HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-9-9, Page 1VOL,,, 38 NO. zo
New 'Advertisements
Lost-3'olin J'. Mason.
Vim safe -J. W. Sanders.
Onrd--grs, Addie Wright,
I'teltnng eniose-Ir, R, Nmith,
hi!Mi cry opening --Mise Corr.
Bait amrooncement-J , Inman,
Reduced prices, -T, C, Iliehnrde,
41 pies wanted-Johol0r iu11, blot,
Pp n n i g nm.
i tl:x t t tet
Archibald Watb, son of the late
Geo, Watt, of I-Iullett, »ear Ilarlock,
cried on Sunday' of last week at the
borne of his brother-in-law, Mr, Reid,
He has been ill for a long time. He
was about 40 yeare of age and unman-
Goderich -
Labor Da was celebrated in Gode-
rich by a base ball game and a bowl-
ing tournament. The Pelmet, was a
Huron Perth League game between
Goderich and Blyth and was won by
the former by a score of 8to 8, mak-
ine Goderich sure of the champion -
step. The bowling tournarneut of
Scotch doubles for alae members of the
local club was played and the trophy
winners were James Tigert'and Will
Dietrich, R. McLean and Hugh Polley
second, The consolation match was
not completed Mouday night.
Mrs. A. Brown is visiting in. Betts-
sels this week.
A new cement floor has been put 013
the bridge here.
Mrs. Jas, Cameron was visiting in
Brussels this week.
John Ritchie, of Galt, paid a flying
visit to friends here:
Miss Jessie Menzies has gone to at-
tend school in Brussels.
Mrs. Jas. Brown and children, Of
Ethel, were visitors at Duncan Mo-
Jno. and Mrs. Ferguson and Ken-
neth and Jean, of Brussels, were vis-
itors at the manse. -
The views given by Rev. Mr. Bielby
on Thursday evening were good but
the audience small.
Next Sabbath morning Rev, Mr.
Horne, Tract Society Agent, will con-
duct the service in Knox church.
Mrs. A. McDonald and Mrs. R. K.
McDonald were visiting in Toronto.
The latter will continue her trip to
Miss Sylvia Seel has • taken a school
at St, Augustine,' Wawanosh, and
went to it last Monday. She is a good
Rev. Mi' Cotton, of Wycliffe 0o1 -
lege, rendered good service a the
Pr'esbyterian church last Sutaday
morning and the Methodisbehnreh in
the afternoon. Re dealt with the
Local Option question.
The cheese faetoey is having an
extra good year.
Itenuoyioa Siiev. 23RD. -Last Tues-
day morning London Presbytery met
and among other matters of im-
portance dealt with thefollowing item
of interest 10 the people of this lo-
cality :-"Rev, John Burnett, of Moles-
worth, having accepted the call to
Dorchester and Crumlin, his induction
was appointed to take place at Orem-
lie ell the 23rd. inet. at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon, The moderator of the
Presbytery, Rev, S. D. Jamieson will
preside Mr. Iienderson will address
the minister ; Dr. Munro, the people,
and Rev. W. T, Cranston, the new
minister Of Tempo, will preach the
sermon. The stipend is '$950 with
manse and four weeks' holidays." We
wish Rev. Mr, Burnett success
in his new charge and hope the vac-
ancy here may be filled before long.
Service in the Methodist church
next Sabbath evening at 7 p. m.
DREssnt i ii ,-Misses Jackson pur-
pose opening a Dressmalcing. business
in rooms over Ferguson & Harris'
store. They will begin work next
Will. Davidson, 17111 con., Grey, is
determined he will not be under the
necessity of engaging outside help so
now has a "farmer• of his own. The
young fellow's name ie Davidson
Miss Kathlene- Morton will hold
evangelistic services in the Bethel
Methodist church commencing next
Sabbath afternoon at 2.30 and every
night during the week except Satur-
da evening.
The September meeting of the.
Women's Institute will be held at the
home of Miss Searle, Oth con., Morris,
on Wednesday, the 15th ab 8 p, m.
The subject for discussion is The
Cellar,: its uses and abuses."
Miss Margaret McDonald, B. A., of
General Auditor's Department and
Miss I, 0. McDonald of Postc+face
Department, 'Otttawa, were visitors
under the parental roof for the past
two weeks. Mrs, Lewis McDonald is
visiting friends in Detroit.
The 100 acrefat'm belonging to Mrs.
Thos. McFaclzean, jr., being lot 8, con.
17, Grey, has been leased to Wm.
Pepper, of Hensall locality, for a term
of years. He will hove to it next
March but has the option of doing
any Fall and Winter work. Mrs.
t 4•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•4•+•:.•+•+•+••••4• •+•.•+0+•,i••♦o•1•♦+•
Selmonte Bilillinery Parlors'
• •
4 Main Street Brussels O
Fall Arnuiuncement
• E beg to advise the ladies of Brussels and sur-
• V• rounding country that we have just received a o.
♦ very large and fully assorted stock of choice and care- o
fully selected goods with which we hope to supply your
needs for the Fall and Winter season. We are now
ready to tale your orders and attend to your wants at
the earliest date desired. An early call solicited. o
• We have also added a beautiful assortment of Col •
± tars and Neckwear. See window for designs. Prices •
•you will find most reasonable.•
•' •
4• 4
• ♦
Mourning Goods made a Specialty •.
d4•o+40+.+•44•444+.044+40 •e•+*4.44.40•i•O4•034004•A44+4,44+••i••44
E. 1Nil1AN
• •4•••1••4••4••4-•4••4••- ••1••1••4••444•.P•4••44444'•444.••1••4•♦•II4+••••�A•
iToren o 1� �Il�ner Pa l
4. EXTEND a cordial invitation to the ladies of 13rus-
sels andvicinitywith
to honor their presence I
mee ce
•r at my First Millinery Opening which takes :
place on .. " "
Wednesdayand Thursday,Sept. 22 3 I
When '
t will show the latest 1o
velties in French, Eng- ♦
lisli and New York Pattern Hats, also a choice assort- t
• .ment of Flowers Feathers Wings, Ribbons, 0r
4meats, Millinery Materials,
.1, inspection Solicited.
• 44-.÷.4.•+.44444444444444+ e(444+4,44.1.•4 -0+4,1444.14.e•4•40++ 4 1
MoFadzean will hold an auction sale
of farm stock, implements, &e., of
wbitix dee notice will be ,given, Mr,
Melraclzeen died last Sprang.
The item last week relative to M1•.
Cotton taking the eervice in the Pres-
byterian cburoh he next Sabbath
was incorrect. Regular services will
be held.
The 100 Gere farm of J. N. Nethery,
lot, 10, con. 2, Morris, has been
soldto Henry blathers, whoa) Saran
adjoins it, f0r the suer of $5,000. Ho
will get possession on Nov. 1st. Mr.
Nethery intends perehasieg a farm
near Bruseets if lie finds what snits
him. 13e wants 200 acres, desires 11
well improved end would like possess-
ion this Fall,
The query still is who will lee Post-
master in Blyth P
The new store of T. iv. scat, was
opened this week.
The chase in the Fair line will be 10
Loudon next week.
Isaac and Mrs. Brown were among
the Queen city visitors.
Miss Bentley will visit her sister,
Mrs. Wm, Oampbell, in' Toronto.
George Pierce, who was visiting
here, returned to his home in the
West on Tuesday.
Will. Carr leftfor the West on Tues-
day on the Harvesters' excursion.
We wish him success.
The latest news from the Methodist
Parsonage is that Mrs. Cooper is hold-
ing her own fairly well.
Alfred Oarr and Robert Wightman
saw the sights in Toronto last week.
The former remained over Sunday,
Councillor and Mrs. Outt arrived
home from their visit to Seattle, the
Pacific coast and the North West.
Good progress is being made on the
bricktvork at the Bainton factory. A
weekof good weather should nearly
complete 1t.
Thefounclation for the new manse
is $niched and two carloads of red
brick have arrived from Monkton for
the betiding.
Sunday James 'Barr Nichol, fcnmerly
of this locality, died at Fort William,
of typhoid fever, at the early age of
24 years, 11 months and 25 days. He
was only ill for about two weeks.
Deceased was employed by N. 13.
Gerry, formerly of Blyth, going to
Fort William last March. He was a
son of David Nichol, Lot 20, .Con. 14,
Hallett, from whose home the funeral
took place to the Union cemetery on
Wednesday afteanoou. Mr. Nichol
was a member of the Odd Fellows at
Shelburne, Ont. He was a fine young
lean whose early demise will be the
occasion of no small regret. The
neighborhood will sympathise sincere-
ly with the beieaved relatives in their
unexpected sorrow.
DROPPED DBAD.-The sad news of
the sodden demise of Edward Little -
fair came as a great shock to the
people of Blyth. He had gone to Tor-
onto to visit his two sons and other
old friends and take in the Fair and
Saturday morning while walking on
the street he dropped dead,the doctor
pr'onoenciug it heart faieire.
remains were brought to Blyth Satur-
day evening and the funeral took
place Tuesday afternoon, service
being conducted by his pastor, Rev.
W. H. Hartley. Interment was made
in the Union cemetery, a large num-
ber attending. MIr. Littlefair was a
former l'Iorrisite and was a highly
respected resident of this locality for
many years. He was about 65 years
of age, a carpenter by trade and is
survived by his wife and an adult
family who will be deeply sympath-
ised with in their sadden bereave-
ment. Mrs. Neil Taylor. of Morris
township, is a daughter of the deceas-
ed. Truly in the midst of life we are
in death.
On Tuesday of next week the property
owners of Blyth are asked to express
their opinion on a By -Law whose pro-
visions propose auch needed exten-
sion and mimprovement along fire pro-
tection lines. No one doubts the in-
adequacy of the tank system with a
fire of any size. In the long stretches
of hose necessary, plus the heavy up-
hill pressure front the creek, there is a
big load carried by both Fire Engiue
and hose and unless thousands of feet
of the latter are kept in stock a por
service with one line will be the result
if fire is distant from supply. Hose
loses about as much by want of use as
where it is regularly in service owiug
to climatic changes, &c.,and some-
times ,
tinges the life of it is vernbrief. It is
a costly department of the fire system.
New hose is lIo'av required. Per-
manency and usefulness are two
points aitned at in the new proposal
as metal piping once down 1s p
tical1Y thee fee a lifetime and with 10
han •
hy t -peeper of
is atpoints the hose
question is solved. By a pumping
station an immediate service, day nt
night, would be in readiness. The
By -Law calls for $4,000, but $900 of
that is for now oiler and repairs c b t pa s ko
fire en gine nowbeing made and as
debentures tun 30 years nobody
will be burdened as only $260 will be
required annually. Blyth debenture
debt is only $23,555$7 and with 5% on
new debentures they should sell with
a margin. Every property owner is,
or should be, interested, as modem
fire protection is a prime necessity.
Towns and villages r'1• never 1 la ea t (, a teVe npQL'
alert eoncerniug it than today nor
was the question ever more carefully
considered by Insurance Cempitnies
than at the present. Voting' will take
place ab the regular polling places on
Tuesday and there should be an early
response as the carrying of the By -
Law is for the general good and will
0(1(1 much to the gond name of Blyth
duel its Ont
01 rise, The
oobpoeetionspwhere similados pro-
tection to that proposed ab Blyth is
in use is satisfactory.
Mt s. ue cies'', of Palle, is visiting
her mother, Mrs, Rood, and sisters,
1vlrs. W. Jackson and bliss Ilood,
Bills and Pelee Lists for Blyth Fall
Fair have been distrih»ted, A Bile
aeray of awards is offered. The well
known Bandl, of the 83rd Reg„ . now
located at Goderich, has been secured
for the Fair,
Sabbath next the Unioneveugelistic
services open here,. Rev, Mr. Crossley
will preach in the Presbyterian church
10 the morning incl Rev. Mr, hunter
in the Methodist church, In the
evening a union service will be held,
in the Presbyterian cburoh when both
of the evangelists will speak. The
Union. Sithbath Schools w111 be
addressed in the afternoon,
NATIrpEE A Succuss. -'Tie post-
poned. metinecon
ostponed.metines;on the half mile track
here Thursday afternoon of last weelt
was a decided success. A.continggent
of the Lacknow Kiltie Band was here
and livened up the proceedings.
There wee lively bustling iu some of
the events and the results were as
follows ;--
-Class A--
Mason , ..........., .,,1 1 2
Reynolds 2 2 1
Class 13 -
Scott .,..,1 1 1
A. Currie, jr .2 4 2
McKenzie 3 2 8
Ooolter _ 4 3 4
Class 0 --
-A. ()tilde, sr ,1 1 1
Melntosh 2 2 2
•Scandrotb . 3 $ 3
Coulter ............4 4 4
In the 3 mile foot lace there were
only two entries, J. Grantham and
Boy Sims, the former winning with-
out much trouble. A collection was
taken. to assist the Committee in de-
fraying expenses and $18.25 was
handed over by Oonstable Westlake.
Elam Livingston performed the duties
of starter and F. S. Scott, of Brussels,
and Chas. Knechtel, of Winghant,
were in the judges' stand. The track
was in good shape and the Committee
looked after things in proper style.
Co, Tow Wore -Labor Day a Base
Ball. League match was played at
Goderich by our hustling nine when
they met the willow wavers of the Go,
town, It tvas en interesting contest
and close enough to make the victory
uncertain. 14rcArter and Somers was
the Blyth battery and Wiggins and
Dean 110101 the points for Goderich.
The latter team won by a score of 8 to
3 and practically they have the League
championship in hand although. a few
matches have yet to be played. Fol-
lowing was the line up and score :-
Cartel', 3b
D Somers, c
Buchanan, ss
Sims, lb
A Somers, rf
Coombs, ]f
RSomea's, 2b
McMillan, cf
McArter•, p ................................0 4
3 27
R 0
1 4
0 3
0 2
0 4
0 3
0 8
.1 2
Goi w oica
Webb, if 1 8
Wiggins, p .... . 2 1
0 Dean cf.... ..... ........ ...... 0 3
Eris, 2b ...... 1 8
Devine, ss
Me0oeath, lb
Black, rf......
1 3
1 8
Tait. 8b ................ •,..,, .,,........, ,.,12
8 24
Score by innings -
Blyth -0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0-8
Goderich--1 0 0 3 0 3 0 1 x -S
Not a few would "bank" on Blyth yet
in comparison with Goderich or any
other team in the League.
CARTER-Warvxny.--A very pleas-
ant event tools place at the residence
of Mrs, W. 13. Whitely, Loudesboro',
Ont., at high noon, Wednesday, Sept.
lsr, when their second daughter, Lizzie
Vida, was united in marriage to Robe
Burps Curter, of Gow Ganda, former-
ly of Blyth, Rev. Mr. Small, of Blyth,
officiating. The bride was given away
by her brother, Percy L., and wore a
tailored suit of brown broadcloth and
white net waist, also a large brown
plumed hat and carried a boquet of
white asters. She was attended by
her sister, Miss Zella, who wore her
panther's wedding dress of champague
silk poplin endcarried aboquet of pink
aet01's, The groom was attended by
A1a'o. Smith, of Blyth. Lohengrin's
Wecldiu March was playedMie
byNit, s
}}��P Y
Lizzie Chtete' sist r of
e the groom.
The ceremony was performed in a glow
of ruby lights under a canopy of
white bunting with red bells and en-
twined with myrtle. The guests then
adjourned to the dining room where a
dainty luncheon was served. The
decoratiobs for the tables were green
and white in belfrey style. y �. The
groom's gift to the bride was a spray
ofpearls, to the bridesmaid a gold
locket and chitin, to the groomsman a
pair of gold cuff links, and to his sister
a gold watch. The presents were
numerous and wetly, including a cabi-
net ol'' silver freer the staff
of the Bank of Toronto, Lon-
don, (with whom the bride was
ronnecteclassten ogeapherfor. the past
five years) ; a cheque from the bride's
uncle, of North Dakota ; a set of dish-
es from the bride's mother : a kitchen
shower from the brothers and sisters
a dining room suite from the groom's
another and other presents consisting
"f Cut glass, handpaintings, furniture,
&c. Guests were present front Woad.
stock, Leedom, Goderich, Clinton and
Blyth. Telegram of congratulation
wets received from J. Pringle. mana-
ger of the Bank of Toronto, London.
Mr, and Mee, Carter left on the. 4,04
p. rn. 108111 for Toronto, where they
will remain it few days before leaving
for their future home in Gow Ganda
where Ma•. Carter is a flourishing
young druggist,
Dr. Olaarlesveorth was at Hespeler•
over the holiday vieiting hie mother.
This week I. Brown has been at
Winghara fitting up the evaporator the Fall tracts. Albert Wilford,
who 18 engaged in Y. 14I. Cl, A. work
ab Loudon, will assist for a month at
the evaporator,
Cainee0 ,So0Jnt AND Reze , 1, -Tru'
Ladies' Guild of Trinity olxurbh will
1101d .a social and sale of goods in In
dustry Hall on Thursday, Sept. Atli.
Sale commences et 8 p. in. Lunch
served from 5 p. in. to 7 p, m. A
good program of mixed selections will
be given after 8 p. xn, All lot enrdial-
ly invited,
W i nglam
LABOR DAY. -Three thousand pec.
pis attended the celebration of Labor'
Day here, put on by the Citizen's Band
and everything passed off in great
order. The features of the day was
pP ''�obabiy the baseball between
1rJingham and Lucknow, which were
hard-fought games, the foreign team
winning both, In the morning the
score was O to 5 in favor of Lucknow
and at the afternoon game Lucknow
got 5 to Wiugham's 2. The lacrosse
match was witnessed by a large crowd
Kincardine trimmed the local team by
one goal, the score being 8 to 5. At
the concert in the evening the Mc-
Donald sisters gave exhibitions of
Scotch dancing and the band put on
an excellent musical offering.
Sum. Wilson, of the 6th concession,
who went to 0ianitoba on harvesters'
excursion afew clays ago died at the
home of his sister, about30 miles West
of Winnipeg on Wednesday.
Two Italians working in the cement
works at Atwood Thursday had an
altercation and one of them, Joseph
Dellfe, pulled a revolver and shot his
companion through the leg. He es-
caped. It was some time before Con-
stable Hardwick, of Listowel, was no-
tified, and when be reached the scene,
some six miles away, it was difficult
to get a line on the hail the fugitive
hacl talien but he was arrested near
Belgrave and taken to Stratford jail.
The injured Italian will recover.
Miss Lizzie Bryans is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Feild, of Brussels.
Miss Teaks Deadman visited with
Mrs. D. A. McDonald last week.
D. McDonald is away to Toronto
combining business and pleasure.
Will. Moses and Will. McDonald
left for Hnmbolt, Sask., last week.
Mrs, Wm. Cameron, of Brussels,
was the guest of Mrs. Thos. Strachan
last week.
Miss Barbara McKelvey, of Brus-
sels, visited her cousin, Miss Stella
Wright, last week.
Chas. Forest jr., Wee. Ring, and
Miss Marjorie Sti'aeben are taking in
the sights of the Toronto Exhibition
this week.
Miss Anderson, of Hamilton, and
Miss Annie Scott, of Molesworth,
spent last Wednesday with Miss
Katie Scott.
Among those who leftfor
n the
vicinity this from i
y r
o h a.uit are Milton Jermyn,
Robt. McLennan, F. M. Wright,
Robert Forrest and Wm. McDonald.
Very interesting addresses were
given Tuesday evening by Messrs.
Ootton and Wearing, which cern great-
ly help the campaign for Local
Ward Calclbeck left Tuesday of this
week for the West. We are sorry to
lose our genial friend. Dame Gossip
says he has attraction there but the
Eastern girls hesitate fn regard to be-
lieving the rumor.
George Mason, of Winghar, took
service in Hall Sunday evening. Mas-
ter Calvin Outt, son of R. H. Cutt, of
Goderich, sang a solo which was very
highly appreciated. He has an excel-
lent voice for one so young, being
only nine years of age.
The August meeting of the Women's
Institute was held at Mrs. R. T. Mil-
ler's. Excellent paper on canning
and preserving fruits and vegetables
was given by Miss Marjorie Strachan.
The meetings are very interesting and
instructive and every member should
make an effort to attend.
Miss Viola Smith lett for 'Wiugham
on Monday.
1Vm. Black and E. Henning spent
Labor Day in Stratford.
Miss Davey, of Grand Valley, is the
guesther brothel!, of bYQtl er
Fred. Davey,
Mrs. C. Reis and ehiIdree are visit -
'lug at the forumer's home in liilverton.
Austin Morrison, of Markham,
called ou friends in the village last
Mrs. Grlmshaw, of Detroit, is the
guest of her sister, Mts. A. Sanderson,
of Howick.
Miss Gussie Hastings, of.Turnberry,
visited her sister, hies. R. J. Rahn,
last week.
Sam, and Mrs. Campbell and little
dit7 hte•are V '
t isllors in Toronto once •o
gg t this
Gordon Willits left for Monsejaw on
Tuesday where he expects to remain
a few mouths.
Alex. McLennan, of. Toronto, visited
over Sunday with his mother, stirs,
M, MoLenan.
A moving picture show has been
holding the fort on the market square
for the past week.
MIiss Jennie Miller, of West Toron-
to, was a visitor at the Monte of Jno.
Davitleon this week.
Mrs, Scott Black and daughter,
Jeannette, returned to their home in
Tugaske, Sask., on Tuesday.
Mrs, Geo, Leckie visited her
parents, Jon. atel Mrs. Morrison in
Hammy over 1111 holiday.
Mrs. W. McLaughlin, Miss Margaret
efeLaugrtlin and bliss Bessie Ritchie
left foe• their home in Winnipeg on
Monday after spending two months
with Mrs. Jas. Ritchie,
W, R. KERIR, Proprietor
Heide and Mos. Hamilton, of
Bloomfield, are guests of the Forman's
parents, Jno. and Mrs, Hamilton,
C. D. and Mrs. Simpson liar their
household effects moved to Weight=
this week where they will in future
Wm. Sharpie, of Pembroke, a form-
er Editor of the Gorrie •Videtee, re-
Peeved acquaintances in the village on
Editor Chisholm and familywent
to Goderich on Saturday where the
latter will visit with relatives fora
Eleven llarvssfl;xcursion tickets to
the West were sold here on 'Tuesday.
Some who went front here were John
Moffat, Sam, Griffith and John
Adorns, jr.
Rev. J. II, 'osterhout, formerly, pas-
tor of the Wroxeter Methodist circuit
but now of Kintore, accompanied by
Mrs. Osterhoue and children are
spending a week with friends in this
vicinity having made the trip in his
Some of the visitors to the Toronto
Exhibition from here are B. 'le. Carr,
Stewart McKerchel', 0. Reis, W. J.
Mather, R, B, Harris, Dr. McKenzie,
Merton Howe, Harry Brawn, Wm.
Black, Misses Laura Lewis, Edith
Harris, Hilda Nokes, Alberta Hastie,
Mrs. R. Nokes, Ray Carr, Gavin
Davidson and D. D. Sandersoir,
Thrashing is almost completed on
the 5th line.
A, H. Cochrane, of Waterloo, is re-
newing old friendships in this locality.
Mrs. John Mooney is enjoying a
visit with relatives and friends in Tor-
Miss Maggie Shedden, 4th line, was
visiting Wingham friends on Labor
Stiiss Kate
Miss Grasby, accompanied by
her brother, Martin, took in the Tor-
onto Fair.
Fred. Armstrong and Oran Russell
ass among the excursionists to the
West this week.
Miss Una Ransom, 'of Waterloo, and
Mr, Helm, of Hamilton, spent Sunday
at 0. B. Fattest's, 2nd line.
Mrs. Wm. Michie and son, James,
have been visiting relatives in Galt
and Hespeler.
Miss B. Michie, who spent a month's
vacation with Miss Mary Michie, re-
turned tether home in Halton 0o. last
Samuel Jordan and daughter,, Miss
Jennie, have returned home after
spending a few days with friends at
Mrs. Buckley, of Paris, made a short
visit with her sister, Mrs. A. T. Cole,
while here visiting her mother, Mrs,
Hood, of Blyth.
Allan Spelt', Lot 14, Oon, 4, Morris,
sold to Mr. McKenzie. of Belgrave, a
first-class driving horse for the sum of
$200.' Mr. Speir has others of the
same kind which he offers for sale.
James Niehol, 1st line, has sold his
farm to Wm. B. Fraser and will go to
California. Price is said to be $(3000.
Mr. Fraser will now have 250 acres
and is a good farmer.
A. T. Cole line,1
e t sold a fine
year old filly1l to Mr. Duff, of Bluevale,
for the handsome sum of $188.00. She
is a dandy beasb and well worth the
money. It pays to keep a good class
of horses.
The grain on the farm of Robert
Cole, Outlook, Sask., was cut in first
class condition and prospects are that
the price of oats will be high on
account of the number that were hail-
ed out in that part. There is not
much wheat growing done up there as
Miss Lorena Frain is among the
mthly who are baking in the sights at
Toronto this week.
Before long the genial faces of the
Tax Collectors will be seen as they
gather in the coin for 1909.
Chester and Miss Bertha Armstrong
have been at Toronto taking in the
sights of the Fair and visiting friends.
A fine young cow belonging to Ohas.
i}.ozell, Oth con., died last week, mean-
ing no inconsiderable loss to the own-
Mrs, John Hollinger and her young-
est daughter, Miss Emma are visiting
friends to Saginaw, Ohicago and other
Donald McTaggart, 16th 0011., ryas
hardly as active as usual owing to a
sprained ankle but will soon be 0, k.
we hope.
TlieP ublic schools s ro s ]rad a holiday
last Monday and will have another on
Monday, Oct. 25th, when Thanksgiv-
ingDay rives.
obt. Hoover and Miss Grace and
Miss Bessie Moses were visitors at
Toronto Fair for a few days and en-
joyed the outing.
Few men cano
ewfthRo Robert
Rose, o lot o t
23, 5th con. Although
about 90 years of age he is actively
engaged g g in farm work every day and
is as clear headed as many 30 years
his junior.
Rev. W. le, Kerney hits been ap-
pointed by the Bishop of Albany to
the Cathedral of Albany, N. Y., duty
to begin October 1st. He was a fram-
er resident of Grey township.
Owing to Malcolm McNichol being
bothered with a lame leg and the poor
health of Mrs. McNichol they have
decided to offer their farm for sale.
Advertisement may be read in an-
other column.
The Manor (Sask.) Advocate speak-
ing of former well known residents of
this locality says :--"N. M. Richardson
left on Saturday for Seattle, He will
be joined at Moose Jaw by his son,
Lyle and together they intend tatting
in the Alaska -Yukon Exposition.
-Miss .Anna Richardson obtained a
first-class teachers certificate at the
:recent sxumhnation.-Mrs, N. 111.
Richardson entertained a nnnthc'r of
lady friends to afternoon tea .t\Ionclay. ,
-N. Richardson intends brick 1
M, li
veiteering his residence and the brick
u T.
r,• t n
ar ived 9 \4eert, Q are a sed
t11 �\ to t
note Wiese evidences ofprosperityand
hales the progress may be maintained,
Last TuesclaT Lorceizo Frain, while
laauliug milk to ploleswortla factory,
took crams in his arras incl legs s and
had to be p taken Mime while others •
took charge of his team and wagon,
MY', Frain had beenoonfined to his bed
but we trope be will soon be , all right..
Ile knows of no cause for the attack
but remembers a sornewhae 0imllav
one a good many years ago.
The Union church i'larvest Hoane
emtiv01sary services will be held on
Sunday and Tuesday next, Sept. 121et
and 14th, Sabbath, Rev, ,i. 0,one•
thy, of Kincardine, will preach ab 3
p. Iia, and Rev. J. O, Reid, of Atwood,
at 7.80' p. m. The choir will supply
suitable music and a free thank -oder -
lug taken at each service. Tuesday.
evening a splendid platform meeting
will be held when height addresses
will be given by Rev. T. 0. Reid, At-
wood, Rev. Mr. Pomeroy and others,
also readings andsolos by H. W.
Knots, of Listowel, solos by Harvey
Sperling, ,of Gorrie and Miss Pane -
baker, of Tdespeler ; duets, quartettes.
and choruses by local talent and the
church choir. Doors epee at7 o'clock,
chair taken at 8. Admission 25c,
children 150. All are cold hilly invited.
John and Mrs. Bryans spent Labor
Day with friends in Berlin.
Miss Ethel Musgrove, of Wingham,
is holidaying with relatives on the
4th con.
J. S: McIntosh, of the Standard
Bank, Brantford, spent the holiday
under the parental roof.
Quite at number from this locality
have been taking in the Fair ab Tor-
onto. We are waiting for Brussels
Fail' now.
Rev. Me, Horne, :Tract Society
Agent, will conduct the service in the
Presbyterian church here next Sab-
bath afternoon.
Sam. McIntosh, iu the service of
the Standard Beek, has been promot-
ed to Brantford. He should work his
way to the top.
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. M.
Powell, of Brussels, occupied the pul-
pit of the Presbyterian delimit and
Fteached a sermon along Temperance
Ino. Brockest, of Winnipeg, t1,45
here on a visit. He is a brother to
Mrs.lT. Voddeu and Mrs. Joshua Flood
and is a busy man.
25 cents in advance, gets THE POST
up to Jan. 1s1: 1910, 11 worild more
than take the place of tate letter you
occasionally write to the absent mem-
ber of your family.
One day this week Telf. Keifer
received a kiek from a horse ou his
right thigh that has given him a very
perceptible limp. He might easily
have been injured more sovetely than
he was.
The regular meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held at the home of
Miss Hall Thursday Sept. 16th at 2.30
p. m. • Topic, "Worrying verses
cheerfulness. ' "The evil of fault
finding," taken
by Mrs, 3.
BIan and
Sirs. P. McKay.
Ka .
We are
to lad
g welcome Dr Fer-
guson back for a visit with relatives
and friends. Hs spent an enjoyable
but busy time while away in the
prosecution of special college courses..
As to where he purposes locating we
have not learned but wherever itmay
be we hope the 01d time success will
attend Mtn.
Last week lot 22, con. 5, Grey, was
sold to T. W. Rose, whose farm ad-
joins it, by Thos. Vociden, for the sum
of $3,850. This gives i\ir. Rose 400
acres and with the help at his disposal
he should make things go. We wish
him success, Mr. Vodden has still 250
(totes and now lives on the farm foran-
erly owned by N. F. Milne.
Dou't forget the social in connection
with the Harvest Home serviees at
Roe's church next Monday evening
13th inst. An excellent program 10111
be presented by Trowbridge, Ethel
And Brussels, a treat you only have the
opportunity of once a year. A free-
will offering will be taken at the door.
At the services next Sabbath Rev.
Mr. Pomeroy, of Kincardine, will
preach in the morning and Rev. Mr.
Jones, of Auburn, in the afternoon.
ANNIVERSARY.. - Harvest Horne
anniversary services will be held in
the Methodist church here next- Sab-
bath. Rev. A. E. Jones, of Aubnrn,
will preach at 10.80 a. m. and Rev. 3',
C. Pomeroy, of i
noati t
e at 7
Suitable music will be furnished
the choir and tt free-will e w 1 thank if � �-
Q t•x
ing taken at each service. A11 are
cordially invited. There will .not be a
week evening service at Ethel, the
reference in last week's POST to the
platform meeting on Tuesday evening
should have said Union instead of
MatitemoxAL.-Miss Della Dunkin,
youngest daughter of Johu and Mrs,
Dunkin, of 210 Wortley road, South
L' nndon,, was married at two o'clock
Wednesday eduesda of ern
y t con to Rev. J. L.
Stewart, missionary to West Chiva
and formerly tui
jl, or pastor of Lthei
Methodist circuit. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Dr. Warner, pion
opal of Alma College, St. Thomas,
assisted by Rev. W. J. Mortimore,
who is home on furlough at present
from West China. t . ll gg'' i•. and Mrs.
Stewart will spend their' honeymoon
in Muskoka and will leave in t- few
weeks for China. Miss Dunkin has
been a most valued worker in all the
various departments of Askin Street
Methodist church and her departure
from London will be moth regretted,
Mr. Stewart is ono of the best known
Canadian -missionaries to China,
The body of Woldrich, the Wife -0100-
deter, Wes found in «`well
Alts. near Zu`ettl0i',
Herbert Yates, a Cornwall boy of she
teen, . aved four otbet boys from drown-
ing oat the St. Lawrence
f...x..t' 4''I