HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-12-23, Page 8LATE HOLIDAY BUYER; Will tinct our store just the place to ptir- abase that Christi -nate gift you had Over- looked•.• -Ebony Goods -"Pellet Sets -Stationery in Boxer; -Post Gai'd Albums Havilapd Lhnogee China -White and Geld China •--Bibles and klymn Books -Gift Books in beautiful bindings -Dolls, Toys, Picture Books •••-Gamos and Sleighs Ralph Connor's New Book. "The :Foreigner" $1 25 -.Knowles' New Book, "The Attic Guest" $1.25 NEW YEARS POST CARDS The newest and best to be had. Acicriowledge the receipt of Christ- mas Gifts on one of these beautiful Garde,' A large number of designs 10 ehemee front at ec emelt and 2 ter 50. Secure your Supply before the bestli02 1 ate saki out, Clearance of Christmas Cards and Calendars The balance of our stock of these we are selling at exactly HALF THE MARKED PRICE„ They aro a bargain, See them, 6 SMITH, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, gam!. 4 cs bins RENEW for Ti;E POST. MERR1 Christmas to all our readers. MoetemY Horse Fair Thursday, Jan, 6th, It should be a good. one. A NUMBER of interesting items are 1 `+ crowdedr over to next week's issue. i THIS has been an unusual Winter for snow storms and drifting so early in the season. A One of hogs was shipped on Wed- nesday by Wm, Jewitt and another on Thursday by Geo. A. Best. THE Pryne mill has been very busy grinding aud chopplug. They have a large and growing trade and aim to please every customer if possible. A BxUsenLs sport asks when the Foot Ball team purposes publishing a report of receipts and expenditures for z909. He thinks the public should know these things. POSTPONED.-OWing to unpropitious weather the Auction Sale of bousebold furniture, &a., announced for last Sat- urday afternoon,. at Mrs. McLean's,- Princess street, was postponed for three weeks, taking it past the holiday rush. Saturday, Jan. 8th, will be the date. HAVE 'You a Boort out? -The Public Library Board asks all who leave books belonging to Brussels -Public Library to return them as early as possible so that the necessary checking off may be done before removal to the new Library building. About 6o or 70 books are still out. Those interested are asked to attend to the matter at once. ORANGE LODGE OFFICERS. -At the regular meeting of Brussels L. O. L. No. 774, held Dec. 6111, the following officers were elected for Igen:-W. M., M. M. Cardiff ; D. M., Nelson Cardiff Cbap- lain, Rev. fl. M. Lang -Ford; Fin.•Sec.,. S. T. Plain ; D, of C., David Smith Lect., W. Holt ; Committee, Frank Mc- Cutcheon, Gordon Mooney, Newton McCauley, Alfred Cochrane, Jno. Clegg. WEDDED. -On Wednesday, x5th inst.. Rev. Mr. Eltom tied the matrimonial knot between Garfield Long and Miss Alice Thomson, both former residents of Brussels, the ceremony taking place at the residence of Thos. and Mrs. Williamson, late of Ethel Ont. The bride is a daughter of Geo, and Mrs. Thomson, of Brussels. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Long a happy and prosperous life. NoMnteeeme,-Municipal Nomination meeting for Brussels will be beld in the Town Hall, Monday, Dec, 27th at 7.30 o'clock. The offices to be filled are Reeve, four Councillors and three Public School .Trustees. Retiring members of School. Board this year are D. C. Ro R. Leatberdale and J. Elliott all whom are eligible for re-election. The Council of Igoe is likely to look for office for xgto as far as we have beard. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. -The 'regular meetings of East Huron Farmers' In- stitute will be held in the Town •Hall, Brussels„on Tuesday, January zzth and in the Township Hall, Gerrie, on Wed- nesday, January, nth. C. W. Nash, of Toronto, and Mrs. Woelard, of Forest, will be the outside delegation. The latter would like to meet the ladies of Brussels and totality'Puesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Council Chamber. $ MEDAL CoNTEsa.-Thnrsday evening of next week an Elocutionary Contest will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, commencing at 8 o'clock, under the auspices p of Brussels W. C. T. U. Medals will be awarded for the best rendered' recitations. A musicai pro- gram will also be rendered. Silver collection taken at the door to defray expenses. An interesting time is prom- ised and the public cordially invited' It is a movement along the right line and deserves hearty support. A. 0, U. W. -Following- are the of- ficers elected in connection with Bros sels A. 0, U. W. Lodge for Igio :- Master Workman, R. Leatberdale; Foreman, R. A:'Pr ne• Overseer, N. F. Gerryi; Recorder, W. H. Kerr; in- ancier, W. el, McCracken ; Treasurer G. A. Deadman I Guide, J. Simmons Inside Watchman, Wm. Armstrong; Outside Watchman, Wm. Work ; Audi tors, 'P. Farrow and N. F. Gerry ; Rep- resentative to Grand Lodge, W. H McCracken alternate, '1'. Farrow Past Master Workman is' Wm. Wilton DANDIES. -This 'week Messrs. Ewa & Co. turned out from their factory her two dandy Surrey sleighs, one 2 Beate and the other capable of .bolding niu people, ,They are built . on modern principlewith springs under box o each and are roomy, comfortable, goo lookers, well finished as to upholstering aud painting, a credit to Brussels fee tory. ,The sleighs are for the Davis Livery, Godericb, who are up. to -date and will certainl ' y be in it with these pleasure sleighs, The beauty of it is you get a city styled and finished job at a town price. W. C. Smith, the well known scenic painter, wielded the brush On the outfit, Messrs. Ewan & Co. willnot lack for a• good advertisement 00 •r” lou s• she turns g out such m unlit and V I , gitnnrity, the .:proof ,o£.which gis:evideue•. ed by fetebiug customers for 5o miles to get the goods. RENEWREN f for THE Posm. Nmeneert0N Day next Monday. READ page 3 for Co. Council report and other matter. $205•oo was all that was left unpaid on the eveningo . Dec. 14111 10 Brussels, f . ala? ce on the 15th. was added to the balahce W. A. GREWAR has an elegant stock of Christmas s mas Groceries Fruits Con- fectionery, &c,, fresh, choice and fair priced. Call and have your wants sup. plied SALT. -Farmers coming to the Bros. sels Salt Works can get all the salt they want. Nice, clean, medium fine salt in zoo Ib, sacks fit for all purposes. Gordon Mooney, Foreman Brussels Salt Works. —0_ Do not purchase before seeing Stratton's goods. Dats0uesrNo,-Mrs• A. G. MacDonald, 2nd door North in Terrace. LADY'S black elastin belt lost in Brussels. Finder please leave at Tin PosT. New Spring Shirts fresh from. the fnotory this week. Call and see them. E O. Dino min SooTca Collie pup for Bale. Well bred. Ap-' ply to ERNEST 2nizesR, Brussels. - tf, GOoD goods at prices to suit any purchaser at Stratton's. LADrss and Gents Xmas presents, both use- ful and beautiful at Stratton's. WE are proud of our %was' stock. Buy your presents at Stretton's. GOOD Portland cutter for sale, nearly new. Apply to Hugh R. Elliott, Brussels South. 24.11 STRETTON takes pleasure in showing. his beentiful Xmas goods. Reerrow e t en price of cutters for two weeks at Ewan & Co's Carriage Faotory, Bros - eels. Faxen Cow 4 years' old for sale. Apply to Jour BaoAnsoOT, Sat Lot 28, Con. 6, Morris, or Brussels P. 0. tf. STRETToa's hand painted ivory finished china wakes a nice Xmas present. Housm, garden and: orchard for sale or to rant on reasonable terms, Thomas street, Bras- seis. Apply to Taos. BitADWELL, Clifford. CH&.ISTMAS single tare on railways good going Friday, Dee. 24th, and re- turning Monday, 27th. Fare and a third ticket is good going Dec, 21st to 25111, returning Jan. 5th, 1g10, WANT A Pos17IoN ?-,lie Elliott Bus• iness College, Toronto, cannot supply the demand made on it for steno- graphers, book-keepers. . teachers or general office assistauts. The superior instruction given enables the graduates to readily get choice ,positions. Write to the college for their handsome cata- logue. The Winter term opens on Jan. 3rd, RENEWALS are rolling in for THE POST for ogto. One enthusiastic subscriber ss, in Detroit sent us $5.00 which pays his of paper to close of 1911. Well done for him, but while this is very comforting there is a large, number of others who are considerably behind. We would like to bear from every one of our sub- scribers in the United States and the Western Proviuees as early as possible, CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY, -A branch of the Proviueial Children's Aid Society bas been formed in Brussels with the following officers :-President, Rev, A. C. Wishart, B. A. ; Vice -President, Rev E. G. Powell; Secretary, J. H. Cameron ; Treasurer, W, H. Kerr; Committee. Rev. Mr. Cameron, F. H. Gilroy, Geo. Thomson, F. S. Scott, G. A. Deadman and W. M. Sinclair. The organization was the outcome of a visit. of W. A Gunton, of Toronto, inspector of the de artment of Ne PNeglected and dependent children with J.. J. Kelso is 50 prominently identified. - THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEOE.- The Central Business College, of Strat- ford, is the leading business college•in Western Ontario. Its attendance is largest, its courses most thorough and practical, its instructors most competent and experienced. Its record for place ing graduates in positions 3s an enviable one. The.attendance at present at the G B. C. is about Zoe% greater than that of a year ago showing that g the public appreciate the great work the school is doing. The Winter term commences s,. on Jan. 3rd, and those interested should write the college for its free catalogue. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION:- Last Saturday at the Excelsior Knitting Factory, the following address was read to Miss Al ice' Fleming, who was about to leave for her home in Elora, and a handsome hand painted china set pre- sented o To Mess Aram] PLEnixao: DEAR ALIOErWe the girls 01 e the Excelsior e Knittin Factor§, wish to express our thanks . to Son or the kindness you have shown us f during the past three mouths and as you are about to leave we ask you to please accept d this Mind painted china sat as a alight token of ottr love sad our henrtleot wishes Are ex• tended toyon nt all time, wewleh Merry Ohristmaa andaha you n pay New Year. A alight token of love in rememberenee kind To show that out of Sight fs not out of Irina. Signed on behalf of the eirhi. Abe Sue -Iran, Edith Wilton Vias Bender, Lily Pethielr Ada Pethiok, Dolly Mckenzie Tens Mclfenile, Miss Fleming made a brief but appro- priate reply for the kindly'and unexpeot ed gift which she will prize very highly and often remind her of her girl friends I at Brussels Metropo'iI-tan 100 capital paid up Ei,00p,090.On litFund and Undivided Profits 1,277-,404,40 HEAD OFFIOE - TORONTO joint Deposit A.-ccou ts are a convenience , n n enience ailan ed' especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose name the account is opened. 7,00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH LATE train.% THESE are busy days at the postoffice, The Christmas rush of mail matter is on, TftE junior rooms of Brussels Public School enjoyed a good Christmas pro. gram of real merit Wednesday after - 110011, LEATHERDALa, D. C. Ross and Jas. Elliott are the three Trustees of Brea. eels Public b is Scho of whose term expires this year. They are eligible for re: election. TUESDAY eveningof next'-- regular meetingf Courtweek the Alexandria, C. F Brussels, Pwill be held, It will be nomination and election of officers and there should be a good F. N. GILROY,MANAGaR. Arthur Smith is home from the Col- lege of Pharmacy, Toronto, for the vacation. He passed bis junior year examination we are pleased to notice. Robt: Ross, marine engineer, is home, from his duties on the great lakes for a well earned holiday at the old home. He looks first Blass after hls season's work. Miss Kate Harbottle is back from, .a THE STANDARD BANK Estsbluhed 1873 OF CANADA 77 Braachc. , A Joint Account is a great convenience in handling the fanuly fluid% h is opened in the names of two members of the family, ant) both may make deposal or draw checks'oyer their own individual signatures. This form of account is particularly convenient for those who live some distance from town. You can open a Sayings Account with Qne Dollar.Why not do so' at once? �Z EiIU JSSELS BRANCH 3. F. Rowland. Manager " There will be Holy'; Communion ser- vice' iu St. Jolin's church, Christmas morning at 10.30 o'clock, Last Sabbath morning Barrister Irwin, of Weston, gave a well timed dtscout•se iq.Melville church. on "Fishers of men." In the evening Rev. E. G. Powell a - copied the pulpit andave g a very y prat• tical sermon dealing with the Local pdon question. trip to relatives and friends, . in the O West.. She makes Iter home with her Sunday' afternoon a large ' audience. grendmelber, Mrs.. John 1'ioward,,Turn• assembled in the Town Hall to hear berry street. , Lawyer Irwin, of Weston. He dealt Mrs. N. S. McLauchlan received the trenchantly with "'Phe objections offer - end word that Mrs. Ken. Cousley had ed to Local Option" and answered them. to died at her home in Winnieg on D p ally. ea. A. F, STEWART, Maidstone, Sask. showed us some sample heads of Fife and Freston wheat, one of the latter having 5 grains on each side,. The newland wheat there generally went 3o bus. and over to the acre quality usual' being 2 and 3. Mr, Stewart had bushels of wheat at Maidstone and bushels of oats this year, A LETTER from Richard Bewley, of Moose Jaw, Sask.. a termer well known Morristte, renewing three subscriptions. to Toe Pose says :-"The many friends of Doc. Cunningham, of Brussels, will be pleased to hear that he is doing well from his attack of fever: I was at' the hospital to see him on the 14th int. He had been (here about 8 weeks , then 'and will have some time yet. •• Mr, Cunning ham is comfortable and well treated. Weare all well here wishing you the compliments of the season," Mrs, Chas. Ritchie, of Brussels. is a daughter of Mr. Bewley, and one of his sons is still a resident of the 7111 line, Morris, NEW MAIL CARRIER,- Wm. Oakley, .of Linwood, was the succeesful tenderer for the carrying of King Edward's mail on the Brnssels-Seafortb route and will run a stage line commencing in January. He has bought the residence of the late Thos. McLacchlin and the stable and lot acruss the . street, Turnberry street, North, paying $1700 for the property. He will move bis family to town shortly, 35 years ago Mr. Oakley drove stage to Seaforth from Brussels for the late Wm. Armstrong so knows the territory. The business has` been well looked after while Walter Lowry had the contract. A Linwood correspondent says; -Wm, Oakley, our veteran stege driver. bas been the successful tenderer on the stage line between Brussels and Seafortb, a distance of about sixteen miles, and will leave about the first of the month to be- gin contract. He will also have charge of the rural mail route. The departure of Mr. Oakley and family will be gener- ally regrettedt v 6500 A special meeting of the Board . held 2500 in Beard room last Frida 3 1. r. Cousleyis Mrs. McLauchlin'sg brother. Two children a :ed h.r cors anti t month ontli are left to i' the father's care, Mr. Co • us le wasformer Br usse i l ta. • Brussels School Board the satisfaction 0f many. The chair was occupied by ReyWishart. Mr. The Junior unio r Leaguers of the Metho- distchurch enjoyed au "At Home' at the home of R. A. Pryue, President of the Senior League, on Saturday even- ing. They had a high old time in which Santa Claus made an appearance and catered to the "sweet tooth" of the y evening• youngsters. ersC. Wishart ti Members present, T. Farrow, (chairman) A„ of Melville D. C. Ross. R. Leatberdale, 01. Black church, pleased the Methodist congre- and Jas. Elliott. gation, last Sabbath morning with his The report of Inspector Robb .was sermofrom the text "Carest 'Phoit tigt read as follows ; that we perish ? In the evening the TetTHE Boean OF COlerINDATION SOIIooe • rev. gentlemen conducted the d'evotionai exercises and Mr, Irwin preached from th rich fool."re People We Talk About J. T. Wood has gone on a business trip to the East. • Henry Heist is here on a visit from Grindstone, Mich, Mrs. Geo. Edwards is visitingher daughter at Stratford, George Ross is home from' Ontario Dental College, Toronto. Miss Cora Bell is assisting at Brus- sels postoffice during the holiday rush. Miss Pearl Baeker is home for her vacation from Stratford Normal school. Dr, Fred, Gilpin, of Michigan City Ind:, is here on a visit' to the parental home. Mrs. Griffith, who was visiting ber neice, Mrs. G. M. Mitchell, at Ethel, is back to town. Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard, of London, are visiting with Mrs. Garside over the Christmas holiday. Mrs, James Fox visited Mr Fox at Toronto. He is improving in bealth We are pleased to state. Mrs. W. H. Merklin¢er, of Hanover, nee Miss Ora Gerry, is making a visit tinder the parental roof. le t, Misses Pearl and Laura Leatherda are home from Alma College, S Thomas, for tbeir vacation, Joseph Ennis, wife and child, of Buch- anan. Sask., are holidaying here with the parents of the former, Arthur W. Garside, of Mill street left on Monday last to spend'' bis holm days with friends in London and Detroit,. Ross Stubbs arrived back to towu this week from theWest where he has been house building He spent ' part . o his time at Calgary lately. 1• A. Hunter took part in a publi debate at Ethel last Saturday evening 13e takes quite an interest in this .clas of work as many others should. Percy and Harold Richards are hornfor Christmas, The former is . a Chicago Dental College and Harold i in a bank at East Aylmer, Quebec, W. Platt is home for a holiday visit He has been employed with a bridg building gang so sees a good deal of th country, He is a son of N. and Mrs, Platt, John street, Brussels. Wm, and John Watson, of Kirkwall, Wentworth Co„ are spending the holi- days with their grandfather, Peter Watson, Brussels, and their aunt, Mrs. James Sboldice, of McKillop,Miss' Mary Oliver, .of Winnipeg, arrived on•Friday to spend the Mittel' with her sister, Mrs, ino. Leckie, Kel- vin Grove. Miss Oliver has been. spending a month with her mother 10 T b essalon, Mrs, Albert Carter, of Innisfail, Sask. • 'feint Fulton and wile, of Portage la Prairie,Man., incl Misses Agnes and Margaret Fulton, of Detroit, Ore here on a visit at the borne of fames and Mrs, Fulton, their parents, of Brussels, f c Clocks s From Grandfathers Ooloniai Style e ♦ Quarter -cut Oak t to all kinds Nickle s • Bracelets ♦ All the Newest Designs e „ TausTEEs, BitlrasELs i e partible of ''The ri l '1`t GENTLEMEN, -I beg leave to report choir gavea choice program of Christ- thatI visited your school on November mas music. t6tn and 18tH and Dec. 1611. It would be difficult to find a more comfortable • school in the Province, 'The High BORN School, Depat'tments are doing their Beetle. In Goderieh on Deeembs, 18111, to usual satisfactory work. The equip- Barrister G, F. and Mrs. Blair, formerly of me p- Brismels, a son. ntis quite complete. the Public LosGEOOT.-Insteamed, onDeo, 22nd, to Mr. School Departments are also in a Asti..-' and Mrs. G.•F.Longfoot,adaughter. factory 1 - MARRIED LONe't�•TUOM5ON,-At Nokomis saeli.,. ion Mom, W 1 Deoemher 16th, by Rev. Mr. om, Mr. d 1 Garfield Long, to Miss Alice Thomson. both former Brnsselites, s RDTTAN-SpEL5..-At 'the residence' of the condition. The Teitehers o these Departments are doing faithfu and conscientious work. Your ne teacher. Miss Buchanan is doing goo work- in the Junior Department I wish to compliment the Board on it suocessful and businesslike management cf the school, and for the liberality it bas displayed in providing an excellent library for the High School Deparments and also for agood supply of supplemen tary reading tor the Public ' School . De- partments. Dr. Johnston's direction for educating a boy was to-turn'him loose in a library." If this theory be true, from what I see of the use made of these books, the pupils of this school are being well educated. I slnperely hope that no change may be made in the personnel of the Boardor teaching staff as long as such very "satisfactory work DIED ' LAIDLAW.-In Blyth, on December, 21st, Mei = gsrst Armour, beloved wife of Thos. Laid- I law, oged 87 years' and -8 months. i rides parents,on December 16th, by Rev.L. : to Mali Margares Leonard daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 5. Snell, of Grey. _ I BRUSSEL-S MARKET Wheat $1 00 Oats 8855 Peas 8 ,ley -60 atter 18 is beim done Potatoes . 28 g I- am gentlemen, ,: Potatoes "E y, Your Obedient Servant, Bay 96 11 00 7 40 .18 Inspector of Public Schools, East Huron, Apples 100 D. ROBB, WooHose k 1 Church Chimes 1 There will The People's Column be divine service iu the' Catholic: church, Breese's, next Sunday, 26th inst., at to.3o a• m - 'l`EACHER WANTED for Vnion S. No. Miss Jessie McLauehlin 12, Grey and McKillop, male .8r. female, who has 2nd or 8rd class certificate of qualification. competently filledh the positionof organ. Salary Moyer Duties to eolmn enee ist u Melville church for same years, telt'. hetrd of Jn-11y. Application reserved: up has tendered her resignation. toDea.27th. CHAS, CASE, Walton. Walton. 24.2, 1 00 85 60 21 26 90 11 7 90 0 1 25 s: +•44+ +•)•+.+.+.+.+.+..,.4,.'1'.•14+••M1e+e+.4ro41+.'14+.+. e. Oig♦Vaives ni.XmasPresents• • ... d• A ♦p •P' W. t t ns • • E have received our last • justshipment of Xmas �. Goods ds VW which 1 make our lines complete and we •1. are offering some wonderful bargains in— DiaWatcl]mondses, C 0100128 , ut Glass, Beautiful Band Painted China Manicure Sets in Stir- ling Silver & Ebony Jewel Cases, tuff Links Engraved and Plain •F Novelty Clocks, Violins, - Musical Instruments, *' Pipes, &e , in all lines kept inup to an = * date Jewelry y Store. .�. Watches Jewelry From the Solid Gold Lowest Pearl Set to the Diamond Set . "'fit'. I•Iighest Grade• to any g . design . • Necklets Lockets T. Pearl, Arn•vthesist SEE T. Tortoise, lyrist, OUj1) 4 Matrix and NEW .a vartons others LINE • See our New line of Musical Instruments OPTICAL" 1, LINE -FREE testing aud prices reduced 20 per cent. • Oar Xm as displaywas neverbetter-we Are r cud of our buying, in g'♦'you wmise GIt you don't call andsee our geode -it's a pleasure to show them. • MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED -TRY . W. • Stretton .jeweler and Optician. P issuer of Mai riagge Licensee, FLOP -Repair work guaranteed or money refunded. 1 COMFORTABLE ROUSE AND LOT for sale Mill well, and astreet nnveana ;;aso good Appp1y to G, R, ST17BBS, Brussels, or Tin POST PubllehingHause, - 26.1E S UNNY,BRAE 100: acre farm for. sale, being aid. Lot 14, -(Jon. 8, Morris townehip. 86 acres cleared. On the farm is a good. 2 story. cementcottage, nearly new; cement bank barn 18x00 feet ; 11 acres. orchard-.; good well; Sting creek crosses cornet, of farm. Possession on Natoli let. Fall plowing done. 5 miles from Brussels, 7 to Blyth and tee mile to school. Fara is in good state of oultivatiom: For further pparticulars apply on the premises or to F. S. SOOTT,Bruateis• ALEX. NICROL,: Proprietor, Bruesols P. 0. •��+rtr�lrltw�s�t�■��t®trt�t��l►� New Year Cards tiM • i5 .A 11100 line of Xmas and New •• Year Cards—two for do, Some • for enelesipg in letters and par -.2- .4i; eels at lo. each.• t0» • Card Albums • • Lovely Picture post card albums : r in celluloid and leather and f9 • other bindings at 20, 25, 50, 75, • r $1,00, $1.50 and $1.75 Paoli. d For 'Nothing 3 •Perfumes makea flies ' prolene 0 • wa • anyrp tllneb, only When aolsetirlgtobl'uye .nocareful • • odarS that we kneiy were good • (and you can sample thein your •,. selineslf) but ualdlso thoso that are last- • • ing. Now our 25 and 50 cenb • • cost you Ibis much • 3 to refill them so you are predi- ct, .� cally getting' et glass stoppered':0 bottle and and a nice box for 0 fe nothing. More expensive sizes p s if you wish.' All guaranteed. . Your Your choice: 75c. • • • Notice to • Creditors a i for S In the matter of the estate of Valentine w•at Gramm,''late of the 'l'otdnship of • Grey, in the County of Huron. • 'farmer, deceased;', • Notice is hereby elven pursuant to"The,x'te• •• v'leetiStatutea or Ontario 1897 Olin tor 120 . • at all creditor,and others leaving claims against the estate of the Said Valentine Gramm, who died on or about the 12th day of. Decem- ber, A. D. 1900, are required on or before the 8th da of January, A. D.1510, to send by post prepaid or deliver to W, M. Slnolalr, Esq., of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Bur. on, Solicitor for George Gramm and John EU - clue, the Executors of the .last Will end Testa- ment of the deceased, their Christian 'and gar - names, addresses and descriptions,the full Particulars of their claims, the Statement or their accounts and the nature of the securities ;if any) held by them. And further take notice that after 'such last mentioned date, the said Executors will pro• coed to distribute the 'assets ofthe deceased moonset the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claimsof wbloh they shall then have notice, and that the raid -Executors will not be liable ,tor the: said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons ofwhose claims notice shall not,ilnve' been received at the time of such Dated this Nth day of December, A.D. 1000. 8' W. M.1I080LAIR, Solicitor for the Executors. Take a look at .our assortment la of hair and cloth brushes, qs� beauties in6t rose wood dna ebony. Your 0hofce for 75 cents, some higher. What more to sensible gift than one or both of 00 these •7 • r(89 Dolls and Toys. n • Our stock of toys and dolls 2 el never so dirge as this year itt bas Cl • and more, Come and see them. m • • ,... 9 • • Cd • 6Fox'sr D tog.e • 8) Store Stock for Service D VI DURHAM BULL FOR AEROE.-The unndereigned will keep for service on Lot Con. 4, Morris, the thoro' bred Durham bull 1�Oo Favorite' 1721541 bred by Alex. Gard- iner. Leadbury, which's w ellbrek tracing back to the best fa '11 ALLAN 9 FPETR, Fair- View arm. Proprietor. tf.. LOCAL , OPTION The liquor traffic is Satan's' right arm in every licensed munici ality. Every vote cast in favor of Local Option is a blow struckp right. Every vote cast against Loral Option is a blowstruckGa ai nd the net th best interests ofthe home,- the family, business' and society.Every religious denomination has declared it to be a great curse and one of their greatest enemies. Labor organizations pronounced strongly against it ; and public sentiment is growing stronger and stronger against it every year. But why heap up arguments ? Could any one be coaxed to take the public platform in defence of the open bar ? Not Otte. Isn't thata rather significant fact? All sorts of side -issues are brought, forward.; by the friends of the liquortrama to shift public attention from the main'issue, They speak of the question of accommodation, of compensation, of muni- cipal revenge and consequent increase of taxes, of the failure of Local Option in other towns; of its hurting business; &c, &c. ?'hese questions have all been thrashed out time and again, in other municipalities :where the liquor traffic has been fought and ,where Local Option has carried, These and all kindred questions have been satisfactorily settled, but .re- member they are only side issues, Let the searchlight of public o ioioa be concentrated on the main issue, viz„ the insidious influences and P evils • of the open bat and there can be only one result on Jan. 3rd. Let the electorate be fully seized of the awful fact that the bar -room cannot exist without boys, and the question for every mother and fatlier to decide for themselves is, Am I willing to rite the risk of my boy' being allured into the death-trap 1 Whoever votes against Local Option declares tbat he or she is willing forun that risk. - We hearer great•deal, about Local Option killing the business of a town Tins is a very powerful bluff but it is not, true to feet as man be attested by iuslance after instance, - - Orillia has been free from bar -rooms for a year aud eight months. Numbers of prominent citizens, including men who carry on extensive business, have testified to the material gain that the town has made and to the increase, of business activity and general prosperity. In fact, so well pleased is Oriliia with the results of Local Option that while, 558 people voted for Local Option two years ago, no less than 756 electors' names • went on the Local, Option petition in five days, a few weeks ago. (Local Option carried it''Orillia fwo years ago but wssquashed au a technicality, though the town has been "dry" since) In Ripley, after a three gents' trial of Local Option; the friends of the liquor traffic there could not get nearly enough of names on their petition last Fall to try for a repeal of the Local Option. The following letter from Rev. W. A. Bremner, Presbyterian minister in Ripley, speaks for itself and he vouches for the truth of the statements made LOCAL OPTION IN RIPLEY To Say that Local Option has ,been an unqualified success in -the vil- lage of Ripley is .to state a fact tbat is plain to a11, and admitted by all, both friends and foes alike, We were told it would kill the business of the place. It has had the opposite effect. 'Twenty-one business Bion signed a statement a year ago that Local Option had in no ..wily injured their bus - Mess since it came into force on the first of May, 1907. This was during time of the general depression in trade'wl lich was felt by every town in the Province, "wet' and "dry" alike. • That was a year ago. What is the history of the last twelve months? Business not only never was better in Ripley, but business has been better in Ripley than in the surrounding towns. It is a well known fact, and we are prepared to support' the state• ment with abundant proof, if necessary, that business that was formerly being'done in Kincardine and Luckuow is now being transacted in Rip- ley. it is simply not true, as this experience of Ripley abuudantly; proves, that the farmers, all other things being equal, would rather market their produce in a place where liquor is sold 7 The Farmer will sell bis produce where he finds the best market and 'where he can'. get the highest price, It is an injustice to the flintier, an injustice, he should warmly resent on the third 01 January next, to say that leo prefers the place, where Whiskey is sold. Whiskey is sold in Kincardine aud Lucknow, each only eleven miles distaut.from Ripley. Tet the farmers dtscrimlhate iu favor of Ri ler because since the establishing of opposition in the grain business better prices have prevailed, The attraction of the higher ,price is thus • proving itself greater and stronger than the lure of the open bar. • Another'atte action to Ripley . is the .. alai home -like ke and ai a tooth ct; I Lr le''• sr rabl e ac o c mmoE' talion afforded by the twos lintels in the village. It is safe to say that this accommodation le not excelled by any hotel in an town to the counties of Huron or Bruce. Comfortable sheds and stables bibles ATB provided and the best of meals ar e"ro sei ed Nht ' ber 5E1 no prices S a 5ve' charged bei re L taI Option came faire: the law of supply and de• rand has. regulated the matter of accommodation to Ripley as: it will do In. all other places, • Were more evidence requited that Local Option has been asteccess in Ripley, we bereft in the form of that still boru petition for repeal which hat, doubtless been 1. uE,n buried in the pallet's field where now repose the hopes of those who wished /0 see the bar -roan restored to. its former privileged position. Indeed so well satisfied are the people, the tiler. chants, the batik msnagers and trades o Il mn fall plat. nue especially the s farmers, that only a very few could be induced toplNce their ,inures on the. pv petition for repeal. W. A. BREMNER. s