HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-12-23, Page 31; BUSINESS CARDS, a " 11, M0001340111i',•-•• • I.p90or of Montage e , a lag 000ouaes, 0• t;Vroppxy, A`Nxilhex atreot, /414106010. ]fY. K. O. ' 7-• , M, tinsels 0Tont ot too lda0cah000. No, 24 held their 8860l8r meetings to ON bodge. Boom, nae4er Stool, on the loo cad Ird '1'peaday aVeulaga of 014911 =QUO. Visitor. AMY/Fp. wo1o01Ae, A, SOURitlif Ooln, 4,MoGUf0iE,'R.72, MViVI. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND TSSTJEIt. ole' MAJ,tRIAGE LICEN848, 3 Mee In the Fest.: UMce, Ethel, B0.4 . JAMES HARRIS, l Agent Howiok.Mu Mutual t a ]ire Insurance Company OMoe and 8osldenoo- WALTON, ONfi, JOHN SUTH1:RLAN C< <060801301<, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. S. "SCOTT AS AN AUCTION 1 • sea,'wm men for bettor prices, to hotter en in k 0 leas time and less olror or .than any ether Anot +' g 9 t ihanything. is Last Boron ror e won't ohargo range Datthis office err by Alencaalwayp ll arranged at this oIDoe or 4y pexaoaalapplloatioa. ROST, H. QARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County., Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the Ofaee.02 Tan 1.0sT, Brussels, 2261 LEDAL AND• CONYEYANCINI.. UT M. SINCLAIR- V Y • Bar<leter, Solicitor,.Conveysneer, Notary Public, die. 'Ofleo-Btewart'e Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, pliOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIO, ETU. W. Pa DD 0 8002. $, O. R. O. BAYS G, F. BLeIB Omoes-Those formerly ocoupled by -Messrs Cameron 4 Bolt, 0000 000, ONTARxo, DENTISTRY • DR.., R. -P. PEILD. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and First-olasaHonor Graduate of Toronto University. Moe next to Brewer''. Photo, Gallery, Brussels. IS"Will visit Ethel on the end Monday of each Month-. Best Place in Canada For superior 'Business and Shorthand education is the progressive rb , at Sir ti Graduates of this College readily 9 obtain ohotoo positions. The demand 1. for our graduates is fully five times the / supply. Winter term opens JamBrd.. 4 New catalogue free. W. 4. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor, Yonge &Alexander ata, Toronto. tea, taa ta YaVaelVaitaarsmalda` ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers TO LIVERPOOL -- From St. John Front Halifax Resperian., Deo, .17 Deo. 18 Tunisian Dec. 24 Deo. 25 Corsloian • Deo. -'81 Jan, 1 Grampian Jan. 7 'Jan. 8 BOSTON 70 GLASGOW Numidian DSc. 24 7 a. m, Ionian Jan. 7 7 a. in, TO HAVRE d3 LONDON, From St. John Brom London Corinthian " Deo. 15 Dec.17 Sardinian. Deo. 20 Deo. 01 RATES. OF PASSAGE .According to steamer. lar Class -070 00 080 00 and upward. Hid Class - 40 00 46 00 47 50 50 00 Bra Class - 28 50 27 60 For full particulars -of -rates and mailings' apply to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels. e• . w.a....♦.......e....♦ ♦ ♦ e •Z lWorneu •, . •2 IandirIs e • WANTED • • • �♦ • ns machine operators and for other '- factory worn Good winos21311 • steady employment. Write us. R • The. Clinton Knittingt It, Co., t 8Utaidlest; CAlrr,ie MI$$ BERTHA • ARMSTRONG T i r'. gotq to or" Plpnq. to ;i dlo at Oart 0 10 f e e to e or the stanc?tlyd Bank. Bl e ei'e. doorl2 MIS$ PERLE SHAi0Pe 0105 passed ssed 0100330009J05 3 0 6009114 elcnmtntt.. Phe ?l0nurerte DOpartmottt gI 04910• tanto pottservatery et 40010, and Is prepared 00 mite Puling at her upme, Princess 0reei ' A. H. MONTE/rH Berrloter, Solicitor, Notary, Lite,, 006030000 to A•B. Mao4onald, Odleo over Standard Sauk, OR. T. 7, M' RAE liooheler or Mediolne, University of Toronto ;, Licentiate and Graduate of the Collage 01 l'.hy, Bieiane and Surge005, : Ont, POat-'Pad0Ote Ohlopgo Eye, Ear, Noue-and "Ithroat 408p1101, Obiaa_go, Ill, -Rouse "Surgeon do St.. 018018' pal's 00pital Toronto,' Office over J.P.12. lunith's Drug, Store. Tete - Lone o , n Tele- phone 0 A10otio with ;Uran41'ookaroall bourn. , OR, HAMILTON Don*41 Burgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto Uldveraity ; hicentlate of 13oya1 Canoga ot Dental surgeons, of Toronto.' Office over J. 9J?. Boss'' store, Brneeels. t�rwill visit Wroxeter the. first and third Mondays and Corrie the second and fourth Mondays of each month,, DR, WIRDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Cottage, Day and night calls. Cilloe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel., GININl0 TIMMS z !az Trap BRUSSELS GOING Souza GOING Nonoa Mall 7:05 a m Express 10:65 arta Express 11;25 a m Mail 1:44,p m Express. " 1:02 p m Express 8:69 p In eaxaStax f).2 MAW WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express 7;41 a m I Express ......... 12:11 a m Express8:00 p m Express 9:15 p m - HURON CO, COUNCIL County Council of Huron opened its December session at 3 o'clock on Tues- day afternoon, 7th inst.,'and concluded at noon of Friday. .The following is a summary of the business transacted : FIRST DAY -TUESDAY Comma i n cation awes` read as follows ws and referred to appropriate committees From Good Roads Association, asking l;ouecil'toappoint delegate to inter- view the Ontario Government ou the matter of good roads. From Centralia, asking that it be made a police village, Order of County Judge, placing Robt. McLeod, ' Mary E. Jones, Thomas F, Jones and Ida Jones, indigent children;" under the protection of the Children's Aid Society. Letter from Col. Wilson, showing number of men of 33rd Regi- ment in camp. Financial statements of East and West Huron i+.ariners' Insti- tutes. Tenders for coal for Court House and other offices. Statements from Cbosley and Harriston High Schools, showing amounts .due them by the county for attendance of the couu- tie's pupils, Statement from the Educa- tion Department, showing changes in the School Act, etc. Letter from South Huron Teachers' Association. Request of the Huron Law.;Association,. for more shelving. Request of T. C. Brandt for use of Court House for German Sabbath services. WVEDNESDAY A latter was read from 'I'. E. Durnin, regarding the Inspector granting,ex- tension of certificate. Report of treas- urer, re sale of debentures, was sent to F]nauce.. Moved by _Messrs. Geiger and Reid, that all .continuation and fifth book classes that have not been.paid'the double grant from 0170 county, according to Legislative grant, be paid as soon OS possible. To Education committee. A motion to ,memorialize the Legislature t0 o amend enc l the Asylum -Act that no. Y indigent usque person shall gbe commit- ted rami - o t ted to any asylum without the consent of the head of the municipality, was sent to Special committee. b ..'.Metcalf ad- dressed the Council in reference to the county exhibit at Toronto, and was accorded a Hearty vote of thanks, Re- port of Dr, Bruce Smith, Provincial Inspector of Jails, was read and sent, to Property committee. Report of Coun- ty Engineer was read and sent to Road and Bridge committee. - Moved by 'Messrs. Medd and 'Stothers, that the' bridge known as Dickie'S bridge, be- tween Huron and Bruce, be built this year, if the engineer thinks it necessary. Messrs. Smith and Reid moved that the county erect guards on the Bayfield bridge. Moved by Messrs. Medd and McEtvan, that whereas this Council is desirous of promoting and encouraging the building of , good roads Within the county, and whereas it was deemed in- expedient to adopt provincial aid, as proposed by the county' road system, be it therefore resolved that this Council pass a By -law granting each township in the county $5o, to be given la four prises, to the statute labor beats per. forming the greatest amount of work and the most efficient labor on their respective roads ; townships to be divid- ed into ivided'into two sections, making a first prise of Sts and a second of $ro in each sec- tion, the beats winning the prizes to have the extra'' amounts spent on their beats, Moved by Messrs. McEwan and Medd, that a wind break be put ou the bridge crossing the Maitland rivet at Auburn, These motions all seat to Road and Bridge committee, Moyed. by Messrs, Watsonand Reid, that W. McCreath, caretaker, be requester] to be 1n constant" a Atte dance at this and all future meetings of the Council, and that his name be placed on the regular pay list, Sent to Executive, Moved by Messrs. Shearer and Haiustoek, that the words in the present cummitnteut'forms to the House of Refuge be changed 8o as to read, d ,' el 1 I� as len I e a resident of this county one year." Seat 20 House of Refuge committee, Ti-URSDAV Report of Dr, Bruce Shlith; respect• fug inspector's report of Hoese of, efuge committee. Annual report of spectot of Eiouse of Refuge was clic- ributed among the members. Aioved y Messrs. Geiger and Gellow, that a grant of $too bo made to Ml's. Hines, f Hensail, wlso is c7est]tute, 35)]33[7 and ufferin , to enable her to receive roper 1fo5 it 1 tae ' IGU.nitod •OLtNTON, °NT, ♦♦ • ♦ s p p a 1 atinent,. To Tltecu Ko+4•$•4•.,+.+++N...Ns+ p tiyacommittee, The Warden 911 behaif of the Council, presented, Mr, I.,eekie with a pipe and smelting Mend, ' ldr. Leckie replied, d , Re arts of Edu at' n , Property, Finauc o nuExecutive d matt" 'Dittoes lead and passed," Report of House of Refuge Committee was passed, cpt dl which was amended to rexeade, "'I'hatans'. thae balance of $70,21 ftlr 01?e Maintenance of the late Peter Sinclair 10 the House of Refuge be concealed," Report of Dos, Milne, Galluw and Smith, regarding the establishment of a Special building In conneceion with the House of 'Retitge for the care of indigent consureptives, passed. Report of Special committee passed, Moved by M'lessrs. Smith and Parks, that the ac - Count of Drs, Bremerson and Turnbull, re Effie Ray ogee, be referred back to the Finance committee for Fecomm0Acla tion, Carried. saved by Messrs. Leckie and M9i0ay, that the several pro. - parties covered by mortgages and held by this coulty as security for the county treasurer, be valued at the expense of the county, and that Robert McLean, of Goderieli, and F. S. Scott, of Brussels, be the valuators in such ease, and that they receive $$ per day each and ex peuses for such valuation, and that they report such valuation to the eouuty clerk,' so that it can be submitted to Executive at Jauuary meeting of the Council, , .F1t1DAY Road and Bridge committee rose and reported that the clause referring 10 windbreaks ou the county ° bridges be amehdedo t read •- l l ' 1 atand breaks v br 5 e s beerected on all county bri d e s requir- ing 3389 such to retain the snow- this to be done when in the opinion of the engin• eer it is advisable. That minor uunici- cipalities having pot wind breaks on iron bridges in 1908 be paid by, county for cost of same, that Mr. Hill be paid the amount of his acc0nut."" Second re• port of Finance committe read and pass- ed. The bylaw to create the village of Centralia into a police village; was pass- ed. Moved by Messrs. Moyer and Geiger, that this Council desire to ex- press its appreciation of the impartial and gentlemanly manner in which P. Lamont has performed the very import. ant duties devolving* on hint as Warden of this county, showing that he is an officer of exceptional executive ability, Carried. Council closed to meet in January. COUNTY PROPERTY COMMITTEE Reported that the jail was in good order with seven prisoners --two for in- sanity, p n sanity, three vagrants one for indecent assault, and one female ; recommended that tenders be asked by the clerk for 15 cords of wood ; that the dlerk and chair- man of the property committee purchase one dozen suits of underwear and one dozen outside shirts for the prisoners; that the question of a coal shed be dealt e.A♦♦.♦♦O♦♦..b♦♦e..♦♦....e ♦ e • • • • e • l`• • • ♦ O ♦ •• ♦ • O Wahman was ar ago earxlingGabout e 4, ♦, .4-.. 1100 per year as farm laborer. 4, • era Now he la earning at the rate of e A 2902 per year. • ♦ iaa- Sixmonths' training at our • >= Business College mode the dif- ♦ ♦ ferenoe. Was 3t a good invest- ♦ ♦ C, meat P He thinks so. His ad- e • + dress is New Osgoode•,Saek, e •♦ • ♦ o. Four Courses : A �,.� Preparatory • • Commercial •• • cb • a a., Stenography o • •• =1 O • ♦ C? ♦ ♦ •♦ e• e ♦ o Business College • • GEO. •SPOTTON, PRIN. • • .6e.♦..e.eeee..♦e♦•♦60•Ae♦ Telegraphy ' o • • Enter any time. Individual Instruction. r . Write for particulars. - • • `-, �a I� 1•�a - • •W INGHAIMI : NATIONAL HOLLER MILLS i 411111110111' al ia.a ■ 1■■■11 ■i,,V■■� IMF Nan NI UN 41111* iI1Y_, When you run u. o t of Flour next time change for the better by ordering a sack of White Loaf. Thebetter things to eat you will at once commence to enjoy tit your house will be your reward Those who try White. Loaf Flour once, always Become its .steady users. Do you think they would atuless the flour was better than they had had before P Hardly. Wm1&R,A,, Pryne ACough lWed/c/ne Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a, regular cough medicine, a strong medicine, et doctor's medicine, Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, desper- ate coughs, 1f your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don't take it. ` Never go contrary to his advice. Wu pub/.1.h our roranWl Wa bushel .ieoho1 rct.oaoar^.dtota3. We 0){e yonW •on.ulr your y _ &Foto'. The dose of Ayer's Pi11p is amen, only one at bedtime. As arule, laxative doses are better than cathartic doses. For con- stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick - headaches, they cannot be excelled.. Ask your doctor about this. 80.4. by 1.110 J. 0. .Iyerco.. Tamen. 7[U..-- .....♦e....ee...♦..♦♦♦♦.♦o • i Cha a ♦ Change of ♦ 9 ♦ 4. • • �usine••• • • • 2 • e • Having purchased the business ♦ of the late T. G. Skene I am pre- • • pared to eater to the wants of ♦ • the public in. up-to-date goods at i ♦ fair prices in ♦ • • Dry Goods and ; •• Gr•oceries. Z • My object will be to keep a well t, • ♦ assorted and seasonable line of • • Dress Goods, Cottons, Novelties, 0 • BLU:• • and also a choice stock of ▪ Fresh Groceries. j • Eggs and butter taken at the o • highest market price. • • 9"A call will be appreciated. 0 Satisfaction assured. • s e Mrs. Jennie Thompson . ♦ . with at the January session : that shelv- ing be added to the law library ; that new linoleum be purchased for Mr. Mc- Donald's office ; that the ,Registrar's office was in its usual• clean, neat and tidy condition; EDUCATION Recommended that all fifth book class. es be placed the same as Continuation classes, and that all grants not paid be paid at once ; that in regard to T. E. Durnin's complaint against Inspector Tom, no action be taken. •' EXECUTIVE Re order of Judge Doyle respectin the three Jones children in Goderic township, we recommend the county as- sume and pay for their maintenance ; •regardibgthe attendance of the care- taker at each session of the Council, we recommen no action ; re order of Judge Holt regarding Robert Murray McLeod, a destitute child, we recommend that the county pay -for him. Re motion of Messrs.Geiger and Gallow for r giant of Sitio to Miss Hanes, of Hensall, we recommend that it be granted, it being' an exceptional case. We recommend that the men in camp during during Igoe be paid 25 cents per day, a total of $576. The committee recommend that state- ments of West Huron Farmers' Institute $19,88,, and East Huron, $103.29, be filed. Re tenders for coal. recommend that the tender of F. B. -'Holmes at $8,70 be accepted. Re repeal et by-law No. 3 of 1892, that it be repealed. and that security of tr'easttrer remain as it is for the present. SPECIAL. Recommended that this Council co• operate with the. Good Roads ASSOCi. tion in obtaining 'increased grants : that a by-law be passed to incorporate Cen, tralia as a police village. The engineer reported that the con crete for the'Holmesville, Gulley and Glenn bridges was completed ; that two small bridges had been erected on the lake shore, Ashfield, one in Hay town• ship and one ou the boundary in Col- borne and West Wawanosh and that 11e bad paid many accounts. iSOUSE OF r2ErUGE' COMihnTTIOE Reported that in its visits it had found everything in good condition, and that the :lumber of inmates was 90, and well cared for ; recommended that the wall and floor of the main building he paint- ed; that the taxes of Mrs. Scott of Clinton autO Mies Westhails, of Bgutouclvllle, be id pa bythe count tread rer v t ROAD AND 5RIDGE COMMITTEE R h Reported that they had visited Holmes ville bridge 'Thursday, found the con- crete completed and the filling the ap- x preaches I ea Ily so They recent tilted the removal of the cid wooden work as soon as possible so that there be no ob- struction b•st uction in the rivet during freshets, Oa all motions regarding windbreaks on comity bridges, recommend uo action be taken at present, but in future be befit cu all new bridges of steel, Re Dickey's bridge, we recommend our en. gineer to examine sante and act With the engineer of Bruce, and if necessary build the same, Regarding "notion of Medd and McEwen, encouraging good roads, we recommend no action, Re Hiram Hill's account as inspector, of tlolmesville bridge, we rec0nlibend that bo be paid $e 0o per day, as per motion OF C01111011 01'1007, r.R, BRUCE si,IrTH a RIIPokm oi• ilousa OF stenos Number of acres, 474 ; Value, $2,500 ; acres cultivated, 40 ; receipts-cottbty, $G"430 S e f ro h prodoets, Il,008,e3ifrom other sources, $763 vo, A'Tainken- year, *4,555,34. Inmates•+ -Males anlli, $0,434'27 1 net cost to carrot Y per 6 l females 28 ; number on free list 78, on 7501is140; 8Umbarof bCds, 720; 731038' her of deaths f a ar ve r t , 3 Guild'n 1 g brick two story V wi t r, th"finished basement ;. excellent outbuildings, chid satisfactory in every respect in its internal arrange- ments and equipments, 13 better conducted House 7 of is .in Refuge 3a Ontario than this. Blyth (onsanoed 20r last W0ek1 St, George's Club bad a social time on Monday evening: Regular service will be held in the R, Q. church next Sabbath. W, and Mrs, Emigh, of Brussels, were visiting relatives here Last Sun - d a Out' townsman, Joseph Carter, made a business trip' to Toronto and Mid- land. Methodist, Sabbath School Enter- tainment Friday evening of this. week. Good program. Blyth A. O. U. W. Lodge x' 11 meet on Fr'iday', evening. 80th inst., for election of officers. David Somers is improving and was able to get up town on Monday for the that. We hope he will soon be as well as ever, After an undesired holiday for two weeks, through illness, Albert Sooners resumed work at Doc. Perdue's livery last Monday. His numerous friends are pleased to know that he is s beL•ter. Wednesday evening of next week Trinity church Sunday School pupils will be treated to a social time in the Milne Hall where a short program will be rendered and a Christmas Tree un- loaded of its treasures. Among the names of Municipal as- pirants mentioned in addition to the present Council, are T. Garter, W. Jackson, F. Metcalf, Dr. Long and L. Hill. Nomination Day will give the solution as to the correct list. Cranbrook FROM 'CALGARY, -The following notes arefrom a letter written on Dec. 7th by Athol McQuarrie, of Calgary, eon of D. McQuarrie, of Cranbrook, who expects to pay a visit to the old home about New Years :-November and December in Alberta have been rather cold so far. 23 degrees below was the coldestwe ea hadnt b Icon consider der it quite cold enough, Don't let any person bluff you when they say that 20 or 30 degrees below in Alberta and Saskathewan is not as cold as zero in Ontar]o. It's all cold but if there were a wind with it we couldn't stand it at all. Don't want to be a knocker for it is good healthy weather all right. David McCall is getting along fine, the stitches were taken out Saturday and he is sitting up every day now. Wishing you the compliments of the season. I remain Bre., Grey FROM SASKATCHEWAN. -DEAR EDITOR, -As I have spent the past Summer in the West I thought it might be interest. ing.to your many readers to send home these few lines about the country. I reached nay destination in Edmonton the latter part of March staying there for a fete days, then leaving for Fort Saskat- chewau'in April where I was engaged with a farmer for the seeding. Ole had 845 acres, putting in 420 acres of Spring crop and having 5oo acres under cultiva- tion. We finished seeding about June loth. Some of the early settlers ot the West do not seem to realize their wealth, still they are striving for more, while others are struggliug under poor man - Notice of Application In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. In the matter of the Guard- ianship of John C. Denbow, of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, the infant child ofti a W h m R. Denbow, deceased. Notice is hereby given that after the expira- tion of twenty days from the first publication of this notice application will be made to the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron for a grant ot Letters of Guardianship of the above named infant, in favor of Samuel Carter, of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, agent, the uncle of the said infant. Dated at Brussels, in the County of Huron, this sixth day of December, A.D. 1009. W. M. SINCLAIR, 28-8 Solicitor for the Applicant. DO YOU NEED TILE? Farmers and others desiring Tile for the coning season can secure what they re- quire at carload rates, at Brussels or Ethel stations, if orders are sent in suf- ficient time to arrange for quantity and date of delivery. I will notify the pur- chasers of the arrival of the cars and as- sist in loading from car to wagons. Far- ther particulars may be obtained by seeing or writing W. E. Sanders Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Order at once. All sizes from c, to 18 inches may be obtained. Tile from 8 i ucl les a are 28 inches long, CEMENT KEPT iN SEASON, MONTHLY I, Horse Fairs . BRUSSELS The regular Monthly horse Fairs will be holt) in Brussels tis follows : THURSDAY, SAN. 011, 1010 " ,FEB. 8rd, 1910 " MAR. 3rd, 1910 MAR. 81st; 1910 Leading Local and Outside Burrs will be present. CC 1 0geme t and disappoinment and 0000) SS thou gh.t they cannot reach the top -af the ladder. There aro OAp ortNpltiea ter s Y04tplr, ,working man in Alberta who is anxious alld interested in ferining, tie O 1 gets from ifd25 to >s3o a month in yleed- ins., Regarding crops put in under good cultivation there WAS no disappoint. ment to the owner. Oats turned ant ai# average of front 65 to 7.0 bushels per acre and Wheat yielded 25 KO 79 bustlelo. Awing to a light trost which 7000)0 about August loth the crops on the low laud were slightly damaged but it was -all fit for market. Oats has been selling this Fall at the Northern Elevator is Fort Saskatchewan for 24c. per bushel and whoilt al 85e, In regard to threshing. they 4 Al d4o,bushel for ems al d bc, to' wheat, C vinr to so naly threshers iu the West they only null from 35 to 40 dm* paying, their )tired 11007111s 00 leer day In leaving Alberta on November 270 for Fielding the thermometer was down to 25 0 below 201.0,et the cattle are rennin ' et y S large ge over the prairie, or sheltered by the straw stacks, well, I will elope icy thanking yoe for your space' in Your paper and wishing you a Merry C11ri5t* mos and a Happy NOW Year, I remain, Rouswr C4R1, jr,, ferfnerly of Grey. - Deo. 3rd, 0909, XMAS GIFTS See our Beautiful Display You can't find 0 better jalace to get just the right thing for everybody. We offer a splendid line of High Grade Goods at Fairest priees. If yon want the Good Quality, the Right a l Article and the Reasonable Price inspect our line of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery,' Silverware, Optical Goods, Cut Glass, Hand -painted China, Ebony Goods, Toys, Dolls, Novelties, Xmas Post Cards, Souvenir Goods. For the RighoPresent for the Right Person at the Right Price come right to us. Don't fail to see the splendid assortment at • J. R. V1✓ E NFT' S J Store ry WROXETER e! -SMALL ARTICLES ENGRAVED FRET] OF CHARGE 1 The Most Popular Paper hi Ontario The Toronto o onto Dasa Star The best proof that people like a newspaper is their willingness to pay, good money for it. More people buy the "Toronto Daily Star" than any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly published in the Province of Ontario. Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily Star" is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. These things do not just happen. There must be a reason. In this case there are several reasons. The "Toronto Daily Star" publishes' Market Reports 12 to 18 hours earlier than the morning• papers. It is a Newspaper -not an "Organ" -political or any other kind. Not only the Woman's Page, but the whole paper, is attractive to women. It reports athletic events more fully than any other Canadian Daily. Its special features, such as the "Chronicles of the. Khan", are most entertaining. Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star" better than any other newspaper. $1.50 A Year This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for, one year -,52.20. Guaranteed Foanfain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription prices. 4 m. tc) Five Roses Appeals to You, Madamurn, as .Fiazal.ludge Do you know, Mistress Housewife, they say that you don't know good stuff from poor; that price is your only guide ; that you wouldn't know good flour if you saw it, and wouldn'tke i a t t except it were cheap/' In short, that anything labelled " FLOUR" is good enough for you. • - We deny this libel on yourdiseriml- nation, and appeal to you, Madam, to nail the impeachment. Nothing short of the very best is good enough for YOU, and we know if you have been getting miserably bl bad flour, itwasn'tyourfaultbuty host because you didn't know about NYE ROSES, ' When "baking accidents" vex your soul, and hubby mutters about "bread and projectiles, concrete tolls, the vileness of some (?) baking, Don't scold the cook: maybe she didn't know about FIVE ROSES either, r ♦ r But all this Is over now. We're going to tell you aboutgood flour, so that you may have seat - reliance based on actual kitotol- edg'e0 avoiding cheap brands, whose sole claim on exist. once ' 1s mere Cheapness married to the average homemaker's ignortince of flour values. Isn't that so, Nladata ? Just think, Mistress Housewife, It has taken all of twenty-one years to perfect FIVE ROSES -to attain our majority in qualfry milling. You surely admit we Must know how to make roar flour, don't And we make It as good as we know how. FIVE ROSES, Madam, Is the flour you should try, and all other house- wives who want their money's worth. You get it when, you buy FIVE ROSES -and keep on getting it.. Because itis "standard value," the same today as yesterday. r ♦ r.i You can prove them twejutly wrong, Madam, who say you dont appro.- Mato good flour. Have your grocer to -day show you a neat cotton bag of FIVE ROSSES-- Toll •• +t... hart 0074 itu --ror ' ' •` the sake of a Meer table'? , Madam, we know you Will ' do it. fML of thf W0005 Mititt&C 370., Lt8 Metlilal'/i6