HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-12-30, Page 1VOL. 38 NO. 26 Now Advertisements rmaal-Jas, spew. Oars -a. is. Cole, LAyosight-Jae rex. els-Toube.& Hon, • flows for sale- l Fees, Lona -aim, McGregor.. Animal meeting-Agt. society, Now is yone ahnnee-H R. Brewer, Snaffle to coedit:we-W. M; sfaelnir.. Auction sale-S.IS. ilea,r,.4 McNair, Bali heurly prides-•Nergpson & Ross. • Mistrict Jamestown NOTp8,—The Women's institute will holdtheir social evening in Victoria Hall Mate on Thursday, Tanuary 6th at 8 o'clock, when an ;interesting pro- gram will be given. Members of the fatuities to which the Institute mem. bets belong are cordially iuviled to attend. A tasty tench will be served. —We are glad to weloome back those who have .arrived from the West recently. Among them are John and Mrs, Simpson and son, of Tessier, Sask., who are prospering out there. A. and Mrs. Willis, and family, too, have come to visit their friends, They were in the wreck near Ohapleau lint escaped with a few sor'lutches. Twee well it was no worse.—Xmas, tree entertainment here on Thursday evening of last week was a decided success. All did their part well, in- deed. The singing by the children was mach' enjoyed and a large and orderly crowd filled the Hall. The gramophone selections by Geo. Haunt - ton were highly appreciated.—Duncan 'McDonald has charge of the Hall for the ensuilig year. I•le's a hustler and will look after it all right,—Two cousins of Mount Forest were spending their Christmas with Miss Mary Wal- laee.—We are pleased to have our old friend;: F. MODonald in our s m' «id t again. Me arrived vet from` the 'West qtu. i ciu y of last week. You'll not be going baok alone, will you Maser ? A FINE MAN CALLED 110hZE. -Tues+ clay morning of last week Janres Strachan, who had been in poor health for. some =lithe, passed away from the earthly home to the reward of the just man. His decease, was mit 111)0X - posted as hehad ben near the portal on several occasions during his ex- tended illness. Mr. Strachan was born in Torrisdale Glen Parish of Saddal and Skipness, Argyieshire, Scotland, on the 7th of. March, 1838, and the family emigrated to Canada in 1847. After living in Galt, Ont., for a time they moved to the town chip of Grey.inMarch 1854 and deceas- ed lived on. lot 1 in the e 4th eon, until. the time of his death. He was married to Miss Jessie McVicar. on Dee. 22nd, 1870, and they were blessed with a family of O children: The daughters are Mrs. P. McEwen, of Turnberry; Mrs. Youmans, of Toron- to ; Nliases Marjorie and Elsie at horse. The sons are Dot�ebrraid at home and Jas. T., a dentist. Mr. Strachan was a loyal member of the Presbyter- ian church and fur 9,13°14 20 years was Sabbath School supperintendent, In politics he was a Liberal Everybody y ody had a good word for "Jimmie" 8traoh- an, as he was familiarly called.. He was genial, kindly and hospitable and was esteemed most highly, People were ever ready to enquire after his health and will regret leis death. The funeral took „place Thursday after - Banish the Bar=room" BALLOTS marked° like this will do it 0 co z z For Local Option Against Local Option Destroy the TreatingSystem ys em 20th THEA BRAND Centur Suits and Overcoats For Fall and Winter Wear Velvet„_ e iia this.. .. tl,L C. livE'RE striving to win new patrons - by Superior Clothes Quality"; striv- ing to win you, Sir, if, you have not already tied to this store.. We cannot hope to win your patronage by quoting prices, however, for should we mention $10.00, $12.00 or $15.00 as some of our Suit and_ Overcoat prices yon -, would say at once, "Other stores quote these same fig- ures," and itis true that they do. It is for this very reason that we aslc you to call and see, for you'll never be able to judge of the goodness of our clothes and the fait'nes of out prices in any other way, see- ing is proof positive. We sell the 2Oth.Certtury Brand Cloth- ing. The best fitting andself retaining elothingon the mar- ket. Also snits' and overcoats made to order. We also handle the Pea- body Overalls and Smocks. the best made in Canada, • One stook of Fors, Oaps, Shirts, underwear and Sover sign Shoes eanuot.be beaten. for quality and price ; if there were better Wearables trade We would not rest until we seoured them. We have a full line of "Barrington" and "John 3. Stetson' Hail, Call and iii- s_ppect one lines of Neckwear. :hosiery, Glloves, Silk Ii,and- kerohiefs and rnen's special'. ties. DUNFORD The Hy Exclusive Men's Clothing Store in Brussels R !„ tl RUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECl4M13. R 80, agog FV, Hr. RERR, ProJriett'r noon, the service being couduoted : by Rev. A, 0, Wishart, 1i. A.,, leterment being made 111 Breesele ,cemetery, Mrs, Streohan and family have snide• spread sympathy. Thos, and Joh Stretches) were xe brothers of the degetis. ed'and Mr's. Jas. Ferguson, of Bros-, eels, a 8101e0, Duncan Taylor, of the same town, is a halt' brother. Molesworth ' NOTge.—Miss Vera Robertson is spending her holidays with her aunt, Mrs, Joe Oumming,—Miss Marie Fras- er spent tine holidays under the par- ental roof.—Geo, Wineparden and wife, of Parkhill, visited at R. Mitchell's.—Roy and Mr's. Fraser, of Dutton, are taking a month's holiday. —Martin Oehler called on old friends in' the burg this week.—Miss Jean Smith, of Bengston, is visiting her. friend, Miss Mabel Elliott, for a few days.—Geo. Elliott has arrived home from the West, --S, G. Sangster spent the holiday week with Jas. Saugster, Tara.—Mrs, Cunningham went to Pinterton for the, week end holiday,— W. R. Belden moved to Listowel this week,—A few from here took in the hockey match at Listowel. Christmas night:—Ben. Dark, of Galt, called on friends in our burg this week.—Clark Fraser and Geo. Johnston have also arrived home from the West. DEATH of WILLIAM BROWN.—One more of the familiarnioneer faces, of Molesworth and vicinity, has passed away from view, Wm. Brown is now numbered with the departed. The pioneers are gradually but surely thinning out, but a few are left and the old men of Molesworth will soon be men of another generation. Father Time moves on in spite of youth and vigor and his artistic fingers will silver a man's hair in spite of himself. The late Wm. Brown was born near Lander, iu Berwick Co., Scotland, in May 1838 and when 14 e years of age his parents come out to Canada and settled near Hagersville, • Norfolk. Co. 4 years. after coming out be walked up through the bush with his two brothers, George and Sandy and finally located on the farm with the "gravel knolls" just West of Molesworth long known as.the Geordie Brown farm, now owned by John Elliott, after the death of his father. Mis. Jas. Brown, his another and other. members of the family came up to Molesworth to brighten their pioneer life in the bush. The spirit of adventure was .in his blood and in 1860 the Denver,.goldcraze enticed him and his brother' George and Peter Graham away. It was a big task to span the distance between Molesworth and the Rockies in those days but what with riding and what with walk- in adwr1 g n at with the help of rail- ways .they reached Leavenworth Kansas, 900 miles still lay between them and the Denver mining camp A voice cd Texas cattle was secured and the distance Wes covered success- fully. After 6 months' time the death of his brother Sandy made it necessary for him to return home and .the Texas cattle did duty again on the home- ward trip. During the whole of the time the cattle were in his possession they were never unyoked. . In this return trip' was vas accumpanfed by.e. solitary Englishman who •confided when parting that he had contemplat- ed taking .Brown's life. From the time of Mr. Brown's .return from the Rocky mountains until a few years ago he spent his life on the farm. B.is pioneering life was not without tardship and vicissitudes: The bush u more than one farm bowed beneath cis sturdy stroke turd many a neigh- bor can testify to his generosity lu the matter of trading work, If a mere lad could drive.a team of horses or oxen in the plow.Mr. Brown would accept his'services and swing the axe hrongh many a long day on his neigh- bni's farm splitting rails, or felling rees. The are was a toy in his hands nd if a race was on butting logs the Cher fellow's only hope meas in put - Mg in an extra stroke but it was all o no purpooe. Brown's stroke was a minter every time and the victory was his. Long walks from: Hagersville o Molesworth and vice versa were ever considered a handicap and hsough all his early teaming days tom Molesworth to Mitchell and Molesworth to Seaforth cold had no laimon him. Cold feet were stranger's o him and he had very little use for its. His hands like his heart were lways warm. His resource too is, een in a trip through the bush from orfells county with oxen.;This time owe Lund sheep were brought in. A oat of hay on a juniper provided food' or the animals 'by the way. The ouruey proved too much for the sheep tit they could not be left behind, olthey were loaded upon the hay and. 'due time reached • Molesworth. He as the first 'man to tante a loaded agon from Molesworth to . Bluevale. e was accompanied on the trip by .'D. Campbell and Robt. McMillan, f Listowel, and had to shop his wa rough the bash. What took three aye and three nights to do then can asily be done now in less than two ours. In 1884, the subjeot of this otice ma tried Jane Leppard and in a w months ire was 'a widower. In 613 he married Mrs, Thomas Patter- n. To Mrs. Patterson's son, Alex dhie two sisters, Mr. Brown became second father. At this Hine he took arge of the Patterson homestead on o 2ucl con. of Grey, -and farmed it mil quite recoil tly when he sold out his son _in-law,. Samuel Sangster. e saw hard times in those early days. mortgage on the Property made it, scessary for hirci to sell all his grain d all his stock to meet the payment en due. His nearest markets were itehell and Seaforth, The late Robb Bolt accompanied him on more titan e trip, His life however wee full of hn Fir in pe and he -pushed farming with a urposo. He knew that only good 1 nixing paid, and he had a Large easnrc of guceees, Blest with an ' industrious family and a loving wife whose thrift, hospitality and kindness are still remembered,he could eot but emceed. In later days he wits the unaitirnous choice of his eoanstituenoy for a number of k yearn for Grey town- ship Council and left an unenviable reror'd behind him. Re was faithful in hie attendance on the means of grace at the Molesworth. Presbyterian (Meech and in polities he was a life long Liberal, firmly adheringto the outstanding principles of Lieralism. Ile is survived by all the leernbere of hie family. Iiia stalwart sons, George and James, are prosperous fer'rners ; James at. Ayr, Ont„ on the Broadfoot farm.; George, near the old, home. stead at Molesworth ; Mrs. S. Sang- ster, on the old homestead Mr•s,. Thompson, Listowel ; Mrs. T. Edgar, and Mrs. W. Florence, of Edmonton. The funeral ivas largely attended by many old friends••ancl relatives. The services were conciliated by Hey. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook, who testified of the deceased's worth and character. Interment took place at the old ceme- tery at Listowel, Of many a departed one Burns pats it thus depth has given another oa' An-611'en another trim' awe. Auld Wulile King among tia a An salt. we mourn him; The' hoping wi robes like snaw. Angels adorn hbn.. Now that he's gone we mise hint pair' We rides hie jokes and stories rare, Tho' Borrowing we don't -despair Nor feel dejected, We hope o1110 time to eneet frim- when Tru worth's respected." Grey Renew for Tri POST. Happy New Year to all. Wesley Armstrong was home from Aurora, Ont„ for a holiday visit. Robert Eaket and wife, of Moose Jaw, have corn East on a short visit. Mrs. Marsden Smith and Miss Mar- tha, are visiting relatives at Toronto. Ban and Mrs. Darks ant Christmas p r names at the home of JohnHollinger, 1 0th --- Russell Wheeler, of Southampton, is spending his vacation at the old home. Ntisa Jennie Rands, teacher of Sum- merhill, is.holidaying•at the parental home. Jas. and Mrs. Grant and daughter, Miss Jean, were at Hamilton tor Xmas. Miss Jennie 'Armstrong is home for her vacation from'her school' near Listowel. Joe Frain, who, has spent the last Year and esu half in the West, arrived home last week.' • James Strachan, dentist, is home from Winnipeg where he has speut several mon tbs. ' James and Mrs. Rislnp, of Arcola, Seek ale visitors at John McNai's; 14th con. Mrs. Hislopis a dauer. Mrs Bert Gerry, ofFortWilliam, is here for a visit at her old home mut her many friends etre pleased to see 'her. Miss MacGillivray, a former teacher of 5. S. No. 10, . was , renewing old, acquaintances, on the 11th con. re- cently. • Goon -OLD AGE, Thursday, the lOtlrf this o month, x G Mrs. Cox, a 12th con celebrated e atecl h er 91st birthday. Y She is still hearty and ails to get around and many friends send her greetings. • W. H. and Mrs. Salter and children, of Toronto ; W. J. and Mrs. Bozell, and Elton and ISks. •Rozell, of -De- troit, were welcome guests for a few days at the home of Charles Rozell, 9th cram Wm,• McCartney, of Milestone, Bask., is renewing old friendships here. He looks well but is still in the ranks of the old bachelors. Girls; for pity sake bring to a speedy conclusion this sad state of affairs. A shooting match will be helcl by fVm. Baillie on the rifle range in Brussels on Wednesday,. January 5th, ata O'olook whena number of turkeys, geese and ducks will -be shot for. Large and small rifles will be used. S. S. Corm Folz COUNCIL.—At the urgent solicitation of my friends and ratepayers, 1 have put myself in the hands of the electorate fora. seat in the Council of Grey for 1910 and I respectfully solicit your votes and in- fluence and I will serve you conscien- tiously and to the best' of my ability. Yours truly, S. S. Coli.E. HYMENEAL. —.Wednesday .evening. at 5 o'clock tine home of Hugh and Mrs. Lamont, 11tH cols, was a pleasant scene, about 40 guests having assembled to witness the tying of the nuptial bore, by Rev, A. C. Wishart, B. A., between Ernest E. Campbell, of Gaylord, Mich., and Miss Katharine second daughter of the host and host- ess. Ceremony was performed under an evergreen arch, the bride being given away by her father. Miss Sadie, sister to the bride, played the wedding march. Bride was becoui- ingly dressed' in white and carried ti baguet of bridal roses.. Many beauti- ful. presents accompanied the good wishes. An elaborateweddiiig supper was served and an enjoyable evening spent, Mr, and Mess Campbell will reside at Gaylord, Mich. They will carry with them theood wishes of the cominuu,ity for heir happiness and prosperity, CALLED AWAO.-We regret to re- cord the demise of Mrs, Fred. Cardiff, 8th eon., which took place last Mon- day night at 10 o'clock, She had been ill since Deaerilber• 19th but those who were aware of icer sickness hoped for her early recovery. Mrs. Cardiff's maiden' 118000 wee A111110 L. Davie, only daughter of Inc). Davie, 4th line, Morris. She was mar,'ricd to her now bereft husband on 'June 14113, I904, and leaves a Little son 4 years of age. Deceased was comely in appearance,, joyous ie manner and esteemed by all Who knew het.. Her death is greatly regretted and Mr. Cardiff deeply sym- pathized with. The funeral tool blaceTlnulay afternoon interment eing made in Brussels cetiietet y, Miss Hamel Rozell le home from an Weeded idea with relative in Detroit and Paw Paw) Mich; Bev stay .evi- dently agreed well with hex', Miss Margaret Jobneton, of Oaryle, Sask., is here on a visit. It le 20 nate since the Johnston family went West, Theyhave done well we aro, pleased to hear. To THms ELEG'rois of TUE TOWN,. EMIR ON GRI•lY,—ONNTLEMEN,-.-I have been nominated for the office of De. pity Reeve but do not expect me to make a personal oanvas. I take this paeans of eolioiting your vote and in- fluence, If elected will endeavor to honor the position and the trust you place in me, 'Thanking you for past revere. Yours 'es x peotfupy, QUIET WEDDING. JAS. Mo eWednesday evening of last week, in the presence of immediate relatives, a quiet wedding was solenmized at the home of Wm, and Mrs. Buttrey, 12th con., when their youngest daughter, Sara F,, was united in marriage to Russell Riddell, a prosperous young farmer of Elula township. At 5 o'clock the bride and groom toots their' places be- hind an altar of ferns and Rev. D. B. McRae,' Presbyterian minister, of Cranbrook, officiated in the tying of the matrimonial knot. The bride was attired in a very becoming dress of white Bilk and carried a boquet of white carnations. Congratulations over, the guests repaired to the dining room which was tastefully decorated with smilax. The evening was spent• in music and social `conversation. Ice cream and confectionery were served to. the guests in the evening. The presents bespoke the esteem in which. NIx. and Mrs.: Riddell are held. A- mong them were a cheque and a gold piece from brothers of the bride. The groom's gift to the bride was a hand- some set of gray squirrel furs. The bride's evening dress was of the ashes of roses shade. Mr. and Mrs. Riddell take uphousekeeping in .then • new home aecompaniedpby the best wishes of a large circle of friends. WELL DESERVED.—Thursday even- ing of last week a joyous company of 40 or more from the Shine's School locality assembled at the home. of Philip Botz, 11th con., when an address was read by Miss Lizzie Dickson, to Miss Bella Botz, who has rendered very willing and gratifying service for several years as superintendent of the Sabbath' School held in the school house and Miss Lizzie Grant present- ed a very handsome toilet, case well stored' with useful articles such as brushes, comb, &c. Address was as. follows:— Mise Bursa Boaz, are assembled in .,your menta homeb this his av n e inx to enjoya social bout with yoabut more expresa]y 1o convey yto you our sincere thanks Poryour-faithttil and highly of the abath School in 9 8. Superintendent 81ntWe bet- lieveyouare- doing a workthat will endure and the Sabbath afternoon gatherings in the yyears to come. Both by word and deed lyou have worthily repre. opted your Great' Master and we appreciate your well directed efforts which have been crowned with success and no doubt, deserved more generous assistance from us. We would like to give you a little keepsake as a tangible expression of our love and esteem and ask you to accept this toilet case and Contents with 0110 hear tiestg nod wishes. Hoping that you may be long spared continue as our Superintendent a ndres- thts glad to you and yours our best wishes of this glad season of the year. We snbeorba oaraelves,, Your Friends of B. B. No. 8. Miss • Botz made a most appropriate reply. The evening was enjoyed to the full with vocal and instrumental music, games for the children and the serving of a choice lunch. Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A., of Brussels, gave a short address. The company depart- ed well pleased with the night's enjoy- feent. Oran brook Ray Fear Snndayed at G. Sperling's. Miss Sylvia Seel is home for the h olidays. 0. McDonald is visiting under the parental roof. Harold Menzies, of Mitchell, is home for the holidays. Jno. and Mrs, Gorsalitz were visit- ing friends in 'Galt. - Miss Sara Long arrived home from the West Monday night, Miss Calder is spending the holidays at the home of Jno. Fo' 1l eeL'. Mrs. Harvey Hunter and son are visiting friends fu MitcheEh. F. and Mrs. Raddatz attd F. Jesche went to Detroit on Friday last,. Mr. 'Menzies, of North Dakota, is visiting at Mrs. Julia Menzies'. Ir and Mrs. Pollard, of Listowel, are the guests of 1. W. Switzer. Miss Myrtle Sperling, of Clinton, is home for the Christmas holiday. Hugh and Mrs. McKay, of Niagara Falls, is visiting his mother here. Mr:. and Mrs. Shearers spending the Xmas holidays with frieuds near Haan - Mon. Garr. and Mrs. McDonald, of Brus- sels, spent Xmas. With Mrs. Peter Mt - Donald. Dr. W. J. Cameron, of Palmerston, spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Tyerjnan. W. Smalldou, of St, Thomas, is spending the holidays under the par- ental roof, . We are pleased to see the smiling face of Pete. McDonald, who has been in the 'Wet for 8 years. Remember. the Local Option meets ing in the Presbyterian church Thurs- day evening, Dec. 80th. • Mrs. Campbell and family, of Oar - mum -locks spent Christmas day at the Home of Allan Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Garter, of Avonton, are spending the Christmas holiclaye at the home of Clt,is, Alderson. The Cutt family and Mr. Coombs, of Blyth and'liss McRae, of the manse, spent,Kmas. day at the home of A, MODonald, The Xmas, entertainment in the Presbyterian cheroh was a grand success. The proceeds, which go to the Sick Childi'ens' Hospital, Were $15.00, p , 1 W. Jr, Bunter, 'who has spent the past8 months at. Oshawa, has.b'een viaitiug at the perental home here. Be is employed in a big carriage which 80 buggies a day ere turned out, 700 or 800 hands are etployec., They also manufacture Auto- mobiles. mobiles. Ethel Ethel debate is postponed from Tan, 1st to Jan. 8th. Subject"Wotnen's Suffrage." W. R. Moone ihiorrts of Toronto is visits nit• ing his parents, 5113 line. Public schools will re -open for the new term next Monday. George David and wife, of Clinton, were visitors with D. Bell and wife over Christmas. Don't forget the Sabbath School entertainment in the Jackson Church Thursday evening of next week. Last week George Cardiff arrived here from the West for a short visit and is visiting at the parental horn, 5th line. Mrs. Frank Parks and daughter, Miss Eunice, of Craik, Sask., are visit- ing atthe home of Jas. Ireland, 3rd line, Morris, Mrs. Parks is a niece. Tnesday of last week Wrn. Isbister was elected President of North Huron Liberal Association, He was vice President last year. Ma Isbister will fill the bill all right, Mrs. H. V. Patrick and little daugh- ter, Irene, of London ; Miss Priscilla Manning, of Paris, and Mrs. Herb. Ouuningham and infant son, of Palm- erston, were visitors at Mrs. John Manning's for Xuias holiday week. The fatties are daughters of the hostess. The ratepayers' presented the town- shipCouncil of 1909 with a very tidy Christmas present last Monday in re- electing them by acclamation. Reeve Taylor and Councillors Sho'tree Johnston, Wilkinson and McCracken are to be congratulated. There was a large turn out on Monday to the Nom- ination. Ex -Councillor Campbell was nominated for Reeve and el. Kelly and W. Clegg as Councillors but they declined the hones, this year. SONOOL REPORT.—The following is the report of S. S. No. 6, Morris, for the month of December. Exam, in Geo., Gram., Spell., Oomp., Draw. and daily work.' Total, 450.• Honore, 538. Sr. IV -1i. 0ux'iie, 402. Jr. IV—R. Boue, 347. Sr. III—G. Shaw. 382 ; L. Wilkinson, 248. Jr. III—J. Yuill, 373 ; 0, Sellers, 372 ; 208 ; W. Sellers," 206 ; L Shaw, 170. Pt II—J. Bow- man, 423 ; M. Shaw, 417 ; G. Bone, 401 ; S. Yuill, 895. Sr. pt. I -M. Bow- man 305 Jr. p e t L—E xcell nt—H. Sellers Fair, L Sellers, M. Wilkin- son. C xllcOleacrsbr Teacher. • Wroxeter NOTES.—Mises Agnes Black and Cassie Harris returned to Toronto ou Monday after spending Xmas at their homes here: Barry Brawn visited friends at Lambeth over 'the holiday. —Miss Beatrice Howe, of 'Uxbridge, is spending the Xmas vacation at her home h era =Rev Mr. Bradford, of Belmor e occupied the pulpitin the Presbyterianchurchon Sunday W. J. Mather left for Keene on Friday where he will visit his parents for a week.—Thos.- and Mrs. Hemphill. of Hensali, are visiting with their many old friends in the village this week. Byron and Mrs. Simmons, of Forest, are guests of Chas. Simmons.—.Soy Hamilton, of Thornhill, visited- over Sunday at his home.—Wm. and Mrs. Gibson, of Paswegan, Sask., areguests of Mrs, Robb. Gibson. Mr. Gibson has rented his farm in the West for three years and we understand will not re- turn there for the present.—S. M. Robinson, of Hespeler, was the guest of his parents, W. M. and Mrs. Robin- son, over the holiday.—W. Marshall and fainly have moved to Ohas, Eaket's residence on Sanderson street. —The entertainment given by the children of the Presbyterian Sunday School in the Town Hall last Wednes- day was very successful, the children doing their parts in a very pleasing and able manner, one of the best fee - tures of the program was the "Sword Drill," by tney young boyss under the management ementof Oa t.Kene, of Gerrie. At the close of the entertainmentfruit and candies were distributed amongst the children. -Wm. Playter, of Tor- onto, spent hist week with his sister, Mrs. 11. Ramiiton, of Turnberry.— Wm. Sanderson, of Toronto, was the guest of his parents, W, H. and Mrs. Sanderson, of Howick, over the hoti- day.—Arthur Stitt has returned to Hickson after visiting his father, James Sbutt, of Howick, for several days.—Electric lights have been in- stalled in the Presbyterian church which will be a decided improvement. —Fred. and Mrs, Davey spent the holiday with relatives in Grand Valley.—Wm. McLennan made a bneiness trip to Montreal last week.— Mrs. S. Borden, of Loudon, spent Monday and Tnesday of this week, with old friends in the village, Nomination Day. GREY For Reeve.—Wei, Fraser, noininat,- ed by Adam Turnbull, seconded by Andrew McInnis ; John Grant, by Neil D. McNair and John McNabb Robt. W. Livingston, by Edward .Fulton and John Shiels. Deputy Reeve.—john Brown, by John Eck.. mien and Thos. Vodden ; Jas. McFad- zean, by Dolman Johnston and Jelin Bolger. Councillors. -John Outt, by Levi S. Parr and G. F. Stephenson ; P. A. McArthur, by Wm, Work and J. G. Turnbull ; Ldward Fulton, by John Shiels and Levi S. Part ; Robt. J. Hoover, by John Crerar and Robb. 11 Menary ; S. S. Cole, by Andrew Ito- g Kee awl "Win. Hall, Mr. Fulton has b withdrawn, 1 o MORRIS For Reeve.—Nell A, Taylor, nowt- nated by' Phelan,eco c John s n led by it J. Brown ; 0, G. Campbell, by Duncan Campbell and Alex. Menyval). Mr, Campbell sit withdrew, 0 1 r v h< div, C imcrl c s, Chas, 13, Wilkinsne, by. Geo. W. Proctor and 'Wm, Ferguson ; John Shoi•tr'eed, by Win. Taylor and Walter Miller ; W. J, Johnston.' A. McEwen and Wm, Thornton; John McCracken, by Jas. Golley and Wm. Findlater ; Michael Kelly, by Wm. Craig and Jno. McArter ; 1Villiam Clegg, by Thos. Forbes and A. Campy bell, Messrs. Kelly and Clegg re - si ne da d 19A9 Counoil asrae�e Led, MOKILLOP For Reeve.—J, NI. Govenloclr and A. H. Ross. Councillors. -11, Byer - man, Chas, Case, Jas. Cowan, A. ssc Dundee, John Govenlock, Chas, Little,' F. J. McQuaid. TURNBER'KY Reeve.—David H. Moffatt. T Powell. Councillors.—Wm. Maxwell: Arthur Wheeler, John McB,u'no John Rutherford, John Mulvey, Alex. . Kelly. Church Chimes Will the Bible Society collectors of Brussels Branch kindly complete their work and band returns to the Treasurer as soon as possible. Sabbath evening Mr, Poole, a student of McMaster College, Toronto, preached in the Methodiet church from the text "Behold the Man," He did well. Mr, Merklinger, of Hanover, who was visit- ing at N. F Gerry's, saug "The Birth. day of the King" in good voice, Next Sabbath morning Mr. Duggan. Secretary of the Dominion Alliance, will conduct the service in the Metho- dist church, In the afternoon be Will address a mass' meeting at 4 o'clock, in the Town w Hall,and in the aveninwill eek in Melville g M v lie dtarch. The avenin service in the Methodist church will be cancelled So as to permit of a union of the congregations in Melville church. This will be tbe closing day in the Local Option campaign and no doubt large audiences will be present et ail the ser- vices. ETN NOMINATIONS The following is theliet of noluinees fn connection with the Municipal Nomination held in Industry. Hall, Myth, last Monday .-- For Reeve.—W. R. McIlroy, nomi- nated by J. A. Anderson, seconded by F. J. McPherson ; Luxton Hill, by D. Cowan and D. Floody; W. J. Milne, M. D., byJas.Outt and Willows Jose h • P•" £7arter, b E. Watson and P Y J A. Anderson Councillors,—W, H. McElroy, by Wm. Sims and Thomas Taman ; Isaac Brown, by le. J. Mc- Pherson and W. R. McElroy ; Thos. Code, by J. A. Anderson and R. H. Robinson ; A. H. Rainton, by D. Floody and D. Cowan ; Jas. Cott, by Robt. Milne and P. Gardiner Joseph Carter, by -3. M. Hamilton an& Jno. Potter; R. Slater, by W. Stack- house and Wm. Moutxa Wm Jack- son, son, byW. Stackhouse and N.Cu m ning Frank McPherson, by A. B. Carr and N. Cuming. School Trus- tees, 2 years,—,I. E. Tamin, by W. H. McElroy and I. Cowan 1?. Gardiner, by W. J. Milne and J. R. Outt; Geo. White by Thos. Code and W. J. Sims R, H. Robinson, by J. G. Emigh and F. Metcalf. School Trustees for 1 year.—Rev. W. H. Hartley, by Jas. R. Cutt and T. M. Hamilton ; Joseph Carter, by inn. Potter and W. J. Newcombe. A large audience assembled in In- dustry Rail, at 8 p. m., to hear the speech -making. Clerk Elder made a fins chairman and good attention was paid to the long list of addresses, the most of which were of a brief character. Reeve Milne was the first speaker and covered the work of the. year both as to Blyth and the County Council He referred to the financial statement and showed where the $1000raised by the increased rate of 2 mills in taxes was spent, viz,, in re- pairs to fire"eegine of $913; the $100 granted to Bai.uton Bros., and cost of . hierot p cotton By -Law. Urged on larger attendance at public meetings. At length the Dr. dealt with the question of fire protection, Carnegie Library building, removal of old cemetery, electric light, Cantiuuiition' school work, good roads, rural tele- phone, &c. and urged Blyth citizens to hustle for the progress of the place.' Councillors Mc) 'Elroy, Code and Outt addressed the electors further etucie dating the work of their departments. Councillor Baintou was out of town, Dr. Long, as Secretary -Treasurer, of the School Board, gave &lucid account of school affairs and denied that the Board bad treated Principal Lastcott unjustly. If blame was deserved by anybody it rested. on M•r, Eastcott. The speaker advised potting the. school 01 best possible shape to do A 1 Continuation work and ,pp roved how remunerative -it would be to "both. pupils and town. Messrs Gardiner, White, Tartan and Robinson, who were candidates also spoke; the speech- es being short and sweet. Laxton Hill Who was a nominee for the Reeveship, gave a short account of the benefit of his factory to Blyth, ex -Reeve Carter thought ho could save Morley to the ratepayers if he were' in the Council again and was of the opinion that too moll was paid for engine boiler. Wm. Jackson was nob a canvasser but thought he could render service at Boatel if elected. Frank McPhee - see Was not a candidate at this ttme. and wished everybody prosperity, Rev, W. H. Hartley was oleetcd school trustee for one year by no• chtmatitm as Joseph Carter; the other omineb, withdrew.' The reverend outletnau snouki make a useful merri- er more especially, in. the resignation f Dr, Long from the Boatel, •