HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-12-23, Page 5fi
Pause in the rush
f satisfied customers
Larger grow th.e crowds ; more deep the price cutting ; faster and faster the goods are
moving out, day after day, borne away in triumph by the throngs of fortunate buyers.
The most unparalleled success marks the opening of the Third week of Ferguson & Ross'
Customers are coming to Brussels ou the trains. Fer-
guson & Ross r;
within a radius of 20 .miles, of all who buy $ro.00 or over.
Show your return ticket and receive refund.
so utonu
New Goods
which, being on order, have arrived, only to be marked
at sale prices, include all the choicest Novelties
in Christmas Goods intended for the
Holiday Trade..
And et there seems to be no off
in the and
assortment �haeTwo
large stores in one wth ao Ta�loringnd .VantlE 1partments upstais,�what mighty stock,
stool any town might well be proud of. Shelves crammed, tables loaded, drawers filled, to over-
flowing. Show cases displaying the choicest of Fancy Lines. A grand total of almost
most modern Merchandise, all subjected tothe merciless marking
of the .Ruthless Price Cutter,
25,O00%QO of the
Pi Feer more Prices
DRESS GOODS 13.50 Lace Curtains 1.S
�.1.,,.i�. of...�..1� hn.,, been sold
but there
Just to
Hundreds yards have there
are some lines not moving fast enongh to please
us so here goes.
to pieces fancy Dress fabrics, values from q5
6oc. to $1.25, all at one price............r
10 pieces fine quality Dress Tweeds, originally
priced up to 6oc. per yd. They must 33
go all at one price, per yd.. ,........ .
15 pieces 42 in, Amazon -and Fancy mixed Dress
Goods worth up to 3oc, a yd, many very 16
choice dark shades, sale price
Rich figured black effects were sold as AG
high as $x.25 per yd. Sale Price 4"
ro pieces Gingham, regular prices up to 15c. yd.
Many dainty, . stripes and checks, also fancy
Sale Price 9c
Good flannelette, 27 inches wide
Sale Price 5c.
Table Linen, good width, easily worth 35c. yd.
• Sale Price 19c.
Similar reductions on all Higher Quality Linens.
Extra Heavy Towelling, regularly sold at t2ic.
Sale Price Sc.
20 pairs curtains of various kinds, Nottingham,
Brussels, net, etc., regularly priced up
to13,5o pair, your choice while they 501
1.00 Corsets for 39c
These niay not be the very latest models but
most of them would be cheap at double the
price only about fifty pairs left, some 75cQa
lines but mostly $i ones, all for
Everything inthis
reduced but worthy
choicest suits "Fit
for $i5 to $20 each,
large Clothing stock will be
of special mention are the
Rite" Brand bought to sell
your choice .of all
9 only good Tweed suits worth from $S to $ro
each. They will move out in quick time at
what we are Doing
Special-6only muffs, Elec. Seal, Astrachan,
Oppossurn, etc. worth $3.50 each, 1 50
20 per cent, Discount on the New furs
Our furs were marked at such close prices in the
first place that at 20 per cent off they are un
questionably good buying, especially as the fur
market just now is very firm.
The stock of dainty muslins is very large and
varied. They will make very pretty party
dresses indeed. We have divided them into 2
Muslins, that sold at from 25c. to 4oc. Organdies
Dimities etc. in dainty Dresden patterns, 18
sale price.
i5 cent muslins including many pretty de-
signs, sale price ............................... 09
5o Ladies' Waists in lawn and white mull,
prettily trimmed with fine embroidery, laces and
appliques, regular prices from $1.50 to Colla
2.75 on front table to clear at to
Silk and Net Waists
25 of these in many different styles, white and
cream net and silks mostly blacks and whites
regular selling' prices up to $5.00. '
On sale... 2 59
Boys' Fine Shirts
Regular 5o and 75c. values soft and stiff bosoms
white and colored, sizes r2 to 14, a big 25
snap at each....
Mantles and Skirts
There are 39 coats in the lot, many of then per-
fectly up-to-dateand good value at $10.00, your
choice of the lot
The Stock of 'Skirts
is so large and varied that no space is available
for price list. Many will be sold at
Half Price
We Wish eery One
Christmas Linens
Fancy Linen Doilies eaeh
Fauoy Linen Centre Pieces each
Fancy Linen Tray Cloths each..,.
1Panoy Linen Sideboard scarfs each
Special reductions on all higher priced fancy line
Terms Spot Cash'
No goods on approval. Money re-
funded if the • goods are not satisfac-
Very Happy Christmas
° Towels
80 Large bleached diaper towels regular 25e. and 30e, sale
12c price per pair ......... ..... . .......... ....... 19c
12c Special hemstitched linen towels, regular 75c. value for
per pair 49c
16c Turkish towels 42 in. long. They will move out in
ns. 'chick time ab each 10e
Save on your Holiday Purchases by Embracing
the opportunity offered by this Sale
C r New Underwear
For Christman has arrived. We had to accept delivery of
the goods on order and have marked all at sale prices.
New Ties, Mufflers, Suspenders, Shirts, etc., in fancy
Christmas boxes, they are going fast.
Xmas Hankderchiefs
We had prepared well for the demand for plain and fancy
handkerchiefs for the holiday trade. All have been marked
down, many below Dost. Plain Cambric and Linen, et4•
broidered and lace edged, silk and excelda, plain and initial-
ed. An opportunity too great to be missed.
The Firm desire to express their regret
that so many had to leave for home on several evenings last week, without being waited on, and assure the public
ourcountryfriends may b use�ved when theylarrivemei�s. Townspeople are requested to in order
To Save Time
Those wishing to exchange
Goods will please do so be-
fore noon.
c.•• .I•t.•!.4•N•+ea••'i. +•+••a••+ +•41a•s+s•a.•r••ae+••a•r••+••a•ia•.•¢•r►•r11 a.•+••ria•*•II••+•+•+•a•4494.• ••a•s4.9+,+,+,+,.b.+.+4+44 +•+4+•;.•••a••a••a.ea•e4,94•9444,e4••+.4,9 •$644+4494.4114•41,644+44,44+,444)+440+449+9+94.4+++9+44.414.9
Dotter, Eggs, fowl, Dried Apples, Etc,
Taken as cash.
N &