HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-9-2, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS.
D �o N-
y I s lseuor of arria lsioen , 1.
gv spa, G
ARO tt4 <1!'9oory, Turnboxl'Y RLYoet, rirassela.
K. O. T. 117,
11r1'88014 4ro116 0f the Aleooaboes, •N O, 24
Lola their regular M0961n8s lu the Lodge
Motto, !Muller• meek, on the let and Ord
TaepJ0.Y u7 14.5ge of 04011 month,
A, SO rtI jleiters always welooute,
49, coli, A, AreciIIlIIR,
Mee la the Pest 0111¢0, Ethel. 80.4
!► t
Agent Howiek Mutual
Fire insurance .Company.
Cillos and Residence
A • 0110, will 1toil for better prices, to
better men, in less time and less charges
taxa any other Auutloueer In Haat Huron or
he won't ohurge anything. nates and orders
ooh always be arranged at tble oi80e or by
a arsenal appiivatlon,
Auctioneer .for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Setae arranged
at the office of TarRoeT, Brussels, 2211
V‘.7 M, k3I.NULAIki.
e Hurrietor, Solicitor, Oonveyauoor,
Notary Publics, dao, (Aloe-8towart'e Sleet
l door Nor Eh of Central Hotel,
Bolieltor for the Metropolitan Sauk,
netao, IOTU.
W, ra00Da•*OT,JK. O. - n. 0, HAYS
G. F. neem.
OSloeo-Those formerly °enu ,ted by Messrs.
Cameron rt noit,
000500on, tarramo,
Graduate ofthe1
r ion7 Cole fD 1
Surgeons of Ontario Bolsi
Flret�alase honor
Grua auto of 2'o)onto Mniversity, OlIloe
• next to Brewer's Pboto, Gallery, Brussels,
xa'Wlll visit Ethel Oa the 2nd Monday of
each Month.
Farmers or Storelteepers
by coining to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
" 1 oreman, - Brussels.
Royal Mail Steamers
Grampian Sept, 4 Oot. 2
Pretoldan Sept. 11 cot, 0
Ilesperian Sept. 18 .Oct. 18
Ionian Sept, 06 Oot. 28
Sicilian Sept. 11 Oct. 28
Corinthian Sept. 25 Nov. 0
Sept. 8 Oot. 1
Sept. 10 Oct. 8
Sept. I7 Oot.. 16
Sept. 24 Oct. 22
According to sleMner.
1st Class -507 50 $77 60 '087 50
2nd Class - 40 00 40 00 47 60 050 00
Ord Masa - 28.50 27 50 28 75
For full particulars of rates and millings
apply to
Agent Allan Line. Brussels,
k a en
To weak and , leg womon. there 1s at Meat ono
way to harp, t t. with that tray, two treatments,
moat be combinel One 11 1x101,one is t'onstttb.
Mona, but both are important, both essential.
Dr. Shoop's Night Cure to the Local,
ler. Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional.
' The former -D) 2 hoop's Night Cure -is s topical
mucous membrane suppository ronledy, while Dr,.
Shoops Restmtdilu i whony au intoned treat
manta The Roan,alive 2eunccs throughout 'the
entire aySGun, soaking the repair of all nerve,
all tissue nail nil blood ailments,
Tho 'Night Ours", as its now 1n'plieS, ilooe its
work while shit 00550. ItaOntlieaeon, and Milani.
err mucous serf tees, hw,ly. leenl weaknesses and
discharges, inti ,e the lltateie tire, 011103 aureole'excitement, gives renewed Niger and ambition
build up avast, d sue% brii,t:m;r about renewed
strength, vigor end 0210#07. Take 11r. elloop'9.
R,,tuuntive-Tt ,,U or Liquid -eve general lade
to the system. for native tocalhelp, 115005 Well
No fly 4. aei sera
Pink Pain :Tablets -Dr. Sh0elr'e---
stop Headache, womanly pains, any-
1 ,1eS sive. Primula
wller'e, i n 20 xui a L
on the 25c box. Ask your theggise or
doctoi about this form la• -it's fines
Business cargo carried a shower boquet of bridal
A. H. MONTgI rH roses, The bridesmaid Wore rose slits
aseade with la an q lislk , bolero of
Barrister, Sellelter, N to r
&e,&es summer to 1 Freneh and l41d ale lace of deep
A, 13,1tlao4onsld, otenol'814'400d 13"12 11.
sinew t e'i c with gc
ld' and car -
DR. T, T, M'I AE
Bachelor of Medloine, 'University of Toronto ;
Lleeutilrte and (+radu„te of tale College Of Phy'
sieians and Surgeons, 0,11.Poeot•gyshiers
.Ohloog° BYO, liar, Nose and Throat k10spitlrl,
Uhioaae, , klx•llouse l4ut'8eon .00 St. Mich -
tiers i4ospltal Termite,
Ontee over as it, Smith's Drug Store. Tele•
piwne ootmootion with Vo'uabrook at all hours,
Dental Surgeon
Ronan C}�1tinde nbe Dental Department, Toronto
Univereipy ; J4oentiate 54 Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, of !Toronto, Oilipo over J,
'A', Ross, store, Bruese1e,
rte'Witl visit W1'0x0el' She -drat 11714 third
Mondays and Gerrie the second and fourth
Mondays of snob month, ,
M, B„ M. O„ O. M.,
Fellow .Trinity -Medical College, Toronto,;
Member College Physicians and Someone,.
Ont, ; Licentiate Royal College Physician's and
Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh ; Fellow
Royal College Surgeons, Edinburgh ; Oertlll-
mite of Rog,etrotion, Great Britain, oilioe, ae
formerly, qn
Honor .graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Day and night wins.O1Hoe opposite
Fiour Mill, Etihel,
slid lvaa 2iNO3 Wd4 feat,,1'L"syP
Mail 7:05 a m I 15xpress 10,06 am
Express....,..., 11:20 a m Man.,..,.,,. ,,, 1:44 p..in
Express 8:02 P in 1llx1reso 8:02 p m
Cif10.1 Pat C.EPIC
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 7:41 a In I Express 12:11 a m
Ex res
s...,'.. 8:00 m Drpress 9il m
P P p P
Ist;i:ixt t,tefvs
Miss Kecldy, of Etmovclale, has gone
to the coast and will visit the Seattle
Postmaster Sutherland has increas-
ed his order for new lock boxes to 220
including 10 largo drawers. Ho has
else ;ordered 80 call boxes making a
total of .400.
The Council held an informal meet-
ing and diecussed various plans of im-
proving fire protection. Some good
Ideas wane brought out and sugges-
tions made. Tho cleric was instructed
to write for further informatiou.
A farmer came clown street the
other day laughing to beat two of a
kind. Ori being enquired of its to
such exnberauee of spirits, he ex-
claimed "I just brought two little pigs
to town and got $29 for them," and
before one could say "Jack Robinson"
he started for home to bring some
Is your Back weak?
When 1 th e back ack
drags and aches,
footsie -me over the spine, -when there
is indigestion, headache and constant
call to snake water, beware of sick
kidneys. If neglected, this oouditiou
develops weakness and soon you'll be
unable to work: The one remedy you
can rely on is Dr. Hamilton's Pills..
Every symptom of disordered kidneys
they cure by removing the cause.
You improve immediately, clay by
day you will experience benefit from
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Best for the
kidneys, liver and stomach. Sold by
all dealers.
H•Y.1fENEAL,-The moboriage of Miss
Annie Ferguson and Walter Scott
Fergnson, of Bracebriclge,° was quietly
celebrated at the residence of the
bride's mother in Parry Sound on
Aug. 25th. Rev. F.. W. Nahaper-
for• ned the ceremony, assisted pby
Rev. J. A. Ferguson, of Belgrave,
brother of the bt'iclegroom. The bride
was given away by her brother,
Alexander Ferguson. She looked
lovely in a dress of ivory satin, trim-
med with .pearls, and carried a boquet
of white roses. The bridesmaid, !Miss
Maud Ferguson, sister of the bride,
wore pink crepetle cheue and carried
a boquet of pink roses. Win. J. Eirlc,
of Bracebridge, was groomsman, and
the wedding mare], was played by
Mrs. Canton. The groom's gift to the
bride was a necklet of pearls and
amethysts with peal•l brooch pendant.
His gift to the bridesmaid was a
brooch of pearls and amethysts andto
the groomsman gold cufflinks. BIr.
awd .Mrs. Ferguson left for Niagara
and Quebec. The bride's going away
dress was green silk with hat to
Drive Rheumatism out of the blood
with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatie Remecly
and see bow quickly pain will depart.
Rub -oris never dict reach the real dis-
ease. Rheumatism isn't in the skin.
It's deep down -its constitutional.
Getting rid of the pain is after all
what 002111ts. That is why Dl'. Shoop's
Rheumatice t
Rein dy goes, by void of
mouth from one to another. And
herein lits the popularity of this
Remedy. It ,s winning defenders
everywhere, Tablets or Liquid. Sold
by all doalees.
East Wawanosh
WHDDIN<4. - .Tuesday afternoon,
August 24th, a quiet wedding was
solemnized in Caledonia, at Bur•nbrae,
tihe residence of the br'ide's parents,
when Maude Ethel, slaughter of Dv.
and Mas. W. J. Borns, of Caledonia,
was married to John T. Ross, 13. A.-
of Edmonton, Chief Inspectoh' of
Schools for Alberta. The ceremony
was conducted by Rov. Wu1, Burns,
of Toran10, grandfather of the bride,
and Rev, Dr R. N. Burns, 'Toronto,
the bride's uncle, and Rev. A. E.
Smith, B. A,, of Caledonia. Lnhen-
b1•in's- lvedding march was rendered
y Miss Stella Campbell, of Orange.
vane. The bride was attended by her
sister, Edna M. Burns and the groom
was supported by T, R. Dunsforcl, of
Colum nus, Ohio. The bride was
gowned in cream sills with wide
erel stripe, over cream taeta\iwith
pearl ornaments, and duchess lace,
tulle veil roust Orange blossoms, mid
meet a sheat' of pink rose -buds. The
bride's mother worn a blaolt ggown of
Di1'ectoire satin cod Flehnisli Iace,
The groom's gift to the refile was a
necltlace of whole peal'1s of exquisite
workmanship and design, to the
bridesmaid a pearl penciled anti chain,
to the pianist a brogue pearl bar pin,
and to the gl'ommetan -a scarf pin.
Bir, and Mrs. Boss left foe an extend-
ed tour of the Mttritinbo Provinces,
Offer wh1011 they will takeup their
residenoein Edmonton, Alberta, 117x.
Ross is a son of Thos. Ross, of least
Cond meici
Condemned by Phy aha
tJilgcrt}pnl0116 dealers often prepare
corn remedies \Villi caustics and aegis.
Refuse meal, and insist on Putnalni's
Painless Corn Extractor, It's'perety
vegetable,safe and sure.
A. E. Smith was in. Moen \ Forest on
Tuesday of last week attending the
fiftieth anniversary of the wedding of
his Neither, Tilos. Cl. Smith,
Mrs. Colvin, of Vancouver, a sister
inslaw of Mrs. W. J. Howson, of
Wingham, was killed in an auto
accident at SeeAtie, There were form
ladies in the accident and all were kill-
Principal Taylor received word
that Fi ds anSt had
e V one hid passed her
Junior ,Matriculation exmination.
This makes sixteen students of Wing -
lam High School who were successful
in this examination.
The total amount of taxes 07) the
roll is $21,710,19 and of this amount
32,850.89 is for local improvements.
Taxes paid on or before September
I5th, a discount of it% ; paid between.
September 15011 and October 15th a
discount of 1% ; paid between October
15th and November 15411, a discount of
§%. After November 15th no discount
is allowed, and after December '16th
5% is added.
The charter of the Not'th Huron
Telephone Company, Limited. has ar-
rived from Toronto and a meeting of
the shareholders of the company will
be held in the Council Chamber Fri-
day September 3rd, at. 2.80 o'clock for
the purpose of electing a' permanent
Board of Directors, appointing audi-
tors, sanctioning the by-laws of the
company and transacting any other
business that may came before the
It!s a pity when sick ones drug the
stomach or stimulate the Heart and
Kidneys. That is toll wrong! A. weals
stomach, means weak stomach nerves
always. And this is oleo true of the
heart and kidneys. The weak nerves
are instead crying out for help. This
explains wby Dr. Shoop's Restorative
is promptly helping stomach, "heart
and kidney ailments. TheRestorative
reaches out for the actual cause of
these ailments- the failing "inside
nerves." Anyway test the Restora-
tive 48u'
hot s. It won't aura o t u e sn soon
as that, but you will surely know that
help is coming. Sold by all dealers.
A car 04 0110000 2006 shipped to Mont-
real last week. Price, 11 3-8c.
The Legislative Grant for the
schools of the Township of Howick
1909 is $1,288.60.
Miss Edith Aclalns left on Wednes-
day morningbf last week to spend a
month's vacation with relatives at Bay
City, Mich.
Miss 3. Russel who has been staying
with her aunt, hiss J. Mn3 ee, left for
Lambeth, where she will make her
future borne.
W. Radford is improving Isis har-
ness shop and residence bse sheeting it
with metallic
sheeting g t1
d brighten
ingpa it with
Principal Leggett attended his un-
11clr s funeral in Ohesley on Wednesday
of last week who was killed to a run-
away on Tuesday morning.
Jno. and Mrs, Henry, of Mo0enmirl,
Sask., who formerly lived on Geo.
Johnston's farm on the 0th eon., were
guests of Win. Gibsou. It is about
twenty years since they went West.
They are accompanied by their neice.
The chief inspector auci two detec-
tives were in the village. 1t had, been
reported to headquarters that an
illicit still was in operation in one of
certain houses, but the search failed
to locate 1t. Evidence was found of a
lot of thanking in au empty house,
Many empty beer and whiskey bottles
were found in one of the houses raid-
Peculiar Wcaknoee. In Women.
Many women suffer untold torture
from nervous debility arising from dis-
orders of the feminine organs. Day
by day they grow worse. A false
sense of modesty prevents them using
acost remedy like
g Y
Paxroroue -
auci iL•
would ctu'e them. Lost nerve force is
brought back -new vital energy is
supplied irregularities disappear.
Ferrozone does restore weak pale
women. For those who sutler and
find work hard to bear nothing
sup -
Flies the health and
ro one so surely brings. vitality
free from alcohol and sU00 to cute,
50c, at all dealers.
Leslie Woodmau fell off the semi -
phone ladder at the station and broke
his right atm.
James 'W. Rogers, photographer,
sold out his business to D. Fink, of
Hanover, who has taken possession.
i;, W. Jacobs has packed up his
stock of goods, and will leave 111 a
week 01' so for B:foosomin. Tozer &
Brown are going to move to the store
as they find the wellies, 01 ones are right, Nothing panelled but •
furnishing is rapidly increasing. * Scotcl' Granite, We don't use ""
Walter Holmes, late of Clinton, who ' • Canadian 00 inferior Granites. 4.
• Write 018 and give tis a chance •
* to please you. We buy in car A
toad lots and give the consumer •
the tuivantage. w•
* fe Porterfield A. Jr Blowos
4' Manager I?rot,
• g 1
Free 1 r
Since May, 1906, Ayer's SSar-
saparilla has been entirely free
from alcohol, if you are in
poor health, weak, pale, nerv-
ous; ask your doctor about tak-
ing this non-alcoholic tonic and
alterative. If he has a better
medicine, take his. Get the best
always. This is our advice.
Welk/knoll ser Omani
We b.nbp sleek I
Tom oar mealoWes
^�,. T Wo urge yea to
tiny' 0o dootorqur
A sluggish liver means a coated tongue,
a bad breath, and constipated bowels.
The question is "What is the best thing
to do under such circumstances?" Ask
your doctor if this is not s good answer:
"Take laxative doses of Ayer's Pills,"
—uses by 1100J. 0. dyes eo., Lowen, SOaee
stone, intentionally 0r otheewiae,
which struck Mrs. Langford about
half an inch from the temple. l u pre. :Fled
it struck direct 071 the temple, the un-
fortunate lady would doubtlessly have
been killed.
O0R NRw OLIRTO,-The Township
Grinnell islet 011 Monday lust. 60 00n-
siclei' applications for the clerkship,
made vacaut by the lamentable death
of the late Nixon Sturdy. Only four
applications were in, Nelson Trewvar-
thes at present teaching school in the
village, Geo. Holland, Township aud-
itor, J. H. Lowery and Geo. Leith -
smite. The Council had practically
agreed to appoint some one either in
or convenient to tine village, or theve
would likely have been more appli-
cants. Teewartha was nominated by
Oolncillor Yeo and Reeve Sturdy and
at once unanimously appointed.. HA
kindly acknowledged the appointment
by inviting the Council and the other
applicants to dinner at iMlr. Miller's
and a pleasant -hour was spent in
which the new clerk was congratula-
ed and highly praised for his many
good qualities. He announced that
be would give up school teaching and
devote his time, aside from his farm
near the village, to the duties of the
office. Certainly from the opinions
expressed the Council have made a
good choice, and it is 'no disparage-
ment of the other applicants to say
that Mr. T,'ewartha has such ample
qualifications and stands 601i
those who know him as to wtLl•x•ant
expectation that he will fill the post
satisfactorily and efficiently.
Neurotic Coryza can be Cured.
Now IS thetime
1\ tv to a to comm • .euce treat-
ment. By inhaling Otttarrhozoue
four times daily you will kill the germ
and prevent the usual attack. leiun-
dreds of cases successfully treated by
Catarlhozone prove it to be a specific
for Autumnal Catarrh, Rose Gold,
Bronchial Irritation and Hay fever.
The dollar size contains two month's
treatment, trial size 50c. ; all dealers
or The.Oatarrhozone Co., Kingston,
Ontario, and Buffalo, N. Y.
Mr. Lashbrook has purchased from
E. N. Lewis seven acres of land front-
ing Lake Huron,
Customs receipts at Goderich for
the past month showed an increase of
$1,225 over triose for July, 1008.
Work has been commenced on the
new boiler shopsfor the Doty
Works.The main building will
80x140 feet
Miss Mary Miller, daughter of J. A.
and Mrs. Miller, of town, has graduat-
ed from the Stratford general hospital
after.' a three years' course.
A number of the young people of
St. George's church enjoyed a marsh-
mallow roast on the beach Thursday
evening after having teen, picnic style,
in the Harbor Park.
W. L. Lindsay, of the People's Gro-
cery, Hamilton street, has sold his
stock and business to P. J. Ryan, who
came here from Walton some time
ago. Mr. Lindeay will probably take
0 trip to the West,
John Humberstone, Vancouver, B.
C., is visiting his old friend, Customs
Inspector Farrow. Mi.. Humberstone
0 " AR 1pp� •
air 'AR 13 L E ••
0 0
4. G R :, 9 �"•
+ +
I 1 ?
• Do you want to sage $ s
If so, 001120sponcl with the A, J. 6
B.r ow1:S MARBLE AND •
R. 1
WORKS, 1f2•
I' O.Il1ELL, for prices and specifl- •
p nations. We are always pleased
• to show designs. Every piece
of work 1s guaranteed and prices •
has been engaged in the lneehaoical
department of the Methodist Book
Boom, Toronto, went West on the
Harvesters' excursion. He is anxious
to see the country and the ontiug
will do him good.
'Wednesday evening of last week as
Bert, and Mrs..l'.angfn)'d were return-
ing from amo,ter trip to the lakeand
were in the vicinity of the elnueitl ata '6' ifiliaTCHELL
Lha e01'nrr 01 the Out, Title and Con, 4,
Goderich'1'p„ a young 11x5011 threw a 1 r.�e�.•: