HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-10-21, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS. pc, O. .r. M, Brussels grout of the Maeoaboes, No, 24 hold their regular Meetings in the Ledge Boom, Boehm, Block, on the 1s0 and 8rd 1'ueaday ovoniaga o$ each mouth. ._ .. Visitors attvaYs weluA, 8011f$0, Cot, A. HOWLER,. . i , WM. SPONGE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER o1 MARRIAG]-; LICENSES Oleo in the Poet (dace, Ethel, 80.4 JAMES HA RRIs, Agent Howiok Mutual Fire Inearauee <Jom pant Chloe and leoldeuoo,- W ALT AN. ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAND N.o 100611ANOx, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. l} S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• • nen, will sell for bettor prioea, to bettor Mei),in lose time, and less obarges than any oher Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't aherge anything. Dates and orders Ban always be arranged at this oalae or by personal appltoation, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLVi6VALE1 - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the °Mee of Type Poor, Brussels, 2251. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCIN . M. BINGE/kilt— s' e Barrister, Solioltor, Conveyancer, itotar Pu Y thio, ko. t eacart's Block North of for the Metropolitan Bank. [)t4OUDFOO'L, HAYS —& BLAIR— Seii1t1l3TEES, SOLIC1TOIRS, ROTARIES Y UBLIO. STD. W. Paoonsoor, 8r 0, 14. C. Beira G. F. BLAIR. (Bikes -Those formerly ououp1od by Ideears 0ameron d; GOlt, G potation, 1)0 rAn30. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D. USN•1101' Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontarioand Pirst•olaes Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to 13 rewor!s Photo. Gallery, Brussel s. is win visit Ethel on the gad Monday of each Month. ST• Farmers or ,Storekeepers by coming 11 min to tbe Brussels Salt Volts clan get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon on M OOtlt3y, 1 Foreman, Brussels. ALu. LINE Royal Mail Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Virginian Oct, 20 Tunisian Nov. 6 Victorian Nov. 11 Corsican Nov 20 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Grampian Cob. 80 Pretorinn - Nov. 0 100071001 n - Nov, 18 Ionian - Nov. 20 CHRISTMAS SAILINGS Prom St. John From Halifax Virginian Nov. 20 Nov, 27 Grnmpiah- Deo. 4 Victorian Deo, 10 Deo, 11 Hos 7 i nn e, 1 Deo. 10 RATES OF PASSAGE Acoording to steamer. 1st Class -907 50 877 50 387 60 2nd Class - 40 00 95 00 47 00 050 00 8rd Close - 20 50 27 60 28 76 For full particulars of rates and snilinge apply to W. FI, KERR. Agent Allan Line. Brussels. DARE YOU EAT HEARTILY ? Or Is Every Good Meal Followed By Discomfort? So certain are we that "Little Digesters" will cure Indigestion every tinge—for every person—for YOU—that we will give you your money back without a word if they fail. You can enjoy a good, hearty meal of wholesome food three times a day, if -you take a tablet after each meal. Read how "Little Digesters" cured Mr. Thody. "For two years I suffered with Indi- gestion, and obtained no relief from anything X took, including several prescriptions from protein entphysicians, Every meal was followed by aqute pain until I feared to eat, consequently became run down for lack of nourish- ment. "Little Digesters" were recom- mended to the by a friend and I tried them with remarkable results, two boxes completely curing me. It fs three months since X took any, and I have not suffered a pain, no matter how heartily I eat. I would certainly recom- mend thetrl to anybody auffering with Indigestion." (Sieved) F, TfxODY. 141 Yorkville Ave,, Toronto. Bysineen Oarda A heentifol Memorial brass plate AH MANTL ITH has been placed in St, Paul's Church to the memory aBishop CarmichaelBR IsSel, Whiter, Notary, &3o4uoowot and Orlioaei by ther sons.MRedepnld, Ofae9lder itpdRrd Bstk, Tile pateapvaitiOn just out,Br side the chancel facing the con re ru- K 6 4R, T, T, M RAE' D h ao elorof Msdiolna University airy pf Toronto 1 Licentiate and 9.54Graduate of the Collage of P3ry slalom and surgeons, 01st, Post -graduate Chicago Byye, Ear, N5Oe and ThroatklospEtal, Oblongo, Ill, lllx•8ouso Sorg000 to ;3t, Neer. 901's Hospital Toronto, 01900 over 11', It, smith's Drag store: Teta phone conneotiou with 0ranbroolt ab all Lours, QR, HAMILTON Dental Burgeon Boner Graduate 13087111339710518305, University ; Licentiate of Boyal Oolloge of D007,7 surgeons, of Toronto, Moe over J. '1', Roes' stove,Brooms."a"will vist -Wroxeter the first and third Mondays and Gerrie the second and fourth Mondays of each month. DR. WARW.-AIN Boner graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night calla. Chloe opposite' Flour Mill, Ehel. S'aex. Femme me 1i wi° ira?. BRUSSELS Gorge Souse; GOI1Pa Monett Mail Sean in Express 10;50 a ei Express -18:02 P m I Express $ 5 a m Mail 65 p 503 n WALTON To Toronto To.Godericb Express 7:91 a m Express 12:11 a m Express 8:00 p m I Express ......... 9:16 p M. acius Goderich The Go derich Collegiate Institute was represented at the sports in con-, nection with the Clinton Collegiate by Fergus McNaught and Roy Walter. The foeiner caxried oaf first prize i u the 100-yardsr p ace and the lat- ter tookrunning hop, sto - U and P jutnla. Work is now being rushed on the new boiler and structural works winch the Doty Engine Works is erecting near the Ransteed salt block. The braiding will be of largo dimensions the main walls are of cement, It is intended that the boiler works will be completed` by December, and that when equipped 50 hands will be em- ployed. The Doty Company has just closed rL large contract for a steel roof for a chemical plant at Thornbury, Ont. One hundred tons of steel will be used in the construction of the roof and the machinery. Gerrie The sidewalk has been torn up near the railway track preparatory to lux= proving that section of the walk. Fifty-four potatoes in one hill. That is nob s o baa. Rev. IDIi'. iyfc- ravish was the cultivator inthi this ease. A turnip of .pretty fair proportions grown ou the farm of Thomas Dobbs was handed to the Vidette office. Its weight was 12 portncls and it measured 29ix27inches. At am meeting of the W. 1•T. S. of h gto Methodist church recognition' was made of the long and faithful Averts of Mrs. H. Sanderson in connection with the society. She has been- Secretary for a number of years, and the mem- bers presented Mrs. Sanderson with Et Life membership. Mrs. Sanderson in - ten cls going roToronto, where her two already are. Mrs. Sander. son will be very much missed and general regret is expressed at her de- parture. Why Cough - Syrups Fail. They slipquickly over the sore mri toted membranes, drop into the stom- ach and do little else but harm diges- tion. It's different with Oatarrhozone —you inhale it, Every breath sends healing balsams to the inflamed tissues. Tightness, soreness and in- fiannuation are cured by healing pine essences. The cough goes away, throat is strengthened, huskiness is cured. Nothing so simple, so con- venient, so certain to cure as Catarrh - ozone. Tiy it. 25c. and $1,00 sizes; Sold everywhere. Clinton The 14th annual Huron Ponitry and Pet Stook allow will be held in Cliu ton on Jan. 4, 5 and 6. Prof. W. Glenn Campbell has been suffered with conllesbion of the lungs but we hope he will soon be all right. W. 22. Counter moved his jewelry stock to his net v store and 1s now open foe of business again. Mr. Counter has certainly fine stand now. John Ransford attended the Arch - Diaconal meeting of the 'Atoll -Dean- ery of London at Sarnia last week and delivered an address on "Prayer Book ltevisiou." Silas Antis ews, formerly of Clinton, and recently employed iu the Times o ties, Weteskawin, Alta., has taken 15 partnership in the opposition office at that place, known as the Sun. Wednesday evening of last week at the Ontario Street parsonage, Rev.' T. Wesley Oosens tied the nuptial knot between Richard A, Govan., of 01in- Son and Mrs. Aline 0. J. leiggiu, of Sununerhill, D. L Gibbs, of Drayton, has pur- chased the grocery business of B. A. Mellhven and 11110 taken possession. Mr. Gibbs is 0married loan aid will move here at once. Mr. Mclawan ex- pects to take a trip West. The property at the corner of Queen and .John Ste„ known as the old E. I-loltnes property, and o0cupiei by M. 0. Kaufman, of tie NevtEra staff; for the past 4 years, has been purchased by D, A. Forrester. We understand ISir. Forrester will entirely remodel the house. Peter Armour, of Elgin, III., form- erly a resident of (Minton, passed away at his Lome, 205 National Ss, Elgin, 111, on Thursday, Oct. 7th, in his (10513 year. 11e rotas born and ecl- meltecl at Clinton and served his ap- proutieeship as baker and castled ou e business in this town foe some years. Be is survived by his life partner and wo to saes land two sisters being, fro. D, S. Muff and J. 0., now of lint0n George, of l dniontort, arid Gee Nellie, of Toronto. Mr. Olufl ttetidld the' funeral, which took place aterday'at Elgin, Ill, 31300 12, 1509. "Little Digesters" cath be lied from 0 your druggist or by mail from Coleman a Medicine Co., for 2g S cents a box, 56 tem and is 0, t 1a Pti nd s la Iota o-` work. It will b remembered tw l . lig oP that Bishop Cai'lldebeel wars the first Rector of St, Pang's Ohur0h, Glinted, from 1650 to 1808, Listowel tl, Se, Geo, Hawkins, who has been on an extended business trip' through the West has returned home, Halsey Krote left town for I.,os Anr- gelee, Cala, where he will visit his sister, Mrs. J. Dugan. lie will prob- ably take a position in Los Angeles. Cyrus Riyy;gs, of the Batas of Hamil- ton branch, Winnipeg, has re- signed his positi0u with the Bank and accepted it partnership with his bro- thers," Stanley and Arohie Riggs, of Settler', Alta, John Watson captured three first prizes at the Arthur Fall fair. He Won fleet in the roadste• class, first for gentleman's outtIt and first for the best horse o11 the grounds. Tas, and Mrs. Fraser, of Montreal, were the guests of R. R. and Mrs, Hay having stopped oil atListowel on their return trip from the coast. Mrs. Fraser is the youngest daughter of Geo. Clime, of Montreal. The Reeves and deputy. Reeves of Listowel, Mina, and Wallace entertain- ed thole confreres of the County 00un- ei1 Board at the Queen's' Hotel Wed- nesday evening of last week, The Wain list was in the hands of H. 73, Morphy, K. 0. presiding. Letter of regret was read from lvlayon' Ding- man, of Stratford on behalf of himself and Messrs. Hessen, Preston and Boo wn at being unable to attend Owing to business reasons. Are you Drowsy after Mealp Is there a fulness in your stom clt— a drowsy, lazy dash e to sleep—this isn't n aLnral in healthy. folks P o and only occurs when the liver is torpid. You need a stimulating tonic need Di Hamilton's Pills to stir your livor and put life into sleepy organs. You'll feel brisk and lively—you'll' eat, digest rand sleep well after regulating with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No medicine so universally used, so mild, so sure to benefit as Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers in 25c. boxes. WinEham W. H. and Mrs• Rintoni and child- ren arrived home after a nine weeks' holiday with relatives in Nova Scotia. One morning recently, Geo. Wilson, near Zetland, was surprised on going out to find with his cattle a small roe deer. W. 1. Muir was in Port Elgin for a few clays owing to the death of his father, which took place on Tuesday, 52.17. hast. Sunday, October 24th, is the €late of the anuiversary services in connection with St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. Rev. Priucipal Gaudier, of Knox College, Torouto, will preach. The Ladles' Aid of the Baptist churchwill wt] hold a supper er on Tuesday Y evening, November 2nd, from 8 to 8 o'clock, after which a program will be given in the auditorium of the elrurc11. Wm. Nicholson has moved his family holne from Kincardine, where they spent the. Summer. Mr. Nichol • son has the Work on the post office building in that attovt 1 g nearly complet- ed. A Om.Ia Taxers CAROL.—This as the title of a reoxtal to be given in the Methodist church here Thursday evening of next week by S. E. Wil- liamson, of Toronto, Itis said to be well or a v th hearing t and those ewhoc t a1 should avail Vall themselves o• s the oppor- tunity. Robt. Curiae sr.,is home after a several weeks' visit in the West, spending some time in Manitoba and British Columbia and several days at the Seattle Fair. Mr. Currie Domes home in the very best of health and is a good traveller for a man W130 has passed his 80th year. ai Q d�� f NewL Hcj/r Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, the best that was made. But Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- proved formula, is better. It is the one great specific for fall- ing hair. A new preparation in every way, New bottle. New contents. Askyour druggist to show it to you, the new kind," Does not change the color of f/to hair. a'crmule with each bottle Showdoctot to r7051 Al'..hiti it, than do u he ••y As wenow make our new Hair Victor it does not have the slightest effect upon the color of the hair. Yon may use It freely end for any length of time with- out fear of changing the color. Stops falling hair, Cures dandruff. ..--dodo by MGT. 0. dyer 01.., Low•tl, Su•. - The Board, of Health decided to recommend to the Council the neces- sity of adopting the dry earth closet system throughout: the town without delay and also recommend the sinking of it test well and the submitting of a by -haw providing for a pure water systetn to the electors next January. Mensal! C. B. Jackson, ,of TnOkersmitb, re- cently sold a team of horses for $000, The Methodist Sunday School have decided to tarnish the church with au individual commmn' . lUn service. lUe. The Hensall Basketball 1 b Team. jour- neyed j ut neyed to Exeter on Saturd0y .after. noon and defeated the Exeter girls by 10 to Mr. Hemphill, sr., brought a ripe and fully developed raspberry into the Observer office, on Saturday of last week. R. Warriner, who has been running a livery business have for the greater part of a year, has disposed of the outfit and goodwill to his brother Nate: J'. Lindertleld has been mattering for two weeks with blood poisoning in the first finger of his left hand and on Tuesday of last week it was decided uecsssary to amputate it, Which Liniment le Best? For muscular pains and aches a thick oily preparation can't penetrate —that's why Nerviline beats them all —it sinks right in. "I wouldn't live without Nerviline in my house," writes J. B. Cottam, of Mas2.own, N. S. "If you have rheumatism or sore- ness in the nrpscles or in fact any need of an hbnest liniment, Nerviline fills the bill. I can reo0nrwend it highly because I have proved that in one ap- plication ofP plice olson's Nerviline there is more virtue than in a whole bottle of ordinary liniment." Tt'y one of the large 2.5c. bottles. Atwood J. A. Klump and son, Wm., have taken positith 'm the can eut v erks . Friday evening, St 1 nsL about 8 o'elork fine was discovered in the house °coupled and owned by Mr. Lafferty, at the North end of the vil- lage. The word was soon brought up to the Main St. when the bell was lung which gives the warming of fire, and the brigade ode a g wag soon going to the scene with the engine and ]adders When they arrived the fire had not gained mach headway, but on account of water not being just so plentiful where the engine was put to work and it being sometime before a stream was playing on the flames, the house look- ed doomed, but with steady work and by the bucket brigade carrying water ♦!i'♦'F♦•t•♦?'0•i•♦d•♦•1•h44+40 4.14i•♦•r4,44++•d•♦•E"♦,FOo'•♦'II•0•F♦+♦•i•♦•P♦" ♦@"t furniture ®a,��,e,�,�„�e�,� Carpets ••♦ ♦ ♦ • • •• • • 7'PI P7'� r'P® +• • Carpets anli Linoleomsj • As house-cleaning time comes around again you will be thinking of new Carpets and Linoleums. We ,♦t, have for the Fall season a much larger and better as- I sortment than we have heretofore shown and at prices ,e♦, that we feel sure will suit you'. • Rugs e Ont, stock of Rugs is especially good for the Fall trade. Some-• j thing 10W 1131(1 will well repay you to inspect thein before purchasing. •• ♦ • • 0 e ♦ 0 • • s w Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool e Union•Squares in all sizes. Linolleurnz • Two and roa0 yards in a variety of Floral and Block Palter 18, ranging in price from $1.50 par ruuniug yard upwards. arid I Ola Cloths All Widths and a good choice in Patterns. It is no trouble to show goods. A tall Is solicited at /-4-16:41 A- ''. ?MOS � Brussels Organs :s:'!'••3C/.!•0•••••••d'.♦,•••••••••• ••••••••••••••i•••••••••••; it wets put out before all the root w burnt thus saving host of the hous which is•a frau 1e s ruct, re t u. Asth staff i�ng at Is not knownay ahowles Of I the fir originated but itis thonghe 411,0110 of d ea flue eh' 7mile y, lho furniture Was saved, Insurance on the buildin and contents y$400, COnta.ife ilio Caustic Ack$e." 1t's healing and drawing --that' why Putnam's Corn Extractor i better :than cheap acid substitute Insist on Putnaln's only, BEAT!! Of 5 I SAMUEL RAN �1E as Church, also Revs, Messrs, Hobbs asci e Fear, ,were present Bpd tendered greet^ e Ings from the churches they represented, t', Mr. Hobbs delighted the audiepoe e with a temeerapee polo, rendered in his a well know,: original 1st e.' t, L Y Mr, MOilu (41 rev of" nr reeve Exeter, Bx .e ,fel to 1 t 1privilege °� g be a. i It gtherint4x05 )ted with mur- g, He;safd many kind armour- them words to the ladles, and bade them Godspeed in their labors, s Friday morning was entirely devoted s to reports, discussions and pleas for ah0 8. now year. The question drawer also Preyed a helpful factor of infoirnstion,. The last Bait hour was given to men- tion of those who have been ',called home" during the year, four in number, to whom diose who knew them best paid an affectionate tribute, Also ser• row was expressed that ten active mem- bars had removed into other counties.. The election of officers took place during closing atter000a session and resulted as follows: President, Miss Murray, Exeter vice.pres)deut, Mrs. Brown, Goderieh ; c0r.-sec„ Mrs. Hooper, Exeter; recording -sec., Mrs, G, Acheson, Goderieh ; treasurer, Mrs, Stoneman, Hensel!, It was with sincere regret that the people of Mensal! learned on Monday morning of last week, that Semuel Ran- nie had passed away, at his home„in Zurich, Although his death had been expeoted for seine time, It was none 111e less regretted, Although a resident of Hay 'Township for a number of .years and Inter of Zurich, he was ,so closely identified with Hepsall as our second largest property owner and also from the fact of his residing here some years ago that he always was looked on as one of us, He erected the Centennial Hotel opposite the station, In the year of the Exposition, at Philadelphia, and for a time ocoupied it. He was also for a time in partnership with D. Urquhart. A man of great enterprise he not only engaged in farming extensively bet also ran a saw mill on the Babylon Line and EL tannery in Enrich. Since inoving to Zurich he has purchased property there, erected houses and refitted stores and always manifested a spirit of enterprise. He owns the large stores occupied by the McDonell Bros„ E. Ronnie, R, Drysdale, , B. McArt r hu and d 'T. Palm- i Patin- er, on King street, Hensall, besides' dwelling houses. At one lime he own- ed stores and other property in Dash- wood. He was a devoted member of the Evangelical Church and a beans, Y Sunday o t School worker. t r He attached a Sunday School loom to his residence on the Babylon line and fitted it up at his own expense. lie will be greatly missed in church circles. In the home he was a klud,laying husband and father, devot- ed to the interest and welfare of his family. He was a Liberal in politics and an enthusiastic party worker. He was an all round good and useful man, and leaves a blank hard to fill, The funeral tools place to the Evangelical church and thence to Babylon line came. tery The following additional facts re- specting S. Rennie have been recorded : Born in Stratford, he came to this sec- tion when £001' years old. He lived in Hensel' a little over two years, built the mill, Centenial hotel and '1'. Murdock's residence. He moved to Waterloo, where he spent nine years then return- ed to Hay township. He is survived by his widow. three sons and eight daugh- ters, one son was killed by a tree fall- ing Gimsome years Aga. YOUR BEAUTYWHNATD LADIES, PRESERVE Parisian Sage, the gniek acting hair restorer, is no far w sale in Brussels at the drag store of Jas. Fox and is Bald with a rigid guarantee at 50 cents a bottle. Parisian Sage has an immense sale, and here are the reasons:— It is safe and ',armless. It cures dandruff in two weeks, by killing the dandruff germ. m. at Ttstopfallings hair. Itro p raptly slaps itching of the scalp Te makes the hair softand luxuriant, It gives life and beauty to the hair. It is not sticky or greasy. It i$ the daintiest perfumed hair tonic omc made. It is the best, the most pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. Fight shy of the druggist who offers you a substitute, he is unworthy of your confidence. HURON COUNTY W. C. T. U. Successful Annual Convention. Tire twelfth annual Convention of Huron County Women's Christian Temperance Union was held in Main St, Methodist (Murata, Exeter, on Oct. 7th and 8111. These were ideal Autumn days making the bright tints of the foliage glow in the warm sunshine. This, with the comfortable greeting of hot Coffee and light refreshment in the church school room, for the delegates who arrived from different parts of the county v on the early morning train, strengthened and cheered thein for the work of the day. The president, Miss elerne, of Exeter, opened convention at 9.3o a, m., the subject of her Bible reading being "Christ the source of power.” The county work includes 13 different departments, viz : evangelistic, fran- chise, anti -narcotics, law enforcement, prisons, work among sailors, missions to lumbermen, flower tnission, system- atic giving, temperance in Sunday schools, purity and mother's meetings, parlor meetings, and press work. The Supt. of each of these departments gave an interesting account of the year's work. Not all that was and id ho ped for was accomplish- ed, but the women have long ago learn- ed lessons of perseverance, and desire to press on, believing in the justice of their cause aid In the Divine power behind theta Just how far reaching may be the work of these departments for young and old, only God can tell, but if faith- fully worked, must assist very materially in the 1•ecousu•uction of society and for the betterment of ail who come under the influence. A talk ou Local Option work in Gode- rich was given by Mrs. Brown, followed by a discussion, bringing out helps and tants. for those about to eater the contest in other towns, M1's, MoFaul, of Exeter, then kindly rendered a beautiful solo, Thursday evening. Rev. Mr. Jones, of Goderieh, was the speaker of the even- ing, introduced by the president, Miss Murrey, as fresh from local campaign work, and he proceeded to give, as re, quested, some crummier, experiences ; however, big M5111 thought cosi"A plea for Prohibition," and vet urged that while striving for a prohibitory law we should hold cm to what we have until we get it. Rev, Mr, Sharpe, of the Presbyterian MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Post. master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon on Friday, November 19th 1506, for the conveyance of .Hie Majesty's mails on a proposed oon0raet for four years, 8 times per week' each way,between Brussels and sea - forth from the Pstmaster General's pleasure, Printed notices containing further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtained sth t ao Pato Office B u ole se Walton, to Leadbur Winthrop, 9, n o e e S aforth and at the office of the Post Mee Inspector at London. Post Office De'0, ttdnent�RSO S Mail Service Branch,Superintendent, Ottawa, October 70,,109. Get the Best, It Paps. One eohool that stands at the head in Thoroughness, Popularity and Genuine Merit is the. ELLIOTT • 6 It enjoys a large patronage because its superior work is so well known. Get idled, Altrainil graduates eassil ill et Catalogue free. Enter noposi- tions. W..1. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor, Yonge &Alexander sts, Toronto. Resolutions re Tottti Prot:ffaitlet), Isocal Oltlun, Anli-Natcolf • i r us Get til v 1 , of Peace, ?menthe for Women, Winto Sieve Trade, White Ribbon 'ridings an4 Pixeler's Us it silkY to convention v or a ;Adopted, awl thus cloy 1€rtio f rl bel f it p x Goauty Convention, Maitland Prot py$ery of Whfke0h Rev, Oct,722 McE11,anhern, of Xaeasktlale, was induc41ted into the pastoral charge urcteand laangsido on'rbst's- 11 w nox cl arch, Ripley, pelitiopetl the Presbytery to be raised to the status 0k a Ksingle charge, offering' a salary of $r,000 and four weeks' holidays, A committee consisting of Revds.' Mr. Tait, Mr. Mc1ierrol, Mr, McLer- nen 'aud their representative Eiders was appointed to confer with the Bervie congregation On t11e matter andconsid. er the re -arrangement of the field and report at a special meeting to be held et -1 Walton, A call from Weltou ebngre- gatiou was presented by Rev. Mr, Wish- 99 art ill favor of Mr. Robel•t L. Lunday, Williameburg'in the Brockville Presby, tarp, warded 'iheto theeallBwarockvis'sustalilieledPresbyterolid y,for Grand Master MacWatt, of Sarnia, ;I laid the corner -stone of St. John's church, St. Thomas, ONTAaxo Bortiealtittal Exhibition will be held in the St. Lawrence Arena Toronto, Nov. 9th to 13th„ 1909. • ♦ ♦ m !Women e.♦ 3 e ♦ O and Giris• ♦ i • • e 6 O ♦ •0 • • • •WANTED A •♦ • as machine operators and for other• factory work. Good wages and ♦. steady. employment, Write us. •a The Clinton Knitting Co., ♦ ♦ ♦ O 4 Limited • • CLINTON, ONT. • • • 4000♦400♦00♦♦0♦00O♦♦♦O♦♦♦♦ APPLES WANTED late" Brussels Evaporator On and after Friday, SEPTEMBER 17th, 200. PER BAG will be paid for all good paring Apples de- livered at the ;Factory. No small or soft apples wanted and if brought will have to be culled out or taken home as there's no market for them. JOHN CUNNINGHAM. PROPRIETOR The Most Popular Paper in Ontario The Toronto Daily Star The best proof that people like a newspaper is their willingness to pay good money for it. More people buy the "Toronto Daily Star" than any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly published in the Province of Ontario. Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily Star" is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. These es things do not jest happen. There must be a reason. In this case there are several reasons. The " Toronto Daily Star " publishes Market Reports I2 to 18 hours earlier than the morning papers, It is a Newspaper—not an "Organ"—political or any other kind. Not only the Woman's Page, but the whole paper, is attractive to women. It reports athletic events more fully than any other Canadian Daily. Its special features, such as the "Chronicles of the Kiran", are Most entertaining. Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star" better than any other newspaper. $1.50 A Year This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for one year—S2,20. Guaranteed Fountain Pon given for 50o. added to above subscription prieos,