HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-10-7, Page 4ClT,C russ1tis at TII1TRSDAY, UC1o13ER 7, 1909' ast Huron Fair .. PRiZS LiST. H r Paoe HEAVY iJrtAoouT,-Brood quire, Caea- • dins bred, having' raised foal 10 J999, Chas Montane, JonMt/Gavin, Win `l'aylor; imported brood mare, aving. raised teal 19 09, It jScut ' nesse oult, Dickson tiros, (no McGavin mare Bolt, Wm Taylor, R J Scott ; two Year old filly,Chas Mamie, Dickson Bros, Jno Broadfoot & Son two year old gelding, A Stevenson, Robt War- wick, Menne Jaekson ; yearling filly, Jim Meson ; yearling gelding, Ghas Wheeler ; u 1V1eNlane, I, Wb r , draught team, dla a , t ick5 n Bros as F jas Forster, D o ,) korster' e sc vetastales Dickson Bros, t , AGRICULTURAL , (Canadian B cie1).- Brood nate, beving raised a foal in 1909, Dickson Bros, . Miller Bros, Mrs E Dickson; horse colt, Wm Perris, Jas finrgess, Mrs .E Dickson ; mare colt, Dickson Bras, Miller Bros, A Ynill ; two year old filly, W Hemingway, A McEwen, Jag Forster ; two year old s L McNeil eil & Son e ldtn E EI4 M N gelding, J a 1 filly, ill, las B ess one year 11 AYu ui g Y 1 x & 2 ; span of agricultural horses, Jas Forster, Duff & Stewart, Jas Nichol ; sweepstakes, Dickson Bros. Judge --A Innes, Clinton. RoApsTBRs, :Brood mare, having rais. ed foal in 5909, Ernest Rozell, W Hol- man, P Scott ; horse or mare colt, P Scott. A Campbell, Ernest Rozell ; two year old filly or gelding, ACrmpbel1, t & 2, Jas Forster ; One year old ally or gelding, W Holman ; buggy horse, rsh bands and overGeo Keys, A H. Robb. Nesbit Hamilton ; buggy horse, under lei hands, ino Watson, L W heeler, Ernest Rozell ; sweepstakes, W Holman ; F S Scott special for standard bred roadster and Geo Thomson donated end prize, P Scott, F 5 Scott ; Standard bank special for best roadster horse or mare owned or driven by a farmer or farmer's son, L Wheeler, Nesbit Hamilton, CARRIAGE -Brood mare, re hands high, having raised foal in 1909, Wm Lambkin, A. Campbell, las Shedden , two year old fitly or gelding, Jno Mason , one year old filly or gelding, W Holman ; horse or mare colt, W Hol- man, W Lambkin ; sweepstakes, Jno. Mason. Judge, Joseph Carter, Blyth. Cattle DvRt1AMs,-Bulla three years and over, Miller Bros ; bull, two years old. D Milne ; hull, one year old, Jas Speir & Sons ; ntilcli cow, 4 years or over, D Milne, r & 2 ; milch cow, under 4 years, D ,Milne, x & z ; two year old heifer, D Milne, 1, 2 & 3 ; one year heifer, D Milne, 1, 2 & 3 ; bull calf. D Milne ; heifer calf, U Milne, i & 2 ; herd of Durharn& x male and 4 females, D Milne • female any age, D Milne ale auv age, es Speir & Sons ; boys m , I P Y 16 years and under for best judging of two fear -olds or yearlings in exhibit of thoro' bred cattle on grounds, Wilber Armstrong, Alvin McKee. JERSEYS-Mfleb cow, G A Deadman, Wm Armstrong, G A Deadman; two year old heifer, E Garvin ; bull calf, 0 A Deadman. HoLSTEIxs-Bull. Jonathan Wright. x & 2 ; female, Jonathan Wright, r & 2 GRADE CATTLE—Milch cows, Toe Broadfoot & Son, r, 2 & 3 ; two year old heifer, Jno Broadfoot & Song r & 2 ; oue year old heifer, Wm Bryans, L McNeil & Son, Jno Broadfoot & Sun ; trio year old steer, Wm Bryans, L Mc- Neil & Son 2 & 3 ; year old steer, Jno Broadfoot & Son t & z, Wm Bryans steer calf, L McNeil & Son ; heifer calf, L McNeil & Son ; fat steer, Wm Bryans, 1 & 2 ; Rvrie Bros bronze medal for the largest and best herd of grade cattle, J no Broadfoot s: Sun. judge- Jno Clancy, Cargill. Sheep LEroasrsas-Aged ram, Robt L Mc- Donald, R i Sanderson, 0 Turnbull ; shearling ram, 0 Turnbull, R J Sanderson ; ram lamb, R L McDonald 1 & 2, Oliver Turnbull ; ewe, two shear and over, R J Sanderson x & 2, R L McDonald ; shearling ewe. R L McDonald, 0 Turn- bull. R J Sanderson ; ewe lamb, R 1, McDonald, R J Sanderson, 0 Turnbull ; pen, R L McDonald. R l Sanderson. 0 Turnbull. Down -Aged ram, A Stevenson ; shearling ram, A Stevenson 1 & 2 ; ram lamb, A Stevenson 1 & a ; ewe, two shear and over, A Stevenson, x & 2 ; shearling ewe, A Stevenson x & 2 ; ewe lamb, A Stevenson r & 2: pen, A Stevenson. lodge, George Tervit, Wingham, Pigs BERKSHIRE.—Boar, one year and over, A F Davidson ; boar, under one year, A F Davidson, x & 2 ; sow, one year and over, A F Davidson, 1 & 2 ; sow, under one year, A F Davidson, r & 2, YORKSHIRE, -Boar, oue year and over, Robt Nichol ; boar, under one year, Robt Nichol ; sow, one year and over, Robt Nichol ; sow, under one year, Robt Nichol. TAalwooTH,—Sow, one year and over, Win Armstrong ; sow, under one year, Wm Armstrong, a & 2 ; best pen, Robs id Nichol, A F Davidson. Judge -Amos Willis, Gorrie, Poultry Black spanisb, Wm Carter ; barred rocks, J 3 Haggitt, Jas Speir & Sall 2 & 3; white rocks, F S Scott ; white leg- borns, D A Lowry, W Long, D A Lowry ; brown legho'ns, D A Lowry, x& 2, J 3 Haggitt ; buff legborns, 3 1 Haggett, x, 2 & 3 ; silver spangled hamburgs, W Carter, 0 Turnbull, W Carter ; black bamburgs, W Carter, x, 2 & 3 : polands, W Carter, 2 & 2 ; ban. tans, W Carter, J 3 Haggitt, W Carter, hoidens. W Carter, x & 2 ; dorkings, W Carter ; white wyandottes, Ino Meadows, 1 & 2, J 3 Haggitt ; black minorcas, 1 T Haggitt, 1, a and 3 ; tur- keys, 1 J Haggitt ; geese, J 1 Haggitt, W Carter; pekin ducks, Wm Arm-, strong ; roues ducks, W Carter, J J Haggitt 2'& 3 ; game fowl, Geo Chap- inaD ; fowl; any other named breed, W Carter '1 & 2 ; collection of fancy pigeons,'3 3 Haggitt, W Long, W Car- ter ; collection of rabbits, W Long. Judge -3 L Brown, Seaforth. Carriages, Implements, &c, Patent.arm wagon, Ewan & Co buggy, covered, Ewen & Co, 1 & 2 ; cutter, Ewan & Co, 1 & 2 ; donbletrees nein The Chest 1.Ia4 BufPored for Weeks --used Four' tPPn Dif eronttor eU!o0 Without Cured Quickly By "Sangho" No str'ougen proof of the woudut- ful mora of Nel.'vilin° could be pro. ducal than lite letter of Miss Lucy Mosher, who foe year's bas been a well- known resident of Windsor, N. S. "I want to acid ray uneoiiet1ectteetl- monisll to the efficacy of your, won. lerful]iw' ent No ihut, l c ua d• or it the best remedy fee a cold sore throat . wheezing tiglitnees in the (Meet, etc., and cern state that fur years our home bas never been without Nerwililte, ,1 1 ad a ctreadful attack of cold, that settled on my chest, that fourteen tliiferent remedies couldn't break up. !subbed on Nerviliue three tithes a day, used Nex•viline as a gargle and was completely restored. 1 have induced dozens of my friends to use Nerviliue, and they ttre 1111 delighted with its wouclerful power over pain and sickness. "You are at liberty to publish the signed letter, which 1 hope will show the way to health to many that need Nerviline. to use 1\ et V111114. (Signed) LLCM MUbH1 R." All sorts of aches pains au(l sutfee- ings--internaltund external yields to Nerviliue. Accept Iso substitute.; 28c per bottle, or five for $1,00, All deal - ere sir The Oatamliozoue Company, Kingston, Ont. ' TESTIMONIAL NO. 3115 and neckvoke, Ewan & Co ; wheel- barrow, Ewan & Cu Judge -W H Humphries, Walton. Grain 'Vhite Fall whel11, JiLs Edgar, Jas Burgess, \Vat Thuell ; r'ecll'all wheat, Jas Edgar, A Yuill, Geo Mauston ; barley, Jas Edgar, Jno Broadfoot & Son ; black oats, Jaa Edgar ; white oats,JasLdb r Jas Burgess , small l peas, Jas Burgess, Jas Edgar ; lar'g'e peas, Jas Span. & Sons ; timothy seed, Wm Bryaus, Jas Edgar, Jas Speir & Sons ; clover seed, Jas Speir & Sons, Jas Edgar. Judge -Wm Pryue, Brussels. Fruit Baldwins, iii disputa ; Famnese, Geo. Derr, R. 11. Sloan ; Xing of Tompkins Co., R. R. Sloan, A. Me - Kee ; Mann, R. R. Sloan, Jas, Speir & Sons ; Northern Spies, R. R. Sloan, Geo. Chapman ; R. I. Geeeoings, R. R. Sloan, Jas. Edgar ; Golden Russets, R. R. Sloan, Geo. Chapman ; Stark, R. Nichol ; Blenheim Pippins Fall, Jas, Speir & Sons, E. Garvin ;Tolman Sweets, Geo, Chapman, A. Yuill ; Ontario, Jno. l3roaclluot & Son, R, It. Sloan Wealthy, E. Garvin, Juo' Bj'oadfnot & Son ; Ribston Pippins, Evans Bros., Geo. Johnston ; Culverts. It it Sloan, Geo Kerr ; Roxbury Rus- setGeoChapman, .Itis Edgar CanChada Reds, Reit Sloan, Jas Speir & Sons C Lyuga Redstreaks, R R Sloan• Failawater, R It Sloan, Robt Nichol • Gravenstein, Jas Speir & Sons, Evans Bros ; Maiden's Blush, Geo Chapman, Robt Nichol ; Phoenix, Jas Edgar, Geo Johnston ; Pewaukee, Jno Broadfoot & Son, Geo Chapman ; Ben Davis, R R Sloan, Geo Kerr ; (Drabs, el Garvin, D Milne ; fi varieties of Winter apples, 11 R Sloan, Jas Speir & Sous ; varieties of Fall apples, It R Sloan, Jas Speir & Sons; apples, any named variety not 111 above list, Jas Speir & Sous, las Edgar. ; Fall pears. R R Sloau, Jim Broadfoot & Son ; Winter pears, It R Sloan. A Yuill ; plums, any variety, R R Sloan, Wm Armstrong ; 3 varieties of plums, R R Sloan, W H McCracken ; 8 clus- ters of grapes, Jas Spelt. & Sons, L Garvin ; peaches. R R Sloan ; Metro- politan bank special, best collection of Winter apples, It It Sloan, Jas Edgar, Jas Speir & Sons. Judge, F. Metcalf, Blyth. Roots and Hood crops Early potatoes, Ed Garvin, Jno Crerar, Nin Armstrong ; date pota- toes, Win Armstrong, Nell 5 Mc- Lauchlin, Jas Burgess, Alex Yuill ; collection of potatoes, Thos Retreett, Ecl Gat•vin, Jno Crerar ; swede tur- nips, W II. McCracken, Geo Chapman ; turnips, any other variety, Geo Chap- man, W H McCracken ; white field carrots, W H McCracken, Geo Chap- man• Altringham carrots, Jas Bur- gess, 1V H McCracken; scarlet 'mattes, Ed Garvin, Miller Bros ; early horn carrots, Geo Johnston, Jas Evans ; long blood beets, W 31 McCracken, Gen Chapman ; blood turnip beets, Geo Chapman, W H McCracken ; parsnips, Geo Chapman, W 31 Mc- Cracken ; Winter radishes, Geo Chap- man, NV H McCracken ; sugar: man - golds, W H Mc0rttcken, Jas Speir & Sons; white sugar beets for factory, W 13 McCracken, Jas Burgess ; m110 - rel wurzels, long red, (?reo Chapman, W H McCracken ; long yellow man - gels, NV JI McCracken, Geo Chapman ; yellow globe mangels, W 1I McCrack- en, Gen Johnston ; red globe mangels, W H McCracken, Geo Johnston. W I1 McCracken, specials, swede turnips, Jas Speir & Sons, Wm Armstrong ; long red mangels, Mrs E Dickson, ,Tas,Speir & Sons ; yellow giant man - 1 air etaon. iris E Dicksuu Jae (c S t Ssp Vegetables Iced onions from seed, 'tV 11 Mc- Cracken, \Vin Armstrong • yellow onions from seed, W II Mcdracken, Geo. Chapman ; Giant I;0(1011 onions from seed, W H McCracken ; onions from top sets, W 11 Medracken ; unions ft'unt Latch sets, Geo Chap- man, W li AlcCrtteken ; top onion Nets, W H McCracken) ; Dutch sets, Geo Chapman, W li McCracken.; potato omens, Will Artnstcomg, A Stewart, Queen st East ; yellow Can- ada corn, Miller Bros, den Chapman ; white Flint corn, Geo Chapman, W II McCracken ; yellow Dent corn, Jas Spell: & Sous, Neil S. McLanchlin ; fodder corn, Jae Speir & Sons, Geo Chapman ; collection of eons, Geo Chapman W .ii McCracken, Winter cabbage, W II McCracken, Geo Chap- man ; curled Savoy, W II McCracken, Geo Chapman ; red picklingcabbage, W 11 McCracken, Geo hapman cauliflower, W H McCracken ; yellow Field pumpkin, W II McCracken ; Mammoth pumpkin, W 11 MoCrac:k- en, Geo Chapman ; squash, W H Mc- Cracken, Win Armstrong ; large tomatoes, Miss Jiine Melly, Jas Evalls; pluxu or cherry tomatoes, F 5 Seott, Jaa Walls ; buck@iboau sGeo 3011118. ton, Neil S AoLarO1t1iu , white beano, Jag Edgar, 'Edward Garvin ; variety of beans, Geo Chapman, Edward Gr Garvin ; round stripedcitral s, Jae !,.vane, Jee Edgar ; lung Qaliferuia ektrons, Mrs le Dickson, W 11 Me- Craeken ; wiiterinelons, Mrs l3 Dick- son, ll al l ns sC 1 1 A'1(C iLGI @ a t Sm@ Q I \' 1 r , Jas Itvaus, 1V Arrtistrorrg ; cuoulu- hoes:Jae Speir &Sone, W l3 MoCreek- en ; white celery, GOO Ohilpnlan, 1V VH ' o n • ink. celery, 1 H AlcUra ke McCracken ; sunflowers, Oliver nun - brill, Lvai)s Bio ; collection 0f garden produce. W 13 McCracken, Judge- J.i. R Sloan, Blybli. Dalry Producta Tub butter, home macre, Jas Evens, Alex Yuill, Mrs L Stewart;• table butter', WritArrllstrong, Jae Eclgar, Geo Kerr, .Mrs E Stewart, Mee Jno MGCinu O n factory cheese, colo re d , J K Bro n. Jsckie s G01t1,6 pounds table butter, uA ustr06 , THE Post 0 pounds table butter, Win. Armstrong, Judge, Win Robinson, Wroxeter. Domestic Man ufacturoe Flannel, Mrs E Stewart, Mrs, Zoeliner' ; blankets, Mis E Stewat't rag etteget, Miss Kelly ; counterpane, Mrs L Stewart skein Yaxu, home McCracken, Mrs Zoel ner sun 1Vli t 1 P , r of claiming, Alts Zoe lner�' spechnat 1 , Mrs Stevenson Maple sugar, W 1I: McCracken,. Maple molasses, Geo Johnston, R R Sloan ; hooey comb, G A Deadman ; honey, extracted, G A Deadman, Wm Armstrong ; grape wine, Mrs W Wilbee, Bob Warwick ;' rhubarb wine, Bob Warwick ; straw- berry tV • ilbe+ Mc - Clacton wine, Mt � Wilbee, e, W H 111 Clacton ; tomato wine, Mrs W Wil - bee, 1V 13 McCracken ; elderberry ivine, Mr's W \Vilbee, W H McCrack- en • tomato catsup, Jas Burgess, Mrs W R ilbee ; apple jelly, Evans Bros, Jas. Edgar ; rhubarb j1111y, Jas Evans, Evans Bros ; raspberry jelly, D Milne, Jas Evans ; jelly, from any other fruit, named, Evans Bros, A Yuill ; home made bread, A Simpson, Mrs ,T JieKinnon ; buns, W Armstrong, A Simpson ; tea biscuits, Evans Bros, Geo Kerr ,!t ort cake, Byrom Bros, Jas Evans ; jelly cake, Win Arm- strong D Alec ; oatmeal cakes, Bob Warwick, Evans Bros ; short bread, VVrn Armstrong col- lection Talulyn, s g ; lection of canned fruits in glass jars, A Simpson, W II McCracken. W 33 Kerr, two loaves of home made bread, Mrs Jno McKinnon. Judge -W. M. Robinson, Wroxeter. Manufactures Double farm harness, Geo, House I 0 Richards ; single buggy harness, I 0 Richards, Geo House ; axe handle, Geo Johnston, Wm Armstotg, Judge, Geo Powell. Blyth. Ladies, Work Tea cosy worked in silk, Miss Living- stone, Mrs Stevenson ; tea nosy work- ed in eyelet, Mrs W J Kyle ; five o worked in silk Mrs 'lock tea cloth silk, , It Stevenson Mrs P Zoellener ; live o'clock tea cloth worked in cotton, Mrs Zoellener, Mrs W H Tamlyn ; tray cloth worked in silk, Mrs Zoellen- er ; tray cloth worked in cotton, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Hanson ; table centre piece worked in silk, Mrs Stevenson. Mrs E Stewart ; table centre piece worked in cotton, Miss Livingston, Miss Inman ; table centre piece worm- ed on bolting cloth, Miss Livingston, Mrs Zoellner ; mouub mel- lielc work, Mrs Hanson, Mrs Stevenson ; rope silk, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Ranson ; Roman embroidery, Mrs Zoellener, Miss Livingston ; hedo- bo embroidery, Mrs E Stewart ; wallachain embroidery, Mrs Zoellen- er, Mrs Manson ; silk embroidery on diawn work, Mrs E Stewart ; silk em- broidery Battenbutg, Mrs Hanson ; eyelet embroidery, Mrs E Stewart, Mrs Zoellener ; shadow embroidery, Miss Liviugstt n, Mrs Zoellener ; em- broidery cotton or muslin, Mrs Zoel- tener, Mrs Tamlyn ; embroidery on worsted, YIrs Zoellener, Mrs Tamlyn ; embroidery on silk, Mrs Zoebeuer, Miss Livingston ; sofa pillow em- broidered in sil, Miss Liviugstou, s1s' W J Kyle ; sofa pillow, shadow embroidery, Alex Yuill, Hiss Living- ston ; sofa pillow, eyelet embroidery Menno Jackson ; sofa pillow, Batten - burg, Mrs Hanson, Miss Livingston ; sofa pillow, drawn work, Mos Tarnlyn ; sofa pillow, bolting cloth, Ales Steven- son, Miss Livingston ; sofa pillow. patch work. Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs. J. Leckie; drawn work cloth, Alex Ynill, Mrs 'Tarnlyn ; Batteuburg cloth, Miss Livingston, Mrs Hanson ; point lace, Mrs Zoelleuer, Mrs Stevenson ; lace honiton, Mrs Tamlyn ; teneriffe lace, Bob Warwick, Mrs Zoellener ; crochet work cotton, MIS Tamlyn, Mrs Han- son ; crochet work wool, Mrs Tamlyn, Mire Stevenson ; crochet in silk, Mrs Ranson, MIs Stevenson ; doileys in silk, Miss Livingston, Mrs E Stewart ; doileys in cotton, Mrs Zoellener, Mrs Stevenson ; crochet table mats, Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs E Stewart ; fancy knitting in cotton, Mrs E Stewart, Bliss Livingston ; fancy knittiug in wool, Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Zoellener ; coronation work, Nirs Zoellener, Mrs Stevenson ; fancy pin cushion. Mrs Hanson, Miss Livingston ; fancy bed- room slippers, 111re 1V 3 Kyle, Mrs Tamlyn ; whisk holder, Mrs Tamlyn,. Mrs Stevenson ; footstool, Mrs E Stew- art, Mrs Zoellener ; mantle drape, Miss Liviugstou, en's Zoellener ; fancy photo frame, sus Zoellener, MIS Tamlyn ; crochet quilt, Bob Warwick, airs E Stewart; patchwork quilt, Mrs Tam- lyn, errs E Stewart ; ling cabin quilt, ams E Stewart. W H McCracken ; fancy qui11, Miss Ilrman, Alex 'Yuill knitted te- c uil' errs Tarnl n ; rag mat, ltd; 4 yg a, nobltnown, Mr's E Stewart woollen stockings, W 1-1 nxc(racken ; cotton stockings, .airs E Stewart, 2nd not known ; woollen socks, Mrs Zoellner, 111.5 Stevenson ; cotton socks. 11Irs 11 Stewart ; woollen mitts, Miss Livingston, mrs D Stewart woollen gloves, Mrs Zoellener, W H McCracken ; hooked mat, Mrs Hanson, airs Zoellener ; sewed mat, Mrs E Stewart ; collection of ladies' fancy work, airs Tamlyn, ams Hanson. Judges -Mrs Robinson, Wroxeter ; was. Johnston, Seaforth. Fine Arta Collection of professional photo- graphs, II R Brewer ; collection of amatear photos, Mrs W II Talulyn ; collention laud painted china, six plesos, Mrs N Hanson, Miss Myrtle Livingston; single piece hand paint- TH FINEST LEAVES 11 From Oeylon Tea Plantations are contained In it Is packed in sealed lead packets to preserve its fine flavor and aro- , ma. 300, 400, 50c and 600 per pound. At all grocers. .'4'.+ • 4 •'l-•+•+• I'O'4'.3'o'II'.I'. r 'l' •'i'4I'O. 4 4$ t rt Fu ew ur • • • • ♦ •♦ i •i i Leatherdales' Carpets O op Carets and Linoleums As house-cleaning time comes around again you will be thinking of new Carpets and Linoleums. We have for the Fall season a much larger and better as- sortment than we have heretofore shown and at prices that we feel sure will suit you. 41. • 9 ♦.p 0 r b • • • Rugs .� e Our stock of Bilge is especially good for the Fall trade- Some- • . thing •new and will well i•eprty you to inspect them before purchasing. 4. Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and • v Union Squares in all sizes.• • Lin;.t.leums ♦a Two and four yards in a variety of floral and Block Patterns, k• ranging in price from $1,0`0 per running yard upwards.• 4, O • • ---�� LeatherdaJes' Os Pianos Brussels Organs • p4..'4'ed'.+♦+++♦+•4'$♦4I'$'1.444.144.1441.4.4+444.+•+.0+•+•+•+•+•+• Ord Cloths All \Vidths and a good choice in Patterns. It is no trouble to show goods. A call is solicited at ed china, Mrs N Hanson, Miss Myrtle Livingston ; collection. six pictures. oils or water colors, Mrs N Hanson, Miss Myrtle Livingston ; oil painting, landscape or marine from nature, Ales. N Hanson, Miss Edith Inman ; nil painting, study from still life, Mrs N Ranson, Mrs R Stevenson ; oil painting any other, Mrs R Stevenson, Miss Livingston ; water color, landscape or marine, Mrs Hanson, lilts Stevenson ; water color, any other, Miss Livingston, Mrs Stevenson ; portraits, iu either oils or water colors, Ales Stevenson, Miss Livingston, picture in sepia, Mrs Stevenson, Miss Livingston ; animal in either oils or water colors, Mrs Hanson, Miss Livingston ; pastel, AIrs Stevenson ; crayon drawing, black and white, A Deadman, Mrs Tarnlyn, best pen and ink or pencil sketch, Olyton Duff, G A Deadman, collection of pyrography and wood- carving, Mrs Hanson, Miss Livingston. Judge, Miss L AI Rogers, Seafor'th. Flowers and Plants Table briquet, Jas Evans, Evans Bros ; hand briquet, Miss Kelly, Neil S. McLauchlin ; collection of cub flowers, Miss Kelly, Jas Evans ; pansies, G A Deadman, Miss Kelly ; pholx drmmnondi, Jas Evans, Wm Armstrong ; asters, W H McCracken, F S Scott; stooks, W H McCracken, Jas Evans ; petunias, Miss Kelly, W II McCracken ; dianthus, Evans Bros, Jas .Evans ; balsams, Miss Kelly ; gladiolus spikes, W H McCracken,. Jas. Evans ; verbenas, W H BleCeack- ere Miss Kelly ; perennial phlox, Miss Kelly, W H McCracken ; cockscombs, Jas Evans, Wm Armstrong ; col- lection of sweeb peas. Evans Bros, Jae Evans ; collection of nasturtions, 1st not known, Jas Evans ; collection of roses, -Miss Kelly ; varieties out- door flowers not specified in above list, Miss Kelly, Jas Evans ; collection of dahlias, tV H McCracken ; col- lection foliage plants (begonias and coleus), Jno. Grainger, Miss Kelly ; collection of ferns, Miss Kelly ; best floral novelty, Jas Evans , geranium in pot, Jno Grainger, Wm Arm- strong ; tuberous begonia in pot, Miss Kelly, Evans Bros ; gloxinia in pot, Evans Bros, Jas Evans. Judges, Bliss Dora Smith, J Il Cameron. ' Children's C m et i o P It on Boy's Penmanship, Wm Armstrong, Bob Leckie, Wilber Turnbull ; rill s • penmanship, Clara Lowry, Dora, Watson, (4 A Deadman ; collection of weeds, G A Dealxnun, Bob Warwick ; collection of seeds of common weeds, Bob Warwick. Special Prizes Collection pioneer relics, Mrs Jno Lookie, Thos Bennett. Attractions Fancy drill, Ethel public school pupils. The wholesome, harmless green leaves and tender stems of a lung heal- ing mountainous shrub give to De. Shoop's Clough Remedy its curative properties. lidding or dry bronchial roughs quickly and safely yield to this highly effective Cough medicine. De. Shoop assures mothers that they can with safetyive it to even very young babes, No opium, 110 0hloro- fora -absolutely nothing harsh or harmful. It calms the distressing cough and heals the sensitive mem- branes.. Accept no other. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Sold by all dealers. Joseph Rutledge, of the reportorial staff of the London Advertiser, visited his parents at the parsonage. Question for Every Reader, If yon could find a simple vegetable remedy for keeping all organs healthy and strong -wouldn't you use it? Most pills are harsh, cause pain and sick atomanh. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are different -' they regulate and cleanse the system so gently, act so silently yon scarcely realise you've taken medicine. You are cleansed - appetite improves -color clears -sleep is restored, Every man, woman and child is helped, by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Try a 25c. box. Notice to Creditors In the matter or the estate of Lawrence Dobson, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farm- er, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807, aeetion 80, chapter 128, that all ereditora and others bay ing claims against the estate of the said Law- rence Dobson, who died on or abort the 27th dry of November, 1008, are required on or be- fore the 25th day of October, A. D,1000, to mend bypost, .prepaid, or deliver to Blewett & Bray, at Listowel, Ont„ the Solicitors for the Exam - tenter the said estate, their namea and ad- dresses with fullpa'tioulars in writing of their alaune and statement of their -,"accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly verified by Statutory Deolarirtion, And further take notion that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, Laving regard only to the claims of which they shell then have notice and that the said Executors will not be liable for the aaid meets, or tiny part thereof, to any person or persons of whose Chdm notice ahail nob have been received by them at the thne of such distribution. ber,10 Date01)d si Listowel this 28rd del' of Septem• , HARVEY M, DoDaoa, Ethel P.O, Gamma Dobson, Inner)li i P Blrecu,O. tom. By BLEWETT a BRAY, 12.4 their Solicitor's. Notice to Creditors matter ofdhe estate of Mary er'a M VM.c'- Lem:1111n, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, widow,. decease Lv w,, , d Notice ie hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes ef.Onierio, 1807, section 50, chapter 128, that all he estate of the said Mary day of Jhliu, who died en or ubont the 1811s day of Jul A, D.1000. are required on or ba - fore tire' ivbth day of Oetolaor, 1005, to send by oat, prepaid, ar 2011ver to Ill. S. Scott, o1 the Ppllln 6t of ane E.la, In 1518 County of Hrix o A entfor Janoll,MsDonald,0,el0xenntrixoll the said deceased, their Christine aid sur. names, addressee and descriptions, the full per. Maulers of their olaims, a state lent of their accounts, duly sertffled, end the nature of the 50811110180 411 any) held by them. And further take notice bhetafter such last mentioned ditto the said Executrix will pm Geed to distribute the assets or the deoeaeed amongst the patties, entitled thereto, havingregard only t'o the 'Wainer of which site shall then have notice and that the said Executrix will net be llnble for the meld assets, or any part thereof, to any warm or pareone of whose claim notice shell not Wave been received by for nt the time of such distribution. Dated this 20th day of September 1000, F. 0. saot1'T, 12.0 Agent for the Beeeetrix. • Change of ♦ ♦ Business 1 4 • ♦ Having purchased the 1l@io ss . Z of the late J. G. Simile I ala pre • - • pared tocafe' to the wants r e of 1 a re v it • ♦♦ the public in up-to•clate gaols at .. fair prices in Dry Goods and 0 0 o Groceries. e s My object Will be to keep a well e assort d and set one le n of ♦ @ rs b lie • • Dress Goods, CotfolsNovelties, s :&c., earl also t choice stock of ♦ F1'esh Gt oeerlea ♦ s Eggs and butter taken at the Z' highest market price. ♦ ♦ liw-A call ivill'be •appreciated, e i 0 Satisfaction assured, 4 • 4 • 0 0 Mrs■ a lls Thompson 0 •••••••••••••••••••• •••••• N • • To Machinery Users • and farmers 0 0 O O • . 0 4 ♦ . 0 0 . is now ready for business, and, with good Machinery and Skilled 0 Mechanics, we are in a poeitiou 4 to attend to your repairs prompt- a 19. and at reasonable rates. • • The Nein fda m ch' e , Shop of the BRUSSELS FIRE APPLIANCE and MACHINE Co. If you will let us know your v wants we will give you honest ♦ advice and help if connected o with Machinery. Give us a brial and, by coming o to Brussels, save time itudruoney o for yourselves. 0 . GAROlDE & JAMES • M • ill Street Brussels o • 6 00000000000000000000040000 The People's Column WANTED. -LADIES TO DOMAIN AMru MMO/12 sewing at home, whole or spare time : good pay. Work sent any distance; charges paid. Send ManufacturingCo.,Co.,lMontieallora. a - CCOMFORTABLE HOUSE wen Low Iron BALM—Good cellar, Water mrd fruit trees. Enquire of R. T. HINGSTON, or P. 0. box 800, Brussels. 82.00 BULLS FOR SALE.—Two young Short Horn Bulls, both fit for service, for bete. Good pedigrees and all right in every way. For fur - tiler particulars apply to TAS. WEIR, Let 8U, Con. C,' Morris, or Brussels P. 0. 41-tf COMFORTABLE COTTAGE, stable and 34 acre of laud for sale, Tui'nberry street, North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, &o. Possession could be given nt once. For further particulars as to price, terms, &e., apply on the premises. ALEX. B1oL,AU0HL1N. 7-tf PIIOPERTY FOR SALE. - The followin' property in the village of Ethel 10 offerer for este :—One frame house and stable, one !whet house one stable and lot, one house anti stable. Will sell whole or in part. Far prices and particulars apply to O. J. SPARROW, W Ingham, Ont, FARM. FOR SALE,—The undersigned offere for sale his farm, being Lot 27, Con. 4, Grey, containing 100 ewes. On the premises is a good bank barn with cement stabling, and frame dwelling, Large share of farm under grass ; goad orohard; two good eprings, one on meth 1acres ; X of n mile from school and 8 to Ethel village. For further partisulare apply on the premises to ne A r,00LM RanIcho', or write Ethel P.O. COMFORTABLE residence and 3y acre of land, beteg Lot 212 Albert street, Brus- sels for sale. house is well built, with all con- veniences and possession could be given et once. For further particulars apply on the premises to Mrs. Jae, Ferguson, or D. Fer- guson, Teeswater, tf. CARDS FOR SALE.—The 100 acre farm be- ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, Lot 28, Con. 14, Grey, is offered for sale by the undersigned. There a'e 80 acres cleercu, bal- ance well timbered. On the farm there Loa good bank born, barge driving shed and a oonr- fe'tubie house. Plaoe.in good condition and well fenced. For further pa•tioulare apply to JAB, A. MOHAIR or JAS, D. MOHAIR, Exeo- ntore, Oranbrook P.O., or F, S. SCOTT Brus- sels. 1r-te F011 BALE. -Souse and Altera of laud with fruit trees la'r'ge barn, poultry house and Woodshed. House contains parlor, sitting room, dining room, two bed roans, kitchen, Summer kitchen and pantry down stairs ; flve bed rooms upstairs ; large Cellar with Cement floor and heated by s1o3)OIf ,WillW lL sold cheap, MRS. Ll8WI6 McDONALP, Walton, FRENT ,—The SALE OR TO REN ,-Tho undersigned offers his well located property in Brussels for mile or to runt. There ere 0% acres of land with eomfortnble house, with cellar, stable, oruhacd, well, &c. Possession given at 811011. Forrice terms and other information app! to JAS. bUNFCRD Clinton or THE POST 13raseels, THOS. D1}NFORD,Langdon, North Dakota. 114ROPEETY F011 SA.LE.-In order to close IF the estate of the late 'Phos. MoLeuoblht the Executors offer for sale the real estate emtsistineg of e 7 roomed house in good repair, 3' own o land, together with b neves of rivet• class land and largo commodious stable, quite Cewenlent to hoose. For full description end 1001161011 of property apply to P. SCOTT, or A, STEWAa7., Queen St., West, Bru.rels, County of Einem, Stock for Service D 1TRid' BULL I0011 81314V1014. -The unnderelgned will keep for service on Lot Zd,Chin. 4,Morrie the there bred Durham bull "Josie Faverite"' (721001 bred by Alex. eard- leer,Leudbdry,which lswellbred traolugbaoic to the bast families, ALLAN WWPEIR, Fair, view Farm, P--_-,_._ • tf, LO1R When you run 7 out =�tf FEt�l tar next time change for the better by ordering a sack : of White Loaf, The better' things to eti:t you will 0b.. once commence to eujoy at Your house will be your r reward. Those who try White loaf Floor once, always become its steady users. Do you think they would unless the flour VMS better than they had had before ? Hardly. Wm1 ft1L'Pryne a,i The Best School �i #CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. is Thebest time to enter our °lessee ie ,p NOW. We are running the largest and we believe, the best Medusa training school in Western Ontario, Three de. 4A pertments- Commercial Shorthand Io and Telegraphy Get n money malting education. Our le graduates are hr.domand and are meet - (l tug with success, trot our free mau- l/ now. i,D Elliott & McLachlan, yy�� Principals. i.`s ti i :St:'U-!:.ii...- 14�=rY'. 0,4 ai dY DO YOU NEED TIL ? Farmers and others desiring, Tile for the coming season can secure what they re- quire at carload rates, at Brussels or Ethel stations, ,if orders are sent in suf- ficient time to arrange for quantity and date of delivery. I will notify the pur- chasers of the arrival of the cars and as- sist in loading from car to wagons. Fur- ther particulars may be obtained by seeing or writing W. Ea Sanders Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Order at once. All sizes from 22} to is inches may be obtained. 'file from 8 incites op are 28 inches long. CEMENT KEPT IN SEASON, SOMM SCHIIOL June, July and August leads into our Fall Term without any break. Enter any time. New Catalogue free. Write for it to -day. CENTRAL 9VSI M COLLEGE The Largest, moat Reliable of its kind. W. H. SHAW Principal 'rouge &Gerrard eta., Toronto 4 i • •♦ Over one thousand stn- a dents enrolled by our shah. ♦ last yea!'. It pays to at tend a link of this great 2 chain for "IN UNION TIIERD • 16 S1'Rnx0171," ♦ The demand for our gt'aduates is THREE o Tull M5 the supply, a Other schools engage one 4. graduates for teachers. A + special course for teachers, Graduates of two years 4. are now earning $2,000 4 per' lithium. Three courses-Co.1IMEIt- 0 OIA'L, Sseserot'IILAntev and • TELEGRAPHY. O FALL TERM OPENS A00. 30 m 0 4PL/1NG1it41Rll m usiness College cub. SPOTTON, PfclN. . 0 Write for particulars.