HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-12-30, Page 4$icaxesocio Vost THITRSDAY, DECEMBER eo, teen) eleetota IMAM been brought eeee th tree Witlideme B's (briefs tire Local Option Campaign, vie re -the bat, the bottle, the boy, the ballot end Peet *Mayday the most Snored of privi., Jegese-the franehlee-will be eXereised. There is moo uee to enlarge on the evils of the liquor traffie as oven the Met local hietory coudeinne it but, ther e is nee in urging °lecture to do their duty in guarding tbe futuve of the boy" who must ric quire the habit if ranks of the present day users are to be maintained. One way to do this le to poll e Isooal Option vote. If the By -Law cerriee the hotel bars will be melange). licensed after May 1st next 411410 theebolitjou a the public treat- ing system the right arm of the liquol. truffle is severed, Many a man has taken the fleet step in a downward career beerruee he was einable to say No to the invitation id einupastions except treats, 31 the By-law carries there may be infect:lone as there are now under lieense but it will not be the temperance people who will be the violators, NORTH HURON MOM Anneal meeting of the North Huron Liberal Association was held in the Winghatn Town Hall on Tuesday after. noon of last week, with 1st Vitie Prest- dent:Wm. Isbister. in the chair. The stormy weather aticl the busy Christmas season prevented a large attendance, but nearly all parts of the riding were repre- sented. Mr. Isbister. 10 opening the meeting, referred feelingly to the death of the late James Young, of Auburn, who had for some years been President of the Association. The annual election of officers result- ed as follows :--President, Wm. Isbis- ter, Morris ; ist Vice President, Robt, Shiell, East Wawanosh ; end Vice President, John N. McKenzie, Ashfield; srd Vice President. Shelden Bricker, Howiek ; Treasurer, J. A. Morton, Winghatn ; Secretary, H. B. Elliott, Wingham. •Chairmen for the different municipalities of the riding were elected as follows —Ashfield—Jas.:Dalton. Kin - tail ; West Wawanosh--john MeNehb, Dungannon ; East Wawanosh— B. H. H. Taylor, Belgrave ; Morris—Geo Taylor, Belgrave ; Howick—John Hen neherg, Fordwich ; 'eurnberry-Robert S. Muir, Glenannan ; Clegg; Blyth—George Powell ; Wrox- eter -John Douglas. A resolution of condolence. on motion of Tohn T. Currie and Chas. H. Taylor, was passed to the family of the late Tames Young late President of the As- sociation. A motion was also passed. moved by J McLean, of Ashfieid. and W. J. Hender- son, expressing confidence in the . Laurier Government and in Hon. A. G. McKay, leader of the Ontario Liberate. An important change was made in the by-laws of the Association, providing for the hulding of the annual meetinz of the Association on the thild Tuesday of Tune in place of the third Tuesday in December. Tt was felt by those present that more largely attended meetings would be in order if held in June, when farmers are not busy and townspeople are not in the rush of the Christmas trade. The by-law was also changed to pro vide for the election of three delegates in place of five from each polling sub— division to a nominating convention. Morris Council The Council met accordine to Statute in the Council room on Dec. 15th, Members all present, Reeve in Me chair. Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed. Cominunicatiou was received from Dudley Holmes. of Wingham, respect- ing a culvert at Lot 6, Con 2 Moved by Mr. McCracken, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson that said culvert, being under temporary repair, it ie the intention of the Couocil tbat the same should be put in a proper shape, in early part of next season. baying a width of 8 feet. Carried. On motion of johnston and Wilkinson the taxes of Mrs. Wiley and Arthur Cattelon were remitted. Petitions for the construction of drains under the Municipal Drainage Act were presented by R. B. Alcock and J. J. Mc Caughey. Said petitions were enter tained and Clerk instructed to notify Engineer to examine the localities of said drains and make his report thereon. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows i—Istrao Brown. tile, $7.00 ; W. Geddes, tile, work and inspecting .cement work, eitt,5o ; R. H. Nicholson, guard fence at Sommerville bridge. Corporation of Blyth, Hall rent, $7.50 ; Dr. B. H. Hamilton, services as Medical. Health offiner, oo ; 'oho Roger, Engineer's services on several drains, $534.50 W. Fraser, tile and work on ditch. $4.00 ; S. VanNorman, mittiog in tile, $t.50 ; T. Dugan, damages through broken tile on road, F, Laidlaw, drawing and putting in oement tile, 9Pesect P. McArthur, drawing and putting in cement tile. $3 5o ; D. Sommerville, filliug bete at bridge, elm° ; C G. Campbell, Material for filling at bridge, es to.00 ; J. Rich- mond, drawing and prating in tile. $2.50 ; M. Kelly, drawing atid putting in tile $3,00 ; Geo. Armstrong, digging ditch, eire.00 ; J *McElroy, tp, share of Wallabe drain, $4. 71; Jim. Phelan, wood for engine on grader, $3.0° ; R. Wightman, gravel, $1.12 ; W. 'ever. inan, gravel, ege. ; Corporation of Mo- Killop acct., $5,40 ; FruSet et Logan. elay tile, $81 29; Geo. Dunlop, assistance on several dralos, $36,00 ; W. Taylor, gravel, $4,55 ; D. Wither- spoon, balance bridge mitred, $11700 00 A. H. McNeil, ehireney oo hall, $5.00 ; W. Miller, oil aud Oftre Of hall, $6.25 ; Ward & Cronin, part pate, ment on Russell drain, Steam° ; j, McCaughey, work ou McElroy death, Se.00 ; R. Craig, farm bridge on Ruseell drain, tiers oo ; '1'p, etigitmer to pay noisome° on McCall drain, $28.00 Tp, Weak Kidneye Make Weak Bodies Klotrieg Pisoneou mimeo Huif tIle Cerra' moo Aches ana Ills of ISMISeglia People. AS One week link weakens e Attie, so weak kidneys woken the whole body mid busteu the fiord breaking do syn. Overwork, strains, colds and other =Ewe injere the kidueys and when their activity is leseened the whole body sniffers front the exeese o mie Poison otrowatea lo the blood. Aches and palls asid laliguor end uritiary iiis wine, end there is ap twee- itairettel tig tendency toweeris diabetee arid fated Ibiglit's disease. There is no real help for the sufferer exeept kiduey help. Boutlee Kidney Pills neb directly •on the kidneys and cure every kidney ill. Brussele cures are the proof. Wm, Lake, of Queen's Hotel, Betts - eels, Ont,, seys :-"At the Deug store of James Fox, I priicm.ed a treatment of Booth' Kidney PUS and used for a weak, lame beck elide iteegular action of the kidneys. This remedy worked as it should, relieving my trouble and giving the whole syeteru new strength and vigor. It is with pleasure that I give Booth's leiduey Pine my endorse - t." Lret. ia (moms/ ma-owil CUM'S CATARRH, ASTHMA, Froacaltis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or rrinpr.r esce. Sold and guaranteed by JAMES FOX, Brussels. engineer to pay assistance on Murrey drain, $is.00 ; N. A. Taylor, services as Reeve, $7o.00 ; Jim McCracken, Conn eillor's fees, $55.00 ; C. B. Wilkinson, Councillor's fees, $55 oci ; W. J, Min stou, Councillor's fees, $55.00 ; Jobe Shortreed, Councillor's fees, $55 oo ; Jot), Cook, refund to Statute labor tax the work being performed, $2.75; W. H. Kerr, balance printing contract. $2o.00 ; Mrs. Wiley, remission of taxes, $4.70 ; A. Cantlon, remission of taxes, $1.7c ; W. Clark, salary and expenses, $135.0o ; A. Shaw, Ftuanciat State mew , $7 00 N. A, Taylor, Financial Statement, $2 oo ; IL Young, refund of engineerie costs, $1.00, the same being placed on Collector's Roll, By-law No. 14 was duly read and passed. The Council then adjourned. W „ , . CLARK, 'enc, . WInghans Fred Korrnau, of Walkerton, form- erly of •Winghare, is dangerously ill. Frank McGuire, of Winnipeg, Man., is on a visit to his mother and brother in town. John Hartley, of Clinton, occupied the pulpit of et. Paul's church on Sivaday. Geo. Spotton has purchased the Arinstroug property at the North end of the town. J. H. and Mrs. Leislunan, of Pease, Sask., are visiting relatives in town and vicinity. A well attended meeting of the Wingham Curling Club was held when Mrs. L. W. Hanson donated four hand. painted cups to be played for in rink competitions during the Winter. The removal of Principal Taylor will lea,ye a vacancy 111 St. Andrew's Sunday School that will be hard to fill. His class consisting of about sixteen boys showed their appreciation of his interest by presenting him with a handsome suit, case. The High School pupils presented him wtih a gold headed cane. Many Down with Pleurisy. Doctors say the country is full of it. First comes a chill, then cold develops -the inflammation grows -you 'can't draw a long breath -lungs and sides get sore, and pleurisy sets in. A good home -cure consists of taking twenty drops of Nerviline every four hours. Supplement this by vigorously rub- bing the sides and chest with blervi- line and when warmth and circulation are established, put a Nerviline Por- ous Plaster over the aching spot. Nerviline Treatment is always success- ful in colds, neareegia, and pleurisy. Try it youiself. Belgrave Henry Leishman and family, form- erly of Wawanosh, are getting settled in their new home in Auburn. Edwatd Haines has sold his farm in East Wawanosh, one mile South of Wingham, containing 52e acres, to Thos. °engrain, of Athtield. The price paid was $4,600 and the new proprietor gets possession the middle of April. Rev. J. 3. Hastie, late of Belgrave, and who recently returned from 'visit- ing Australia, has been inducted into the charge of Ladner, 13. C. Rev. J. Gillette M. A., Moderator of West,- miuster Presbytery, presided at the service Rev. Dr. Wright, formerly of Stratford, addressed the minister.; the address to the congregation being given by Rev. J. S. Henderson, form- erly of Hensall. The church, -which has been undergoing extensive im- provements, was re -opened on the 19th instant by Rev. Principal Mac. Kays D. A, of Westminster Hall, and the following evening a congregation- al welcome was tendered to Mr. and Mee. Hastie. OMW.-Death claimed on Wednes- day. Dec. 161h, one of the best known tires in East Wewanosh, when Beecroft died after a brief illness of eight days, ,being a victim ofpneu- monia, Deceased had been enjoying the best of health during the past sea- son and was in excellent spirits until taken with the relentless pueumonia ohills a week before the etid came. His Meese was brief but severe, and although a patient victim he retained until the end the indomitable energy and ambitioe which have character- ized his life of just etre month and three days beyoed the half centimes meek, He leaves behind, a widow (to whom he was wedded on March 17t1I, 1886) and three children' -Lewis, at- tending Wingharn High School, Myr- tle and Alkali at, home. 110 is sure elver] by his mothet, relict of the late John Ileecroft, and three brothers and two eistere, all of whom were preeent at the Amoral servieee, wirieb were eenducted by Rev, Je 0,.Coole cif Bol' grave, and euperintended by the Whiteoluireh Ordee Of .0artatlien Foie °teens whieh Attendee thir ty strong, And led the large prouessiop to the cemetery, After the reenter inter- ment riervieter, the Members filed pass - tel the grave and each dropped an evergreen twig hito the last veering place of a beloved brother. Mr. Bee- croft, fereed in many capfteities ilt public life for eirceyears be Wee tt member of the Beet Womanish °owe, oil ; he 9111(9 at the time of his death leader in and Treastuer of Briek demob, of which he was a deeoet member since boyhood ; and during the lest few years he how been a lead- er in the • Whiteellueth Rifle Club, which organization sent, a floral design 1150 Wet kibrite of affection. A floral design wee also sent by the Yonug Men's Bible class of Winghani Metho- dist 8. S, Deeeased WaS among the oldest of. the first geueratioa in the Huron tEaCt, blLviIlg frOill boyhood labored eltiltit uously, first agnieet giant maples arid beeches of 1 he forest, arid later with the every Slay vicissandee otrevel life. His frineeal, notwithstanding the stormy weather, WaS 011e of the largetit fowl in this sec- tion. He was a prime favorite with ale and one who ivae never backward in devoting his best energies to the betterment of the locality.in which he ,'ed, SOFICOL BEPORT.—Following is ret. - port for S. S. No, 6, Grey. Sr. IV- EXtiall. in Gram.; Spell., Arith., Hist. Total 400, Roy Hall, 248 : Sarah autchiusom 148, Sr. III -Exam. hi Geog., Arith Gram.. Spell. Wesley Teo, 205 ; Willie Mitchell, 152. Jr. (I1 -Gertrude Ames, 304; George Hall, 228. Si'. II -Bernice Flood, 262; *Hazel Rose. Jr. II -Myrtle Lamont, 833; Clarence Menary, 316 Stanley Hall, 308; Russell Yeo, 125; *Berri Lowe, *Mary Rose. Pt. II -Edith Ames, Wilfrid Hoy, Milton Flood. Sr. Pt I -Alfred Menary, Clarence Flood. Jr. Pt. I -Joe Martin, Lawrence Lowe. *absent. Beaux E. Moans, Teacher. Smoot, REPORT. -Second quarterly report of S. S. No. 4, Grey. Standing oe pupils based on weekly exams., daily work and wegularity of attend- ance. Names arranged in order of merit e -Class V-A. Johnston. T. Goodfellow. Sr. IV -Its McDonald, Edgar Lattimore, E. Lake, Eclua Late thnore, T. McDonald, B. King. Jr. Bryans, S. McLennan, . S. Burke. Sr. King, P. Payne, L. Frain, M. Smith, E. Johnston, L. King, A. Holt, G. Holt. .Tr. II -A. Johnston, G. MeEweu, M. Burke, L. Stevens, IL jaeklin. Pe II-A.JKing, J, Thompson. Sr. I -B. Lake, S. Mc- Donald. Jr. I -B. Stevens, 14. Jacklin. F. 0. Esteems, Teacher. SoHoor, REPOIST.—The following is the percentage obtained by the pueils of S. S. No. 9, Grey township ,during the month ef December, those marked with 0 star missing one or more ex- aminations :-Sr. IV. -Bessie Me- eatiarrie, 90; Beth McNaught, 78; Lily Harrison, 76; Emily Smith, 09; Laura Speirare 68; *Clancy Flood, 28. Jr. IV. -May Livingston, 82; Violet McKay, 82; Noble Schnock, 68; Harold Livingston, 58; *Lottie Mc- Kay, 36. Sr. III. --Cranston Bray, 68 ; johnnie McKay, 65; *Ebner Mc- Kay, 59 *Jas. Meehan, 58 ; eStuart McQuarrie, 50; *Melvin Cummings, 24. Jr. III.-Harviett McQuarrie, 8-2 ; Laurie Hislop, 61; *Marshall Smith, 46; *A.gnes Tarr, 45; *Mary Brown. 40 ; *Wilfrid McNaught, 25. Sr. II. - *Arnold McKay, 77; *Mat y Smith, 67; Viola Schnook, 65; Willie Neable, 65; Ehia Tans 64; *Howard Meehan, 64; *Mabel Hodge, 68; Hazel Mc- Naught, 58; *Pearl Onmmings, 63; *Geo. Crawford, 60; *Flossie Meehan, 33. Jr. IL -Willie Meehan, 80; Ora McKay, 78; Harvey Snelling, 68; Grace Perkins, 58. Pb. IL -Eddie Meehan, Harold Neable, Attie Neable, Ina McKay. Archie Mann, Alfie Tarr, Earl Meehan. Sr. Pt. I.- Elijah Mautle, Charles Snelling, Bede San- ders. Jr. Pe I. -Hattie Mantle, Charles Neable, Geo. Brown, Helen McQuaerie, John Snelling. J. M. ADams, Teacher, WARNING Since its introduction into Canada the sales of Parisian Sage have been phenomenal. This success has led to many imitations similar in name. Look out for them; theyare not the genuine. See that the, girl with the Auburn hair is on every package. You cam always get the genuine at James Fox's. Parisian Sage is thequickest acting and most efficient hair tonic in the world. It is made to conform' to Dr. San - get -bond's (of Paris) proven theory that dandruff, falling hair, baldness and scalp itch are caused by geniis. Parisian Sage kills these dandruff germs and retnoves all trace ef dan- druff in two weeks, or money back ; it stops falling hair and itching scalp and prevents baldness. And remember 'that baldness is waned by dandruff germs, those little hard working, persistent devils that day and eight do nothing bub dig into the roots of the hair and destroy ils vitality. Parisian Sage is a daintily perfumed haildressing, not sticky or pearly, and any Woman who desires luxuriant aud bewitchirig bait ran get it in two weeks by using it, 50 cents a large bottle. Bluevale Miss Ida Cleghorn, of Toronto, i home for the holiday. ' Miss Alice Duff, of Barrie Public irehool, is spending the vacation at her home here, las. and aliw. Burgees, of Listowel, ate visiting their pater -Ito in Bluevale and Turnberry. Wm. Elliott, of Manitoba, College, Winnipeg, is visiting at the patentee home in Tuenbeerse Miss Nellie Burgess, of Torcnito is spending the holidwys with 'bet. parente, Jno. and Mrs. Beeper,. jeseph and etre. Burgess, of Wood. stnek, are epeteling the Christmas holidays with jno. rtncl Mrs. Bingess, 131 of uetrale, I PURIFIED HIS BLOOD 1 Dr. Morse's Pr Wall Root PM. iH.alcd Mr. Vifil•Orr'S Sore. When the sewers if the body -bowels, kidneys and skin duets -get clogged up, the blood quickly becomes impure and frequently sores break mit over the betty. The way to heal them, as Mr. Richard Wilson, who lives peer Landon, Ont., found, is tO verify the blood, ere Writes: 'For some time I had been In a low, depreseed condition. My Appetite left me and I soon began to suffer from indi- gestion. Quire a number ef small sores and blotches formed all over my elan. I tried medicine for the blood and used many kinds of _ointments, but without satisfactory results. What wee wanted Was a therough cleausing of the blood, and I looked about in vain for some merle eine that would aeccirnplish this. At last 1 --es Morse's Indian Root Pills were brought to my notice, and they are one of the most wonderful medicines I heve ever Imown. My blood was puri- fied in e very short time, sores healed up, my indigestion vanished. Teey always have a place in my home and are looked upon as the family remedy," Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, cleanse the system thoroughly. Sold by all dealers at 25c a box, The directors of the Bluevale orerrm- ery at their meeting 011 Friday last, after making enquiries and getting all eiformation possible, have clecided in the interest of their patrons to make butter at their 'creamery foe the ire comi ng season as usual. The minuet S. S. Entertainment end Christmas Tree of the Presby- terian church was held in the C. O. F. Ham and was a decided success in every way. R. N. Duff gave an inter- esting mid inetructive patriotic ad - deers on "The Flag of Ono ,Countey . This was followed by several Christ- mas carols by the children, inter- spersed with readings, dialogues and tableau, "Uncle Tereinieli Pike and his Susanna," fairly brought down the house. "The Debating Soeiety" itt which the cause of woman suffrage was ably defended by Miss Polly Smithers was very amusing. Special mention lutist also be made of "The Three Maids of Dee" by the Misses Diament, who had to be recalled and were loudly applauded. "The Gypsies 'Warning" • made a weird and charming picture, the singing by Miss Eva Duff being greatly enjoyed. This part of the program tensed by all singing the Natoli/II Authein. The crowning delight to the wee folks wee wben Santa eppecued and unloaded the gaily decoreted teee, after which all wended theie way homeward well pie/reed with the evening's entertain- ment. ' What Causes ',Nerves 7" Most people say worry -they are wrong -the cause is in the blood which is thin, and lacks nutriment. To cure "Net Yes" more blood, sinew and flesh are required. You get these quickly by taking Fertozorie. No health bringer is so certain, no nerve strengthener more potent, no system tonic so well adapted to the wants of the run-down, nervous or sleepless. Let Ferrozone build you up, let it fill you with vim, energy and surplus vigor. It has done this for thonsands. Blyth Mrs. :Myles /ening spent Christmas with Wiligham friends. Trains have been late Mei lig to heavy traffic and snow storms. R. R. Sloan and Bert Stewart were in Clinton on Saturday last. The various departments of Blyth Public School will re -open on Tuesday next, Principal Joynt will be on hand to assume duties. We welcome him to Blyth and wish the school great success in 1910. Frank Eleerett spent Xmas' With 014 riends in Stretford. Heiblue' rates hold geed from Fri atter bit Itienday, inelusive, at single fare on the rell Ways. Netit Jiorsis 1. ele 1110 bit held Tiles - day of next week, Janeary 4tI1L 1(11(1 slioeld be a good into, ' Will. Tartrate Of Beetee, epent Metes to Bleth and vielted in Weasel% on Sundayeaceompeniect by A, 'W. Rom insole of town. Geo, Ilaggitt, who has boon ill with typhoid loos.. for the past three weeks is still en the 51011 Het but we hope be -will soon be eon valeacent. itis roPortecl that Dr, I,ong may go 'Mira house building enterpise next Spring and we hope 1910 will ontein 11/09 in the eeection of gooil veeidences: Next Monday the vote On the Local Option By -Law will be taken ill Blyth. Poll o am from Oa, en. to 5 a Itt., in Indus ry Hale with Clerk llIdit as Returning °facer, The law still de- mands the three fifths majority. Every Mutdoipal voter bas a right to record a Local Option vote. - RE -UNION. -A family reatilou wets held at the comfertoble home of An- drew Sloan, at the Christmastide ;hist passed. All the members of the family were present excepting John, who hes lived ab NORle, Ainaks, 6,000 miles from here fot the past 9 years. The company included Joseph aud Mrs. Coombes , and son, of Toronto ; Dr. Will , from Northern Ontario ; Wesley and Mee. 'Walker and child- ren, of Clinton ; and the sons of this locality. These home gatherings are a real delight and should be Main Will- ecl when possible. She Wears Largo Beata- tO on account of corns -brit they can be cured in twenty -font hours with Putnam's Painless. Corn Extractor. Use no other but Pate inures. They Help Your Stomach Out ir Wretchedness ! A stomach that cannot digest • good meal is certainly, a sore trial. It has been responsible for almost everything in the way of human misery, up to suicide. The trouble in most cues is that the stomach and other digestive organs lack vigor. Not enough of the juices necessary to digestion are secreted nor does the stomach work up the 'food properly. The worst 61 it is that there is not sufficient nourishment taken out of the food to restore the system's vigor, and the trouble goes from bad to worse. The stomach needs help. "Little Digesters" meet the need exactly. One 'Little Digester'. after each meal will ensure perfect digester!, provided, of course, that the food is good and wholesome. "Little Digesters" are guaranteed to cure Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, or your money will be refunded!. 250 at your druggist's, or by all fromtheColeman IdedierneCo.,Torouto. . , , .......................... • , . . . :Winter Term. .. . . . • •Opens • • !January 3rd I 4. • ° . •:1 . • • Students may enter • • •. • • .any day of the school • ' * year. • i • • e Individual instrue- : '•. • tion. Our graduates .0- • se get the best positions. • es • O Mail Courses. We se • train more young • • O people than any call- - t, e or management in, . es Canada 1 . • • And Save You a World of 27 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Valentine Grainm, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron,. fanner, deceased. N.oMce is hereby given pursuant to "The Re. vised Statutes of Ontario" 1897, Chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Valentine Gramra , who died on or about the 1210 day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1909, are required on or before the 8th day of January, .411 1910, to send by post prepaid or deliver to W. M.Sinelnir Esq„ of the Village of Brussels, in the CountiT of Ani- onSolicitor for George Gramm and ohn Rit- chie, the Executors of the last 99111 and Testa- ment of the deceased, their Christian find 501. names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claim, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities df any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date, the said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the newts of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whioh they Wall then have notice, and that the said Elreoutors will not be liable for the said tante or any part thereof to any person or peraons of whose claims notice ellen not have been received at the time of such distribution. Dated this 17th day of December, A.D. 1999. W. M. SINCLAIR, 25-8 Solicitor for the Executors. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Archibald McNeil, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, fame er, deceased, Notice is hereby given Bursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, section 80, (Monter 129, that all creditors and others hay- ing claims against the (white of the said Archi- bald McNeil, who died on or about the 25th day of October, 1909, aro required on or be- fore the 1st day of January, A.D. 1910, to fiend by post prepaid, or deliver to Julia Ann Me. Neil, Oranbrodk P. 0., Ontario. or to W. M. Sinclair, of the. Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron the Solicitor for Aaa Ad- nitniatistrix, thel'r names and addresees with full particulars in writing of their claims and statement of their aecounts and the nature of the security 111 551)) held by them. And further hike notice that after such last mentioned date the said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the tweets of the dimmed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she Well then him notice and that the said Adininistra- trix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any pawn or pereons of whose &Min notice shall not have been received by ha. at the time of suet. distribution. Dated this tttit day of December, 1909. W. 01, SINCLAIR, 10-3 SOlicitor for said Administretrix. • • Affiliated with Com- er menial Educators' 2 0 • Association of Can- • • * ada. • . • • 4 • • : Write for particulars • O : • WINGHAIVI • i : Business College • • • a GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. It * 4 ..t11.2E1M.I.CPST/tIgKX.INAIffie•IMMIIMP ifteenoWecteeleteeseterecartateireourieeereewe iedtaidd STRATFORD, ONT. The great practical training wheal of Ontario, We offer advantages not offered eleewhere in Canada, We have three departments, Commercial, Shorthand and Tolographti. our teachers experienced, our amuses Woronoff and practical, and our greduates enceeed. We assist graduates to pealtiona The appliontione wo received during the past NW days would eurpriee you. Write us for partiettlare. Througliont CallAda and the United Slates thia school iS aelinewledacel to be the great training Reboot for Realness College teachers, The demand mum RR for teliebera 15 1901119 times the simply. Yon 115) 81,100 oar cloWns et,stty Mole Winter term from January-0rd, Write for 0111' free catalogue and get partieitiara Many. Good Wheat Thoroughly Cleaned The Vital Essential (0) NO DOUI3T, When purehosing flour, you have often wondered at ibis legend flaunted by all cheap flours-" made from Selected Wheat." Certainly, the wheat was ',selected', else there would be no flour at all, But what sort and condition of wheat it telleth not, Maybe it cloth not wish to carry tales out of school ; relying on the average housewife's limitect milling knowledge, taking full advan- tage of her disadvantages. We are proud to label FIVE ROSES so that all may see-" Manitoba Hard Wheat.'' We are jealous of lte reputation. We are convinced there is no bettor grain under the tun, none as good. After culling the cream of the °roe, twenv-ons years' practice hire taught us how to take care of the good sniff. Coming direct from the fanned' wagers, even before it is admitted to the elevators, the grain is rid of its greaser impurities. Cockle, forinstance, round seeds, sand, mud and earth balls, pieces of Whig, and goodness knows what. If this ever get into the flour I * * * These impurities if stored with the wheat for even a short time will contartilnato the grain, just aa one bad boy can vitiate a School- room. The claiming and separation must be done at tee elevators, Madam. No amount of eubeequent cleaning or " doctoring " will entirely amt. nate the influence of its early ae- soolates. You understand that, of course. * * * Thus is the childhoo d of FIVE RosESimmaoulate andkreproach- able, The pure Manitoba berriee are clean at the outset and kept clean, and when they reach the Keewatin rale a further process la relied on to polish off any possible bad manners which might smuggle in on the way hem. There is never a apeok, nor stain, nor emelt to vex the soul of the fas- tidious housewife. " * * * * We will not believe, Madam, that you are wholly indifferent to the welfare of your family folks, to 'Maness puriO! IJ your baking. We know you will always use FIVE ROSES. LAKE Of IIIE WOODS MILLING CO., LTD., MONTREAL `io' on Mill street West, Brussels. Good well, The People's Column nOMPORTABLE HOUSE AND LOT for sale eats= and all conveniences ; also good stable. Publishing House. A liply to G. R. STUBBS, Brunet tor Posm 204f Royal Mail Steamers LINE nOMFORTABLE HOUSE Arm Log FOR. - SAGs.-blood cellar, water and fruit treat lilneuire 01 11. T. HINGSTON, 01 1'. 0. box IN, Brussels. 82-10 TO LIVERPOOL. CCM SAL10.—Nine agree of land with a good • brick cottage, bank barn and other out buildings, oleo a good orchard. For further particulars apply to A. S. M. Helm or Mrs. Jno. Cranbrook. Front St. John From Halifax Grampian Tan. 7 Jen. 8 Mandan Jan. 21 Ian. 22 Corsician Tan. 28 .Tan. 29 Hesperian roe. 4 Feb. 6 BOSTON TO GLASGOW Ionian Jam 7 7a. in. Pretorian Jan 20 0 a. In. TO HAvRE &LONDON From St. John Prom London Pomeranian ********** ...Jan. 12 Jan. 14 Corinthian * Jan. 20 San. 28 RATES OF' PASSAGE IMPS:AYES on the premises of the undersign - S al, Lot 18, Con. 11, Grey, on or about Oat. 15111,5 steer coming two years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away. SAMUEL. BALFOUR, 28-4 Crisnbrook P. 0. B ULLS FOR SAL10.—Two young Short Horn •••• 13ulls, both lit for service, for sale. Good pedigrees and all right in every way. For fur- ther particulars apply to JAS. SPBIR, 0o189, Con. 6, Morris. or Brussels P. 0. 41-1f WANIII FOIL SALE.—For sale, Lot 20, Comte& ▪ Mon 14, Mellillop, containing 127 acres. This Is a firatclass farm with good buildings end adjoina Ihe village of Walton. Apply on the premises or addrese J. RYAN, Walton P. 0. 91-1f S OUNNY BRAE 100 acre farm for sale, being 1246 Lot 14, Con, 0,, Morris township. 85 acres cleared. On the larm is a good 2 etory cement cottage, nearly. new cement bank barn Sfix513 feet ; aures orchard good well; Spring creek orossee corner of. /arm. Possession on March 1st Fall plowing done. rallee from Brussels, 7 to Blyth and 1% tuthe to school. Farm is in good state of cultivation. Por further particulars apply on the _premises or to F. EL SCOTT, Brussels. ALEX. NICHOL, Proprietor, Brussels P. 0. WOR SALE.—Hotnie rind% acre of land with ▪ fruit twee, large barn, poultry house and woodshed. House °opaline parlor sitting room, dining room, two bed rooms, 'kitchen, Summer kitchen and pantry down stairs ; five bed rooms up -stairs ; large cellar with cement floor and heated by furnace. Will be sold cheap. MRS. LBW1S bleDOZTALD Walton. ARlit 17011 SALE—The undersigned offers 11-- for Bale his 100 acre farm being S% Lot 25, Con. 4, Morris. Farm is all cleared and in good condition, All Fall plowing done and 9 acres of wheat in, About al acres sewed.. Good bank barn and frame house. 2% miles from Brussels. For further particulars apply to ARTHUR KERR, Proprietor, or F. S. SCOTT, Brussels. 19-0f. 1 ora ACRE FARM PoR SALE.—The un- dersigued offers for sale, Lot number six in the &mai Conceselon of the township of Grey. This farm is excellently situated about three miles from Bruseels. About 75 acres cleared, mostly underdrained. 26 acres seeded down. Good orchard, frame house and barn, and two good wells. Sahool house on the farm. This place moat be sold and possession given to 'mit the purohaser. For particulars eta., apply to THOMAS, OARNISS, Prop., Brussels P. Cf., or to A. H. MONTEITH, Vendor's Soli- citor, Brussels, Ont. 28-tf. WARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offere ▪ for sale, his 190 acre farm, being Lot 00, Con. 15, Grey. About 70 acres cleared, balance in swamp, 8 aores in Fall wheat, 81 acres seed, ed down. Fall plowing is being done. On the farm is a frame house, bank barn, driving shed, good orehard and drilled well. Cloae to post - office, church and school, For further portion. tars apply to JOHN OSBORNE, Proprietor; or P. S. Scott, Brussels. snOMPORTABLE residence and % acre of V land, being Lot 212 Albert street, Brus- sels, for sale. House is well built, with all eon. veniences and poetession could be given at once. For further particulars apply on the preinieee to Mrs. Jae. Ferguson, or D. Fer- guson, Teeswater. tf. WOR SALE OR TO RENT.—The undersigned ▪ offers his well located property Brussels for sale or to rent There are 614 acres of kind with comfortable house, with cellar, !stable, orchard, well, ite. Poimession given at oiler,. For price, terms, and other information apply to JAS. DUNFORD, Minton or THE POST Bruesele. THOS. DUNFORD, Lunation, North Dakota. maim FOR SAL01.—The 100 acre farm, be- ll— ing the property of the late Peter Al °Neil, Lot 29, Con, 14, Grey, is offered for sale hy the underaigned. There are Nacres cleared, lab slice well timbered. on the farm there Ma Rood bank barn, large driving eked and a coin- fortable house. Pine° in good condition and Well feinted. Her further particulars apply to JAS. A. MoNAIR or 38. 11, IdoNAIR, Exec- utors, Oranbrook P. 0., oe F. S. SCOTT, Bru• 7.tf ACRE FARM /MR SALE 021 181(010'- 00 The undersigned desi es 115 sell hie 100 eere farm, Lot 8, Con. 2, rGrey. Goad house and barn, orchard, &a. Pince well watered and Well fenced ; all seeded down manna 10 norea 2 miles froni Jamestown and 14 tulle to school, Poaseasion given at 01100. If ifot sold it will be to rent if suitable tomtit offer& Pot further particulars apply or write to joliaph Combos, Myth, or P. Soott Drug - eels. Stock for Service monn,Am BULL FOR SEIWTOE.-sThe incliTnri=a4ViZZAINI D. A. McLachittn, Prineipal. "Jack Favorite" (721081 Owl Aleitaiwarla-1 net. Leadbury, which is Weil bre traelna beck ItiotOsivs*VtietOtiAtiMIMPtear~t/.01AAAA/Vitenew*Alatet~tioteita .taglal=t, Ilggal.3.t, ALLAN According to Manner. 1st Claes —570 00 . 580 00 and upward. 2ild Class — 4980 4500 4708 0080 8rd Class — 26 00 2720 Poe full partioulars of rates and saltines apply to . W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels• Stir G111(11211 ETI-11EL We inyito you to call and see our stook of Ohrietmas goods. We, have a first-class line of fresh groceries and feel t for the Christ. nuts trade. Fresh Raisins, Our - rants, Oranges, Bananas. Figs and Dates. We always handle the best we can procure and at lowest prices. Call and leave your Or der for Christmas Grocer - res and we feel sure you will be well satisfied. Our lines of Confectionery speak for themselves, they are unequal- led. We ale° have a splendid display of fancy goods, stationery and toys. Call and see us before buy- ing elsewhere. You will be able -to make a host of people bappy with little money. Highest, prices paid 'for Butter, Eggs and Fowl. W. T. Spence ETHEL ••••••••••••••••••••••• • To Machifferylirs and 'farmers . •v-y-r-v-r•gr-v-v-Nr.r.v• • The New Nike Shop of the : BRUSSELS FIRE' APPLIANCE! and MACHINE Co, I s MOW ready for business, and. 2 with good Machin cry and Skilled • Mechanics, we are -in a position to attend to your repairs prompt • - ly and at reasonable rates. e, If you will let us knew your 2 wants we will give you. honest * advice and help if connected with Machinery. Give tts a trial and, by coming • to Brussels, save time twist money • for yourselves. 2 4 • GIIIISIDE & JAMES. Mill Street lArussels • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••