HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-12-23, Page 4c ',xlx stir
I.'4 RNI1z3ztRX VUIINCIL.- 11Iinukes of
Connell iiieeting held in the Clerk's
it 1 Decth Reeve in
LI M tem)
l?AX Dl` Bl'li, c , )
T11UClS 1 J
The December Sessions :of the Peace
and Collett' Cot were opened on'1'itea•
day of last week before bis honor Jtuige
Doyle, the civil calendar having rr cases
and two criminal charges. The follow-
ing civil Cases were disposed of up to
'i'buradny oft ern eon
1 A chi tall
C•r Cul cic vs 41 eyt o & t
GV A )
Win, the iplaintiff, Govenlolk is a
cattle dealer of Seatorth. sod the de-
fendanta a firm of hardware merchants
io Settforth.... The plaintiff. and Mrs.
MecQn in mend entered into an agreement
for the sale to the latter of a certain
property and Mrs. MaoCammond enter-
ed into possession of the property and
had a new furnace iosta led. The de-
feodaets installed the fnraaee and reels
laced ti mechanics' lienagainst the lands.
Mrs. MoCemmond, according to the
statement of claim, not making payments
under her agreement with the plaintiff
he notified her to vacate. A short time
later the defendants had Mrs. MacCam-
mond execute a mortgage in their favor
on the premises to secure the purchase
money of the furnace. Later the defen•
dants removed the furnace and executed
a discharge of themortgage. 'i'Ite action
was brought for $200 damages. The
defendants say they did not sell the old
furnace, and have always, been ready
and willing to deliver the same to the
plaintiff. They also say that Mrs. Mao
Camtnond had paid the plaintiff largely
in excess of what he gave her credit for
on account of the .property, and at the
time when the furnace was removed she
was entitled to deal with the lands and,
allow the defendants to remove the furn-
ace. J. L. Killoran, forpiaintiff ; Wm,'
Proudfoot, K. C., and R. S. Hays for
Wallace vs. Irwin. -An action by
Robert Wallace, of the township of
Howick, against W. A. Irwin, post-
master of Gorrie, for assault and defen-
tion. According to the writ the plain-
tiff, on April 28th 1908. at the request
of the defendant, went to see him
at the postoface, and was invited into
the office that the defendant
locked the door and assaulted him.
The defendant says that the plaintiff
first assaulted him, and that the al-
leged assault was in self-defence.
Trial of this action was postponed, on
account of the- absence of plaintiff.
Chas. Gamow for plaintiff . R. Van -
stone for defendant.
Barnard & Pope vs. Taylor -An ac-
tion for balance of account 'for work.
done and . material supplied by the
plaintiffs for the defendant in and
about the erection of a dwelling. The
defendant is F. 0. Taylor, of the town-
ship of : Howick. On application of
the defendant trial of this action was
postponed to the next jury sittings for
this court. R. Panstone, for
plaintiff ; D. Holmes, K. C., for de-
fendan t.
County Attorney Seager bad two
criminal cases, one being a charge of
stealing some grate bars and old iron
revel .Logan's brick yard in Goderich
township, preferred against William
Bird, the lessee. The trial resulted in
acquittal L. E. Daucey for the de-
John W. Cook, who had been a
porter at the Bedford Hotel, was ar-
ranged on a series of charges of steal-
ing front the store room and sample
rooms. A whole trunkful of articles
' samples, were found.
mostly travellers p ,
in his room when he had been locked
up 00 .a charge of being disorderly.
Re pleaded guilty before the court
and was remanded for sentence, Mr.
Seager meantime making enquiries
concerning him when a resident of
Dana MR: Enrroa.-At a meeting of
the School Board, Wednesday night.
December 8tb, it was decided to accept
my resignation and give me leave to
enter upon my duties at Brantford Col-
legiate on'Janaary 3rd Igto. In order
to obtain this favor the Board reduced
my salary by $44 90, because they stat-
ed my resignation had not been placed
in their hands as early as November
30111, Had it notbeen I was called home
on Nov. 2gth, owing to the severe ill-
ness of my father, which resulted in his
death on December ist, my resignation
would have been in not later than the
above date, In such case the Board
could still reproach me, as they stated,
with not sticking to the letter of the law,
I wonder do they always do this? I
came here last January receiving a year-
ly salary of $75o. Last lune salary was ,
increased toff/30o, to commence Italy 1st.
therefore 6 0,
is iii �
My total salary7 9 9.
The Board compelled me to sign a state-
ment accepting $725 in full in order
that I have the privilege of leaving on
December 22nd although I agreed to
accept $75o as a salary in full or to re-
turn to Blyth and teach until February
1st, when I would go to Brantford.
With regard to two primary teachers
they were hired until the close of the
ptesent term tor $385 each. At a meet-
ing of the Board, November 8th, they
decided to increase the salary of each
primary teacher to $4So. to begin July
1St Igoe. In tbis 3 wonder WAS the
Board sticking to the letter of the law 7
It is seldom we hear of teachers being
lured over again after being in the em
ploy of >a Board for 4 months, at an Ad-
vance of salary covering that period. It
seems to make considerable difference
to the Board who the teacher is. Board
stated they considered I had done em
duty from the first day I entered the
school. Do they for one moment think
they have done their's? Had I not done
so the. Boned would bave treated me
with more respect for they would doubt..
less have given me a month's notice and
paid'me in full but -•when they got their
first opportunity to take advantage of
me ,they did it and did it well. Board
States they are sorry' to lose me, perhaps
they are for I scarcely think they will be
able to de the next. Principal to the
extent of $44,9o. For the benefit of the
Board and the public 'may say that
titin is the first instance in my life where
tt Board did,;not pay my salary in fall.
Yburs truly,
' A, B, F}AS'rcOTT.
Blyth, Det. ISfh 1909.
4 05, inevet e,. et:,. 0.
tola meeting
Ll 1 all (F of St e 1
l e alio! Al.im o g
reed awl adapted on anolioe of Messrs
Jieily and Wheeler. A. communioa-
tion was xetttl re assessment of Wing-
bani Electric Lights. Moved by Nle.
Rutherford, seconded by Alr. Mc-
Miehoal that Messrs. Kelly and
Wheeler he appointed a committee to
attend the Council 'meeting inWing-
ham and make a settlement, If pos-
sible, as we do not wish to incur law
expenses if it eau be avoided. 'Car -
1 B a f
the Local Oa) 0
ried. 't o a
z Rem o1
was read which shows that
only one ease of infectious or con
tagioue diseases had been reported
and no nuisances had been reported
for the current year in the Municipal-
ity. Moved by Mr. MoMieheal, eee-
onded by Mr. Wheeler that repp 9' Mie
adopted. Carried. Moved hy
seconded by Mr. Wheeler that,
the motion of meeting re Union
School Section on North boundary be
rescinded and no action taken in the
natter until further enquiry be made
as to the signatures to the petitions
presented at last meeting. Carried.
The Treasurer laid the Annual State-,
ment of the Reeve and Treasurer be-
fore the Council which shows a bal-
ance of cash on hand of $1433.00.
Mooed by Air, Kelly, seconded by Mr.
Wheeler that Statement be adopted
and Clerk get 300 copies printed for
distribution to ratepayers. Carried.
Thos. Bolt addressed the Council ask-
ing damages for injury to horsy and
buggy from accident on 0th con. line
near Gem mil's bridge, caused by horse
being frightened by an open telephone
post hole on side of road. Laid over.
A number of accounts were paid. '
J eo. BURGESS, Clerk.
A few Blythites attended the Liber-
al annual meeting at Brussels Thurs-
day of last week. In the numberwere
J. McMurchie, T. T. Sloan, E. Living-
Win. Elder, who has been farming
near Brandon, Manitoba, for the past
10 or 12 years, was here for a short
visit with his uncle and aunt, village
Clerk and Mrs. Eider. Thevisitor was
en route to Quebec to enjoy a holiday
visit with his mother.
The Goderich Stat treats a former
Blythite to this Christmas compli-
ment 2--A.
ompli-ment2-A. E. Bradwin, formerly of
the Blyth Standard, has purchased
The North Star at Parry Sound, and
announces that it will continue the
good old straight Reform cause, so
that his former "independence" will
go for naught: Although a Reformer
at heart, he "played to the band" to
such an extent that his Blyth Con-
servative friends pleaded for his ad-
mission to a Conservative convention
at, Smith's. Hill some years ago. Mr.
Beadwin is just as good a political
fakir as could be turned out.
DIBCONTINMNo. From' Dun's 11111101
Bulletin, of Deco0lbelr 10111, we notice
that W, R. MacBeth, a formerlyth
starekeepeL, who sold to G. M. Oilaw-
bort} & 0o., is discontinuing his general
Y Hallll next 1u l
and h
o r
The Nomination hour is 12 to 1 but tatue in S elxato01
what the candidates have to say.At dNomination1lemeetinqq in
the oratorical departtneut will be ad-
journed until the evening, You often
hear the question now "A.re you going
to run 2"
MAXIM -The Preaidentand Officers
of the Blyth branch of the Upper
Canada Bible Society deeiro to ex-
press their thanks to the collectors on
the various divisions for their
prompt returns and no doubt will be
pleased to hear that the total contri-
butions are in advance of last year by
a respectable sum,
Wednesday evening of last week the
Blyth Agl. Society Directors met at
Mason's hotel to attend to business.
`matters, The society had about $200
to the good this year. A Spring Fair
will be held, date to be named later.
Fall Exhibition dates are set for
Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4
and 5. Board is in goodheart and
will make it big push foe next year.
Tbe unusual feature of two choirs at
one service will he in evidence next
Sabbath evening at the Methodist
church`in the rendering of Christmas
hymns, carols and anthems. Miss
Fluody has trained them for the oc-
casion, The regular choir will take
their accustomed places and the other
choristers will be seated in the gallery
of the church. Rev. Mr. Cooper will
give an address.
evening a genuine good time was
spent e,t the Methodist Sabbath school
annual entertainment which was held
in the church school room, A good
program was rendered by the pupils
assisted by J. Lyons, of Londesboro',
who gave a Local Option recitation.
The pastor's short address was befit-
tingthe occasion. The chair was oc-
cupied by 0. H. Beese, the well known
Superintendent. The juniors were
treated to sweetmeats. inhere was a
large attendance.
SEEMS To BE F015» or Leay.-The
celebrated Piggott case has been
settled nut of court the 0. P. R. agree-
ing to give Mr. Piggott $1'75,000 and
each side to pay their own costs. The
costs of the C. P. R. will be much
heavier as expert witnesses were
brought from China, England, Schrie-
bex', Montreal, Red Deer, Alta, and
other places. Clay models of the ex-
cavations iu the Attril bank atGode-
rich were made. Two engineers have
done nothing for two years but pre-
pare evidence. The reported evidence
amounted to 3300 pages. Thele were
about two cords of evidence contain-
ing 50,000 letters, I200 plans, etc. The
original claim was for $500,000.
• •••0••°s•'447••-1.•r••1••-b♦4'•+•4.•.v-1••4••+•9•+.+•+•+•+•4.•+•+•
9 •
hristinas presents
Our new goods are now here. We bought ht at clos-
est prices direct from the manufacturer and can save
you money on
-Pearl Rings,
-Signet Rings,
4. -Watches,
• -Gold Cuff Links,
-Fobs, Lockets,
+ -Watch Obains,
•• -Stick Pins,
4. -Spoons,
• -Mugs,
+ We carry a large line of Clocks, Silverware, 1847 Rogers Bros.'
• Knives, Forks and Spoons, Violins etc.
• Our first ambition is to see that our Jewelry is of a quality that
.•1, will wear. Our prices are as low as the lowest.
H. L. JACKSON, Jeweler •
o••4e•401+0•34 0.14'♦+♦4+a•+♦••••••+•♦♦94+$+•4••✓r•+•+♦+ ••
-Dollar Pins, -Pearl Sunbursts.
-Duff Links, -Belt Pins,
-Blouse Sets, -Bracelets,
-Watch Chains, -Umbrellas,
-Fobs, -Hair Receivers,
-Brooches, -Sewing Sets,
-Pearl Crescents,
-Tie Clips, -Fine Umbrellas,
-Signet Rings, -Pipes,
Peat•I Set Tie Pins, -Safety Razors ,
-Stone Ser, Rings,
-Emblem Pins,
-Rings, -Chains,
-Bracelets, -Lockets, etc.,
ehristmas 1909 at
4t.. Grewar's
Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Almeria Grapes, New Dates,
New figs, New Raisins, New Nuts, Cranberries, Oysters
3142 California Seedless oranges
As usual at this season of the year
.everyone eats Oranges and they want
them sweet and juicy. We have both
quality and price to suit everyone,
from 25e to 00c per doz.
Makea nice Xmas Gift and we have
some good bargains in good Pipes.
Try Bolhraok's Punch Sauce
an your Xmas : Dinner
Good Money gets Good Cheese
and We have lots of Cheese,
Agent for Hunt's Fine Chocolates & inc Bons
We have some very fine boxes in
beautiful designs, from 250 to 55.00 a
box. They make sweet Xmas presents
and every girl likes Chocolates, Boys
take a loop in.
PerrIn's Goods are the Best
Call and see the grand display of
Perrin's Candies and Fancy Cakes.
Nigh Class Cigars
The best that money. can buy.
Gents liken good Cigar at Xmas time.
See the nice Boxes we have.
A Snap in Raisins
Pi extend to our many customers and friends the heartiest good
'1 wishes for a &terry Xinas and Lt bright and 'prosperous New
Year, . Yours very truly,
TH ..,w
Suits and Dvercoats
for fall and Winter Wear
E'RE striving to win new
patrons by' Superior
Clothes Quality ; etl'iv-
ing to win you, W ' ou Sir,if
you have not alredy
tied to this store. 'We cannot
hope to win your patronage
by quoting prices, however, 4
for shdnld we mention $10.00,
$12.00 or $15.00 as some of our
Snit and Overcoat prices you
would say at once, Other
stores quote these same fig-
ures," and it is true that they
It is for this very .reason
that we ask you to call and
see, for you'll never be able to
judge of the goodness of our
clothes and the fairness of our
prices in any other way, see-
'ing is proof positive. We sell
the 20th Century Brand Cloth-
ing. The best fitting and self
retaining clothing on the mar-
ket. Also snits and overcoats,
made to order.
We also handle the Pea-
body Overalls and Smocks. the
best made in Canada.
Our stock of Furs, Caps,
Shirts, underwear and Sover-
eign Shoes cannot be beaten
for quality and price ; if thele
were better wearables made
we would not rest until we
secured them.
We have a full line of
"Barrington" and "John B.
Stetson" Hats. Call and in-
spect our lines of Neckwear,
Hosiery. Gloves, Silk Hand-
kerchiefs and men's special-
The Only Exclusive Men's Clothing Store in Brussels
IyT is now only a few days until Xmas and no doubt
you have been many times asking yourself the
"How can I please the boys ?"
or "I
wondr what shall I get fr those good girls this
Xmas ?"
"There's nothing too good for them"—but at the same
time it is not always the most expensive that give them the
greater pleasure. In our extensive range and many lines of
different articles we can supply you with something'to -please
the young or old.
For Little Folks
We might suggest Picture Handkerchiefs at 2c to 5c each (snore
pleased than if they got a hundred acre farm), or say a pan' of
mitts, Gloves er a pretty Ribbon, a pair of Boots or Slippers. •
The Older Girls
Might prefer a pair of !Cid Gloves, a pretty Embroidered Hand-
kerchief, a new dress or a pair of hockey Boots. or a nice Fur.
For. the Boys
Geta Sweater, Tie, Collar, 'Braces, Handkerchief, Rubbers or
Leggings, 0r a New Overcoat,. See our wool -lined Mocho Gloves
for boys at OOc per pais.
For the Ladies
Wo might mention Dress Goods, Silks, Waistings, Fancy Col-
lars, Bette, angel y, Gloves, Mitts, Felt Boots or Slippers, Ftrrs
of all kinds, &c. See our Handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c, 15e, 25c, '85c,
50c, 2 for 25c, and 2 for 35c. Also, Neck Drillings, Fancy Collars
and Belts in fancy boxes suitable for gifts, at 25e, 35c, 600 & 75c.
The Gentlemen
Would appreciate Shirts Ties Collars Braces ' Lined Gloves,
Mufflers, Bcota or Slippers.ee our special i
Shirts at 1.25 ; Braces at 25c and 50c ; Ties a(lents' Xmast 25c and 50c•
Mufflers at .
50c.75c and. $1.00Handkerchiefs 8 for 25c, and 2 for
rn :
25c ; Collar.
Don't forget our Reduced Prices on Furs of all hinds, Fur and
For -lined Coate.
The Biggest
and Best Bargains we have ever given are now
offered on
all Ladies' and Girls' Cloth Coats and Men's and Boys'
Overcoats arid Suits. You make a rniatake if you don't see tient.
No Fancy Prices EveryEverythingCh®ap
Enjoyable Xmas to All
. ., Y** .'
00000000090000000000000e0e 0040001)0000t9OOODOOOSCtOSSOOoft
: Choice, at close prices. and file kkindthat
•• are sure to please,
�.o o Boys' Watch is a
o Cali In and see our well assorted Stock and
Savo Money.
e V•0 ones
The groat practical training nahool of Ontario, We offer advenisges not offered
elsewhere in Canada, We have three departments, Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy, Oar teachers are experienced, our courses thoroughand practical,. and
our graduates aneaeed.
We assist graduates to positions, The applications we received during the past' few
days would sm•pi'lae you. Writeus for parttotlars.
Throughout danoda and the United States We school 1s aohnowled god to be the
Brent training5nlroot for Business College teachers.. The demand 119011118 for teachers
is many. tines the supply. You may enter our olaa685 at any time. Winter term from
January 8rd. Write forour free catalogue and get particulors. ..Write to -day.
D.A. McLachlan, Principal.
:,Xmas eomes Soon•
Our Photo raphs are more than good Photo-
ra hs they are True Portraits, bringing out all u ,
• that's best in character and individuality. s
Geta dozen for, Xmas .Presents.. Make your
appointments now and avoid the holiday rush.
Sittings taken early 1n the day are the best, Post Cards 3 for 5e.•
44.0•44'II••+•941+•+•44+0+•+•9•.H♦+•+•+♦+0.1'• 4••♦•3•.044.04+0 •A
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Archibald
McNeil, late of the Township of
Grew, in the County of Huron, farm.
er, deceased.
Notice ishereby given pursuant to "Tho
Revised Statutes of Ontario,' 1897, section 05,
chapter 129, that all creditors and others hay-
ing claims against the estate of the said Archi-
bald McNeil who died on or about the 25th
day of October, 1909, are
required on or be-
fore the letday ofJanuar, A.D.1810, to send
by poet, prepaid, or deliver to Julia Ann Mc -
1 ri or t W. M.
Neil, Oranbrook �P. O ,
Ontario. o
Sinclair, of then,VillageSolicitor oBrussels, d the
County o[ Huron, nae for said Ad -
full particulars
their mans and their
addressesli with
full went of the in accounts
their cthe
statement o[ their acoonnta and the nature of
the security (if any) held by them.
And further take notice that after such last
mentioned- date the said Administratrix will
t deceased
che assets he
proceed ed todistribute
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which she shall
then have notice and that the said Administra-
trix will not be liable for the said assets, or any
part thereof, to any person or persons of whose
claim notice shall not have been received by
her at the time of enah distribution.
Dated this 18th day of December, 1909.
24.3 Solicitor for said Adininist
The People's Column
V. SAna.-Goad cellar, water and fruit trees,
Enquire of R. T. 111NGS9.0N, or P. 0. twain.Brussels. ,
COR SALE. Nine acres of land with a good
brick cottage, bank barn and other out
buildings, •e, a
loo good cod orah
nrd. For further
particulars apply.Lo A. J. M. Helm or Mrs.
.0 0. billing, Oranbrook.
TRAYED on the premises of the undersign'
ed, Lot 18, Con. 11, Grey, on or about Oct.
10th, a steer coming two years old. The owner
is requested to prove property,
a expenses
end take him away. SAMUEL BALFOUR,
28-4. Oranbrook P. 0.
MULLS FOR SALE. -Two young Short Horn
Bulls, both fit for service, for sale. Good
pedigrees and all right in every way. For fur.
Cher particuhnre apply to JAS. SPF11R, Lot 80,
Cwt. 8, Morris. or Brussels P.O. 41-tf
FARM FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 80, Oooces-
cion 14, Mo%illop, containing 127 acres.
This is a first-class farm with good buildings
and adjoins the 'Binge of Walton. Apply on
the premises or address W.J. RYAN, Watton
P. 0. 21-10
FOR SALE. -House and Kneen of land with
fruit trees large barn, poultry house and.
woodshed. Rouse contains parlor, sitting
room, dining room, two bed rooms, kitchen,
Suinmer kitchen and pantry down stairs f ave
bed rooms up'atalrs ; largo cellar with Dement
floor and heated by e
cheap. MRS.. LEWIS MaDONALD,ill Waltonld.
FARM FOR SALE. -Trio undersigned offers
for sale hie 100 acre farm being 9;4 Lot 26,
Con. 4, Morris. Farm is all cleared and in
good condition, All Fall plowing done end 9
acres of wheat in. About 40 pores eeeded.
Good bank barn and frame house. 2% miles
from Brame's. For further particulars apply.
to ARTHUR KERR, Proprietor, or 1F. S.
SCOTT, Brussels. 19-tf.
ACRE FARM Fon SALE, -The un -
1 ClO dersigned offers for sale, Lot number
six to the sixth Oonaession of the township of
Grey. This farm is excellently situated about
three miles from Brussels. About 70 pores
cleared, mostly underdralned. 26 acres eoeded
down. Good orchard, frame house end barn,
and twogood. well, School house on thefarnt.
This place must be sold and posseseton given
to Butt the ppurchaser. For particulars oto„
apply to THOMAS, GARNISS, Prep.. Brussels
P. 0., or to A. H. MONTEIIH, Vendor's Soli-
citor, Brussels, Ont. 28•tf.
FARM FOR SAL19,-Tho undersigned offers
for sale, his 100 acre farm, being Lot 80,
Con, 10, Grey. About 70. acres cleared,, balance
a seed-
rel plowing gllwh
eat 81 Cres
hi swamp, 8 ao
fd mdown.a fr 5111 11050is beingkbarn,do ri On the
farm o a and anddril bunkbarn,driving shed,
good ,churchanddrillot. For robe tp post-
oflloe, ohm�ah and school. For further widow
lam apply to JOHN OSBORNE, Proprietor,
or F. S. Scott, Brussels.
CAERE FOR -SALE,-The 100 acre aim, e-
rr Mg the property of the late Peter McNeil,
Lot 25, Aon.' 19, Grey, is offered for sale by the
undersigned. There are 86 acres cleared, bal-
ance well timbered. On the farm. there is a
good bank barn, large driving shed and a Com -
Sortable house. Plaee in goodcondition and
well fenced. For further p�artioalaro apply to
JAS. A. idoNAIR or JAS. D. MoNAIR, Exec-
utors, Oranbrook P. 0., or F. S. SCOTT, Brus-
100 The undersigned desires to sell his
100 aore farm. Lot 8 don. 2, Grey.. Gond
house and barn, orchard, &o. Pince well
watered and well fenced ; all seededdown
from JnmesEoa
n and
t to acres. 2 m es
f� nob f school. - to enan
ins ape! to tenant
o • write
offers.0osFor further articular. S. apply t
to Joseph Comnbes, Myth, or Fr S. Scott, Brns'
tar Gracery
\ \�
We invite vett to call and see our
stock of Christmas goods. We
have a fust -class line of fresh
groceries and fruit for the Christ.
Inas trade. Fresh Raisins, Cur-
rants, Oranges, Bananas, Figs
and Dates. We always handle
the best we can procure and at
lowest prices. Call and leave
your Order for Christmas Grocer-
ies and we feel sure you will he
well satisfied.
Our lines of Confectionery speak
forthemselves, they are unequal-
We also have a splendid display
of fancy goods, stationery and
toys. Call and see us before buy
ing•elsewhere. You will be able
to make a host of people happy "„
with little money.
Highest prices paid for Butter,
Eggs and Fowl.
W. T. Spence
To Machinery Users
and farmers i
4. rP7Tw'i'7��eT'
• 6'
The Newt Machine Shap of the
I. and MACHINE Co.
• ♦
is now ready for business, and,
♦ with good machinery and Skilled 0
iMechanics, we are in a position 42
to attend to your repairs prompt- •
• ly and at, reasonable rates: 0•
• If you will let us know your 00
• •wants we will give you honest p
FORTABI.residence and 3, nate of 2' advice and, help if connected +
COMI➢ land, being La 212 Albert street, Brun. •with Machinery'.
eels for cola. Benno is WWI haat, with all con- ♦ G.ivo us. a trial atm, bycoming •
vonlenoes end poseeesion could be given at g •
once, For farther particulars apply on the to Bi'ltasela, save time and money •
premises tb Mrs. Jas. Ferguamn, or D. For- for yourselves, •
guson, Teeewater. 11.•
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welt SALE OR TO RENT. -Tire ufadersigned 2
offers hie well !coated proper net' s02 Iael6 r1 11 � I j"� tJ, JAMES;
forSalom orient, otlso, nit xScacme Htland .Ica Illi 10.11 6/JVi
ivlth Oomioctutile houen, with oolhnr, stxblo, z
ahbhard, well, &o, Possession given at mice.
For price terms and other information imply e Ml1l s'h'eet b`rUstlels A
to JAS. price,
()Linton or THE POSY
Ornaaele, THOS. mama"), Langdon, Nath •
Dakota. ; •••••••••••00.000•00••••••