The Brussels Post, 1909-12-16, Page 4$I ' LILT ,S't)41,X,ttDEC,EEMBER 0G, i909 OUR Wi$NIPg8 LETTER, Willi the farit eaf 1eeetnb01, the Weal entered spun the last month of a year of uupr'eeedeoted profper'ity. end grog. fess. In every line of develaliment. the .uunt y has made advances that are remarkable ror even Western Cahada„ and would be impeesible for env other couutrr lo o like stage of (levelopntent. All pests oC the West have been under the spell of developnreut that comes from spleu(l1'3 Crops and a season of ambitious ,application . of ' capital to greater capacities for produeiug anddls- posilig of other good crops that the future bas In store for the West, Cities and farming communities have made as. tonishing progress and a 000000 of the thrre Western provinces taken now would show a pupnlation increased bt thirtyOr forty per pent at the very lent, SOME !f1IUNGS THAT WINNIPEG HAS DONE As the gathering point for much of the great trade is growing up In the West. Winnipeg has figured largely in the growth of Igoe. Bank clearing• figures for the eleven mouths ending November Both, show a volume of bank business amounting to $675ir7x.91o, as against $1 t.ilt,8ox for the full twelve months of last year. For the same eleven mouths, the building permits tale. en out in Winnipeg foot up $9,152,500 or nearly four millions more than the total for Igoe. la this connection, it is re- ported that Winnipeg architects have already drawn plans for more than $5,000,000 worth of new buildings for x910, and have $a,000,000 worth of new plans yet to develop. Some further idea of tbe prog- ress that has been made by a city that is only a quarter of a century removed from being an #s frontierr town, is had from the tax collections from Nov. x6 to 3o. These figures show that $1,220,215 was paid into the city treasury for taxes ip that time, an amount three times as large as the wholetor it andeh purposes tax c school u o in reef. A report made by Controller R. D. Waugh -covering the year up to October3t-shows that $r,o69,6e4 had been expended for local improvements up to that time, OTHER WESTERN CITIES Saskatoon has been making rapid strides. Returns- from that city show that Saskatoon building figures jumped 70o per cent. during Igoe, almost a mil- lion dollars have been nut our in new buildings in a city which had a popula- tion of rr3 in 19o3. Capital and settlers are pouring into the Edmonton district, too, and several heavy sales of real estate for improve- ment or investment have .been made in the Alberta capital recently. Develop - mem of the plans of the Alberta and Great Waterways ,railway system -now being pushed forward -will mean a great deal to Edmonton and bring a press or trade to the city. Of course, all the development of the West is based upon the agricultural growth of the community and not only is the acreage in wheat and other grains increasing very fast, but other lines of farming are being developed with splen• did results. 'thus it is reported that the output of creamery products in Alberta have increased 7o per cent. in two years. READS LIKE ROMANCE The farming career of E. A. Gu3l- lemin, of Forget, Saskatchewan, reads like a romance, and shows the possibili•. ties of individual energy and ability in the West. Starting with a money cape tal of $2.00 in taw. Mr. Guillemin be- gan farming on a quarter section which he homesteaded by borrowing enough money to make up his :Po fee. This year Mr. Guillemin harvested 5o,000 bushels of wheat -besides other grains --and is tarmtng 43 quarter sections of land. From his start with small begin nings, this. Saskatchewan farmer sold land enough at a recent sale to give him a comfortable fortune, and his retie crop Will yield him an income larger than that of many a millionaire. APPRECIATION OP UNITED sTATEs The United States people and press are showing a marked activity in West- ern Canadian affairs this year. The -in crease of immigration from the States has been nearly a hundred per cent, each month since the beginning of the year. Customs collections'for the port of Win- nipeg increased sixty per cent. for tbe month of November over the correspond- ing month of tea, the total collections for the month 1909 being $445,372.22. The i va ion of goods'aud people from South of the line is a. peaceful and bene ficial one, denoting the good quality of the West and its tremendous trade pos- sibilities. In the coming of so much merchandise, however, there is an im- portant lesson for Eastern Canadian manufacturers and wholesalers. -also houses of. Like character in Great Britain. Defeated by Dr. Hamilton. In no way is health so menaced as by constipation, It leads to indiges- tion, insomnia, anaemia and a hun- dred ills. Ordinary remedies fail- they relieve -don't cure. The worst ' 'ease is defeated and cured quickly by Dr. Hamilton's Pills,' which cleanse the entire intestinal tract, stimulate kidneys and liver, keeps the pores of the skin open. You'll never have stomach trouble, yellow coinplexion or headaches if you use Dr. Hamilton's 'Pills. They are a perfect system tonic. 25c. at all dealers. Oranbrook Soiaoor.REPoxer,--Following is the Report of Oranbrook Public School for ,November, Senior room. Possible marks 700, Claes IV. -L. Sperling, 008 ; B. Alderson, 582; A. Snarling, 550 • M. Cameron, 585 ; L, Alderson, 618; 11. McDonald 464 ; L. Perrie, 454 s 141. McNabb, 480 ; 00. Steles, 892 ; 31. NloNeil. 854; R. .McNeil, 849 ;; °FI, Noble, 233 ; *E, Hunter, 218 ; R, Knight, 190. Sr. III. --G. Cauneron, 508 ;L, Noble, 495 ; L. Stoles, 487; M. Granby, 878 ; 5E. McNichol, 389 ; *F. Grasby, 282. Jr. TIT,- I . Smalldon, 547; M. Alderson, 539 • B. Sparling, 537 A. Hunter, 620x; 0. Gdrsalibz, 482 ; I. Steins, 1•8q ;,Tui, .)ulcer, 486 ; F. McNeil, 272; *a'. Knight, 229, junior Room. Year. Possible marks 400, Class IL -M. Chea la#ami atioa. 1cxifforel8 from a Hg av'Y 0o14;4 Pleurtic pains in side--Qon- slant Qoughing. "RUNE" C011E0 QUICKLY Any ons Hutt _goes through all that suffered last 1Pintee will appreciate the value of e remedy that curse like Nerviline cured me." These are the o enttlg words of a scleutn dectartttioe of B. P. Von 154yyden, the well-known violinist of Middletoo, "Itty work kept me one late at night, and playing its cold Bratty places brought on a severe gold that settled on my chest I bad a harsh reeking conglt acid severe pains clax'tecl through my, sides and settled in me. shouldees, I used different linimenbe bet none broke up ley cold till I used Nervillue, 1 rub- bed it ou my neck, chest and shoelders rimming and night, and all the part disappeared. Realizing that such a heavy bold had rum Clown my system I took Fecrozone at meals, anti wan completely built up end strengthened Since using Nerviline have uo more colds or pleurisy, and enjoy perfect health. -' Its because Nerviline contains the purest and most healing essences and medicinal principles, because it has the power of sinking through the pores to the.kereel of the pain -these are the reasons why it breaks up colds, cures lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia, sciatica and rheumatism. . Refuse any substitue your dealer may suggest -insist on Nerviline only. Large bottles, five for $1.00. Sold every- where, or the Oatarrhozone Oo.,:King- ston, Out. NEHVILINE CURES CHEST CGLOS Long, 827; W. Cameron 819 W. Kreuter, 814 , C. Long, 309 S. Noble, 249 ; *E Pennington, 214 A. Fischer, 140 ; F Fischer 180, Pt. I1. -L. Baker, 844 ; B. Fischer, 386 ; I. Kreuter,` 832 ; A. Smalldon, 800 ; .R. r 9 , Hunter, 278 *I. Hunter, X24 D Me - Neil, Neil 216 A.I%nf ht 1 Sr 1.- Good.—E. 47 Good E. Baker, J. Knight, Jr.1. -Excellent.- H. Pennington, L. Steles,A. ,Steins. Good. -A. Mc Quarrie,'IV. Knight, G. Alderson. Oseen SHAw, Principal, L. A. MeeKAr, Assistant. Do your note Pinch 7 If so, look out for a tiny corn. Cure it before it grows big. Putnarres Painless Corn Extractor is the best. Try "Putnam's." Grey SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the Report for November in S. S. No. 5 Grey. Sr. IIL-Willie Campbell, 315 ; Elsie .Rea, 818 ; Ross Coates, 299 ; Frank Lindsay, 294; Ieaae Clarke, 268, Jr. I1,I.-••leyle Fira(1ivrd, 814 ; Maggie Coates, 807 ; Jim Conine, 233 ; John Savage, 274 ; .Annie ()lark, 215.. Jr. IL -Ida Bremner, 334; Harold Bradford 3110; Gordon Melbeuald,'2813; Eva 110400n, 233; IleuLy Ifleine. cltroth, 204 ; *Cleric 13liuco, 181;1devey Hudson, 3148 ; }Lottie 'Ward, 110 `Alex. 15laDo14ald, 82. Sr. I -Very Good, -Gordon Rept, Maud Dixon, Johueton Armstrong, Inter. I., -Good Mabol Clark, Jr. L -Very Good,-- Rebecca ob Donald. aidlei c tee hrot 1 Caul M k, 0 Good.•• -George Campbell.. L. Sv'loAext4'N, Teacher. STOMACH AGONY Abolish the cause, and misery and distress of Indigestion will Vanish.. Can iudigestion be cured 1 Him - deeds of thousands of people who suf- fer front belching of gas, biliousness, nese, sour stomach fulness, nausea, shortness of liveable bad taste in mouth foul breath, nervousness and other distressing symptoms, are ask- ing themselves that gaeeder; daily. And if these game doub4tlg dys- peptics whirl only read the thousands' of sincere letters from people who once suffered as badly as they do now, but who have been qutokly and permali+ suetyy cured by the use of _Mi-o-ne, the mighty dyspepsia remedy that euros by removing the cause, tbey would go to Jas. I+ox.this very day and get a large box of IVti-n-tea tablets, and start themselves on the right road to health et Once. The price of Mi -oma ' tablets is only 60 cents, and Jas. Fox guarantees them tocure indigestion, or money back. Thin or lean or scrawny people will find in Mi-o-na a maker of flesh and blood,because ' stomach it makes es th a stn h to extractlore nntrit matter ratter n fromethe food, which quickly enriches the blood. OMEI Chorea HfaH-O MEI CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed by JAMES FOX, Brussels, ISelgrave MRS. ABRAHAM PROCTOR DEOEAS- En.-Died in Belgrave, on Saturday 4th inst., Mary A. Brownridge, relicb of the late Abraham Proctor, in the 83rd year of her age, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Scandrette. after an illness of about 10 months. 4 + 44+04.44•4. 4.044 4.9444444+94,9+9+4494.9994.94,9 4 4. 4. • 4. 4. 4 • ,4 • • 4.•P • LADIES' • + - Gem Rings -Collar Pins, • Gg 4 •-Pearl Icings, -Cuff Links,4. • -Signet Rings, -Blouse Sets, +• 4 -Diamonds, -Watch Chains, • •+ -Watches, -Fobs, + ♦ -Lockets, -Brooches, 5 b 2 A —Necklets, -Pearl. Crescents, •T• • • " GENTS' • • 4 -Watches, • -Tie Clips! -Fine Umbrellas, 4' • -Gold Cuff Links, -Signet Rings, -Pipes, 4 ♦ -Fobs, Lockets, -Pearl Set Tie Pins, -Safety Razors, • 4 -Watch Chains, -Stone Ser, Rings. ♦ • -Stick Pins, -Emblem Pins, 4. • BABIES' ES' 4.• •4. -Spoons, -Rings, 44- o • -Mugs, -Bracelets, • 2 1, , ge s + •• • K' F k d • V' 1' E ,4•, O ,for b' ' h J l y • •4 well wear Our p c are 1 vest es . 4 g. .g•. �. �. �tCi�+C$Ci1V� Jeweler • ♦ .. 4+4+444+4444•444-44•4•441114+4'+•+,+•+•+4.+•+•++,+•+•+4+• 4 4 • ♦ • m hrit SIR11�S presents Our new goods are now here. We bought at clos- est prices direct from the manufacturer and can save you money on —Pear] Sunbursts. —Belt Pins, -Bracelets, -Umbrellas, -Hair Receivers, - Sewing Seta, — Chains, Lockets, etc., We. carry'a large line of Clocks Silverware 181:7 Rogers Bros.' Knives, ors an Spoons,Violins etc. ur st ambition is to see that our Jewelry is ofa qualitythat rices as low as the lowest. Christmas 1909 at COI. A. Grewar's Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Almeria Grapes, New Rates, New Figs, New Raisins, New Nuts, Cranberries, Oysters 3142 California Seedless Granges As usual ab this season of the yeat everyone eats Oranges and they want there sweet and juicy. We have both quality and price to snit everyone, from 25o to 000 pee doz. ipes Make a nice Xmas Gift and we have some good bargains in good Pipes. Agent far Nunt's Fine Chocolates & Ron Sans We have some very fine boxes in beautiful designs, from 2oc to $5.00 a box, They make sweet Xmas presents and every reit.] likes Chocolates. Boys take a look in. Perrin's Goads are the Best Call and see the grand display of Perrin's Candies and Fancy Oakes. Try Holbrook's Punch Banco onour Xmas B y m inner Good Money gets Good Cheese and we have lots of Cheese. high Mass Cigars The best that money can buy. Gents like ft good Cigar ab Xuras time. See' the nice Boxes we have. A Snap in Raisins J� extend to our many customers anti friends the heartiest good wishes for a Merry Xmas and a bright and ,prosperous New Yours very truly, W. A. GREWAR i TEA FLAVOR Tea acquires .a flavor under the peculiar climate of Ceylon that cannot be acquired anywhere else on earfh. The delicate fragrance and deli htful aroma of Will Please you. $uy a package to -day from your You'll like It ) STRATFORD, ONT. 011051 training Wesel of Ontnrlo, We Offer advantages nob o#Ieer'o . The grunt Pttt elv0wgr0p 80 a rad t WOhare ethree experienced, 010 0000055 tl orough tout pr5altenl, and Toro�rr~Phy. our toach0ra a experienced, o We assist .g 1adt graduatesen tRp positions, ws, R ex lion t u s oduring receivedv1ud Cal n8 11 ovufgraduatessummed. days wouldenrollee Writestatuettes thtin. Throughout Canada and he United s11eoftq05 great training pelmet for Mishima College a tanners. Tile404 0pon nor10 num), ti Inca thoY0o.Teeony.ntoiitProm January tad. Write 1 ufie to)gpe and get psriul rN. ltoday. D. A. 1VIcL,achlant Friucipkl. sr8i grgcer: Whence the Wonderful Bread- Life in Five Roses (8) DO YOU know, Madam, that billowing from the Lake of the Woods clear to the -snow -peaked Rockies are the finest wheatlands that ever threw back golden kisses to a smiling sun? Our selection of a birthplace was indeed most judicious. We cannot too fervently congratulate ourselves over being born Canadians, can we? - - All the infinite resources of Provi- dent Nature have concentrated to produce in fund berry. own Northwest aper-fe. 11 is the cream of this Manitoba wheat crop, not the -skint milk, that. maketh FIVE0 ES quality, R S q ty, Andanitoba wheat win M ,o g to climate and soil is the prime cereal, of the world. Just listen to the explanation of Sir James Grant, a real Ch1..G : " The intense winter frost pole/rap "deep into the ground. In the spring " when the soil is ploughed, harrowed " and planted, the lower depths are not "greatly disturbed; but in the warns "summer months this cold storage " chamber of nature imparts gentle "moisture to the roots of the grain, " keepingit cool during the intense heat." Therein lies the goodness of the only wheat fit for FIVE ROSES, * * If you, MistressHousewlfe, with your own white hands, were to pick the very cream of this fine wheat, wouldn't it mean perfect flour? 'Yet, you couldn't be more fastidious than our expert buyers. Just as you wouldn't let Mrs. Brown do your shopping, we watch our own wheat buying and selecting, Wherever the fairest crops are har- es a one of .v tad ar the75 FIVE ROSES elevators, sifting : the perfect ct berries. Years of practical knowledge and experience stand behind each buyer, who is well-paid to know where the rarorains grow. g We have the money and the skill to control the very best. Certainly. your interests are well looked after. * * * * Believe us, Madam, FIVE ROSES contains only the plump, wholesome, well-filled berries of the spring wheat ; the mellow sun -ripened, transparent berries. All this and more is yours if you will but say FIVE ROSES'" to your grocer: FIVE ROSES bread -life, healthfulness, purity, strength, economy. Read the label, Madam, and be flour happy at last. LAKE OF TUE WOODS MILLING CO., LTD., MONTREAL Mrs. Proctor, previous to her illness, bad been living alone in her residence in the village, and on the evening of 12111 February last, while emptying a pan of ashes about 40 feet from the house, she took a stroke, fell in the snow and lay their till about 9 o'clock the next morning, when her grand- daughter, Edna Senn(hett, cams along and found her. The heat of her body melted the e snn w to the ground, but straw a tosay she wits living i. r n vi and no gY g t frozen, but 11'1 an unconscious state in which•she has been most of her time until' death relieved her. In her younger days, Mrs. Proctor was a great worker iu the Methodist church, so uxnch so that her counsel was sought after by many. She with her husband was among the first set- tlers on the 4111 line of Morris, when a total wilderness, moving in 57 years ago froul the County of Halton, near Hamby. By hard work they made forthemselves a beautiful hove. Mrs. Proctor leaves to mourn her de- ` mise, two sons and one datighter- George on the Homestead, Thos. and Mrs. Scandrett, of Belgrave. Her husband pre -deceased her 6 years ago. She leaves one brother, Joseph Brown - ridge, of Brampton. The funeral ser- vices were conducted in the Methodist churrb, Belgrave, by Rev. J. E. Cook. Her remains were laid to rest in the Brandon cetnetet'y, on Monday of last week, followed by a large number of friends and relatives who have the sincere sympathy of the public. Prevent taking Cold. Oftenou y come )romp, cold and shivering -feet are wet, throat is raw, chest a little sore.' A bad cold is just beginning. Pub a Nerviline Porous Plaster on your chest, rub your throat with' Nerviline, and take a stiff dose of Nerviline in hot water. This pre.' vents a chill, and checks the cold in - sten bly, No remedies so useful in the home, so sure toP revent serious ill - nese as Nerviline and Nerviline Pias- ters. Sold by all dealers, 25e. each, but be sure you get the genuine, and refnse'any substitute. READ the advertisements and save money. Notice of Application In the Surrogate Coen of the County of Huron. In the matter of the Guard- ianship of John' 0, Denbow, of the Village of Brussels, in the Couuty of Huron, the infant child of William R. Denbow; deceased. Notice is hereby given that after the expira- tion of twenty days from the first publication of thie notice application will be made to the FIN r� OgFte Court of the County of Huron Inc a gait Letters of Guardianshipof the above named infant, in favor, of Samuel Carter, of the Vflhcge of Brussels. in the County of Huron, agent, the angle of Cho said infant. Dated at Brussels, h, the County of Huron, this sixth day of December, A. D. 1880. W'. 1i4. SINOLAIR, 288 Solioitor for the Applicant. Bigger Bargains than Ever Shaw's !-Iardware Long handle 8 tine 'forks, regular price, 90c,, selling 350. A couple of .3 way pumps, one Mo - Dougal and oho . Waltman ,it Ward, also one only cistern pump. 1 pr. beam scales, new, large, regular' 5.00, now 3.00, 1 doz. buck saws, regular- 750„ now 00c. Axle grease at 20c. will, 200 ft. of Iron Batndnor track, 511, ft. 1 only platform scales at 8.00. 1 only farm 'gate, iron, regular 5.60, now 4.75. 1 only small iron gate, 3 ft. by 8 ft. now 2.00. All kinds of stove brach and stove pipe enamels ab'5 regular price. 10 only razors left, some as low as 40c. guaranteed good or money rreturn- ed, also about 2 dos..raror strops left, at 15 regular value. A big reduction on scissors. A few extra tine bargain's in silver - were, Come in and price geode, A. large number of short handle shovels, regular price 850, now 50c. A large number of cans.of ready mix- ed paint (Hollywood) pint Dans 15c. quart cans 800., half gallons 50c. 2 gasoline stoves, two burners, regular price 5,00, now 8.00. 1 only single shot Stevens' rifle, 82.40 cal. 10.00, wholesale price 12.00, 1 only counter scale new, a doz. sets of lilt's, Potts' sad irons et 1,00 per set. • 2 only charcoal smooth irons at, 900. A large number• of sap buekot, large size 11c., medium 10c., small 9c. Screen for doors at half regular price. 1 roll sand screen' for masons' and bricklayers' use 100. yd, Get your Winter's supply of my best. Imported Ainericen coal. oil. 50 kegs of nails yet, 4, 5, 0, 7 inch at 0 lbs. for 25e. 2, 21, 27, 24 and 8 in. at 81i lbsfol 25r.. Several boxes of fine' nails a to 1a1 inch, at 5e. lb. Several glass show cases very cheap 1.00 up to 5.00. Some rakes and scythes at a discount of 50%., '-I will pay the highest Micas for al kinds of )baric, 'Nor'se Irides and Beef Hides. Bring yours along and bo convinced, JAS. S. SHAW ..o,................................+....,,......... 0 orae Soon..1.,..' !Xmas 4 ✓ o Photographsp are more than good Photo e %' Ourhs--they aT. e Portraits, brlygtng out all 3 ra• t that's best in character and individuality, o s.;. Get a dozen for" Xmas Presents. Make your p 4. appointments now and avoid the holiday rush. �' r Past Ca 3 for 5o b 1. I Sittings taken early in the day are the hest, ✓ ' STUDIO • ••••••••••••••••••••••+•••,•••,.......•+•••••••••+•.• COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND Lam rote SAnu. Bood caber, water and fruit trees. Enquire of R. T. HINGSTON, or P. 0. box 805, Brussels, 82.11 FOR SALE. -Nine aures of land with a good briok cottage bank barn andother out pi1i0o,, •8, a a good orchard. h n rd Par further narticu pilltoA J' Beim or Mrs. Dilling, Or+nbiDoi i�(ILLS POR SALE. -Two young Short Horn Balis, bot). Pit for service, for state. (flood pedigrees Edell right in every w ay'Per fu r- cherparticularsapply tJAM FREIE, Lot SU , Con, 0, Morris, or BrusselP. O. 41-11 r ot 130, F'A810bn 14, SMalittlliop,ocontaining les ecrea. This is a Srst•olass farmwith good buildings and adjoins the village of Walton. Apply on the premises or address W.J. RYAN, Wnttan P. O. 21-tf FARM FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers for site his 100 acre farm being SA Lot re, Qom 4, Morris. Fenn is all olearea and in good condition. AU Fall plowing done awl aures of wheat in. _ About 40 nares seeded. Good hank barn and frame house. 234 miles from Bruvsela. For further particulars apply to ARTHUR BERR, Proprietor, or 1,. 0. SOOT?, Brussels. 10-11. ARM FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers F for sale, hie 100 acre farm, tieing Lot 80, Oon.15, Grey, About 00 sores cleared, balance to swamp, 8 acres in Pan wheat, 81 sores seed- ed down. eed-ed-down. Fall plowing is being done. On the farm ie a frame House, bank barn. driving shed, good orchard and drilled well. Close to post - Mike, church and school. For further portion - lora apply to JOHN OSBORNE, Proprietor, or F. B. Scott, Brussels.' GOMFORTABLE re,idenee and b5 acre of VV land, being Lot 212 Albert utreet, Bruit- for ale. Rouse is well built withalleun- veiels us ur nese and possession could' be given at on e p o6 prce.em For further Ferguson,apply on the promisee ea Mrs, Jas. Fergusor D. Fer- guson, Teeswnter. tY. .( ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR R211Th- `oo 'iRo underaigne4 480lres to is 100 acre farm, Lot 8, Con, 2, Grey. Good house and barn, orchard, &o. Place well watered and well fenoed ; .all seeded down except 10 aorea. 2miles from Jamestown and mile to school. Possession given et once. Io' not sold it will be to rent ifsuitable Smoot offers. her further ppart write 10 Joseph Coombeslily th, or F. B. Scott, Brus- sels. WARM FOR SALE. -Tile 100 acro farm, be - mg the property of the Into Peter McNeil, Lot 28, Oon. 14, Grey, is offered for sale by the undersigned. There are 86 sores cleared, bal• anee wail timbered. On the farm there is a good bank barn, large driving shed and a coin. fortable house. Plage in good condition and well fenced. For further partiealara apply to JAS. A, MoNAIR or JAS. D. M0NAIR, Exec- utors, Oranbrook P. 0., or F. S. SCOTT, Bras- eels.7-tf FOB SALE. -House and X acre of land with fruit trees large burn, poultry house and woodshed. House contains parlor, sitting room, dining room, two bed rooms, kitchen, Summer Ititehen anal pantry downstairs ; live bed rooms up -stairs • large (miler with cement floor and heated liy furnace. Will be cold cheap. MRS. LEWIS MCDONALD, Walton. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The undereigned offers hie well locatedproperty in Brussels for sale or to rent, There aro 6% aures of land with comfortable house, with cellar, stable, orchard, well, &o. Possession given at once. For price terms, and other information apply to JAS. price, -Clinton or THE POST Brussels. THOS. DONPOBD, Langdon, North Dakota. PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Th order to close the estate of the late Thee, McLsuchlin the Executors offer for sale the real estate consisting of a 7 roomed hones in good repair, MV acre of land, together with 6 mires of drat. ass land and large sptquite convenient to house. For full description and location of property apply to P. SCOTT, or A. STEWAu2, Queen St.,West, Brussels, County of Huron. 18, ♦•..•••••••••••••.••44.04• • T• • • • o Machinery Users• • and farmers •• • The New Machina Sha of the .•' 4 p 4 4 BRUSSELS FIRE APPLIANCE 4 4 and MACHINE Co. • 4 is now ready for business, and, •. • With good Machinery and Skilled • • Mechanics, we are in a position• •• to attend to your repairs prompt- • e ly and at'reasonable rates. • • If you will let es know yam.4 • wants we will give you honest 4 • advice and Help if connected ♦ 4 • ' with Machine y._ Z Give us a trial and, by coming i • 10 Brussels, save time and money 2 for yonrselvus,• , • 4 4 4 &, J S IGAIIOIOF r'' 4 :i Mill Street ,./ Brussels e 44•44•44.40;44••••••444.4.40 ••••••••••••••p••••••••••••*IR • • BIG 2 •• • ductio&•• � s • on Buggies and • • * Wagons ♦ •4.O IGo' to EWAN .t CO., Brussels, •II• if you want 0 Buggy or Wagon. !