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The Brussels Post, 1910-2-17, Page 7
YOUNO FOLK$ 0.4a004000 uiA AN HONEST DECISION, It was Friday afternoon, and Lester brought his weekly report from school. Mother looked sorry when slie rcaci it, and Lester steed by, rod and eneomfoi+table, for it was not the llort of ,report that makes a boy proud and his Ingother happy. It said, "Deportment Un- satisfaetory," while as for the los- son8, thor'e was nota single "Ex- °client,'' only "Fair," or 'at most, les "Good:" . Mother did not say anything be- cause she had said on either ]i'Aday afternoons all she had to say on the same subject. She only sat looking at the report a long time, while Lester wriggled and twisted. At Hist she spoke, very quietly "It. must be stopped, Lester. For more than a month your conduet has been 'Unsatisfactory.' I 'have reasoned with you and given you chances to do better, and you have abused them. I shall try you onee more, and then unless your next report is a very good one, -as good as you -used to have, my little boy must be punished," Lester stopped wriggling. That last word' awed him. "How?" he asked, swallowing over a lump in his throat. "You will have to stay away from the sleighing -party one week 'from: to -morrow." Lester at down, feeling as if ho had suddenly grown too weak to stand. Mother had folded the report and 1&M it aside. She picked up her sewing again, and said, "It all de- pends on you, Lester." Lester -walked away slowly. s l . No t mach xx' danger of his for73ettiilag-no, indeed! There should be ata "Ex- pellent" over against every item in next Friday's report. He would slsow what he °meld do, or puce. But miss that sleigh -ride -never! He thought of nothing else all ,afternoon, remembered it twelve times on Saturday, sae times on Sunday, twice on Monday., once on Tuesday,. and next; tiring he knew 1t was Friday again, and teacher was handing out reports. His, heart came into his, mouth as he looked at his. "Conduct Unsatis- factory." "Iiessons Fair." Not one "Excellent" -not even a "Very Good." And he had meant -oh, what had ho not meant to. accom- plish this week! But mother could not -could not keep him .away from Westchester) She never could break his heart like that! His feet fairly flew over the ground; this sut;pense must bo ended. Mother was sewing, as she nearly always was, and the hand tremb- led that '!].° held out for the report. Maybe rice had felt the, suspense, top. She read the few words, and icer, eyes filled with tears, and Les - r knew what !tab meant. "It isn't fair!" he burst out. "Teacher didn't mark me fair! I have been prod I. I don't deserve to stay at :meet I didn'`t do wrong!" "Wait, Laster -wait, doar.i, ]is.ether's voice was -very gentle. '11 you tell me on your honor that his report is unfair, if you really hink you deserve to go to Nest - limiter, you may go. You remem- er what I said a week ago; you now, the conditions. I' leave it s' you t o decide:" go, all right," said ester, posittve.y. I haven't done thing that ought (•o keep me .b 0 b k ie r. u "Very well, dear." The busy needle wea alie work again. Lester tore' ,outdoors to play noisily with Sport and make him- self believe he was ]laving 'a. fine time, -while mother folded away the poor little report and waited.' She did dot' wait in vain. It was bedtime. "I can't go, mother. It. wouldn't be honest, atnd.2 am hon- est, if I do act inisehovious in school. I did deserve it -teacher was fair., I've whispered and played instead eljetuciying, but I don't think I'll e•ter forget again. I'm going to be the best boy in the whole world after this." And mo- ther held hint close, and said, "I knew my boy- could be t Meted to Loll the; tr)ith, and he hasn't dis- appointed tile." The party rode away tite next morning without Lester. He tried to be brave and `cheerful, but •the orclaal was a hard one, and -Lester never forgot it, fel' it,did him hnneh good, in spite of the Iiardecsa--ol' perhaps because o1' it. In the evening, when the plea- sure -seekers had returned, the lit- tle figure tempt t again to mother's room. ICS been pretty liard,'' said a queer, (holey voice, "but 1'at gllccl !" - Youth's Colnpaniaia, • NO WONDER. The mite wheel sesseericct a, proud look. I kir. fast been on a 25,- 000 -mile trip," 15 bragged. l don't wonder yon are tired," me tine red a by curt wheel, UN( 1.,1 EZRA SAYS "Shen 'evil companions. Fef yon emu'l, stand yoin' own company, abets yeurr;r-",f:" L. THE SUFFERING WOMAN ENDUR ES Can be Banished by the ltieh,: Red 1f1oo0 Dl'. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Mike. Behind the veil of her mods and silent, latienoe nearly 'eve woman endures suffering that ca 0 shadow over half her existen An aching bac}!, tired limbs, atte c] of faintness, and headache tip headache laces} not be part of a iv man's life. Such trials indica, plainly that the system requires t1t new blood that is supplied by Williams' Pink Pills.. These Pi are valued by suffering women, wile have used them, above all other medicines, because they fnake the rich, red bleed that makes wo- men well, bright and at their best. This is the secret of the great suc- cess of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs, Goo. C. Wadden, Waclden's Cove, N. S., says: -"A few years ago I was completely leen down. At times 1 would be so weak that 1 was unable to do my housework. I suffered from severe headaches, pains. in the back and dizziness, and at tinges I felt as though life waa scarcely worth living, 1 ;had tried several medicines without get- ting relief, when I finally decided to give Dr. William's'Pink Pills a trial. After using two or three boxes' I. noticed a change, and af- ter taking the Pills . about two months I woe again enjoying good health, and have sinew been well and strong. 1 can confhdontly re- commend Dr, Williams' Pink Pills to all weak and rundown women." You eau get this great blood - building, health restoring medicine from any dealer in drugs, or the Pills will be sent by-n1ai1'at 60 cents box a or i a six boxes for7$2,50 ,,, 60 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. T4IFli lily' Gliu l f. ,t lugs, Effects. .of Civilization DA • the Natives. Some curious ef£eets of civilize. tion aro related in a Government repent on a visit to the scattered Gilbert Islands in the South Padi- fie, annexed by Great Britain in 14362, says The London Daily Mail. sty The results may be summarized as i'y follows 1 ste A6ivaetages; Wars have ceased; ee. the islands are kept in perfect ar- ks der; extreme poverty is almost en - on: known; every man is SOoul'e in .his o• possession of his piece of land; te taxes are light and arouse pc: eom- m plaints; the native police are efB.- Dr. tient and the native officials admir- ils ably honest; the houses are good, the reads' clean, and hospitals have been established. Disadvantages: Life is extremely monotonous and circumscribed, in- terceurse between the islands being forbidden; the old Spartan sim- plicity of living -chiefly on eoeoa- nets and fish -has ,vanished,' and rico, cleat, sugar, and biscuits are consumed; *'clothes of shocking shape and atrocious color have al- most replaced the picturesque kilt loaves native arts and crafts have rapidly dedlinod; decrease of population has set in and the nein- leer of sterile marriages is growing quickly.; new diseases have been imported, and there is an alarming increase of phthisis. Thoislands are of : coral, and the highest land is not more than 00 feet above high-water mark. The natives consume daily about sev- en, '(manuts per head. They have a Parliament of unpaid members known as kaubure or "talking men," the Gilbert Islanders being, in spite _of the scarcity of topics, "the most wonderful talkers in all the South Seas." ' "The eternal land problem" ,, . hem Se theever-fruitless e er fruitles s theme of endless ess discussion. The nicest duster for dilating out a house is a duck or goose wink, which, on account of its feathery softness, will' not, scratch the ear. niter() as some dusters do. Should a lamp bo overturned smother the fian'e, but clo not use water, for it will simply spread it. Instead, throw down flour, sand, garden earth, or salt, any Of which will have the desired effect. To bake potatoes in from one-half. to three-quarters of an, hour boil until thoroughly heatecl through before putting in the oven, which takes about five minutes. To prevent mustiness in a tea- pot wash out the latter every time after use, and let it dry with the lid off. ' A, . p NlESSAG'E OF HOPE TO WORRIED MOTHERS More is no other medicine can equal Baby's Own Tablets for the cure of stomach, bowel and teeth- ing troubles. They 00100 as a mes- sage of hope to worried mothers as: they make sickly, peevish, crying children bright and well. And. the mother has the guarantee'ef a gov- ernment analyst that this medicine contains no opiate or poisonous 'soothing stuff. • Mrs. Maurice Mur- phy, Glanford, Ont., says :-"I thunk Baby's Own Tablets the best medicine in the world. ` I know of. nothing that can equal them -in cur- ing stomach, bowel and teething troubles." Sold by all medicine (kakis or by snail at 25 eents a box.-frone The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, -Ont. , DOMESTIC. • "Name the domestic snimalet" asked the teacher ono afternoon, when she was giving lie small pu- pils a_ . 1quiz, Philip' frowned, sucked his pen- cil, and then manfully did as he was told. "The cat, the dog and the hired girl," he svroto in his big, round hand. When a _mil]ionaire points out the road to riches he invariably de- signates ono that leads away from his own private hunting grounds. Put up 1h, X31 Yard Rena, The tenons "The n,t 0 Montle)! I'bt+Gera, which curd lumbago backache ,elinins., neuralgia, eta, aro always put la one yard MIN for physicians and family nae. Dada S Lawrence CO,, htontroal+ WHEIUI WILL' IT STOP 1 "Our fleet' cif torpedo destroyers seems to llave,stiri'od up our friend the, enemy," remarked the naval chief of one great power. "Yet," replied his assistant, '''it is said there rill build re fleet of torpedo eestroyer destroyers now." _n f i Think yp Canceler Dohh t°a7anIL1°�,� The Glut anteed ONE Dye for ALL 000de J1te of h i With tib SAME Dxo ANY !Oudot cloth Porlootly-140 ollnne 51mistakes, 411100ton so cents, horn yyour Drt_tgg0l br Donlor. -Sample Card and Booklet l row trbm 5loltnrdson on„ Limted, .. .eveevMontrealuo. A G.001) COU(L1I MIXTURE. Simple Home -Malo ILontedy That is Free Rimm Opiates and Harmful Drugs... An • effective, remedy, that will usually .break up a cold in twenty- fonr hours, is easily made by mi.- in;, together in a large battle, two ounces of Glycerine, a half -ounce of Virgin Oil :of Pine compound pure .and eight ounces- of pure Whisky. This mixture will cure any cough that is curable, .and is not expensive, as it makes enough to last the average family an entire year. Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure is prepared only in the.labora- terries of the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. CAUTION. "Lizzie," said the young mis- tress, "1 have been looking into the kitchen, and I am shocked to note your carelessness." "Carelessness, mum?" says Liz- zie.. "Well, if there's a cleaner kitchen than this in town, I'll-" "Oh, it is clean enough, as .far as that goes. But this morning I noticed that you are leaving the box of matches right beside the can 51 gunpowder tea." INTERESTING. "You say that psychic research has led you to some interesting dis- coveries 7" lis-coveries7" "Yes," answered Mr. Lobrow. "I had no idea before that so many of my ancestors played the tam- bourine and guitar.'' CURED. HER KIDNEYS. - Mrs, ,Toho Pettigrew. of Central Econo- my. N.8., was practically helpless f'roin Rheumntistn, • - .. Elm could. not stoop,and her limbsached rthat it was tortureforher to benit - . up' and, round. the house. As Mrs. Pettigrew put it, "I was all ei pled np. I saw. Ohl Pills odvertisi'd .01,11 sent for Blom, end after taking only Iwo.. !loxes, am a different wanton. Gilt Pills are the only things that helped ale, andI cannot say too much for them." If you have that dreadful' pain 1n the back -if you aro tortured with !Rheuma- tism got Eta -Pills at once. Write National Drug & chemical Co., (Rept, W. L.), Toronto, for - free sample. Regular Size at dealers -60c. a box -6 for .82.50. • TIME AND MONEY, if time is money, as they say, ' It is surprising strange, That tat for: a half hoar we do]ay, To get 2 cents in change. ' Par Chilblains, Prost 13ites, Broken', Spralno, nothing equals the lemons old remedy, Perry Davis Painkiller, Heel) a bottle always on hand. Equally gond to'Amok .011111, Med breakup Colds. At all druggists, kin B its em die SAME HOUSE. Two wretched -looking tramps WOre brought before the magistrate. Addressing the worse -looking of tho two, he said :- 'Whore do you live " 'Nowhere, sir." 'And where do you live 4" ad- ssing the second. 'I've 'got the room above him, 11. worship," Dnglisli Tonnist-"Waiter, bring some sugar, please. Wild West iter -"There ain't bub three a in the house, captain, You have them Its soon as them gents through with 'cm; they've got marked, and they're shaking o with '4m?' 1 aro yo` the Wit 111m SUFFERED FOR LONG YEARS THEN DODD1S KIDNEY PILLS CURED) 1H11S. RI.CUAILD'S DIABETES. TE S. Her Rheumatism also Vanished Whoa Dodd's Klduoy Pills Pu. Her, Kidneys in Condition to 1111 • ;l'iteir eek. ;Gast Cheezot000le, Halifax Co N. 5„ 'Feb. 7. -(Special.) --Cured of Diabetes and Rheumatism from which' else had suffered for six yseers, Mr's, Boniface Richard, well known hero, is joyfully telling stn ghboss that elle owes he health .her to Dodd's+ w r heaa 1Siclney !'ills and to no other cause. "My Rheumatism and Diebetes were brought on by cold and is strain, and though I was attended by a doctor he could not help me. After suffering for six years I made up my mind to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and to nay surprise they did Inc; good almost at once. Two box - et cured mo completely. I resort:: mend them to everybody as a cure for Diabetes, Backache and all other Kidney .Diseases," Dodd's Kidney Pills cared Mrs. Richard's Diabetes because Diabe- tes is a Kidney Disease, and Dodd's Kidney Pills euro all Kidney Dis- eases. Mrs, Richard's Rheumatism was caused by her diseased Kid- neys failing to take the uric acid out of her blood. When her Kid- neys were cured they strained the uric acid out of her blood and her Rheumatism vanished. HIS MASTER'S VOICE. "Why do. 32ou want to give your parrot assay" - "He uses si ah a awful language." " Wbb trained him?" "Wel]-er-ah-you see--" "Yes, I see. 'You' want to give him away . before he. gives you away." PILES CURED at JIOME by New Absorption Method If you suffer from bleeding, itch- ing, Ural or protruding Piles, seed use your address, and I will tell you how to euro yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. 'Sond no money, but tell others of this of- fer. Write to -day to Mrs, M. Sum- mers, Box 1'.720, Windsor, Ont:. REAL CLEVERNESS. A man is really clever if he can make you like an old story when he tells it. A bottle. of 'Bieklo's Anti -Con sumptivo Syrup; taken accorclieg to directions. will subdue a cough in a short time. This assertion can be, verified by hundreds who have tried it and are pleased to bear testimony to its merits, so that 511 may know what a splendid medicine it is. It costs you only 25 emits to join the ranks of the many who have been benefited by its use. A' harried man always laughs when one of his bachelor friends is led to the altar. Fin bherleanoe•of weak lungs Is a serious nand!. but Allen's Lung Balsam, .taken at ttheSoul bm sigh of a conch )rill ensure muoty from this dangerous- defoet. Don't Who with unknown ourc•aIla, "Let 'em! We'll build a fleet of torpedo destroyer destroyer de- stroyers.". TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE Rnnitr) Quinine' 1,0,5,ts.. Druaei,ts rotund honey if it /mile to mile. - 15, W. OSIOPII'8 signature to on e.tali box, 23u. cap Some men boast of their luck be - mute none of their relatives ever visit them. DON'T WA !T until your neighbor is getting better crops than yourself. Coo. KEITH & SONS, Seed merallants, Toronto, aro offering 0.A.0 No, 0 Barley and. Saotoh grown Regenerated Banner Oats, in 8. bush. lots, at. 51.26 per bush., bags'. i''R1110.. Send for samples, also catalogue, NOT A DISTURBER. Lady Visitor -"That now girl of yours seems very nice and quiet." Mistress -"Yes, she's very quiet, She doesn't oven :listurb the dust when silo's cleaning the room." 1551113 NO. 7-10 TAKE A DOSE OF 9 1 'telt 0t$7 >IEDt 111E FQR @_11G1401 OIpS It Yell lnetreely relieve that tacking couch. Telma promptly 33 will often prevent Asthma, Bronchitis. and serious throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed safe and 'cry palatable.• All Drnaalata,, 25 cents. A LION . Qx THE LA W. A short time ago a large facto fitted with electric light,'caug fire, and, in spite, of the eft arts the fire brigade, was almost molished. The following mor.'lln a newly -appointed member of t police -force was dispatched to t spot' with 'a view to asceh';;aini how the fire originated, After closely interl•ogating ! manager of the factory; he' este to see the man who was responsib for the electric light. The manag stated that the electric switch were under his sole control.. P.C.-"Then you are the re who lights up the electric affair Manager -"That is so." P.O.- (bubbling over with e citoment)-"Now, be careful ho you answer my next question, 'd if it ain't satisfactory it will be too as evidence against you, Wlie yon lighted the electric light la night, where did you throw th match ? Comfort for the Dyspeptic. There is no ailment so harassi. and exhausting as dyspepsia, wlli arises from defective action of th stomach and liver, and the vieti of it is to be pitied. Yet he wan r find yea r ' d eltef in Parmelee's Ve Y getable Pills, a preparation tha has established itself by years - effective use. There are pills tha are widely advertised as the great est over compounded, but not on of them'can'rank invaluewith Pah melee's. UNCLE EZRA SAYS: "Sometimes the wicked stand i slipp'ry places so it will be hay for anybuddy to _git near 'em." Allen% 1 ung aalsam.br which there is no *prom, faros sure throat and 8,110 1u11gd, as it allays the inaammation and rids you or the mucous that stops up the air passages. 210, 600, 51.00 bottles. t , of HIS EGG PRODTTOER. Ashley "I suppose you remem- ber that, wonderful White !Leghorn hen of mine?" Schneer. •-- "Yes,; what about her?" Ashley --"I" want .to tell you, about her laying; it's something ro- markable; why, swine clays last sum mer elle laid nloro eggs than all my other liens put together." Seymour -"What was the matter with the other hens?" Ashley -"'They were sjetleg." Zi11111.13UK CURE,' � PILES. Evidence Front All Sources. Piles are caused by distension of de- the hemorrhoid veins, and the tis - g, sue becomes highly inflamed, dry he and, sore. Zam-Buk cools and bo 'soothes the inflamed tissue' and the ug healing essences in Zane -Bele pone- : trate the diseased parts, giving hes ease quickly. 1' Mr. George Harris, of Virden, le Man., says: "1 • suffered aeutel er from piles, hut I sin glad to soy es Gam-Buk worked a comple cure." • Mrs. S: Cooke, 408 Pacific Ave., an Winnipeg, says: "A month ago I 1" was cured by Zam-Buie of a bad at- tack of bleeding piles, to which 1 x had been subject for a long time." w Mr, William Kenty, of Upper 05 Nine Mile River, Plants Co., N. S., k says: "I suffered terribly, from n piles. The pain from these was not st times almost unbearable. I tried e various. ointments, but everything failed to do hue the slightest good. I was tired of trying various ramp= - dies, when I hoard of Zane -Buie and thoughb, as a last resource, 1 would give this balm a trial. Ina very o short time Zam-Buk effected what m all the other ointments and medi se°178Yonge 150ent. Toren to. 0o" °4 pas a lar eines had failed to do -a complete eines „ c isdariat:t s Hair Provna, en: mati0 Crows n Nair os. aro Bad Head Y f or, ulceration, !hero Zam-Bu On rate nt tele Rnbt: Eimpsnn qtr., xardi,to; 1 ld cianada, or tbo M,xv1,,, Hair Promotin n. upas ulcers Co., Tarc/1to.: Canada., cold •' y� pp p p� p �'y,q , k ]1 , bllln9, C1pLEp�E�, A F'@'���+8 N W'�IP!( r_i 8•.d�'tfld��y�i • sutra .- • ng ch 40PE FOR THE DEAF05 'VIII" '. 11 pee pi tb° 85,,•pie of the .0.. it,M1 n neo thrpnghont the world. w •n t Re w collo. " -. least ones a I503?orts. tate who i .,t hi/lone.. Mess, Snail, . 115811 !head•. aches, EAU t of51s' ih arslt PUr5atiyea iP 10 1' dello ate fl 1ttn'. lining �,r I 4 the ' 1' , 11 le. 1 el 1 rovote Ia,llnn ,R.nnt Pills.-rntiraly -1'exetr' able-y.eoula30 the bowels. ,'(fort• !rely without wnrlceniog, sicken. • Ing 0r 6riping. Doe r.- All o rs•" Es''a. Indian Root Pills 40ENT8. WANTED, ,A. At111TlOUB reprosentatian wanted In .(11 every locality to sell Mottes'n opo, Mottles. Senora your territory 1Ow, "Turn time into gold." SBA to tans :a ,day Dan be easily made, 'Write to -day. 'Modern Goods Ca. of Canada, Owen Bound, Ont. FARM FOR R,FWT +e• M 'PO RENT. between :T705a'n4811I(,'r 0,104 lnnnd 9 wnhundred. soma pn1larnrl,tivati0u, en pasture. farm hong° and *nod on0huildliig0. W,. 0. Wbllooy, 26 Toronto Streak Toroati,, FOR SALe.. 161) AC0110 OIANITOBA - ,:L1AWP13,'IN district -a11 good land,., will. Holl 1 leen nod on 0550.)' trrrno, Ri1R01808, Wilton Ay.Toronto, 13 E'1'RIB'S MACHINERY 18050 , SALE. Pr t shim l a shipments. 10x11, Sur/2, bo ) 8210, 7x1 in.7)ol•table engXnea and boa - ere. 10 and 72 ILP. traction ongipos,;l, 2, 4. 6, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 H.P. yert'iea1. 11.oi1- ere. Petrie's special fend cooker,' dust 111e thing for farmers, only $30,.I'nah, 0. W. Petrie, Limited, Toronto, 113oatee:ea Vancouver. EDUCATIONAL. EARN TRE' BARBER •DE NEW .4 system -constant praotiee; careful instruction; few weeks complete 001410e: tools free; graduates earn twelve, to eighteen dollars weekly; write for cata- logue. Molar Barber College, 221' lOubon East, Toronto, of t e n d What a glorious country this would be to live in if turkeys were as easily raised a,s cats! • PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. • P480 OINTMENT Iv guarantee.' to core any rise of Itching, Min I. Bios lin: m• Protruding Piles in a to 14 days o, m.mey refunded. 600. A fool and his money are soon parted, but it's different with a lazy boy and a warm bed. • One of the, greatest blessings to parents is Mother Grayes' Worm Exterminator, It effectually expels worms. end gives health in a soar - pikes manner to the little one. - THE' EXPLANATION. Mrs. Yonngbride -• Mrs. Smith sates there is lots of cream on her nlillcbottles every morning. Why is there never any on ;yours • The milkman -Pm too honest, lady, that's why. s I fills my bottles so full that there ain't never no room left for cream. The Best Liver Pill. -The action of the liver is easily disarranged. A sudden chill, undue exposure.to the elements, over -indulgence in some favoh'ite food, excess in drinking,. are a few of the causes. Bitt what- ever may be the cense, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills can be relied upon as the best t corrective that can be taken. They are the, leading liver pills and they have no superiors among such preparations. LEARNING MAN'S WAYS. And now the female "highway- man" ' At robbing takes her fling,_ Soon woman will compote with lean In eery single thing. Free to Our Readers. Write Idurine Fyo Remedy Co., Menge, for 48.pnge illustrated Eye Book. Frew. Write all about 'row .Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Applies,. tion of the Marino Ere Rrraedies in Your Speoiai Caeo, Your Druggist. will tell you that lIm'ino Relieves Sore Eyes. Strength. ens Weak -.Eyes,. Doesn't SEnnrt, Soothes live Pain, and sells for -600, Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Lyes for Sealy Eyelids and Granulation, HELPFUL. Husbaucl--"'Iiavo ,you cion your best to economize this mouth Mary, as I requested " Wife --"Oh, yes; I" spoke to the grocer, the butcher, and the land- lord, and got them to put off pre- snting then' bills until next month." 'Tis Well to Know aL Good Thing, said Mrs,: Surface to. Mrs. Know - when. they met in the street,. "W'hy, where have ,you been for a (week. back?" "''Ob, ,joist dowry to the, store far a bottle of lir. TTho• Inas' ]:electric Oil," and Mag. Surface, who hates puns, walked en But she remembered, and widen she contracted a weals back there was another customer for Fsc- leeLrie. Oil. Wherever thele is inflam •should be applied. It 1 abscesses, festeringsores, cracks, scar sores cuts, scalds, bruises, etc. All druggist and stores, 60 emits a box, or pus free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse substitutes. THE COWARDLY EGG. "When I arose to speak," relat- ed a statesman, "some one hurled a, base, cowercl'y egg at me and struck tee in the cheat." "And what kind of an egg might that bet" asked a fresh young 0100. "A base, cuwardly egg," explain- ed the statesman, "is one that hits you then rues." Only those who have had experi- ence can tell the tnrtnt'e corns cause. Pain with your boots en, pain with thein off- peihl night and day; but relief is sere to those who use Holloway's (`urn Cure. WOMANLIKE. !,ell--Y'au should have heart' what George said when the proposed to me. Bell -Yoe should bare soon !tow he acted when 1 refused him. 11014. S E OWNEf.S! USE 08i05lJ.LTS CAUSTIC BALSAM. Thain, f 11nOa one 1 e'1(19 cure.8 aced, Itemorar NI hun,I.a mut used, •. lmeuaauhle In lA_c•rlann,,' eeorfrbtnmiah . 4 THE LAWRENCE-WILLIAMS cu., r,r„n,t0 e•o. F� ,tr-aA L VES RaEso Them• Wlrnout mux Steotc,inrlags Seed Co., 05, 0, Toro to„Ont BRONCHITIS .11 Neglected, it soon reaches the Lungs and may Provo Fatal. Mr. G. L. Garrote cf 116 Millicent St., Toro.o, writes under date of September 13, 1908, " Oneyesr ago this spring l con- tracted a severe cold in the chest, which developed into Bronchitis, 1 took three kinds of medicine and found so improve- ment. Afriend 01 mine advised me to try PSYCHINE and in three days I fe't like n new man again. 1 desire to let others know what a valuable cure you have in PSY- CH 1 N Efo r;toured me where n ll other med. icineslhacl failed. 1 am more thnnthenkft l to be weliagain, andforthesake of eeterswhe May be ill.yau may publish lhiotestimonial." Stop that cold or the results will be serious. You can do this by toning uptho system with PSYCHINE. For Solo by all Dome:, 50e. Sc 51 001 bottle Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMITED, TORONTO PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN Cho be none perfectly by our 3rae,fly 'woes.•, Ira y 0(11T1811 PM'ERIaAct nye 1150 CO. 403005'8.inan TORONTO, O5TA WA k GVRa3L0 Der you trap or buy Fit re? Ina1 Canada's ,. largest dealer, 2� pay higlhestprices. Your ' shipments' soticited. I. pay mail and ex. press obarpes-remit rum t)v Also p largest p e t dealer n g nee ' t llndex; oe8tft ak ins, l.tc._ Quetatieau and shippiag tags seat frno: y '. JOHN HALLAM TORONTO P¢jLProtruding Pities quickly �` Blind, Bleeding, Itching, Xl }i, !3 N.• and permanently cured by. the nest scientific and economical remedy LYLI°'S COMMON SENSE FOR PiLES Pum 81.0) 6 for 55.00, -matin p., n~T 1155;0 or pricy, LYLE MEDICINE "CO., 718 queen West, T050lIT0, APPENDICITIS. Cured wtthnut operations, A11 who aro aP pirred with this disease and wish 50(i ie enred 'perm %nonny. 01,5017and suit.. e !with 11:5. great Rtun eopath le renie1P.' which w511 he ;met pnst•paid anywhere • in the world with 'full instructions for using 10 ads 10 effect s permanent cure. Priya Al. Aad ries John r. Wait, Hnmeonathlo Pharmacy,. Arnprlor, Canada. 00 YOU WANT FO @41V -OW Mg ,',+'roue +n,e.fly nntnl(1) facts. nbnnt 11•rwan Nature? Rend Dr. To^tars '9rnn,lm ' hook on 5)1•' d'il'ute 8,.181,..,55. Or Love, r6arrlacn, Fano:tan°. I4 oItw, Disease, and Freaks,. It is the fruit or 516 1•rnre' , nn1'innc•e of .,annewsf,l anther Ped n1•n, t5tint er. 1ru11 of 'alien rnrr 50 1V01'V 1119" and wn,pnn: Cka,1`;»'n r' r1 a'In1 11,0, 1.11+n coni limier 5'90 yen Inc 5.•., 'Inners. lin c 'n.t.in•. g, r,ly r-,., .,,+1 de ]h'wt,.^fin^, pit n L. L. Hill Book Co., 520 E. 28 St., New York gerit.5 WiVitettl In unrepresented territory to sell, ;the EMPIRE line of ('ream Sep- ei'OIWs. The. EMPIRE is the Iasi�eteelIttgnaehinten the markp to -dav°slid if we have no agent 15 ;dour territory writs' us far agentS'1 ,terms and liberal commies1 • Sit Lla. , ;Empire Cream 5el,araater Co., 0' Gonadra, LErnlird r•-•s;,.r,•Y_• Ru tls,pkuti s;Duitv.S .401104 r1i1;5A1N1(o,4'03g50' For Orono, nl000lo is., lea : B no,xsa Ura,at11 a,. spacing, slime " ald d. Ace -dente, Brute8,, Falls, Orinakot Wounds, Pntanboun nitaaoPl3r,gs; `1x5islees, 81111g00000soots, etc,, ase RCadwag's Ready Relief. ASILINELA NC 23 Tacit Long by 6 Feet Ream. h.p. Faireseks.lgersa Marine Double Gy ander angi00 soesencenasersemacerteciamernoew Very strong full, built for heavyseas. Bo Seated with Conboy Automobileose Automobile b� and large wicker char's, Complete outfit of tools, etc., s,Xl 41 first. class order, use only a sb.ort tilltuo° this Boat is Being Soil .Ski1fic at IQV© d CQ