The Brussels Post, 1909-12-16, Page 3Fashion
fl Its.
Pear shaped earrings have 'a
st'r'ong vogue.
Ohonilie has returned to favor as
a trimming.
"' ,.tilelvet makes up many of the
iland,;sore, walking gowns, . .
lieacs .and bugles figure protnin-
'bntly in trimming designs..
Two toned linings are seen on
many of the tailored coats,
The lane of our grandmothers is
in the :height of fashion.
Gold fiber tissue is considered
smarter for glib -apes than, net or
Gold or bronze Mercury wings
Adorn some of the small velvet hats
from Paris.
Tucks, puffs, caps, and drapery
of varying designs now elaborate
the sleeves.
Novelties include velvet collars
with flowers embroidered in natural
col rg.:
Among the new berates are those
which virtually combine the side
comb with the barette.
Bows of gilt, veiled' lnaline or
black chiffon, are among fashion-
able hat trimmings.
Bronze pumps, finished with a
single strap and large rosette or
buckle, are in great favor,
The darkest green for street wear
and the lighter ones for evening
are alike popular;.
Brilliant new ribbons are decor-
ated with the lotus flower and bud
a hint of the Egyptian craze.
Fronts, Duffs, and broad sailor
collars in contrasting colors arc
seen on some of the sweaters.
Stunning pins and pendants aro
of peridot, a green stone, opaque
and milky looking, set in oxidized
Earrings are still worn, and this
season the long clangler's or big;
hoops aro more fashionable than
jewels screwed close to the labs of
the ear.
The woman who is clever makes
sure before she wears earrings of
any shape that they are becoming.
The effect on certain faces is a de-
cidedly common look.
Filigree is again popular, and
charming brooches and lace pins
are shown in it, either plain or as
a setting for chrysophase, lapis
lazuli, turquoise matrix, and some
of the unnamed volored stones.
Broad gold bracelets and bands of
dull jet are being revived. If you
have one of the ribbon bracelets of
woven gold with tassel fringe bring
it out and you will be envied of
every woman who sees it.
One of the novelties in bracelets
is a harlequin effect with four or
five narrow bands across the top.
Sometimes these bands are in dif-
ferent colored enamel, but the
smartest ones have a different
toned jewel for each line.
Another revival is the old time
round pin, high in the middle, and
set with.. row after row of small
gait: Sir This makes a nice pre -
gin for the Tannery girl whoa
irth stone it is.
Dogs Deserted a Town --Crocodiles
Leave the Orinoco.'
Domestic animals seem to be
especially susceptible to the ap-
proach of the quake. In 1825 in
Ohileeta r
dogfrom om t he city
Y fied
before the inhabits
the faintest hint of. the impending
catastrophe. "In 1867 in Java im-
mediately before theearthquakh
every rooster crowed shrilly and
left the doomed town. In 1868 in
the city of Iquique the terrific dis-
aster was announced many hours.
beforehand by groat swarms of
screaming gulls and other sea birds
which flew inland. On the Ovine -
es crocodiles invariably leave roe
river on the imminence of earth-
Five days before the earthquake
that destroyed Eliko in 873 B. C.
is said to have driven to the sur-
face of the earth mice, moles, wea-
sels and serpents tnat nest under-
ground. Before the Sicilian earth-
quake of 1783 animals came to t.lo
surface, as well as various creatures
of :the sea, especially fish, in stu-
pendous numbers, among them also
such as are found only in the great-
est depths of the water. The unrest
of the animals also heralded the
coming of the recent Sicilly and
Calabria seismic disasters.
The basis of this remarkable in-
stinct of animals, reptiles, birds
and fish is held by many observers
to be responsible for their early
perception. Others attribute to
these creatures an unknown sixth
y sense, .in its way as enigmatio as
the sense of locality in .many ani-
mals. Others say it is the sense of
hearing or their sensibility to agi-
tation that enables animals to no-
tice the effect of the occurrences in
the interior of the earth long be-
fore mankind i.with 1 coarser senseS
can perceive it,
But i*. this cage has arisen the
eh octioh that the delioaE,y of the
., esinial senses exceeds that of the
digest seismographic apparatus,. The
animals can foretell earthquakes
with a probability that approaches
ncrtainty, and a by no means have
`satisfactorily explained their super-
iority to mankinil in this regard.
t "Por, tree weeks 1 actnalley
Ind to be ted lake ane ` feeds a
hales, lsecttltse " my lianas and
arms were BO Ca't'ered wlUs
ecsooa that they' bad to be
hound ftp all the 2a.'slc. r •
3o ,says Ilia V. 11c8crley a $5 lore'
Street, Sault Ste, Matte. sad adds:
"Erma finger tips to elbavts tho dig.
ease sprees, my tenger nails came off
and my flesh was one raw mesa. The
itching and the pain ware almost ex-
craciatieg. I had three months of this
torture and as cam time amputation
was discussed,
•+Zam.Buk alone saved m" bands
and arms. I persevered. •coca it, and
to -day I am cured completely off every
traoo of tho dreaded eczema; I fer-
vently hope s1ifl re may lean of the
miracle +j3 ,tad 'starred in my
cam -Balls is without equal for
eczema, ringworm, Blears, asseesses,
piles, cracked hands, cold suras,
chapped places, and sal grim Injuries
and diseases Druggists and Morel(
at 50 cents a box, or pest free from„
Zam•Bua Co., Toronto, for price:
system -constant• practice; careful
instruction;. few weeks complete comae;
tools free; graduates Darn twelve to
eighteen dollars weekly; .write for cata-
logue. Molex' Barber College 221 Queen
East, Toronto.
is Often the "open door "to %goodpBosition.
When taught as thoroughly and offeotfvely
as It is at Chia school., good results are car -
We. Write for partlenlars
COLLEGE, Y.M.C.A. B'ld'g, Toronto.
T. M. WATSON, Principal.
ad everywhere. ALOONO Non Alenhnlio.
Flavoring Extracts save ;Mummers 007. Good
profit to events. Only those Meaning 'business
apt1'y. Park K lea"n fon Inn ,1 y,.
buyY or sell Stooks will receive my
porsooal, attention, S. M. Mathews, Brok•
er, 43 Scott St.. Toronto.
ROME WORE. --Wo want at 0000 reliable
pparties to opo.ato our now Autnmatia. Carps
Looms at home, whole or spare time, 83;00 per
day easily earuod. Write for full particulars at
'once. The Beed h1'I'g. Co., Box• 200, Oeillia, Ons,.
A L iES Raise Them Without Milk
t,aSteole,lnriggs Seed Co,Ld Tento,i0n6
'DEFECTIVE UEARUIC overcome on - by too
Acoestic. on e
n[ tho marvels of the eleobrioal ago. In use
,throughout the world. Write for catalogue,
(neral Acoustic Co„ of Canada, Ltd., 488 Yongo
9t., Toronto.
Your Overe: 'ats
aeuro lea 09Yt00ry1y PVIte dIroot to �lOunt,osln IIOY 188 f
British At -nese -loan Dyeing Co.
a 5 3t FU8
Consignments S0Iicitod, Write for Prion LW,
Canadian Hide & Skin. Co.
Ranted 88.00 per month. Six mentbs 510,00
Remington Typewriter Co., Limited,
144 Bay St., Toronto,
Ga Masonic Temple, Loudon,
2 Merrick St., Hamilton.
Do you trap or buy
Furst lam Canada's
largest dealer, I ny
h igbest prices. Your:
shipments solicited.
I pay :nail add ex-
press charges; remit
ppromptlyy. Also largest dealer in Bechidos,.
Sbeepskins,etc, limitations and shipping. tags
sent free. C
Returned Explorer—"Yes, the
cold was so intense at the Pole we
had to be very careful tot to pet
our dogs."
Miss Youngthing—"indeed l Why
was that I"
Returned Explorer—"You see,
their tails were frozen stiff, and if
they wagged them they would
break off."
I Cidneys Wrong?. --r
If ther aro yon are in darner. 'When
through weakness, or disease the
a fail a
e, t o 'Alter the impurities
from the blood, trouble cense at
once. Backache, Rhenmatlem, Sabo
tira, Qravel, Dlabetea, 00411 atones
atad the deadly'Jlrfrht'i Dleei ee
are conte of the results of nekleetee
kidney'. Dr. ltorae'e Sndlan neat
Pills contain a meet eiitotlie dint,
etic which strengthens'and stint.
elates the kidneys so thatAbe* sic
their trenttberottkhly anti. kelt
I t:presslou Was .Probably First Ap-
plied to TrcIS.
What precisely is the origin of
the expression "a windfall' '1 An
Old encyclopedia explains that
some families of the English no-
bility held their lands on a tenure
which forbade them to out down
trees, these being reserved as the
property of the royal navy. But
any trees which fell down without
human assistance they might keep,
so that a hurricane causing a great
"windfall" was heartily welcome.
It some probable, however, that
the expression was simpler in ori-
gin. Even an apple that fell to the
ground without the trouble of pick-
ing it, and which a passer-by might
often annex without feeling that he
was 'L thief, would be a lucky
"Adventurer" is a word, once
hightly respectable, that has degen-
erated with the lapse of time. It
was once a call a gen-
tleman an adventurer, and the Mer-
chant Venturers of Bristol, Eng-
land, are still respected. The Hud-
son's Bay Company dates from
May 2, 1470. In the royal charter
it was described as the "Governor
and Company of Adventurers of
England Trading in Hudson's Bay."
"Alcohol" is really the Arabic
"alkohl"—"al" being the definite
article, as in "algebra" (the reduc-
tion).and "alkali" (the soda ashes),
and "kohl" the black powder
wherewith the eastern beauties
stained their eyelids. But "alco-
hol" came to be used for any finely
triturated or sublimated powder,
and then for sublimated liquids.
"Alcohol of wine," being the most
interesting of these, it gradually
took the name entirely to itself.
The little ills of babyhood and
childhood should be treated prompt-
ly, or they may prove serious. An
occasional dose of Baby's Own
Tablets will regulate the stomach
and bowels and keep your little
ones well Or they will promptly
restore health if sickness comes un-
expectedly. Mrs. Lenora M.
Thompsor, Oil Springs, Ont., says:
"I have used Baby's Own Tab-
lets for my little girls as occasion
required, and have found them al-
ways of the greatest help. No
mother, in my opinion, should be
without the Tablets." Sold by me-
dicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box £ron' rhe Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The traditional- antipathy of cat
and mouse has hitherto been re-
garded as a matter of pure instinct'
but a recent study by an acute and
expert observer demonstrates pret-
ty clearly that pussy has no instinc-
tive impulse to kill and eat mice,
nor the mouse any instinctive fear
of eats.' A mouse may smell the
nose of an inexperienced eat, or
even perch happily on its back. So
long as it does not run away, itis
quite safe. The instinct of the kit-
ten is to chase any small, moving
abject, such as a ball, a spool, a
tail, or a mouse. Pussy is not in-
terested in the mouse, but the mo-
tion. If one day the kitten is
rough, she may accidentally dis-
cover there is meat inside the cap-
ture. Cats specialize their hunt-
ing, some catching mice, some
squirrels, and some birds, and it
seems in each case to depend on ac-
cidents of discovery. Thus, a good
mouser is not necessarily a cat with
a strong instinct for catching mice,
but one with a strong habit of do-
ing so.
European engineers are said to
be very appreciative of the value
of cement grouting for repairing de-
fective masonry, lining wells, and
for making tunnel roofs water-
tight. In Germany a well polluted
by infiltrations was put into satis-
factory condition' by lowering into
it a sheet -iron drum, filling the
space between the drum and the
walls of the well with Portland ce-
ment, and withdrawing the chum
after the cement had set. The dam-
aghd masonry of a tunnel was re-
paired by injecting :liquid cement
under .pressure.. Air at a pressure
of 78 pounds per square inch suf-
ficed to force the cement into place.
Use the rafe, pleasant and eked-
trial worm killer, Mother Graves'
Wor'ni Exterminator; nothing ego -
els it. Procure a bottle and take
ib home.
In New Guinea the village of
Tupuselei is most remarkable. The
houses are all supported on piles,
and stand out in the ocean a con-
siderable distance .
c ed t of from Thiec s
is t protect the, villagers from the
attackof the dreaded ead-hunt-
ere always looking out fol' victimit.
Other villages in this queer laud
aro perched up in trees for the paned
It's butter to deserve success and
f� r . Morse' s, not have it than to have success
and not deserve it, althenish less
Indian Ront
After Suffering for Twenty-eight
Years from Pains and Weakness
and Sleeplessness—Dotid's Kidney
Pills the Only Medicine, She
Cottle's Cove, Notre Dame Bay
Nfld., Doo. 6.—(Speeiai),—Grand
news forsuffering women is that
being scattered broadcast by Mrs,
Elizabeth P, Richards of this place.
For years she suffered from that
terrible weakness and those agon-
izing pains so many women know,
She has found relief in Dodd's
Kidney Pills and she wants all suf-
fering women to know it,
"For twenty-eight years," says
Mrs. Richards, "I suffered from
Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble and
Neuralgia. I got so weak I could
not do my housework. Sleep was
out of the question except for a few
minutes ata time. My back ached
so I could not sleep, I tried all
hands of medicine and had come to
the conclusion that there was no
cure for me, when reading adver-
tisements led 1110 to try Dodd's
Kidney Pills, I now sleep well and
rise refreshed every morning.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are all the me-
dicine I want."
The woman who has healthy Kid-
neys will
id-neys'will never know the pain and
weakness that make life hardly.
worth living. Dodd's Kidney Pills
always make healthy Kidneys.
Trate in Skins Amounts to $250,-
000 a Year in Great Brittain.,
If a consular report from Calcut-
ta is to be credited, the common,
ordinary, every -day rat, despised by
everybody and everything except
terriers and lean cats,,may soon be
an article of importance in com-
merce. Says Consul Perry ; "It
has been found that the skin of this
animal (tire rat) is well adapted to
a variety of purposes, such as the
binding of books, the making of
purses, gloves and other articles
of feminine use and adornment. It
is stated that already the traffic in
this commodity amounts to about
$250,000 a year in Groat Britain,
and advertisements have appeared
for supplies of, glans of the brown
rat in lots of 100 to 100,000." 'Who
knows, now that skunk farms are
numerous in America, that . rat
farms willnot soon be establish-
ed? At any rate, here is an indus-
try in which men have nothing to
fear from female competition.
He caught a little cold—
That was all.
So the neighbors sadly said,
As they gathered round his bed,
When they heard that he was dead.
He caught a little cold
That was all. (Puck)
Neglect of a.cough or cold often
leads to serious trouble. To break
up a cold in twenty-four hours and
cure any cough that is curable, mix
two ounces of Glycerine, a half
ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com-
pound' pure and eight ounces of
pure Whisky. Take a teaspoonful
every four hours. You can buy
these at any good drug store and
easily Ls them z
Pretty` School Teacher—"James,
is 'to kiss' an active or a passive
verb l" James (oldest boy in the
class)—"Both." Pretty School
Teacher -"How is that, James?"
Janes—"Active;en the part of the
feller, and passive on the part of
the .girl." Prettyschool teacher
blushes and marks Jamas perfect
in grammar.
The Pill That Leads Them
Pills are the most portable and
compact of all medicines, and when
easy to take aro the most accept-
able of preparations. Ent they
must attest their power to be po-
pulai. As Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills are the most popular of all
pills they must fully meet all re
quirements. Accurately compound-
ed and composed of ingredients
proven to. be effective in regulating
the digestive organs, there is no
surer medicine to be had anywhere.
April, 1909, brought into force a
naw rule in regard to taking the
oath in the courts of. New South
Wales, Each court was supplied
nith a new Testament. The first
witness to bo sworn kissed the first
leaf, which was then folded in the
centre and turned over, The sec-
ond witness to be sworn kissed the
second leaf, and the third witness
the third leaf, and so on. When
the last leaf of the Book has been
kissed, a now Book is requistioned,
004 w..$,0 obi*
One asst, a.,e.vo. . .a..
hen Hen. i, Wa..rs8Gl8
vDtoile,..se4r et 01.nt,8. glad
O' duad►nss cruel¢,.,
int, LUIS 00,,reeea1o1, Can,
One of. the most remarkable
things about the depression of loos
was the rapidity with which Wuei-
nose eonllitlons recovered them-
selves, 1907 ryas perhaps the best
year in the history of Canada as
far as business conditions were con -
caned, and 1908 showed every pro-
mise of increased progress and
prosperity at the time the Wall
Street panic upset conditions in
the country. to the .South of in .and
brought about the money string-
ency that was world-wide in its far
reaching effect.
Repoi"ts, as far as they have come
in from Canada's leading Einanci
al Institutes, show progress un-
precedented In their history, Per-
haps the most marked of such re-
ports came 'frond the Traders Bank
of Canada, who have made pro-
gress during the past year that will
be extremely' gratifying to both
their customers and shareholders.
The Traders Bank is regarded as.
one of the most solid Canadian Fi-
nancial Institutions, and this year
the progress they have achieved
along the lines of conservative
Banking methods has been great.
Their liberal and far-sighted me-
thods in dealing with tueir custom-
ers have resulted in an enormous
increase in deposits and to accom-
modate their rapidly growing busi-
ness they have had to increase their
number of Branches in Canada to
over one hundred. In addition,
they have recently increased their
Dividend to shareholders to 8 per-
cent. and Traders Bank stook is in
demand at a very much enhanced
She -"tow far can your ances-
try be traced?"
He—"Well, when my grandfa-
ther resigned his, position as cash-
ier of a hank, they traced him as
far as China, but he got away."
It is the Farmer's Friend. — The
farmer will End in 'Dr. Thomas'
Balearic Oil a potent remedy for
wounds or pains in the body or for
affections of the respiratory organs
and for household use generally. fie
will also find it a convenient friend
in treating injured horses, ,cattle,
etc., or relieving then: when attack-'
ed by colds, coughs or any kindred
ailments to which they are subject.
"When a man says, "and I know
what I'm talking about,' " says
the Philosopher of Folly, "the only
way Lean get even is by aslang him
toprove it."
"The' Ills of life" appear under
many guises. Many of the physical.
ones and some of the mental could
be prevented or even cured by a
course of treatment with the saline
waters of . the "St. Catharines
Well." A mild climate and pleas-
ant environment aid in the process.
Reached via Grand Trunk Railway
A booklet with full information
will be sent by addressing Manager,
"The Welland," St. Catharines,
Man very often runs in debt,
Beyond a doubt;
But it is very safe to bet
That he creeps out.
Try Murine Eye Remedy
Por Red,' Weak,Weary, Watery Eyes,
Granulation, Pink Eye and Eye Strain.
Murine Dooso't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain.
Is Compounded by, Experienced Physicians;
Contains no Injurious
1LtueAfor Your Eye Troubles. You
1 ikMaine. Try it
in Baby's Eros,
for Sealy Eyelids.. Druggists. 8e11 Merino
at 30e. The Murine Eye: Remedy Co„ Chi-
ongo, will Bend You Interesting Eye Books
Mrs. Newlywed (cheerfully)—"Do
you remember, Tom, how, before
we were married, you usedto tell
me I was worth my weight in
gold?" Mr. Newlywed (abstracted -
]y) --"Yes; and do you remember
how terribly thin you used to he
'then 7"
Sudden transition from a hot to
a cold temperature, exposure to
rain, sitting in a draught, nnseas-
unable substitution of light for
heavy clothing, are fruitful causes
of colds and the resultant cough so
perilous to persons of weak lungs.
Among the many medicines for
bronchial disorders so arising, there
is none better than Bickle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup. Try it and be-
come . convinced. Price 25 cents.
Stranger—"Rastus, do the people
who live across the road from you.
keep chickens."
Rastus—"Day keeps some of 'em,
One good turd doesn't always get
the other it deserves,
HTi bR�1 MtQitINE itoa OpetuNtas
it as safe its it is effective. CuarN
matted to contain no opiates, h is
very palatable too -'-children like it.
asuessase,211 Cents
OF 6/0 iiVf THE
• OF rim
These bonds are 41014red by a First Mortgage on the
properties of the Canada Cement . Company, Limited.
They represent an actual investment in the property of
practically .T times the amount of the present outstanding
bonds. The mills owned or controlled by this Company
are among the best established and most efficiently equip-
ped on the continent, with a capacity in excess of
1,,fl00,000 barrels per annum. They include
The Lakefzeld Portland Cement Co., Ltd„ Montreal, P Q.
The Lal efiold Portland Cement Co,, Ltd., Lakefleld, Ont.
the Coven. Sound Portland Cement' Co„ Ltd., Shallow
Lake, Ont.
The Alberta Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Calgary, Alta.
The Belleville Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Belleville, Ont..
The International Portland Cement Co„ Ltd; , Ilull, P.Q,
The Vulcan Portland Cement Co., Ltd., 11'lontr'eal,P. Q.
The Lehigh Portland Cement Co,, Ltd., .Bell.eville, Ont,
The Canadian Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Marlbanlc
and Port Colborne, Ont,
Arrangements have also been made to acquire a con-
trolling interest inure following companies.'—
Tloe Western Canada Cement & Coal Co., .Ltd., Exsliaw,
The Eastern Canada Portland Cerneazt CO.,;Lld., Quebec,
The net earnings in 1908 by seven of .the constituent
Companies, representing lees that: fifty per cent. of the
capacity of the now Company, amounted to twice the
present bond interest charge.
Estimated yearly net earnings, 411,400,000, based on
the sales of the ,Companies .conzprised firs the.Meager and.
the cost of manufacture under existing conditions, to-
gether with the restoration of normal prices.
Proper and successful management is assured by an
efficient board of directors and capable 'executive
Strategic position of the plants of the Canada Cement
Company enables it to serve the trade in all parts of
After careful investigation, we believe this bond issue
to be well secured, arzd the bonds should form an attract-
five investment at Par and accrued interest yielding ri0
per cent.
Ravages of Consumption
In the year 1890,18 years ago, Mrs. G.
8. Cerner, of Belle Isle, N.S., was in a sad
condition. All hex relatives had died of
consmpt,on, andthere was every indication
that she was going the same way,.
Atthis pointhorhusband suggested terry
Psychine. The doctor who attended said
Peychise was worthless; but it effected a
wonderful cure. Eighteen years after in a
letter bearing date August 14, 1908, Mo.
Gcscer says, "1 em better than! have been
for years. My lunge have not troubled me
since! tank your treatment. lily physician
told me i could take abetter tenic than
I'SYCBINE, and 1 recommend it to all who
are suffering from Lung Trouble and Geo.
eml Debility."
For Sala by ell premise. S .0^. & ; P per botd e.
"It may be true," said Uncle
Eben, "slat riches don't bring hap-
piness. But slat ain't no good ar-
gument foil goin' to do Tither ex-
treme an' wrestlin' wif debts."
Clean Stomach, Clean Mind.
The stomach is the workshop of the
vital functions and when it gets
out of order the whole system clogs
in sympathy. The spirits flag, the
mind droops and work becomes im-
possible. .rhe first care should bo
to restore healthful action of the
stomach and . the best pi'epao'ation
for that purpose is Pai'onolee's Ve-
getable Pills; General use for
years has won them a leading place
iu medicine. A trial will attest
their value.
Ilindly mention the name of this
paper in writing to advertisers.
After a man gives his word, he
should try to keep it.
Some things go without saying,
but a woman isn't one of them.
The man,who marries in haste of-
ten has not leisure to repent it.
You are a philosopher of the best
type if you don't want what you
ntg et,
The maidenh
w bee Ecco is
o hor
fortune should bo careful how sho
invests it.
The blindest man in the world is
the man who doesn't believe any-
thing he can't see.
If you always stand up far your
rights, you will Have to wait a long
time for a spat.
"It is hard to teach all old dog
new tricks," says the proverb, Yes; __._
flew tricks want finding.
Deed Poultry.
market Prises Guaranteed
Ship by Express and Advise
J. A. McLean Pr cried: Co.
74 to 76 Front St, East, Toronto
-1,GIA, MADACls1,
®'$A +fent
Radsvays Ready Ro.
hof cares the worst
pains 10 from ono to
twenty minutes.
(whether lher aloe or
nervous), n . T lgle,
heumatism, ismL,.
Rhenma pins
in the Mtto Daspi and weakness
around the neck, spina or bay, s
fthethe'liver, pins of swelling
w the Ready
and pains 0 all kinds, a er.
cot ondanentio will In slbw days ei-
tent6-permanent acro.
kindly mention the name or this
paper in writing to advertisers.
If all men were compelled to prac-
tise what they preach the major-
ity would discontinue, the breach-
ing habbit.
Have you tried Holloway's Corn
Cure? It has no equal for remov-
ing these troublesome exoreseuces
as many have testified who have
tried it.
Old Mother Hubbard
She went to the cupboard,
As always had been her habit.
"I can't aflord beef,"
She murmured, with grief;
So site made her poor dog a Welsh
ISSUE 11O. G0•--110.