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The Brussels Post, 1909-12-09, Page 1
Tbe VOL, 3$ NO. $16,0I10 Stock of General Merebandis The best and largest stock in the history of our business T� be Slaughtered WE have planned and bought months ahead in order to have the very best'and newest goods to offer you for v yn g o Christmas trade and our regular prices would be cctrsidered very reasonable. It is not usual to slash prices in December when stocks are at their very best, but circum- stances are different and, Prices wiil be cut from 2I to 35 per cent Remember these Goods were bought for Rall and Winter of 1909 & 1910. ,Nothing Ancient to offer you. T or Jewish Sensational ere nothing There is in this AdvertisementOnly Plain Facts PI n Tx E figure it out this way better to sell our goods than hold v v them, even we do lose money just now, for we expect to be here for years to come. This business has grown nicely and with New Goods at Lowest Prices and Fair Treatment to Everyone we hope to retain the favor: of our friend's and to see this business con- tinue to grow. Now in justice to yourself see our goods and compare Qualities and Prices. Here's how we are going to sell until further notice Up to 600 Dress: for 39c Goods o Choice qualities in Poplins, Pan - ROMs, Cashmeres, plain and shadow stripes in all 3e] the wanted shades, now • V eNJ Aro Gingham, 40 inches . Apron wide, regular 15c. Sale price o Good Cotton Shirting, 1 regular 12}o, for..;:•072 20 per cent, discount on all Small Furs and Muffs Ladies' Fur - lined Coats $65.00 Fur -lined Coats for $49.75 60.00 " " 42 50 55.00 " U. 89.50 50.00 37.50' 28 00 Fur -trimmed Goats 19.75 25,00 " „ 17.00 6.00 Maids' and Ladies' Coats 8.75 7.50 Ladies'Coate for 5.00' 10.00 Ladies' Coats for 5.00 Men's and Boys' Clothing $15.00 Overcoats for $10.75 12 00 Overcoats for 8 75 10.00 & 11.00 Overcoats 7.75 8.50 Overcoats for 6 00 5.00 Overcoats for 5.00 "Suits for 8.00 Suits for 10.00 Suits for 8.75 3.75 5.75 7.00 Reg. up to $15 Suits for 10.75' 20 p. c. discount on this Sea- . sonls•Ne Waists w a s and: Skirts Handkerchiefs Fancy Handkerchiefs, �j1 regular up to 25c for... • 1 1 2 Men's Handkerchiefs, regular up to 15c for:.. • ].Q Ties Men's regular 50c. Ties for......... ...... . .39 Men's regular 25c Ties 19 for .... 20 per cent. discount on Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Fur- nishings, Smallwares, in fact everything cut in price. Money Refunded ifY ou want it. •••••••••••••N•••••••6••• !!:' McLaren Dods at Sale Prices for Cash or Produce only, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, D. CRMI R 9, 19Q9 New Advertisements Taxes -R, Oliver, Bala-Bngb Ross. Locals -Trim Pose. Locals -W P. Stratton. Big vetoes -W. P 8tctten. Farm for sale -Thos. Gar'niss. Bigger Bargains -Jai, 5, shnw. Christmas Buying -P. R. Smith, Sale -0, McL Slaughter eron. h,- All nosy and fresh, -A., 8truehnn, Christieao PI saints -H, L, Jackson, Flour -Lake of the Woods Milling Oo. Big Dlssolutlon Salo -Rase & Polymer!, House for Sala. -Thos. Bradwell, OU rove. Selgrave Mrs, Tufts a former well l k Ha wn resident; was buried here Tues1afternoon. She died inBritish O4 umbia at an advanced age. Wednesday evening, 16th inst., Grand Organizer, Robert Bhaning- ham, of Toronto, will address a public meeting in the Foresters' Hall in the intereststhe Orange r t of O an a Order. The public invited. i ' Last Saturday old id Mra: Proctor who has been 311 fora long time, died at the home of her daughter, aged 85 years. ' The funeral took place on Monday, Rev. Mr. Cook, pastor of the Methodist church,. conducting it. The old lady leaves an adult family. Her husband pre -deceased her a few years ago. Walton Robert Blair's auction sale of farm stock, implements, &c., Tuesday after- noon of next week. Mrs. Wm. Cameron, of Tucker - smith, was visiting Mrs. Alex. Soutar, 17th con. Grey, last week. A fine heavy draft team was sold last week by James Smillie to Kidd Bros., of Listowel, at the sum of close on $5N. It pays to keep the good Owing to the rush of holiday adver- tising the report of the Induction ser- vices in Duff's Church, which is in type, has to be held over until next issue. --Ed. POST. One day last week John Smillie, 18th con. Grey, had a close pall. He was one roots g . out s , r is of a tree when one of them flaw striking him in the face and leaving a sore cheek. just Be- lo the he eye. Wednesday afternoon of next week the Women's Institute will meet. The subject will be "How to give Christmas gifts," to be introduced by Mrs. John McDonald and Mrs. John Govenlock. All will be welcome. McKillop MOKILLOP OouxwIL.-Council met at Oalder's Hall, Winthrop, on Dec. 2nd, all the members present. Ac- counts to the amount of $422.81 were paid. ;The Treasurer was authorized to refund to the ratepayers- on the Canada Co. drain their portion of the balance on drain. Nomination meet- ing for nominating a Reeve and four Councillors will be held at Calder's Hall, Winthrop, P, on Monday, Dec. 27th at 1 o'clock p. m. and election if necessary Monday, January 3rd, 1910 at the usual polling places. Next meeting of Council at Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Wednesday, Dec. t l 15 h a 10 ata. in. M.N IIIRDxE Clerk. APPEAL DISMISSED. -Two judges of a divisional court agree in dismissing the appeal of Martin Ryan and bis wife, Margaret, of McKillop township, Huron County, from the decision of Justice Britton dismissing their dam- age action against .Ernest Mclntosh and George Stewart McIntosh, for in- jury they sustained by being run into y defendant's horses October 0, 1908, Justice Britton held there was n e negligence ondefeuda is pert; but t provided that- if the clivivionalcourt thought differently the damages should be assessed at $100 for Martin Ryan and $300 for Mrs. Ryan, Chief justice P leonb i dg e and Justice a Rid - del a�rued therere was no negligence age n re but l title Teetzel held he defend- cults d tend+ants did not exercise reasonable care. Morris Township Council Wednesday of +next week, Reeve Taylor is attending Huron Oo. Council. - Dan, Denman; 6th line, is taking m the Winter Fair at Guelph. Mrs. Barnes, of London, was visit- ing her parents, Wm. and Mrs. Gray, 7th line F. 0. and Nies. Taylor, of Pyke Hill Farm, Gorrie, visited D. and Mrs. Mc- Cutcheon, 8th line. Mrs. H. Howell, of Lockport, New York, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Win. Bernard and other friends of the 5th line, Morrifor s theP fist two eek . v s W. Badgley andR. Gray have return- ed home after spending the Fall in the West. They are well pleased with their trip and will likely return next sea Miltoson.n Currie, a former resident of the 5th line, who has been living in Manitoba, is here on a visit and will likely spend the Winter in Ontario. Mrs. Alex. Nichol arrived home from Clinton Hospital on Monday feeling a lot better. She was in the hospital eight weeks. We trust she will soon be as vigorous as ever. The annual Sabbath school enter- tainment in connection with the Jack- son church, 8th line, will be held on Thursday, January 8th. Good pro- gram of music, dialogues, drills, &c. Duncan Ashton. wife and family of Strassburg, Sask., are visiting Mrs. Ashton's parents at Goderich, Mr. Ashton was a former resident of the 7th line. He has prospered in the West. We are sorry to state that. George, Davis, 5th line, had' the misfortune to inflict an ugly gash on his left foot at the instepwith v th an axe, doing damage to the cords. His many friends hope he will soon be o. k. Tuesday night of last week some one stole apair of geese belonging to Jno. Parrot, of Morris. Mr. Parrot has a good idea who took tho birds and unless theyare returned the per- sons will be looked after. After an absence of two years in the West, C. E. Bone, son of Henry Bone, 3rd line, is home on a visit. He has a farm at Scott, Sask., and will go back next Spring. Mr. Ione gives a good account of the country and the favorable prospects. Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. W. Hood, of . Alma, Mich., a former Morrisite, addressed the congregatiou of Jackson's church and gave a very helpful discourse. He is engaged in Sabbath School organization work in', Michigan n under the e PresbYtori an church. Rev. Hood is late George Hood, of Sunshine, and a brother to Mrs, W. Jackson, of Blyth. A letter to Tun, POST from Thos. 0. 'Wilkinson, of D s scanaba formerly of Morris,says :- DEAR Sm. -Enclosed nrlosed find $.50 which I think covers our subscription for THE POST which is always welcome every week. We are having the grandest of weather and had some sleighing but it has gone again. Spent our Thanksgiving Thursday very pleasant. Everyone. well and doing well, We are grate- fully Yours, Taos. 0. Wirsrinsox, Escanaba, Nov. 28th. ® ce•osee•••seoe•e•••••••oem B000©oo••seseoe•••es••®s•• 51 e • • 110 • e sem. 4110110111110100111 • New a aF rash • • • • 9 • O Far Imas BakinB • • 0 51 • • New Raisins New Currants New Lemon, Orange and •eitron Peel o New Shelled Almonds and Walnuts • • Make out a list of your requirements for Xmas baking- .) aking• and give us a call for the best Groceries. • e • !Letting etin them Go �*e • I T is not a question of maltinga profit on Overcoats and Suits but to always give them to our Ousiomers as Cheap • or Cheaper than they Can get them elsewhere, (.hider the sir cnmstanoes we are going to let all our Suits and Overcoats for • Men and 13oys go at prices which you do not often hear of. Galland see what we are prepared to give you for the money, Compare Prices compare Qualities • Buy a Suit and Overcoat now while you co u etc.h o em' for ' BO little Money, g tm le . • • • • e 0 • • • e e e ea e O m • 0 • • • • W. H. RR R, Proprietor Mrs. Win. Robb, 8th line, has re- turned from t d f m Tottenham, where she was called onmount ce unt ofherutte illness and, subsequent death, l Mrs Robb and F, McOutolieon attended the funeral, Deceased was a fine man and enjoyed the respect of a wide circle 01' friends. SO nor. 1 FOR ki IE T T! e following is thel report of S.8.No.$, Morris ;- Olaes V Lily Watson. Sr. IV - Myrtle Wheeler, Janie Alcock, Ella Clark. Sr, II1-Janet Connors, John Passmore, Maggie Speir, Willis Den- man. Jr. HI -tamest Michie, Andrew Nichol, Gladys McNeil, Elsie Conuon, Sam. Alcock, Willie Clink, John Little, Willie Connom. Sr, II -Ivan McArter, Norman Speir, 11iseel Brad- shaw. Jr. II -John McNeil, Russel Marks, Annie Little, Violet McCrack en, Rena Oloakeyy, Barbara Bradshaw. Class I -Harold Watson. Clifford Marks, Lily McArter, Margaret Mc- Neil, Everet Nichol, Aen'ze I9, OowAx. Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is the report P S. 5. . No. 1,0 • AM f 9Morris, U1 } the moutho o£ November r :-Sr.• IV- Ella Rogerson, son g , 147ag re Phalan, Bailie Parrot. Jr. IV -Robert Wallace. Sr, III -James Brown, Gertie MoOall, Jr. III -Lily Beirnes, Olga dolclough, Anna Beirnes, 'Wilford Nivins, Willie Phelau, Albert Payne. Sr. II -Irvine Wallace,Olive Parrott Lillian Roger- son, Homer Brown, Harvey Nivins, Tillie Rogerson. Sr. II -Robert Laid- law, Gordon McCall, Harvey Beirnes. Part II -Bruce Brown. Sr. Pt.` I- Mamie Hall, Kenneth Taylor, Vera Hall. Jr. Pb. 1 -Louis Phelan, Dick Wallace. Best spellers -Maggio Phel- an. Robbie Laidlaw. Number of pupils no the roll 27. Average attend- ance, 24. M. L. OowARD, Teacher. Molesworth See Molesworth news on ?page 3. CALL AOCEPTED.-Rev.: T. A. Bell, B. A., of Napier, has accepted the call to Molesworth Presbyterian church and the induction will take place about January 4th next. Cranbrook Walter Pennington has gone to or Halifax for a the Winter. Remember the Xmas tree on the 23rd. Dec. in the Presbyterian church. W. Cardiff Jackson and Miss Carrie Jackson Sundayed in the vil- lage Mrs. Ballard and Master Kenneth Ferguson, of Brussels, aro visiting at the Manse. Mrs. Campbell, of Logan, visited her daughters, Mrs. NobleandMrs. Allan Cameron for a few days. We are pleased' to state that Mr. Raddatz is able to be around again after the bad fall he had. Two youths of this locality went gunning one day recently and bagged 11 fine partridge. You did well boys but dont forget that the Game War. den may nab you next time. Miss Beatrice McQuarrie has gone to Medicine Hat to live with her father there. S heill be missed missed bY her many friends here,. Mrs.John �IMcQuarrie, who has been spending some weeks visiting friends in the East, returned with her. Grey Council will meet next Wednesday. Reeve Fraser and Deputy Reeve Grant are attending the Oo. Council at Goderich this week. A GOOD Ootr.-Lust week Martin McNair, 15th con., sold a 2 year old draught gelding sired by Baron Black, for which he received the sum of $225. Miss Jennie Rands, whose parental home is 34 miles South of Brussels, has been re-engaged as teacher of the Summerhill school at an advance in salary. She is a good teacher. James Armstrong, 14th con., who is not bothered much with bodily ail- ments, was fairly well used up for a time with the shingles, a very,bother• some companion: Wedding invitations are out forthe marriage of Miss Sara F., daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Buttrey, 12th con., to Russell Riddell, of . Elma township. The date of the important event is Wednesday, 22nd inst. net. Ix 14 IE MORtax.-In loving memory of Portia Ward, who departed this life Dec 4th. A bud the Gardner gave ns, Apure and lovely child, He gave it to our keeping To'oherish undefiled, But just as it was opening To the glory of the day Down cane our Heavenly Gardener And took our bud awes, The Neil McNair farm, Lot 22, Con. 15, has been purchased by Jno. Mw Taggart, of the same line, who now owns 250 acres. He paid $4,700 for the McNair property which suits him well, owing to its proximity to his other farm. Mr. Mac. is a thrifty,, o going man and a good farmer. We 0 wish him and his success. Dx:ED.-A'moe and Mrs. Smith have the sincere sympathy of this com- munity in the loss of their _youngest son, Lorenzo, who died on Tuesday morniug of last week after three weeks' illness with in$aminatory rheumatism and pneumonia. He was going to school when taken ill, and • was in his fourteenth year. The fun - m eras took place Thursday afternoon to • the Molesworth cemetery and was at - (D • tended by manysyinpathising,friends. • Local Option should 'carry in Grey e On January 31,d despite the handicap, • At the former vote the By-law was ® only defeated by a few votes and o-9 temperancesentimentis-better ground. 0 ed tan then, Has the bar room or • the liquor trade made you rich ? Do • you know anybody who indulges in • liquor rwhoha has helped.? ed? Is. 't o menace to the young met of the town sskip? Those who are opposed to the 13 r, are working, very busyil to tWart the carrying of the By- w and those who are friendly to it must be busy and push the contest and press ora full vote. We don't have, to go • • r • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••Oe•••••e••ee•e•ee••••se0000e••••sses•• a outside of Grey to see ample evidence of what the liquor traffic has done and every lover vez of humanity should join in u e to ' the ci sad Danish the Bar." R M. Douglas, of Strassburg, Sask., is visiting here. He is a former resi- dent of thel5th con., who went West 7 years ago. Mr. Douglas is doing well and looks like o cs it and Mrs, Do las and u6 the 5 daughters are also well. He still bee 150 urea in Grey that he wishes to sell before he returns home. Strassburg is 50 miles North of Regina and is a good locality. It is a division- al point on the C. P. It, and will have 6 miles ofidings. Mr. Douglas had 3,200 bushels of wheat this year which he sold at close on 86 cents per bushel. Jamestown. Miss Mina Sznithh h a o s gone to Brus- sels to learn dressmaking. Mrs. A, D. Me0osh is a visitor at John Strachan's this week. Misses Lizzie and Annie Strachan visited at Wingham lest week. Thomas Smith and son, Thomas, are among nb g those Lakin in the sights of theiuteFair this k. Rev. r. Andrews, va ofBluevale, n v took the service in Victoria Hall Snday evening, Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Wrox- eter, is expected next Sunday. Alfred M. Stokes, of Bay City Mich., is bone visiting his brother and sister of this locality. It is over 20 years since Mr. Stokes left this part. He sees many changes. RE.ORGANIZED,-The Farmers' Club re -organized Tuesday, Nov. 80th, electing the following officers :-Presi- dent, W. Fraser ; Vice -Pres., L. Ruttan ; Sec.-Treas., D. A. MacDon- ald ; Directors, A. Pollock and J. Cutt ; Program Committee, S. Snell, J. Miller, D. MacDonald and W. Moses. An opening meeting will be held Tuesday evening, Dee. 14th at which addresses will be given by W. Fraser, 0. Forest, A. Pollock and G. Outt. .4 good musical program is also being prepared and both ladies and gentlemen are invited to attend. Ethel Township Council will be held here Wednesday of next week. We are sorry to state that the in- fant son nfantson of 0. J. and Mrs. Sparrow, of Wingham, died on Nov. 25th. The auction sale of Malcolm Mc- Nichol takes place Monday of next week at his farm Lot 27, Con. 4, Grey. -Rev. Dr. Pidgeon, of Vancouver, formerly of Toronto, addressed a Local Option meeting in the Township Hall Thursday evening of this week: Ethel locality will give a good account of itself on polling day. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. John Eckmier on Thursday, Dec. 18th, at 2.30 p. m. Topic : Plans to be made for a social evening in Jan., also a demonstration on cooking cereals by Mrs. J. Eckmier and Mrs. J. Hemsworth. FIRST DEBATE. -00 the evening of'. Saturday, 18th inst., Ethel Literary Society will hold their first debate for this season. The e sub'ectill be R e• w solvedhat t Canada should ho d eoutribute to the support of the British Navy instead of constructing one of her own." There will be three speakers on each side, Ed. Fulton leadingthe affirmative and Juo. Pearson the negative. 4 musical program will also be given. Next Sabbath is Missionary Day on Ethel circuit. The duplex envelope has been placed in the homes of all the members of the three congre- gations by the laymen who were ap- pointed. todo this work, and it will be a good opportunity for all to make a liberal contribution to this great cause on Sunday through the Mission- ary envelope instead of by subscrip- tion as in former years. This new plan seemsto be taking well allover the circuit according to the report of the canvasser's. Wroxeter Tindal Ritchie has returned from a trip to the West, Miss Rachel Dane, of Gorrie, visited Miss Laura Lewis last week. Reeve Reis el is : attending County n Y Oouneil in Goderich this week. Mies Pearl Stinson, of Gorrie, spent Friday with friends in the. village. Mrs. Sheriff, of Wingham, spent last Friday with her daughter, Miss Cora Sheriff. Dr. Burns Walker, of Niagara Falls, is the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. John Gibson. Miss LottiePaulin hasreturned from Toronto where she spent the last two months. Miss Tena Caudle, of Lakelet, spent several days of last week with Mrs. W. C. Currie. The rural Free Postal delivery be- tween Wroxeter and Belmore went into operation on Dec. lst. Chas. and Mrs. Hinde returned to ilareiston on Monday after spending n few days with friends here. Herbert Neale, of Salem and B. F. Carr took charge of the service in the Methodist church on Sunday evening, in the absence of Rev. 0, W. Mc- Kenzie. The death occurred here on Sunday of Mire. John S. McTavish, formed of 3 yy Howick, lek, after a lengthy illuesa. Fun- eral was held on Tuesday afternoon. Particulars will be given next week. The play entitled "The Spinsters' Return, given under the auspices of the young ladies' M. M. M. Society in the Town Hall on Friday evening was one of the most, successful events of the season. The Hall was crowded and everyone' was delighted with the. able manner in which the young ladies a the play. gave The proceeds amount- ed to $80, which will be devoted to charitable purposes, After an illness extending over several weeks, and due to a general breaking up of the systefn, Mrs. Euphemia Young passed peacefully 1 tailed on great age Wedast nesday years,ngat- The funeral tookplace from her residence on Friday a noo l Yter t zaxetar i to lie W cemetery, service being eanducted by Rev L Penin Deceased was an in- dustrious woman, of a kind disposition and respected by all who knew pier for hex, estimable qualities. A grown up family survive to whom he sympathy of the community goes out in this their time of great bereavement, Monorieff SCHOOL REPORT, --The following is the percentage obtained by the papas of S. S. Mo. 9, Grey, during -the month of November. Those marked miesed one or more exams. Se. IV - Lilly Ha rrison, 85 ; Laura S e ir an , 73 ,•BethMcNaught,.71; *Clancy Flood, S7EmilSmtl3rdessie McQurrie31, Jr. IV-PlayLiving- ston, 78 ; Violet Moray, 60 ; Noble Schnook, 55 ; Lottie McKay, 5$ ; Har- old Livingston, 89. Sr, 1II-Dimer McKay, 80 ; Johnnie McKay, 67 ;' Cranston Bray, 66 ; Jimmie Machan, 59 *Stuart uai iVlc ue a Q *Melvin , 37 Gummi gs 32. Jr 11I -Mary Brown, , 69 ;A Agnes Faxr, 87 , Laurie Hislop, , 61 *Harriet McQuarrie, 56 ; ',Mar- shall Smith, 33. Sr II -Arnold Mc- Kay, 85 ; Mary Smith, 79 ; Viola Schnook, 77 ; Ella Farre74 ; oward Machan, 70 ; Hazel McNaught, 64 *Willie Neable, 56 ; Flossie Machan, . 55 • Pearl Cummings, 52 , *Mabel Hodge, 51 ; *Sam. Snelling, 42 ; "Geo. Crawford, 86. Jr. II -Ora . McKay, 78 ; Harvey Snelling, 61 ; Willie Machan, 60 ; *Gracie Perkins, 47. Pc. II-Jfddie Machan, Harold Neable, Alfie Neable, Archie Mann, Ina Mc- Kay, Alfie Farr, Earl Machan. Sr. Pt, I -Elijah Mantle, Charlie Snell- ing, Bede Sanders, Jr. Bt.I-Hattie Mantle, Charlie Neable, George Brown, John , Snelling, Gordon Machan, Helen McQuarrie, Forrest McKay, Allan Smith. J. M. ADAMS, Teacher. Blyth David and Mrs. Taylor, who spent theSummer with theirild en' in the tit r West, returned home .last week. They report a good time. Juo..MoQuerrie. is a holiday visitor, under thearenta roof, he of son of well known 'being a the persons of Hugh and Mrs. McQuarrie. Improvements have been made to the photographic studio of our well known artist, Baxter McArter. The manwho beats him will have to hustle. The Parry Sound North Star, the paper recently purchased by A. E. Bradwin, formerly of Blyth, has been received by several of our residents. "Brad." promises in his introductory to hustle things and his old friends here hope he may. Mrs. Bradwip is a daughter of Division Court Clerk Energy, of BIyth. A singing class has been opened by Miss Moody meeting on Monday even- ing of each week in the schoolroom of the Methodist Church, where the rudiments of this delightful Art are being taught. Miss Floocly is a very capable hand and. the young le particularly, should take advantage to acquire all the knowledge possible under such favorable circumstances. HEADS THE LIST. -Outside of Deo, lath and 14thhic which are always hva s rush days in paying taxes so as to out off the 5%, Wednesday of last week was high water mark for any one day tax paying. Oollector Westlake handled over 5600 that day. The sooner the taxes are paid the better for the com- fortable feelingof the taxpayer as the j maority of majority public do nob regard it as a means of grace. L 0. 0. F. 'The newly elected office bearers for the coming term in con- nection with Blyth Odd Fellowship are :-E. McTaggart, Noble Grand ; Jas. Outt, sr., Vice Grand; A. W. Robinson, Recording Secretary; Weymouth, Financial Secretary ; D. Floody, Treasurer, . To this "list will be added the appointed officers when installation takes place. An interesting term is looked forward to. APPLES GALORE. -John Denholm, an old and well known resident of Blyth, who has spent over 40 years in this locality,a handles. large ge quantity of apples. shipped This season he 3 d lessthan 8,150 barrels, chieflytothe Old Land, Liverpool, Manchester, London and Glasgow being the' prin- cipal points: We hope in the hand- ling of so much fruit he made a good margin as few people care to work for nothing. OP Ex tun I-NCs I,IoLeDAY RHSH.-By mutual agreement the business places of Blyth will be open every evening up to New Years, commencing Mon- day of next week. This is done for the convenience of the public in the holiday rush but on the opening of the new year it is distinctly understood that the Early closing movement will be once more adhered to, Tuesday and Thursday being the days at which the doors o ca6., m. A welctome visitot30 o Blythduring the asare p w eklosed t wasr Repv. Wdur'llianx Hood, of Alma, Michigan, who is the organizer of Sunday School work in that State, a position .he has accept- ably filled for the past 19 years. He is a sou of Mrs. Geo. Hood, of this place, and a former old Morris town- ship boy who left about 28 years ago. Rev, Mr. Hood left here on Monday to visit his sisters (Mrs, bonery and Mrs. Buckley) at Guelph and Paris before rening ome. Thereturwihll be quito a hustling time this year in the school board trustees as 4 members will hays to be elected, two of them were filling Short terms, two whose 2 years are completed and Dr. Long resigned. The latter was also the efficient Secretary-Treaaurbr. P. 0. Gardiner, T. 0. McIlroy, seargo dtej t°ofr White to. PossiblyLongare them areopen to re-election. The other members of the Board are Dr. Charlesworth' and Jas. Sin's, Norn- Motion will take plebe on the 27th. inst.