HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-12-09, Page 7YO .lNQi FOLKS OUT OF PLACE. Cal Chapin shut his grammar with a yawn of relief, "Let's have t ganro befog° supper," he propos- ed, "Oh, yes, that new one 1" chimed in Bertha."Out of Place, diel you call it, sunt Ruth V' 4! or lack of a better name," her aunt assented, "May I be it this ,time 1" begged Alice. "If you'll promise not to make it too hard" said Norton, "Tf you'll agree not to make it too o oo t y " said Carl, laughing. p the tongs on the table N %rt corse, too, Aunt Ruth and mama!" called Bertha, as she ran into the hall, and Alice was left alone, She looked round the library, to see •what article she eonld puout of place and have it least observ- able, for hit was the secret. "Tele very thing!" she thought, as her eye fell upon Bertha's golf cape, and she chuckled to herself. Back into the room they flocked and at once began a search for the misplaced object. "Is it in plain sight?" asked Nor- ton. "Enough of it," answered Alice. "Oh, not all l" cried Bertha. "That gives a:clue." But ' it' ala not seem to be of use, round and round the room svalk- ell the five, yet no out -of -plans article could be discovered. "Is it little air big1" queried Nor- ton. "Is that a fair questi n, Aunt Ruth?" appealed Alice. "We all .seem to need more light," replied Aunt Ruth. "Well, then," answered Alice, "I fhould call it pretty big. When it was new it was larger than its own- er wanted." "What in the world can it be 1" mused Carl. "And where ?" scowled Norton, pacing up and down in front of the bookcase.. "There 1" cried Bertha, sudden- ly. "I told Clementine Hotchkiss that the next time we played tide I would ask her over. She thought it must be fun. Say, you wait for me -don't try to find it 1—and 1'11 run in and get her. . Where's my golf cape? I thought I left it right here on the couch. I'm sure I didn't carry it up -stairs. Do you. knowwhere it is, Alicel" "I'11 get you my jacket," she answered evasively. "Oh, I have a. big guess that's what she has hidden!" cried Carl. "Yes, it is f I know by the locks of her face. Coyne on and let's find it! Clementine can wait for the next game. A golf cape can't be in the match -box." Eagerly the searchers peered into every corner for the missing cape, and. although Alice had_ assured them .that it was in sight, cushions were overturned, newspapers peep- ed under, and even the couch -cover lifted. "Bocause she acknokledged it was only partly in view," apologized Norton. "I wonder if she can have stuffed it in back of thebooks?" thought Bertha, and them a familiar shade of bine caught her eye, She step- ped nearer the bookcase, and there, Neatly wedged between the volumes and folded so as.slosely to resemble a book, was the hissing garment. With a glad cry Bertha drew it forth. "That was a bright thought," praised Carl, with a smiling nod toward his sister. "This game bray, de us all some good."—Youth's Companion, COUGH REMEDIES. Onion Syrup—Pare and slice -five large onions and cook them in three. pints of vinegar. When tender strain through a thin cloth, squeez ing to extract all the juice, add a pint of granulated sugar and B it until reduced to one pint Bottle. and cork securely for future in e. A dose for a child of from four to five years old is a teaspoonful ovary hour, increasing to a tablespoonful for an adult. This remedy acts on bowels as well as lungs, so it is not necessary to adminiater a. physic as is often the case. Flaxseed Tea and Lemon Juice is another most excellent cough a ons- edy To prepare it, put 'a heap- ing tablespoonful of whole flaxseed in a pint and a half of cold water, and boil until reduced to one pint. Strain and add the juice of one Cargo or.`two small lemons and enough granulated or loaf auger to give it a pleasant taste, and take a sip of it as occasion dequires, end relief will soon be obtained. Glycerine and lemon juice taken In equal parts and thoroughly mixed, is an other effective cough remedy, but it is a gond plan to use a compress in connectionwith any of the relileflie9 as water passesaes a strong romodzal value arid is al - Ways It helpful adjunct to other' re- eSedies, WOMEN WII0 SUFFER Ar. Williams' Pink Pills Give R9- ' gularit and Gaol Re I �_Atli, Every woman at some tins° needs a tonic, At special times unusual demands are made upon her strength. Where thea° are added to the worry and hard work which falls to her Iot, weakness will re- sult unless .the blood is fortified to meet the strain. Weak seamen find in Dr, Willi- ams' Pink Pills the tonic exaotiy suited to their needs, Moat of the _111 with which they suffer are duo to bloodlessness—a condition which the Pills readily cure, These Pills save the girl who enters into wo- manhood in a bloodless conditio'''n from years of misery, and afford prompt and'permanent relief to the woman who is bloodless, and there- fore weak. Mrs. R. Fisher, Coates Mille, N. B., says: ','Sometime ago my system was in a very anaemic condition as 'the result of an inter- nal hemorrhage caused by an ;acci- dent. Though I had the services of a skilled doctor for a time, I did not recover my strength, and gra- dually I greersso weak that T could not clo any house -work. As I seemed to grow steadily weaker I. became much discouraged, for provious to 'my accident I had al- ways been a healthy woman. About this time I received a pamphlet tel- ling me of the strengthening pow- ers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I procured a box at once and began using t ng y them,when.the. were ere Keno 1 got three boxes more, and by the time I had used these I found my- self somewhat stronger and my ap- petite much better, Before I be- gan the Pills I• could scarcely walk up stairs, and could do no work at all. Now after taking three boxes I was able to walk out in the open air. I kept on with the Pills, and after using six boxes was delighted to find that.I could:. again attend to my household affairs. I took two. more• boxes of the Pills, and I felt that I was as well as ever I had been, and equal: to any kind of exer- tion. I have since recommended Di. Williams' Pink Pills to friends with beneficial results." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all -medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at :60 cents. a •box or six boxes for $2.60 by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. d�— CANADA_ DRINKS TEA. Only Two Countries in the World Which Consumes More. It has been supposed that the English nation drank more tea than any other, but recent staisties show that the average consumption in Australia is 7.11 pounds a person a year, while in England it is only £.03 pounds. Next to England comes Canada, with 4 'pounds. ' Then there is a remarkable gap, as Hol- land, the next country on the list, only accounts for 1.4 pounds a head annually. The United States record is only 1.8 pounds. The smallest consumers of " tea in .the civilized world are Germany and France. BABY'S OWN TABLETS A SMILE IN EVERY DOSE Smiling, ' happy,- healthy : little ones are found in every home where Baby's Own Tablets are used. An occasional dose regulates the sto- mach and bowels and keeps little ones well, or will speedily restore health if • sickness corner unexpect- edly. Ask any mother who has used this medicine for her children and she will tell you there is nothing else so safe and sure. Mrs. N. `Pa- quin, St. Wenceslas, Que., says :-- "I have used Baby's Own Tablets' for most of the Little ailments of childhood, and have not known them 'to fail. From my own ex- perience I can recommend them to all mothers." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents' a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Do you find poultry keeping pays?" "Well, to; I can'tsay that it pays me, bet I think that it pays my boy Jim." "How's that?„ "Well, you see, I bought' him the fowls, 1 hav° to pay for their keep and buy the eggs from hire, and: he eats them." Why go south :and undertake a long expensive journey to rest your tired nervus or overworked body 1 In the Niagara Peninsula ire a place provided by nature and art for your special trouble. Nature has pre- sided the saline waters of the "Sb. Catharines Well" and art has equipped the "Weiland" with the needed appliances for treatment, rest and comfort. St. Catharines, on tho lino of the Grand Trunk Railway .S,yriem, is Canada's groat wintor health resort. A booklet with full infornrat,ion will .be snub by addressing Mana- ger, "The Welland," St. Cathar- ines, Ont. kindly iltention the aame of this Duper in Writing to advertisers. A CENTS WOETII 0E POWEU, Things That Can he Done With a Pinch of Eleetrioity, Probably few people have over stappod to think what a'powcr elec- tricity is. If.you 1}axe never thought the natter over it will be surpris- ing as well as, interesting to know what can be done with one cent's worth of this marvellous power. On the average rate and dis- counts of the ordinary consumer; says Harpor's Weekly, 'a cent's worth of elpotricity will operate a 12 -inch fan for 90 nlinutes. Will operate a sewing machine motor for three hours. Will keep a 6 -pound electric flat- iron hot for fifteen minutes. Will make four cups of coffee in an electric coffee percolator. Will keep an 8 -into disc stove hot for seven minutes, or long enough to ogok a steak. Will. 'operate a luminous radia- tor for eight minutes, Will bring to a boil two quarts of water or operate the baby, milk- warmer twice., Will make a Welsh rarebit in an electric chafing dish. Will operate a 7 -inch frying pan for twelve minutes. Will keep a heating pad hot for two hours. Will operate an electric griddle for eight minutes. Will run the electric broiler for six minutes. Will run a massage machine for nearly four hours. Will keepthedentist's electric hammer and drill going for 99 minutes. Will keep the foot -warmer hot for a quarter of an hour. Will run an electric pianola for one hour, Will vulcanize a patch on an au- tomobile tire. Will heat an electric curling iron once, a day for two weeks. Will pump 250 gallons of water 100 feet high. Will keepa big glue pot hot for an hour. Will drive the electric slipper while shearing one horse. Willraise ten tons twelve feet high with an electric crane in less than one minute. Will raise a large passenger ele- vator five storeys a'minute. Will brand electrically 150 hams. AN EXCELLENT: REMEDY. Will Break Up a Cold in Twenty- four hours and Cure Any Cough That is Curable. The ' following mixture is often prescribed and is • highly recons- mended for coughs, colds and other throat and bronchial trouble: Mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com- pound pure, .and eight ounces of pure Whisky. These can be bought in any good drug store and easily mixed together in a large bottle. The genuine . Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure is prepared only in the laboratories of the Leach Che- mical . Co., Cincinnati,and put up for dispensing in half -ounce vials. THE SAFE COURSE. Mrs. Wilson's husband was often obliged to travel on business, and frequently did not reach home till after midnight. His wife had been in the habit of sleeping peacefully at these tines, but a number of burglaries in the neighborhood dur- ing one of Mr. Wilson's trips bad disturbed her calm. On one night of his return M. Wilson was stealing carefully up: the front stairs, so that his wife would not be awakened, when he heard her voice,high and strained. "I don't know whether you are my husband ora. a burglar," came the excited tones, "but I am going t.. bo on the safe side and shoot, so if you are Henry you'd better got out of the way l" 1f your children moan and are restless during sleep, coupled, when awake, with a loss of appetite, pale countenance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend upon it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator effectually removes these pests; atonce relieving the little sufferers:. A tourist at a oountry hotel ask- ed the girl who waited at table if he could have some poached eggs. "We haven't any eggs, sir," she replied; then, after a moment's re- flection, she added, "but I trunk T could get ye some poached sal- mon." D. Morse's Indian Root Pilis aro not a now and untried' remedy --our grandfathers used them. Ralf a century ago, before Oonfoe: station, they were on nolo in nearly 01051 drag or general store in the Canada of that day, and Nero the recognized cure in thousands of homes for Constipation, Indirect- tion, Biliousnoes, Ris5is iatfsm and Kidney and Liver Troubles. Today they, Ma suet as effgetem, jest an fin reliable as ever, and nothing butter hits 105 boon devised to frtlt el Gtoninrtot.'1 iIt£t km ITIS PAINS 'AND AGUES ALL, GONE RODD'$ 7fJDNI;X PILLS CURED CHAS, N. CYR'S ItIlEU111A- TISN. Statement of a 1fan who Suffered for a Year From Different Forms of Kidney Disease and Found a Speedy Cure. New Richmond Station, Que., MeV, 29.--(Speoial),—In these cold fall days when 'Rheumatism,. Sala - tea, Backache and other Kidney Disetisea are working havoc in every corner of Canada, thousands will be interested in the statement of Mr, Chas. N, Cyr,the well-known. barber of this place. I had bean a sufferer from Rheu- matism and Backache for a year," Mr. Cyr states. ,"My head also troubled me and it was hard to col- lect my thoughts. I heard, of cures maria by Dodd's Kidney Pills and ma,mthm, The marvelldsupoousmy effectind ofto the fierst bozo on my system at once raised. my hopes and by continuing to take themam now a sound and well man. All my pains and aches are gone and I am able to do my work without pain," Mr. Cyr is only one of thousands whom Dodd's Kidney Pills have cured of Rheumatism, Sciatica and Backache. For Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure sick or disordered Kid- neys. And if your Kidneys,are well you can't have Rheumati - snl Sala - tea or Backache. ' Scia so. A witty as well as a soft answer will sometimes turn away wrath. A candidate, in the midst of a stir - ling address, was struck with a rotten egg, "full in the face. Paus- ing to wipe away the contents of the missile, he calmly continued :— "1 have always contended that my opponent's arguments were very unsound." The crowd roared, and he was no longer molested. Many inheuit weak lungs, and as disease usually assails the weakest point' these so parsons are -continually exposed to attacks of cold and pul- monary disturbances. The speedy use of Bickle's Anti Consumptive Syrup will be found a preventive and a protection, strengthening the organs, so that they are not so Liable to derangement from exposure or abrupt . atmospheric changes. Bickle's Syrup is cheap and good. HIS CHOICE OF EVILS, Magistrate -"You are accused of being drunk and disorderly. Are you guilty or not guilty?'''. Prisoner—"I'll plead guilty, your honor, if you'll send me up for ten days." Magistrate—"Why do you want to be sent up for ter. days?" Prisoner—"My wife is cleaning house.". TORTURED BY PILES. Could Not Rest! Could Not Work! Could Not Play How Zam-Buk Brought Relief. Mr. Julius Glacier of Denbigh, Ont., says :—"I was so tortured by piles that I could not get ease whe- ther lying down, sitting, or: stand- ing. The ailment robbed me of strength, of appetite, and of all de- sire to live ! I had suffered so long and so acutely that I came to think there was no ease for me, but one day I found out that I was wrong 1 "I was told that Zani-Buk cured piles, and that this balm was alto- gether different to ordinary oint- ments, scores of which I had proved useless for so bad a dase as mine was. 1 got a supply of Zam-Buk, and began to use it regularly. "Without going into unnecessary detail, in a few weeks I found my- self cured. I owe my cure to Zam- Buk entirely, and I trust myex- pesienee will be the means of lead- ing other sufferers to try this great herbal balm." Nothing need be added to this plain, powerful testimony save one question if you suffer like Mr. Glacier did, why not get relief from, the same source as he did? Zam-Buk is a proved purefor in- flamed areas (as in piles) erysipelas, eczema, ulcers, sores, abscesses, cold cracks, chapped ]Hands, burns, °tits, scalp sores, and all skin in- juries and diseases; It is the most suitable balm for children's rashes. All Druggists and Stores at 50o. box or post-free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. A FATAL OVERDOSE. "I hope you won't encourage our Neilie's latest admirer," said sim- ple-minded Mrs, Featherston to her husband, continuing, with an un- conscious pun -"you know the old saying: 'Give him an inch and he'll take a Nell. '"Don't you worry about my giv- ing him am ooh," remarked her husband. Ill do better than that; I'll give him a foot,°+ Why is it that a man ban never d a pin in a pincushion? We never think of looking for probes hs the milk of human dies. D1REOTORS WJIO TRULY DIUEC% rt Jo a well known fact that men penally selected to act on rectory Boards of Banks, Insur.. Companies and other Financial stitutlons are Alen more or less the public eye men of large abil and wide experience. The very fact of their recogn ed business ability and breadth outlook makes them very desire acquisitions to ouch institute and their sound conservative w dons on matters constantly arisi have resulted in the substan growth of meet of our leading T stitutjons, Criticisms have been made in 1 past that some Directors, owing the fact of their many and vagi interests, are not really as tho oughly conversant with the nota of the Institutions for which tb. act as thew should be, and to me criticisms some of our leading C nadian Institutions are attach_ a new °Ecxcer to their Boards Directors, called the Director Auditor. The Traders Bank of Canada w perhaps the Prat .institution adopt this new method. Their D rectors' Auditor is Mr. J. L. Willi a man for many years connects with the ]3ank as a Branch Manag who is possessed of exception ability and experience. Mr. Willis's duties, as Director Auditor, are to act for the ,Bank busy Directors in the way of ove seeing, investigating and reportin of all matters that come befor them in the i+e ala Eofbu' g waysi ness. He is responsible only to th Board of Directors and his work ha done a great deal in facilitating th deliberation of the Board at al times. The progress made by the Trader Bank in the last few years has bee very gratifying indeed, both to thei Shareholders and many customers The Traders Bank has now 10 Branches in Canada, mainly in On tario and the lt'est, although it " reported that they are shortly t open in Montreal and extend thei operations to the East, .5 PHYSIOLOGICAL. "Effie," said Margie. who was laboriously spelling words from a first reader, "how can I tell which is a 'd' and which is a 'b' ?" "Why," replied Effie, wisely, "the 'd' has its tummy on its back." the Dis Insure nee Ins in ity ie. 0f ble ns,. is - ng tial n- he to ed r- il•s ey et ng s' as to i- s, cl ger al s' 'a r - g e 0 s 0 1 $ n r 0 is 0 r Mothers, Give the Children a Chance. Spanking does not cure children of bed- wetting. There is a -constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers,,Box W leo,.: Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment,. with Gill instructions. Send no money, but write ber to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cnres adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night.' WORK1 The watchmaker says he is not the only man who should be ex- pected to make his good works tell. Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands aro cov- ered over with warts. Why have these disfigurements on your per- son when a sure remover of all warts, corns, etc., cans be found in Holloway's Corn Cure. NOT YET, BUT Twinkle, twinkle, little star! Oft I've wondered what you are; But with airships, there's no doubt That ere long I will find out. Pills for Nervous' Troubles. — The stomach is the centre of the nervous system, and when the stomach ns - pends healthy action the result is manifest in disturbances of the nerves.. If allowed to persist, nerv- ous debility, a dangerous ailment, may ensue. The first consideration is to restore the stomach to proper action, and there is no readier rem- edy for this than Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. Thousands can attest the virtue of these pills in curing nervous disorders. Anxious Mother—"I want an or- der to send my daughter to an in- sane asylum for treatment. She is going ; to marry a man thirty years older than. herself." Judge "Why, madam, girls marry old mon every day, and are. not consid- ered insane." Anxious Mother — "Yes, but the old man nsy daugh- ter wants to marry is poor," ISSUE NO. 49--09, Mir Poultry Producer When year after year finds our Poultry business growing, therm must he some good reeeena fpr it. It is not inch—meithet is it 'advertising. -but it is BECAUSE WWope maarraee AtohLA4Wa 1 SAa! yYr CSabaauthy. deri u rrIbno rs In Can ada.WepeY tifGREST *pot cash es delivery. COMPETITIONrilnte armesarstammesinsammuistrensonnagoses TZ./2,5'..00° andelel sgnts pn this , GUNN, LRINLOIS & (0., Limited, MONTREAL' ARPEET DY 9N and Cleaoina. Thia 1a a specialty w1111. the 113ritiaf- Arneriopn Cyeing Co' fiend parties/ars by post and we aro euro to mtisfy. Address Box ISO, Montreal. fi2Fit1; reek rree, r' xrsd da rb.rc. 3NF,'-dtYd4T Bl15LEenAJD c4. LOA sun into the "GRIP" and P ED tf 860_2.5. Lose fie Mum, Mit fret en mice a bottle of RAO fMet.° IIckiuand prevent pueunipnonle, or mire It if already manifest- ed. In the 1Unfaheng fousehold Remo d;•. for Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat. Bro la ,,n us of all kt iia and MB (14 mention the na.mc of this paper ip writing to advertisers. CONVINCING HER. "Say," growled the boss, "you've got to stop chatting g with giggling girls over the 'phone. That tele- phone is for business purposes only. "That's all right," replied the young man. "I was just trying to convince that young lady that I really mean business." POULTRY. We call the attention of our read- ers to the advertisement of Gunn, Langlois ik Co., Montreal, which appears elsewhere in this paper. if you have any poultry to place on the market during the holiday sea- son, , th°ir advice and commu- nicate with them before rushing goods to market. It is a good plan towrite to these people if you have eggs, butter; poultry or honey to dispose of at any time, as they are known to be a very reliable house. A Requisite for the Rancher. On the cattle ranges of the West, where men and stock are far from doctors and apothecaries, Dr. Tho- mas' EcIectric Oil is kept on hand 1 y the intelligent as a ready made medicine, not` only for many human ills, but as a horse and cattle medi- cine of surpassing merit. A horse and cattle rancher will find matters greatly simplified by using this Oil. "How do you do, sore?" said a Frenchman to an English acquaint. ante. "Rather poorly, thank you," answered the .other, "Nay, m3 dear sore," said the Frenonuuan "don't thank nee for your illness. cannot help it." • Try Murine Eye Remedy For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyea, Granulation, Pink Eye and Eye Strain. Marine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain. Is Compounded by Experienced Physicians; Contains no Injurious or Prohibited Drugs, Try Murine for Your Eye Troubles, Yon Win Like Muria°, Try it fa Baby's Eyes, for Scaly Eyelids. Druggists. Sell .Murine at 50a. The latrine BYO Remedy Co., 01,1• cage, will send Yoh Interesting Eye Books Froo, .. COURTSHIP POINTERS. When she says the clock's correct, She is neutral, we suspect. When she says the clock is fast,. You aro making time at last. When she says the clack is slow, You are done for. Better go. C. A. RING, GLOBE' TROTTER Is walking from Montreal to Van - Waver, 2,896miles, on CATSPAW RUBBER HEELS. Left. Montreal 1 o'clock Oat, 23rd, passed Sudbury, Ont., 430 miles, Nov. 16th. When will he reach Vancouver? 133 prizes offered nearest guessers. Contest is free. Write guess on postal card and receive prize list. Address, WALPOLE RUBBER C0., LTD., Dept, 13., Montreal: WE'LL PULL THROUGH. Though up, go the prices, Soaring just as high As the ambitious airships Headed for the sky, The record; of the world is Weil live until we die. A Medical Need Supplied.-. Whoa a medicine is found that not only acts upon the stomach, but, is so composed that Certain ingredients of it page unaltered through the sto- mach to find action in the bowels, then there is available a purgative and a cleanser of great effective- ness. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are of this character and are the best of all pills. During the years that they have boon in use they have established themselves as no other pill has done. Teachers --"You nodes that boy who stands at the foot of the ,lase? Well, last summer he was the smart est boy in the school." Examiner --"Ho is now. I notice the 11th 01 the class is neatest .the fire," EDtUOA'PIONAL,. , ke p, ng Oui course 1n this subiect is an. surpassed. It giros the student a training worth many throe the cost to take it. Write for nartioulsrs to 'BBITI$ll AAIERICAN eustnese COLLEGE, Y.M-o,A. B'Id'$, .Toronto, T. 11, WATSON, .Prteeipal; 'y' EARNT11E BARBER TRADE—NEW system -constant practice; careful instruction; few weeks complete tools free; lv graduates earn twelvee to 'ague, olarars weekC logo 21r Queen rogue. BarberTonto,- Collogo. 221XQueen East, Toronto, AGENTS WANTED. Ajf ANUFACTIIBSNG COMPANY WANTS lY8 man to sell direct to farmers, Quick' seller. Every farmer wants one: 70% profit, Experience valuable but anneeao- eery. Postal today brings particulate,•: Maiden Adams, Sarnia, Ont. £TOCKS. rr'o INVESTORS—YOUR ORDERS TO bury or sell Stooks will receive my personal Scott St., E.,e 11, Mathews, Brok• DE EDTIVE overcome by the F Hf the olC Acoasttcon—on It h the marvels sS the el Write l a -o. In es o he iron h ut t world. Write O., . rd forcatalogue Liog d i 'I St ecro Atoastlo Co.,of Canada Ltd 4 8 Yea , 6 1 6t., Tomato, CA L VES Raise Them Without Mn4 Booklet Free, Stedle,;Brlggs Seed Co., Ltd., Torouto,lOut. 6 I ,to work for us, selling $_nae cards. Yo pan make Five dollars per week. sen Twenty cents' deposit, which will be r urned to you at Xmas. We will etartyo jvith a Good stock.. The American New azo ncy,. 169 1-2 Moor W., Toronto. . I' Consignments Solicited. wtl a for Yrloe. LIaL Canadian Nide & $Iiin Ca. 4e FRONT S.T. EAST. maestro. SWT Do you trap or bu Fu rel I am Canada's largest dealer,I inty bighestprices. Your shipments solicited. pay mall and ex- press charges; remit promptly. Also largest. dealer in neolhidea, Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping toga sent Inc.. - s JOHN HALLAM TORONTO Dressed Poultry ANY QUANTITY. Market Prices Guaranteed • • REMITTANCES DAILY Ship by Express and Advise THE d. A. IrvMcLean Pr oduce Co. LifttirED, 74 to 76 Front St. East, Toronto ECONO rgr" ��YN 'YOUR 'XMAS JEWELERY By Ordering From Us By Mail. SEND FOR ELLIS RED BOOK NO. 9 A COMPLETE CATALOG OF DIAIVIONDS, WATCHES, JEWELERY, SILVERWARE, etc., oto. SENT FREE ON REQUEST.. ELLIS BROS., DIAMOND IMPORTERS, Yong® St., Toronto A.ui inse.,.;o,.r;ea- o,' .rho 0 WEAK RESTORED BY PSYCRINE, "PSYCHINE" has restored thousands of people be buoyant health and strength whosoconditionhad been regarded as hope. less. it is a fortis and flesh -builder, con-, twining rens&nbla properties blood purifier and germicide. It will strcrgt 11 co and heal the week lungs, force out the phlegm, and drive away tele' eodgh, no matter of how longi standing, PSYCtl1NE'tones up the whole. system cad drives out disease. Ileitis the decayed tissue and rautarealottenergy Ito use daisy will prevent Mid ward oii:that ° moot subtle disease consumption, Write for a Pree Sample. For Sale by nil Dru,sisti &baler., 300. & 51 p,rbola,, Dr. T.A;8` PM; 11111760, TOltwi o. R{. Pi tli'4C]t, NCFL' SI- KtEN