HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-11-4, Page 10Blood Redia Cough Cure To cure your cold get a bottle of this popular remedy, BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURT. has been sold from our store for a great many years and has given good satisfac- tion. We find its sale on the in. grease andhave enstomers who have moved away from 11118 Vleinity send to us for le, BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURE is a sure. safe and pleasant remedy for fresh colds or coughs. Keep a bottle on band and ' perhaps aave yourself from having a protracted cold. For sale only by us. Large Settle 25c. f ustNC Soda A five pound tin of Gillett's Granular Caustic Soda !will make about 50 lbs. Good Hard Soap 5 lb. tin 40c. F. e tt..h DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. THE apple season is well nigh over for agog with an average crop reported. Tag Helmick Mutual Iasurauce Direc• tors held their regular monthly meeting last Saturday. Sera of the girls who were parading last Saturday night in masculine attire bad a close call: C32alsTMAs Day will be eight weeks from Saturday of this week. Watch for the Xmas. advertisements of bargains, WILFRID M:cDONALD received a a nano from a collie dog one day last week on Thomas street. Vicious canines should be either kept muzzled or put out of harm's way as the risks are too great to harbor them. A aAFr of young frolickers paid con- siderable attention to various sections of the town Saturday night moving door. steps, trailing conveyances from where they belonged, upsetting out houses and in various other ways proved their ability to meddle with what should not have concerned them. CLEARING SALE. -By advertisement in THE POST it will be seen that James S. Shaw is running a clearing sale of his hardware stock at which unusual bar. gains are being offered that the public should avail themselves. Mr. Shaw in- tends going out of business in Brussels hence the sale is a genuine one. Read what he has to say on page 8. WATento.-On October moth Frank son of N. F. Gerry attained his 17th birthday and to mark this important event his grandmother, Mrs. Gerry, presented him with his grand- father Fishleigh's fine gold watch. Frank was called after his now deceased grandfather. It was a very nice gift and will no doubt be prized by the re- cipieat, TRAP SltooTtNG,-A clay bird tourna- ment will be held at Brussels on Wed- nesday and Thursday 24th and 25th Mats. There will be 20 different events for which numerous and valuable prizes will be awarded. They are on exhibi- tion at J. Hewitt's barber shop window, A large attendance from outside points is expected. The program will be is- sued shortly. To VISIT OLD PARISH. -Rev. W, T, Chid, rector of St, lames' church, Strat- ford, formerly of Brussels, accompanied by Mrs. Cluff. left Wednesday for Sen - ton, Mich,, where they will attend the fiftieth anniversary of the Anglican church in that city. They will be Pres- ent at the jubilee services and intend spending a week with old friends and '.:acquain tau ces. A TIE. -Brussels Foot Ball team play- ed a well fought gaine at Havelock Fri- day of last week in the Provincial cham- pionship series resulting in a score of r -o for Havelock, the only goal being scored in the last half. The visitors bad a lead of r goal from the Brussels match so a tin was the result. At the opening of the play it was agreed that in case of a tie no extra time would be played as our boys wanted to catch the evening train for Toronto. So when time was up Brussels players made for the hotel to get dressed for the trip. Havelock came to the conclusion that the cham- pionship should be settled right there and then but as that was impossible after the already agreement and want of time no further play was put on, Cline Scott was unable to go to Havelock so Forward Woodward took charge of the goal, Jas. McGillivray was also absent and Alf. McMillan substituted. Aa - other game may be played d to break the v p tie, Saturday afternoon our boys arriv- ed back home, They went and cane by C. P. R. from! wa ton asto av H e ck is on this line, zoo miles East of Toronto. A Peterboro' man was referee. SILVER TEA SET PRESENTED. -A Very sociable and pleasant evening was spent at the home of S and Mrs. Wilton, Flora street, Brussels, on October 2rst, in the celebrating of the 25th anniver- sary of their wedding. Sharp at seven o'clock the guests sat down to an elegant. spread in the dining room, gotten up in the hostess' best style where ample jus- tice was done. The table was decorat. ed with carnations and smilax. Before rising from supper the health of the bride and groom of 25 years ago was proposed by Reeve Leckie, and a pre- sentation of a silver tea set was made by Wm, Gillespie from the guests, to which Mr, Wilton made an appropriate reply, J. K. Baker, Henfryn, With whom Mr. a Wilton lived for 7 years when a youth, s had many good things to say of him, o '1'he company then retired to the parlor, s a where the remainder of very enjoyable evening was spent ingames and music. p 'L'he company separated at a seem!qq c hour, expressing congratulations and many good wishes for the future happi- ness of Mr. and Mrs, Wilton sud family., Letters of congratulation were received from R number of relatives and friends at a distance, unable to attend, several of them enclosing kindlytokenscorn- memorative of the event, Although the years fly away with great rapidity Mr.= and Mrs. Wilton have been dealt with very kindly by Father 'Time and we trust they may be spared for many years as citizens of Brussels. 20 MXLL5,-The Tax rate in Brussels for lgoe will be 2 cents on the $, time same rate as in .5908. Guy Baos. fine band attracted quite a crowd Wednesday noon at their street concert. They play well. A NEW smokestackhas been put up at the Electric Light power house. Mr, Palmer is determined to keep things in good shape, 6 op. 8 cars of sugar beets were forwar- ded to Berlin sugar factory during the past week, There is quite an area of beets in this locality this year, A NEW woodshed and enclosed verandah on a cement foundation bas been built at the home of W. A. G'rewar, corner Queen and Princess streets. A eoCIAL evening will be held in the school room of the Methodist church next Monday evening when an interest- ing program will be presented, including charades, pantonine, songs, stereopticon views and lunch. All will be welcome. --- o ONE good young fresh now for sale. Apply to J. 1'. Malntosh, Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey, or Oranbrook P. O. 11.0021 wanted, partly furnished, by Nov. 17511, for dresemeker, Mise Viet= BAINEs, Clinton. BLUE hand painted blouse button, with gold band round the edge, loot. Loser wilt be greatly obliged if the Seder will kindly leave it at Tao Poem. COATS ExcgANOEo.-The party who took the wrong overcoat at Melville Church on Sabbath evening Oat. 17th, may asters hie own at Jas. Shaw's store where he is asked to leave the one he has. SELLING OUT. -Wm. Pickard & Son of Seaforlh, are selling out their large Son, GoodThey commence a °leearinng salekon Friday, October 29th. POULTRY WANTED. -Live chickens, 80 per Ib. and fowl to. Dressed ducks 9c per lb. and geese 80. Ducks and geese must have heads off and picked dry. Will take delivery any time. Roll. Taomoa, Brussels. COMFORTABLE dwelling rooms to rent above stores. Soft water and other oonventenees. I. 0. RIOHARDM, To advertise saw gumming and tilling I will return the money if I cannot suit you. Yours, T, McGregor, corner Milland Main at., Brue- eels. Mine PERIM SRAMPE has passed:successfully her second exeminatio, of the Pianoforte De- partment of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, and is prepared to take pupils at her home, Prineees street. --o BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR. -The Cun- ningham evaporator is a busy spot. 20 or more hands are employed and the factory will likely run a good share of Novem- ber. A car of the evaporated fruit was shipped to Vancouver. The goods are put up in 25 and 5o pound boxes. The evaporator is a decided advantage to this section giving a market for apples unsalable for packing purposes. Pro- prietor Cunningham is a hustler. OBITUARY. -The Brantford Courier, of October 2otb, speaks as follows of Joseph Elliott, of that city, whore demise was spoken of last week. Mrs. john Hunter, of Brussels, is a sister to deceased :-It is with very sincere re- gret that the Courier is called upon to record the death of Joseph Elliott, J. P., one of Brantford's oldest and most representative citizens, which sad event took place at the family residence, 68 Brant avenue, this morning. Deceased had been confined to his house for over a year and the end was not unexpected. He bore his illness with much Christian fortitude. Mr. Elliott was born in Ire• land, but left there early in life and settled in Brantford, over half a century ago. He carried on a most successful lumber and cooperage business in West Brantford for many years, afterwards engaging in fancy goods business o0 Colborneet tt s e •o For o s meearn now w he has lived retired, Hew was most suc- cessful in everything he undertook and was a0 extensive property holder, own- ing real estate in nearly every ward in the city. In politics be was a staunch Conservative and was recently honored by Sir James Whitney in his appoint- ment as a magistrate for the county. He took a very keen interest in every- thing that pertained to the welfare, of the city of his adoption. He represent- ed the old King's Ward for many years, both on the aldermauic and public school boards. In church matters, too, he was most active. •He has been an official of both the Oxford street and Brant Avenue Methodist churches and his counsel and advice were always highly prized by the boards of these churches. He was a member et the Chosen Friends, Home Circle, Work- men and Oddfellows, Some forty years go he was married to Miss J. Arm- trong, a member of a well known Ter - tato family, who survives hien. The ons and daughters are :-Mrs. W. M. Chariton. city ; Mrs, (Rev,) E. Shep. ard, Waterford ; Mrs. (Dr )r R. Will, itq Miss Elliott, cite ; Dr. T. W. Elliott loronta • Mrs. J. I. Kerr, city, and Dr, G. A, Elliott, Petrolaa. To these bereaved ones the deepest sympathy will go. Intoe falling asleep of Mr. Elliott Brantford has lost a sterling citizen.whose word wasas good as his bond, and the home circle hits been bereft of a loving husband and father., The whole community is distinctly the worse for hit passing away. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon to Greenwood come, The me r pohtan Bank The Mon y You a� You from worry—want—debt—humiliation. A comfortable Bank Oapltal paid Lop ^ $i,e00,000Ao Account giver one lin easy mind, self-confidence, and the power to take advantage of every opportunity that comes to better one's position, Rev0rVe Fund one Undivided Profltit 1,2771404,40 HEAL °MOB - TORONTO TJ MRD joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arrang- ed especially for Farmers or those living out of town', Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose name the account is opened, $1.00 OR MORE OPEN$ AN AOOOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH - F. H. QILROY, MANAGER Nordheimer PIANOS 1/////////// The Musician's favorite A partial list of recent Nordbeimer Pat- rons in Brussels and vicinity :- Dr, Holmes, Brussels J. F. Rowland, John Leckie, G. House, Alex. Strachan, Sam). Carter, Dr. Toole, Jas. Armstrong, Farquharson. Walton H, A. Phomas, Mrs. R Morrison, Leadbury Miss Barrows. For fullinformation apply to Sam!. Carter Door North Standard Bank, Brussels. CROWDED OUT. -A number of inter- esting matters, in type, are crowded out of this issue but will appear next week. The Sewing Circle of Melville .church gave a social in the school room last Monday evening at which an interesting program was presented. Over $22 was realized. SPRAINED ARM .-Tuesd ay evening Juo. Oliver slipped on the step leading into the woodshed at his home and in the fall sprained his right arm very severely. We hope he will soon regain the use of this important member, Goon HousE.-Guy Bros Minstrels played to a full house in Brussels Town Hall Wednesday evening. Their pro- gram is varied and well rendered al- though changes could be made that would not detract from the popularity of the Co. FINGER or'. -While working in the_ Ameut factory Tuesday afternoon Allan Lamont had the misfortune to have the first finger of his left hand caught in the shaper with the result that it was token off at the second joint, in an instant. He will be off duty for some time probably. HARRY MERCERIDECEASED.-Last Sun- day afternoon Harry Mercer died, after an extended illness from dropsy, aged 34 years. The funeral took place from the Methodist church Tuesday after- noon. Rev. E. G. Powell conducted an appropriate service and the Canadian Order of Foresters also took part at the cemetery. The Court put a beautiful wreath on time casket. Harry had lived in Brussels for a good many years and was an industrious young man. He was u nmarried. Dr. and Mrs, Thos, Holmes formerly of Brussels, were tip from Detroit visit- ing their relatives at Goderich and at Holmesvitle over Thanksgiving. Dr. Holmes. who is a brother of Dr. W. J. R. Holmes and Mrs. R. W. McKenzie, of the Co. town, has just returned from the Philippines, where he was on duty for tate United States Government. His daughter, Miss Stella, who is well known in town, accompanied -him on the trip. LOCAL UPTION,-A petition of n6 names was before the Council Monday evening asking them to submit a By-law on Municipal Election day permitting the electors to say whether r or not they want theel hot bars closed after May rat. 19to. On certification that the petition was correct a By -Law received mat and and rearming and will be published giving authorization to the vote. Voting will take place at the usual polling places with W. M. Sinclair, N. F. Gerry and P. Scott as Deputy Returning Officers. The voters' list for Igoe will be used and any persons entitled to vote at Munici- pal elections Will have a right to use a Local Option ballot. THos, W. TAIT DEAD, -On Sunday afternoon Oct. 24th, the death angel en- teredtiie home of Rev. Ellis Garrow, Pittsburg, Pa„ And summoned to the unseen world the spirit of Thomas W, Tait, .uncle to Mrs, Garrow. Services were held in the parsonage on Monday evening and Tuesday the remains were taken to:Oil City, ,Pa., for interment, where Mr, Tait had resided for many yearn. He went to Pittsburg dye weeks ago to be under the medical care of his nephew, Dr. Robert McKenzie. Mr. Tait was born in . Millbrook, Out., was 66 years of age, was married 33 years ago to Miss Mary Neever, who with one son survive°him i Br' h is disease di ase a g ws the Canoe of his e f death, Mr. Tait will be remembered by some of the Brussels people having resided ;here some years ago, and was a brother to the late John Tait, Who died in Clay Center, 'Kansas, only six months ago, A sister, Mrs. St. Peter, of Abilene, is the only one living of a family of nine, Father, mother, two sisters and:oneibrother were laid to rest in the Brussel. cemetery, Two Sisters and one brother lie in Oil City cemetery and one brother in Cedar Lawn cemetery, Abilene, Kansas, S TR ucRrSr ET $ R$ CAR A the s re- sult esult o fbeing an inter oar in Detrit Tuesdaymo morning, Dr, T. G Holmes, a United States army sur- geon. lies seriously injured in the Detroit General hospital, He was picked up unconscious and it is feared that he has sustained a concussion of the brale. Dr, Holmes formerly resided in Brussels. He is a brother of Dr, W. J. R. Holmes, of Goderich. M,nIMONIAL.- The Chesley Enter- priscrof last week gives the, following particulars of a matrimonial event in which Brurselites are interested as the groom is well known here :-One of the prettiest of home weddings took place on Tuesday, October 26th at the home of the bride and het sister, when Miss Isabella Kyle, dattghter of the late Jas. Kyle, of Chesley and formerly of the 13th con., Sullivan, was united in mar- riage to Dr. Bertran J. Ferguson, of Teeswater, formerly of Desboro. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Robe, Atkinson, pastor of Geneva church, in the presence of a large number of guests mostly relatives of the happy bride. The bride was attired in a gown o f Ivory satin with overdress of Brussels net, and carried a boquet of roses and lilies of the valley. Her going away dress was a handsome rose suit with hat to match, The bridal couple were un- attended. The bride was the recipient of many handsome gifts including a Queen Anne tea set and coffee service with large salver in solid silver and one hundred dollars in gold from W. D. and Mrs. Cargill, of Cargill The groom's present to the bride was a pearl sunburst and the bride's gift to groota a watch fob monogram in solid gold. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson left on the after- noon train for a tour of United States and on their return will reside in Tees- water. THE Posr extends hearty best wishes. MARRIED OAumen-Fv?TON.-At the residence of the bride's parents, on October 20th, by Rev. B. G. Powell, Mr. Joseph O. Carter, of Walton, to Mies Etta Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Fulton, of McMIllop. DIED HEr,M.-In Wingham, on Oct. 22nd, Janet Beattie, relict of the late Wm. Helm, aged 80 years. MER0En, In.Bruasele, on October 8102, Harry Mercer, aged 84 years. MOBtraNRy,-In Bast Wewanosh, on Oet. 2421t, Wm. J. MoBurney, aged 98. READINo.-In Wingham, on Oct. 26th, Chas. J. Readin in hie 66th year. TAIT.-In Pittsburg, Pa., on October- 2421x Thos. W. Tait, formerly of Brusaela, aged 68 years. AUCTION SALES Tvzsacr, Nov, Syn, Unreserved Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, &e„ at 8344. Lot 26, Con, 4, -Morrie, at 1 p. m. Sale was postponed from Oat, 26th, ,Tae. Duncan, Prop. F. S. Scott. Aue. TUESDAY, NOV, 16th. -Farm stook, imple- ment), &a, Lot 6, Oon. 17, Grey. Sale unre- served et 1 p.m, Mrs. Dora MoFadzeen, Pro. prl etreee. F. S. Stott, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, Nov, 18th. -Farm stook . im- plements, &e., Lot 22, Con. 15, Grey. Sale un- reserved atlp,m. Mrs. Flora Mohair, Pro- prietress. F, S. Scott, Auctioneer. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voters' List Aot by hie Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron et the Council Room,. Brussele, on the Seventeenth day of Novem- ber, 1009at Ten o'clock in the forenoon to bear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the village of Brussels for All persona having bnainese at the Court are regolred to enact:: nd ht said tions end plsee, Dated at Brnaeets thio Fourth day of Nov. 1809, F. 8. SCOTT, Village Clerk. E441661 1873 OF CANADA 77 Bsaaehgs K gives.Savings Depositors, whether their accounts be large or small, the most courteous service. Make a beginning at once with a Deposit of One Dollar or motet •in_,our Sayings Department. 73 BRt7SS1C+ if n9 BRANCH 3. E. aowlar^sd, Ivd.anages' Auction Sales AUCTION SALE olr FARM $Took, IMrLE- MaNT9, 8s0, -J+', S. Scott, Auctioneer, Use been loetaueted by the undersigned to sell by op T esday, Nbv. 81h eat Lot 0 o'clock, the follow- ing valuable property :-1 mare fl years old Bade ed in foal 0 Baron Blank 1 mare 6 yrs, old supposed fp foal to so 'e Hope and mare foal at foot. gaged mare, 1colt dyeont old from Baron Black, 1 colt 1 year Old frog. Baron Black, 4 cove in ealf,1 fat sew, 7 steers 2ears old, 5 steers 1 year. old, 1 heifer 2 years old, 6 calves, 1 Massey binder,1 Massey mower, 1 Masse pea harvester, 1 Massey horse rake, d steel roller, 1 cultivator, 1 lumber wag. on, 1 truck wagon. 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 set bol. sleighs, 1 sulky two -furrow plow nearly new, 8 single plows, 1 gang plow, 8 sets of harrows, I stainer, 1 turnip sower, 1 corn nutter, 1 pul- per, 1 fanning milt, 1 bay rack, 2 seta double harness, 1 gravel pox, 1 wheelbarroty, 1 set 1,000111. scales, 1 Sep kettle, 1 iron :force pump, 2 -seta whiffletreee, 2 iron neokyolcee, quantity of cedar posts, forks, rakes, Boas and other articles. Sale unreserved as the proprietor has Bold his farm. Terms -.$5 nod under gash ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes : 5 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts, JAS. DUNCAN, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE of Flom 85005, Itirrat- nrnxTs, &o. -F. 8, Scott, auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by ppublae auction at Lot 6, Oon, 17 Grey, on day, November 18th, at 1 o'clock, the following valuable•property ;-1 mare 0y eaa old, 1 driv- ing mare rising 4 years (aired by King Stanton, dam Royal Revenge), 1 filly rising 5 years, 6 cows supposed in calf, 2 eteers 2 years old, 2 heifers 1 year old, 2 steers 1 year old, 0 calves, a number of hone, 1 binder, 1 mower and pea harvester, 1 bay loader, 1 hay tedder, 1 hay rake, 1 cultivator, 1 seed drill 1 manure spread- er, 1 roller 1 set 2,000 lb. stales, bay fork and silage, 1 drill plow, 1 turnip sower, 1 disc har- row,llumber wagon, 1 pair bob -sleighs,- 1 top baggy, 1cutter, 1 set iron harrows, 1 gang plow, i Bingle plow, 1 emitter, 1 root pumper, .5 fanning mill, 1 hay rack, 1 gra-vel box, 1 set; double harness, 1 set eingle harness, 1 sap pan and 20 buckets, 1 Tubular Cream Separator, forks, rakes, spades, saws and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale unreserved es proprietress is giving up farming. Terme- All some of $6 and under cash ; over that amount 12 months credit will be given on approved joint) notes ; five off for eeeh on credit amounts. MRS, DORA Mo1'ADZEAN, Pro- prietress. AUCTION SALE oe FARM- 05005, minst- MENTs, 860,-F. S. Scott, auctioneer has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 22, Con. 16, Grey, on Thursday, Nov. kith at 1 p. re, the following valuable property - 1 Brood mire 7 .years ol supposed to be in foal, 1 horse rising 5 years old, 1 driving horse 11 years: old, 2 colt rising 2 years old, 1 Spring colt, 4 eows supposed to be n calf, 1 farrow tow, 8 steers rising 8 years old, 8 heifers Meing 8 years old, 8 steers rising 2 years old, 1 heifer rising 2 years old, 6 calves,. 1 brood sow supposedto he in pig, 4 ewes, a number of hens, 1 Massey -Harris binder nearly new, 1 McOormick mower nearly new, 1 Massey -Harris seed -drill, 1 hay rake, 1 land roller, 1 Frost & Wood crown plow nearly new, 8 single plows, 1 dist harrows, 1 waffler, 1 lumber. waggon, 1 double buggy, 1 top buggy, 1 road cart, 1 act bob•sieighs, 2 cutters, 1 goat robe, 1 grindstone, 1 wheel -barrow, 1 pumper, 1 gravel box, 1 heating etove. 1 Metotte cream separator, 1 Favorite churn, 1 sugar kettle,. quantity of good dry hardwood,- whiffietreee, 1 neck yolk 1 set double harness, 1 set' single, harness, 1.' hay fork, 1 hay rook, 1 oar and slings everything complete, 1 fining mill, 1 set of scales 1000 lbs., a quantity of (leder,1 water trough, a number, of sap pails and spites, 2 crowbars, a number of cattle chains, chains, shovels. forks, scythes and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale unreserved as proprietress is giving up farming. Terme- All sums of 56 and under cash ; .over that amount 12 months credit will be given on a proved joint notes ; 6off for mesh oncredit. amounts. MRS. F.bORA MoNAIR, Pro. prietrees. - FOR BALE, -Nine acre) of - land with a good brick cottage, banlc barn and other out buildings, also a good orchard. For further particulars apply to A. J. M. Helm or Mrs.. Jno. Dimling, Oranbrook. MISS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Teacher ofPiano Studio et Carter's Musio Store, one door North of the Standard Bank, Brussels, 8-tf STRAYED. -On premises of the undersigned, park Lot 22, Con, 7, Grey',on or abort 002. 7th, a red heifer 8 years oli, with white on right hip. Owner ie requested to prove prop- erty. pay expenses and take her away. WM. MO'NEBLANDs, or Ethel P. O. • 40.14+41.1•♦4♦+••1 •••••1'P i 4'O s'O•F♦14441 D 40++•1•♦♦♦'3•hF♦'i'Ht•1•i'.+♦fir♦•t•♦ • I SeIIing♦ . 4• s i M 4' .Hardware.1. f •1 I have decided to sell out my entire stock of bard- .•• ware before the New Year and in order to do so will •♦4. l• sell at a sacrifice all lines in stock. N I Some Specials for this week • -Bamboo Poles at 21'or 6e. ♦ 4• -Wire'Door Screens at 100 per yard. q .4. -Buck Saws, a good assortment, at prices from 40c to 86e, + • Itazors, some extra gond ones for 40c each. -Boker's make razor strops reduced 10 per cent,• • -All kinds of Graniteware 20 per cent, off. + -A, few Baskets, splint at 20o and willow 50c. • -Scythes 10 per cent. below cost. --Cow Chains, 4 chain style, 25c each, -All small mall code such as Snaps, Bo oks' Lor kaiHinges, AugeretBrte Bolts, Tacks, Screws,.ate, ate regular price. 3• + 4' iie�'-I also carry Pure American Coal 011, imported in barrels, Try a ♦ + gallon. Anything not. in stock will be ordered for.you cheer- - g • fully: Call and make a trial purchase. • ♦ special Discount of 5 per cent. for cash n 4 of more than S5, o all purchases s JAMES SHAW +••1'•14444,•+•+.44.144.4' 41313'!• 4.i./4r•t4fr♦+•4444.44+•'1'•++ ORE FARM FOR SALEREN ,0�A R .- R O T The .Dote8 C dtGr toy. sell hid 100 sore form, Dot 8, ed, 2,QrPl deed hates and tiara, fenced, &e,Place welln Watered and well fenced 1 all seeded down 39 mile t Boohoo 2 mi os from J given et and If milts to school Possession suitable alt ones. of net Bold it further be to rent if aupplyo bwite titers. For further Blyth, ti , or F. apply or Brit. to Jceoph OoomUes, lily eh, or F. SP Stott, Brim. eels, Notice to Creditors In the !natter of the estate of John Mc- Intosh, late of the Township' of Grey, in the County of Huron, Township Cleric, deceased, Notice is hereby- given pureuant to ''The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, eeetion 89, °hupter 129, that all creditors and others hay iii • alalia against the abate of the amid John M'alntooh, who died on or about the 20th day of Septeurber, A. D. 1009, are required on or be- fore the ha day of December, 1009, to send by pool, prepaid. or deliver to F. S. Scott, of the Village of. Brussele. in the Comity of Huron, Agent for Emily 0. Melntoah, the Adminlatra- trrx of the said deceased, their Ohritiar and eurnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, 0 statement oftheir accounts, duly certified, end the nature of the securities if any) held by them, And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Adininistratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice and that the said Admin)stra- tris will not be liable for the said assets, Danny part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution, Dated this 2nd day of November 1000. F. S, SCOTT, 18.8 Agent for the Adndnistratrix. ere. Stock Hess' Food 11! your horse does llot appeal' to be thriving as ]1e should ;• if his coat has lost that smooth, glossy appear, name ; if 110117,0 poor digestion and his blood is out of older start using Dt'• Mess' Staek Nod, the wonderful tonin For Horsbsy Cattle Sheep and Hogs Make your liens lay by using Ness' Poultry Panacea Ness' instant Louse Killer 1'viil s• li o ou poultry, cattle or horses.. Sold only at s DRUG STORE Notice to Creditors In the platter of the estate of lames Shaw, late of the Village of Brus- sels, in the County of Huron, farm- er, deceased. Notice is hereby given jrurenant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario,' 1807, esotion 89, chapter 120, that all creditors and other) hav- ing aying olairus against the estate of the said James Shaw, who died on or about -the Ninth day of Matruh, A.D. 1009, aro required on or be- fore theist day of December, A. D.1009 to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Johnllnllarrtyne,. at Brussels, Ont., the Administrator of the said estate, their nines and addressee with full particular)iuwriting of their claims and atatement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly verified by Statutory Declaration. And further take notice that after suoh last mentioned date the said Administrator will Proceed to distribute the assets of the doweled amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the olefins of which he shall then have notice and tbntthe said. Administra- tor will not be liable for the Saidasseba, or any part thereof, to anyperson or persons of whole claim notice shall nob have been received by him at the time of each distribution. Dated this 2nd day of November, 1909. 18-8 P. S. 80OTT, Agent for the Administrator. Brussels Daylight Store ' G. N. McLaren There's a difference between big words and big values, 1 so without wasting any time on preliminaries we invite you to examine our stock of Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats. At 9.50 Ladies' all wool kerisoycloth coats, 48 and 50 inches long, loose and semi -fitting in this season's best styles. In Black, Navy, Brown and Green. All sizes. At 7.50 Ladies' dark colored tweed and black vanettnia cloth, nicely Whil- ed, bocly lined, loose and fitted styles. All sizes. At 5.00 Ladies' and 1SLon's extra heavy dark color tweeds, plain Black, Blown and Navy, long lengths. All sizes. At 4.50 Misses coats in Navy, Brown and Green frieze, long loose fitting. heavy weight and good wearing cloth, for girls 12 to 1$ years old. At 6.00 & 7.00 Misses coats in plain Brown, Green and Bllre, cicely trimmed with double bank, Very stylish, warm, serviceable garment. At 2.50 to 5.00 Ohildren's coats in. Grey, Blue and Green. Plain and fancy makesfoi' children 4 to 12 years: All reduc- ed. Men's 1:' Soy' inter {er o � cars Men's Bleck Melton Overcoats et HO This is our, special line and aro special at the price, Well made black M:eitons, long lenghth and perfect fitting, Men's Heavy Ned Ulsters at 10.00 Long length, gtlii extra quality of dant Heavy tweed utters with Prussian collars. Very special at $10.00, Men's Overcoats et G,15 Men's blank Melton and dark colored. tweed overcoats in all sizes. Well trade garments, All are perfect fitting. Boys' Overcoats et 4,50 to 5,00 ]3oys' overcoats in plain Black anis fancy tweed, long length with plain and P,tussian collars. 1We' invite you to examine our stock of Fur Lined Coats, Fur Ruffs and Muffs, All Sizes in Granby Rubbers. Highest prices for Produce. Gs N.