The Brussels Post, 1909-9-9, Page 5SIISiNESS CARDS,
MeaitA.01cE T --
e Issuer of 51:wriage Idcenoia, of,
ace at laroeery, Tur:Worry buena, Bruesele,
K. O. T. M.
enemies we; of the ataoow0ooa No. 24
hold their regular u2eotiage la the 1,00140
Item, Ataetrer knock, on rho let anti Ord
Tuesday oveolage of each month
4, 8004 4S tOou always. A. terc +Ur11N, 10, lc,
WM. $PaiVC,E
map 14 1110 rest 1111150, Ethel. u5 , 50-a
Agent Howiclt Mutual
;.vire Xneerance pompano+
°Moe and lteoidsnoe--
_ WALTON, 'oHr.
1. e Z nsn, will 8e11 e fox better. pilose, t0
abate to e
x e Sa sae time
s 10 le
es ohaxt;ee
duan any other nuotianything. thea Buren rd er
us won'tcharge anything. Dates and order':
awn always be arranged at this oihoe Or by
enamel application,.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Torino reasonable. $aloe arre.tlgod for
the ofile, of 7700 Pow, Brussels, 2044
tA7 M.8111°WIit-
r I • Barrister,Solioitor, (lonveyaucer,
Notary rnbilo, &o.. 0rrice-84owart'e Blook
l door North c1 Ooatral Hotel
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Beak.
014RL STI RS, 00riIOM'c'1t2, 001218142
PUBLIC, e1.11.1
.w PH
oIIA80eT. li, O. 1t, 0. HArm
G. F. 11x.AIA.
Oaioes-2aeformerlyy o
ted by Messrs
iCameron &.H h
asR. R. P. FE/LD
k •1'
.n arsr
Surgeons f the Royal an 4h's a to Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and University. HoOoe
Graduate B w O'orauto Galler,Bri eo.
next to nrviolt 2 thelPhoto. (55114204, Hrussey
s1 W111 visit Ethel on tis 2nd Afottday oI
cacti Alonth.
Fanners or Storekeepers
by coming to the
.Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
Royal Mail Steamers
Virginian Sept, 0 Dot, 1
Tunisian Sept, 10 Oct. 8
Victorian Sept, 17 Out. 25
Corsican opt. 24 Oot. 22
Grampian Sept. 4 Oot. 2
Proton"" Sept. 11 Oct. 0
Reoperien . . ,..,,..,. „Sept. 18 Dot. 10
Ionian soot. 25 Oat. 20
81111104, Sept 11 Oct. 28
Corinthian .... ...........:Sept. 26 Nov. 5
Almording steamer.
to s
1st Class -$87 $ 7 b0T7 50
$$ 87 60
2811, Olege - 40 00 47 00 28.76 $50 00
Ones nss - 25:60 27 60 28 76.
31,07 fall particulars of rates and millings
apply t0
Agent AllanLine., Brussels.
Pain In the head -pain anywhere, has its taunt
rain is congestion pain is blood pressure -nothing
else usually. At least so says Dr. Shoop, and to
prove It be hes created a little pink tablet. That
tablet -called Dr• Shoop's Headache Tablet-
coaxes blood pr05sure away from Pain
IoeffeciCla inpleasingBlydelightful.Gen
tn.aY, sg,124
e4ua11zo4 the blood circa
f you have a headache, Ito blood pressure.
it's painful periods with women, same eau08,
yon are slooploOs, 100tles8, nervone, it's blood
congestion -blood presatlre. That surely is a
certainty, for Dr. Shoop's Boalaohe Tablets stop
1t in 20 minutom, and the tablets ,imply distribute
the =native] blood pressure.
Bruise your Angor, and doesn't it get red, and
well, and pain yon? Of course it does. It's con.
geotlbn, blood pressure, You'll dud it where pain
in-elw078, s silnp] ' Comntoa Sense.
Wo A at
cents, and cheerfully ream/nand
1». Shoop's
Ilea •}' ache
Pttil Tablets -)r.
. S
sLni Headache, v 04,1Yprnins, zt4,.
tr 1"
where, n 2017 mutca sero. Formula
an the 25e box. Ask your druggist or
&Delon -about this formula -it's fine.
Coolness Caro*
A. H, MQNrarrH
4044440r. 8 to r
A, S. Meadoolr014. 4 ae ove lit44,400rd S n1 ,
PR', '1', r, M'RA
B00)1910407 ]14edlolno, I]nivet'aity o7Toronto '
1,10entlit56 0114 4lladonte of rho COilege of Laity^
51048410 14,40 Sttr80oae, Ont, Poet• rad abq,
Ohl u oI,
9 En] Ne fl 0
q 0 4 n R 41 om [
g d hr t �t to
)401'8 ,o Lir] ' Lx House Sorggon to St i�lioli+
aers liospitOl
Olfloe (vel' 11', R, fdmitToronto.ll's Drug Store, Tele.
phone ooimeotion with Oraahrook at all hours, '
OR, HAMI4.7'oN
Dental Surf5'0on
a01)01` r l n
vsi y; to Cenral of Royal Col pronto
University ; Licentiate or Royal cololre 07
Do» tel , store, ss ",ji nrouto. Wilco QyOr J,
T. itosa' sto]'e, i11'nsseis,
Will visit Wroxeter the Arab end third
1Nondays and Go'rlo the se0o114 and. f01104i
Jbnlondnye of saoh month.
1onor graduate or the Ontario Veterinary
College, Day and meat ceies, stelae opposite
]Flour DLit, Ethel.,
Gonia SouTn Gorge Nowell
Merl.,.,, 7:05 a 18 Strove*. 15:55 a m
i0xpress 11120 a m I Mall 1:44 p 18
, Slxpr0sa 8:09 p m Express 8:65 p 1a
CNarema ?acme
To Toronto To cioderioh
Express .•,... 7:41 a m I Express 12:11a m
Express 5;00 pal Express. 9:I6 p
fiatr.'l';Ct .CRUS
Fordwioh •
1lowiclt ,T+'air will be held in Victoria
Palk, ('orris, on Saturday, Oct. 2nd.
Marshall Lotvirk, of Dloose,Jaw, is
visiting his parents in town.
Reeve Shearer did not attend the
special Council meeting as he did not
receive his notice in time.
Mrs. A. Spinks, who bas been visit-
ing relatives in Brussels, Blyth and
Belgr'ave, has returned home.
Miss I'L. 1VIot'ton, in the absence of
the pastor', preached in Mayne at
10.80 is. 111, and Fol:•clwich at 7 p. ib.
W. H. and 1411rs. Downey returned
to Windsor on Tuesday of last week
afters spending the vacation't
tives with ' 1 -
P g
Wive '
in Ford i • 1
wt a1
1 d vicinity.
The S rill b nk'
a Telephone o, Ltd.,
are stringing the wires and putting in
tfie phones from Orange Bill to IV.
Stetson's. They were 005100010cl with
Fordwieil central on Wednesday.
Trinity chowch Annual Harvest
Thanksgiving service es vi
11 be held on
Sunday, ,Sept.10th at
the usual hour.
Mr. Bice, B. A of
Durham, will have
charge of the service, St. Stephen's
church, Corrie, and St. James cbux'ch,
Wroxeter, will hold their annual
Thanksgiving service ou the same
Drive Rheumatism out of the blood
with Dr. Shoop's Ithoumatic Remedy
and see how quickly pain will depart.
Rub -ons never did reach the real dis-
ease. Rheumatism isn't in the skin.
IUs deep down -its constitutio11a1.
Getting rid of the pain is after all
what counts. That tenths, Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic a Reined
Des word Y
g b Y
w of
utouth from one to another. Aud
herein lies the popularity of this
Remedy. It is winning defenders
everywhere. Tablets eel -age -id. Sold
by all dealers.
A. M. Woodley left last week for
Ridgeway, where he is engaged as a
High Schoolteacher.
Russel Johnston, who has been
spending the past few weeks with his
'nether, Mrs. D. W. Johuston, return -
ell to San Francisco.
The anitnal flower show under the
auspices of the Seaforth Horti-
cultural Society tyres held in the vacant
store in the Cerdno block on Friday
and Saturday of last week. -
T1vo missionaries tied eloquent
preachers of the most Holy Redeemer
will open on September 12th, in St,
James' Catholic church, Seaforth, a
Mission which will be continued each
morning awl evening; till the 10th inst.
Postmaster and Mrs. Dickson and
Miss Nolmareturned from their West-
ern trip on Monday. After spending.
some time at the Seattle Epositaou
and in British Oohimbia, they visited
their son and daughters in Fort
Saskatchewan, Alberta.
Nover Cry Quite.
You may he weak, sleepless, nee-
vous,-cligostio3 may be poo, but
clon't despair. Never say die till you
us cl Selrozono, the most won-
ci rf 1
e t l body builder, \ • the c1 best nerve
and system System tonic known. l'exrozone
gives tone mud vigor to the whole
body ; it makes you eat, consequently
it provides increased uonrishiuent.
Day by day you grow in strength -
weakness, loss of sleep, apprehensimi
all pass away: You get well, stay
yvetl, look wells. Do try Ferrozone,
ill's sure to benefit. All dealers in 50c.
Council met last Saturday.
Mrs. Sproat, of Belgeavo, .spent a
few days the guest of L. and Mrs.
Pel ton.
A. M. Sweeten was i» Ohat11a111. 4,t-
tending the High Court. of the I. 0. F.
of Ontario.
Rev. W. A. Amos, 01' Allendale,.
received a unanimous call to Atwood
Presbyterian church.
Misses Annie Onthbertson and
Renta Boyd went to Stratford to take
wootuse to the Central Bneiness Col-
Albeit M1Bain moved Vie. Elli_son's
household furniture to Ethel. John
is engaged on the 0. T. R. railway on
that section.
Alex. Simpson, 141. A„ Left Saturdayfor Meaford where he is engaged as
Mathematical master in the I-Iigh
school of that place.
Glenn Love, sou Of Samuel Love,
12011 cony had a painful acciflen0 hap-
pen him last week when ho fell
causing a fracture of his lower jaw.
Fred Candler had the misfortune
to have his right hand crushed he-
tweeu two cars at the cement Stull
which laid 1h0 up for a short time.
Leslie Rabb, or Palmerston, 11130
e 1'
tot barber 0d a a3 bol' she
i1 Ch r
i 0 Out
u iP
it by Ito
c'Su 00.
situated 041 Main sliest, is
his also
in Connection with it a ]lox bowling
duo, and 101rs. Porter, who have
beendA i
r 51 ] is of this village for the
13 L let v y
as tars, moved their funutn 0
i f
to 11 OranB sl1 0 ou Moeda' of last
Week Ma Porter hi 0ngegell ill the
cement rnills of Haat place, Mrs, Por-
ter and ebildrsn will leave for their
new hoarse tahant the 117th of this
Another unfortunate accident Irma'
pe1180 ou the faire of Arthur Foxe -
man, 04110 Jives on the 0111 eon., last
Friday, when his hired men, Geo,'1'ay-
kir, unci ]til, Foreman were engaged
at cutting corn. Guo.' was standing
on the lhtaaehfne working and Mr.
Porema11'was leading the 1301'89,; and
in some manner the corns stallts be,
came 04101atrgled 'aeouii 1 his feet cans-
ing olio of his legs to .drop in front of
the knife, cutting a deep gash just
below the ankle. Medical laid was
sruumaned incl the wound was dress-
ed, bet it 'will be some time before lie
will be able to be at walk agate,
Burnt hie Taos badly,
But 1}e will nevcl' again use iu chimp
Coln cure containing acids. The only
safe and painless vire i8 Putnaln's
Corn Extractor. It never balls,
always cures -boy "Putnam's."
Hensal l
Busch was a delegate to the
High Court,I. 0. F. at Chatham.
The local lodge of the Canadian
Hone Circle has lately been having a
Thivae firm of 3'ohosLon & McMartin
have dissolved partnership, J, B,
Johnston will continue the business.
Miss Bessie Urquhart left for North
Carolina, where she resumes ]ler n'Ork
as instructor in expression in one of
the colleges.
Our citizens are taking a lively
interest in flee. pl'oteetion 1tuc1 are
simply awaiting the action of the
council- in thetmattel•.
Bialy Perkins tools four of our
citizens to Goderich, in his auto, on
Sunday. They matte the journey each
way in a little over an hoar.
The Methodists of Kippe" gather-
ed at the home of Thomas MoOlymont
when a suits
address s w as red
a and
a muse of mopey presented to the re-
tic ng veteran, teran, hvholeft for London.
While working at Fred. Corbett's
place Arthur 01ark had the hnisfortm e
to get knocked pver by a team which
he was holding and hacl his arm crush-
ed and his ear cut by the wagon pass-
ing over him. He 18-1101 dangerously
in't re
a d.
We regret ret to learn g r that Mrs. Jos.
Ellis, who was opeetated on for ap
pendicitis, a fogy weeks ago, at Win-
npeg, and returned to the home of
her sistee, near Binscarth, has been
obliged to return to the hospital and
her case is very serious. She and her
daughter, Miss Mattie, intended re-
turning home last week, but it will
likely be some time before Mrs. Ellis
Dan venture on the joru'ney,
A clever, popular 0ancly hold Cure
Tablet -called Preveutics-is being
dispensed by .druggists everywhere.
In a fest/_0
h ur Pre n '
8 ve ties are said r;
.ai to
a y cold -completely. And
Preventios, being so safe and tooth-
some, are very fine for children. No
Quiniue, no laxative, nothing harsh
nor sickening. Box 48--25c. Sold by
all dealer's..
Mrs. John Dundas, who was visiting
in Toronto for a month has returned
Mrs. W. Davidson, who was visiting
relatives in Manitoba for the past two
meths has returned.
A. Ross, of the Leadbury line, who
paid a visit to Western Canada has
returned.. His visit was brief.
Yliss Mary C, Huckwell who was nu
all extended visit to her brother, Dr.
Backwell, in Michigan, has retar'necl
A etn»leee of persons intend going
to the Toronto Exhibition from here,
while others will wait for the Western
Fair at London.
Among those who left on the har-
vest excursion to Western Canada
were Miss 19,abe1 Davidson and Messrs.
Bennie! Davidson, Herbert Irvine and
.Arthur Love.
Good bread is being delivered reg-
ularly twice a week ae the store of
Munn Bees. It is a great convenience,
especially when the home made ar-
stide fails to rise for the good house-
Edward and Mrs. German and three
of Listowel, •e
1 were visiting
Samuel 04,14 Mrs. tis. Po rit
es and family,
ash well i
v as otherrelatives r el trues fav
a for 1
clays this week. Fred. German ac-
companied thele.
The minuet toni'nalnentof the ladies'
howling club was held on the
green on Thursday and 'Friday last.
There were three competitions, trophy
associ11tioxland consolation with
doubles andsingles in addition. Every
game was closely contested and some
of the playing g of the
would keep
the men busy T
h la there
was a good attendance of interested
NtcIiillap lAtLnal Fee Instnanee Co.
has made tL change in the charges
fol' aL new and renewal risks. Former-
ly for every new or renewal policy the
person insuring had to flay the agent
a fee of $1. Anew schedule has now
been arranged. On all policies up to
$400, the insured unset pay the fee ;
from $100 to '$800 the insured pays
50 cents and the compauy the betas.
ce ; on all policiesover$800; the 00111'
pa111y plays the agent.
DeesTu 00 A Provnantc,-It is our sacs
duty to eheoniele the death of another
of our pioneer lesic1Pnts, in the person
of Mos. C. Dietz, which oce tared
Thursday, Aug. 26thzither home on
lot h, concession 0,'eicKillop, after an
illness of eight weeks, She was welt-
ed to her partner In life some 40 years
ago, and then came to the farm wheys
she remained Wed until 11er death. It was
theft a wilderness, but they hewed out
what is now one of the most beanlifnl
1 nes' in rilCleillap. She was an
amiable in<
lastriaus lady; a faithful
wife and loving mother. She was a
catn,eistn141 nlelnb00' of the Lutheran
clutech at Beodha; en, et which piace
n i a i�.�.n
Tour doctor will tell you that
fresh air and good food are
the real cures for consumption.
But often the cough is very
hard, Hence, we suggest that
you ask your doctor about
Your taking Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. It controls the tick-
ling, quiets the cough.
we publish Our rorWulu
We ba0ltlh cloche!
Ib m ouuroediolnoe.
e18s W0eo00uiurget 24rear014 t0
One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause
en increased flow of bile, and produce a
Fgentle laxative effect the day following.
oriuula on each box, Show it to your
doctor. He will understand at a glance.
Dose, one pill at: bedtime,
�•,-, rdode by the 8. 0.. Ayer Co.,; AOwen. ¥8410 ."-,.
interment took plaee'on Saturday and
the funeral sial as u attended v t by a sal
concourse of friends. She is survived
by her husband and two sons, who,
with many friends, will mourn her
loss. The soles are Henry, on the
homestead, and Fred. on a farm near
by. The 048111ily have the sympathy
of the community is this their hour
of bereavement.
The Garden Party under the aus-
pices of the Ladies. Aid of Cavan
church, held ou Wednesday evening
of last weep at. the beautiful home of
J. G. and Mts. Grieve, was a complete
31100e88 in every respect despite very
unfavorable weather conditions and
the ladies well deserve the snece5s
which attended thoh)eliorts for their
courage in proceeding when the
weather throngbout the clay was 340
unpromising for such an occasion.
However, the night, although chilly,
was bright and clear and driving was
and there o w s ular
tendance, especially
of young people
who di
d not seem to mind the chilly
atmosphere and warmed themselves
up with liberal tibitations of hot tea.
Tho tables were bountifully provided
with tine very choicest viands 'Lid,
when all were served there was still to
spare. An interesting program of
vocal and instrumental music, us c reeitaL-
tlot]s Led addresses was introduced
by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Oarstvell, and
seemed to be much enjoyed by the
audience as mablly of the numbers
were encored. A. very Iiberal suns
was also received at the gate, Air.
and IVIrs. Grieve placed their large
residence and grounds and even their
stables at the disposal of their guests
and .their generous hospitality com-
bined with the unceasing attentions
of the ladies in attendance slid much
to overcome the atmospheric discom-
forts and all seemed to spend a most
enjoyable evening, so much so that
even when the lengthy program was
concluded e ]nun •
� ie evident;
loathe' to leave. Twere,
celebrated Brod-
Ila9en band was in attendance and
added not a little to the entertain -
meet of the evening.
Tickling 041 dry Coughs willquickly
loosen when using Dr. Shoop's Cough
Remedy. Anel it is so thoroughly
harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers
to use nothing else, even for young
babies. The wholesome green leaves
and tender stews of a lung healing
moiutaiaons shrub give the curative
properties to Dr, Shoot's Colgh
Remedy, It calms the cough and
heals the sensitive bronchial mem-
branes. No opium, no chloroform,
nothing harsh used to injure 01 sup-
press. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Accept
110 other'. Sold by all dealers.
Council. met Tuesday evening owing
to Labor Day being Monday.
The Women's. Institute of Willis
church will holt] their annual Bazaar
in the Town Hall, Clinton, on Thurs-
dap evening, Sept. 30th.
About a dozen hvol•ltme4 left to
work for O0nt1'actor McKenzie, of
town, on the new Catholic church
to be built at St. Columbian.
J. N. Newcombe left for Fort Wil-
liam where he purposes emharking in
the dry goods business.
AND •e
o Ie
Do you want to save $'s ? a]•
,4. If so, correspond with the A ♦
. J,
44 011ELL, for prices and speeill- ♦
w,1' etation8. We are always pleased •
4• to show designs. Every piece
of work is guaranteed and prices 4•
are right. Nothing handled but etScotch Granite. We don't use I♦ 008044581 o1 inferior Granites, .1.
Write ns and give us a chance •
I: to please you. We bey in car
load lots and give the consmliee 4.
the lad vain Lege. ♦
f. Porterfield I, J, Diowes +
L to el'
a .
444-1-414401440+4014444444-14444, a
pill heart and kidneys, The weak nerves
047010)0100714)171119 cut for help, Thls
up lc ores explains wh Dr, i3ho 's
Y o estorativ0
01: Men
Is t'ofnlltly tlellfflig stonacla, healt
wna isidney 11 /1 The'ItestcJratfve
reaches out for the actual cause of
these ailments - the failing ""inside
nerves,' Anyway tes • t1 -
Y Y t the Restna.a
tive 481fours. It won't ours 80 soon
as that, but you will sures know that
Help is Doming, Sold by fall dealers.
Look Iike men. They
shoe' the force, energy
and character of the sitter, 1
he are Portraits that
really tell somethin •
y � of
the men portrayed.
Visitors and. Strangers wilt do well to
give us a call.
Art Studio
Miss Lou Stevens and Miss Hattie
Oourtice returned home hast week
from their two months' trill in the
'Westeee'provinces and Dakota.
$20,000 of waterwork debentures
were sold t0 Brant, Noxell & 0o.,
Tox'onto, at $09 on the $100, netting
$25,749. The debentures pay 47 per
cent intel'e8t.
Before Police Magistrate Andrews
Wednesday night, David Crawford,
of the Commercial Hotel, was fined
$10,00 and costs for selling liquor to a
minor, A man named Elliott, was
also fined $50 and octets for giving
liquor to snmo Indians who are pulling
flax near hero.
L. 0. Fleming, County Secretary of
the Y. M. C. A., is at Silver 13ay on
Lake George, New York State, where
lie will for a fart -night attend a great
Y. M. 0. A. training school. Work-
ers from all parts of the U. S. and a
number from Canada will be present
to receive instruction in the various
branches. 1V1r, Fleming will confine
himself largely to county work. Last
year be headed the list in the exams.
and we expect to hear of 1114, doing
the same this season.
On Sunday, Sept. 12t11Mr. Wearing,
B. A„ of McMaster Uniseisiby,'Toron-
to, will speak in connection with the
great Provincial Campaign to "Banish
the Bar." in Duke's School House at
p.r4,. v •
7Everybody vbod invited.
vllsT 430 .-T
� he annual n Har-
vest Home services and entertainment
in connection with Roe's Methodist
church will be llelzl on Sunday and
Monday, Sept. 120.11 and 18111. Special
services will be held and an entertain-
ment will take place in the church on
Monday evening in which the greater
part of the program will be furnished.
by talent from Brussels. A11 are cor-
dially invited.,
Prepare for Autumnal Catarrh,
Now is the tittle to treat yourself
while the weather conditions are
inhale ha a '0 r •
ata lhozone four
times daiy and you will be free from
Hay Fever, Autumnal Catarrh, Rose
Cold, and 1h40at weakness. Large
dollar olit$t of Catarrehozone lasts two
months and is guaranteed to prevent
and cure Hay fever. Trial size 50c. ;
all dealer's or The Catarrhozone Co.,
Kingston, Ont., and Buffalo, N. Y.
The steamer St. nate will make
her last call here on September 11th.
The separate school re -opened on
Wednesday of last week. Instruction
will be given this term in violin, man-
dolin and harmony, in addition to the
usual classes.
Monday Sept. 2001, national concert
and mutate, "Festival of the Flow-
ers," in Knox church under the aus-
pices of the gill's intermediate class.
Proceeds for the debt fund.
J. W. Vanatter returned home after
a trip of several weeks through West-
ern Canada. He went :right through
to the Ooast, saw many old friends,
and enjoyed the trip greatly:
In the University of Tomato metric -
Illation examinations the 5111 Edward
Blake scholarship was awarded to 13.
Grant Robertson, of Toronto, grand-
son of W. R. Robertson, town.
Manager Goldthorpe announces that
the Point Farm hotel will refrain open
until September 15611. The season has
been a very good one, the patronage
having been greater than fr a good
malty years a a s 1alst,
YY 1
The voters' lit ofthe
s Lawn. of Gode-
rich for 1909 has been posted up by
Town Clerk Knox, It shotes a total
1,728nanles-4414 in part I, (entitled to
vote at both municipal elections and
elections to the Legislative Assembly)
511 in part II, (entitled ,,,to vote at
municipal elections only) and 273 in
part II1, (entitled to vote only at elec-
tions to the Legislative Assembly.)
A change in the proprietorship of
the Male Leaf r
a 0e took place 9
are iasl
avast J. W. V ma to
a t t well own to
the people of Goderich, taking over
Mr. Suydet's interest in the business,
which will now be conducted under
the style of,tlioorish & Vanatter. Mr.
Snyder has been in indifferent health
for some time and has been seeking re-
lief from the cares of business, and
Mr. Vanatter, after his trip to the
West, baying decided to remain in
Gocierieh the transfer was olfeoted,
The county of Bi ace is being organ-
ized for the Y, 111, O. A. work and J.
Ernest Robertson, of Auburn, has
been called to sitpxx'inteud the ht'ol'k
as county secretary. Mr. Robertson
assumes his new duties at come, He
1110 been spending a short terra at
Silver Bay, N, Y., attending a Y. M.
0. A. teaming school and with his
previous experience as a public school
teacher and in couneotion with
church work in \weans capacities, he
is We11 qualified to uudcintake the hu -
portant taslt upon which he is enter
a pity when len si k
c ones es drugthe
t0nlarh or atlmul0te the Bearand
idneys. That 18 all wrongs A weak
1 onneb, Means weak stomach nerves
ltv07s. And this is also tette of the
John McCauley, of the North Ward,
➢lftoh011, Was operated upon for ap•
penclieitis, and is now slowly recover••
.4. Mitchell report says Reeve
Avery s cu114ftfau rs much unproved,
Its complete recovery is now looked
David Iiocigsou, Ribbert, found an
egg in his barn the other day, inside
of which Was s shatter one, which
was well formed and covered with a.
]lard shell,
Saturday evening, Aug. 281h, Wm.
Stinson, Logan, tied his horse in the,
Methodist church sheds, bat when. he
went to get it to return Home the
animal and buggy were gone. As his
wife was with him he had to hire e.
livery rig to get home. The rig was
foetid in leis own yard.
Stanley Keith, who works for le..
Hodgson, Hibbert, was assisting a
neighbor, Joe Linton, to heart iu grain,
when he fell from a scaffold 1» the
been, breaking the bone in both arms
just above the wrists.
Aro you a Dyspeptic ?
Nine people out of ten suffer Teem
dyspepsia and don't know it half
the pale cheeks, poor appetite and
sleepless nights are the direct result of
dyspepsia. The cause lies in failure
of the stomach and kidneys are clog-
ged, and unable to do their work.
Nothing puts vigor into those organs
so fast as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They
tone up the whole digestive system,
regulate and streugthen the stomach,
absolutely cute dyspepsia. Simple to
take and sure to cure, -better try De.
Hamilton's Pills.
Or ki Livery (rood Moot Follows*
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t{ e -for every person -for X(57 f
we will give y581 your money back
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You eau enjoy a good, hearty weal
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If you tales a tablet after each ?veal,
Read how "Little Digesters" cured
NSr, Thody,
""707 two years I suffered with Indi-
gestion, and obtained no relief from
anything I took, including several
prescriptions from promiueotphysicians
Avery ureal was followed by acute pain
until 2 feared to eat, consequently
became run down for lack of nourish-
aneut, "Little Digesters" were recom-
mended to Inc by a friend and I tried
thein with remarkable results, two
boxes completely curing u1e. It i5 three
months since I took any, and 2have
not suffered a pain, no "ratter bow.
heartily I eat. I would eertainly recom,.
!Wend them to anybody suffering with
Indigestion," (Signal) 10, TFIODY,
142 Yorkville Ave., Toronto,
June 4111, 7909.
"Little Digesters" can be had front
your druggist or by mail from Coleman
Medicine Co., for 25 40)11.4 n box, 116
Fall Term. Opens Sept, 1
This school is unquestionably one of 14
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Most Successful C011e,gos. Our ..
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