The Brussels Post, 1910-2-17, Page 477777 ,e ti le ART 0, 17. !910 11010,1to Cursada 150,1dheat4-, en Nation if Not Cinecked. PliNGER0113 DANDRUFF IY4 PreelfOot, M4 P, P., eq the Budget, W. Proodtoot (Cent(e id emit) 1(1110311. p13. the Government clod the Conserve. tive speakers for Wring note themeelyee eredit for the prosperity for tyllich ' Providence aloue wes responsible, The menther for Centre Huren found fault with the Government's policy in giving grants to eesist in tend constrac. Lion, end nrged that the desired resell-, the construction of e system of good refelg oyer the Proviece-would be Nought herwer if the Government would take certain roads aild construct them -upon regular piens. The stemless of the Attorney.Gen- eral's Department le tollosving up the preSeentions 02 1(133 corn Mins Started by the Crown Attorney of Toronto was made the subject Metter of en able criticism by Mr. Proudfoot. Passing on to a critimsm of the school book contracts Mr. Proudfoot said it was quite evident they were a "bargain tr. store job lot,'' ) "The books are peblished by a deptut ; meetal stem and sent out by a depart- •, mental store. The Manitoba Govern- ' merit refused to grant a contract under similar conditions." i "And.lt wouldn't be so bad," con- tinued Mr. Proudfoot, "if 'the books 'ere any good Take the primer; in ver forty schools in my riding they 'imelit them and threw them away." .,--sy -iz the mat-er with them ?" a number of Conservatives. \ T.',,1llichers eav they are no good," 1. 'Add Mr. Proudfool. ' ""'7er Provinces have asked us to ehem to get similar books." added e more than one inspector say /' asked Mr. Musgrove (North iron) 'The Gotternment ouglit to be able ,-"S to tell that," rejoined. Mr. MeDougal / (East Ottawa). l' "I may tell the hon. gentleman," said Premier Whitney, rising, "that the Goverriment does not know of one in- stfeeia who has condenined the book. arid I may say further that another Province of this Dominion intends to .... shortly publish a set of books based PR, upon ours, Willi Et view to obtaining , ',similar prices." .51r-Pioudfoo1 persisted in bis criti- eine of the books, "It is true that they gob the booke cheaply but they do not Fee" say what tuey paid in preparing the matter and getting- the plates." Expressing bis approval of the scheme to secure cheap power rot the people of the Province, Mr. Proudfoot reiterated the oriticisms of other Liberal members . -directed against the elause wnich allows the electric commission power to take a I right of wav over a farmer's land with- , out. giving him the right to take his case torthe courts. . d'ine- t(reThe opposition to the sroject, Mr. Proudinot said it confined to "Grit politicians." cal friends of the Minister of London were opposing it. graged by the leader of the Jpposition during the election care- -e'paigu," observed Hon. Mr:'Blake. "The hon. gentleman doesn't know what he is talking about," declared Jinn. Mr. IVIacKay. i* "Let me say this," stated Inc Prem- ier, rising, "that the leader of the Op- position and certain of his triends were \lying awake at nights trying to find some way to block the project of cheap \ power for the people." , C. R em icKeowu moved the adjourn ' ment. Among the bills introduced was that of Mr. Proudfoot (Huron) repealing -the three-fifthslocal option clause. , ensier, ' w • roneerva e members pressed roudtoot to say what, was wrong (he primer, "Have you read it ?" 4 I J . W. Johnson (Hastings). have it here," retorted Mr. Proud - be said that sus 10 - said the primers were no ifillatiWISINIPEti LETTER. te Publicity and plans for Spring work afe two highly interesting subjects in ithe West now. ' All parts of the West feel the need of a greater measure of publicity. By erneans of Dominion Govern/tient. pro- "Ivincial, municipal and railway publicity ibrireaus, a deal has been done to place the enormous resources of Western Can- ada before the people ot the world and y these means a far wider knowledge , ef the country's capabilities than here- tofore obtained has been placed before the public outside of Canada. It is lotown by ten people to -day where one new it a few years ago, that Western 'iseada is a place of amazing natural "told) ; that eel, a very small portion 'this wealth has been developed ; that inconsiderable part has produced that proportionate will.follotv further development arCanaela out of it all, is bound be great4coentry. Nommen' WOATH WHILE 'l'o the end that many more people of ether parts may know of the great op- pertunities that ode) in the West for 1101, lehot and enterprise, there will de52 of money spent in *9 10. Win - is about to reorganize her Devel- e t and Iedustrial Boreau on a large 0. Interegt in Winnipeg and the est hag 1 ticreattecl so fast that the teats WaS obligetl to take larger of- leet Spring and now it ig prbposed .dike a whole floor in one of the big ,eity blocks and establish tt permanent expolfitiOn of Witsnipeg menufactures which will he supplemented by exhibits of, the natural prodects arid resources of lie itehole West, In pert, this will be to asgist in Securing more incluS- fee Winnipeg. s WONDENItTL, INTMSTAIAL OttoWTH In its indoetrial growth, as iu other thinge, W4in5ipeg bag reeds Inarvelloes progineg, Industrial statigtics show Winnipeg ag the fourth city In Canada, With an annual output of home merle goods Valued at $2 ,000moo, d nu industrial gain of 300J507 cent se years. Some arise c tring the eat year, the first MS dation of from the 6o,000 hersepo et' plant X, Pedenr., the great Frenell 511)'- 0001113*of Peels, once seid ; "I believe 350 eleill one day rid the woild of ell disease ceased by genes." Dandruff le eatned by germs, a feet accepted by all physicians. Dandruff ie the root of all hair evile. If It were uot for the little destetictiye germs ivezking with a persistency worthy of s better calete, there would be no bahleess. Petri/gall Sage will kill the dandruff geruis and rernove dandruff in two weeks or tnoney bilek. Sautes Fox guatanteeS It. 10 Will stop itehing ecalp, falling hair ana melte the ham grow thick and abund- ant. It pets life and Instre into the hair and prevente it, from turning gray. It el the hair dressing par excellen- ce, daintily perfemed and free from greeee stickiness. It is the favorite with women Of taste and culture who bknar. the social value Of fascinating A large bottle costs only 50 cents at leading druggists everywhere, and in Brussels by Jas, Fox. The girl With the auburn hair is on every package, the city is buildieg on the Winnipeg River, is expected to be completed and the civic government and business men are taking steps to absorb as much as possible of the municipal power when it ehall be reedy for distribution. • Fixed assessment for a term Of years, favor- ably adjusted taxes, ..cheep power, water and light are among the tnducernents that Winnipeg will offer for the loca- tion of new industries in this city, Greater publicity and the proposed per manent exposition of products are ex- pected to give material aid to the city's industrial and business growth, OTHER PARTS NOT LAGGING A big publicity campaign for Alberta is to be launehed, too A provincial publicity bureau has been established et Edmonton and a sum approximating halt a million dollars wilt be expended in securing publicity for the province of Alberta. Regina, Saskatchewan, has started a movement for wider spread of facts concerning the city and proyioce, and ,his movement is to be directed to- ward the accomplishment of a Greater Saskatchewan. Altogether, a Greater West and a Greater Canada are the points aimed fa by the enlarged publicity movements of the West. RAILROADS TO BUILD HEAVILY January. 193 1, will see the West in possesston ot enlarged railway facilities. Besides the steady progress made by the Grand Trunk Pacific is tying the continental band of steel, the Canadian Northern has a big plan of progress mapped out for the coming season. Al. together the C. N. 12, purposes to put down Soo miles of new track this year. A chief part of this will be doue in ex- tending the C. N. R. line from Edtnon. ton West to the British Columbia bound- ary to be ready to meet the track which will he laid in B. C. to carry out the big plans of the C. N. R. in that province under the agreement recently made between the C. N. R. management and the McBride Govern Meat. Besides this important work the company will spend a large sum on (Ile Winnipeg - Prince Albert line. Other points upon which the energies of the company will be concentrated are the Vegerville•Cal- gory line and the Camrose-Stratticona cut-off. WONDERFUL WINTER WEATHER Throughout the West the Winter has been generally mild and warm. Recent- ly the weather has been SO continuously warm that farmers have been moved to Spring activities long before the usual time. Heavy shipments of farm ma- chinery are being rushed into the West to be in readiness for .what promises to be a phenomenally early Spring. A live grasseopper, green grass and vetches in blossom are some of the signs 10 South. ern Alberta, and about Winnipeg the weather has been so warm that the park bears were disturbed in their ' Win. cer's sleep and awoke to fiud the ther- mometer marking 48 above zero and the sun shining warm and bright. Interesting letter from a former Brusselite. DEAR !VTR. KERR -.YOU Will no doubt be surprised to hear from me now. I intended writing before but between my duties and the rush of time (you know we are ahead of you people even if our timepieces have to take a move back) I have delayed till the preseut time. Even now I am .not sure whether I have much news that would interest you or not. We are in the midst of Winter and as I look out the window I can see the prairie grass up above the snow. So 301: see that onr supply of snow is very limited, in feet only a mere sprinkle. I see sin odd sleigh or cutter, which ever name you may prefer, for as to myself I fail in naming the vehicle. Some are like stone boats with the box of an old buggy fastened to it and in this the people skim over badger and gopher holes as if it were the best buggy or eutter from D. Swan's rectory. 'rile weather So far has been fine. At times we have had cold snaps which have lasted for about a week and the therniometer has registered about 380 below,as ourmoldest. Back home we used to lough when we heard people saying that in the West you didn't feel the gold Mit I have iOnnd out that there 15 a tot of truth in it. one Sunday droire 40 miles and when 1 got home found that the thermometer registered 32 0 below and was surprised. In all my driving here, and generally I , aver- age 75 miles or more -a week, I have only had an ear frozen. The stilt during the day thee now 111 00 warm that one coeld hardly sit in it but of Cotirse the air eets colder in the evening. Our chief weather SO farbas been wind. I don't know whether it all reached you people or not but 1 da know that 12 11 kept up the Milne rate at which it paesed me it ,shotild have got to you very cntlek. ly, Two weeks ago we had our worst Wind storm, It carne 315 0025 rapidly OWES HER LIFE T Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vieiwa W. Va.- "I feel that I owe the last ten year of my life to Lydia Pinkham's Vega - table Compound. Eleven years ago was a walk -lug shadow. I had been under the doctor's carebutgotnorelief. My husband per- euaded me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound anclitworked like a charm. It re- lieved all my pains and misery. I advise all suffering women to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound," -Mae. EMMA WirEammr, Vienna, W. Va. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm- ful drugs, and to -day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases a any similar medi- cine in the country, and thousands of Voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Kass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflaransation, ul- ceration,displacements,fibrold tumors, irregularities,.periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such sufferingwoman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a triaL If you would like sPecial advice about your ease write a confiden- tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and always helpfuL about 9 30 p and in the morning when I went to my stable I found that the wind had slid it two feet along the prairie. At MacLeod it blew three box- cars off the track and delayed trains four hours. It was my first experience of a good "blow". Last Sunday was very windy also, so much so that I rode is miles sitting in the bottom of the huggv with my feet under the seat. Some of those who know me might think it was impo.sible but I would say I have a Mc Laughlin buggy and they are supposed io have all kind, of conveniences. Parkland Mission is about 70 miles South of Calgary and on the Calgary an'd MacLeod 'briinch of the C. P. R We are about 40 miles due East of the Rockies and only about 8 miles from the Porcupine hills. Parkland iteelf is one ot those Western towns which spring up in a night. Last May only 2 places ot business, a general store and blacksmith shop could be found. Now there ere 22 business places besides a number of residences. Don't laugh at that word residence. • There are 4 points on the Mission, namely, Parkland, Lawrence. Broadway and Sun Prairie, and the cir cult comprises about 42 nines. The first two and the last of these are thriv- ing appointments. Broadway is almost entirely belonging to the Disciple Church but desire Methodist eervice. At Sun Prairie they have continued S. S. all Winter and the interest is good. . The other points are beginning to/ie.:men again now. I miss the Brussels S. S. so much as out hare it is not very often I have the opportunity of attending. At Parkland the work is particularly prosperoes. Since I came here they have built a house and stable for the actommodation of myself and borse. The house is 14 x 20 feet with an upstairs. It is quite comfortable being double linarded, double papered, lathed and plastered Father came down from High River and plastered it for me. I have one of the Kincardine "Perlor Cook" inovee which keeps the house comfortable, ex- cept when the wind is very strong and then I think sometimes it niust be near)', boiling point. The stable is large enough for a horse, buggy and lots of hay and oats. Of course I must tell you I am belch- ing it, so 17 you can recall ally good recipes, why send them along and I will be very much obliged. There have been a few in for meals and they seemed to enjoy themselves very much, so don't be afraid 10 9)1111 me only don't bring too many friends as my stock of dishes is comparatively low. The Ladles' Aid has ordered a full set but have not ar- rived as yet. I have ordered a quantity of honey from G. A. Deadman. Now I CURED AT SEVENTY-FOUR Little Didesters are a Great Help to Hr. John F. Becker The weight of years very often brings with it a still heavier burden, that of Indigestion or some form of Stomach Trouble. Then "Little Digesters" come to the rescue -if you give them a chance, as did Mr. Becker. Here is Ms letter tell- ing what they did for him: "New Dundee, Nov. 10, 1909, To Trig COLEMAN MEDICINE CO. Dear Sirs, - 2 was for a long time troubled with bloating after meals, and my tongue was always coated, Seeing the "Little Digesters" advertised I bought a box, and they took all that trouble away, but I thought one box would not be enough, so I sent to you for more. They are a great help to my body. Yours truly, JOHN P. BECKER. Excuse my writing with peed', being an. old man of 74,4, "Little Digesters" aid the feeble stomach to digest the food perfeetly. This means that you can enjoy every meal, and got the strength out of what you eat, if you take a "Little Digester" afterwards. 250, at yottr druggists or by mail from , Colemen Medicine Coq Toronto. .36 don't went you to thilik'lliet Nee hsve 110 sweetness out here-fer we Wive both heney nod ”titeleye"eltiletteli ; tney SOY Ono is so (1047 or tether eeeelisive itud the oilier uot for stile at any price, but with Me. Deadmen's 'help 1 rimy pull Ihroegh tee rest of the Wintets--alone. Early in the Whiter we orgattized a Denatieg Societe and hold our debates every seeood Wolnesdav. We have to membership of gime t 55 and some Of these West o u b,eh11Jdns u'otild hove sm. prised you if Yon told heel d them debat- ing a few weeks nee au "Ifi timrvittge teen re." Coe seid to me eitel wards Mot -Resolved that trying lo get Mar- i lied is a failere" would make a good snbject for debate, ' We Also organized A 0.111011 Endeavor and Alerted off with 36 nienlburs. Well 1 will close for this time, but will write more about the cettritrY again notice by TIM POST thet there Are a • number of changes taking place in the old burg. Wishing you contineed success in in your labor and fur the S. S. I am, Yoers sincerele. a 2), AINLAV. I P. S. --This. with ne as wite roil, is Prayer meeting night. Choir prectice Friday night. Parkland Alta., Feb. 2, tele. Te Cure Sniffling Colds. 'The easiest and Merometest onre is e0aterrhozone" which fills the nose, throat and lungs with healing balsams and pine essences that kill a cold in- stantly. You experience a pleasant sensation of relief tit once. Soreness, congestion and irritation leave the nose and throat, ,the head is cleared and every trace of cold or Catarrh, is cured. Catarrhozone is so sure, so pleasant, such a safe remedy for Win- ter ills that you can't afford to do without it. Sold by all dealers, 25e. and $1,00. Get Catarrhozone to -clay. Listowel Dr. and Mrs. Philip left for a trip to California. where they will also visit Olarerice Thompson. D. L. Scott left lest week for Pasadena Cal., and tumor says he will bring a bride home with him. W. R. Belden, 111s.. Belden Sheaf Loader Co,, of Winnipeg, left. on Tues- day morning of last ,week fru. that city. Alt the regular offichd board meet- ing. of the Methodist chit -rob all de- partments of the °beech were reptile, - ed to be in a healthy and prosperous condition. The pastoe, by a unanimous standing vete was invited back for another year, which was ec- cepted. The annual meeting of the Listowel Furniture Co. was held on Wedness day eyeningnf last week. Mr. Prueter was called to the chair and It. J. Scott acted as Secretary of the meet- ing. The financial report presented was said to be very satisfactory. Orders are now coming in rapidly and everything points to a good season for the company ; the management ex- pect to employ a full force of men till the end of next December at least. Seaforth .Tolin Case left a few days ago for Toronto where he has secured a posi- ti°Jnoh- n Darwin has severed his 00nnec- tion with the Expositor and has gone hit* the insurance business. M. Broderick was in Toronto at- tending the • Ontario Agricultural Fairs' Association convention in the interest of the Seaforth Agricultural Society. - T. F. Coleman has sold his residence on Goderich area to H. Edge. Coleman is dispesing of his household effects by private sale and will likely go to Chicago. Miss McClure has severed her con- nection with the Stewart Bros. Dry Goods Department and after a few weeks visit at her home in McKillop, intends leaving foe the West. Engagement is announced of Miss Louise Jacksou, eldest daughter of J. S. and Mrs. Jackson, of 'Winnipeg, formerly of Seaforth, tn Harry A. Bright, manager of the Notre Dame Avenue branch of the Dominion Bank Winnipeg. The marriage takes place in March. Mr. Bright is a son of A. 7. and Mrs. Bright, recently of Sea - forth. Annual meetiug of the congregation of the Presbyterian church was held 011 Monday evening oflast week. Jas. Gowan was appointed chairman, and Jas. Watson Secretary, The reports of the various organizations in con- nection wit,h the church show good work during the year, while the treasurer's statement _showed the finances of the congregation to be satisfactory. The following were ap- pointed to managing boarcl to replace the retiring members : R. Bell, .1. M. Wilson jr., Jos. Dorrance, J. T, Curtis, M. Y.• bleLean, Silas Eyre, Adam Dodds and W. E. Broadfoot. George Murdle was .re -appointed treasurer and John Hinehley, pew stewaed. The trustees of church property are. M. Y. McLean, D. D. Wilson ancl Wm. Wilson, jr. Blyth • Miss •Edith Gidley is visiting rela- tives and friends at Exetee. Dueling the ise,st week W. Dempsey, grocer, has been dangeronsly ill but Ms many friends hope he will soon be able to be about as well as ever. At a Bombing of Blyth Agricultural Society Directot s, last Saturday after- noon, Win. .facloon was re-elected Secretary -Treasurer for 1910 at, a salary of $50,00. Quite a horse bosiness has been (lone here during the past few weeks at good prices, The majority of the equines are being shipped te the West to be ready foe the Spring 'WnitLtSattirday the junior hockeyiste took a trip to Bressels and had it match with the youths of that place. Victory rested with the home team but we hope to even it tip on the re- turn game here. . Last week announcement was made that Messrs. Cutt had purchased the neck of Messrs. Chambers & Co* &line then the deal fell through as satiefactoty arrangements could net be made in the matter of cutting an areh in the brick wall between Mr, Cat's grocery and the Chambers store which MPhil; it. Messrs. Cutt woeld net take the stock unless thie were done, • Auction Solos AV %Ilrgt3v)QIbir%etit4!r. ti,'lett Antr"bublfi14urt"d1ttIPun"v,stett041liyeb1101Ueioe 11rK411 110 Oen.% blOrrle, an Friellyt ifebruory nith.e0 1 ties following reelable PrePerlr, Vlz 2 heavy draught *nerve, one rislitg 7 end tne ether rising 10, both in feel ito 'punier 1 heavy pnizeni,liszLogri7,,irreigar4syb4,118aralarileolvgyeteriani 1,:tooirti risen 2 by einem, 1 heavy horse 9910 rising by Beet Nan, I lleilVy mare aelt risilie,.2 by un warden, I :nevem mere rising 4 by Sid Steil - ton, 2 heavy Spring milts (horse and )lwe), 10 good (3133310 00350 5610 92 them fresh end the rest aupposed u (tali three of Mem 10 ogle° teatit the time ot soles 0 farrow sews 113006133 Hang 2 Mrs, helfere Wog Yeare, 7 Spring ellipse, 5 young elteep, 4 owe supppseit Ito pig, I thorogood Berkshire boar, 54 Wine, 1 IMNSSer, Harris binder, 1 mower, 1 Sharpe rake. 112 hoed seed drill, 1 pithier, !heavy Cutting box nearlY new, 1 riding 'Sow, 1 oultiVater nearly new, 1 Oct harrows, 1 walking plow, 1 two -fur- rowed plow, I (lisp, 1 wagon, goats bobnlefelie, 33uef4Y, 1 fanning mill. line scales (1000 1ba 1, A oreem aeparator, 1 now wheelbarrow, I set lyyba r nex s 200 Sale unreserved aa the proprietor hes sold him farm. Terma.-.All owns of 45 and under eitah. Over that sisount 0 mamba credit WW1 on furnishing approved joint tiotes. If% 05 001 98833 00 credit mount*. JAMES BOLGER, Proaketor. A i.TOTrOlf SALE OW FARM ;Trot*. I5('sin, phantom's, ato -fa. 8, Scott, Attationeer, has beton isistrueled by the undersigned to sell bY Public Auctiott at eat 8, Con, 4, Getty on Tneaday, Feb. 22nd et 1 0,cluok, the following property :-1 unwell years (Odin foal to Baron 1 mare 10 yearit old in foal to`Baron Fife, Wig VC+ Yott Fifty 1 iltrr:: year by Baron rife,'1 filly rioting 1 year 14. II: arca rite, 1 driving mare riaing (3 years 1 aged driving mar)). trash cow 4 w . c0W8 Ann tooled in calf, 1 heifer rising 8 eitlipsedIs ea1f fat Memo rl71,39,3e 3, 2 fat 'ste 2,2 heifers rising 2, I steer rising g, 8 yearlh g calves, 1 york sow implicated in 'pig. 11 youilitt rittrtoutA80 lbs., 1 imperial gene plow p , h oultivator,1 noxon Reed drill 1 cooks ma, !muffler. 1 'noel hied roller, 26 feet leather belting 4 inob, 1 Chatham fanning mill, limy rack, 1 top buggy, 1 set single harness, 1„ oreatn separator, l pallier and other articlee. Sale without reserve as the proprietor la giv- ing up farming. Terms. -All sums of $5 and under cash: over that amount 17 months credit will be given on furnighing approved joint notes 6 per cent off for (nosh on credit amounts. F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, Wm, Hogg, Proprietor. leARM SALE. -There will be offered for sale by public auction at the American Hotel in the Village of Brussels on Saturday 19133 day of February 1910 at 12 o'clock noon, All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and pretniees situate, lying and being in the township of Grey in the County of Huron and Prdvince of Ontario, being compos- ed 00 1,08 number seven in the fifth Ooneession of the said townahip of Grey and containing one hundred lima more or less and being the farm recently occupied by Daniel Marsh. On the property there is a two-story brick house and barn. There is abottt ninety acres cleared and fit for cultivation or posture. Small orchard and a good well. The fences are in a fairly good condition. The property is in a good farming district. It is about four miles from Brussels and less than a mile from school. Terms of Sale. -The purchaser will be required to pay ten percent of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance at the expiration of thirty days from moth sale. For further particulars apply to MILLAR & SIMS, Vendors' Solicitors. Berlin, Ont, B. Scott, Auctioneer, Brussela, Ont, Dated January Mat, 1910. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Reyiied Statutes or Ontario," 1807, section OD chapter I29, that an creditors and others hay. tug Wanes against the estate of Jonathan Dioore, Woof the City of.Guelph, County of Wellington, Gentleman, who 00043 00 or about the 14131 day of Dseember, 1909, are required on or before the ha day of March, A. D, 1910, to' send by poet. prepaid, or deliver to William Logle, Ilassagaweya 72.0:, Ont., their Christian and surnamea, add resoles and deacriptions with full particulars in writing of their elation and atatement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by Main. • And further take notice that after such last mentioned date she Executors will proceed to distribute the moots of the deceased amongst the parties entitled .thereto, having regard only to the claims orwhich they shall then have nbtice and that the Executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of moth diatribution. , Dated at Guelph the 7133 day of Feb , 1910. WILLIAM LOGIE, 301120 MOORE, ..sitectimrs of the estate of the late Jonathan bloore, 82-8 deceased. Next, Monday evening Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Small, of town, will take part in the progrem of a Coneert in Brussels, under the auspices of the Methodist choir. Miss Hart, .elocu- tionist, of Hensall, will be there also, so a good time is assured. This week will conclude the business operatione of Messrs, Hodgen I3edggood, grocers, bakers, &c., in Blyth. The latter has taken ;a posi- tion lo Toronto but Mr. Hodgson has not definitely decided where be will locate. They were worthy citizens and we are sorry they will not.be re- maining here. We wish them success. CHANGE OF PROPRIETORS. -Wed- nesday of this week John McCaughey, who has successfully managed the Commercial Hotel, of this place for the past 3 years, handed over the , premises to his brother, Frank Mc- . Caughey, who has been a resident of Blyth fole several months, and who has bought the house. He was in the hotel business in Lucknow so bas had considetable experience. The Mc- Caughey family will not be eemoving from town in the meannime but will take up residence on Drummond- St., intending to locate in Clinton, where they have property, later. They are highly esteemed citizens who have made many friends. The new pro- prietor say!' he purposes keeping everything in first-class style. C.g he PeOPIONI 00110011e1 VOlieAblil,-Nine %ores of lead with a 0004 bpriile:nego,ttvIrtaitne,4 lripeotki13. bets% a tet other ant portleali/re !apply Ito A. J. or Moe, buildinge, oleo s good proherd. Ifer further 13_ uttIO„IgggPitcarvi10?uil4f. Al,ror.!1P043 0,,ugtveannd nil right 13 eveey way For fur. Mier iiarticulare Apply 10 JAS. elliffirt, Lot 80, gen, 0, Morris, or firtissels P. to, el.tt IGARM Pon eALB.-The uod,ersiened olere 11- for Bale the 100 [acre DMA Whirs tot 10, eon. 14 eirey, About 70 EMMA Worse, Peed brielt house and tWO frame Leone, Pee elielterG• drilled well, feneog 10 5330(1 Owiditlon. feria 3E1 notgold by March 15th it Will be rooted. S potty to Jehn Grant, Mt 0, eon, 10 Grey, firushals,r. 0, or tor. 31, Scutt, Britainda. 11243. FAMit.,121,?,5),V34140,0-401,11„T4.1,6`.41tizri.g50, 003'- 133, Grey. Aboat 70 tierce Weal (1t), balance in swamp, 8 WHIM Foil wheat, in ,Noreft seed. ed tiown. Fell pobwing la Moog done, On the 18,.,, 18 1* frame tiouse,benit Imre, driving Shed, geed orcherd mid drilled well. Clop to W ilt*, church and Scheel. Per further particu- lar,- lieelY to JOHN OSBORNE, Proprietor, 0( 13'. 30. Scott, Brussels, 11 nts ACRI41 FARM Fort SALE, -The un - 1,0%. dersigned O20OP11 fi),r Halo, Lot /lumber six in she 012111(2011130,U10011 of the township of urey, :ho tt ifiei 711 t1 y a i to:t1tbtu tbre..iiros4t.Abo:c.or (neared, mostly underdramed. 26 acres eeeded down. Good orchard, frame house and horn, and two good wells, Sphoul house on the farm. This place twat be mold and posseSsion given 01 .031 the purchatier, Fop particulars eta, apply to THOMAS., 3,3131132180, Prop , Brussels P. 0., or to A.11. M0NT10127.12, Vendor's Soli, eiter, Brilliants, Ont. 211-tf. C01,1FORTABLE residence and 34 awe of land, being Lot we Albert street, Brus- sels, for sale. House 10 well bullt, with all owe yoniences and possesalon could be given at once. For further particulars apply on the premiami to Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, or D. Fer- guson, Teeswater. tf, FDR SALE OR TO RENT. -The undereigned offers his tyell 'mated property In Brussels for sale 07 00 rent. There are 034 tierce of land with comfortable house, with cellar, ateble, orchard, well, &e. Possession given at onee. For price, terms, and other information apply to JAS. DIINFORD, _Clinton or THE POST Bruesels. THOS. DUNFORD, Langdon, North Dakota. WARM FOR SALE. -The 100 aero farm. be. ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, Lot 08, Con. 14, Grey, is offered for sale by the undersigned. There are 85 sores Mewed, bal. tome well Mothered. On the farm there is a good bank barn, Jorge driving shed and a com- fortable house. Fitton in good condition and well fenced. For further particulars apply to JAS. 13.3203213113 or 38. 0, M °NAIR, Exec- utors, Oranbrook P.O., or If. S. SCOTT, Brus- sels. 7-tf FWARD& FOR SALE. -The Executors of the Shine estate offer for sole the 98 acre farm, part Lots 5 and 0, Con. 12, Grey, nearly all cleared. Briok house, bank and frame barns, driving shed and workshop in good condition. Geed orchard; farm in good state of cultiva- tion nearly all seeded to grasa and possession Call 130 given on March 15133, School across the road from property and only 2 miles to Brus- sels. For further particulars as to price, terms &o., apply to MRS. 0. SHINE or JAS. BOTZ. Executors, Brussels P 0. 28-31' 1 00 Alai! SuPojaeRrtigrall4 El? ,00 100 acre farm. Lot 8, (200. 2, Grey. Good house and barn, orchard, &a. Place well watered and melt fenced ; all seeded down except. 16 acres. 2 toilet. from Jamestown and 34 mile to school. Possession given at once. If not sold it will be to rent if suitable tenant offers. For further particulars apply or write to Joseph Coombes,Blyth, or F. S, Scott/3nm- eels. ENTI14 STOJATFORDs ONT. 61 Writ, 31as3 onOt.toP OaP free ontoieM" and ifio n the natoro of env Pentflos Iri , 33 gC°romsomoyerngeltanir'sienetre!,h4,Wnde h°r(PleTegtlit; tl" tending, preetionl, training 0011001 in V14114(91( Qutario. Pommes ore Moo. ouch, TustrnoterS eXPorloPoed awl. We 13 31 (1051)31 ssagi graduates to positions. Students t' tiro entarinc mob 35501E, Yon 3140814 eater now, D. A.Mot.AOHIAN, Principal sW...,MaZYX(?4,1404.,W, WAVA1/41:4x0 Wr.q. ) .rhy,4;cmcaKv,,w,az.a.w4trAvigwatT! p>,• Prepare Well and g success is certain 4 dogis Z67::. ELLeorr '7 , 6 37 • TORONTO Is noted for high grade' Work and for :misting students tp good positions. Those requiring kho Peet busi. news or Shorthand education C.3 can got It hero, Write tO•clity fey our handsome Catalogue. Students edinitted at any time, 7 W. Etturrr, Principal. Cor. Yonge &Alexander sts, Toronto, get?e2W4,24Iiwk.M'AVreesOrel*Wierie •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • !Winter Terni :I Opens • • • • • January 3rd I: • Students may enter • • : • • year. any' day of the scliciol • o : • Individual instrue- : • tion. Our graduates : get the best positions. • • . o • Mail Courses. 'We - •• * train more young • .• people than any oth- • • or tnanagemeut in s • ' Canada 1 • • et es • • Affiliated with Com. • mercial Educators' * 0 te.0 Association of Can- e • • acla. _ • • • • • . 0• • Write for partiottlars • • WINGHAIVI • • • • • Business College I • GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. • • ********** 004.0.0.•..1.004,*** • , Accurate Sporling News If you like a Sporting Page that is always reliable —newsy—full of personal interest—well illustrated -- you'll enjoy the "Toronto Daily Star". Our staff of writers includes men active in athletic circles and amateur athletic organizations. Conse- quently our news is first-hand and authoritative. We have fairly earned the reputation of reporting athletic events, wherever they may take place, more fully than any other Canadian paper. Always, and above all,we aim to befair to everybody. Subscribe now and take advantage of oui• special rate of $1.50 A Year This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for one year—$2, 20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50e. added to above subscription prices. Toronto pally Star 33 140. T. Says the Miller: "One day coming home I looked through the kitch- on window and saw our grocer's wife baking his - mitt. Sure enough, there was 4 bog of CREAM OF THE WEST' flour, and the biscuits were just pip- ing hot-snade my mouth water. "You bet 1 knew then how it was that grocer sold so much 'Cream of the West' Flour He l'nOVVE how /food it is by the testy things Ms wife makes wi h it. and he feels sure in recommending it. "00 every grocer voarld try Ms goods before selling them it would bo a good thing," 'rite Campbell Milling Co., Limited' Toronto ewes • /. 1.