demand as well as horses, - Jamestown Quite a number of changes around our burg of late. F. Lattimrn a does not improve very much in health we are sorry to state. Frank \Might went to London last week, conlbilling business and pleas- ure. Last Sunday S. McOntt'hepn, the local butcher, had the misfortune to lose a horse. James and Mrs.' McEwen, 'of Gode- rich, are visiting the former's patents t. at laweQ ..pion.. L ; s Mrs. -Rattan, of Bluevale were 'visitors with George and Mrs. Ecktnier on Tuesday. P. S. and Mrs. McEwen, of Turin- berry, were visitors at Mgrs. James ;Strachau's, Tuesday of this week. OA fowl supper at A, Pollock's was on the program last Friday evening and .the fortunate guests fared. spm . t pit (sly. • •1'Ve hear that Mr. Coombes, of Molesworth, , a ,former Jamestown resident, has snld'oit his general store business•aud Way go West.• 'Last_ Sabbath evening 'Rev. W. J. West, . M. •A., of Bluevale, took the service in Victhria Hall and next Sunday Rev. Mr. Perlin, of Wroxeter, will preach. • Last week Andrew Pollock bought the James Cutt 100 acres for which he paid $4,400. He gets immediate pos- sessiou. Mr. Pollock• will be kept busy with his two farms but can handle them all right. We wish him success. Mr. Willis has been tenant of Me. Cutt's farm fur several years.• Win. McKelvey and family, who have been old ` time residents here, have rernoved to Brussels where they have purchased a comfortable house. They sold their farm to Robe:. Willis who is moving to it. TheMcKelveyfamily take with them the gotta fellow hi of the cowml not who v o hl Y t e t�H will eh'b. P Y their residence in J Y the carpet town.: Morris 100 dgaa farm to rent for pasture. • Apply en the farm, 6th line, to Moe. Joseph , Olegg, or Brussals P. 0 • Township Oouncil will meeten Mon- day, Mal ch 14th.. We are finding the. Rural Telephone to he a real convenience. • The auction sale of Ja es o1 eis last Friday afernoon, went with quite a sweep.. • 'Mrs.,'Sopxinerville, 5th line, keeps real poorly but we hope sire' will soon, be restored to gond health. A new "residence is on the program on the farm of Jas. D. Grasby, 6th. tine. He is a progressive farmer who is bound to forge ahead, • Miss Ferguson, daughter of 'V. 11. Ferguson, 6th lice, is teaching the 1 Marnoch 'school. She 0 a bright, young lady and we wish her success; This week 'ex-Oouucilloe 'Samuel Oaidbink and falilile left for White- waLter, Manitoba, lvhei•e they have in. in farm lands .and expect to make their future home. They carry ed by them on account of his geniality and good fellowship. It was a ead story the father had to break to the sick 1001lier Wednesday muruin ._the 1a death of the son. The fune • will take place Friday afteruoutt acid ow- ing to Mr's. Davis' illness the service will be held in Melville church, Brus- sels, at 2 o'clock, instead of at the home. interment at Brussels coma- tet'y. Mr's. Kennedy, of Lindsay, Mrs. Davie' sister, is here assisting Nurse Code in oaring for the patient.. Wide- spread sympathy is expressed foty/'he bereaved family who have hon se much uc i sorra but w lit the hope is that Mrs. Davie will continue to gain and will regain her former health. Only one sou is left to the home. In so try- ing a situation it may require apron faith to say ' He doeth all things well," yah this is the victory of the Chris - Mates belief. i EDITORIAL. NOTES THERE appear to be about as many navy policies among the 'Opposition at Ottawa as there are membeis ou that side of the House. We give a summary ,of East Huron M. P's. speech on the question in another column. * t,. • rt, BETWEEN Laymen's Missionary ban- quets, Sabbath School institutes and Mission Study classes added to the regular Sabbath services, the 'people of this day have no excuse for not being well posted on the great ques- tion of the ' evangelization of the %%meld.' The spiritual barometer as -well as thermometer is often indicat- ed. by the gifts that follow the infor- mation. . THE number of fake robbery epi- sodes where the thief gags acid binds himself (or herself for females also play this role) and tells a pitiful story of the• terrible things that happened, while the "chink" is in his own pocket all the time, should be handled: with sufficiels`, emphasis to teach a Lesson that would hove a widespread effect. A rubber may be a bold, bud man but he's a gentleman compared to the Judas who deliberately imposes on the friendship and trust reposed in him and traitorously appropriates what belongs to another. 1t pays to be honest even outside of the righteous- ness of the Principle. EvEar week adds • to the list of sub- scribers to the Iudepeudeut Rural Telephone system, centralized at Brussels. It is expected that the next six won chs will see the numbs ' rofsub- scribers reach 400. In the size of the circuit consists the3 u etulneas of this modern invention, that is within the range of general.; business transactions in the territory served. If your name is iiot on the list yet youshould hand it in s9 that the lines may be • coin- pleted by the opening of Spring. The busy season will prove the inval- uable usefulness of the telephone and cause you to wonder how you did without it so long as the telephone is no lunger a luxury but a real neces- sity,. It pays for itself over and over iu a year. . • M w BY the record it would appear that the expert Judge ab the Fall. Fairs is one of etre moves that is to be per- manent. There are teatime for this, the ohief being the difficulty of Beene - tug local taleut as exhibitors are' often as wello p sted ars the Judge and some- times don't forget to inform the per- sist) allotting the awards of the fact— • • wins, them, the best. wishes of Many that is if the red ticket has not come old friends. • Zest week, W. B. Wilkinson his laity. Lust year 255 departmental a -well known fotmen resident of 'Morris, judges were sent out, the Ontario was•calling on relatives and.oldfeiends Gbvernmeut paying them $10,11(51 of • who \ve1'e •glad to•see holt anthe .• noter am to know which tl Societies interested ted es til ares con - °at he was pr(ps{)'' iAg fill' his. hew I home near Ripley." Hose uthtar'to • tributed $5,500. In the Standing Ccuucillot \VakusuField Crop competition c htiun t ucleasedtn- A choice bred thorn bred bull leasofeteet has been- manifested it'd last been purchased from the bend of year 80 societies were interested and SetietSliortreed,r d�9th lme�ntMeiiawe' 0' be 1oOO ootnpet;tors took part. 1910 commended 'fm'.' irivestinetits of this -promises to ont•do `any of its mode - kind its a greeter good 'is being Gessoes as from even a monetary wrought.thap many ioiiasggine.stand otut.the contestants have done SOOOL4 BE1ollAVIOD.—The family p y o£ John Davis; 4th linea, has )non ppassing Well. There are the 5 prizes in con - through the deep waters of aOiicbon nection with the awards of the as few are called upon. ides, Davis Society, the opportunity of winning went to Lindsay about •six weeks ago widely tame at the Winter Fair, the owing to the sickness of her youngest sister only to be called home on ac- Probability of selling a share of the count of the serious illness of her only crop for seed and the distinctive foa- med Much •'bcioved daughter, Mrs.: twee of eueouraging better cultivation Fred. re . Card ff, win) passed away on and purity of seed. One man testified e 7t et the early age of 31 years. Thi$ death Cold on the mother that he had sold .ilia prize oats at $1.25 whose health lave way and she has per bushel. Every good, f,..n.. r. been vase ill since Monday 1 Y a f last should be willing to enter a Field week John W., the youngest son, and Chem Competition 103 outside of• the one much abotlt, the house with his P another, complained of sickness with dollar • membership fee, if he is not a something of appendicitis character, member of the Agricultural Societ and despite all that could be done' he y. he stands to gain at each forward answered the Motivative call Tnesdaty step evening of the; \veep, a ed 20 years, 7 tltont.its and 10 days. Ile had been iu ; pact health fns several years but for mite time past bttd•beeai splendid, do - png his Pull slime ofvorh anti enjoying it, hence his demise rcnues as all the hander blow. Deceased was born 111 'Victoria On, anti mane. to Morris with his patreuts 131 yearn ago; lie motto toady fronds 11110 wits tilways welfom. silently you scarcely, realize you've taken medicine, You are cleatlsed-- appetite inlproyes--color cleats—sleep is restored. Every man, woman and child is helped byDr. Sawiltoa's Pills.' Try a 25c. box. Epworth league Meeting The Wingham District Epworth League Executive Committee met in the. Wingbam Methodist church on Fri day, Feb, 11th, 1 hose present were : Rev. E.Ford,ucknu Hon.. L H Pres. J.w. Rev, G. W. Rivers, 13 A. B, D. Rip ley. Pres. ; Roy Primo Brussel:, lst Vice•Pres. ;' Miss May Reid, Belgrave. sed Vice Fres, ; Miss Ida' M. Cole, Ethel, 4th vice Pres, •, W. T. Hall, Wingbam, ex -Pres; ; Rev. C. W. Mc- Kenzie, B. A. Wroxeter, Secretary. . S y Treasurer. The Committee were favored by a visit from Rev. 1'. E. Sawyer, of Luck - now, Secretary of the London Confer- euee Epworth League. John Kerr's resignation from the znd Vice -Presidency was accepted. Mr. Kerr was forced to resign Owing to ill health. The committee expressed their sincere sympathy with - Mr. Kerr sod their appreciation of bis laithtul, ener- getic cervices to the district. Rev. M. D. Madden, B. A , Pine River, was ap- pointed as Missionary Vice -President in Me. Kerr's place. A review of the whole work of the District was: made and the following plan was adopted for eampaigu work,: Rev. J. E. Ford to visit Wingham and Ashfield Leagues ; Rev. T. E. Sawyer to volt Lucknow and Salem Leagues Rev. M D. Madden.to visit Ripley and Kincardine Leagues; Roy 'Payne to visit Ethel anti Wroxeter Leagues ; '1'. W Hall to visit Belgrave. Bluevale and Teeswater Leagues ; Miss May Reid to visit . Whitechurch and Teeswater Leagues ; Rev. C. W. McKenzie to visit Gorrie, Fordwich and Brussels Leagues^; Miss Ida M. Cole to visit all the Junior Leagues in the District. The object of these visits is to.encour- a e and stimulate the League workers g g on general lines of Missionary, Literary, securing subscriptions for the Epworth Era; Social and where possible to or- ganize New r•ganizeNew Leagues, and to resurrect old ones where they nave died out. • Let each League please remember when , you re -organize to send names and addresses of your new President and Secretary to Rev, C. W. McKeuzie, Wroxeter. Ohur ih chimes Maitland Presbytery will be held in Wingham on Tuesday ot next week, Keep Rev. Mr. McGee's address on `Moral Reform in view to be given in the Methodist church on March gth. He is well worth bearing. Friday evening of this, week Rev. F. H. Lang -Ford. of Listowel, recently at town. is expected to speak at the special Lenten service in St John's cuutch, Brussels. Rev. Mr. Cameron was to have gone to Millbank Wednesday eve (lug to assist at Lenten services but owing to the snow blockade on the railway he did not venture from home. A presentation was made Rev. Mr. McCamus, of St. Marys, of a purse of money. He is invited back for another year and has accepted. The reverend gentleman is the father of Miss Bessie McCanlus, of Brussels. Friday evening of last week W. J. Gartide, of town took charge of the special Lenten service at Atwood in lieu of Rev. D. E. Cameron, of St.,John's church; who was conducting the uneral service ot lile late James Stratton that afternoon, Mr Symington, of Knox College. Poco oto; gave a well planned Home Mission address in Melville church last Sabbath morning. In the evening he spoke on 'The still small voice." He's a good speaker and bids fair to attain promhleuce in the ministerial ranks. Mr. Symington will complete his course. this Spring. Wesley (mute), Clinton, bas extended an invitation to Rev. E G. Powell, who is completing his 4 year term iu Bros sets, to become Their pastor next July. He has accepted subject to the direction of the Stationing Committee of London Conference which will meet in June at Chatham. Rev. Mr. Powell is an excel lent preacher, a more than ordinary worker withthe young people and has served hie charge here well. TEMPTATION Or` •r.—T �nax s he se Gond special Leuteu sermon tit] the Tempta- tions of emptstionsot Christ was delivered by Rev. D E. Cametou on Sunday morning last in St. Johns church, the suojeet was the second of the Temptations, his text being taken from St. Matt. 14, 5 and 6. He pointed out that the first Temptation was an appeal -by saran to Christ; to render Himself popular by ministering to the physical needs ot the people by supplying them With bread made from the stonesliround Him On His refusal. to comply with the suggestion He is next teinpted to appeal to their spiritual senses "aod to prove His Divinity by throwiug himself from the pinnacle of Ole Temple, and prove in spectacular galenite, that God was His especial *mediaore em titled too take a shoand that ret cwas a to the leader• ship of the chosen people. Such short cuts s tt r e e natio God's decrees and the devil's Suggestion was unheeded. He asked whether he in those latter days the devil did not snake some of bis strongest efforts even ie the highest positions in the church itself, and that he tempted men to follow spectacular methods or se sensational words with the idea that 0t of evils good might result. Christ efused to obey such leading and tris life fterwards was ever consistent with his ecision. He went about doing }food Question for Iwo? ROddor, t e all iorgans h cal th P ga Y d If you could find los iiiple vegetable. a emedf • oe keeping and strong—wouldn't you use i Most mils ate harsh, cause pain and m slot stomach. Dr. Hatitiltoh s Pills at'e different --- they tegulate and 11 eleaues the system so gehtly, act so a lit suggested to the recipients of His ercv tbat they should tell no incmart, and e tits n the great and holy meh who ave followed Him through martyrdom ud trial have, like filmic 'only become Spectacular in their deaths, as in tlle;'f. case of Chinese Gordon, iitshop Ogees, , outgun) mot the countless orae silo fursuule all and t'ulloWed Hitn, 'Vhe growth in spiritual grace tenet lite must be step by step, through the daily exer- cise of self dumal and mastery ot sett and not by supposedly slict't (mitt taken`: at the devil's pruuapttua ; nut my will (suggested by the evil cue) but 'Thula be done and, instead of the instant dsh torove that God is our deteuder WO.. must patientlywalk in, the nth of ` Cbrist;wuo towelled until' His death and reeurreetiou prey :a ...,lolls, devlue' oat r I l 'lh• i e u e Wore clear a i 13 Y $ �,l e':We�y the 'CCU L 10 e' I 1 r a lid emptat n. U t, gaud on a spunual eminence the itlme' the devil wall attempt to lead tie tit- ^n =,. a.h eve notoriety and sit to dowulsll. Even as St. Peter, wueiothou h reputed; as the sheet am00 the. a octies, 'Could K, yet yield to the dcy4'p s pruuaptuags and deny His Lul d and Master,. W e man and mast, du Cud's work in His way and nut as minuted by the devil, who, tnrough ins storing ambitions, had a:,' greater d,wntala luau would Const had. He cast Himself duwu from the temp.e's .' topmost peuuaele - Grey Gouncli. Pursuant to adjuuruulent the -Alunici mpalLuuucn lit sue tuwushlp ot Gro:• met to tue'lbwuship Hall Ethel on the 14th mat. All themembers of the Colwell pieseut° Toe mottoes of the last meeting read and adopted with the subsutuuuu ot the name to Ibus. Cummtugs for that of las. Blown lu the ii51 ut pound keepers. By -Law Nu. 5 of tgm re arrauytags the puuteg situ division costa ,• react $est, aecoud and third tl a filially pushed. es- Ss: from 0. Schnock and Juan Rauu and Jas. 0. McKay and:'. lohu Rubel tsou asking to have the en-' grocer examiue and repurt ou the Krait ter and Besucuainp Sstenoun ',drains, respectively. were pieseuted aud-read.' avluved by Jas. Mckradzeau, seconded by Johu Cutt, that the above iiq uiuons be grained awl that. the Clerk be suuutett to prepare a By•Law'fappiiint Ing litho Roger, of the town o@ Ylltenell, au eugineer to examine and report on .' the same. Carried. rhe petition ot Wm. McNair, et al asking tor a new Scuuul beetle) on Com. to. Grey to be twined trom •ego-: Northerly pertains uf S. 5. No. i and. S. S. Nu. 7, was presented and read. A counter pennon fruit Joao Grant° et al asking that no enauge be made in the boundaries of S. S. No. x was also pre- seuted and read. Moved by Jas. McFadzean, seconded by S. S. Cole, that the question of the'. furmauon ut Inc new Scotto' Sectionbe Laid over until uur next nieetiug and that Lae Trustees of S. S. No. 7 be notified to appear before the Council at that lime. Carried. Moved by Jae. McF.adgeau., by Joan Cutt, that W. H. Kerr be given the contract lit the usual 'lowusliipi to a per schedule fur printing a p 19x0 for the sum 01.o bo. o Canted. led Moved by sewn dad 1 by S. S Cole, tont iu regard W the Brad- ford Award Litton, theReeve be instruct- ed to communicate with the engineer with the view of,procuriug' more tutor matwn in respect to the quantity acct disposal uf the tile called for in the award and that the Reeve and John Cutt be authorized to meet with the different owners totereated in the award at the locality and come to some agreement with them in regard to the same. Carried. A requisition asking that the Whit- field Diem be put into a proper condi- tion was preseuted.by Geo. Whitfield. Moved by Jobe Curt, seconded b P. A. McArthur, that toe rtquisitton; graute land that the Clerk be insult to prepare- a 13y -law appoikeSqies Roger, of the town uf Mitchel,;'lou giueer to examine and report ou the same. Cart led. Communications from the Department'' of Agriculture, Ottawa, and the Pro- vincial Boaadot Health of Ontario, re-; gardiug the spread of rabies among: dogs in Western Ontario and asking the' Munrctpal officers to take steps io pre- vent the further spread of the disease were received. A By law known as By-law No. 6 of two was prepared for the purpose. call? Ing upon all uwuers or barborers al do• within the mtinicipal(to to have same either effectively,muzzledor secll ly fastened. By law No 6 two %vas read a fi second and 'bird dnmeu and finally ass Moved by Jas McFadzean, seoo by P A McArthur, the ,,, ll the proelamatioirreSinimeg dogs t„ ruuutng ai large he prid !pus; up au cuu.p cuuus places tnruughoutnted51t mumcipaluy Carried." Moved by S. S. Cole, seeouded by Jas- McFadzean that the, Clerk he instructed to prepare a Bylaw levying the En-` gineet s. expensesin the survey of the",' boundary between Grey and. M-eKillop on Ole owners of the lauds Interested. Carried. Moved by John Cutt, seconded by las,McFadzean that the Reeve and Clerk's be instructed to apportion the funds 1.0 the credit of the Beauchamp Draini osi scheme between the Beauchamp Drx , peeper and the Beauebainp extcnaton, Carried. Thu Auditors presented their ,report, for Igoe Moved by -Jas. McFadzean, seconded by P. A. McArthur, that the Auditors' report be aeceluei4 fitY(i'tbat', the usual uumuer of cupiel be printed. Carried. Orders to the amount of ''$1114,03 were d e 'surer Moved by thJas, TreaMcIadzeau, ud by P. 'Aon, McArthur, that We secndo nowed adjourn to meet again on March 7111. Carried. The Council will moat oil Match 7th at Cranbrook. A, 11. M.teDoxAt.ir, C1crk, Oen thanks are due to a num' er Of sebamibers for squaring up toe 1'1i4 POST fur t9o9 hdd 1910,