The Brussels Post, 1909-9-30, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, K. Br ee 3 0s e mill . tate Maooabeee, Le e hold their re8ular ineabh7tit a the Ledge Itoaur, Basher alof au the 0, pod 8rd T'yosd rty ov0uia8s at �onoh tuunbl, Visitors aNvoyn wele0we. A sot* t E1 N, hem, , . AM9QUHai _- �-- .—. , a. air WMNM. SPgfVf g GONVDXANC4R Aoww 'SKIER or' MARRIAGE LIQENSES else tn. the Peal Ellice, Ethel, 20.4 JAMES HARCIs, Agent Ttwico Fire1z Mutual Inenraeee C ompany muse and ltesld0ace.-. WALTON, ONT. JOHNSUTHERLANP issomiNoa, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTiONEERS. S. SCOTT Aid AN AUCTION - J_,+ lean, will sell tat' better 1.l 0 p a s, to 51,4,0 any o e toss ohne and East Huron or than ny oiiher anything. In ]Oast Huron or ,o won't s Mimeoanything.at Duras and e1. by 0011 always li arranged at this o91oa q1. by +1.'s HAI applioatlon. ROBT. H. EARNISS 131..1111 VALE -- ONT, Auctioneer for Huron ()minty. Tonat the °Moor of Tar POST, Brussels arranged LEGAL Ailti t;U VEYANCING. tAJ M. t31NULAIII- VY Barrister, Solicitor, I' abo,&oodicot4 cover3 look WoUe ral Solicitor for the Metropolitan 0(000. .1)tt0UD['00L, BARS de i0LAtR IIAltlt1800I11t81 5ULIOt7, Ut1i, N0'7Atit0N I+1T(1, W. PituueyooT. K. O. R. O. miss O. F. 131.0710. Uatves—!hose lolmoriy ueourlud by Messrs Gamines, Cameron .0 Som. DENTISTRY OR. R. 16. FEILO, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Firat.olaes Honor Grndnate of Tm oato Universe v. Unice next to Brewer's Photo. Gallery, Bruleel a, 10'Wlll visit Ethel on too 20c1 Monday'ol snob Month, SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the .Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers --w RECORD PASSAGE 9211e turbine T. S, S. Viotorlan has mode the fastest passage on reoord between Liver- pool and Montreal, 0 days 15 hours 8 minutes, -MONTREAL ro LIVERPOOL Oct. 1 Oot. 20 Ocit. 8 - Nov. 5 Oct. 16 Nov, 11 Oat. 22 Nov. 10 Virginian.. Viotoola Viatorfan Corsican MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Grampian Oat. 2 Oat. 80 Prolorhan Oct. 0 Nov. 0 Heaperian • Oct. 10 Nov, 18 Ionian Oot. 28 Nov. 20 MONTREAL TO HAVRE & LONDON Pomeranian Oct 0 Nov. 20 Sicilian Oct. 28 RATES OF PASSAGE According to steamer. 152 Olnss —207 60 87760 087 60 2n0 Class — 42 60 45 00 47 60 050 00 8rd Olns$ - 26 50 27 50 28 75 Nor full particulars of rales and sailings apply to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels, SJ IN!i` zd. ntonhach tronld + but a symptom of, and net in itself a tr..,• 4 o We think of Dyspepsia, flemtburn nisi taingestion as real diseases, yet they ILta symol Deis only of a Certain 0700105 Nerve sickness—notht u: else. It war. this fart C,,l th.t correctly led 1)r. 81,nnp JR tits rn.00011 Or test, n , v 1; t )1011100 Stomach Itvhnaily 1)t `;hhul s t 1nt:7 Going direct I., the stomach u, 0 , n1a)a, L. n4,ht that rueeess unit frvor to Dr. shoo) and ilia liesto,ntiva, 'With- out (hut original nut highly ) vital principle, ,s 1.h le I ngarromalialun nureever tobe had For alum i sallow lslrt s, bloating, T Dr. bad brunch rind'I'nl couLiquid DT Ar. 4'700, . 1.6)2wt 1u =1') 1)10tsot J.Ia, Wo udnw 120I1itr. Self what it run mol will do. Wu soli nnsl sheer. fully recommend eFihoop's •11'2. e, 'Nt $ 1.+a.. o '0. F.. � �y acE �t. Cd.�t lt' "ALL DEALERS" Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop's— eLop Headache, womanly pains, any- where, 111 20 111i,1,1108 aln'1i. Poria uI1L on the' 2,50 box. Ask your druggist yor doctoo about this POt'n5ttle it's 11ns, iBusiness Cards A, 11, MONTEf7H.�� Barrister, Solicitor, Nobary, &0,, 600aa0091 50 M40d01114116, 011100 Ovet• standard Bank, Sruesele. .. OR, T,' T. 411 RAE 1800' 0 holt i „ i et tirin0, to of the of 1or0nit ; Licentiate cud r n n G t d oto P otheGPos sicinns m r• 4 g0or Phy d M goons, Ont, Patt•graduote Memo Bye, Mir, use and Threat oto 84. Well - eel's Int ilbtdioToronto. Surgeon' to SP, Miuh- ael's I�oapitgl Toronto. Otitoo over 1� 11. Smith's Drug 'Store, Tele' ph0n0 aonneebioa with Urunbroolr n1 all hours, OR, HAM/I-TON Dental Surgeon Ilenor etrlidante Dental Divestment,, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal Uollege of Dentin Surgeons, of Toronto, Otlloe 0001.4, T. Boss' store Brussels. t 'Will visit Wroxeter the erre and third Mondays and Gorrie the a0oond Rad fourth Mondays of 000(4 month, OR. WAROL,AW Honor graduate of the Ontario Voterin ss College, Day and night vans, Mee opposite Nlour Min, Ethel. &elda wdtsf Z`INA/Jr RAW 1P,° r BRUSSELS ( oINo Semi GOING Noncar Mail 7:06am Express 10:55 .ain Express 11:25 a 2n Mail 1:44 p 01 Express 8:02p Sri Expreee 8:09pm tt6°olovao ax ?acme, WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express. 7:41 a m Express 12:11.0 III.,... Express 8:00 pin in I Exp:'oas 0:15.p m 4 isfict Rao Hensail Miss Noxa Petty has gone to the McDonald Institute at Guelph, for a eoux'se of instruction. There is a rumor of an important business change, which may take place in our village before Long. J. 3'. Mer, uer of Zurich, left for the West on Tuesday morning of last week. He has big interests out there.. The bowling green has been drain- ed and levelled and will be in flue Sharpe for seeding clown in the Spring. Geo. IOIcLlvon has beenputting a goof on the salt block and indications point to the Manufacture of salt• being started again. T. Betsy and sou have arrived home from Eugland. While there the form- er purchased 1L number of lino horses. lie has sent a man over from here to bring them out. Listowel Robert Taggart celebrated his 94th birthday on Tuesday, Sept. 22nd. Bliss A, O11Lton left for New York oity where she will spend some time. T. J. Later has gone to the 0. A. 0., Guelph, to take the Teacher's Manual Training. Mrs.Sprout ' out p ancl Miss Sutherland have returned from thein• Western trip, after visiting Seattle, Victoria and Wiunipeg. A dozen or more friends of John Macdouald, jr., presented hint with a handsome soles club bag his leaving b for the Western cr• it of ' Will 's Miss Brook returned Mondaynight alert week Pram her European trip, the voyage hobsg being a very delight, fat oue. bliss Ruby Livingston re- turned as far as Montreal, inhere she was met by her mother, Mrs. Living- ston. Front Montreal tl sal Mrs. Living- ston and d tLtl h tors went v g t to Ottawa N for a two weeks' visit. Drive Rheumatism out of the blond with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy and see bow quickly pain will depart. Rub -ons U Y IteV f H did teach the dis- ease. Rheumatism ' ttst isn't sn' t in the skin. It's deep down—its constitutional Getting rich of the pain is atter all what counts. That is why Dr. Shoop's Rheematie Remedy goes, by word of mouth from one to another. Aird herein lies the popularity of this Remedy. It is winning defenders everywhere. Tablets or Liquid. Sold by all stealers. W i ngham. Mrs. Roland Beattie, of Alliston, is visiting at the home of her pareete, Geo. and Mrs. McKenzie. Harvest 'Thanlcsgiviug services will be held in St. Paul's ehurcll o1 Sun- day, Oat. 3rd. Monday evening, Oct. 4111, a Harvest Hoare Supper will be held. The 'Canadian Foresters attended service in the Baptist Olmsch, Wing - ham, on Sunday at 11 o'clock a. tn., when the pastor, Rev. W. L. Steeves, preached a sermon on behalf of the Older. Robt. Flenty, who for some years has been of the staff of the Southamp- ton Beacon, visited his mother in town and left last week for Orillia, where lie has secured a positio1 on the Packet, W. R. Geikie, late of the Orillie branch of the Dominion Bank has been appointed manager of the Wieg- man branch of this bank and entered upon his new duties. J. Torrance, manager here for the past few weeks, as been e transferred 1 Lo 1Iol l' nse`at v On inform otic. n fwd byt Oa latttbl e hippo), Andrew Motclen appeared aforeof P ice Magistrate Morton, on he charge of supplying liquor to attics who were on. the 'Indian ist." The charge was proven aud torden was fined $80 and vests 0e bitty days 111 the Godcrich jail. The 910 1101 being paid he was taken to oderlch. Au oth0r bnsiue s 1 a c utngo has taken lace in Winghaln. Elmer Moore sell - 1.g his restaurant bthsiness to Robt, tlhn8ton, a tomer resident of Win,. Lm. 411'. ,Johnston 11118 already tak- possession and Mr. and Mrs. John - ours many .friends will be pleased to ear of three return to Wingbam and ill wish them Success in their new laciness. "1\10'0 Moore has not yet finitely decided what he will do and ay not leave Winghaw, The A. Y. P. A, of St.. Paul's church, let a social re -union at the Thome of Davis o1 Tuesday of last week, men 1L fer('well was tendered to two their ineuibees, Thos. S. Robinson 1 d. bliss Irene Davis, svlto were leay. to Toronto. ;inmate tt. �st18 their studies ui ttl i es hi t , 1po*�7 1 ter d Robinson was. ]presented with a' Woman's compilation while bliss J h h P L n: G 11 Jr hr en st It 1V b de 111 he H. hvl or tut in 151, go Deets was blade the eecipie115 of, a frltlued photo 00 .the choir o!' the ehllreh, A. vfl'y pleasant 01'001n11Jg' 1V11N ' spent Ili MUSIC, games, etc•, •Fgrel wFalt Wulteo' Sixnson and James 'Walkoin'' lire tatx collectors for Hu svi 'k. 4 1 lea Gel'SIe Doha m 01 1811 t0 rosurna lien studies at 11a1:)ouaitl Institute, Guelph, Tilos. Littlejohn i$ recuperating under' the parental roof. after. 4 pro- longed siege in a Toronto hospital, 0..A., Leatherdiele, of Coldwater, an experiaucetl. cl1'ug.gist and • optician, has been ellglrgecl by Dr, Foster to tante Olraml'ge of k''U1'dwich Dau Stole, The many friends of MissBlytheWilsosi will be pleased to hear that slie is improving nicely after an epee - alien for appendicitis at Stratford Hospital. R. J. Sandmen exhibited lois Nile flock of Leicester sheep at Walkerton Fair anis captured all the red tickets - 0 in lumbers -and one second 1LIlt1 one third, graving two entries ill two classes, To cure sniffling colds. The easiist and pleasantest cure is Cataveh0zone" which fills the nose, throat and lungs with healing bal- sams and Mine essences that (till at cold instantly. You experience a pleasant sensation of relief at 01100. Soreness, eougestiou and irritation leave the nose and throat, the head is Heaved send every trace of cold or Catarrh is cured. Oatut'rhozoue lis so sure, so pleasant, such a safe remedy for Win- ter ills that yon valet afford to do without it. Sold by all dealers, 250. and $1.00. Get Catarrhozone to -clay. Molesworth E. Irwin, of Stretford, is visiting his uncle Geo. Spence. bliss B. Mitchell is home fi'oul Tor- onto .for a few days. Miss Etre Grainger is spending her holidays oltas' Toronto, Toro y n L1r, bliss K. Campbell, our missionary in India, has returned home. Miss Marry E. Spence is visiting her uncle, J. Lynn, of Gowanstowu. Rev.11r. West, 00Bluevaleoocupied the Ptesbytet'ian pulpit on Sunday. Mrs Geo. Spence spent a fele days last week with friends ill Harr'iston, Rev. Air. Burnett and family have removed to their new home near Lan- don. Miss Annie Haistie, of Harrgsto7, is spending a few days with T. and Mrs. Elliot. Miss Mary Trager, of Toronto, is spending her holidays under' the par- eutai roof. Mrs. A. McGeorge, of Ehna, is spending a few clays with her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. Gray. Miss Nellie Combos has returned home from Loudon where she was speeding a few days, Gorrie Fall Fair here Saturday of this week. B. 1+'. Carr bas puAllased the Gorrie harness business anti, took possession on Tuesday. We understand he will manage this 1 as 1• g branch store. St. Stephen's. herPs church, P Gorrie, will serve their usual spleuclid dingier in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the day of Howick Fall Pair—Saturday, Oct. 2—commencing tot 4.80 p. m• which will be followed by a high-class con- cert at 8 o'clock. 0111'1' Ours ,' ci of G rtes most respect- ed CltlA 7 els passed away on Sunday v Y to morning mat in the person .of Samuel Hartung, after a prolonged illness. Ile was born in the year 1830 and moved to Bhtnshard township, near St. 11ary's, with permits in 181'2. n I 1858 he settled r l lot 30,con. Howick, where he resided until the Fall of 1900, when he moved to Gerrie, where he died. Mm HaLding was never married but four brothers and two sisters survive. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Gorrie 00108000,3, the services at the house, the grave and in St, Stephen's church being Conducted by Rev, T. H. Farr. The pall bears+ts were :—Rettbelt Hard- ing, Philip Harding jr., John Sparl- iug, \Vm, Watters, John Porterfield, (6110 waiter Siteson. Mt. Harding AWLS 0)417 of the early pioneers of How - ick, whose ranks are being thinned by death. A clever, popular Candy ()old Cure Tablet—caned Preveutics— is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hours, Pxeventics are said to break any cold—completely. And Prevention, beingso safe and tooth- some, are very flee for children. No Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Box 48-2550 Sold by all dealers. Belgrave a Jerry Brydges has a new Brantford windmill erected to do the pumping for water. supply for his stock. The nlltiry Heeds of Ira Barkley, of Climax, twat, Battle Creek, were pleased to have a call from 111m, air, Barkley having been brought up to Belglave, nail he commenced in the lnoreautile' business. Thos, Black has returned from an extended x time L> t Winnipeg., ' Z x. , atLl rel ' 1 g 3, b Edmonton u t ich Mealtime, - uwhere has been v u he visiting. the different we7u- bers of his family. 31r. Black reports having a pleasant time, »et only vis. itiug, but sightseeing. OR.1'1'ui1LY,—Thera passed away Thut'sclay night, `Sept. 10th, attention hospital, Christina Stonehouse, belov- ed wife of Thomas Russell, of Sagin- aw, at the age of 88 years Mrs, Rim sell s as w born,• near Bal utv b e incl spent the early years of her life ]mere. .About ten year's ago, she married her bereaved husband, and shortly after moved to Saginaw to live, where she has resided tuitil her sleuth, In religion, Mrs. Russell was a Methodist, and 1L woman that was highly respeot- ed among her large circle of trfen15, especially 111 tme locality of Beigrltve, where she lived so many years. She leaves to mourn her demise, her bereft. husband, otle son two years old, also act' ogecl father, 14. Stonehouse, theca brothers and four' sisters. The rtt- 1naine mete' brought to the home er mer brother, Robt. Stonellorse, aP i3elgrave, for interment, in the Than - Ion cemetery, 001100E she Yt was laid to lest ;11011c11Ly. Time funeral service was ,,00nduetotl 111 the Methodist 1 hen et, f i Y t It lanae, 111, J311tu1 , h I >C1a&t Wawanosh and 1ri(0 quietly celebrated with rola( i e -sat to if inte1e, , r live,; (tidy perfmined in the home of the Bride ) bll h 1 ` , X„ In which 1n at e c to awns rt llalkiiiterest, ,1 I ,e 011(1 of A. \V, a14.1111t,, Illait. <1 i 11I 15lulwood avenue, J7Is a oiL. Flei , a graduate of the 1'Jmversity of Mleh1, g(5n, 00(000'04, and thet lee v deportment t 'lnse' 0 U , Mrs. 3311n 15 a'iLt the 1lichigau Conservatory of��Mu o, After a Hetet, trip in (lis West, 141r, and iSlr's, Blatin sv111 reside Iu .Detroit, 800--^^•----w,—.-...� forth Mists Ria 3311)15 in visittu at Hutt. ville, the guest M of rs, Geo. E, Ptn'kes. 1, 0, held and S, A4eQeoclt were in London talc lug part in the intet•ne- tioital googling (Oulpeliti0us, 60)11 .lutes of bowlers went to obeli on Tuesday of last week and played for the 'Pliant trophy. They were defeated by 32 shots. John and i1Srs. I abkirk have re- turned to Seafoetll to t'eside. The: sante 19'0117 Vancouver' wheys they had been living 001' 50)0 past five mouths. W. J. Arlin, who has been iu the iwpletneut business here, hon Leen ap. puulte<1 manage' of the tiewnonlbe Plano Co's. works in London. 1541', Arlin purposes moving his fatally to London shortly. The members of the ladies bosvlimg club have been having some iliterest. ing games. Mrs.\+4. D. Bright le. cantly donated a prize for singles, and this wits 0x013 by Mrs, O'Neil. A doubles competition is now in pro- grass for prizes donated by Mrs. Knight 1Luc1 Mts, Oherry, Robert Bell has returned from Win- nipeg, where he had been looking after the interests of the Bell Engine Company. Mr. Bell reports business good, and the people of the prairie Provinces are very optimistic regard- ing the future of their country. They have a fair average crop over the whole three Provinces. Take Cold One way is to pay no attention to it; at least not until It de- velops into pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to ask your doc- tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. If he says, " The best thing for colds," then take it. Do as he says, anyway, Wo publish our lormnlve Wo—banish alcohol F•1}9������W�pppp (0001 our moOdto1n0o S Wo "go you to 4,Y o0aau,tyour doctor When the bowels are constipated, poi- sonous substances are absorbed into the bloodinstead of beingdaily removed from the body as nature intended. Knowing this danger, doctors always inquire about the condition of the bowels, Ayer's Pills. --Arse., be the 3. 0. Ayer Oo., Lowell,M us,-'-. Ohurc11 by Rev.'''. E. Cook assisted by Rev. J. A, Ferguson, Among lie friends from a distance who attended the funeral were :—Ml's, Steelman, of Wyoming ; Mrs. Jackson, of Thames - villa ; Mrs. Pugh, of Mitchell ; Robt, .Tas. and Stephen Medd, bars. Syming- ton, Mrs. Nevem; and Mrs. Phillips, or Auburn ; Mrs. Agin and Mrs. Haley, of Saginaw ; Mrs, J. Long, of Cllsubrof)k ; Miss Lois Burney, of Windsor ; Mr. and Mrs. Burney, of Exeter ; and Mr. David, of Clioton. The floral tributes from Saginaw in aw a ul other places showed the ]tg1 esteem in which the deceased was hetet. Atwood Scott Peebles left for Lucknow where he has seamed a position iU a hardware store. Welter Hamilton is out again after being confined to the house for over five weeks with a broken leg. Mrs. J. A. Turnbull has arrived ompaniey ilerre from o aucldaauglittornia O er,MissEdith Turn- bull. The Erma Cheese and Butter Go. shipped 303 boxes of cheese on Tues- day of last Week, it being the last part aY August make, realizing the sum or $8541.95c. At a nleetin g of the directors of the Mina Cheese and Batter Co. held at the factory on Monday evening of last week, .4. 'Thompson was re.eugaged as cheese and butter maker for the conning season, Mr. 'Thompson has been engaged ed in the e lace g or fo • 1 the e Pest four years and has proved him- self a first-class maker.. This year he made a record breaker• fu the cheese exhibition at Toronto, Loudon and Ottawa, capturing 0 firsts, 1 seconds, 3 thirds and 3 fourths, also winning the trophy at the Toronto exhibition. Un Ann l n wceuteut was received. n7 Detroit of the marriage in Sae Ber- nardino, Cal., of Bethune D. Blain a young attorney iu the t11 01) Trust nbuilding and Miss Eunice Dunn, of San Bernardino. The ceremony was onet rt AGran ' d Vocal and Instrumental Concert will he given by . . The Evelyn Buckley Concert Co. IN THE Town Hall, Brussels —ON — Wednesmay, Oct. Oth At 8 o'clock Adlnissl011 25c Beserlled Seats 351 er'1'Icketa con 17e obtained at Fox's Crust' Store where Plan of Hall ")ay be seen. .144.•+•.1.4.+•+•444'0444•0a•.444—♦ •1 AR LE AND ♦i 45 ♦ GRA ,,pp�� ®® � iLEy�, i�• W � 1 MONUMENTS t• 1 4, Doyou wont to save s ' a , ,4 • If an, correspond with the A. J. • BLOWES MARBLE AND ♦ GRANUE r ,. t i. D WOR. ` ' IaS 111T- OHELL, for prises and speciii- cations. We are always '•t 1L{� p1elLsed to show designs. Every piece `♦t" .,4 of w(11'10 is (71arlutl sed and prices 4. are right. Nothing handled hot • Sooteh Granite. We don't use .t. Canadian 01 inferior Granites, o • Write us and give tis a chance o to please yon. We buy in cater s 1.,v load lots and give the enameller 4 • the advantage. f, Porterfield K. J. Blow es 11x1 a. ]agar 1 1 nil.• MITCHELL ChlE vv1L1 �I4 . on11 fat'•+•4'!/d'.' o+e'be44+4444'.1,4+ ler Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly loosen when en usingDr.Shoop's . a ou h Remedy. Oough And it lust Y is so thoroughly mh>m s that Shoop tells mothers • to use nothing else, even for els ng babies. The wholesome green leaves a es and tender stems or a iueg healing mountainous shrub give the curative properties to Dr, Slump's Cough properties It calms the cough and steals the sensitive bronchial mem. Manes. No opium, 110 chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or sup- press. Delmtnd Dr, Shoop's. Accept no other. Solei by all dealers. Exeter SAD OAsl .—A pitiable case of des- titution aucl neglect came to the at- tention of the people of Exeter this week. Ed. Willis, while hunting in a lonely putt of Hay ;swamp ou Wed- nesday of last week, accidentally carne across aL family, consisting of hus- band, wife and one child, living in a temporary wood -cutter's shack. The surroundings were of the most de- pressing nature, the interior being practically void of the simplest neces- sities of life, while the mother and child were almost naked. The cir- cumstances were reported to some cher' L itabl disposedv persons ' sm p Lxeter, who immediately tsdin tale ul )d ertook stepso to have them removed to more comfort- able quarters, where they could be provided for and mother and child, who are in a most delicate. state of health, especially the child, who though 16 months' old, has scarcely developed any, t»a receive cu e Y mecil 1 attention. ca �h e 7(717[ little 1 mature tote is 5. most beautiful rhdd and it is sac] to contrast its present condition with well developed aud healthy children of the sante age. The authorities of Hay Townsllip were communicated with, and the immediately Y investi- gated Y atl- taut t h e case with g t 1t1 1 the result eat it Ghat provisions f s were math to have them taken to Exeter, where thanks to Mrs. Saxon Fitton and other ladies, they are comfortably settled fu Exeter North. Pity this poor girl. Growing fast—yes, into weakness, but without strength. Tired of eaut's0 site is—pale and thin too. She doesn't eat enough and digests far too little, '1'I1is condition is so common, but how seldom noticed evert by fond parents. Give her Ferraz0ne—then watch her appetite improve—see her cheeks and lips grow ruddy—watch her spirits rise. This gain is simply the result of eating and digesting enough, aud thereby nourishing blond, brain and nerves. To u woman Per - rezone. restores strength she has lost— to a girl it brings strength perhaps she never knew, 'Iou'll try Fer- rezone, 50c. at all dealer's, Clinton S. hemp purchased a Ford Rnn- rdate% 1t is 1t handsome car and 15-18 it. p, R-. Fitzsimons hats Rhode Island Reds pullets laying now. These birds were batched in Api'il. There 117 a 50 sludeuts in the Col- legiate Institute entrance form, 30 be- teg from out of town, FVitl. Taylor expects to leave short- ly for Toronto to continue his studies. He will attend Victoria College this term. 3'. A. Cnnsl a1tL•iu e left town V11 fOr Zurich, Where he takes over the managership or the 1lolson's Bank in that village. A. tbleiKosvn,.who has of late been Conducting a harness business at Londesboa, has sot named to Clinton and ptlt'ohased the business of A. lie - Belem 'o Contractor e l' . ac L1 1 (,ulinl 1, who is laying- the . Y g is Por the pipes t �\'a(at•w ' oilcs system, is certainly malting headway these days and expects 00 be through before Deven,bee. J. \\'. Irwin sold his house and lot to George Davis, of town for a good pl'i(:e. Air. Irwin and family expert to MOT), t0 London in the near future whcere they will make their home. 3. Torrance, *manager' of the \Vin.gg- halo haunch of the Dominion Bank and son or John Torrance, Clinton, left for ,Aimee Jaw, Sask., where a blanch of the above: bank ho being oponwl nod 11r, 'Torrance was chosen to ben n11 the same, 3. Harold 'tViltse, soil of Mayor 1'11 h IRS severed cd 1 ' 1 the Royal Bank, 1London,itote to business manager of tiny "Amg- &lilttiter" at sporting utagttzine, FEA1b--POTT170,-4n011 Tuesday, Sept, 2 st 1 the home of Wallace wlid Airs. PoL'ter, was the autos of a very pretty* wedding when their eldest daughter, Miss Ai']otta May, was united in char. nage to Russell R. Feat', . of 15iot'1'is. Promptly at 13 o'clock the bride, be. coulingly attired In cream eoll0Dne and eari'ying a boquet of (mean) roses, entered the parlor leaning on the arm or her father, to thestriates of the wedding march played by bliss Belle Potter, sister of the bride, Little Lizzie Feiu', niece of the groom, acted es Him bearer and was beautifully dressed in )ale blue sills. The cere- mony, performed by Itev, 'W. 171. Bartley, took place under a wedding bell of roses and myrtle. Atter colt• gratulaticns the guests to the, number of 40 repaired lo the dining ronin and enjoyed a slunetuous repast prepared by the hostess 111 her usual well known style. The evening was spent in music and games, after which the young couple drove to their h111e on the Stir line of Monis. 'Pita bride's going away dress was of Catawba satin cloth trimmed svitlt jet with hart to match. The number of beautiful presents go to show the esteem in which the young couple ave hell]. Dr. Won. Potter and daughter, Leota, and 111s. Nichol, resent rof I4eno 11, wa l MDavid and 112s. Pear have many good wishes ex- pressed for their prosperity. The ROW!! Hotel at Hepworth wog burned Hod several of the inmates grad a narrow escape from dear Is, hire also destroyed Donalclson's sash factory at Aimonte. Di ��� YOU EAT HEARTILY ' 0,h; Bvel y (food Meal Po/owed 13y Dl3contfort 7' wt arta So h 1.a p 1 A ! we hot "Little tt]0 Digesters will sura Indigestion every tittle—for every person—for YOU—that we will give you your money bapk witlrput a word if they fail, Yon eau enjoy a good, hearty meat of wholeaoine food three times a day, if you take a tablet eller each ;meal, Read' show "Little Digesters" cured Ivir. Thody. "For two years I suffered with Inds. gestiou; aud obtained tie relief from anything X took, 31chulhloseverel prescriptions from mounteltpysic an . Every meal was followed by acute pain until I feared to eat, consequently. became run down for lack of nourish- anent, "Little Digesters" were recom- mended to me by a friend and I tried. them with remarkable results, two boxes completely curing me. It as three mouths since I took any, and X hare' not suffered a pain, 110 matter how heartily X eat. I would certainly recom- mend them to anybody suffering with Indigestion." (Signed) E. TZO9Y. 047 Yorkville Ave., Toronto. jure 12, rgoe "Little Digesters" can he had from your druggistor h mail fr.:u Coleman Medicine Co., for 2s cents a Imo. 26 4504545.4,041.045001104,,. •• •T 4, • •♦ e O ♦ ♦ „'( Get the Best, It Pays, One school that stands at the brad in `�, ;,t Thoroughness, Popularity and Genuine •;r�� V Merit is the. 4 O ELLIOTT aN It enjoys a large patronage because its .�7( superior work Is so well known. Get ?Al your training here and you will be sat- �!f isfled. A11 graduates easily getposi• Ai tions. Catalogue free. Enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Gorr. Yonge & Alexander sts, Toronto. V•VAPe 447).•Y'+.r ©. �7SeaP,ct'A'4ieg 7�2 and Trio WANTED as machine operators and for other - factm•y work. Good wages and steady employment. Write us, 4, • ♦ ♦ 0 • ♦ ••♦ • ♦ ♦ 4. 0 ♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦ i 45 e ♦ ♦ •F, The Clinton Knitting Co., • Limited 4, ♦ CL1N TON, ON7'. •A ♦ ♦ ♦ 4, 4,4500♦454,4,45e4,0454,0450000♦0♦00c APPLES I WTi a t A NTE D eSIIIMIIMMBINSeXimeasseareesiesigemalletICIEBIllialelEdiere Brussels Evaprritor On and lc after Friday, ',SEPTEMBER 17511, 200. PER BAG will be }laid for all good paring Apples de- livered at the Factory. No small or soft apples t, anted and if brought will have to be culled out or taken home as there's na market for them. JOHN CUNNINGHAM. PROPRIE TOR The Most Popular Paper In ©s tarj The Toronto tip ally Star The best proof that people like a newspaper is their willingness to pay good money for it. More people buy the "Toronto Daily Star" than any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly published iu the Province of Ontario. Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily Star" is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. ttada These things do not just happen. There must be a reason. In this case there are several reasons. The "Toronto Daily Star" publishes Market Reports 12 to r8 hours earlier than the morning papers, It is a Newspaper—not an "Organ"—political or any other kind. Not only the Woman's YPage, but the whole paper, is attractive to women. It reports athletic events more fully than any other Canadian Daily. Its special features, such as the "Chronicles of the Khan", are most entertaining. Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star" better than any other newspaper. $1.50 A Year r This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for one year—$2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 500. added to above sahseriptian prices. 4