HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-11-4, Page 3Fashion ML M M FADS AND FANCIES, Long sashes are being worn with coat suits. Paris is offering all Borba of hats exeepb sma11•ones, White cony will be a leaderin fur coats for young. girls, Gold braid will figure prominent. Dj• as coiffure ornatnent. Corsets are longer over the hips but outt lower at the top. Newest belt buckles and pies combine mother of pearl and jet, Puffs are stili worn, but are small and soft t r n t d irregular lar in shape. Tim scarab is a leader among de- .orations for pins and dainty buckles. For fall wear many double veils el contrasting colors are being of- fered. Red is a brilliant exception to the rule that makes for dull hued col- ors Sleeves in little girls' dresses aro fuller, long, and have oftenone or twc puffs, The craze for shawls has brought with it renewed and welcome drap- ings on dresses. The general 'tendency is away from vivid colorings, and few lus- trous surfaces are seen. The Dutch and Eton collars are promised a renewed popularity through the winter' season. Amethyst and wisteria, in spite of their long vogue, are still among the fashionable colors.' Dark gray is promised a great po- pularity, and a new shade dubbed "coal, dust" is among the leaders. Buttons are large and decorative, but should be used only where they look as if they are needed to fasten something. Street gloves for anthem are of chamois, in white and natural col- or, pique sewn, and . fastened with one or two pearl buttons. It seeing as if the latest fad hairdressing, the use of filets and jeweled hair bands, has come to stay for a while at least. The most satisfactory stocks just now are made of embroidered lin- en and the strong, beautiful Irish lace which•is so fashionable. The low sash is a feature of frocks for children, just as for grownups, but is even more stylish on the childish, unformed figure. Pockets, big, ornamental flap af- fairs, are sometimes set low on the sides of coats, breaking the straight, loose line or finishing a side panel. Marabout flowers will take a con- siderable place among hat trim- mings this season, in spite of the fact that they cost about twice as much as last year. Travel hats are already here and are of the lightest possible make of felt. Some of them are turned up. sharply at one side—the so-called 'left side • tilt.'' The most noticeable thing about new blouses is the tiny puff in some of the sleeves, Some are fuller at the top, too, and hardly any are made long or close fitting. Late Paris fashions in wraps are introducing some startling picture effects, designers drawing from all periods andall lands in the snap- ing of cloaks and mantles, This year again there is a fancy for the fluffy neck bows or illusion or na]ine, and these fluffy, airy bows, tucked beneath the chin, are bewitchingly becoming. The shawl -like drapery of lace or shimmering fabris !which extends. from the shoulders far below the waist line is' a decidedly effective finish to the smart evening gown. Some of the new sweater coats have largo outside pockets placed over the hips. These pockets are provided -with flaps which fasten tightewith snap,- hooks, or buttons and buttonholes. The skirt of the usual fall suits is of walking length without much fullness, and is trimmed with per- pendicular folds and jet buttons, but the latter feature is solely with the taste of .. the wearer. FACTS ABOUT THE :FAIR. .I lats. A pretty girl -.-yawning is a ter- rible .sight. Women of tetnperanhent are wo- men of temper'. All simply things are best — ex- cept simple women. Truth and a woman's age never bow to one another—oven as ttltoy pass. Silence on the part of a woman means suspicion on the part df her fr.imech. A .woman only undei'stauds who her ideal man is when alto has plat- ried the other kind. Atter a girl has really: decided tomarry a man she ill quite eort.ala to rderso, If she doesn'It, she Rase" decided, It's bettar'to' follow one good ex, amino than it is to set a dozen bad once. Mrs. ,Sharpe (severely)—"i\totait, T can find only rowan of these Elates, 'Where are the other iivo1" Cook (in antirisa —"bt i o mum, don't ye make no allowance for or- dinary wear an' tear I"• A MAINSTAY FOR ALL MEN Ali Breadwinnors Who 'roil Hsalth Aoulinlug Shou11 Take Ar, Williams' Pink Pills. Thousands of men ihroughont Canada are suffering to -day from a deplorable failure of strength with- out knowing that they are the vie. tires of nervous exhaustion. The signs are plain. The sufferer cane not keep his mind on werlc, passes restless nights, turns against food and cannot digest it, feels exhaust. ed after exertion, -while headaches and fits of 'dizziness often adds to his misery. These symptoms denote that the nervous system is weakened and innefficiently nourished. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will promptly cure because they enrich the impure weak blood and .thus give new strength and tone to the exhaust- ed nerves. No other medicine can dr' this so promptly and so surely. Mr, W. II. Ripson, Bast Pubni- co, N, S., says :—"For a number of years 1 was troubled with violent headaches. When these spells Damm on the pain was so severe that I feared I would lose my senses. At the outset these headaches -would memo on about once a week..1 doc- tored for the trouble and did ev- erything possible to get relief, but without avail, and as time went on the attacks grew both in frequency and severity. The pain was terrible and with each attack seemed to grow worse. The only relief I could get was from a hot mustard foot bath, and the application of hot water and ammonia to my head ; 1 would then have to be led to bed where Thad to remain until the at- tack passed away. At this time Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were brought to my notice, and while I scarcely hoped they wouldcure mo, I decid- ed to try them, After taking a few boxes I found that the attacks ware not so severe, and I joyfully con- tinued ontinued taking' the Pills until I had used ten boxes when every symp- tom of the trouble had passed away, and I was in better health than I. had ever enjoyed before. It is -Sev- eral years since my cure was ef- fected, and as I have not had a headache since I feel that the cure is petrnanont. This is a plain state- ment of my case, but no words can tell what niy sufferings really were and I believe that but for Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills I would have been in my grave, for I could not have stood the pain touch longer and doc- tors did not do me any good." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. YES. Little Fred -"Aro you a lawyer like papa?" Dr, Smith—"Oh, no ; I'm a phy- sician." Little Fred—"Then you are the man who, gees to .see sick ,people before they die." It is an Officer of the Law of Health.—When called in to attend a disturbance it searches ant the hiding -place of pain, and like a guardian of the peace, lays hands upon it and says, "I arrest you." Resistance is useless, as the law of'. health imposes a sentence of per- petual banishment on pain, and De. Thomas' Eclectric Oil was origin- ated to enforce that sentence. A middle-aged woman'once told ns that her husband had never spoken a cross word to her. Later we discovered that she'd never had a husband, Wilson's Fly Pads, the best of nil fly killers, kill both the Meg and the disease germs. "Humble as I am," said a loud= voiced orator at a meeting, "I still remember that I am a fraction of this magnificent empire." "You are, indeed," said a bystander, "and a vulgar one at that." Hard and soft corns cannot with- stand Holloway's Corn Cure ; it is effeetual every time. Get a bottle at once and be happy. CAN THIS BE TRUE, "After all," queried the maiden fair, "what is marriage'!" Marriage," replied the young matron, "is the process by which a woman deprives herself of an es- cort." Send for frog sample to nope. W, L., teem! °tug & Cheinloal Co, Toronto.. a G:RIOG TIME, ''unction to the Drip,, Routine on 1lriaril Melt-Ofeiver. The presence in these waters,ef four British armored vessels calls attention to one of the important functions in the daily life of the British bluejacket, namely, grog time, says the Shipping lllustreted of New fork, Grog is composed of stun end water rind is served daily to the bllhejaekets on till British warships, Dutchmen and. Germans have their beer, Frenehmen and Italians their wine, but the Brit- ish "handyman" gots grog, the same as his forefather in the days. of Nelson. The grog barrel is gen, erelly a very elaborate effair, enh- helli'sh's& with mottoes, '1Goel Save the King" being most in favor. To be deprived of grog is one of the ;punishments meted out for,serious breaches' of discipline and one that it keenly felt by the culprit, Bluejackets who do not indulge in .s'pir'itnou-s' beverages are allow- ed a small amount of money in lieu of ,grog, but abstaining from grog for aoveral clays in order to draw se large quantity with intemperate motives is made impossible by the regulation, that grog mast' . be drawn daily and that no more than u daily ration may be served at any time. Grog was served in the American, ;navy in the days preceding the Civ- il war, and while its re-establish- ment hasaeldom been urged, prom- inent Adtniral•s have of late reoont,- me'nded that the canteen he al- lowed to sell nou-spirituous liqu ors in moderate quantities. This would tend to promote temperance rather than otherwise, as sailors who use •stimulants and are con attained to total ,abstinence for- a 'long time are more than likely to indulge immoderately .50 soon. as they set foot on shore. Whatever arguments may bo advanced pro and con, however, grog time is cer- tainly the most picturesque func- tion in the daily routine of a Brit - warship and one that astran- ger will keenly enjoy upon first. eight. • YOUTH PLUS EXPERIENCE The somewhat elderly but still handsome and well-preserved bachelor had long been an admirer of the young lady, but never had dared to tell her so. At last, however, he mustered courage to say : "Miss Jessie, I wish I were twen- ty' years younger." "Why so?" she asked. "Because then I should be bold enough perhaps to ask you to mar- ry me." With a charming smile she shook her head. "I should have to tell you no, Mr. Baxter," she said. "If you were twenty years younger you would be a great deal too young for .me." . Tle took the hint—and a little while later the young lady, too. • +— —•b — THE WISE MOTHER DOCTORS 13ABT WISELY Now -a -days wise mothers clo not dose their children with nauseous, griping castor-oil or pugativcs, nor do they give them poisonous opiates in the form of soothing medicines. 1 Baby's Own Tablets take the Placa r f these harsh and dangerous drugs, and d e ho mother lei h ha s the guarantee of a government analyst that the Tablets aro absolutely safe, and will cure all stomach and bowel troubles, destroy worms, break up colds and make teething easy. Mrs. Thos. Craft, Blnscarth, Ilan., says: "1 have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and teething trou- bles, and do nob know of any other medicine that ran equal then. They 'are always satisfactory in their results." Sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvilie, Ont. Mrs. Gabbsby—"My 1 I was at the dentist's this afternoon, and he made 'ane keep any month open a whole hour. It ihearly killed ins." Airs.. Stillwater --"Yes, but it might have been worse. If he had made you keep your mouth shut for half that time it would have killed you without e doubt." One trial of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will convince you. that it has no equal as a worm: medieino. Buy a bottle and see if it flocs not please you. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to -advertisers. STRING TO THE KITE, He—"Will you marry me?" She—"Yes I'll marry you to- morrow." lite—"This is—er—rather sad- den." She—"Oh, not necessarily, To- morrow never comes, you know." DRAWING TRH LINE, '"In making eauypal n spciechcs,a' said the ordinary eft; en, t uli, pose you never 15rota 6e mere than yon can do 1" "Oh, I don'tear ff far," replied the alit' l: never promise Ile Make the people b 1 d Ili �T p 12 eye to Old 4 a'htt r t 44) an to, WHAT NEGLECT 010 FOR HIM .A.S. E. 111RAN'1' .SU1s1 lfED TOIBe RENTS 1 ROM KIDNEY DISEASES, Then Re Used Dodd's Eidney Pills and Became. a Well !Kipp—ills lir• lleelenee a Lesson for You. Athabattcrt Landing, Alta., OAt. 25 (Special),—That I{.idney Disoaso: neglected in its earlier stages, 'ears to the most terrible suffering, if not death itself, and that the one sure euro for it in all stages is Todd's Kidney Pills, is the experience of Me. Tames N. Brant, a farmer re- siding near here, Mr. Brant contracted Kidney Dice ease, when a young man, from a strat.n, and, like hosts of others, neglected it, expecting it to go away itself. But it kept gradually growing worse, till after thirty years of in- creasing suffering the climax came, and he found himself so crippled that at times he could not turn in bed, andfor two weeks at a time it was impossible for him to rise from a chair without putting his hands on his knees. He could not button his clothes: Re was troubled with Lumbago, Gravel and Backache, and tried medicines for each and all of them without getting relief, till good luck turned him to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills started at the cause of his troubles andcured his Kidneys. With mired Kidneys his other troubles speedily disappear- ed, and to -day he is a well man. If you cure your Kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills you will never have Lumbago, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Dis- ease: NOT LOST AGAIN. •Mamma -"Oh John ! John! What shall we dol Baby has swallowed its rattle 1" Papa—"Do 1 Nothing; now he'll have it with hila all the time, and we won't have to be forever hunt- ing it up when ho Dries." GOOD NEWS FOR DIE DEAF. A -celebrated New York Aurist has been selected to demonstrate to (leaf people that deafness is a dis- ease and can be rapidly and easily cured in your own home. He proposes to prove this fact by sending to any person having trouble with their ears a trial treatment of this new method ab- solutely free. We advise all peo- ple who have trouble with their oars to immediately address Dr. Edward Gardener, Suite 914, No. 40 West Thirty-third street, New York City, and we wish to assure them that they will receive by re- turn mail, absolutely free, a "trial Treatment." JAPAN'S GREAT ARMY. Doubled .in Strength Sinee Out- break of Russian War. In calculating the size of a na- tional army, it is hardly possible to get beyond approximate figures; hence a calculation. of the streng of the Japanese at'niy just produc- ed must be received on that basis, but without ho any suspicion that it wanders far from the truth. in- deed, the authority responsible for the statistics vouches that the ac- tual numbers are in excess of those given. Taking the figures as they are presented, it would appear the number of Hien actually under arms or, in other words, serving with the colors, in Japan, is: Infantry .... .... ......... 129,960 Cavalry 14,5u0 Artillery ... ... .. ...... 11,270 Engineers .. 10,400 Commissariat.... ... 9,240 aleevy Artillery ... „ ... 5,000 Mountain Artillery ,. 1,020 Communications Troops ... 2,000 Total..,. ...... 184,590 This is the military strength on a peace footing, being more than donble what it was when the Russo- Japanese War broke out. On n war footing the army is put at 1,211,000, exelsive of 10,000 troops serving in Formosa; 15,000 officers and non- commissioned officers serving with the colors, and a very large; num- bet' of etfhcers and non-comtiiissicn- ed ofi'hcers whose names are borne on the reserves. ISSUE 1!'0. 44--00. SELL ti'ATE 1LO° RELICS. Dlilsethe on Great Rattle Weald Cheops Rands. The Waterloo Museum of Italics, with the Milsoum Rotel, situated at the foot of the Dion hound an the famous battlefield, was offered fey .sato by auction in Prussels rets, eptly, The coileetion of ;battik) relics 'w rich formed the nucleus of the present extoneive musenni ; wad image by. ,Sergeant-Major Cotton, who, .on the glorious 18th of June, 1815, fought bravely in the ranks of the 7th Hussars, .Since then ninny ,presentations of curios have been made to the museum, which now contains more than 3,000 objects, The Rotel du Musee, which ad- joins the museum and is made the headquarters of pilgrims and of all nationalities to the battlefield, is well equipped, , and has stabling for fcrtyhcrsos. All 0ho furnitui and fittings and 10;000 'bottles o•f ol+i wihres will be included' in the sale, The following were among the re - Comma:— Cannon balls of various sizes ,picked up on the battlefield. Pieces of .wood, pierced by bul- lets, from the farm 'of Rougornon't, Swords, pikes, car'bines,'inuskets, •axes, lances, pistols, and buttons: One of Napoleon's camp, kettles, 'd stamped with the mperial "N" and the word "Voyage." Prussian pistols, also having roy- al initials on the handle, and with "Potsdam" stamped ou the plate. Coins, spurs, skulls, .arid medals. Sergeant-Major Cotton, besides founding the museum and the ho- tel, wrote an account of the battle and a guide to the ground. Re also 'conducted many royal and other. distinguished visitors over the bat- tlefield. WHY SUFFER FROM PILES ? Nature's Remedy is Zam-Buk. Impressive Cures of Women Sufferers, Wherever there is suffering from piles, ' Zam-Ituk should be applied.! There are lots. of reasons for this, but one of the best is that in -practically all cases .of pilo re whethe use of Zam-Buk u persevered with, complete cure —not merely relief—is tile result, Mrs. Win. Hughes, of 253, Bachelor,. Street, Hochelaga, Montreal, says t--" I suffered from blind, itching, and protruding piles fur years. Sometimes they were so bad thatI could hardly bear to move about. The inflammation, the burning smarting pain, lho throbbing, the aching, the overpowering feel- ings of duh,ess and dark despair which this ailment brings, the shooting spasms of agony —all were so terrible that only sufferers from this awful ailment canunderstand t" Bad as this case was, UM -Suit triumphed, and Mrs. Hughes suffers no longer. It only needed a little perseverance with Zam-Buk, and in the end complete cure resulted. isirs, E, Boxall, of Scott Street, St. ''horns, says For months w,thout cessation 1 en- dured great pain from bleeding piles. For as many months I tried everything which I thought would give me ease, but in the end, dispi fled rind still suffering, 1 gave in.' Tien it was she heard of Zam-Buk, and she adds:—" Although I feared Zam-Buk would be like the ordinary remedies—useless -I am glad it was not. It soon proved itself to be very din:lent, It rapidly gave me relief, and after a time cured me completely. 1 would like to let all sufferers from piles know what a grand thing Zam-Buk \Ir. F. Astridge, 3, Si..Paul Street, St. Catherine's, says For five years I suffered untold agony from piles, At tithes the pain was !o bad I could have screamed aloud, Ona friend's advice I uieda box of Zam-Buk. It gave me considerable ease, and I persevered with the treatment until 1 was cured, 1 wish I could convince every sufferer from piles of the value of this great herbal balm," So one could go on quoting case after case, and itis by working such cures thntZam-Buk has earned for itself its great reputation. Now if you suflbr from this terribly painful ailment just be guided by the foregoing cases! For internal piles melt a lithe Zam-liuk and thoroughly soak a wad, made of clean but old linen. Then apply to the part. If the piles are external, apnhcation of Zam-Buk is slid in .re simple. Do it upon fettling. Next morning you will he well satisfied 1 Zam-iluk is a cure also for cold -sores, and chapped cracked !rands, ulcers, festering ser s, blood -poisoning, eczema, badleg ring- worm, scalp sores, burns, scalds, and all skin diseas.s and injuries, 1U druggists and stores sell Zam-Buk at 505. a box, or 1nay be obtained post free from Zara -auk <'u., Toronto, for.price; 3 boxes for $ i'25, You are !warned, however, against cheap and dangerous itnitatiens sometimes ollerad as being "just as good:' JTJST S0. "If possession be nine points of tlhe law," wielded the professor, "what is t'"e tenth?" "Flanging on to the nine with the tenacity of a bulldog," answered ' the bright law student, Don't; experiment with unsat- isfactory substitutes. 1tllsan's Fly Palls kill matey limes more house flies than any other ltnowu art]cle. Tom''t wish that I liad •oe's good luck. i)icle— So he's gener- ally lucky?" Tom -"Lecky! If he walked out of the window in his sleep at dead of eight there would be another man going below car- rying a feather bed." The Reality of a Clear Skin. The condition of the live!' regulates the condition of the blond. A disorder- ed liver .copses impurities in the blood and these show themselves in blemishes on the skin, Parnheioe's Vegetable Pills in acting upon the live!' act npnn the blood' and a cleat, healthy skill will follow in- telligent use of this standard medi- cine. Ladies, who will fully appre- ciate this prime quality of these pills, min use them l l i with the ccr- taittty that the effect be most gra,. MUNICIPAL DESIMITURXS Pre Drax and conteteene sate fe 0ff r cat atfrgrfive Nat of clot JY,t I),[,41y AfT.T,Nlcfp4L 2I107,10R2'GrIIIM, fit. eiudinp those of Count104, .Wiserewes arid fichoai iPiatrftxa nj The Moho, atahutinp, uri W S'htet haw been pw", rhaac i outright bV si onig afterearrful 1rg41. ineeeGipallon, Thrse, Latino p144 ti+o invotor at pros e t 1ir'kel Iron 4 to B Por Cont. 0111/110/1 MEWS «y. •2t6filtlirSTP� '�-'t✓•OMTw!i[1!. LIMITED luau Press Rind f anflc3 LEARN Cuff n f ffi 1 r F N r i'�""�""""'"'�"' pad Putting Together ;by mail in your spare time at home, jen Cash or Instainient Plan. All! thinking of taking a course this' winter write for free particulars al n early date. Address r5RRders' Dress, Cuffing g Sabo f 0 11 Brio St., Stratford, Ontarle, Canada, Al Badway's Ready Re - net sures the worst ins In from one to anty ,minute.. or Heartache whether sick er wrens), Teeth- sohe, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, i nmba:ba, cine and w idsoi s is nn back, spec orpleader ader ,' around int river, plus. urs, 1 111,- ng o, of the earltye, ali; pains of all w da, s t. toot Beady entt e. to a few day! et. toot a pbrhnanC➢1. Curb, .MERE MATTER OF TIME. "T say, waiter," said a guest in a Boston restaurant, . "have you any fried oysters?" "No, sir," replied the home. grown hash slinger, "but we have some oysters that are susceptible of being fried." A Pill for Brain Workers.—The man who works with his brains is mole liable to derangement of the digestive system than the man who works with his hands, because the one calls upon his nervous energy while the other applies only his muscular strength. Brain fag be- gets irregularities of the st oma.ch and liver, and the best remedy' that can bo used is Parme.iee's Vegetable Pills. They are specially com- pounded for sues cases and all those who use them can certify to, their superior power. AN IMPORTANT ITEM. "Every wife ought to know how to make good bread." "How can she unless the hus- band furnishes the dough." The microscope in the hands of experts employed by the United States Government has revealed tite fact that a house 8y some- times carries thousands of disease germs attached to its hairy body. The continuous use of Wilson's Fly Pads will prevent all danger of infection from that source by killing both the germs and the flies. Lawyer—"You say you wore sit- ting in a room, could not see the road, heard nothing, and yet swear, sir, that a motor passed at seven o'clock." Witness—"Certainly; I smelt it." Mrs. Robert E. Peary, more than nine years ago, favorably commented on Marine 'Eye Remedy after its 143010/Won in her Family for Eye Troubles resulting from Measles and Scarlet Fever, and later re- commended to the famous Explorer, the Rau who now returns Homo as the Dtscov- erer of the North Pole. Cold, Cutting. Winds and Dust cause Rod, Weak. Watery Eyed Murine Eye Remedy affords Re. liable Relict. Write Morino Eye Remedy Co„ Chicago., for Illustrated Eye Books. Murillo, 50e., by Mail from All Druggists, "Darling," . said Edwin, "your eyes are like diamonds, your teeth like pearls, your lips resemble the meet glorious rubies, and your hair---" "Edwin," said Angelina sternly, "remember that you wore in a jewellery warehouse, and that it's disgusting to talk shop." Do not let a cold settle on your lungs. Resort to Bicklc's Anti. Consumptive Syrup at the first in- timation of irritation in the Outwit, and prevent disease from lodging in the pulmonary organs. Negleetec] colds are the cause of untold suf- fering throughout the county, all of which could have been prevent- ed by the application of this simple blit powerful inedieine. The price, zit cents, brings it within the reach of all. `�- Mark Twain says the enly..intro. dilation to a literary audience that seemed to him the tight word in the right place, a real inspiration, was as follows,•—"Ladies and gen- tlemen, I shall not waste any en - necessary time in the introduction. I don't know anything about this man. 'AL least, I only know two things about hila. One is that he has toyer been hi plrran, And hila othercan se 1 is,ICaI t.t 1" h ate see he sl t. 1 ,riudly mention the hamii pT this tifying. paper in writing to nt1Ye1'tlsers. (IA DICER, -Tmmors, Lamps, sto, !stomaIL/7and external, cum witaout pale by our homeeat con it i a wL ., hetero too. into, A,t Seilmau Medical Co., red„ f:oAlagwood, pat, L'V ILYERCL.Tft'will clean your Silverware and �S atter dna o,otale like mggie, Nu powder p11r e her aid required, rho preparad cloth doe! an In aqulok, clean, handy way, t'rlao 50 0851!,. Son! Tll'ortrlalsampfe. Canadaatlrer4l,0,C,,, Toronto, 7l'orunto, FOR SALE, C 0MI0 EXCITATION 000K—Best col. leetton nubliehed in English language: !ran cants. Arthur Rice, Granby, Qua, STOCKS. r 10 INVESTORS—Your orders to ban' or A. sell Cobalt or other Stocks will e calve 519 personal attention, Cobalt and flow Ganda /fining realms for gale or ex- change S. 31. Mathews, Broker, 43 Scott St.,, Toronto, AGENTS WANTED, R„�EN ANA WOMEN—DON"r BFi InLs— ,t1 Show oampleg of our reliable melt• otnes, superb toliet pranaratfons, pu o baking -powder, and savoring oxtt'aots 10 your neighbors and forward their orders to us. kou can easily make form ton to twenty-five S vt osition a week and have permanent orders c eGoodsfes sail en slight and repeat..orders particulars feat, Book "Row to Summed" and parttonlars seat tree. The Dome Supply Co„ Dept, SO. Merrill Building, Toronto. 11 gr E WANT INOW. IN EVERY TT UNRE- PRESENTED district a reliable agent to -sell Pelham's Peerless fruit and ornamental trees. Consider. illi!. Good Day Weakly, Exclusive territory, Stook p guaranteed and gradeendadvantages of selling woll•knowu stock. Write now for money for Fall and Winter mouths. Pal. pant Nursery Co.,Toronto, one T IYE Acntoys-MEN' 011 WOMEN �- J wanted to introduce high grade: household specialties into every hump ; quick sales, bigrouts; send for ' fres samples nbd catalogue. Cockburn Manu" faetm'iug Co., Brantford. EDUCATIONAL TDU NEEDN'T OO AWAY FROM H1154 L to got an education, We teaob you in youd spare time. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type. writing, Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Auaineea Correspondence, Matrionlatlon, Teachers' Oertt- &cotes, Ee iescr'e Course Stearn Engineering, mechanical Drawing, Stock Raising, Agriculture, Journalism,-poolal English send 100 other courses. Alk for what you need. Canadian Correspondence college, limited, Dept, It, Toronto, Can. incerperofed 1890 fr ITLIABOLlyallaiVaSitt Of TSR'' 0. 12 and 14 PEMBROKE STREET. !Examinations in Februargl SEND FOR CATALOGUE and SYLLABUS F. H. TORRINGTOI(, Mus. Din 11L OHENILLE CURTAI N&t sod cti kinds of hors. haoginge, a1se t CE CU 7y3MS 15"0111AND NEOLEW,ANED; 8 Write On on about mfrs. BRITISH AMERIOAN 0081541 CO., Swint Montreal, CU9� IDI IUINCI fC@I 2f9 We buy Wit g and Tail Turkey :Feathers. Write for prices. N. W. Nelsen & Co., Toronto, ant. TYPEWRITERS Bargain prices, $15 to $65, (all makes), taken in exchange for Model if, and :5 Remington. Many of these machines show little Use. lteminIIten 'Typewriter Company, Limited, 100 BAF srRlthr, TORONTO,. A GREAT DE1VlAND P'OR SAPEN • STOCK WASTE- PAPER OF ALL metres. Also Rags, Iron. Metals, Rubbers, Eta FUCLAN Adetattza *fid Maed ate^ r Terpnta, ant, Phone for particulate. Main 4693. Ravages of Gansuoltell ALL HER RELATIVES HAD DIED OF CONSUMPTION In the year 1890,18 years ago, Mrs. G. S. Cosner, of Belle tale, l' .S.,{yni in a sad condaon, Al! her telanves had died ot. consumption, and there -Cas every iodic ation that she was going the same way. Alibis point her h usband suggested to try Payeldne. The doctor who attended said Psyehine was worthless; but it effected:* wonder( ul cure. Eighteen Sears diet in o letter bearing date August 14, 1908, Mrd. Cosner say., "i ambetiertt,an l /In vc•bcen- for years. My lungs have net troubled me since I took your treatment. tray physician told me 1 could not take a batter tonic than t'SYC!!ki'E, and !recommend it to all Who are suffering from Lung Trouble cud Gen oral Debility." Poi sale by ail Druggists 50s. & 51. per bottle. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMITED, TORONTO PRONOUNCED Sl -KF