HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-11-4, Page 1VOL. 38 NO, x8 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1909
New Advertlaetrtenta
Notizie-p', 3, Scott.
coats ekohanged-Jas Shaw,
cow for stile -J. 3'. Mo7ntosh,
Mouse button lost -'$in rose.
Notices to creditors -ll', S. Scott.
Farm torsnle-Joseitlx poombire.
,Auction sale --Mrs, Flora McNair,
AuMood Root Cough Oure-DSR Smith,
cw?rixt R
N tv Y
ra s Norns.-lt'rs. 'North and
1iLt'le slaughter, of Wiarton, are guests
of Mee, Barry Armstrong.-J.alb-
fjeisch and Mies Lily Kalbfieisch, of
Milverton, are guests of the former's
daughter, Mrs. C. Reis, -Mrs, R,
Kokes and slaughter, Miss Hilda, left
for Winnipeg on Tuesday -Mrs. W.
J. Mather returned on Saturday from
a,nnonth's visit with relatives at Keene,.
-Thos, and Mrs, Appleby left for
titelr future home near Belmore.
Where they will reside with their eon,
-Quarterly service will be held in the
Methodist church next Sunday morn-
ing at 10.30 o'clock, -Editor Chisholm
and family bave moved to the resi-
dence formerly occupied by Thos.
Appleby and which was recently pur-
chased by Donald Pope. -john Booth,
of Toronto. is spending a few days in
the village.
McKillop Township Council will
meet here on "Wednesday, November
A few of the village teddies had
their Hallowe'en jokes bub the police
did not make any arrests.
Brussels Foot Ball boys took train
here Thursday afternoon of last week
for Havelock where they played for
the Provincial championship, Game
resultedin a tie. A. McLeod was on
the forward lioe.
Sacramental service will be heldin
the Methodist Ohurch next Sunday
morning at 11 a. m. Service in the
evening at o'clock will be conducted
by a student and at the close of the
address the Epworth League will hold
their meeting.
Owing to Mrs. Dora McFadzean in-
tending to remove to Brussels, having
leased the farm, an unreserved auction
sale of farm stook, implements, &c.,
will be held . on Tuesday, November
10th, The Lot is 0, Con. 17. The
auctioneer will be F. S. Scott, Brus-
On October 20t1a, Re -v. E. G. Powell,
of Brussels, tied the hymeneal knot
between Joseph 0. Carter and Miss
Etta Pearl, youngest daughter of
Hugh Fulton, of elcKxllop, at. the.
bride's home, in the presence of im-
mediate relatives. Miss Lettie Fulton
played the Wedding March. Mr. and
Mrs. Oarter will reside in Walton.
We wish thein prosperity.
Onr former well known villager,
Jno, W, Morrison, is now dranglats,
lean on a new residency, :ill a[. Con •»
y n
tion with the 0. P. R., formed by
dividing an old one into two, heacl-
qi.uarters ttt Schriober, District of
Thunder Bay. Mr. Beatty,with
whom 111x, Nlout'ieort was for several
Years on the Guelph and Goderieli
line, is the resident engineer, Mr,
Morrison's host of friends here hope
to see him climb the ladder of success
to the top rung,
5 man have been employed by Coun-
cillor McIiroy to keep up with the do-
tnand for apple barrels and they turn
out a lot of diem in a week.
Dr, and Mrs, Wilford i
a oxd sa lad fol'
China on Wednesday of last week,
They enjoyed the tt'fp to the Pacific
coast making calls at several points
Tom Lee intends removing to Sault
Ste. Marie, having sold out to a
Celestial from Toronto. Mr. Lee asks
all his old customers to give his
successor a. chance as he is a good.
Sonie of the "funn
r tennswere
out for
a lark ,Saturday night and
performed some silly and shabby
tricks. In addition to up -ending out-
houses, removing gates, &c., a number
of keyholes were stuffed with cement.
We are pleased to hear that N. B.
Gerry, formerly of Blyth, is having a
busy time in the furnace line in Fort
William, He is building a new resi-
dence this season so has had no time
for anything except a spell of rheu-
matism, an old' enemy of his,. which
he would much, rather have done
Loveless Johnston and wife, who
have been worthy: residents of Blyth,
will remove to Blind River, Algoma,
where Mr. Johnston has taken a posi-
tion. They went to St. Marys for a
short visit before . going North.. .IT.
Oolesky, of Zurich, succeeds Mr.
Johnston at the Oharlesworth hard-
ware store. We wish the ontgoers
success and welcome the newcomer.
1Ntolvx THE WEST. -James McElroy,
of Killarney, Manitoba, was renewing
old frieedebips here. He is a brother
to Councillor and Thos. McElroy, and
has been. in Manitoba for the past 20
years. It is 15 years since he was
here. Mrs. McElroy, who came to
Ontario too, has bean ill at Fergus
but we hope she will soon be con-
valescent. Mr. McElroy has done
well in the West we are pleased to
The McMillan firm is to be com-
mended for their enterprise in the
erection of their fine new block. Itis
34x00 feet with splendid well lighted
cellar and convenient entrances.
Metallic ceiling used in the downstairs
and the inside walls sheeted with
matched Georgia pine. Plate glass
front. A cold storage department of
good dimensions has been put in and
b 00000l10000000000000000000os00000000510000000000000000
PS ew e
0 0
0 00
Our stock of Dress Goods is large and well assorted..
The materials and colorings are the latest and the
3 prices popular. ' Let us have theLeasure of supplying -
you with a new Fall Suit or Dress
ei We carry in stock all the latest Standarde
Patterns. ,
'or_those who do their own sewing we have the latest e
Patterns ready to hand out.
e at
0 0
® Weare showing
particularly nice Ready-to-wear Cloth
a Coats in Navy, Cardinal, Myrtle and Black for Ladies, a
® Misses and Girls. Also Ladies' Fur and Fur -lined
Coats, and all at prices which ate the lowest for Ii '
P quality.
Everything 0
yt in in Fur Scare
0 Ruffs, Muffs, Storrn Collars, m
at and
Ladies' Fu0r Coats 0
e W
® NoFancy- Prices - o
Everything Chea
9 p®
® Give use
a calla
la 00
0 0
rt •
al•®tra••sesteelet►s•s •
1tOe0®i®tAOs�®1��i0it��ot/OO�O�oiiN •
modern artangenlenes ars notleeable
their plan. We hops tdle firm will
colt mne BOprUapef and reap aP
a good
Telugu for choir investment. The
shop in the Easterly side of the block
will be leased, MoMillian Bros.
handle a large amount of prodecs.
MoKxttop Oovxolr.,- Megillop
Ootlnoil met ab the Town Hall, Sea -
forth, on Oet. 15th. All the members
present, Minutes of last meeting' se -
Opted, Accounts to the tixnount of
$714.85 were paid. The petition of
Michael Johnston and others for a
Municipal Drain was accepted and
E. 0, Fuce, Township Engineer, was
requested to examine area therein de-
srribecl, make plans,. profiles, &c. and
report thereon as per Municipal Drain-
age Act. The tender of Crowley &
McDonnell fee the construction of the
Nash Drain for 52,551.00 was aecsptea.
Council adjonvned to meet again at
Walton on Wednesday Nov, 17th at
10'0'olooka. m. M. aluRnxp, ,Clerk.
OBEINInARY.-On Sunday morning,
24th ult., Mrs, Catharine Malone, be-
loved wife of John Malone, of, Beech-
wood, in the township of McKillop,
died at her residence 10 her 70th year,
after a short illness, She was the
mother of 8 children, of whom 5 were
boys and 3 .girds. who are all living
with the exception of one boy. Two
of her sons are priests of the Catholic
church. Rev,. Timothy Malone, S. J.,
being pastor of the American parish
of Sault Ste. Marie and :Rev.. James
Malone. pastor of St. John's church,
NevtOrleans. The funeral took place
from the family residence to St. James'
church, Seaforth. on Tuesday Oct,
20th, The large crowd in attendance
testified to the great respect in which
deceased was held.' Her son, Rev.
Timothy Malone celebrated the funer-
al mass and accompanied the remains
of his mother to St. Columbian ceme-
tery, where they were interred.
Harry Duncan was in Olinton over
ilnreserved auction sale of farm
stock, implements, &c., at Jas. Dnu-
can's, 4th line, next 'Tuesday after-
The 100 acre farm on the 5th line,
owned by George Brown, of Brussels,
has been sold, the price being some-
thing over 53,000.
The Trustees of S. S. No. 3, Morris,
have re-engaged Miss Annie E. Mc-
Gowan for next year at the same
salary-, viz„ 5425. She is a good teach-
Geo. Dalbeck, Chief of Police, ab
Cobalt, and a former resident of this
township, has been appointed inspec-
tor for the Northern division for the
Provincial police. He ought to fill the
bill all right.
PROLxsm.-In the orchard of Mrs.
S. Fear, 8th line, a small limb, 71
inehes long, had no less than 15 good
sized apples upon it. They were of
the Northern Spy variety. It was
certainly a great crop.
Will. Moses has returned home
from an extended trip West. He
worked over a month at Clair•, Sask.,
and afterwards visited friends in Ed -
mouton, Iunisfail, Portage -la -Prairie
and Winnipeg. Reports good crops
throughout the West.
What ntight have been a serious
accident happoued on the 4th line.
As a young lady from Brussels and
her friend were driving up Poplar
Avenue the horse took fright at the
trete, and gob almost unmanageable,
however no serious
results s to occ
nothing t damaged, d only
the gate.
T e £allowing is
the result of the examinations held in
S. S. No. 4, Morris, during the months
of September and October ;-Sr. IV -
Exam. in Geog., Spell., Comp., Gram.
Total 400. Harry. MoOutoheon, 287.
Sr. III -Exam. in Arith., Spell.,
Comp., Geog., Hist, Total 850.
Bessie Jordan, 782 ; Jennie Scott, 023 ;
Fred Thuell, 563 ; Joseph Thuell, 414.
Sr. II -Exam, in Arith., Spell., Geog.,
Comp., Writ. Total 350. Florence-
Scott, 794 ; Earnest Smith, 714. Jr.
II -Exam, in Spell., Comp., Geog.,
Writ. Total 550. Clayton Jordan,
502 ; Annie Thuell, 470 ; Ida .Iter-
naghan, 485 ; Alvin Badgley, 404, Pt.
II -Exam, in Spell., Writ, and Ari tit.
Total 300. Ruby Kernagban, 250.
Sr. Pt. I -Fair -George Oakley, Wes-
ley McOntcheon. Jr. Pt. I -Good -
Edna Thuell, Grace Kernagban.
I. McNAn, Teacher.
Rally Day was observed in the
Jacksoh Sabbath School last Sunday
afternoon and an
enjoyable time
spent. The 0 1U ga] consisted of short
addresses from past Superintendents,
T. Blelby, W. Skelton and W. Jack-
son and J. Wilford, of Blyth. Then
followed an illustrated address by the
pastor, Bev. Mr. Oooper, 00 the Mag-
netic Cross" from which the young
and old were taughtmany useful
lessons. Mr. and Airs. Jackson, of
Blyth, former old residents of this
locality, contributed tnueicalselections
that wore much enjoyed. Miss Pearl
Gilley, 0.f Blyth, played their accom-
paniments most acceptably. Superin-
tendent Howlett presided at the after-
noon's exercises. A Missionary col-
lection was taken at the close.
Bottom Batrozur -The following is
the report of S. S: No. I Morris for the
month of October i Sr. IV. -Ella
Boge1•son, Maggie Phelan. Jr. IV.-
Robert Wallace. Sr, 11L-Gertie
MOOaII, Janes Brown, ,Olive Aiken.
Jr, III.-LillyBeiruee, Joseph Aiken,
Wiliie:Pholan, Anna Betimes, Olga
Coiclough, Wilford Nivins. So. 11. -
Irvine Virailaoe, Lillian Rogerson,
Olive Parrott, Harvey Nivins, Homer
Brown, Tillie ,Rogerson. Jr. II: -
Robbie Laidlaw, Gordon McCall, Har-
vey J3elrnes. Pt. II.-131•uce Brown.
Sr. Pt. I. -Vera Hall, Kenneth Taylor,
Mtamie Hall. J7', Pt. L -Louis Pheian,
Melt Wallace, Number of pupils on
the roll, 28, average attendance 28.
M. L. Cow.nnn, Teacher. I
as Monday Mrs. W. Robb, 0
lino, was called to Tottenham owin
0 1 i e
t tuella o h'
a e e t
f r father.
Township TreasurertBrrtandon, aft
20 years occupancy of office, has x
signed es he is.benloving from Morris.
He did his work well,
Allan .Adams, whose farm is West
of Brussels, has been real ill with
appendicitis but is 'making a good
recovery we are pleased to state;
The twin babies of Alex, Nichol
have been ill with whooping cough.
One has a touch of pneumonia, Mrs,
Nichol is still at Olin ton hospital, Site
is able to sit up and will soon be able
to return home we hope,
SoriooL Beiiwowr.--The following is
the school report of S. S. No, 3, Mor-
;-Olass,V-Lily Watson. Sr. 1V -
Ells Clerk, Myrtle Wheeler, Janie
Alcock, Sr. III= -Janet •Coenon,
Maggie Speir, John Passmore, Harold
Keeney. fr. IIT -Ernest Miahie,
Gladys McNeil, Elsie tionnon and
o n Little egnal, Andrew Nichol,
Willie Clark. Sr. II --Ivan Mc
Ax ter,.
Norman Speir, Russet Bradehaw. Jr.
TI -John 'McNeil, Annie Little, Mussel
Marks, Barbara Bradshaw, Rena
Oloakey. Pt. II -Maggie Clark,
Annie Alcock. Class I -Lily Mc-
Arter, Harold Watson, Clifford
Marks. ANNIE E. Mai -owes,
o l will i
g Monday, 16t11st.
Mee, Slernmon, of Ethel, spent a
er week at the borne of her nephew R
The Baker drain is open to Oi'an-
A. McDonald went to St. Marys
this week.
Lauchlin McNeil was in Wirighain
this west.
Mts. and Miss McRae have returned
from their visit to Ann Arbor and
Detroit. Miss Watson returned with
A party of young people were enter-
tained at Geo. Siemon's on Hal-
lowe'en. He gave several selections
on his gramophone,
As Miss Beatrice Mctuarrie intends
leaving soon for the West a number
of her schoolmates each presented her
with a token of remembrance last
Saturday. The presentation- was
made at the home of their former
teacher, Miss L. McNay. Miss.
Beatrice wilbbe much missed in Oran -
brook and we wish her well,
Miss Jean Arinstrong, teacher of
the West Boundary school near Lis-
towel, has been hired. by the trustees
for another year and by
a sub-
stantial raise in salary. Miss Arm-
stronghas proven herself a capable
awl ocient teacher and is well liked
by both pupils and. parents. She was
a former teacher in Cranbrook school,
DEATH or MRs. HELM -The lady
whose death is referred to is the
mother of Merchant Helm, of this
place, who will be sympathized with :
-There passed away at her home on
Patrick street, Wingham, on Friday,
Oct. 22nd, Janet Beattie, relict of the
late William Helm, in her SOth year.
The deceased lady had been in poor
health, but was seriously ill for only
two days prior to her death, Deceas-
ed was boon in Hawick, Roxhoroshire,
Scotland, her father, John Beattie, be-
ing for years a shepherd, and her
mother, Isabella Scott, wasa cousin of
the late Sir Walter Scott, Scotland's
greatest writer. Fifty four years ago
she was marriedin Hawick to William
Hahn and fifty-two years ago last May
they came to Canada, settling first ab
Paris, and thirty-two years ago the
family nioved to Oulross and on the
death of Mr. Helm, twenty-two years
ago, the family moved to Wingham.
Mrs. Helm was for peals a member of
the Methodist churchu
an active
worker. She also took a deep interest
in temperance work. She was a wo-
man who endeared herself to a large
circle of friends, A family of two
daughters and two sons survive, viz :
Mrs. Peter S. Linklater and John
Heine Wirigham, Mrs. R. J. Mc
Kenzie,'Bluevale road, A. J. M. Helm,
Oran brook. William, another son,
died 22 years ago, and a daughter,
Mrs. Currie, of Mount Forest, clied
two years ago. Of her own family of
twelve children only two survive :-
Mrs. Walter Rutherford, East Wawa
nosh, and Peter Beattie, of North
Dakota,. The funeral took place on
Saturday afternoon to Winghan7
Miss J. J. Allan Eyesight Specialist, will be
at the Royal Hotel, Ethel, Wednesday next,
Nov. 10th, One day only.
The new Township Olerk, A. H.
14IoDouald will assume office on the
15th inst.
Misses a
R thuvell have
taken posi-
tions in the Jackson Bros. manufac-
tory at Clinton.
Miss'McCatnus, of Brussels, will be
in Ethel Monday afternoon to organ-
ize a class in music.
Alfred Baeker, of Brussels, has been
shippieg large quantities of apples
from the station here.
0 The Epworth League held a Hal-
lowe'en social at S. S, Oole's on Mon•
day evening 'There was a large at-
tendance and a good time enjoyed by
The telephone poles for the mmuni-
eipal line have beeu.pnt in place this
week on the 8th con. Quite a nuinbet'
of new subscribers will be added to
the original list,
The auditors, ex -Reeve Livingston
and W. Cameron, were busy this
week going over the towiishlp books,
&c., preparatory to the transfer to the
new Clerk and Treasurer.
W. P. Fraser, of Brussels, has sold
his house opposite the 'schoolhouse tp
Edward Fletcher, Mr, Fletcher and
family moved into their new home
last week, 'We welcome theta barkto Ethel,'
Communion 'service will lbe Bolsi in
the Methodist i[cist O ur
h Cb hereon Sab-
bath -
hath next at 10,30-a, m. In the even-
ing B. Jackson will take charge and
Miss Isla Cole will give her report of g
the Epworth League 'Convention at
St,' Marys, ' 11
J. Tindall, of Winghain, prior to Jetty -
Mg for, Manitoba, where she intends
A. clearing sate of Dy Goods and
Readymade clothing saved from the
lire in the `Thompson & Co, store last
August will be offered for sale at the
Furniture store of W, H. Love, Ethel,
commencing Thursday of this weak.
11 is said that Thos.: Voddetl, a well
known real estate dealer of this
locality, has purchased the comer lot,
where the Thompson store was recent-
ly burners, and will . erect a cemetrti
block. It is an 'eligible site. If
co1•rect Mr. Vodden is to be commend-
ed for his pluck,
A special meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held. in Victoria Hall
on 33onday, Nov. 8th at 2.80 p. tn, A
large attendance of members is re-
Cann or Tr3Axxs.-We desire to
express our,sineerest thanks to the
many friends -who tendered so many
kind words and loving deeds in con-
nection with the illness and death of
our daughter. We will neverYforget
it. JAs. and MRs, WALLACEL
Jarvis H. Stokes, who has taken up
land near Maple Creek in the 'West,
was visiting here. He Ieft for Eng-
land this week to visit at the parental
home and was ticketed by W. H.
Kerr, Allan Line Agent, Brussels. on
the steamship Tunisian which sails
from Montreal on Friday. Mr. Stokes
will be back in the course of a few
SCHOOL REPORT. -First quarterly
report 'of S.:S. No. 4, Carey, standing
of pupils based on weekly exams,
daily work and regularity of ,attend -
lance. Names arranged in order of
merit, Class V -Arthur Johnston.
Sr. IV -Emma Lake, Roy McDonald,
John McDonald, Ben King. Jr, IV-
iedgar Lattimore, Edna Lattimore,
Sophia McLennan, Laura Bxyans,
Sam Burke, George Johnston. Sr.
LII -Pearl Payn, Louie Frain, Edith
King, Laura Snlith, Mary Smith,
Gordon Rolf, Elsie Johnston, Lily
King. Jr. II -Gordon McEwen,
Adeline Johnston, May Burke, Harold
Jacklin, Lottie Stevens. Jr. Pb. II -
Alex King, James Thompson. Sr, I-
Bertie Lake, Stanley McDonald. Jr.
I -Richard Jacklin, Al haeus King,
Eclna Hamilton, Bettie Stevens.
F. C. FRASER, Teacher.
Township Council will be held at
Ethel next Monday, 15th inst.
n'Irs. Robert Lowe and children, 5th
con., were visiting the former's
mother at Guelph.
Mrs. Robs. Pearson spent Sunday
with her daughter, Mrs. Emerson
Vipond, Donegal.
Will..i4McDonald (and Charlie Lake
were among the many who returned
from the West this week.
By the death of au excellentlroadster
8 year old bolt, Arch. 111eLeah, lath
con., was the loser of possibly 5150.
Sunday School will be held at Roe's
Church on Sunday at 6.30. A full
attendance of the teachers is request-
A petition asking for the submission
of a Local Option By -Law at next
Municipal election has been placed in
the Clerk's hands.
S. R. and Mrs. Orerer and little son,
of Toronto, were here for a holiday
Mrs.C• •
talar and
tending their stay.
P. 0. Duncan, of Estevan, Man., is
here on a visit. He is a son-in-law of
L. McNeil, 14th con. and a former
resident of .Elora.
Special services will commence in
Roe's Church at au early date. Miss
Julia Toombes, of Toronto, will assist
in the musical peat.
Robs. and Mrs. McAllister visited
with friends at Molesworth last Sun-
day. They were accompanied by
alias McAllister, of Toronto.
Oliver Turnbull, 15th con., was away
to the West with a ,car load of fine
Leicester, sheep which he disposed of
to the ranchers. Ise gob back this
It is said there may be a lively
skirmish for the township Council for
1010. Reeve Fraser will retire iu all
probability after a good malty years.
of faithful cervico.
One clay recently Adrian, the little
son of Neil McTaggart, 16th con., had
the misfortune to have some of the
finger tips of his left hand and 'n
6 i abed in
a cutting box. He is doing nicely,
An auction sale of farm stock, im-
Flora is Loto22, Con, nced 16,yfor
Thursday, Nov. 13th, at 1 p. m. P.
S. Scott will be the auctioneer, Sale
will be witliout reserve.
There will be service at Union at 3
p. m. next Sabbath and at Roe's at
7.30 p, m. by the pastor'. At the close
of the ' Roe's service L. Frain will
report on Provincial S. 5. Convention
held in Toronto last week.
Men have been busy putting up the
poles for the Municipal Telephone line
0n the 12th con. It runs the entire
width of the'township on this line and
no doubt almost everybody will have
an instrument when the system gets
properly working:
The Uruiorx Sabbath schools being
conducted in the Smith and Shine
schoolhouses during the Summer
months were brought to a conclusion
last Sunday expecting to re -open next
tttay, P. A. nicArthur and Miss Bella
Botz have faithfully dieoharged the
ditties of Stxporintendents.
Dn u IN WASHIN030N.-A telegram
was received last week conveyingthe
sad t
endo thatMiss g Bella
f4nmerly of. the 15th con., had died in
Washington staate, where she was en -
aged as a school teacher. It is 11
years since the Sillars fanxilyremoeed
ote Grey township. They were to.,
d to the
he J
lislop fam
y a
Swielatbs'ywin s aafinVerY otuon coWonaah ' wlntid
demise will be greatly regretted, ,,,,,.,,,
S0H001,RlcPortT.-Following es the
school report of S. S. No. 13 Carey.
Examined in Aritbrnetio, Memorizing.
Welting, Drawingand Geography.
Total 400, Form IV. -11, Hall, 291
S. Hutchinson, 184 ; *E. Mitchell.
Form III Sr, -W. Yen, 184 ;• *W..
Mitchell. Form III Jr. -G, Ames,
811 ; G, Hall, 235. Form II Sr. -B.
Flood, 245; Form II Jr. -0, Meriary.
299 ; S. Hall, 249 ; M, Lamont, 233 ; R.
Yea, 105 *L, Love, 114'; "M. Rose, 40.
Pt' IL E. Ames, W. Hoye, M, Flood,
Pt, I (a). -A.. Menary, C. Flood, I.
Rose, . Pt. I (b). -L, Love, V, Mitchell.
Bnssne E. Moses, Teacher,
SCHOOL REPoRT.-Following is the
report of S. S. No. 8. Grey, Classes
were examined in. Arith., Flist., Gram.
Read., Spell. Sr. III. -Willie Camp-
bell, 339'; Elsie Rea, 821 ; Ross Coates,
274 ; *Isaac Clarke, 197 ; "Frank Lind-
say, 05. Jr. IIT. -Lyle radford, 352
Maggie Coates, 321 ; John Savage, 286 ;
Jim Collins, 2(38 ; Lizzie Kleinsuhroth,
245 ; Annie Clark, 191. Jr. II -Ida
Bremner, 410; Gordon McDonald, 337:;
Harold 13radford, 248 ; +'Henry. Klein-.
schroth, 192; Charlie Blinco, 172
*Lottie Ward, 78 ; Eva Hudson, 34 ;
"Harry Hudson, 23. Jr. Pt. II. -Very
Good -Gordon Ilea, Maud Dixon,
Johnston Armstrong. Sr. L -Good --
Mabel Clarke. Inter. 1.-Good-Oarl
McDonald, Rebecca Kleinschroth,
George Oampbell. Jr. I. -Very Good
--Laurette Grubber, Willie Storey,
Mabel Ward, Rena Dixon. Good -
Howard Berns, Laura Thompson.
L. STRAOHAN, Teacher
People We Talk About
Miss Eva Cameron was home for
Miss Levise Sinclair is a guest at the
home of Barrister Best at Seaforth,
Mrs. S. R. Crerar and son, of Toronto,
have been visiting under the parental
Mrs. Cameron is making a visit with
her sou, Rev. Mr. Cameron and family
al the rectory,
Miss Fletcher, who was visiting her
sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Cameron at the Rec-
tory has returned to her home at Slug -
den, Ont.
Miss Emma Levis and Mrs. Junor, of
Clinton, were visiting relatives and
friends here this week. •
Jno. Carter Mill street, has been real
poorly but is improving somewhat now
we are pleased to state.
Miss Jessie Hirons left last week to
attend the Spotton Business College at
Clinton. We wish her success.
Tom Ritchie had one of his wrists
burned while working at the anvil in
P. Scott's shop but is getting all right.
T. W. and Mrs. McArthur, of Lon
don, were visitors at J, T, Wood's.
Mrs. McArthur is a sister to Mrs. Wood.
Brine and Stewart 'Scott, of Palm-
erston and Seaforth, repectively made
a short visit to the parental home last
Druggist Smith was in the Queen city
last week and called on his brother
PhArthur,armacy. who is attending the College of
Guy Jones, who was so seriously ill, is
able to get about once more we are
pleased to state and we trust he will
soon be o. k.
We are sorry to report that Mrs, W.
E. Duncan, of Clinton, has been ser-
iously ill, Her many friends wish her
a speedy recovery.
Mrs. W.
H. McCr ek
a eu has e
s b en con -
fin d
e to the house for
some time with
disabled limb but we hope she will soon
be as smart as ever.
W. 1. Boomer, advance agent of the
U -need -a Theatrical Co., was in town
Wednesday arranging dates for the com-
ing of the company.
It is a bad thing to "have a shingle
off" and our townsman, B. Gerry, thinks
it no joke to' have shingles on but we
hope he will soon get clear of them.
Harry Goodwin, of Chesley, has come
to Brussels to take up railway work at
the G. T. R. depot with his brother-
ihimn•lawsuccess, Station Agent Kyle. We wish
lames and Mrs. Danford. of Clinton,
were calling on relatives and friends in
Brussels last Friday. The former was a
well known resident of town for a num-
ber of years,
Mrs. Brett and Miss Amy, of Seaforth,
have come to town and purpose spend-
ing the Winter at Dr. McNauglxton's.
The visitors are amether and sister to
Mrs. McNaughton,
Habkirk is visiting relatives in
Goderich. Miss Habkirk was also there
for Thanksgiving returning to Brussels
to pack their household effects prior to
removing to Neepawa, Manitoba before
long. We are sorry to lose such good
residents from town,
Mrs, Alex. McLauchli.n went to Tor-
onto last- week with her daughters,
Misses Mary and Edith, with whom she
will make her home. She carries with
her the good wishes of a wide circle of
old friends. The young ladies came up
to attend the funeral of their father.
The West is going to be well supplied
with physicians from Ontario, Among
the latest to take up the medical course
at Winnipeg College is Harvey Buehan-
an, of Brussels. He should make a
first-class M. U. and his old friends here
wish him success,
Mrs,.'. J. McDonald and son Roy
arrived borne from Wilkie, Alberta, last
week. Roy has been in the West for
nearly 3 years and has a bakery and
confectionery store. His brother, Rus-
sell, keeps a livery barn iu the same
town. 'Miss Cora, who accompauied
her mother to Wilkie, has remained with
her father who, with his sons, owns con-
siderable property, Mrs. McDonald
y remove be West s and
maks the
family home there, We would prefer
to see then continue their residence in
Brussels, /via McDonald has spent
several of the past Summers in the West
usually gettiug home for a law wont Its
in the Winter,
W. T1.I RRR, Proprietor
Misses Itetheep Wilton and Olive
d is o
W n were visitors
with the Gteeusicie family at Atwood
last neck,
Jno, Gardiner, a former well known
Bluevaleite, is vieltlug at the home of
Fred, McCracken. MIS, McCracken is
his (311 ghler,
Mrs J. E, Brydges and tier daughter,
Mies Fre:mita left Goderich last week for
Nanton, Alta„ intending to make their
future home itt the West where Mr,
Brydges and son Roy are living. We
are sorry to loSe so eatiniable a family,
and many friends in Goderieh and
vieipity )''cin in these regrets. Miss
J3rydges hes for a number years been
a member of the choir of North street
Methodist church, and severed nienibers
of the choir gathered at the C. P. R.
station to bid her farewell. Before the
train pulled out, the 9hoir-master, A.
Roy Adams. on behalf of the choir pre-
sented Miss Brydges with an amethyst
pin and a jewel case as terewell tokens
of esteem. . The Brydges family were
residents of Brussels at one time and will
be remembered by the older people.
formerly on the Standard Bank staff
here is now manager of the branch. at
Claremont. .He was in town last week
planning to cancel bacbelordom,-Frank.
Davidson. who was teller incite Metro-
politan Bank, Brussels, is naw doing.
duty i
u y u7 'Toronto. Thanksgiving holiday
gave him an opportunity Of getting
home. -The past week saw numerous
ellanges in the Standard Blink assistants
and Brussels shared in it. H. C, Hew-
son bas gone to Brantford and is suc-
ceeded as teller by T. A. elawkshaw, of,
Brantford, who was junior here a few
years ago. Ledger keeper J. H. Mc
Cluckliu bas been moved to Markham
and W, B. Pye, of .Harriston, takes his
place.-Jno. Little, who was formerly in
the office here, bas been changed from
Markham to Bay street branch of tee
Standard Bank, Toronto. Some of the
young men may get a move Westward
as the Standard Bank purposes opening
several branches in Winnipeg and the
West. -Joe. Wilton, of the Standard
Bank, at Drumbo, was home for his
Thanksgiving dinner. -Few towus
possess a tidier or more attractive bank
building than the Metropolitan in Brus-
sels. The Standard Bank building here
will be modernized this Fall which will
prove a benefit to the breach and the
town as well.
Church Chimes
Next. Sabbath the quarterly Com-
munion will be observed' in the Metho-
dist Church, Brussels, at the close of
the regular morning service, Testimony
meeting following the Sermon in the
evening. .
Last Sabbath morning Rev. A. C.
Wishart, B. A., preacbed a clear cut.
practical discourse in Melville church
from the text"Be not conformed to'tbe
world but be ye transformed &c," He.
showed, quite conclusively, that the
church of God does not depend for suc-
cess on great wealth ; numerical
strength ; nor an eloquent and cultured
ministry but on the transforming power
of the Almighty, for which there is great
necessity and urgency in the world. It
was a warm and well directed message,
BIBLE SOCIETY. -The annual meeting
of Brussels Branch of the Upper Can-
ada Bible Society will be held in St.
John's church on Tuesday evening,
Nov. gtb, commencing at 7.3o. Rev.
Mr. McLaren, of Shakespeare, the
agent, will give the address and the -
resident ministers of the toms are ex-
pected to take part. A5 the Bible
Society work is inter -denominational
church should be filled Brussels and
locality has always devised liberal things
for this work and will continue to do so
no doubt. A new President will have
to be elected owing to the removal of
A. M. McKay to Chesley. Keep the
date free -Nov. gth. Au offering will be -
taken up,
Brussels Council
The regular monthly meeting of Brns-
sets Council was held Monday evening,
Reeve Leckie and Councillors tones,
Lowry and Dames present.
Minutes of last meeting read and
passed. Accounts were read as follows t
Robert ,Oliver, salary 533 oe
Jno. Long. Constable - x 5o
Ferguson & Ross, wood for Hall 3 65
Moved by Jas. Jones, seconded by D. -
A. Lowry, that the above be paid, Car-
A petition was presented to the Couns
cll, containing ire names, asking that a
lay -Law
e submitted dattbe :
next Muni. '
cipal Election, on Monday, Jan. 3, igio
relative to Local Option.
The Council gave a By -Law dealing
witb the petition its first and
second reading, Polling pieces .will be
J, Leckie's office with W. M. Sinclair
as Deputy ; No. 2, at Council Chamber,
N. F, Gerry, Deputy ; No, 3, Geo, Birt's
residence, P, Scott, Deputy and that the
By -Law be published in THE BRUSSELS
POST for three consecutive weeks, on
motion of Councillors Lowry and Jones,
By -Law No. 14 for levying rates for
1909 in the village was read three times -
and passed as follows :-
Go. purposes, 91.rata x4/10 mills -
Local 1949535.0514 " 5/411/1100 1/10 mills
Con, ByLaw 1910,95 ' S malls
Woollen Mill " 152.8g ' 4/10 mills
Gen. Frontage 382.18 ' r mill
Turnberry sewer 96.45
Sidewalk 18i;g 596.09
Sidewalk .goo 393.81
Sidewalk 1907 8x.93
Telephone By-1aw545.28
Dog tax 53, o0
Gen, School tax 2315.43 " 6 mills
4 " 1/to mills
5 perSchool cendebtt will bez4.5o added on ell taxes
unpaid after December x4tli,
amount of
o. 1 ,
59,45 5 '
Report of scales for October was
After.discussing some necessary street
improvements and other matters Council'