HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-11-18, Page 6tatstistitlittalakillti
The rich softness of velvet has
received the watered effect of moire
by some process evolved in France,
and as a result there, is a material
which is wonderfully beautiful for
Afternoon gowns, says a Paris let-
ter. One moire velvet gown burst
upon the vision of a favored few
and met with well-deserved admir-
anon. It was of rich amethyst tone,
with touches of black moire for
is a pause, during which the Gra
1�T(��• 1 partakes of a light lunch, the
PAT ivnic•LSTiQN working on again till one, lignin
doeumenta, studying 13111s, .an
reading reports of Ministers an
Goya n r 'e d c
r o s. I'Ins Mal sty dlnnl_
l t tFoo
Ne ed s That A sthe
of e � to
Will To etre the Trouble ---
The Stomaoh Must bo
Fitted to do Nature's
11. meanwhile,one glass of oft
another, on rare 000881ona Lakin
is glass of wine and It caviare sand
Isiah. From one till four the Oza
works again, and is devoted to hi
family, and thele (=Limns his la
hors till seven, the !lour for . th
principal meal of the day. `.Che res
Tho tonic treatment for indigos
tion, dyspepsia, catarrh of the sto
mach and gastritis is having : re
markable success in curing obstin
ato cases and deserves attention
from every sufferer.
Its principal is that remedies fo
indigestion. that digest the food fo
the stomach give relief for only
of the evening till nine -fluty 1
again devoted to Ilia family, afte
which he retires to his study, an
ounotualiy at midnight goes to bed
Mr. Thomas A. Edison, the Brea
inventor, has for many years bee.
r affliotod with deafness, but, ami
r oitsly enough, he regards this as
a blessing. Some years ago ho wa
told that an operation might chr
him, and a friend of his oxpresse'
a hope that he would submit to Imo
"What!" ,
n it done. hat 1 exclaimed
iWV tm
Edison, "and give up the great ad-
vantage I have over the rest of you
fellows.. Why,'.I need my deafness
in my business, for, you see, my
business is thinking, and no matte
what the rest ofou are doing,or
how much noise you are making, it
doesn't bother me, and I am able
to concentrate my mind fully on the
subject in hand without interrup-
tion. Give up an advantage like
that ? Not much'!"
Mr. Joseph H. Choate, the fam-
ous American lawyer, has he repu-
tation of being one of the wittiest
men in the States; though, on oc-
casion, his humor is spiced with sar-
casm. Some time ago he took great
interest in a certain young man. the
son of a personal friend, and it was
Mr. Choate's wish that this young
fellow should go in for the law. But
the youngster had an idea that fate
had intended hihn to be a great art-
ist, and one clay he asked Mr.
Choate to look at some of his pic-
tures. rrI don't wish to go in for
the law," he said; "for you see, I
am wedded to my art." "H'm,"
replied Mr. Choate, glancing criti-
cally at the paintings, "but, my
dear young friend, you need not let
that discourage you you have am-
ple grounds for a divorce!"
trimming, The ornate weavo of the short time, 'Ultimately they unfit
:material needed little trimming, the stomach to do its owl; proper.
and the beauty of line and drapery work, because they, make its al -
poke much for the suppleness of ready weak' powers still weaker by
disuse, the remedy
s , v Y hiile dy that
strengthens the stomach makes it
oapable of digesting the food for it
self, andthis benefit is lasting. A
t s new velvet. A guhmpe.of tuck-
ed amethyst chiffon had a subyoke
of eoru lace, which stopped at a
narrow piping of moire silk. A high
idle of black had a scalloped top remedy that is not only a tonic for
d bottom, and tiny cuffs held the stomach, but for the blood and
own the puffed chiffon sleevest
h ff c n a
nerves 11 invigorates
as we the en-
�ie 1 D
e b ws.tine system and makes .recovery
The skirt fell in straight lines front the painful, weakening effects
that swept the floor in a roundof indigestion rapid and thorough.
train. A bandof black moire edg-1 Every sufferer from indigestion will
ed the hent, held in place at the find in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills just
front by a wide, fiat bow. Tiny! the tonio needed, as they enrich the
amethyst buttons which nestled in blood, tone the stomach and thus
ghiffon quillings followed the back! enable it to do the work nature in-
line and ornamented the girdle and tended it should do. This has been
sleeves. A beautiful gown made of proved in thousands of cases, and
this lovely new material and worthy it is worth the while of every suf-
ofyour notice.
fere' from stomach troublegive
Whether f
it be in the undersleeves, , Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial.
puffs or soft frills, lace has attach- I Mr. Edward Chatterton, Campbell -
ed itself to the sleeves of our gowns, ton, N. B., says :—"I have been a
and seems to promise new beauty great sufferer from indigestion and
to our dresses or suits. It appears stomach trouble and although I had
en walking suits in frills at the treatment from several doctors, T
wrists. ' did not find a cure until I began
Sometimes a cascade of narrow using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. •I
lace will fall along the outer seam' can hardly describe how much I
df a coat sleeve. Then in the dress -t suffered at times. Every meal
ter afternoon costumes lace plays brought with it more or less agony,
an important part. It is used as and I seemed to have a complete
a soft underaleeve, and this fact distaste for food. I had almost be -
should be hailed with joy by the wo-1 gun to think my case incurable
men 1s ho contemplate making over when T came across a pamphlet ad -
last year's dresses. A patchwork vertising Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
effect can be avoided if the color and I decided to give them a trial.
of the upper sleeve be matched.) I am very thankful that I did so,
Dyed laces will solve this problem. for
I had not beentsk'm
taking the Pills
On some radical styles there arelong before I found them helping
tiny puffs of lace which burst out me, and in six weeks every symptom
at different places along the line of of the trouble had vanished. I can
the sleeve. But there is excellent now eat heartily almost any kind of
opportunity to repeat the lace on food, and no longer experience pain
the guimpe and at the same time to and discomfort after eating,"
vary the regulation solid effect in It is because Dr. Williams' Pink
sleeves. Pills make new, rich blood that they!
White and black walking cos-, cure such troubles as indigestion,
�tumes are wending their way along rheumatism, neuralgia, headaches!
fashionable promenades. They are and backaches, St. Vitus dance,
cut ea rather severe lines, and the and other forms of nerve troubles. o
favorite materials are blanket They cure the irregularities of girl- c
cloths, camel's-hair and diagonal hood and womanhood, and bring, c
scrges. One extremely good -look- ease, comfort and health to suffer- t
Ing costume of white cloth has a ofby all medicine dealers t
long coat, crossing to the right side or by mail at 50 cents a box or six t
T �[ ERT
w H
The habit of taking bicarbonate
of soda for digestive troubles may
give relief if carefully indulged in,
but is dangerous to tamper with.
A half teaspoonful of baking soda
to a glass of water will often cure
acute indigestion or settle a dis-
ordered stomach, but one should
not get into the habit of taking it
after each meal, as is often done. I
Even more injurious is the practice
f munching dry soda. This, if not!
hecked, becomes as much of a'
hain as opium or cocaine. Carriedf
o excess it eats out the lining of
he stomach and eventually makes
he bones brittle.
and fastened by two immense black boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil -
and white buttons. A black velvet Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Dollar drops in a straight line on Ont.
each side, and between its lower
edges and the buttons there is al
PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS.large square of black and white em -I
broidery which offers a shieldlike
decoration. Three-quarter sleeves
have turned -back cuffs that are
edged with plaitings of white silk.
Worn with this suit is a large hat
of white ottoman silk, lined with
black velvet, on which a black vel-
vet bow appears.
Huge pillow muffs, a little larger
than any seen heretofore through -I
out several seasons of large ones,'
are the order of the day. These in
lynx, fox and 'possum are especi-
ally !handsome; but an exclusive im-
porter has shown a most diminutive
round sealskin muff and queer lit- 6
tie collarette.
The marked departures in home;
gowns are a short skirt and a col-
larle.ss and half-deeollete neck. The'
semi-clecolletagen are not only al-;
lowed, but commanded by fashion.
If the neck is covered at all by the
afternoon dress, it is only by trans-;
parent fabrics that never rise above
the collar line.
Women who delight in dress from
a standpoint of beauty are accept-'
Interesting Gossip About Some
IProminent People.
i Among the collecting fads of ones in this condition if she willive
monarchs the most curious are those them an occasional dose of Baby'ss
of the aged Emperor of Austria, Own Tablets. These Tablets cure
who has boxes of menus and bills colic, indigestion, constipation, I c
The great desire of every mother
is, that her little ones shall be
bright, good-natured and healthy.
Every mother can keep her little
Fishermen Regard. Thein as a Boon
to Dlanleind—ltfl'e frank Ilanfield
:fells Holy They Cuiretl liis Back-
Garnish, Fortune Bay, Nild,,
Nov. a. (Special).—Among the fish-
ermen here, who through exposltre
to wet and cold aro subject to those
pains and aches which oeme from
diseased Kidneys,. Dodd's Kidney
Pills are looked upon as a positive
boon to mankind. They are never
tired of telling how their Backaches
and their Rheumatism vanished he
fore the great Kidney remedy.
Among many others Mr, Frank
Afield, after yearss of suffering,
has found relief in Dodd's. Kidney
Pills, and Here is what he is telling
his friends:—
"I find' Dodd's Kidney Pills the
mod eine for Backache I have
ever used. I only used two, boxes
and they cured me of Backache I
had for five years. It started
through a strain. My father's back
also bothered him, and he got some
relief from one -pill I gave him. They
were too precious to give him more.
All persons suffering from Backache
should use 'Dodd's Kidney Pills."
Why do Dodd's Kidney Pills cure
Backache? Simply because Back-
ache is Kidney ache, and Dodd's
Kidney Pills positively euro all Kid-
ney aches and ills. This has been
proved id_ thousands of eases in
Canada. If you !haven't used them
yourself ask your neighbors.
Teacher was telling her class little
stories in natural history, and she
asked if any one could tell her what
a ground hog was, - Up went a lit-
tle hand, waving frantically.
"Well, Carl, you may tell us what
a ground hog is."
"Please, ma'am, it's a sausage."
Letters or postals addressed to
"The Steele, Briggs Seed Co.,
Ltd. Tor Ont., " will procure
a valuable Toronto, 0, uable pamphlet for the farmer,
entitled "How to Raise Calves
Cheaply and Successfully Without
Milk," and every farmer should
have one. It tells how to raise
three calves at the cost of one,
avoid scours and keep calves heal-
thy and fat. Tells how to veal
calves at about half the usual cost,
how to save the milk and, in fact,
how to make more money out of
calves than you ever thought pos-
Mrs. Gabbel—"What do you
think, George? When the doctor
called the other day he asked me
to put out my tongue, and when
I did so he quite hurt me. Ho—"
Mr, Gabbel (interposing)—"Did he
tread on it?"
A cough is often the forerunner
of serious pulmonary afflictions, yet
there is a simple cure within the
reach of all in Bickle's Anti -Con-
sumptive Syrup, an old-time and
widely recognized remedy, which, if
resorted to at the inception of a
old, will invariably give relief, and 1
y overcoming the trouble, guard
he system from any serious cense
uencos. Price 25 cents, at all
When two women begin to talk
ver the back fence his Satanic Ma-
esty hears a lot about their neigh-
bors that he never even suspected.
Biliousness .,.
is certainly aro eft the most Ma
agreeable Ailments W18loh bah is
heir to, touted tongue -bitter taste
in the tgouth--gauaoa.-dissiuesa•*•
these nombIne t0 make UN A bur&
t 1
o r h sdisorderedi
a .0.p° is A Winn a
elver -the Duro Dr, kt'prao'a Iidinli
hoot Pills, rb'hey go straight to tho
root of the trouble, put the liver
right, olea0a0 the stomach sail bow -
ole, iaear the tongue and tube
Away the bitter taste from the
Mouth. At the arst sign of bilious.
ileus take
Dr. Morse's
Indian float Pills
• First Thug—''The jury acquitted
Rill of that murder elharge without
leaving their seats."
Second Thug—"Did Bill prove his
First Thug—"He proved' that no
woman had fallen in love with hint
since he'd been in jail, nor sent him
any bouquets or photygra£ts•l"
Of the culprits haled before a po-
lice magistrate there was one -- an
Irishman—who had caused no end
of trouble to the police. The mag-
istrate regarded thep er v prisoner with
iniugled curiosity and indignation.
"So you're the man that gave the
officers so much trouble 7" his honor
asked. "I understand that it took
seven policemen to lock you up."
"Yes, yer honor, , responded the
Celt, with a broad grin; "but it
would take only one to let me out."
Make a thin paste with two table-
spoonfuls of flour and boil it,; in a
quart of water for fifteen minutes
(pour paste in water whileit is boil-
ing). Then skint half pint of cream
off of a quart of milk. To this
cream add one and one-half pints
.of the above gruel and two table-
spoonfuls of granulated sugar. If
milk sugar can be obtained substi-
tute four tablespoonfuls of it in the
place of the granulated. This
amount is for twenty-four hours,
one-quarter of a pint to be given
every two and ohe-half hours as a
If the baby won't retain the milk,
feed it the plain gruel mixed -with
the sugar.
This is an old nurse's recipe and
has stood the test of time,
ing little ones back tostrength
health .when all other foods have
"So he praised my singing?"
"Yes; he said it was heavenly."
"Really?" "Well, something like
that. He said it was unearthly."
It Retains Old and Makes New
Friends.—Time was Then Dr. Tho-
mas' Eclectric Oil 1 -ad but a small
field of distribution, but now its
territory is widespread. Those who
first recognized its curative quali-
ties still value it is a specific, and
while it retains its old friends it is
ever snaking new. It is certain that
whoever once uses it will not be
without it.
"Say," queried tho young man
with the conundrum habit, "'what
kind of notes does a shoe -horn play-
er use?"
`'Foot notes,.I suppose," answer -
d the girl who was wise to his fool-
of fare of the various banquets
which he has attended and given,
and the King of Greece, who has a
01/action of railway tickets; while
o the museum of ivory articles
lvhich forms the Queen of Norway's
hobby -show are some splendid
call', alligators' and lions' teeth.
Miss Eadith Campbell Walker
diarrhoea, worms, teething trou- t
bees, and other minor ailments.
Guaranteed to contain no opiate or q
poisonous "soothing stuff." Mrs.
H Irvine, North Portal, Sask.,
says:— "I have used Baby's Own
Tablets when our baby was teeth- O
ing, and for other little troubles,
and have found them all you claim
who has just given £1,000' to the for them. I always keep them in
Australian Dreadnought fund, is the house." Sold at 25 cents a box
supposed to be the richest woman by all dealers, or by mail from The
in the Commonwealth. She is of Di. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock -
Scottish parentage. Her father vine, Ont.
emigrated from his native Leith,
and acquired extensive lands in the Skinner—"Good morning ma'am!
early years of Australian colonize- Did you ever see anything so 00 -
tion. From these lands, largely settled as the weather has been
through the operation of unearned lately?" Mrs. Hashley—"W ell,
increment, Miss Walker derives a there's your board bill, Mr. Skin-
Ing hints from the land of Egypt in
the time of the Paroahs. The beaus; a
tiful colors of that land have been n
brought to the West by twentieth'
century cleverness, and one may
gaze upon the dull desert reds, Nile
green shades, gold and Egyptian;
purples in evening dresses of this
season. Beads are used to bring
out a sand -colored background of
an evening scarf, and they appear
in conventional Egyptian borders,
which are decidedly oriental in
coloring. This scarf should ac-
company a gown which is Egypti-
a, in its general idea, and looks
especially well when wrapped over
a white upper arm upon which is
clasped a snake bracelet.
Egyptian headdress is shining out
from coils of hair in evenings; a
round jeweled ornament is placed
over each ear, and lines of glitter-
ing beads or jewels curve down in
circles from the upper disks.
Often a wing sleeve, of a scarf.
like length, of gold -incrusted gauze
!sill be draped over one arm, while
the other will be left bare. Gold is
stpneiled upon gauze to shine over.
a neutral foundation and to echo
the glitter of .jewelry.
Many a !shite man's harden is
Made int of Laxes and life insurance. t
ast annual income. She has been
munificent benefactor of the Syd-
ey hospitals and charitable insti-
tutions, and she serves on the nom- One of the greatest blessings to
mittees of some of them. She lives' Parents is Mother Graces' Worm
in a splendid mansion at Concord, Exterminator, It effectually expels
a suburb of Sydney. Wby she' worms and gives health in a marvel -
spells Eadith with. an "a" is known bus manner to the little one.
only to herself,
The Czar of Russia is a hard- Kindly mention the name of this
working monarch. He rises at half- paper in writing to advertisers.
past eight, and spends half an hour
cm his toilet, after which he sits
down at This writing -table to dis-
charge important matters of State.
From ten till eleven o'clock there
Send for tree sample to Dept W, L., Ns•
(ons; Grog d Clientical Co., Toronto.
Inquisitive Stranger (to eon -
stable) --"I understand that the
measles broke out here recently."
Constable (proudly)—"Yes; but
our headconstable caught 'em."
Little Willie—"Say, pa, what is
conceit 1"
Per --,"Conceit, my son, is what a
man is said to have when he thinks
as much of himself as you do of
" I'tn abed mpltins lilts struck a
lttrgadf d po a ) st,.
eel c9gn t $pow; g hat, X mil
b, -p� (i altto
borrow ie
ora n tAs IP(t&' out "skill to
Little Willie—"Say, pa, 'what is a
hypocrite1" Pa -"A hypocrite,
my son, is a man who publicly
thanks Providence for his success,
then gets mad every time anybody
insinuates that he isn't mainly re-
sponsible for it himself."
"Your husband says the works
like a dog," said one woman. "Yes;
it's very similar," answered the
other. "He comes in with muddy
feet, makes himself comfortable by
the fire, _and waits to be fed."
"It is really a pleasure, ma'am,
to observe how readily your little
boy runs your errands !" "Oh, he's
the boy •that lives next door. I
get him to do my errand" because
my own boy won't P' "Ah 1 What
is your boy doing now?" "There
ile is, rushing on an errand for the
lady' next door!"
ISSUE NO. i0-01.
Mrs, Robert E. Peary, more than nine
ears ago, favorably commented on Murine
ye Remedy after its application in her
amity for Eye Troubles resulting from
Measles and Scarlet Fever. and later re.
ominendod to the famous Explorer, the
Efan why now returns home ae the Discor-
rer of the North Polo. Cold, Gutting
Ads and Duet ca e
us Red, Weak, ffo Watery
yes. Murano Eye l Ro grin ait Re•
able a, Write Marine Eye RBook .
Co., Chicago., for Illustrated Eye Books.
urine, 605., by Mail from All Druggists..
Ma—"Vell, Aaaron, it is little
Aby's birthday to -morrow. Vat are
you going to give him for a pre-
sent?" Pa—"If he's a very good
poy I'll have the front vinders
cleaned and let him look at the
horses going by."
It is a Liver Pill.—Many of the
ailments that man has, to contend
with have their origin in a disorder-
ed liver, which is a delicate organ,
peculiarly susceptible to the dis-
turbances that coin from irregular
habits or lack of care in eating and
drinking. This accounts for the
great many liver regulators now
pressed on the attention of suffer-
ers. Of th.ese,tlhere is none superior
to Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Their
operation though gentle is effective,
and the most delicate can use them.
"What sort of trimming would
you advise me to put on my hat?"
"I can't tell, It's the trimpiing
that I am to get that worries the
more," replied her husband.
Patient—"I wish to consult you
in regard to my utter loss of mem-
Doctor - "Aw—,yes—why--er-in
this class of cases I always require
my fee in advance."
"Your husband says that when, lie
is angry he always counts ten be-
When leo was one.and'twcnty,
He saw a,malden's face,
And when he learut she loved him,
Oh, life was filled with grace.
e tender ll
He watched her lo• t Ado blushes,
He saw her sweet eyes fall;
"Oh love," he Murmured, "sweet-
Is the dearest name of all !"
When, later on, she murmured
In ehuroh, the old, old vow,
His ring upon her finger,
The wreath upon her brow;
In all the glow of manhood,
And love's now perfect thrall,
"T think that wife I" he whispers,
"Is the dearest name of ail l"
But now in Life's sweet evening,
He secs a'picture fair,
That brings him back Ills childhood,
And all the days that were,
He sees their children's faces,
Re hears their voices call;
oh,he knows that
ow a
Is thdearest name of all I
Magistrate and School Commission-
er Healed by Zaut•Bnk.
Zam-Buk by its healing power has
earned the praise of men and wo-
men in the highest stations of life.
One of the lastest prominent .gen-
tlemen to speak highly in Zam-
Buk's favor is Mr. C. E. Sanford,
of. Weston, King's Co., N. S. Mr.
Sanford is a Justice of the Peace
for the county, and a member of
the Board of School Commission-
ers. He is also deacon of the Bap-
tist Church in Berwick. He
says: "I had a patch of eczema on
my ankle, which had been there for
over twenty years. Sometilaties al-
so the disease would break out on
my shoulders. I had taken solution
of arsenic, had applied various oint-
ments, and tried all sorts of things
to, obtain a cure, but in rain. Zam-
Buk, unlike all else T tried, proved
highly satisfactory, and awed the
"I have also used Zam-Buk for
itching piles, and it has cured them
completely also. I take comfort in
helping my brother men, and if the
publication of my experience of
will lead otheriff
sl erers
to try it, I should be glad."
Zam-Buk also cures burns, cuts,
ulcers, blood poisoning, ringworm,
scalp sores, chapped hands, cold
sores, and all skin injuries and dis-
eases. Rubbed well on to the chest
in cases of cold it relieves the tight-
ness and aching, All druggists and
stores sell' at 50c. box, or post free
from Zara -Butt Go., Toronto. for
price, 3 boxes for $1.25.
A good many people who think
they have the courage of their con-
victions reverse the decision when
they discover that their opinions
may cost money.
A Cure for Fever and Ague. eas
Disturbance of thestomach and
liver always precede attacks of fev-
er and ague, showing derangement
of the digestive organs and deterior-
ation in the quality of the blood
In. these ailments Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills have been found most ef-
fective, abating the fever and sub-
duing the ague in a few days. There
are many who are subject to these
distressing disturbances and to
these there is no better preparation
procurable as a means of relief.
"Your daughter's music is im-
proving," said the professor, "but
when she gets to the scales 1 have
to watch her pretty closely." "Just
like her father," said Mrs. Nuritch.
"He made his money in the groc-
ery business."
Only those who have had experi-
ence can tell the torture corns
cause. Pain with your boots oh,
train with them off—pain night and
day ; but relief is sure to those who
use Holloway's Corn Cure.
A young girl of 14 was taking a
trip on Lake Michigan in a small
steamer. The :lake was somewhat
rough and many were seasick. The
girl sat in the"bow and was unusu-
ally quiet for her.
"Are you feeling sick, daughter?"
inquired her father,
"No, I don't think I am sick; but
I should hate to yawn."
Cplde•rue the moat dangetoui of .11
dl ase o acted o
o i p A n cold loch
ferrite a 1
o e nd
Coalman Fu um 1
to Bronchia'. a, ►
q r
e t
" ate the 9n t iia
Coughs" h r I of t r
chleituboa "1 SYC-11Ni "lain' cotplt
l y removing the irritating panicles sad
benlioogg the ;;gamed mom 'ala,. It is
gasaici45 and dettroye the tubercle germ,
it is a tonic that strengthens the lungs, the
liver, and tens up rho system. It makes
for better health is ell conditions of human.
ity, Get strong maths cough will digeppoar.
"FSYC1i NS" makes weak; cures the most people
i .
strong. It c
ea coughs t obdu
rete kind sad breaks up a cold in a few
Write for Fro° Saafple.
For Sete by all Pr.ertue . 4 Pesten 50e. & $l
add everywhere, ALCONO No n•Aleoholl
layering Extracts awe 001111U11101% SUL. Ooo4
groat to spate, Only those moaning bushiest
apply. Par Sales Co., London, Ont.
CI. used in every household, fifty pep
ce„t, profit,. For free Sempp�lee and oat*.
loguc address Cockburn ManufacturingCo., Brantford,
onto for 'Star" Incandescent Mantle
Lamps. Manufactured in.. Canada. 100
Candle power, Generates Gee_from ordin.
ary Coal 011, Odorless, smokeles°, abso-
lutely safe. - Write ,iuiek for partieit1 U
and open territory. Star M'f'g, Co.. Min.
ning Arcade, Toronto.
What do you do with them P Why
not use some or the time in study P We
teach ybu at home—Bookkeeping. Short-
hand, Penmanship, Arithmetic Letter -
writing, Commercial Law Public School
Coursers, High School Subjects. Matricide•
Mon; Teachers' Certificates, Civil service,
Agriculture. Stock -raising, Special Eng-
lish, Steam Engineering, journalism, Me.
ehanleai Drawing, Household Science. Ask
about what Interests you.Canadian Cor-
respondence College, Limited, Dept. IC,
Toronto, Canada.
!risottos/tad 18'' sli#,
Examinations in February
British -American
Business College
Y.M.C.A. Bldg., TORONTO.
One o^ the most up-to-date' and best °quip
pod schools In Canada. Write for catalogue
T. M. WATSON,. Principal.
!') OhfIO RECITATION B00I6—Best col.
'CI lection published in Engltah language;
Tun cents, Arthur Rice, Granby. Que.
buy or sell Stocks will receive my
personal attention. S. M. Mathews, Brok.
er, 41 Scats St-,:Torpn. c.
.I.' 643 ecWANTED—IN
rosNiunimproved CSouthern P0Al8.
berta FaN Wheat- land. Powtress. 89 Don
Mills R'd., Toronto.
640 acres of land with house and stable.
Very grotty place, over a mile of creek.
Twenty (20) dollars an acre. Apply A. S.
Lewis, Cochrane, Alberta,
SUCCESS, Secure valuable advice at
once, Send P.O, to If., I. Kavanagh, Charl-
eston, Ont. Strictly reliable.
CANCER, Tumors, Lumps, etc, Internal
and external; oared without pail by our
home troatmm,t. Write us before too late, Dr.
Reitman Medical Co., Ltd., nollingwood, Ont.
AL VES Raise Them Without 1115
nooklot Froo,
Steole,IBriggs Seed Co, Ltd., Toroato,IOne.
Cook For Turkey fe�lh¢�S
We buy Wing and Tail Turkey)
Feathers. Write for prices.
If. 34. Nelson & Co., Toronto, Ont,
iii a?1,1�i`4i1% ire iaff 1�;j1�11�12°t�
al! Alt PAINJendAal S ..__
Inflammation off
t}, Kidneys, of the 11:11,1*
, ,p
Bowels, of the / nI
Bowels, the
Lungs, Sore Throat,
Bronchitis,Di DiDloul
Breathing Crean, Ca.
tarrh, Influenza, tlaad.
ache, '' oothaeho, Nem
eatuic, Rheumatism, Cold
Cuills, Arras Chills, Chil-
blains'byFrostbites quickly
mired Eadlwag'r Ileadg fldlliit
fore he speaks;" said one woman CLEANINGoft
662—Tie Pba-Chmed Crescent and ca"st"e Barons Penh.
600-hinc-Well cot Ruby with fine Opel
020—R44•Set with 6 Rubies
0062—Sroach-Strong, wen fielded with rprodener "anises
Above are 0uennteed heavy acid -Filial s„ed,. 1
Soot prepaid on receipt of prim. Whoa ordorian RIM,
;,,curve finger with a thick piece of paper.
"Yes " answered the other ; "I LADIES' e ..i ti TI Q
wish he'd ,gtop it. Home Seems to mak. don* port.00ly br oo, awnoh 1.0..1011, g, 41
UIbo nothing but a class in arithmo. ".'""H ATAE' °AN bxmNa dull,
" ressaro5s oss Talmage, OTTAWA 5 ptrMae