HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-12-09, Page 30 SLIMNESS CARSSI .F+, ALF CIE y QJr7�•� PQ A A,F#•,�^ T V • ) r 4 ppa• f lea 1a a Leninist'zr a pp , SI - aim at pzpoprlt Tnrnbazy ptroat, Nziuewlp, K. CO. T. M. r amil* B p regular of the geinbthe Lo. g24 e hold tkelr alar e flag m stip e n e o g 1 the Lodge Toon, Backer a Binh, op the let ,and Brd, Townley Viasitor¢a 1 ra weltiogtl., Visitor, a w, ye W Hama. a; BomtalRtt, oom, A, afaaglriltC,1{, .u,� WM. SPENCE, 00NgEYt1NCEB *ND ISSUER cr MARRIAGES LICENSES Lice In the Pao eater, ROW. 50.4 JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Firs Insurance Company Oipoe and Boeldenoe-. WAL.TON.. ONT. JOHN BUTHERLAN InanaineA, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. I B. SOOTT AS AN AUOTIO1I- 1' • 011; will sell for better prices, to butter men,in len time. and leu charges than any eher- Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't enrage anything. Dates and orders can 'Ivan be arranged at thla officio or by p 8080081 aepltoataon. ROBT. H. GARNiSS BLUEVAI,E .- ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sale* arranged for at the officeof THE T000. Brussels. 22tf LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINOLAIR- • • Barrloter, Solloitor, ,Oonveyanoer, Notary Public, &o. O15oe-13tewart's Block. t door North. of Central Hotel. BoB•Itor for the Metropolitan Bank. - pliouDFOO!P, HAYS & BLAIR- BARRISTERB BOLIOITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETU.. W. P80001002, E. 0. R. 0. HATS G. F. Bann. Genes -Those formerly conned by Messrs • Cameron & Holt, ONTiixo. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and Pint -elan Honor Graduate Of,.Toronto University, Oiiiee next to Brewer's Photo. Gallery, Brussels. wrwill vleit Ethel on the 2nd Monday of each Mouth. SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. ALLAN LI Royal Mail Steamers CHRISTMAS SAIL/NQS • TO LIVERPOOL Virginian Pro Bt. 7oohn From Halifax Nov. 27 'Victorian De0oo., 10 Dec. 11 Hesperian Deo. 17 Dee. 18 BOSTON TO GLASGOW Pretorlan - Deo. 10 8a. in. Numidian Deo, 24 8 a. m. Ionian • Jan, 7 7 a. m. TO HAVRE di LONDON From St. John Prom London Corinthian .,...„Deo, 16 Dee,17 Sardinian ",. Dec. 29 Deo. 81 RATES OP PASSAGE. According tosteamer. let Close -970 00 080 00 and upwnrd. 2nd Class - 90 00 96 00 97.60. 50 00 8rd class - 28 60 27 60 28 75' For full particulars of rates and endings apply to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line. Bruesels, •••••••••••♦••••••♦••••••• 2 w IWornen 2. 4 l_.and.Giris • 2 j •• WANTED 1 4 4. as machine operators and for other �. ♦ tindery work,' Good wages and • ♦ steady employment. Write us. ♦ la' • _ M T• he Clinton Knitting Co., Llrnitecl G►N O L r N nlvr. jS r •. • set; e loll A...•.••••••$s_•,••••,N•+►•••••• ing • 4iusitl9•if Catrtla'. /MISS Q1gRTHA , ARMSTfPNG Toaohplr of Plan:° Studio at parter'e Mttelo dtore,one door North of tate Standard Bank, Breseelo, 0•tf Mf+SS SNAf?PLr he rimed led a enotei'13o Lor remind fexamina- tion.the et the plpnotprt 13 J4uoDepartment, of the tontoeoueervatory O *ne, io,PAOis ropared tb take pupils et her home, Prineeae forced, A. H, fts0NTEIT'H Barrister,;3oilolter, Notary, &o., sueosssor to A. B, 5oodorlald. Oflioe over Standard Sank, Brwisela, Off T. T. AVRAE B99l3elo7 of Medicine, Unlvereity of Toronto; Lioentiate end Grndueto of the college of Rhyy, shotona 0048 Burgeons, Ont. Pont-ggradua0e Chicago Nye, Ear, Nein and ' hreat Ho&pltal, Ohica_go, Ill, Ex -House Surgeon to St. 'Mich- aepe IiOspltel. Toronte 1 t n With Crouhroek et all hours. Ohieheltn, B, A,, Kincardine; Rey, F, W, 0, 0o11es, Chatham, Representing the trustees; John B. T)ow, Whitby 1, 1I• Taah�rhten, Parkhill, .r . Morrie SCHOOL Rmypn.T.,-Tile following is tl a report o S 1 o i _, S. 6, ,• p Ido.M r q xis, for 1 themonth 0 £ o e 0 Nv br m 'ne T1Xamx a i r' It nA Mato h., 1a , q , lana., Lit.. ane &any Work. "1',otal 500, Honore 875, Sr, Cur2�ie, 888, Jr, .TV. -R. Hone 348, Sr, III, -fel, Shaw, 408; L. Wilkinson, 222. jr. III,• --I, Shaw, 300 ; x. Ynill, 850 . C. Sellers, 334 ; L Wilkineoi , 212, ;' W,' Sellers, 85. Pt. IS. -51. Shgw, 0 ; ,7, Bowman, 434 ; S. 'rill, 431 ; G. Bone. 428, Sr, 1't. 1. M. Bowman.., Jr, Pt, .1,-H, Sellers, M. Wilkinson, L, Sealers. C. MgCItammx. Teacher, Office over N. jt, Smith's Dreg Store. Tele- Ethel ,hone oonneo to t DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon, Honor Grsdaato Dental Department, Toronto• University • Licentiate of Royal. College of Dental 8argeone, of Toronto. Moe over J. T. Roes' More. Brussels. f8'Wi11 visit Wroxeter the flret and third Mondaye and Gerrie the second and fourth Mondays of each month. DR; W,4RDLAW Honorgraduate of the Ontario' Veterinary College. Day and night calls. , Office opposite Flour Milt, Ethel.. GAIIl VD YlegiO it Ha LIZ war BRUSSELS Ctoxno Boron GoxnO.Nossa Mail 7:06 a m. Express 10:65 a m ExExpress 18:02 p m ( Eaprese 8:69 p m. WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Epe""""'""8mEpre•"""'"ree :W a I a9:15 p m aai sttus ait ing WEDDING invitations printed on sh notice at THE POST. THE POST subscription list contin to grow. We wish to add goo nam Will you lend a hand? PEOPLE might as well save their ti and postage as to send cornmunicati to THE POST without their name atta ed. We must know with whom we dealing. A LAxELET correspondent says John Bradwell drove to Brussels on bu neseone day recently. He left I 5.30 n the morning, fed his horse a knocked round the town for a while, a was home- here before 2 o'clock, coy ing 44 miles in that time. EXCEEDINGLY CHEERFUL. - Br street's Review of Western Ontario sa trade is steady in character, and noun trade has improved somewhat duri the past few days,' Factories a wholesalers here report excellent ord for present and later delivery, and t outlook tor future business continu exceedingly ng y cheerfu4 Collections a fair to good. NBwsY NOTE FROM TORONTO. -DE MR. KERR,-Please find enclosed t sum of , 2,00, our subscription tor t current year and the year of zero. T POST is a most welcome weekly visit in our home and is worth at leastla do letters. To keep house without it wou seeinyery strange. indeed. Wishing y a very large measure of succe editorially and otherwise, in the'Ne Year which is coming. Invented Safe Headache Cure. Away with headaches, be done wi dizziness, bad stomach and biliou nese. A cure has been found -use D Hamilton's Pills and enjoy the heal hey so surely bring. Nothing b healthful vegetable extracts in D Hamilton's Pills. They cleanse an urtfy the whole system, act as a fie eel:, tonic, Safe for children u'1 >g women ' and men. Sold in 25c. box y all dealers. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. -Th tratford Herald says of a former Bru elite :-Samuel. Askin, photographe Formerly of Teeswater, Bruce Count as opened up a modern studio on tb hird floor, of the Beacon building. NI skin is a photographer of wide exper nce, having a ,studio in Teeswater_ fo ineteen years. For the last two year tad a half he was with Dudley Hoyte eve York city, and Frank Scott Clar o., of Detroit, and in these larg udios has learned many new ideas un nown to most photographers. Wit - is modern egnipment he is prepared t rn out work of the highest class, an ill opeu his studio on Monday. Th oohs are elegantly furnished and Mr skin has spared no money in Navin em fitted for the best. Do you fool Used Up 7 You're discouraged and played out - (mods,' enough energy to think, and ss to work on, The reason ? You e run down, blood is thin, nerve e like Indian rubber, not like steel they ought to be, Use Ferrozone d the tired feeling will go -it can' y because rich nutritious blood and o bodily vigor PezTozone makes, owds out weakness of every kind. e Ferrozone and you'll feel like a hting king -full of eneegy-filled up h ambition -ever ready to work. No strengthening tonic so potent, lent not a da ion er g All ll dee g leis Ferro zone Gone I u50c' t. boxes. Naw ADVICORY Com:cmL,-The new visory Council as announced bq J. A. uston, acting, registrar, is composed follows :-Eit-officio members. Dr, o. Seath; Superintendent of Education, d Rev. Dr. R.A.Falconer, Presi- of of the Uatversity.of Toronto. presenting the Universities : Rev. W. J. Murphy, University . of awe ; Dr, John Dearness, Western iversity ; Rev. Dr, Chancellor Bur-, shUniversity of Toronto ; Rev. 0081 R M c e ki m Uui ersi V ty of Torbu• Dr, John Fletcher, University of ionto . Dr, Alex. C. McKay, Me- ster University. Representing the lic school teachers':: Miss Harriet hston, Toronto; Alex. A. Jordon,` gston ; J. W. Plewee, Chatham l s. A. Reid, Otven Sottttd, Repre- ting the high school tteachers OlenMartin p . B. A. St, Marys • Gil- A.S i y, Smith, M. A., Toronto, Re p re- tin the separate athatl] teachers p' n , Forgers, Lindsay, dsa , Represent - the V $ pubitc school itlspectgrs; W, J. ort les es, me ons eh - are sl- at nd nd er- ad- ys try ng; nd ers he es, re AR he he HE' or z00 Id. ou ss, iv th r. rix ut r. a r - s, es s. r. County p A ie a cit tU h NC le ar fur as an eta th or Ufie g wi N Ne set Ad Ho Re Jn an de Re Dr Ott Un wa Pro to; To Ma pub Joh tin Tho sen Ste bert r. s k h 0 e s u a t SCxoot. Rh4ol T, -•-Following is the. Ethel school report for November ; Senior depwear:era, Sr,, 1 V -V, Me - Call, 0. Dunbar, W. Eclrmier, L. Thompson, L. Melutesh. Jr. 1V -C. En ler, P. Bateman, 0. Cooper, E, Dobson, E. Flood, N. McKee, V. Pollard, E. McLeod, N, Addy. Sr. III -R, Hemsworth, R. Eckniior, E. Ferguson, W. Thompson, G. Cole, S. Strachan, G. +,ckmier, Jr. TIi-L, McNeelands, 11 McKee (equal), P. Dobson, W. Schaefer, R. Dunbar, B.. Vodden. Junior department :-Sr. II -L. Martin, S. Gill, S. MacDonald, H. Freeman, F. Sanders, L. Dane, L. Vodden, Jr. II -V. Schaefer, L. Hemeworth, L. Davidson, J. Lucas, E. Eckmier, M. Thompson, E. Mc- Intosh. Pt. II -GI. Bowes; D. McKee, H. Love, P. Love, R. NeNeelaud, G. Pollard, R. Kreuter, Se. I -A. Mac- Donald, W. Dane, M. Martha, B. Cole, Q. Dobson, Bernice Cole, M. Thomp- son, C. Bateman, F. McIntosh, Int.. I-V. McCall, 0. Ferguspn, A. Eck- mier, I, Mitchell, A, Flood, 1;. Mit- cheIl, E. Kreuter, L. Pollard, A. Hemsworth. Jr. I-0. McKee, B. Howlett, M. Vodden, L. Sanders, 0. Henderson, L. McIntosh, E. Me- Neeland, E. Thompson, W. Woods. A. H. MACDONALD, Principal, M. E. WALSH', Assistant, Any -Weakness In your Back 7 Sometimes you experience pain and weakness without much suffering. Later on the pain will surely come. The trouble can be stopped now by rubbing on Nerviline-rub it in deeply over the spine, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. In these remedies you will find wonderful and quick relief. They will spare you from an attack of Lumbago which is the outcome of neglected pain in the back or side. For all muscular pains, strains and weakness, Poison's Nervi - line and Nerviline Plasters have no equal. Refuse substitutes. belgrave Miss Rachel Bates is spending a few weeks in Clinton. Will. and Mrs. Cole rejoice over the birth of a daughter. Miss Olive Masters, of Bluevale, was the guest of Mrs. 0. W. Proctor. Miss Bella Sproat is visiting friends at Toronto, Stratford and Seaforth. P. Wheeler, of Hamilton, visited his uncle and aunt, Dan: and Mrs. Wheel- er. Alex. Stewart, sr., has engaged with John Armstrong, live stock dealer, for a year. - Robt. and Mrs. Bell, of Hibbert Tp., were visitors at John T. Bell's 5th line, Morris. Wm. Wray, who has been quite ill for a couple of weeks, is able 56 be around again. Miss Pearl Toll has been. re-engaged for the ensuing year by S. S. No. 10, East Wawanosh. ' • Mrs. Henry Pearen, of Turnberry, is lying very ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Bengough, of this village. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle have returned from their holiday trip East, and the former t x has resumed his duties ties at the G. T.R. station. Watson & Armstrong shipped 8000 lbs. of fowl on Monday of last week and 4,000 lbs on Tuesday, They in- tend shipping until the end of the sea- son. Revival meetings are being held in the Methodist church this week, con- ducted by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Cook, assisted by Albert Stuttle, of Strath- roy. NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS When you ru. n out of Flour' next time change for the better by ordering a sack of White Loaf. The better things to eat you will at once commence to enjoy at your house will bo your rear w d. Those who try Lo White of Flour once, always become its steady risers. Do you think they would unless the flour was better, than they had had before ? Hardly. Wit Wm&RJ1. Fryne Throat Coughs Ask your'doetor about these throat coughs. He will tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care- fully to' your doctorp and ask ;him about your taking Ayers, Cherry Pectoral. W. ironies oar rormatai, V110115 alcohol A hpm par madioinoa Ts - niae'oa to oo [looter dgotor Who makes the best liver pills? The J. S3. Ayer Company, of Lowefl Masa. They have been making Ayer's ,Bills for over sixty years, 1f you have the slight- est doubt about using these pilis,.ask your doctor. Do as he says, always,. -SRade by than. 0. Ayer co., 8vwen, Nsalu"- Miss Mina Carter, of East Wawa - nosh, left for Fort Francis, where she intends spending the Winter months. T. Anderson has returned to his home in the Soo after having spent a couple of weeks with his mother, who has been very i11. A Cure for Oolde. Cheap acid preparations are *36014)55 -use the old standard-Putnam's Corn Extractor, For fifty years Put- nam's has been the one painless cure. Bluevafe Mrs. Manns 40 improving in health we are glad to state. Jos, Sellers has been on the sick list but is recovering nicely. C. 0. F. Organizer was in the village and secured five new members. Miss Cora Messer spent a few days with friends at Listowel and Atwood. Mrs. J. Johnston and Mrs. H, Dia- ment visited with friends at Luck - now. Thos. Stewart attended the funeral of his cousin, Henry Watson, of Mitchell. Mrs. Sanderson and daughter, of Toronto, are spending a few weeks in the village, R, Thomson, of Brussels, took in- a 108 of poultry at the station here on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. (Rev.) West received the sad news of the death of her father at Whitby and went to attend the funer- al. Wat. Davidson has moved on to his faun on the 2nd line, Morris. We wish trim the very best success possible. MAKES HAM GROW Jas. Fox Has an Invigorator that Makes Hair grow in Abundantly or Money Back. If your hair is thinning out gradual- ly it won't be long before the bald spot appears. The time to take care of the hair is when you have hair to take care of. For thin falling hair the best remedy known to mankind is Parisian Sage. It is compounded on scientific prin- ciples and furnishes to the hair i cot a nourishment that acts ,gtu'cklyohd' promptly and causes the'haii to..gsbw., But remember this ,. it kills tile•, dandruff germ, the pest that. appro� priates all the natural tdoyris]1me1at' thatshouldo theh g toair root. Parisian Sage is sold by James Fox under a positive guarantee to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp in two weeks or money back. It gives to women's haira lustre and radiance that is most fascinating and causes it to grow abundantly. Parisian Sage is now sold in every first-class town in Canada. A large, generous bottle costs 50 cents, and the girl with the Auburn hair is on every bottle. Winghann Rev, Dr. Rutledge preached Sunday School anniversary sermons in Grace church, St. Thomas, on Sunday. J. B. Ferguson tendered his resigna- tion as Clerk and Treasurer of the town, to take effect at the end of this year. The annual meeting of the North Huron' Liberal Association will be held in the Win ham Town Hall, on the afternoon 01 Tuesday, December 2158. Wingham people will be sorry to hear that the town is losing a good official in the removal of Mr, Ferguson. He has been CIerlr for some twenty- six years and for a number of years has held the combined office of Clerk and Treasurer. The Women's Auxiliary of the Tem- perance and Moral Reform Association held an enthusiastic meeting when ladies to the number of about fifty were present. The following officers were appointed tO d • .-Reel M. Fisher; 1st Vice-Presidengt,sMrs. Alex. Ross ; 2nd Vice -President, Mrs. A. Simmons ; 3rd Vice -President, Mrs. John Wilton. The High School Literary Society has been reorganized and election of officers was held, with the following results :-Hon.-President, W. F Van - stone ; President, 0. W, McKee ; 1st Vice -President, Miss M. Ritchie ; 2nd Vice -President, P. McEwen ; Secre- tary, R. J. Gallagher ,Treasurer, H,Linklat0r ; Press ss Re porters, Miss G. Kennedy, J. Mitchell, Eateeutive- Portn IV, Miss Jewett, R. II, Lloyd ; Form III, Miss G. Stewart, Geo. Moffatt ; Form II, Miss A. Geddes, A. .l nechtel ; Form I, Miss I3: Swarts, Geo. Howson, The champions of the Northern League have organized for the coming seas011i w th the following' g w n officers -� Hon. -President. Dr. J. P. Kennedy Y- :a.on 'Vice -President, R, Clegg Presi- dent, 0. 0, VanStone; 1st Vice -Presi- dent, X, Binkley ; 2nd, Vice -President, D, Davies ; Secretary, J. Walton Mo- Kibbon ; Treasurer, W, L,, .Siuoiaiir ; Marmot', 7), I1insieY. Patrons -Dr, A. 3. Geo, � O , S Invite poCCon, A. Ifi. Mns- ggrove, 11I, L, A„ Dr, Chisholm, M, k?,, To Ken led , J. 13, McGuire, J, W. Otr, I., Johnston. Molesworth CALLS RSV. It. M>t, b terian congregation lie_ h Pres- tended a unaimull lto If ev. 0, ex- tended 8, ,t1,., of Napier, to become their pastor as successor to Rev, Mr, Bur- nett, who moved to Dorchester station, Mr. Beit is offered POO salary and Mait- land Prbytey, which netlast Thursday at Walton, advanced the call and Tuesday of this week Sarnia Presbytery was to deal with it but we have not heard the result, Rev. Mr. Bell is highly spoken of and if he accepts will have a very comfortable charge here. The congregation was represented at Maitland Presbytery by two elders, Splioor, REPORT, -The following is the report of S. S. No. 10, Howick and Grey, for the month of November, Results are based on class work and weekly examinations :-Sr. IV -Annie Robertson, Jr, IV -Annie Hislop, .Ewart McKerchar, Tindall McKee - char, Sr. III -Robbie McDonald, Laurence Hislop, Jr. III -Arthur Bowman, Birks Robertson, Wilbert Graiuger. 81'. II A -Jean Doig, Maria Bennett, Carl Grainger, Verne McDonald. Sr. II B -Gerrie Hislop, Addie Armstrong, Lloyd Armstrong, Willie Armstrong. Jr. II -James MoKerchar, Myrtle Bennett, Della Doig, Pt. II -Etta Bowman, Victor Bowman, Sr. I -Mabel Robertson. Jr, I -Herbert Bowman, Primary - Ruby Grainger, Georgie Hislop. Average attendance 20. NcntssA R. STARLING, Teacher. Don't Neglect your Cough. You may dislike taking medicine - but coughs are best cured without medicine. The modern treatment is "Oatarrhozone"-it isn't a drug -it's a heating vapor, full of pine essences and healing balsams. It spreads over the surfaces that are weak and sore from coughing. Every spot that's congested is healed, irritation is sooth- ed away, phlegm and secretions are cleaned out, and all symptoms of cold and catarrh are cured. Nothing so quick, so sure, so pleasant as Catarrh - ozone. In 25 ct. and $1.00 sizes sit all dealers. Ex -Mayor Donald Cameron, of Wind- sor, died in Scotland. The revenue of the "•Dominion will be nearly $roo,000,000 this year. The House of Commons adopted the French treaty by 107 votes to 33. 13 Best Place in Canada For superior Business and Shorthand education is the progressive Graduates . of this College readily obtain choice positions. The demand for our graduates is fully five times the supply. Winter term opens Jaa. 8rd. New catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Yonge-&Alexander- els, Toronto, !saaaraceeerc xi 9 s��p Ra sea'; r DO YOU NEED TILE? Farmers and others desiring Tile for the cathing season can secure what they re- quire at carload rates, at Brussels or Ethel stations, if orders are sent in suf- ficienti t me to arrange for Quantity t and date of delivery. I will notify the pur- chasers of the arrival of the cars and as- sist in loading from car to wagons. Fur- ther particulars may be obtained by seeing or writing W. E. Sanders Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Order at once. A11 sizes from a to 18 inches may be obtained. Tile from 8 inches up are 28 inches long, CEMENT KEPT /N SEASON, SIIMME scull'. June, lulr, and August leads into our Fall 'Perm without any break. Enternny time, New Catalogue free. Write for it to -day. COMA MINNS COLLEGE The Largs mndt Reliable W. 13, SHAW Principal Yonge & Gerrard ata„ Toronto i MONTHLY Horse e Fairs s. BRUSSELS The regular Monthly .Horse Fairs will be held in Brussels as follows TIIURSDAY, DEO. 2nd, 1909 " JAN. Oth,1010 FEB, 8rd, 1910 MAR. 8, xd 1010 MAR,31st 1010 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will bo present, Son. Chas, Burette, ee Senator, died in New Brunswick, Victor or Chat')ancl Poll qlf the roof of a ehut•0h at Ottawa and was killed, Miss N,S, Aylesworth, of Ernest- town, woo strtigk by a railway engine a killed. . San ilteic M 0augheY was accidentally shot and killed by his e'en in 0?rillle township, John Middleton, 1, 4 f A in4 ndalP" y found dead in a field, ' as' Charles W. Hathaway Kan fatally 111e lured near A pin, his team rpnnitih iu front of a railway engine, Norman Welsh and Setnuel otPWar k o Windsor Cl n ,. k w ser boys, arrested in the act of setting e n fir g e to a shod, ootlfesst'd to cit nFt• Ma lumber ,of fis in tl;e peat three montbs, Accurate Sporting News If you like a Sporting Page that is always reliable -newsy--full of personal interest -well illustrated you'll enjoy the "Toronto Daily Star", Our staff of writers includes men active in athletic circles and amateur athletic organizations. Conse- quently our news isfirst-hand and authoritative. We have fairly earned the reputation ofreporting athletic events, wherever they may take place, more fully than any other Canadian paper. Always, and above all,we aim to befair to everybody. Subscribe now and take advantage of our special rate of $1.50 A Year This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for one year -$2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription price& Toronto ally Star Local Option By -Law A By-law to prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous, ferment- ed or other manufactured liquors in the Municipality of the Village of Brussels. The Municipal Council of the Village promoting the passing of this By-law and a of Brussels, in the County of Huron, here- by enacts as follows :- 1 -That t the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented or other manufactured liquor is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, inn or other house or plass of pablio entertain - men in the said municipality and the sale hereof, exceptby wholesale, is and shall. be prohibited in every shop or place other than a house of public entertainment iu the said Municipality. 2 -That the vote of the electors of the said Village of Brnasels will be taken on this By-law by the Deputy Returning Of- ficers hereinafter Harped, on Monday, the Third day of January, 1910, commencing at nine in the forenoon and continuing un- til five o'clock in the afberuoon, at the fol- lowing places :- For Polling Division No. One, at the office of John Leckie, and that W. M. Sinclair be Deputy Returning Officer. For Polling Divison No. Two, at the Council room, and that N. F. Gerry be Deputy Returning Officer. For Polling Division o No. '1 brae at the residents of George Birt, and that Paten Scott be Deputy Returning Officer. 8 -That on Monday, the Tweety-seventh day of December, 1909, at his office 1n the said Village of Brussels, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon the Ree shall eh al appoint in writing, signedned by himself,two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk and one person to attend at each polliug place on behalf of the persons interested in said desirous of Ike number on behalf of the persons in and desirous of opposing the passing of tide By-law. 4 -That the Clerk of the said Municipal Council of the Village of Brussels shall at- tend at the Connoil room at the hour of eleven o'clock fu the forenoon, on the the Fourth day of January, 1910, to sum up the number of votes given for or against thio By-law, 6 -This By-law shall come into force and take effeot as from the first day of May next after the final passing thereof, Read the first and second time this "•ir First day of November, 1909. 301111 LECKIE, Reeve,; F. S. SCOTT, Clerk. NOTIOE Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been tak- en into consideration by the Mnutipal: Council of the Village of Brussel° and whioh.will.be finally passed by the said. 0 ounoilm the event o ( f the assent of the el otor a e beingobtained thereto as provided by the Liquor License Aot and amend'. meats thereto) after o0e month from the first poblicatiou thereof in THE Baues8ns POST, the date of which first publication was the second day of December A. D. 1909 and that at the hour, day and planes' therein fixed for, taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held. F. S. 800TT, Clerk:; Local Option By -Law A By-law to prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous, ferment- ed or other manufactured liquors in the Municipality of`, the Township of Grey. Theof Grey, in theaCountyl iloftHaron,tbe ohereby, office of December, he sa d Tow ship of Grey, at the Dat he eneote as follows :- hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon the I -That the sale by retail of spirituous, ' Reeve shall appoint in writing, signed by' fermented or other manufactured liquors himself, two persons to attend at the final` is and shall be prohibited to every tavern, entraining up of the votes by the Clerk and fin or other house or place of public en- one person to attend at each polling plaoo tertainment in the said Municipality and on behalf of the persons interested in and' the sale hereof, except by wholesale, is and desirous of promoting the passing of this shall be prohibited in every shop or place By-law and a like number ou behalf of the in the said Municipality.other than a house of public entertainment persons in end desirous of opposing the:; x passing of this By-law, 2 -That the vote of eleotors of the said 4 -That the Clerk of the said Municipal, Township of Grey will be taken on this Connoil of the Township of Grey shall at - Bylaw by the Deputy. Returning Officers tend at his office in the said Village of hereinafter nn modn o Monday,h e Third Ethel at the 10Urofele eleven o'clock he day of January, 1910, commencing at forenoon ou the Fourth day of Janunu ary{ nine in the forenoon and contiuniug until 1910, to sum up the number of votes for ot. five o'clock in the afternoon ab the follow- against Ebie By-law. ing places :- 5 -That this By-law 0111111 come into For Polling Division No. One, at eohool forge and tape effect sa from the First day house, Lot twenty, Con. ons Grey, and of May next after the final passing thereof. that lobo Molwan be Deputy Returning ad Y Re the first and g second Officer. fifteenth day of November, 1909. • time this For Polling Division No, Two, at school WM, ERASER, Iterate. houee, Lot six, don. eleven Grey, and that Wm. Work he Deputy Retnruing Officer, 1:', S. SCOTT, Clerk. Poe Polling Division No. Three, at school house, Lot ten, Con. 5fteen Gley, and that Oliver Turnbull be Deputy Rsturoiug Officer, For Polling Division No. Four, at school, house Lot thirty one, Con, sixteen Grey, and that Neil MnTaggart be Deputy Rey turning Officer. For Polling Division No. Five, at the Township Hall, and that Geo. McCall be Deputy Heturning Officer, For Polli?g Division On No, Si; at school house Lot thirty, OOH, three Gre r awl that t Amos Smith be Deputy 1eLurnin Offirsv• t NOTICE Take uotiee that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consideration by the Municipal Oben.," oil of the Tswneliip of Grey acid whfoh will be finally pegged by 'the said Cadent pi the event of the assent of the eleetore being obtained thereto as pro4Rded by the '. Liquor License Act and amendments thereto) after one month prom , the APO 1o lisat' ou thereof sof in'Teo B Rvesars P os x the date ofw hi nb fir stinns' u 1' b a p on wh a ki ' Secund any of December her A .D D. inn n Mid Polling Division wetalt, at that the iour, d Long's Hall, Cranbrook, end that Allan for taking0.y not ibe els therein19tkxed Cameron be Deputy Returning Ofiosr. will bo hldhe voice of the eloctorsthe polls, a -That -on Moaday, the T'weety-seventh ALBS, 1I. M4oDON'AD3l Clerk,