HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-9-9, Page 4n r!. ff t ry 9 N AJ pe µ� n� �� 4 •4 4 THURSDAY, SSPTEMl3ER 9, 3909 Tits cann ter check hook is the next line to fall into the "mew" of the mer- ger and means the eoosolidatiug of some of the largest menufaetorles in Ontario, Monopoly -beg Parlon Merger --is hang..ng .. ing up a good many Signe 'Ibis is our husy day" and the outcome will be watched with interest to ascertain whose story is to be believed. WRONF,sDAv of this week the fifth an- nual meeting of the General Reform As- sociation for Ontario was held at Toron- toin theTemple building, One advant- age of these gatherings is that Liberals from many points, get acquaintedwith one another and are consequently better able to draft a working programa MORE numerous than the days of the week come recommendations as to a successor to the late Robert Reid on the National Transcontinental Com- missioa but THE PosT believes that Reeve John Leckie, of Brussels, would fill the bill as well as the best of them. He is a man of wide travel; close acquaintance with business affairs and practical experience with railways and is not arbitrary but possessed of the "level bead," the value of wallet/ is be- yond compare in dealing with public matters. SEVERAL railways are now using tele- phone lines instead of telegraph in dis- patching- trains with a view of it being more workable and operated in emergen. cy cases, by anybody. Much has been blamed on the old dot and clash system but let us hope that the "hello box" will subserve humanlifeand avoid destruction of property. Otte purpose better served will be the installation and operation of telephones at stations where telegraph operators were not previously maintain- ed -owing to the expense. This is the electric day and really only the morn- ing of it as to the enlarged sphere of this modern invention in its many practical forms of service. EARS. GREY is the right type of a man to fill the important office be does as Governor General, Canada is not to be a'"dark continent" to bite and so from East to West he has made his way, an- quaintiug himself, personally, with its many features, products, necessities and peoples from which he will no doubt reap many advantages in the perform- ance of bis official duties. Kid gloves, good clothes and State dinners may be about the size of some of the former holders of office but Earl Grey is evidently desirous 01 being "useful as well as ornamental" and bas set an example that will be productive toqgood to Canada and one that cannot fail to meet with the approval of the great majority of practical Canucks. The Earl's getting lost in the B, C. bush will add an experience that the guber• natorical seat bolder does not often possess. Bravo ! Earl Grey. AFTER toilsome journeys, great ex- penditure of moneyand the loss of many lives the long to be desired has been attained and the plucky and indomitable Dr. Cook, an American explorer financ- ed by John R. Bradley, millionaire and famous hunter, succeeded in reaching the North pole April 21st, 1908, accord- ing to a telegram sent out from Copen- hagen. Needless es s to say the news has set the whole world afire, though there is little to be gained from the feat aside from the sentiment attached to discover- ing this hitherto unattainable point. The bravest of scientitsan a' s d sailors have met death duringpast three the .hr a eenturi• es in unsuccessful attempts to find the North pole. Dr. Cook describes the spot as "An endless field of purple snow -no life -no land. No spot to relieve the monotony of frost." Dr. Cook hong up the stars and stripes but the probabilities are that the British Empire will have the first right to cut ice up there from a territorial standpoint, WITH the coming of September ar- rives the month wben the big pumpkin and log cabin quilt take their annual innings. With the passing years have gone many of the old time Agricultural Fairs and only those backed up by modern management continue to. thrive. The route from the destroyed Moscow years ago was marked by the bleached bones of those who, perhaps against their judgment, were lead on that fatal tramp; so the wake of not a few Fall Fairs has been indicated by wrecked, buildings, grounds and unsettled accounts through bad management and the constant request of something new, It is a very foolish notion this aping to do because a se someone else has done, even if the local situations are as diverse as Dr. Cook's North Pole aticl the one in the South still undiscovered. East Huron Agtieultural Society, however,, continues to do business at the old stand and will hold its annual big Fair at Brussels on Thursday, ,Sept. 3oth, end Friday, Oct, tat. Be one of the 4,000 to attend it, J res Distemper Pfitwwe Eclwfard farmer solemn lv deQlarelf Norvillno is a Speolflrs, "After arty years' experience in raising horses T own safely testify that no remedy gives sucll good results for an all.round stable liniment as Ner- viline," Thee opens the very earnest J Ilv anwholiv�cs near letter of J. J. ansa , a. " e Wellington, P, T hada X E. r Y valuable horse that took distemper a month ago? and was afraid I was go- ing to lose hxm, Ris throat swelled d His nos, and hard lumps developed. tells ran and he had a terrible cough. I tried different remedies but was unable to relieve my horse of his pain and suffering till I started to use Nervil- lino. T mixed a bottle and sweet .oil and rubbed the mixture on the throat and chest three times a day and you wonid scarcely believe the way that horse picked up. Nerviline cured hila. I also have used Nerviline for colic on horses and cows, and earnest- ly reconmmend it to every man that is raising stock," For strains, sprains, swellings, colic, distemper, coughs and colds, no lini- ment will prove so efficacious 5n the stable as `Nerviline"-it's good .for man or beast, for internal or external use. Wherever there is pain Nervi- line will cure it. Refuse substitutes. Large bottles, 25o, five for $1.00, at all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Nerviline rtae Cares Quickly A vigorous campaign has been in- augurated by the Dominion Alliance in connection with the prosecution of work along Local Option lines in Ontario, looking toward a submission of By- Laws to the electors next January. Sermons and addresses are being given on Sundays and stereopticon illustrated lectures on the week nigbts in churches, balls and school hooses. Outside speak- ers are largely in evidence, the local forces being utilized along the further- ance of other lines. The line of pro- cedure is quite different to some other years but the chief idea is to place un- biassed information at the disposal of the voters of today and also educate the more youthful on the duty of the com- ing day. Grey Council The Council met pursuant to order on Monday, Augtust3oth at to a. m. at the Township Hall, Ethel. Members all present except the Reeve, who was absent through illness. The Deputy Reeve took the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by Tas. lrleh'adzean, seconded by John Brown that the road on S. R. 5, South of the C. P. R. be straightened to the boundary between Grey and Mc- Killop and properly placed according to the recent survey made by Lewis Sol. ton. Carried, Moved by Jno. Brown, seconded by Jno. Cutt that the petition of S. J. Campbell and others for a Municipal Drain be approved. Carried. Moved by Tas. McFadzean, seconded by John Brawn that R. H, Ferguson he allowed $3r.00 commutation money for building sidewalks across gravel road, in the village of Walton. Carried. Moved by John Brown, seconded by Jas. McFadzean, that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the current sidewalks debenture for 1920 out of construction account. Carried. Moved by John Brown, seconded by John Cutt, t Thos' Vodd n u t, th s e be ap- pointed pound keeper in place of John Putiaud, who has removed. Carried. Moved by Jno. Cutt, seconded by Ino. Brown, that the following accounts be paid. Carried. Duff & Stewart, tatnarac plank.$ 33 So Dougald McTaggart, refund on New McTaggart drain.. Arch McLean, refund on New McTaggart drain. ...... ... . . . n s Carmichael, A gu i c bael refund on New IvfcTagR' art drain.... ..... . Jas, Colclougb, refund on New McTaggart drainlot 50 Philip Ament, refund on New McTaggart drain 8o 00 Thos. Aleck on contract, act Wal- ton i ton 450Drain 00 Conrad Michel, ewe and "iam• b killed by dogs - 7 30 Peter Tarr, cement tile, Hall dr. Peter Tarr, cement tile, lot 29, cons. 13 and 14 14 00 Wm. McFadzean, sheep killed by dogs 6 6o Joseph Welsh, gravel... 5 44 Robert Miller, gravel 54 96 Robert Miller, ren g. Calder and Sotz bridge floors and drawing plank and bringing garder to shed,,. 2 50 Chas. Kerr, gravel. 8 67 Chas. Kerr, shovelling gravel50 S. J. Campbell, gravel 7 8o Jno. McNabb. equalizing U, S. S. No. ta, Grey & McKillop. 5 00 Chas. Pollard, gravel John Hanna, gravel R. H. Fergason, commutation money for sidewalks across the gravel road Geo. Smalltime, placing cement culvert, lot 16, con. 9 Wm. Hall, placing overflow oul- vart, lot 4, con. 8, Hall dr Hugh Lamont, jr„ shovelling gravel Wm. . Hemingway, wood and water for engine, eons. 9 & 10 W. J. Palmer, engine on grader for 25 hrs Wm.' Hudson, gravel Wm. Cook, culvert lot 3, con. 3 Jno. Wortley, farm bridge, Ful- tondr, ..................... Duncan Johnston, farm bridge, Fulton dr. Martin McNair, farm bridge, ton dr Jas. McFadzean, insp. farm bridges, Fulton dr Jas. Metaue61in, farm bridge Walton dr. Ito. Lowe, gravel.. , r,..,,. John Williamson, commutation Statute Labor 4 45 49 25 37 30 14 00 7 84 3 76 31 00 z 00 4 00 a 00 3 75 9 00 5 9s 4 00 15 00 15 00 35 00 1 00 1,5 00 34 30 Jno. Wllliamson,shovel'glravel i 00 Daniel Neahel rayl I o8 1z W,H Vert on printing 000- 2300 The Cohneil then adjouruetl to meet abt 4ong'a Aladl, Cr snbruulmt, on Monday, eptenbet z , at )o A, Joon Mae -resit, Clerk, Hon. W. S. Fielding has Arrived home from England. forty o There Are still milca f the Na- done) 1 f tlllentfrl S'.Hll iv " to ))e ) na Tray a>n 1 a a 3 I laid with veils to nompiete the line from Winnipeg to Fort William, Angus McKelvie was Acquitted at North Nay of, the charge of bribing John Fiche to leave the eonntry to avoid giv ing evidence in alnilling suit. Arthur SnAitlet was shot and killed by Edgar H. Hope, of Zetilandia, Saslt,,: during a fight between Scaiilet end his son-in-law. for whom Hope worked, With the ripening of the duck shooting season a number of fatal accidents are reported. Stanley Scales, of Syden- ham, was shot dead while stepping into his boat with a gun in his hand, Max- well McDonald. of Glen Ewing, Sask.. Was killed, while elenning his gun, and Alfred P. 0. Webb, of Delmas, Sask., was using his gun OR a club to kilt !some game when be received the charge in the abdotuee. 3 00 Aro your Joints Lame 7 Haven't you a weak spot, a place where cold and inflammation always settles? Whether it is in the neck, side, joints or limbs -the cure is simple -a good rteb with Nerviline and then apply Nerviline Porous Plaster. These great rubefacients invariably cera strain, swelling, weakness and muscular pain. There is no mystery about this. Nerviline is the most penetrating liniment known - con- sequently it gets where the trouble really is, Nerviline Porous Plasters are great healers and draw out con- gestion. Be slue you get the genuine, substitutes can't do the work, Huron County. Mies T. Dnrnin is in charge of St. Helens public school for this term and Miss Edna Anderson of the Oth con. cession school. The Lucknow Agricultural Society in conjunction with the Women's In- stitute has arranged a series of prizes for flowers and vegetables grown by school children from seed supplied last Spring by the Women's Institute. THE NEW Qmneow.-Work on the new Methodist church at Dungannon is progressing favorably, although there has been some delay in the de- livery of window frames, etc. The bricklayers have a tedious job, there being so many corners and breaks in the walls. This part of the work should be completed in three weeks, provid- ed the weather is favorable. The con- tract for the seats was let last week. They will be of semi -circle design, and sittings will be provided for about 850 persons. The stained glass windows will be furnished by the Outlery Glass Oo„ of London. DEATH. OF REV. J, STAEBLER: Rev. J. Staebler, a retired Methodist minister, died at the home of bis Bon- in -law, John Fiukbeinet, of the 10th concession of Stephen, on Aug. 23rd, after a few days illness subsequent to a paralytic stroke. Deceased who was eighty -live years of age, was a native of Germany. In his childhood he im- migrated to Canada with his parents, settling in Boston and later in Peters- burg, Ont. On reaching manhood he entered the ministry and Crediton was one of his earliest charges. Fif- teen years ago au affection of the throat forced him to retire from active service, but he had since preached on various occasions, Since the death of his wife three years ago he made his home in Crecliton. Besides Mrs. Finkbeinex' be leaves three other daughters and five sons. BUMPER APPLE 0802, -The apple crop in Bayfield district will be the equal of the best years that the grow- ers have known, if conditions hold good. It has been necessary in many instances to prop the trees, owing to the danger of their breaking because of the tremendous amount of fruit they are bearing. "I have never seen finer fruit either, than is in some of the orchards saidan old apple buyer. "It PP Itis noto s larperhaps, ebut the quality 1s these, q y imagine that a luttle more rain would have helped things, but for some reason there is a great decrease in the number of worm-eaten apples. I suppose that s ra in has P y , had something to do with bringing about this rsult." Winter apples along the lake front are showing well for color, and the orchards are them- selves a picture. The farmers are in great spirits over the outlook, and deliveries of barrels preparatory for the coming picking are ,already being made. Nordheimer PIANOS The Musician's favorite T A partial liet of recent Nordheinser Pat- rons in Brussels and vicinity :- Dr. Holmes, Brussels J. F. Rowland, John Leckie, G. House, Alex. Strachan, Semi. Carter, Dr. Toole, Jas. Armstrong, 1. Far4Qubarsoo, Walton H. A.'lhomas, Mrs, R. Morrison, Leadbury Miss Barrows, For full information apply to Baru!. Carter Door North Standard Bank, Brussels. AFTER FOURYEARS OF ' ISE Y eared by Lydia E. Pink= halo's Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md. "For fotlxears my life was a mi5ely to me. suffered tiesfrom , terriblirreeguladrag,rs. ging sensations, extreme nervous- ness, and that all gone feeling in my t hads stomach. I ha giveevern beup inhgopewells of when I began to takeLydiaE,Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Then I felt as though new Iife had been given me, and 3 am recommending it o all my friends." Mrs. W. S. FORD. 1938 Lansdowne St., Baltimore; Mb,lia The most successful remedy inn country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink- ham's hiloham's Vegetable Compound. It has stood the test of years and to -day is more widely and successfully used than any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflam- mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir- regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing -down feeling, flatulency, indigestion and nervous prostration, after all other means had failed. If you are suffering from any of these ailments, don't give op hope until you have given Lydia E. Pinkham'sVege- table Compound a trial. If you would like special advice write to Mrs. Pinkllain, Lynn. l%lass., for it. She has glided thousands to health, free of charge. B. Lusby, who had heed a resident of Seaforth for over 40 years, and who served the town faithfully as constable, market clerk and in other. capacities, died of heart failure at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Stephen, of Milford, Mich. Mr. Lusby had just gone to reside with Mrs. Stephen. Bell Telephone Company completed the line between Luknow and Dun- gannon, and the village now has direct connection with all towns ha the North. Formerly a message from Lucknow went via Port Albert, Goderich, Clinton and Wingham. Sixteen men, under Foreman W. J. Ellis, of Ingersoll, worsted for two weeks on the extension. Perth County The Trustees have: engaged Joshua Johnson, of Trowbridge, to teach school foe a mouth at Newbviclge. John Bainford, of Listowel, left for Detroit, Mich„ to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Thos. Grimsbaw. 13. L. Rice, of St. h1Iarys, succeeds A. C. iticLeod, of Stratford, as Presi- dent of Dominion Millers' Association. L. H. Dingman, of the St. Thomas Tines, formerly of Stratford, has re- turned from a trip to the Old Country. The "Swastikas" is the name of the latest club founded in Stratford. Their headquarters are located over J. J. Doyle's drug store. Mayor Dingman went to Toronto and attended the garden party at home at Government House held. 'n the honor of Lord Beresford. R, Yates who has been working at the G. T. R. station, Listowel, for some time past has been transferred to Stratford. Mr, Milne, of Alma, takes his place. Andrew Tl.islop, wbb has been oper- ating ating dredge on the Grey Branch of the N, W. Drain, Logan, will have his contract completed in a few days. Mr. Hislo has made a inn i cs t Hislop gull n titch which will be a great benefit to the farmers of that vicinity. John Boeckner, the Milverton young man, who on August; 18th sus- tained a broken hack as a result of a fall from au near Shakespeare, is gradually recovering. ering. Heis a present in the general hospital. hay- ng been there since the time of the accident, •••0♦••••0.0•♦000♦♦0400000 To Machinery Users •1 and farmers • The ClintoniNnitting Co,, Nrt • CLINTON, ONT. Lim • • • ♦ ••4•••••••♦••••••••••••4•• The New Machine Shop of the Z BRUSSELS FIRE APPLIANCE • Jelin J, and lslrs, Nicholson, oP West Nonitton, announce the engage -. en a ge- ne t of their oldest daughter, (1 an- 1ntte Mae ro 1aa, to attnes T1, Donohue, of the police force, Toronto, The wesk11ug will take place in St Bridget's Church, Mogan, October 12th Babb, Jackson, Fullerton, has pur- chased the five acre lot, on wbioh is a small brick house, near 'Woodland the property ofthelate co t civ t t a si IR 4 p p es fi'nnits for which he .aid Chw) i 1 t � li ! i P $2,200, , t IleIs the best sltthatt t s been made its or about All tonsil for years. Jacob Domani, of Kurtuviile, met with 'a very painful accident while running a sticker at Bamford Bros', mill, Lastowel, It appears he threw off the belt and thinking the machine had stopped he put his hand in the knives and split the index finger Allis right hand. Eight stitches were o e necessary to the t. close s t ou George Graham received a bard cut over the right eye. lie was working at a jointer 111 the Whettlanfer foundry, Mitchell, when the saw struck a board which he was handling and it was thrown back with snob) force as to cause a deep gash on the forehead, which required four stitches to bring the flesh together, ST. MARYS .AND KLRKTON TELE- rHosna LiNse.-The St. Marys, Kirk - ton and Exeter Telephone Co, has is- sued a neW subscribers' directory, the list containing over 800 names. Five townships are represented, Blapsharcl, Fellarton, Bidclulpb, 'Osborne and Downie. The company under the aggressive management of John Perry, is continually extending its lines and during the •pant• year has made tremendous strides. Every new name added to the list makes the ser- vice more valuable to all and it is get- ting to be that no one can afford to be without a 'phone. By a recent ar- rangement with the Bell Telephone Co. subscribers can now 'phone to St.. Marys free of shame, and St. Marys subscribers have also free connection with the Kirkton lines. The directors of the Kltecton company erre 1-D. Bents, Pres., Fvsn, Johnston, Vice Pres, ; Jnuies T, Routley, Treas. 1 15. A, Shier, See, ;J }, Jo nesa❑ d A. Bretbour, J, Perry, manager, WHAT EISAUTU UL. HAIR I How often do we hear that explSlla- than of a certain Wornall's hair or a certain loan's hair. A prominent scientist and hair specialist emphatu Ily statem,and11 08 n G1 any mail woman 0 )t'Oy 24. a R na Or w ian an e that have luxuriant, lustrous Bair by nshig a famous prescription called Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage is now made nod sold in Canada, J'ae. Fox, the druggist, is the agent in Brussels and the readers of Tsui Peer can buy from him for only 500 a large bottle. Jas. Fox knows that Parisian Sage will beautify the hair, cure danciruif, and stop falling hair, and for that reason he sells it under'st guarantee to core ort money back, If you cannot obtain Parisian Sage i you where you live, 1 cal got a bottle for 4Oa from Giroux Mfg.Co„ Feet I9rie, Ont., express.ohatges paid. The People's Column HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, -The house and land belonging to hire, Jnu, Ooustey, Ann ab. Well adapted dos' a mq,ll'ab gm'dan. Apply at the Iroe,8. WANTED,-LAD'INS TO 00181)50 AND Lr0n1 goodeewln • tit home, whole or epnre.bhue : good pay Work sent any di particulars. elturgea ppaid. Send stump for fait parbieulare. Fa- timml Manufacturing OP, Otontreul. COMFORTABLE ROUSE Asn 005 roic V S.knO.-Good cellar, water and fruit trees. Enquire of R. T. HINGST08, or P, 0, bolt 800, Brussels. 82-tf P UILLS FOR SALA-Two young Short Eotat Bulls, both flt ter service, for dale.. Good pedigrees and all right in every way. For fur. ober particulars apply to JAS. SP10112, Lot 80, Uoo. 0, Morrie, or Brussels P. 0. 4141 .• i00it00O m0000• •Og4.4••09 0e Change 00 0 4 Iushess v 1 6 •:: Ci:B •0 ♦ a i Having purchased the i)uehiese I of the late J, G. Simile T am pre- * Pared to cater to the wants of the peblic in up -to -elate goods at fair prices in d ° e Ury Goods an ,, Groceries. O • My object will be to keep a well '' • .assorted and seasonable line of. o Dress Goods, Cottons, Novelties, . t t face. and Also a ohoi o s br, c of • 'i , a 1 al 0 r 1 'oa �i Test Gi er es i O Eggs and butter taken at the ♦ highest market price, A call -will be appreciated. o O Satisfaction assured. ♦ 4 �j A Mrsa Jennie Thompson o l' m♦000♦♦o♦oo♦♦•o0•♦♦♦0.0.00 if fall Term from Sept. 1st 11 CENTRAL COMFOI.TABLl31 0OTTAGE,.ebable and. r, aura of land for sole, Tmnberry street, North, Brussels. !Good well, fruit trees, 80, Possession could be given at once. T'or further particulars as to pprioe, terms &e, apply on the promises. ALEX. MOLATTOhLI*. 7-tf NATIONAL BORER MILLS When y'•` L run ut of Flour next time change for the, better by ordering a sack of White Loaf. The better things to eat you will at once commence to enjoy at your house will be your reward. Those who try White Loaf flour once, always become its steady users. Do you think they would unless the flour was better than they had had before? Hardly. Wm1 & R1A1 PrynB •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • O •0 • • O • • ••�Vom�n•• • • ♦ , 4' O ♦ ♦ ♦ •• andGirls • , •♦ • • 2 WANTED• • • ♦ 0 ♦ • as machine operators end for other 0 factory work. Good wages and ♦ ♦ steady employment. Write ua ♦ • • • • and MACHINE Ca. • o is now ready for Business, and, •o • with good Machinery- auclSkilled o 0 Mechanics, we are in a positionY ♦ to attend to your repairs prompt, i • ly and at reasonable rates, ♦ •. • If you will bet us know your 0 Z wants we will give you honest o advice and help if connected • • with Machine•ry. o •• Give us a trial and bycoming• • to Brussels, save time and mone for yourselves. • 0 • , OARSIOE JAMES • • 2 Mill Street Brussels 4. 4••••••••••s•••••r•••••444. DO •YOU NEED TILE? Farmers Sud others desiring Tile for the coming season cab secure what they *- quire at carload rates, at Brussels or Lthel stations, if orders are sent hi suf. ficient time to arrange for quantity and date of delivery. I will notify the put, chasers of the arrival of the cars and as- sist in loading Irou) ear to wagons. Fur- ther particulars may be obtained by seeing or writing W. E. Sanders Agent Drayton Tiled Ethel Order 'rt once. All sizes from aJ to 18 inches may bo obtained. Tile from 8 inches tip are za inches long. CEMENT SEPT IN SEASON. PROPERTY FOR SALE, - The following property in the village of Ethel is offered for sale :-One frame House and stable, one brick house one stable and lot. one house and stable. Will sell whole or in part. For prices and particulars apply to 0, J. SPARROW, winglram, Ont. STRATFORD. ONT. After twenty-two years of solid work we have become the kr est, best and IJ 4most successful tweet cal training . school in Western Ontario with no amp- a osier in (hawk. 'Three departments - Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy We assist graduates osi i ns -ns ito p tq i; well as give s most thorough training, iTTT i,[ 'Get our free o"tntogua at once. Elliott& McLachlan, 42 Principals. qqyy&`-."ice= ie-afz;.d�•-^'`dam COMFORTABLE reaidenee Wig % Bare of No land, beingLot 212 Albert etr•eot, Brua eels, for sale. ouse is well built,. with alt eon• veniences and possessioncould be given at I once. For.further partioulars apply on the pre:niece to Mrs. Jas, Ferguson, or D. Fer- guson,Teesweter, tf. WARM r >g the pp'ro property of the Iate Peternb et'0ail, Lot 28, Oon. p14, Grey, is offered for sale by the undersigned. '!here are 86 acres cleared bal- ance well timbered. On the farm there is a good bnnkbarn, large driving shed and a com- fortable hpuse. Plene in good condition and well fenced. For further partiqulare apply to JAS. A. M0NA1R or JAS: D. MONATE, •Exeo- utors, Oranbroolc Pt O., or F. S. SCOTT, Brus- sels. 7-tf FARM FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers for sale his 60 acre farm being W 4 Lon 22, L an. 11, Grey. On the premises is a good frame house and bank barn, orchard and•wells. Situated two miles from Ornnbrook and three miles from Ethel. Will sell with or without crop. Possession given tide Fall. For further particulereapppl�yy on the premises or if by let- ter to W. J. S114RP, Oranbroolc. o -4 - CCM SALE -Rouse and X acre of land with fruit trees large barn, poultry house and woodshed. Tactics contains parlor, sitting room, dining room, two bed rooms, kitchen, Summer kitchen and pantry down stairs ; five bed rooms upstairs ; large cellar with cement floor and heated by furnace. Will be sold cheap. MRS. LEWIS McOONALD, Walton. SllMmi School June, July and August leads into our Fall Term without any meal:. Enter any time. New Catalogue free, Write for it to -day, • CENTRE =NEU COLLEGE Tho Largest, most Reliable of its kind. W. H. SHA6V Principal range & Gerrard sts., Toronto 6.60006664C000000000000000 6 0 4 0 4 15000 O O o FARM ��' FOR undersigned offers • ' O for sale her 100 acre farm, being Lot 0, Lion. ♦ .®Jr. ♦ 17, Grey. On the premises is n first -close two- et ♦ stor• brick house, good bank barn, drivin ♦ _ _ _ _ _ ___ p gibed and pig pun 1 all. conveniences; good it J' O fences and place £n $ret -class condition. 13 miles from Walton station, churches and school. Possession given this Fall. For fur- ther particulars apply to MRS. 03:10S. 810- FADZEAN. Jlt., Welton P.O. 1-10 Over One thousand stn- • o jt. dents enrolled byout. chain ♦e o last:. year. It pays to at- • tend a link of this great ♦ • (I.chain, far "ns ONION TI3ERE o 0 `IAILS thesimply..W • Obherschools engage our • al graduates for teachers. A 0 i:111 special course for teachers. a CiS OS ICOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The undersigned 4 IS Frlt101'0GTH. A IF ggoffershiswellloaatedpropertyinBrussels O The demand :for Otte • ,vlblm commbortabie There with''{'cellere stable ® graduates is 'THBJSE. • orchard, well, &o. Possession given at once. Poe price, terms, and other information apply to JAS.2UNFORD 011nton or TEM 208'.0Brnasela, THOS. DIJNFORD, Langdon, North. Dakota. P120PERTY FOR SALE.: In order to close the estate of the late Thos. McLauohlin the Executors offer for sale the real estate consisting of a 7 roomed house in good repair, Vi novo of land, together with o sores o fri1st first - mese land and large commodious stable. quite convenient to house. For full descriptionand location of property apply to P. SOT, or A, STHQueen 55t., West, &rogsels, County of Huron. tf. Stock for Service DURHAM BULL FOR:.. SIDRVICE--Tho unndersigned will keep for service on Lot 14, Con. 4, Morris, the thorn bred Durham buil "Jack Favorite" (72100), bred by Alex. Gard- iner.Leadbury,which inwellbrod tracing back to the best families. ALLAN bPEIR, Fair- view Farm, Proprietor. tf. O • ♦ ••♦ ••♦ O ♦ • • • ♦ 0 0 0 0 0 O ♦ 0 0 0 !Graduates of two years • are 110W earning $3,000 2 per 800011). • s Three coarses-CoararER- ♦ 'GA cz w Stn•xo R Pel and 1 TELEGRAPHY. .• FALL TERM °PENS AO°, 3°• ¢ Write for •particulars. ♦ • WlNGHAAVt o B'usiness College GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. ♦♦ 4 00000000000000000004000009 r rers Wante WORK FOR 20,000 MEN IN MANITOBA ALBERTA ANO SASKATCHEWAN SPECIAL EXCURSIONS, $'M [J A'1 TRIP GOING Q'! l Additional for the Return Ticket ill A (7 under conditions as holow. And. 19 Aud. 23 Aust. 27 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 GOING HATES From Stations north of line of O.T.R. Toronto lolSornla, and Can. Pea. Stations on and west of Toronio•Sudthury line, From Toronto nod all C.P.R. Stations west to Ontario on and mouth of main line of Grund Trunk Ry., Toronto to Sarnia. and. all Stations In Ontario on 101.)3.14., P.M. and T.H.&B. Rya. From Stations Toronto and east. locludindSherbet Lake and Kinds. Sou. and all Stations in Ontario west of Renfrew, also stations on C.O. & B. of 0. lays., and stations on R. & P. south of Roafrew. From all Stations Toronto and weat. Inciudled. Stations on C.P.R. Toronto to Sudbury. From all Stations mast of Toronto In Ontario. y ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKETS WILL BESOLD TO WINNIPEG ONLY fa m a - Representative e ens, appointed by ival at W Saskatchewan and Alberta Qovernmonta, will moot and engage laborers on arrival at wlnnipeg, Free transportation well bo turn .hod at Winnipeg toatoms' en Can, Pae. Whore laborers aro needed, east of Moose Jaw, )er Laing brandies, and at one cent a mile snob way west thereof In Saskatehowan and Alberta. A certificate is furnished with each ticket And this cert?8oen oate when exted by former showing that laborer hoe worked thirty flays or more, will be honored from that point for a second class ticket back to starting pointe iu Ontario, at 818,00, prior to. Nov, 80th, 1009. Tlokots aro good only on special Perm Laborers' trellis and will he issued to women as well as to mon, but will not be issued at half fare to children, For fult poncculara see nenrosl C.P.R. a4cntr or write R. L. THOMPSON, D.P.A., 0.2.R.,.TORONTO 1'. FARROW, Agent, BRUSSELS